Virtual Corporate Office: Strategy For Helping Youth Tutor/Mentor Programs Reach Youth in More Places.

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The Tutor/Mentor Connection:

Creating a Virtual Corporate Office

Since 2011 the T/MC has been part of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC

If volunteer-based
tutor/mentor programs were
supported by a “corporate
office” the way big companies
support multiple stores,
would we have more and
better programs reaching
young people in more
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Maps show distribution of stores such as Wal Mart,
Walgreens, Bank of America. Find these on

These stores are supported by corporate and regional office teams.

Pg 2
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Every store offers a selection of merchandise and
services based on local customer needs.
Corporate office
teams, consisting
of buyers,
merchants, store
planners, human
mangers, etc.
make sure each
store has products
customers seek,
and well trained
people to support
store operations.

Pg 3
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
A site-based tutor/mentor program is a “store” that
offers various services to youth and volunteers.

Maps can show

where tutor/mentor
programs in a city
like Chicago are
needed and where
existing programs are

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected] Pg 4
A site-based volunteer-based tutor/mentor program is a “store” with “stuff” for many
customers. Each list below represents products and services needed at every tutor/mentor
program in every high poverty neighborhood of cities like Chicago.

Stuff for
Tutor/Mentor Parents, Teachers,
Donors STORE Leaders

• Why we are needed

• Needs of youth in Stuff for Stuff for • What we do
neighborhood we • What we accomplish
Youth Volunteers • How do enroll a
• What we do youth
• How this influences • Youth • How to make
• Mentors, Tutors
learning, school • Training programs like this
• Fun activities
performance, work • On-Going available to more kids
• New experiences
readiness support in more places
• Technology
• Our Leaders • Fun Activities • How this helps kids
• Books
• Other donors • Social network
• Safe Place
• What we accomplish • Career Network
• Arts
• Who we network • Sense of purpose
• Social & Emotional Stuff for
with • Technology Stuff for
• Who we collaborate
• College & Career
STAFF • Books
with • Safe Place
• How well we use their
• Job Skills
• Job Skills Universities
• Network • Vision, Mission
donations • Staff support • What we do
• Staff support • Training
• What is our impact • Friends • What we accomplish
• Friends • On-Going
• How do volunteers get
• Long-term support
involvement • Fun Activities
• Impact on volunteers,
• Social network
business goals
• Career Network
• Impact on diversity,
• Financial reward
Very few programs • Health care
development etc.
• Retirement
• Safe, nurturing
offer all of these! place to work
Pg 5
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
A well-organized tutor/mentor program needs a
team of skilled leaders & workers
Board of
Director/CEO Directors
Recruitment and
Admin Secretary

Tutor/Mentor Information Human Facilities Mgr.

Program Marketing and Technologies Resources
Operations Development

Legal &
Student Volunteer Board Communications Database Policy
Recruitment Recruitment Development Manager Development & Development
& Support and Training Maintenance and Training
Grants Newsletter (print
Coordinator Manger and email versions Web site Staffing/
School and for development & Training
Community tutor/mentor Maintenance
Liaison sessions Special Public
Events Relations Employee
On-line Records
Supply/Food Events & Documentation
Service Activities Web Site Systems
Direct Mail
Payroll and
Security College & Internal On-line e- Benefits
Career Annual Communications learning (for Management
Readiness Report staff, students,
Transportation volunteers)
Database mgt
Liaison/ Internal
Vocational Network and
Training Server set up
and Computer
Computer maintenance Technology
Learning Center.
If available
Hardware &
Data upgrades

Very few programs

Collection (technology
and Analysis plan


have all of these!



Pg 6
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
The Case for a more comprehensive form of

Many leaders, including the 44th & 46th Presidents of the United
States, already support the concept of mentoring.
However, very few have business plans that answer these questions:
“What are all the things we need to do to assure that ALL youth
born in poverty, and participating in tutor/mentor programs, are
starting jobs/careers by age 25?”

How do we increase the number, and quality of “places” where

youth access these services?
Read more. This is what the
Tutor/Mentor Connection* focuses on every day.
Contact us at [email protected]
*since 2011 the T/MC has been a program offered by Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC
Pg. 7
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
No ‘corporate office’ yet exists to support tutor/mentor
programs in multiple locations. Leaders Needed.

The purpose of this T/MC essay is not to convince you

that tutoring/mentoring is an important education-to-
careers and civic engagement strategy.

The purpose is to recruit leaders from industry…

 to share their skills and experiences…
 to make more and better tutor/mentor programs available in all places where they are

 to provide the operating and innovation dollars needed to fuel efforts like the T/MC in
Chicago, and similar structures in other cities.

 and provide resources to support collaborations which bring Science, Technology, Arts,
Engineering and Math mentoring into existing tutor/mentor programs

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 8
In a big city like Chicago, hundreds of non-profits have similar
organizational needs. Few are adequately staffed.

Since every shaded area on this map

needs a variety of comprehensive
tutor/mentor programs, the
Corporate Tutor/Mentor Connection leads a
Leadership needs public awareness campaign aimed to
to draw volunteers, draw dollars, volunteers, and
talent and donors to training directly to tutor/mentor
t/m programs in all programs in every part of the city
poverty and suburbs of Chicago.
neighborhoods, not
just a few visible We’d like to see this strategy
places. duplicated at the national and local
level by leaders in every industry,
and by leaders of the Points of Light

See maps and search for Chicago area

Chicago programs:
Shaded Areas have
poverty levels of 20% View articles posted since
or greater. Dots on this
map are poorly 2008 at
performing public
schools. Pg. 9
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Tutor/Mentor Programs are not available
in all places where they are needed
 There is a perception that many organizations offer
tutoring/mentoring or youth development services.

 In reality, in many neighborhoods there are few

programs that offer tutoring and/or mentoring.

 When the availability of programs is looked at by

age and time of day segments, it is obvious that a
contributing factor to the high drop out rate of teens
is the lack of programs to mentor them to careers.
View Chicago Community Area maps 2018 showing number of high poverty
youth in each area:
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 10
Not all programs are equally effective
There are wide differences between the type of tutoring
and/or mentoring programs that are available.

 number and age group of children served

 number of volunteers involved

 quality of staff available to support youth or volunteers

 uneven availability of arts, technology, career mentoring

The Tutor/Mentor Connection has been building a master database of programs in

Chicago since 1993. As the T/MC built its database of programs, it aimed to build
an understanding of the various types of programs, dividing them by age served,
time of day services is provided, and type of tutoring/mentoring offered.

This is work that needs to be done within universities where more resources are
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 11
To support growth and operation of
multiple programs, borrow strategies
from proven business practices
Successful companies try to put
stores where there are large
numbers of potential customers;

Some companies have thousands of

stores distributed throughout every
state in the country

Economies of scale are used to

increase quality and lower the
operating costs per location

Volunteers from business can

help collect and maintain
information used to support
See more graphics like these at tutor/mentor program growth by every industry.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
It is not realistic to expect one
organization to have enough money
to do everything that a corporate
office of a company like Wal Mart,
Sears, Apple, etc. do to support
thousands of retail stores….
However, it is possible that thousands of volunteers
from different industries might take on roles similar to
corporate office teams, supporting a group of
programs in a geographic area, or all of the
tutor/mentor programs in an entire city like Chicago.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 13
In the following slides we invite business leaders to make the commitment shown in this
concept map.

Open map and see cMaps with reasons for strategic business investment.
- Pg 14
A “Virtual” Corporate Office

Research &



Finance &

Supply &
Talent and resources from many
industries supporting program
Philanthropy &
Employee growth in many places.
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg 15
A Learning “Distribution” System

Skills, Arts

Digital skills

Team Building

Finance &

Emotional Important “learning” activities
should be made available in every
Philanthropy & high poverty neighborhood.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg 16
Example – Museums as Vendors
Science &

John. J. Shedd Each museum should be putting

Acquiarium icons on map showing where it's
learning programs are a part of a
school, or non-school,
Field Museum
of Natural program's on-going strategy.
Each museum should think like a
company like Proctor & Gamble,
Museum who wants its products on the
shelves of thousands of retail
Chicago stores.
They not only have a great
Adler product, but they also offer
Planetarium incentives, like training,
advertising dollars, point-of-
Others.... purchase displays, etc.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg 17
Corporations and military leaders lead strategies to distribute resources and support
stores (troops) in many locations. Teams of “talent” volunteers could take this role to
help make tutor/mentor programs available in all high poverty neighborhoods of
Chicago and other cities.
Feed & Analysis
Equip Of enemy
Our army better Strength &
than enemy weaknesses

We need to feed, cloth, Understand needs &

arm and re-supply our
troops and logistics
plan resource
allocation, e.g.
providers for as long as strategic planning
Commitment war is in progress.
To sustain effort and
recruit troops Recruit Organize Forces
& Retain & Train Direct
How do we educate Enemy
US forces US forces engagement
and inform public so sites
we can maintain
support for revenue How to replace forces What resources do
needed to support that are lost with new we need to
war effort? solders trained and implement the plan?
ready to pick up from How to prepare
where previous left off them?

Revenue Logistics
To support To get forces
This is these efforts in place
Forces Poverty
a supply How do we raise How do we distribute Include
tutors &
in city
money needed to needed resources
chain issue. pay for this entire and troops to mentors is
effort? multiple locations enemy
where they are

The goal is to support multiple programs in a geographic area, not just one! Pg 18

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Most programs can’t get enough resources on their
own. They need the help of many leaders.
Everyone (students, and adults) could take this role on a daily basis.

faith business media


you Talent &


The main idea of this presentation is to show
others actions that many people can take to support
program growth. YOU can do this!
Thousands of volunteers, business and faith leaders, students, etc. can use personal and organizational leadership,
web sites and communications to connect members of their network to information showing why certain types of
volunteer programs are needed, and where they are located. They can point to databases that enable volunteers,
community members, media and donors to search and find programs where they can get involved. Learning to
stimulate such actions on a regular basis, the way advertisers draw customers to retail stores each week, it a lesson
we need to teach. We can do that by giving recognition to those already doing this well.
Pg 19
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
If enough leaders apply the ideas in this presentation we dramatically improve the flow of
resources AND support the growth of high quality programs in every high poverty neighborhood.

Pg 20
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Not everyone can volunteer time as
a tutor/mentor…

Customers for a tutor/mentor programs

are not just children and youth living in
poverty neighborhoods, near poorly
performing schools, or in broken

…Customers are volunteers who can

help provide infrastructure and
leadership, not just tutors & mentors.
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 21
Many ways to volunteer…
 volunteers are needed to create innovative strategies that
increase visibility for tutor/mentor programs and increase the
flow of operating dollars to every tutor/mentor program in
Chicago and other major cities
 business partners are needed to develop strategies—
using employee volunteers, company assets & dollars to
PULL youth from poverty into jobs & careers.
 people and organizations are needed to organize and
provide curriculum, training,and ideas, to help educate all
stakeholders in the movement.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Build involvement based on where
need for programs is greatest.
Create advertising and public awareness that
seeks to educate resource providers to make
choices of involvement, drawing from a menu of
ways individuals and organizations could be
involved, and using GIS maps that show where
the need for tutor/mentor programs is greatest,
and where existing programs are located in these

Such a strategy will lead to a more even

distribution of resources to all neighborhoods
where tutor/mentor programs are needed, not just
to those with a visible brand name or in a high
profile neighborhood.

See current map of Chicago volunteer-based

tutor and/or mentoring programs at

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 23
Role for Many Leaders:
Advertising and Public Awareness
We don’t have multi-million dollar ad
budgets, yet we need similar reach
and frequency of daily and weekly
message delivery.

The T/MC seeks to recruit leaders

from business and faith communities
who will use their own media to create
and lead a call-to-involvement.

This evangelism will reach thousands

of people in every business, social and
faith sector many times each day with
messages that encourage people to
be volunteers, leaders, donors, etc.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 24
Become a Network Builder
• Write a weekly blog
• Create videos
• Host discussions on Facebook, Linked in,
• Host gatherings on ZOOM, Microsoft
Teams, LinkedIn, etc.
• Connect on Twitter with each other and
with @tutormentorteam

In this role, you become an “influencer”. Build your visibility and

reputation by what you do throughout the year.
Pg 25
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Models of such leadership exist
From 1994 to 2018* the Abraham Lincoln Marovitz Lend A Hand
Program at the Chicago Bar Association provided an example of the type
leadership the T/MC seeks to create in every industry and service
sector. Through 2018 more than $2.5 million was been raised to support
volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs in the Chicago area. This 2005
PDF described LAH Vision.

If programs like this are in each industry,

each tutor/mentor program would have
volunteers modeling different career
opportunities, along with multiple sources of

Strategies like this can support volunteer-based tutor/mentor

program growth in every neighborhood of Chicago and other
cities with high concentrations of poverty.
*Since 2018 the Lend-A-Hand Program has focused only on it's own in-house tutor/mentor program.
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg 26
Volunteers from business, universities, and high
schools needed to help build knowledge base.
The T/MC seeks university partners,
interns, and graduate students, who will
help build a library of examples showing
how various businesses and industries use
their leadership, human capital and
communications resources to PULL youth
from poverty to careers.

Read this invitation to universities to create

student-led on-campus Tutor/Mentor
Connection teams.

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
As volunteers do “service” let’s seek
to enhance “learning” .
Every time a volunteer connects with a youth in a tutor/mentor
program we seek to enhance learning, so the volunteer becomes
a bridge to her industry, faith group, and/or alumni network.

Such volunteers have the potential to bring additional resources

to tutor/mentor programs every time they return to do service.

As some of these volunteers become

CEOs, this become a self-sustaining
system with different leaders in
different places taking the lead at
different times each year.

See this idea illustrated in video at

Pg. 28
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Educate Consumers….the volunteer,
donor, parent, political leader, etc. Provide
a menu of choices for involvement in tutor/mentor programs
By building an on-line library of “what works” and creating visual
databases that sequence what works into a blueprint of actions
needed consistently for many years, we support the involvement of
anyone who wants to help kids move from poverty to careers.

On-line networking and collaboration portals can connect

volunteers from different locations of the same company with each
other, or volunteers from many different programs with each other
and support a process of on-going learning that builds a more
effective tutor/mentor workforce, and benefits the companies who
support this strategy at the same time.

Visit Tutor/Mentor Connection Web

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 29
Engaging volunteers in organized programs is an entry point to
involvement in reducing the many challenges facing youth in high poverty
areas. A Tutor/Mentor Program is just one part of the solution.

View this at

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected] Pg. 30
VOLUNTEER-BASED TUTORING/ We must recruit business
MENTORING PROGRAMS THAT leaders who will use their
resources in PULLING

School-Time Programs
High Career
Pre-K K - 5th 5th - 6th 6th - 8th
School Track

3-5 PM Non-School Programs After 5 PM and Weekend Programs

Every Industry has a reason to

We must help tutor/mentor strategically invest in creating a
program leaders, volunteers, pipeline to careers for kids living
schools and parents be more
effective in PUSHING in poverty.
Youth to Careers

Pg. 31
This is a K-16 and Career Education System
that Operates in the Non-School hours
• In big cities like Chicago it is difficult for business
volunteers to take time from work each week to go to a
public school, and many public schools are difficult
places to operate tutor/mentor programs. Thus,
making programs available in the non-school, and
after work hours, offers greater choices for volunteer

• College and business partners are needed to help

build a trained cadre of tutor/mentor leaders, and to
support them in their daily work and career

• Innovative partnerships with business and with peers

are needed to create a greater public visibility and a
more consistent flow of essential resources (dollars,
volunteers, technology, etc.) to every program in every

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 32
Chicago and other cities need a
program-support Infrastructure
We need to think like for-profit organizations who try to put products and
services where customers are concentrated.

The Internet offers the opportunity to build a low-cost learning network that
could support the growth of thousands of tutor/mentor programs

T/MC web sites are at the core of a growing training infrastructure that
seeks to help each tutor/mentor program find ideas and resources to be
able to constantly improve.

Read this White Paper calling for creation of civic infrastructure:

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 33
Tutor/Mentor Program goals can be
Business goals, too.
Organizations that offer volunteer-based tutoring/ mentoring services
seek to improve the quality of life for people living in poverty by
helping them move up the ladder to jobs and careers.

This creates new customers and new employees for industry and
lowers the costs associated with poverty, crime and workforce

These programs also create networking, learning and skill building

opportunities for business volunteers who choose to get involved.

This strategy creates an army of people who are more personally

committed to helping inner city kids, because they have come to
know them, and understand their challenges, through volunteer
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg 34
Benefits to companies and their
Involvement in well-managed volunteer-based programs provides many
benefits to employees in corporations, such as expanding leadership
skills, and expanding informal networks for those who are involved.

Using Internet e-collaboration tools, volunteers in a T/MC strategy learn

skills and habits that can be applied profitably in 21st century business

Most of all, it’s the right thing to do. Businesses who are effective at
helping youth move to careers will earn public good will and loyal
employees and customers.

Read more about Benefits to business -

Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected] Pg. 35
Read about Collective Impact and role of “backbone” organizations on Stanford Social
Innovation Review:

“Collective impact requires

that funders support a long-
term process of social
change without identifying
any particular solution in

A backbone organization with

a modest annual budget can
support a collective impact
initiative of several hundred
organizations, magnifying the
impact of millions or even
billions of dollars in existing
funding. Strive, for example,
has a $1.5 million annual
budget but is coordinating
the efforts and increasing the
effectiveness of
organizations with combined
A Tutor/Mentor Connection is a “backbone” organization budgets of $7 billion.”
and is needed in every city in the world.
Pg 36
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Invest in intermediary organizations
like T/MC and its partners
Become a sponsor, drawing attention to
your business, while you help us draw
attention to mentor-rich, tutor/mentor

Point workplace donations to

tutor/mentor programs so volunteers are
well-supported and benefit more from
their involvement

If you are a venture capital manager, or

venture philanthropist, consider
becoming an investor in the Chicago
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC. Help re-
build the Tutor/Mentor Connection and
Borrow from ideas shared at
make it available in every major city in
the world.
Create a T/MC type structure in your own
Property of Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection, Twitter @tutormentorteam [email protected]
Pg. 37
Get informed. Get involved.
Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, Tutor/Mentor Connection

Visit the following web sites to learn more about volunteer-based tutoring,
mentoring and strategies to build networks and support for programs in
multiple locations.
Dan Bassill Connect on Twitter
or email: [email protected]

Why Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC and Tutor/Mentor Connection (T/MC)?

From 1993 to June 2011 the T/ MC operated as partner to the Cabrini Connections tutor/mentor program in Chicago, under one 501-
c-3 non profit board of directors. Due to financial pressure the T/MC was separated from the Cabrini Connections program in June
2011 and the Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC was created to provide alternative strategies for generating revenue to continue to operate
the Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago while helping similar intermediary structures grow in other cities. The names will be used
interchangeably in many of our materials since both focus on the same mission.

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