Intermediate Steps To Understanding
Intermediate Steps To Understanding
Intermediate Steps To Understanding
( ) t l ' , t r l I 7 r l l - \ l /1) L ( \ \ ( )rlorrl \t'rr Vrrk l , ) l O l t l ( )\ l r ' l l , , u r n t ' \ r t r k t r I r r l l . t a l i n u . f i L ri r S r n e i r p o r e H o n g K o n g T o k y o L]ornb;rr CalcLrtta Madras Karachi 'lirwn Nurrobi I)al ils Srlliul Oirrr [)clhi and osro.ialc\ itl Ni,,,.irr BeirLrtllcrlrrll'.rtl,'rr A Orlird I lnirrr.till I'rttt ( lrt|t) lt)ll0
In this seriesof practice books, Dr. Hill uses four levels, his introintermediate elementary (1,000-headword), ductory (75O-headword), (1,500-headword) and advanced (2,07s-headword)levels.This book level. is at the l,S0O-headword Each story is about 150words long, and someof the storiescontain one or two words outside the grading. Theseare listed on the Pageson which they appear,and can be looked up in a dictionary before work is begun. All the levels are very carefully graded, and this covers not only vocabular but also idioms and grammar. Thesefour books are intended chiefly to help studentsread English but they can alsobe used: more easily and with more comPrehension, English (with the student spoken (i) for practice in understanding listening to the teacher,or to the cassette); (ii) for practice in writing English (by answeringthe questionsin English; by writing asmuch of the story asthe student can remember; and and by doing the exercises); (iii) for improving the student's command of vocabulary' idioms and grammar (again by doing certain of the exercises)' If the student wishes to use the books only for practice in reading helshe should read a story and then answerquestions comprehension, in his/ her mother-tongue. and HelShe can also try reading some (or all) of the questionsy'rs, before the questions to answers then reading the story to find the answering them. To increase speed of reading, the student can time himself/herself with a watch or clock, and try to read as fast as possible,proaidedthat he/shecan still understand. If the student wants to use this book for Practicein understanding spoken English, helshe can use the cassettein the following ways: one or more times (with his/her (i) HelShe can listen to the cassette book open or closed,as he/she wishes)and then read the story aloud and himself/herself,at first in chorus with the voice on the cassette, then alone.After his/her own reading alone,he/she can checkhis/her performanceby listening to the cassetteagain.
I'rinted in lTong Kong by Kings Time Printing PressLtd. I'uhli.thed by Oxford Unirersity PressK K I ; , n t h tB r u i l d i n g ,3 - 3 - 3 O h u k a llunAy ln1, T o k y o1 / 2
(ii) HelShe can listen to the cassetteone or more times, with his/ her book closed,and then write down as much of the story as helshe (all can remember,and/or answerthe questionsand do the exercises without looking at the story). If helshe writes as much of the story as he/she can remember,helshe can then look at the story in the book, or to compare what he/she has written listen to it again on the cassette, with the original. Method (i) gives practice in speaking with a good pronunciation, including stress,rhythm and intonation. Method (ii) gives practice in aural comprehension(listening and understanding). Other books by Dr. L. A. Hill are: Stories First series for Reproduction, 4 levels (introductory/elementary/intermediate/advanced) Stories for Reproduction,Secondseries 4 levels (introductory/elementary/intermediate/advanced) Anecdotes in AmericanEnglish 3 levels (elementary/intermediate/advanced) Best Funny Snries l-3 headwords/l,500 headwords) 3 levels ( 750 headwords/l,OOO Word Power 3 levels (Word Power 1500,3000, 4500) Tbpics Compreheruion (elementary/intermediate) 2 levels Writing for a Purpose
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Mr and Mrs Taylor had a son. '2. Pat was five years old. 3. Mrs Taylor was going to have anotherbaby. 4. Patdid not likebabies. 5. Pat was not huppy about the new baby. 6. Mr and Mrs Taylor lived in a largehouse. Answer these questions: I . Did Pat have any brothers or sistersat the beginning of this story? 2. Why was he not happy to hear that his mother was expectinga baby? 3. What did his lather say one eveningabout the baby'sarrival? 4. Where was Pat when his father said this? 5. What did he do? 6. \\hat did he ask? 7. What did his mother atrswer? B. \\'hat did Patanswer? Write this story. Put one word in each empty place. You will find all the correct words in the story on Page 4. Before Mr Taylor married, he lived in a very small flat, but when he to d. . ' t o marriedi , t w a s n o . . . t r y i n gt o l i v e t h e r e w i t h a w i f e , s o h e h a a . . . f l a t .H e w a s . . . t o h a v e a l o t o f t r o u b l e f i n d i n g o n e ' s o h e w a .s.. when hc found one easily. T'hen he had to make . . ' for moving his furniture. He also ordered more from a shop in a town, but he had to wait a month for its . . . , becauseit had to come from the north of England. I . . . he was lucky to have to wait only one month. Some peoplewait . . . month after month, and finally give up'
n tr tr D n
Mr and Mrs Taylor had one child. He was a boy, he was seven years old, and his name was Pat. Now Mrs Taylor was expecting anottrcr child. Pat had seen babies in other peoplc's houses and had not likcd them very much, so he was not delightcd about the ncws that there was soon going to be one in his house too. Onc evening N{r and Nfrs Taylor were makins plans lbr the baby's 'This arrir,'al. house won't be big enough fbr us all when the baby colnes. I supposc wc'll have to lind a larger house and movc to that,' said Mr Taylor finally. Pat had been playing outside, but he came into the roorn.just then 'What and said, are you talking about?' 'We were sayine that we'll have to move to another house, because the new baby's coming,' his mother answered. 'It's n o u s e , ' s a i d P a t h o p e l c s s l y .' H e ' l l l o l l o w u s t h e r e . '
doing them. 'fhe doctor advised him not to do anythimg exccpt his work, or he would be dead in less than five years. Thc businessman startecl a hobby, but he did not rclax while he was doing it.
I tr n
An important br-rsinessman went to sec his doctor because he could not sleep at nieht. The doctor examined him carefully and then said 'Your to hirn, trouble is that you need to learn to relax. Have you got any hobbies?' I'he businessman thought fbr a fbw moments and then said, 'No, doctor, I haven't. I don't have any time lbr hobbies.' 'Well,' thc doctor answered, 'that is your main trouble, you see. You don't har,'etime for anythins except your work. You must find some hobbies, and you must learn to relax with them, or you'll be dcad in less than five years. Why don't you leanr to paint pictures?' 'All r i g h t , d o c t o r , ' t h e b u s i n e s s m a ns a i d . ' I ' l l t r v t h a t . ' Thc next day lie telcphcineciihc doctor and said, "I-hat was a ver.y 'l'hank good idea of yours, doctcr. \'ou vcry rnuch. I'r,.e already painted fif-teen picturessince I saw you.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
t . Why did the businessman so to his doctor? ,2 What did the doctor tell him? (He told him that . . . .) answer? 3 . What dicl the businessman main trouble? + . What did the doctor say was thc businessman's 5 . What did he advisehim to do? 6 . What did he say would happenif he did not fbllow his advice? ansu'er? 7 . What did the businessman
u. lVhat did he tell the doctor the ncxt dav on the telephone?
C Hobbies. Make eight sentences out of this, and put each under the correct picture: a. b. c. d. catchins climbing collccting doing
i ii. irr. iv. llsh. flcwers. mountains. nothins
c. growlllg
f. kceping
g. Pall)tlIlg
h. pla,ving
I The businessman wapted t() sleeplessat nieht. 2 The businessman had trouble in sleepine at nisht
he did not relax enoush.
3. The businessman did not have any hobbies,because he wanted to relax when he was not busy. 'l'he 4. doctor said that he would be dead in livc years Outside the 1 500 headwords:relax
+. 'fhe
5. 6.
Nf ar,v sent hcr motlter a trit'e prcsetrt by post. macl.rine switched itself on in the morning. The kettle did not need e lectricity. N{ary's mothe r thought she could only make the tea when she was in bed.
tr tr
Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. How old was \{ary's mother? What did Mary and her husbandbuy her mothcr? lVhy did they choosethis for her? What could the machinedo? What happenedwhen Mary brought her mother the present? What did Mary tell her mother? lVhat did Mary's mother do a fbw days later? What did she tell Mary on the tclephone?
Put the correct sentences under the correct pictures: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. H e r m o t h e ro p e n e di t . In the morning, shewoke up, atrd the tea was ready. Mary showedher how to usethe machine. Mary's mother switchedthe clectricityon. machine . Mary went to a shop and ordereda tea-rnaking Then she took it to her mother. 'llhen shewent to bed. \\rhen it came,shewrappcd it up.
mother was nearly seventy, and Mary and her husband wanted to give the old lady a nice birthday presenr. She liked drinking tea) so Mary ordered an electric machine which made the tea and then woke you up in the morning. She wrapped it up in prerry paper and brought it to her mother on her birthday. Then her mother opened the package. M.ry showed her how ro use it. 'Before you go to bed, put the tea in the pot and the water in the kettle,' she explained to the old lady, 'and don't lorget to switch the electricity on. Then, when you wake up in the morning, your tea will be ready.' After a few days, Mary's mother rang up and said, 'Perhaps I'm being rather silly, but there's one thing I'm confused about: why do I have to go to bed to make the tea?' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l . M a r y ' s m o t h e rw a s o l d . 2. She did not like tea very much. Outsidethe I 500 headwords: kettle
s y'11"{'
n n
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. L \{r Grei- only walked to his ofllcewhen thc wcather\\,as
good. He walked because he was poor. He had helped the stranger somc )'cars belorc. He had been willing to take a chance becausehe wanted to help the man. The stranger had been successfulsince then. Now he wanted to give Mr Grey'his money back.
2. 3. 4. 5. ti.
n tr
Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. \Vhcre did NtlrGrey work? W h e r ed i d h e l i v e ? How did hc get from his hornc to his olllce? \\hy didn't he go from the station trhis ofiicebl'bus e"cry dat? \\rhat happenedto him one dav in the street? \\rhat did the strar.reer say'? What did Mr Grey answer? ,\nd lvhat did the stranserask thcn?
Answer these questions: L What did thc strangersay to \{r Grey?Begin)'our answerwith the 'The words, strangertold NIr Grey that he . . . .' \\hat did \{r Grev answcr? Begin,vouranswerwith the words,'\Ir Greysaidthat....' 3 . \\ hat did the strangersav then?Besin vour answerwith the '"vords, 'The strangcraskedhim whether . . . .'
Mr Grey was the manaser of a small oflice in London. He lived in the country, and camc up to work by train. He liked walking from the station to his oflice unless it was raini.g, because it save him somc exerclse. One morning he was walking along the street when a stranger stopped him and said to him, 'You may not remember me, sir, but seven years ago I came to London without a penny in my pockets. I stopped you in this street and asked you to lend me sornemoney, and you lent me five pounds, becausc you said that you were willing to take a chance so as to give a man a start on the road to success.' Mr Grey thought for a few moments and then said, ,yes, I remember you. Go on with your story.' 'Well,' answered the stranger, 'are you still willine to take a chance?'
-\ I2a
ll. Hc wanted to p to Edinburgh by plane one day. '1. His scat was eivcn to sornebody else because hc lvas latc 'l.he important ofllccr went to lidinburgh to givt: a lecture. 5. 'l'he (i. important oflicer arrived in time for Nf r Browtr's l e c t u r e , b c c a u s e h e w c n t b y p l a n e.
n n u
Answer these questions: l. Why did ordinary peoplefind it diflicult to go by plarrcdurilre thc SecondWorld !\'ar? 2. lVhom did N{r Brown work fbr? ll. Was he in thc army? '1. What work did he do? hc ir. \\hy were only very fbw peopleallowcd to know horvirnpcirtant
6 . \\'h,v did he ha,u'cto fly somewhcrc one dav? 7 . \\'hy didn't hc manage to get thcre?
u. \Vhat
Durine thc Second World lVar it was diflicult to travel by plane, because thc scats were needed for important government and armv people. Mr Brown worked lor the government during the war. Hc was a civilian, and he was doing very secrct work, so nobody was allowcd to know how irnportant he was except a very lcw people. One day he had to fly to Edinburgh to give a lecture to a fbw top pcople there , but an important army oflicer came to the airport at the last minute, and Mr Brown's seat was given to him, so he was not able to fly to the city to give his lecture. It was not until he reached the city that the important olficer discovered that the man whose seat he had taken was the one whose lecture he had flown to the citv to hear. A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. I . I t was diflicult for sovernment and army peopleto find seatson planesduring the Second\\'orld War 2 . M r B r o w n w a s a n i m p o r t a n tp e r s o n . Outsidethe I 500headwords:civilian (n.\ I2
Do this puzzle: Across: l. Not easy. (i. Put his loot. 7. Not thesamc. [3. (lorrect; right. 10.'\Vhat hats do irnportant o f l i c e r s .. . ? ' ' T h e y . . . h a t s likcthis:
tl I l.
I[' . . thc passcngers had not come to thc airport, Nlr Brown could havc got a scat. 'l'here was rlcnty of room lor thc offrcer's lcgs in the plane , so lre . . . tlrt'nrlisht ,rut in fi'ont of-hirn.
arnry <lflic'er was this, and N{r Brown was to(r. +. The ofl-rccr put his sccrct papers . . . Ilis seat ir thc [o tht' t ity. btrt NIr Bruwn did not 9 . . . . o f ' t h c p a s s e n g e r sh a d a ticket, btrt NIr Brorvn was not allowcd tr use his. I 0 . This story is about thc Sercond\\orld.... plane . 'l-lrc ofllccr
tr tr
3. A kit of'tht'other soldit'rs w,crebad rtslrootirrg tor .1. One of'Pctcr'snine bullt'ts hit the tars('t. il. T'he ollit t'r was not plcascclwith hirn. (i. T'he ollice r thousht thrt l)cter had sht-t hirnsclf. B Write these sentences. Choose the correct word in each:
n tr T n
t him.
I hirnst'll.
1 hcr
Peter Judd joined the army when hc was eightecn, and for sevcral months he was taught how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in er,'erything cxcept shootins. Onc day hc and his fricnds were practising their shooting, and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the tarset nine times and had not hit it oncc, the officer who was trying to teach the y'oung soldiers to shoot said, 'You're quite hopeless, Peter! Don't waste your last bullet too! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with it!' Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the oflicer and the other youne soldiers heard the sound of'a that silly man really shot himself?' He ran behind the wall anxiously, but Peter was all risht. 'I'm 'but sorrv. sir.' he said. I m i s s e da s a i n . ' shot. 'Hcavens!' the officer said. 'Has
I hersclf
-1. Peter's e i r l -f i i e r r di s s i t t i n gi n f i o n t o l ' h c r s i s t c rand rrrrkirrg / her up Iliclsclf T h e w h i t c d o n k e vi s i n a f i e l dw i t h a b l a c k c l o r r k e ra ' .n d i t I r a sh u r t I it. i itsell. 'l'he whitc ckrnkev is in a flcld w.ith a blrck o n t ' ,a n d i t h a s h u r t
I ii. tscll.
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
l. Peterwas good at everything. 2. Peterwas not good at shooting.
The boys ha"'ebrought their small sistt'rsto a shcir and borrght f thcnr I tntttt su'tets' I t h e n r s t : 1 . . ,f The boys have brought thcir small sistersto a shop ard borreht f them I j s'me s\{'eets themsclres I t5
n tr
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Mr and Mrs Richards did not have many relatives. 2. Mr and Mrs Richardsoften wcnt to stay with thcir relativesin the sumrncr 3. Mrs Richards'scousindecidedto visit them. 4. Mr Richardswas not at all happy about this. 5. A liiend of his told him how to stop vrsrtors. 6. He borrowed money from his poor relatives, and lent money to his rich ones. Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. lVhere did Mr and N{rs Richardslive? What was their houselike? Why were they happier in wintcr than in summer? Why did their relativeswant to visit them? Who did Mr Richardsask fbr advicethen? What did he say to him? And what did his friend answer? Why did the friend'srelativesnot want to visit him again?
tr tr
n n
Put one word in each empty place. You will find all the words in the story on page 16. Georgeliked the sea)so he lived in a houseat the . . . . His parentsand a lot of his other . . . lived near him. George'schairswere very hard, so t h e y w e r e n o t v e r y .. . t o s i t o n . . . . o n e d a y h i s m o t h e r . . a b o u t t h i s , saying, 'I wish you had some softer chairs, George.' But his fther laughed and answered, 'Gcorge is an . man: he has hard chairs h e . . . t o . . . p e o p l e .. . t o o l o n g w h e n t h e y because c o m et o v i s i t h i m ! Whcn he wants a soft chair. he can . . . it from our house.'
NIr Richards worked in a small seasidetown, and he and his wife had a comlbrtable housc near the sca. During the winter they were quite huppy there, but er''crysummer a lot of their relatives used to want to come and stay with them, because it was a nice place lor a holiday, and it was much cheaper than staying in a hotel. ol'his who lived in the same place. Finally one.June Mr Richards complained to an intelligent friend 'One o f ' m y w i f b ' s c o u s i n si n t e n d s
to bring her husband and children and spend ten days with us next nronth again. How do you prevent allyur relatives coming to live u , ' i t hv o u i n t h e s u m m e r ? ' '()h,' 'that isn't dillicult. I just borrow money rhe lriend answered, fiom all the rich ones. and lend it to all the Door ones. After that. none of'them come again.' t7
()ltt' slrolkccper sttggt'stt'cl tllrtslrt' slrould gct a conrll of a of't'lotlllike the comb. c l i f l i ' r ' c r rc tolour insterd ()rc shopkeeper suggesteclthat she should buy some B. clotll w lrit h was like the t'onrb and then find anothcr conrb u'llich she likcd. 7
these questions:
'ot ',,i,
Why dicl Nfrs Scott not want tri havc the walls of-her ncw house oaintcd? '2. !Vhv clicl shc have to buy rtcw curtains? 5 . \Vhat kind of'curtainsdicl sllc want? .t. \\'h1' clid she takc her t'omb with her when she wcnt looking fbr
(i. 7.
N{rs Scott bought a new houselast year. The walls of'thc rooms had been pairtted a short timc belbrc, and Mrs Scott likerdthc colours, but thc pcrson wlio had sold hcr thc house had taken thc t'urtains with h i t n , s o \ I r s S c o t t h a d t o b u y ' n c w o n e s , a n d o f - c o u r s cs h e w a n t e d t o buv c.llcs whose colours would eo with the walls of'hcr rooms. She discovcrccl thrther comb was cxat'tly the same colour zrsthese walls, so shc always trxrk it with her wht:nc'n'er she wcnt tcl ltxlk fbr cloth lor curtalrls. Irt onc slrop she showed thc sh<lpkecperthc cornb rndthernlooked a t r ' ' a r i o u sc l o t h s f b r c u r t a i n s f o r h a l l ' a n h o u r w i t h h i r n , u n t i l h e g o t 'N,ladam, tired and said to her, wouldn't it be easierjustto buy some cloth you likc, and then find a nc\v comb to go with that?' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Wlten N{rs Scott boueht hcr rrcrr,, housc,shedid not ha,u'e
thc walls painted. 2. Shc kcpt the curtains which the lasrowner had had. 3. Shc liked curtains whost: tolcur w,asrathcr like thc u,alls. 4. She liked curtains whosc colour was very diflbrcnt lionr the walls. 5 . H c r c c i n l ba n d t h c c t r t a i n sw c r c t h c s a m e c o l o u r . ti. Hcr comb and the walls wcrc the sar-nc colour'.
cloth? What happened irt onc shot? How clid the shopkccpcr ft't'l af tcr some time? What clid he s:ry to N'Irs Scott? Whv couldn't N'lrs Scott lirllow his advicc?
into a neu house.Make sentences to say where to put things in the house.
armcnalr bookcasc cooking-stove mlrror razor refiigcrrtor sewing-rnat'hinc tclc'"'ision toothpastc vasc
' P l c a s cp t r t t l r a t
tr tr tr
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Helen and Mary were sisters. They were quite young. They were both married. Mary drove their car. A policemantried to stop her one day. shedid not hear him blow his She did not stop, because whistle.
tr n tr tr tr
]. 2. .-) . 4.
Where did Mary and Helen drive one day? What did they do in the town? What did the policeman do? And what did Mary do? .trr - What did the policemando then? 6 . What did he say to Mary when he stoppedher? 7 . And what did Mary answer? o - Had her mother really meant that she should not stop when a oolicemanblew his whistle?
Find words in the story on page 20 which mean about the sarne as: l. at any time 2. big 3. cars,buses,vans, etc. 4. confbssed 5. got husbands 6. Mother 7. not rudely B. Saturdayor Sunday 9. seldom 10. told I l. went after
Helen lived with her sister Mury.Both of them were about seventyfive years old, and neither of them had ever married. They had a small, old car, and when they wanted to go somewhere, which they did very rarely, Mary always drove, becauseher eyes were better. One weekend they drove to a large town to look at some things which they had read about in the newspaper. Neither of-them had been to that town before. They were driving along in a lot of traffic when they turned right into a street which cars were not allowed to go into. There was a policeman there, and he blew his whistle, but Mary did not stop, so he got on to his motor-cycle and followed them. After he had ordered them to stop, he said, 'Didn't vou hear me blow my whistle?' 'Yes, we did,'admitted Mary politely, 'but Mummy told us never to stop when men whistle at us.'
'I'om not to drink too 4. N{r Thompson wanted to teach much. 5. Mr'I'hompson thought he saw four lights. 6. Tom only sawtwo. Answer these questions:
n n n
L Who can drink in public bars in England? 2. Why did Mr Thompson not take Tom to his usual bar for a long time? J. When /id he take him? A What did they do there? 6 What did Mr Thompson say then? 6 . And what did Tom answer? 1 Who had had enough to drink, Tom or his father? o o. How did Tom know this? C Put the correct sentences under the correct pictures:
In England nobody under the ageof eighteen is allowedto drink in a public bar. Mr Thompson usedto go to a bar nearhis housequite often,but he never took his son,Tom, because he was too young.Then when Tom had his eighteenthbirthday, Mr Thompsontook him to his usualbar for the first time. They drank for halfan hour, and then Mr Thompson 'Now, Tom, I said to his son, want to teachyou a usefullesson. You must always be carefulnot to drink too much. And how do you know when you've had enough?Well, I'll tell you. Do you seethosetwo lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to have becomefour, you've had enoughand shouldgo home.' 'But, Dad,'said Tom,'I can only seeone light at the end of the bar.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. WhenTom wasundereighteen, hislathertookhim to a publicbar.
2. It was the first time that he had taken him to his usual bar. 3. There was one light at the end of the bar
"ou .l
n n
L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
But Tom could seeonly one. He thought he could seetwo lights. Mr Thompson usedto go to a bar alone. Then Mr Thompson pointed to the light at the end of the bar. Then, when Tom was eighteen,he took him to the bar too. They drank beer.
'l'htb u t N l r l ) a v i s d i c lI r o t . c h i l d r c nc n j o v c dt h e f i n - l a i r , 3. '1. He bchavecl like a snrzLll chilcl 5. Mrs Dirvis got tircd. ( i . N l r D a v i sc l i d n o t l i k c t h e fu n - f ? r ilr; c c a u s c h e w a sa r i c h b c t t c rt h a n t h a t . m a n a n d w a n t e ds o n r c t h i n g Answer these questions: 1 . H o w m a n y c h i l d r e nd i d N I r a n d I \ I r s l ) a v i s h a v e ? that thcy should takc them? 2. Where did Nfrs Davis suggest 3. How did N{r Davis fl:elabout this? .1. \\'hat did hc say? 5. 6. 7. B. What dicl his wif-canswer? \\'hat did he do at thc lair? \ \ ' h a t d i d o n e o l ' t h c r I l i l d r e ns a ya b o u t h i r n ? r? \\'hat dicl N{rs l)avis answe
tr tr tr tr
Mr a.d N{rs Da'is had lour children. onc Saturday Mrs Da'is said to her husband, 'T'he children haven't got any lcss<ns today, and you'rc free too. Therc's a fn-fair in the park. Let's all go.' H e r h u s b a n d w a s d o u b t f u l a b o u t t h i s . ' l w a n t t o f i n i s h s o m ew o r k . ' he said. 'Oh, fbrget about it and come to the lir!' his wifb said. So Mr and Mrs Da','is took thc children to the fun-fair. N{r Davis was lbrty-five years old, but hc cnjoyed the fun-lbir more than rhc children. Hc hurried fiom one thine to another. ancl ate lots of sw,t'r'rs and nuts. o n e o f t h e c h i l d r e r s a i d t o h e r m o t h e r , ' D a d d y ' s b e h a v i ' g j u s t l i k t . a small child, isn't he, N{ummy?' Mrs Davis was quite tired of lollowins her husband around by now, and she answercd, 'fle's worse than a snlall child, Mary, b e c a u s eh e ' s g o t h i s o w n m o n e y ! ' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
l. \Ir Drris ancl his t'hildren rlicl lot rvrrk on Satrr.clars. 2 . N I r I ) a r i s w a s c t s c rt o g o t o t h c l i n - l i r i r . b , ut his wilb w,as not. Outside the I 500 headwords: funfair
a gate ( along
n I betwce I \ throrrgh/
t) se o a r t m e n t 5 . N I r H a n k i n s o nw a s n o t i n t h c A < ' c ' o u n I thLt duy. (i. 'I'hc telcphoneopcrator helpcdN{r.Jones a lot. Answer these questions: the big shop? \\hy did NfrJoncs telephone operatorask him? What dicl the telephonc What did he answer? What happencdthen? say? What did N{rJortes rvVhat did the operatorask him then? answer? !Vhat did N{r.Joncs And what did thc operatorsay?
\f b.ught things from a big shop last month, and when he sot the bill a few days aeo, he thought that therc was a mistake in it, so he telephoned the shop and askccl to speak to the Accounts Department. '\\ho do you wa.t to spcak to i. the Accounts Department?' the telephone operator asked. 'l t d o e s n ' t m a t t e r t o m e , ' M r J o n e s a n s w e r e d .H e d i d n o t k n o w t h e names of any of'the peoplc who worked there. He hcard .othing fbr a fbw seconds and then thc operator said, 'Hullo, you wantecr to speak to someonein the Accounts Department, didn,t you?' 'Yes, that's rieht,' N,fr.Jones answered. '\\'ould you likc to speak to Mr Hankinson?' the operator said. 'Ycs, that'll bc all rieht,' Mr.Joncs said patiently. .It docsn't mattcr who I speakto.' 'I'm sorry,' thc operator answercd, 'but Mr Hankinson isn't in lodav.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
Do is puzzle:. Across:
L N'lr.Jones wantcd to make art . . . to scc somcbody in thc A c c o u n t sD e p a r t m e n t . 7. Big town. B. In our country, most roof! arc not flat: thcy . . down on both sidcs. ll \\'c oficn... the telcphonc to order things from shops.
Big shopskcep tlicir things in largc .-rooms l>cfirre t h c y ' p u tt h c m o n t h es h c l v e s I ,t. , \ < ' t o r s . . . i n p l a v s . t 5 . \\then sonreonc tclephoncs Mr .foners,he always . . . , '70i'3'2'.
t 7 N { r . J o n ep at sa1's h i sa c c o u n t
tlrcsh,, l rr . . . n r o n t h . N c i tw e l l . ' ,rtc,rf'thc irt t9. 'r\r'coutts is ... tht'big sh<ip.
fbr an 2 \Ir Joncs waitcd Ils'rvcr, becausche was not in a hurrr". 'l'hcrc 3. u,asrrnistake. . . Nfr bill. .fones's { . r r d9 . N I r . J o r r cs sp o k ct o t h c . in thc big shop. (two words) wanted an . . . of' 5. N{r Jor.rcs t h e m i s t a k ei n h i s b i l l . 6 . N I r . J o n e sw a n t e d . . s p e a k to somconc in the .\ccounts I)epartmcnt 9 . S e e4 . 1 0 ' H o u ' m r n ' , ' . . r v e r ct h e r ei n lilli"'()ne.' \'lrJorrcs's 16. -
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
l. N'lr Hodgt:'s chickens laid a lot ol'eggs when thc weather was hot. 2. \f r Hodgc wanted air-conditioning lbr his chickens. 'l'he 3. owner of'the air-t cinditronrng company sent a man to see \'lr Hodge. 'l-he owrrer ol'the cornpanv u,anted to sell as much airconditionine as possible. 5. Nf r Hodgc asrecd to hr."'e rir-conditioning in his house too 6. Air-conditioning in his housc would not bring him more money. 4. Answer these questions:
What work did Mr l{oclgcdo? How did he earn his moncy'? Why did he not get so much money in the summer? Where did he decidc to put air-conditioning? Why dicl he decide thisJ What did the owner of-theair-conditioningcompanvhope to do? \\'hat rerson clid hc give for having air-conditioning in the house? What did N{r Hodge answer? \Ir Hodge was a chickc. lrmer. He had hundreds of'chicke.s, and sold the cggs a'd the meat a.d sot quitera lot of lbr them, but he lived in a very hot part o1-thecountry, and he lbund that his hens laid hardly any esis in the surnmer. So hc dec'ided t' put airconditioning into his chicken-house so that the hens would lav well all through the year and hc could q.r morc csssarrd irr rhat wai car' more money. '-fhe ow'er of-thc .ompany which sold thc air-co'cliti'.ing came t' s c c h i m , a n d w h c n h e s a w N f r H < x l g e ' sh o u s e , h e t h o u g h t t h a t h c mieht be able to persuade him t. buy sonr. air-co'ditionine lor that
Write these sentences. Choose the correct word or words to put in. The words are: could be earned,could earn, did not lay, put, sold, su,ggested, u,asput, was su{eesled, were laid, were sold. l. Mr Hodge . . . eggs and meat in the market. 2. Mr Hodge's eggs and meat . . . in the market. 'l'he 3. c l r i c k c n s. . . m a n \ t g g s i n s u m m e r . -1. Not manv eggs . . . in summcr. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nf r Hodge . . more moncv if'he hacl air-conditioning. More money . . . by pcople who had air-conditioning. 'l'he owncr of'the compan,v . . . air-conditionine fbr the house too. Air-conditioning lbr the house too . . . by rhe owner o[ the (ompanv.
wile would be rnuch happierand morecomrbrtabre then,'he said to N{r Hodge. But Mr Hodge was nor interestcd. 'N,{y wile doesn'tlay cegs,'hesaid. Outside theI 500headwords: air-conditionine
9. Mr Hodgc only . . . air-conditioning in his chicken-house. 's 10. Air-conditioning . . . onl','in \Ir Hodge chicken-house.
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. tharr l. (ieorge onlv arguedwith peoplewho were lcssc'lev'er hc was. he w h a t h c s a i d ,b e c a u s e 2 . S t u p i d p e o p l cu n d c r s t o o d spokcverv clearly. :1. Stupid pcoplebclievedthat they were alwaysrieht. . amusedby stupid people 4. Gcorgewas sometimes 5. T'he stupid nran thotrghtthat both he and ()eorgervere wrong. 6. Georgesoon fbrgot what this man had said. Answer these questions: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. job? \\hat was George's What did he work lbr? What was his hobby? Why did he not mind arguing with stupid people? How did stupid peopleargue? lVhy did he enjoy that? lVhat did one stupid persollsay to Ceorge? What did Georgethink of this answer?
u n
n tr
Find words in the story which mean about the same as: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. correct funny intelligent lessdoubtful made(him) laugh make (thcm) believe ought to personwho writcs fbr a newspaper talking asaitrstothcr PeoPle
George Banks was a clever journalist. He worked fbr a good newspaper, and he liked arguing very much. He argued with anybody, and about anything. Sometimes the people whom he areued with were as clever as he was, but often they were not. He did not mind arguing with stupid people at all: he knew rhat he could never persuade them to agree, because they could never really understand what he was saying; and the stupider they were, thc surer they were that they were right; but he often found rhar srupid pcople s a i d v e r y a m u s i n gt h i r r s s . At the end of one argument which George had with one of these less clever people , the man said something which George has always remembered and which has always amused him. It was, '\\''ell, sir, you should never forget this: there are always three answcrs to cvcr.y question: your answer, my answer, and thc correct answer.'
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. with him. t . Pat brought his wifb to Fingland . He did not spendall his money. shewas 3 . His mother-in-lawcame to Errglandtoo, because ilt. shewas ill +. Pat went to seehis mother-in-lawbecause
5 . Pat wrote a letter to his wile after a week. 6 . He askedhis wife to excusethe priest'sbad writing ar.rd
spelling. Answer these questions: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Why did Pat come to England? How did he manageto savemoney? Why did his wife have to go to Ireland? What did Pat want to do a weeklater? Why didn't he write the letter? Who wrote it fbr him? What did the priest say aftcr Pat had finished? And what did Pat answer?
tr tr n tr tr n
Draw lines from the words on the left to the correct words on the right. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. A building company Pat Pat's mother-in-law Pat's wife The priest a. b. c. d. e. becameill. could not read or write. gave Pat ajob. went home to seeher mother. wrote Pat's letter.
Pat came over fiorn Ireland to Flneland with his wilc one year to find w o r k . H e g o t q u i t e a g o o dj o b w i t h a b u i l d i n g c o m p a n y , a n d a s h e d i d not drink or smoke,he savedup quite a lot of'money. H i s w i f e ' s p a r e n t s w e r e rs t i l l i n l r e l a n d , a n d o n e d a y s h e e o t a telegram to say that hcr rnother was ill, so Pat save hcr some nroney a n d s h e w e n t t o I r e l a n d t o s e eh e r . After a week, Pat wanted to write a letter to her, but he could not r e a d o r w r i t e v e r y w e l l , s o h e w e n t t o h i s p r i e s t a n d a s k e dh i m t o d o i t for him. Pat told the priest what hc wanred ro say, and thc priest wrote it down. Afier a fbw minutes Pat stoppcd, and the priest said, 'Do vou want to say any more?' 'Only, " P l e a s e e x c u s et h c b a d w r i t i n g a n d s p e l l i n u " . ' P a t s a i d . Outsidethe I 500 headwords:priesf
5. Barberscut each other's hair. 6. The barber whose hair is cut the worst cannot be the worst barber. Answer these questions: l. How did N{ark fbelwhen he cameout of the barber'sshop? 2. What did his friend Georgedo when he saw him? 11.And what did Georgesay? 4. What was Mark's answer? then? 5. What did Georgesuggest answer? Mark 6. And what did 7. What did Georgesay then? f]. Which barber would have the besthaircut? Choose the right sentences for each picture:
N{ark went to a barber's shop and hacl his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not huppy with the result, and when his friend George saw him, he laughed and said, 'What's happened to your hair, N,{ark?' Mark said, 'I tried a new barber's shop today, because I wasn't at all satisfied with my old one, but this one seernseven worse.' ()corge agreed.'Yes, I think you're right, Mark. Now I'll tell you what to do next time you eo into a barber's shop: look at all the barbe rs' hair, and then eo to thc ore whose own hair has been ctt the one whose hair's been crut the worst?' Mark repeated. 'But that would be foolish!' 'Oh, no, it wouldn't,' answered George. 'Who do you think cut t h a t m a n ' s h a i r ? H e c o u l d n ' t c u t i t h i m s e l f , c o u l d h e ?A n o t h e r o f t h e barbers cut it-and he must have been a worse barber than the one whose hair he cut.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. 2. 3. 4. N { a r k ' sh a i r w a s c u t b a d l y . He had not beento that barber'sshop before. It was better than the one he usedto go to belbre. His friend Georgeadvisedhim to chooscthe barber whosehair lookedthe worst. worst.' 'The
I l. a. Mark has cleanedhis shoes. b. Mark has had his shoes cleaned. c . Mark is clcaninghis shocs. d . Mark is having his shoes cleaned.
2 Mark has cleanedhis shoes. Mark has had his shoes cleaned. Mark is cleaninghis shoes. d . Mark is having his shoes cleaned. 3. a. Mark has cleanedhis shoes. b. Mark has had his shoes cleaned. c. Mark is cleaninghis shoes. d. Mark is having his shoes cleaned.
tr n n tr
4. 4 . a . Mark has cleanedhis shoes. b . Mark has had his shocs cleancd.
c . Mark is clcaning his shoes. d . Mark is having his shoes
3. She married him at her housein the villagc. 4. Peterwas in a card shop when his mother'sweddingparty started. 5. He found the card he wanted in the last shophe went to. 6. He did not find the card he wanted. Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Why did Mrs Harris marry when she was forty-seven? Who was Peter? How old was he then? What kind of wedding did Mrs Harris have? What happened after the wedding? Why was Peterlate? What had he been looking for? Whv hadn't he beenable to find it?
tr n n tr
Mrs Harris's husband died when she was forty-five years old. She had a son, who was eighteen years old at that time. Mrs Harris was not a widow for very long. She met a nice man who was a few years. older than she was, and two years after her first husband had died, she married for the second time. Her son, peter, was twenty years old then. Mrs Harris had a nice, quiet wedding in the village church, and after that, they had the usual party ather house for her family and her new husband's, and for some of their friends, but Peter was very late for the party. At last he hurried in, kissed his mother, and said, ,I'm sorry I'm late, Mum, but I've been looking everywhere for a card which says, "To my Mother, for her Wedding," and I haven't been able to find one.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Mrs Harris was rwcnty-five when Peterwas born. when shemarried her secondhusband. 2. She was ftrrty-seven Outsidethe 1 500 headwords:Murn n tr
l. He had been looking in the shops for a card for his mother's wedding. 2. Mrs Harris married for the first time when she was young. 3. Peterarrived very late. 4. She had a son a year later, and she calledhim Peter. 5. She married him in the villagechurch. 6. Then shemet a nice man. 7. Then therewas a party at her house. 8. When shewas forty-five,her husbanddied.
El'cn rrow, aeroplzrttcs:Ire not str()ltu crtough to ( arry hcrrI wcights. Harl'aiiarr ,\irlincs ortIl' vveigh f:rt Passctrgers. One fat man did not know whethcr the airlines'clerk wanterd his weight lvith clothes or rvithottt. He wanted to travel without his clothcs.
tr tr
Answer these questions: ngershavc to be weigheda long time ago? l . Why did aeroplancpasse Why did they not havc to bc weighcdsomeyearslater? What happensto lussasenow? +. Why is it treatedin this way? .r- What stillhappens a t H a w a i i a nA i r l i n c s ? 6 . What did the airlines'clcrk thcrc ask onc lat man? 7 . What did he answer? B. What did the clerk say then? Do this puzzle:
A long time ago, when aeroplanes were not very big or strong yet, all passengers had to be weighed with their luggage, so that planes did not have to carry more than it was safe to carry. Then later, when aeroplanes became bigger and stronger, only the luggage had to be weighed; and now very often, the luggage has to be measured instead of being weighed, because size is more important to the airlines than weight. Aeroplanes are so big and strong now, that they can carry almost any weight. But before a passenger can travel by Hawaiian Airlines, he or she still has to be weighed. Once when one fat man was asked by the airlines' clerk how much he weighed, he thought for a few seconds and then said to her: 'With or without my clothes?' 'Well, 'how are you planning to travel?' sir,' the girl answered, A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. were weighed a long time ago. l. Aeroplane passengers luggage was weighed Later, only the 2. OutsidethI 500 headwords:airline tr tr
5. The . . . why luegergc ofien docs lot have to bc wcighecl any rnore is that ae roplanes can now carra more weight than bcfbre.
passengersstand . . . line . . . ordcr to givc their ticke t s t o t h e a i r l i n c s 'r ' l e r k . 'l'his is trsually wcighed bel b r ei t i s I ) u tt l n a l l a n c .
Down: 'l'hc l. t'lcrk worked lbr an thc fat man . thinking ol' tra'u elling without anv c l o t h e s ?''N o , o f ' c o u r s e not!' 3. Dug up thc sround with a nrachine. +. N f a k ep l a n s . 6 . L e s ss o t ro r b i t t e r . r0. lvVe can cook b,vclectri<'itv or 2. 'Was
i s t h e . . . c l f ' v < l t rs ruit'lt is l5 kilograms.' case?' t 2 . 'fhc fat rnan was a . . . on the plane.
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dick and his grandmothertalked to eachother a lot. Dick alreadyknew a lot about his family. His grandmother told him a lot about it. Dick's parentshad beenborn in the samecountry. Dick had been born in a different country. Dick had met his parentsin Germanv.
n n n
Answer these questions: Whom did Dick visit when he was six? How did Dick nd out a lot of interestingthingsabout his family? Whom did he talk to about thesethings when he came home? Where had Dick been born? Where had his father been born? And where had his mother been born? What did his father say when he askeda lot of questions? And what did Dick answer?
Put what, whichor who ineach empty space: Dick's grandmother told him things . . . he had not known belbrc. She told him . . . he wanted to know. Dick had a father . . . had beenborn in Germany. It didn't matter . . . Dick asked:his grandmother knew the answer. '. . . a strangethingl' Dick thought. 'We were all born in different places,but we all met.' 'The tallest 6. '. . . of thosemen is Dick's f,ather?' one.' '. 'He's 7. . . is he?' a teacher.' '. B. . . is that woman?' 'She'sDick's mother.' l. 2. 3. 4. 5.
When Dick was six years old, he went and stayed with his grandparents in the country for a few weeksin the summer. He talked a lot with his grandmother while he was there, and she told him a lot of interesting things about their family which he had nor known before. When he came home again to his own parents, he said to his father, 'Is it true that I was born in London, Daddy?' 'Yes, it is, Dick,'his father answered. 'And were you really born in Germany?'Dick asked. 'Yes, 'I was.' that's right,' his father answered. 'And is it true that Mummy wasborn in Ireland?'Dick continued. His father said, 'Yes, it is, but why are you asking me all these questions?' Dick answered, 'Becausewhen Granny told me all those things while I was with her, I couldn't understandhow we had all met.' Outside theI 500headwords: Granny
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
I Dave rvas lat rndslolv urtil hc w'as firrt'"'-fir'e. '). ; \ s s o o n a s D r v t ' h a d t r t u b l c i n b r c a t h i n g a n d r v a l k i r r g ,h e \ \ ' ( ' l l t l o s e ea d ( x t ( ) I . 3. Dar,'ewas afiaid lle was ill. .1. 'l'he young doctor thought l)ar.'c was going to die soon. see anothcr doctor first. 5r. He wanted Da"'e t<- (j. Davc did not trust the youns clot'trr.
tr tr T tr tr
Answer these questions: l. \Vhat was Dave like when he was t'ouIrs? 2. \\'hat happencdto hirr when he was fbrty-fir'e? 11.\\'hat did hc dcabout it at first? .t. \\'hat did he do Iatcr? ir. What did his doctor do? 6. What did the youne doctor in thc hospitalsay to Da'u'e? 7 . W h a t d i d h e a s kh i m ? t]. And what did l)av'eanswer?
Put one word in each empty place. You will find all the correct words in the story on page 42. When Dave was a very small boy, hc had troublc with his lungs. to .. Sonrctimes,afterrunrtirtg,hcwason ly . . .\'ery.. . . Hismother, of'course,was ver)' . . . about thesepains. Shc took hinl to the doctor, . a i d , ' \ \ ' c l lI,. . t h a t i t i s . . . t o b e a n d h e . . . h i m c a r e l l l y a r r d . .s a n y t h i n gs e r i o u sa , n d t h a t h e w i l l g r o w o t to f i t , b u t I d o n ' t w a n t t o . . . The you if'I arn wrong, so I will . . . for him to so into hospitalfor tests.' testsproved that the dot'trrwas cluiteright.
\\'hen Dave Pt'rkins was vounf{, hc played a lot rif sames, ancl hc was t h i n a n d s t r o r ) g ,b u t w h e n h c w a s f o r t y - f i v e , h e b e g a n t o s c t f t a n d slow. Hc was not able to breathc as well as befbre, and when he r v a l k e d r a t h e r l i r s t ,h i s h e a r t b e a t p a i n f u l l y . He dicl not do anvthine about this fbr a long time, but linally hc ltccrmc anxious and went to scca doctor. anclthc doctor senthim tcr h c l s p i t a l . ; \ n o t h t ' r y o u n s d < t t ' t r i re x a m i n e d h i m t h e r c a n d s a i d , ' I ( l ( ) n ' t $ ' a n t t o r n i s l c a d) ' o u , N { r P t r k i n s .Y o u ' r e v ' e r yi l l , a n d I b e l i e v e tltrt votr rrt' trnlikt:ly to lir,'e nluch lonser. lVould you likc nre to rurriln{rclirr anvbodl' to come ard seeyou bcfbre you die?' I ) a v c t h o r - r g h tf b r a l e w s e r ' o r d s and thcn hc answered.'l'd like Illotl)cr dcctor [o ('ome and ser:ne.' 12
7 . . J o cw a s p r o b a b l v
'r\nd ntc oI that rt'rnirlcls eoinq to sar, him. ther girl stopped the time that I was . . . ,' but 'And thrtrernirlds nrc ol .Joc was probabl'going to sav, hirn. girl stop;ed t h e t h e t i n l e . I t ' s l a t c . I m r t s ts o , ' b t r t
Answer these questions: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. What kind of'personwasJoe? to talk to? What happenedwhcncverhe liund sotneone What happenedonc cvcrlins? What didJoe and thc prettv girl do? What didJoe do then? What was lle sayirtgwhen thc girl stoppcdhim? What did she do? say? And what did sl're:
or remindinthe first empty place in each of these Putforget, remsmber sentences; and put taking or to takein the second emPty place in each. 'u'oice. He Joe was one of those people who love the sound of their own never had anything interesting to say, but he talked and talked and talked, and every story he told reminded him of another one, so that he never stopped for a second to let anybody else say anythine. One evening he was invited to a party by someone whom he had met only a few days before and who did not know him very well yet. They had a good meal, and then they had some music and dancins. Joe danccd once with a prett)' sirl and then suegested that they should sit and talk. He talked and talkcd and talkcd, and was just 'And beginning, that reminds me of the time . . ,' when the girl said, 'The time? Yes, you're quite right!' She lookedat her watch quickly 'Look and said, how late it is. I must go.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Joe liked talking very much. Peopledid not enjoy listeningto him. He stoppedother peoplesayinganything. He was invited to a party by an old friend .Joewanted ro talk insteadof dancing. .,\ sirl askedJoeto talk insteadoldancins
Did Nfrs Srnith'sson .
\'es, hc clid. his tnat to schrxrl y'esterda,v?
'l'he hirrt' fiot--r matltrers learnt go<ld youtrqerLroys 3. 4. Matthew got a job with a big company. sot a letter lroln thc manager' 5. His old headrr.rster 'I'he headmastcranswcrcdthc lettcr clcverly' 6. Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. How did Matthew behaveat school? do about it? What did his headmastcr Did he succeed? What made things cvcn worsc? What did N{atthewdo whcn he lefi school? lVhat did thc managcrof thc companydo? fecl about this? How did the headmrster managcr? to the What did he write
n n n
I [= tI L'"?J,Yifm'n
ovs n-r-
Matthew Hobbs was sixteen years old. He had been at the same school for five years, and he had always been a very bad pupil. He waslazy, he fought with other pupils, he was rude to the teachers, and he did not obey the rules of the school. His headmaster tried to make him work and behave better, but he was never successful-and the worst thing was that, as Matthew grew older, he was a bad influence on the younger boys. Then at last Matthew left school. He tricd to get a job with a big company, and the manager wrote to the headmaster to find out what he could say about Matthew. f'he headmaster wanted to be honest, but he also did not wanr ro 'If be too hard, so he wrote, you can get Matthew Hobbs to work lor you, you will be very lucky.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
l. Matthew had come to his school whe n he was ereven. 2. He was always a eood boy.
l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B.
Hc did not obey the schoolrules. H c f b u g h tw i t h o t h e r p u P i l s . He was a bad influen('con the younser btys' rs. He was rude to the tcrche Nlatthcw was a lazy boy. The headmastcrwrote a cleveranswer. 'l'he managerwrote to his headmaster. 'I'hen he left schooland tricd to gct a job irt a cottrpanv.
5. She thought he might be too ill to go ro schoolthat dar 6. He was the headmaster. Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. What did Harry say to his mother? When did he say this? What did his mother answer? And what did Harry sa.v then? What was his mother'sanswer? A n d w h a t d i d s h ed o w h i l c s h cw a s s a y i n gt h a t ? W h v d i d s h ed o t h i s ,d o y o u t h i n k ? What did vou think Harrv rvas when lou starteclreading storv?
tr tr
Harry came to his mother one morning while she was having her breakfast, and said to her, 'No one at my school likes me, Mother. The teachers don't, and the children don't. Even the cleanersand the bus drivers hate me.' 'Well, Harry,' his mother answered, 'perhaps you aren't very nice to them. lf afew people don't like a person, he or she may not be responsible for that; but if a lot of people don't, there's usually something wrong, and that person really needs to change.' 'I'm too old to change,' Harry said. 'I don't want to go to school.' 'Don't be silly, Harry,' his mother said, going towards the garage to get the car out. 'You have to go. You're quite well, and you still have a lot of things to learn. And besidesthat, you're the headmasrer of the school.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. L 2. 3. 4. Harry was a schoolboy. He liked going to school. His mother wanted him to go to schooltoo. His mother thoueht he should change,because a lot of peopledicl not like him.
Do this puzzle: Across: l. A headmasteris . . . fbr seeing that everythinggoeswell in his school. 7. Aeroplanesland ar.rd takeoff here. B. Harry could not . . . whv hc should go to school. 9 These peopleclean places. i 0. Harrv was the headmaster of the.... 't'hc 12. teachersand the children did not like Harrv, and the cleaners and bus dri'u'ers hated him. 1 5 . T h e s ep e o p l et e a c hp u p i l s . 18. These people arc rhe rop peoplein schools. Down: L Harrv had scveral. . . lbr not wanting to so to scl-rool. 2 . T h e p u p i l s p r o b a b l vd i d n o t like him because he was ...withthem. 3. These people drir.'e pupils to school.
Some teachers are men, and someare.... \\'hen the headmaster comes i n t o a c l a s s ,a l l t h e p u p i l s . . .
tr n tr
up. I l . Harrr'' said to his mother, the people at school "\ll . . me.' l.) r\ll the pupils at that school help. . . other. \ 4 . '. . . afternoon' means 'today, in the afternoon'. I 6 . If-you want to shootstraight, you must . . . your gun carefully. T7 B e c a u s e .
What work did Mrs Watson'shusbanddo? Who was Mrs Potts? How did sheand Mrs Watson help eachother? Why did Mrs Watson oller to do Mrs Potts'sshopping one day? What did Mrs Pottsask her to get? Where did Nfrs \\''atsonlook fbr N{rs Pottsu'hen shecame back? \\'here was N{rs Potts? \\'hat did \{rs \\'atson shout to hcr whcn shelound her at last?
Write the sentences for each picture. Choose the correct words.
Mrs Watson was a doctor's wife. She had a nice neighbour, Mrs Potts. They often did each other's shopping. One day, Mrs Potts had to go to Dr Watson becauseshe was ill, so 'I'll Mrs Watson said, do your shopping today, Beryl.' Mrs Potts told her that she only wanted a sheep's kidney. NIrs lVatson went to the shops, and when she came back, she went to Mrs Potts's house, but shc was not there, so she wcnt to her own house. She looked in her husband's waiting-room, but Mrs Potts was t t o t t h e r e c i t h e r , s o s h e w c n t i n t o h e r h u s b a n d ' s o f f i c e .H e r h u s b a n d told her that Mrs Potts had just left him and gone to the lavatory. catch Mrs Potts. She shouted, her the parcel. A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Mrs Potts lived near Mrs Watson. 2. NlrsWatsonwas ill. 3. NIrs \\atson did Mrs Potts'sshopping. .1. During this time, Mrs Pottswent to the lavatoryand then to l)r \\ratson's oflice. Outsidethe I 500 headwords.' kidney Mrs Watson ran out into the crowded waiting-roomjust in time to 'Here's your kidney!'and ran and gave
() c, I lauehing. Z . S h ec a m e t n
i ,o lush. luuflhi";q'} c a n ' rr r . r p { I t o l a u g h .I I ' v e j u s t h e a r da g o o d j o k e . ' 'r Watson's nursc helpedher walk. t J o I walking.
S h es a i d ,
+. Dr
t ,t-
n n tr tr
'Are you willing The doctor said, . I to wait l .. | )alewmtnulcsl ( waltlng , f mending., 'Ihis machine needs { I to nrend.'
I hurrying.' I to hurry.'
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Jim was clever,but lazy. 2 . H e d i d n ' t l i k ep a y i r r g taxes. J. He always used cleverpeopleto stealfor him. 4. They tried to find rich families. 5. One of his men played a duet on a piano with a girl. 6. The girl's family was poor. Answer ese questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Why didJim becomea thieP How did he steal things? job in this? What was rs Why was he good at it? What did he sendone of his men to do one evenins? What did the man see? What did he saytoJim? W h a t m i s t a k ed i d h e r n a k e ?
n n n n n n
Opposites:Find words in the story on page 52 which mean about the opposite of: l. difficult 2. lazy 3. little 4. more 5. old 6. poor 7. small B. spend 9. stupid 10. ugly
'You work Jim was intelligent, but he hated hard work. He said, hard, and earn a lot ofmoney, and then the government takes most of it. I want easy work that gives me lots of'money and that the government doesn't know about.' So he became a thief-but he did not do the stealing: he got others to do it. They were much less intelligent than he was, so he arransed everything and told them what to do. One day they were looking for rich families ro rob. and Jim sent one of them to a large beautiful housejust outside the town. It was evening, and when the man looked through one of the windows, he saw a young man and a girl playing a duet on a piano. When he went back toJim, he said, 'That family can't have much money. Two people were playing on the same piano there.' OutsidetheI 500 lteadwords.' duet. rob
r\ man was plaving draughtswith a dog in the bar one evcnrng. + . The dog moved the draughts itself. 5 . Fred was very surprised. won the game. 6 . The dog sometimes Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. go after work? Where did Fred sometimes Why did he seldomfind anyoneto talk to there? What did he seeone evening? Why was he very surprisedwhen he went nearer? How did the dog manageto play? Who won? What did Fred say then? What did the dog's owner answer?
n n
Fred sometimes liked to go to a bar to have a drink before he went home after work. There were some tables and chairs in the bar, but it was too early for most people when Fred was there, so he seldom found anyone to talk to. Then one evening he went into the bar and saw a man playing draughts at a table, but he could not seeanyone in the chair opposite him. He went nearer to look, and was very surprised to see that the man was playing against a dog. When it had to move one of its draughts, it stood on its back legs on the chair. Fred watched while the two played their game, and when the dog lost, Fred went up to its owner and said, 'I've never seensuch a clever dog before.' 'Well,' answcred the other man, 'he isn't really very clever. I always win.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. l. Fred alwayshad his drink at home. 2. He talked to a lot of peoplein a bar. Outside theI 500headwords: draushrs tr l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. A man was playing draughtsat a table. Fred could not seeanyoneplaying againsthim. Fred went into his usual bar. He sat down at a table. He saw a dog sitting in the chair oppositethe man. He went nearer. The bar was almost empty. When the dog wanted to move a draught, it stoodon its back legs on the chair.
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
l. Henry wanted the clerk at the hotel to send a good doctor to his room. 2. The clerk gave him the name and address of a doctor. 3. Henry wanted to know how much it cost to go to him. 4. The first visit to the doctor cost less than later visits. 5. Henry tried to make the doctor believe that he had been to him bt-lorc. 6. The doctor knew that he had not seen Henrv before. Answer these questions:
l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Henry was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday. One day he was not feeling well, so he went to the clerk at the desk 'I of his hotel and said, want to see a doctor. Can you sive me the name of a good one?' 'Ihe clerk looked in a book and then said, 'Dr Kenneth Grey,
Why did Henry haveto asksomeone elsefor the nameof a doctor? What did the clerk do? What did Henry ask him then? And what did the clerk answer? What did Henry decide? What did he do? What did he say to the doctor? And what was the doctor'sanswer?
Put one word in each empty place. You will find all the correct words in the story on page 56. Dr Brown is a kind man. He lefi England to work in a foreign country when he was 25. Someof his . . are quite poor, and he . . . them verv little. And when they need . . . medicines, he sometimes evenpays for them himself. One day a . . . who worked in a small officebrought him his son.He was very ill, and he knew that only very expensive medicines could . . . him from dying. Dr Brow'n. . . the boy carefully.'Well,' the lather said, 'what have you found, doctor?Will he be all right?' The doctor . . . without looking at him. He thought lbr a minute and then 'Yes, he'll said, bc all right. I'm going to give you somemedicinefor him. He must . . . takine it firr a month. We don't want him to die, do we?'
rabbit for his mcal. +. The sailor<rdered its tail hurt. T'he cat made a noisebecause 6 . The restaurantqavepeoplccat's mcat insteadof rabbit's
tr T tr
Answer these questions: I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. job? What was Mrs.Jenkins's Who did shehave working fbr her? !Vhat did the sailor do? Why was MrsJenkins surprised? What did shedo then? What did she ask the waitress? And what did the waitressanswer? What had the sailor thousht?
Mrs Jenkins was the owner of a small restaurant in Southampton. Southampton is a big port. Mrs Jenkins had two young waitresses and a cook to help her. One day a sailor came into the restaurant, sat down at one of the tables, ordered what he wanted from thc waitress and then got up and left again after a lew minutes.'fhe owner of the restaurant was surprised when she saw this, so she called the waitress and asked her why the man had left before having his meal. 'Well,' 'he asked for some of our fried the waitress answered, rabbit, and when I we nt out into the kitche n to order it lrom the cook, t h e c a t w a s j u s t o n t h e o t h e r s i d e o [ t h e d o o r a n d I s t c p p e do n i t s t a i l by mistake. It made a terrible noise, of course, and then thc man got up from his table and went out very quickly.' A Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. L MrsJenkins's restaurantwas very big. 2 . ' \ s a i l o rc a m ei r ,b u t h e d i d n o t l i k e t h e w a i t r e s ss , oh e
w'cllt out agaln.
t ,"1, l
"f " ::''n \ 3 . T h e s a i t o r c o u t d .'\ ,lJ,' I run could fiiend fst, but his
{ tt-ro
I -u.h \ laster. ..
I t"rv )
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes.
g t t a x l s i r r t l r t ' r l i s o n i r I t ' t ' l a r r r \l \ ( ' r - ( ' ( ) tr lrt'li'nts w i t l l t l r r ' r l i s o n c rs t I u l i n e t l r e r l a l , . 'l'hc 2. p r i s o t t e r sh a d t o h a ' n ct l r c i r c r , ' t ' n i r r n g i t ' rrl n t h c I i r r r n s 'l'hcy lJ. spcnt the nislrt in tlrt' prison. l . ( ) n c p r i s < l n c rh a d h i s n r c ro l n : r l i r r n o n c c \ ' ( ' n r n s . 'l'llc .r. g u a r l c l i d r ) o t l i k ( ' o l t . r r i r rt u llt'qrtc l a t r ' rn t iqllt l r t ' t : r u s cl l c w ' a sa l i r i c l 'rr. t i . I l t ' d i d n o t l e t t h c p l i s ,r r r . r i I Answer these questions: 'l'hc
l . I n w h a t w a y i s t h c p r i s o r t i n t h i s s t o rv c l i f l i ' r ' < ' rIrrtc r n r l r o s to t h c r s ? 2. \\'hat work do the prisoners clo? 3. \\that do thcy have to clo irr order to lrt' :rlkrwt'clto work outsidc? ' 1 . W h a t h a p p c n s i f - t h e yd o n < t td o t h i s . ' o. Why was one prisont'r vt:ry latc orrcnight/ (j. \\'hat clid he have to do to gct into tht: prisotr aeairt? 7. How did the guarcl fbel about this? tJ. \\'hrt dicl he thrcrtcn to clo if'thc plisriner was late asain?
if one of these is
There is a prison in lccland w]ric]r allows its prisoners to so our 'I'hey without any guards to work every day. work on the frms near the prison during the day, and come back to have their evening meal and to sleep every evening. Belore they are allowed to go out like this, they have to promise to come back every evening. If they do not promise this, they are not let out. One night one of the prisoners was invited to have a meal and a drink with the family of the farmer he was working for, so he came back to the prison very late. He had to knock at the gate several times before the guard came to let him in. The guard did not like beins disturbed ar this rime, so he said to 'If the prisoner angrily, you come back so late again, I won't let you in.' Outside the I 500 headwords:guard (n.) 60
t h c p r i s o r r t ' r s p r o r r r i s t - t o ( ( ) t r r c l r : r c k c re cr e l l t i r r s ? ' ' \ ' c s I, think . . .' 'l)id ' 2 thcy alw:rvs trrrrrt' lxr<k?' '\o. I t'xrt'r't. 'l)ict ll. t h c l l r i s o n c r s n ' o r k r c a l l v h r r co l n thc lirrrns?"I wonclt'r. . . .' 'l)id l. t h e f i r r m c r w , h oi n v i t t ' r l t h c p r i s o n e r l i k r : h i n r ? ' ' Y c s , I s u p p o s r : v o L r t h i n k t l r t ' p l i s o n t ' r r , r ' h r i ' , v l r ast c e v c r c a n i < ' l a t c a g a i n ? ' ' I rloLrbt....' (j. 'l)ict thc srrarclscr cr lot k a prisont'r out?' '\io, I ho;c 'l ' 7. think thtt r v r s :n r i t c ; r i s < . n . 'a ' lg r c e . . . '\\'c,,lrar"t' 'l ti. prisons likc tlrat irr Britain tori.' clon't bclieve 5. '[)ci
Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the boxes. r hildren. l . P e t e rs t u d i c dp a i n t i n gw i t h a l o t o f - o t h e c called(lelia. 2. ()ne of'the other studer)ts "t'as in thc telephone book. 11.There were a lot ol-Poes 'l'hc (lclia's l. f i r s to r r ct h a t P c t e r ' s rnotht'r t el c o h o n c d u,as motlrt'r. 5 . Peter'smother spoketo Nfrs Poepolitely. rane. 6 . Thc woman was in her bath when the telephonc Answer these questions: l. 2. 3. 't. How old was Peter? \\'hcrcdid he studl'painting? (lclia? Why did hewant to telephonc
! T
tr n
\Vhv was it not easvt() do this? 5 . H o w d i d h i s m o t h e rp l a n t o l r c l ph i m ? 6. What did she say to the first wornanshe telephoned? 7. And what was the woman's answer? [J. How did the lvornanfbel,do vou think?
Do this puzzle: Across: 'l'his I. tclls vcinr'r'lterr r ou lttvt' to g() to cat'ltr lass (j Pctt'r lvas lraving thcsccr clr rr'ce k. ll. '\\';rs Pt'tclstrrdrirrg lrirtt'\o. lrc i n g i n a p u b l i cc l a s s ? ' \\'asstudvingit....' '\\'hat !). dicl ['ctcr clo in his c l a s s ? " H c .. . p i c t t r r c s . ' 10. .\ll rcoplc.
Peter was l0 years old, and he was having painting lessons cvery week at a small private class. During the C'lhristmasholidays, he had a party at his home, and he wanted to invite one of the other students, but he only knew her name - Celia Poe. He did not know her address or her telephone number. Peter's mother looked in the telephone book ancl saicl, ,\\'ell, there are only four Poes here, so I'll telephone each of them and ask whether they have a daughter who has painting lessons., She telephoned the first one, and the telephone rang for rather a long time before a woman answered. Peter's mother said, .Excuse me. Is that thc IIrs Poe who has a daughter who takes painting lessons?' 'No, it isn't,' the woman answered. 'This is the Mrs poe who had to get out of her bath to answer the telephone!'
Dou,n: l \ uotrrn h r dt o g e t ( ) u t o l ' hcr llath to rnsn'c tr his. '). Hrr t' to. ll. .\lso. I I{avine thc rntst."r'ork to clo.
Pctcr likc lris paintine l e s s r n s ? ' ' \ ' t ' s ,l l t ' tlrcnr verr-nruch.' 'l)id Petcl linrl (lclia's tclcphone numbcr . . l' 'No, it ' lvas verv diflicult
1\ I 500-word Vocabulary
This r''ocabulary does not contain numerals, names of the days of the ,Ay'ol: lveek, namcs of'the months, or proper nouns and adjectives. Not all the stand s for bolt-bo1's-bo)s<-ases of nouns and pronouns are given (e.g. o-y nor are all parts of verbs given (e.g. boy'; I stands for l-me-m1t-mine); am- swutn- su imming ) . C ompara tiv es and sin s tand s for swim- sw i ms- sD superlatives ofadjectives and adverbs are also not given. The abbrevi ation a. means adj ective and/or adverb; conj. means conj u nction; n. means noun; prep. means preposition; and u. means verb. (Words outside the list are printed at the bottom of the pages on which they are used-for example, relax, on page 6.)
(n(st r hickcn child chinrlcl chin chocolatc clloose C lh r i s t n r a s r:hu rch clgarct tc cl nent a r irclc clr( us crt) c l a s sI r o o r n ] clean clear clcrk clevcr clitl climate r:limb clock close (a ) c l o s eI d ] cloth clothes cloud Iy] club coal[-mine] coat cock coflee[-pot] cold collar collect college colour t olurnlt comD come Iun]comlortable Iun]comnron compan) complain composltlon conlcss confsed congratulate continue[/al] cookIing] cool coPy cork Iscrew] corn corner
( ()rf( ( t
('()st cotton[-wool] cough count(') country coufse cousln coverIed] cow crackIed] crawl crop cross (z ) cross (a ) crowd Icd ] cry cuP cupboard cure curlous curtarn custom cut cyclc (a )
ask asrccP attack audicncc aun L autumn avoid awake away axe baby back (a ) back (n ) bad (worse, worst) bag bake ball balloon Danana band bandage bank bar barber barsain bark basin baske bathIroom] bathc battery battle
amusc [/ing] anchor and angry animrl anklc altswer ant anxious/iety any Idis] appear apple appolntment arch Icd/way ] argue arithmetic arrlt arm)' arourd arranecIrnentl arrcst arrir c[/al] articlc artistIic] AS
bc beach beak bean bear(n ) bcar (a.) beard b e a t( a ) beautiful b c c au s e becomc bedIroom] bee beer belore begIgar] b e g i nI n i n e ] bchave behind believe bell belong below belt bench bend beside besides bctween bicycle big bill bird birthdav biscuit
body (and -bod1, c u it anybody) boil (a ) brld bonrb bonc book[-case] boot born borrow both bottlc b()ttonr bowl (2.) box (z ) bol bracele t branch brass brar c bread break breakfst breathe bribe brick bridse bright bring broadcast brokcn brother brown bruise brush bucket builctIing] bullct bunch burn burst
call ca lm camera camP can (z ) can (r ) canal candlc cap capita I captalll car r arcl cardboard care carefir | [/less] carPet carrlagc carry car t case cas tle cat catch CAUSE cave ceilins celebrate
damageId] oamP dance[-bandl dangerIous] dare dark date daueh ter day/dail.v dead deaf dear d ecide/dccision deep deer degree delighted den tist departnrent depend describe desert (z ) desk destroy dictionarv die diflcren t di fllcult dig
centrmetre ceremony certaln chain chair chalk chance chanse charcoal cheap cheat cheek cheese chemist
dining[-room, -halll dinner dirty disappointed discover dish disturb ditch dive divide do doctor (Dr) dog dollar donkey door double doubtffull down dozen drawIing] drawer drcam dress drink driveIr] drop (n ) drop (a ) orown drum drunk dry duck dull dumb during duster dustIy] each eager ear[-ring] earry earrl earth eastIern] Easter easy eat edge either electric Ii ty] elephant el s e
empty end enemy enqlne enJoy enough envelope envy equal escape even evenrnq ever (and -euer, e g in whoever) everyIwhere] exact examine[/ation/ er] except exclteo excuse exerclse expect expenslve explain/ explanation explode exploreIr] eye face[-powder] factory fade lail fint laithfully iall lalse lamily lamous fan far farm Ier] fast lat lather leather feed feelIing] fence lever fw fleld fierce hght fill
gay generous eentleman geography geometry get girl grve glad glass Ies] glue go goal goat God gold[-mine] good (better, best) goodbye government gram grand-(e g in grandfather) grape grass green greet grey grill group grow growl guess guest guide[-book] gun hair half Ipenny] hall hammer hand handkerchief handle handsome hang nappen huppv hard hardly harvest[-time] hat hate have
ne headmaster/
-in-lau (t g rut-tn lau) lnsccI insidc rnstead intclligcnL intcnd[/tion ] interestIcd/ ing] introduce [/ tionl inventIion/or] invite[/ation] lron island lt jam[-dish/jar] Jar jealous jeuclle n
first f i s hI e r m a n / i n g rodl flug flat (a.) flat (n.) float flood floor flour flower fly (, ) fly (a )
forest [orget forgive lork forward Is] lrame fiee freeze frequent (a.) lresh friend frigh tenIed] Iiom front lruit f.y full funIny] furniture further [/est] future game garage garoen gas gate
hcar heart heavy help hen here hide (r ) high hill hire (a ) history hit hobby hold hole holida.v hollow homeIu'ork] Idis] honcst honey hook hooray hopeIful/less] horn horse Iback/ man/shoe] hospital hostIess] hot/heatIing] hotel hour!y/-handl house how hullo nungry huntIer] hurry hurt husband hut
latcl.' laugn lar atorl la,v Iazy leadIer] (mislead) leaf' leak lean (r ) learn l e a st leather lear e lccture Ir] left[-hand ] leg leno less lesson let letter library[/ian] lid lie (n & a.) lie (a ) lift light (a ) Iight (z & r.) like (a.) Iike (a ) Iun]likely limit line lion lip list listenIer] litre little live (z'.) living-room Iun]load loaf local Iun] lockIed] long (a ) . Iook loose lose (lost) lot loud love low luckv Iuggage
lump lunch lung machine mad madam magazlnc maln make man manageIr] manners many maP marbles march m arK market[-place] marry[/iage/ied] maI matchIbox] mathematics matter may (a ) mavor meal mean (r../ measure meat medicine meetIing] melt mem ber mend merchant Inern message[/enger] metal metre midda.v middle midnioht milk[-bottle/
joke j o u r n a l i st JOUTnC\ judge Jug JUMP Just keep ke) kick kiil
t.:l --t--.. - I r r u L E r r r r l
kilometre kind (a ) kind (z ) kins kiss kitchen kite kneeIt] knife knock know ladder lady Iake lamp Iand language large I a s t ( a& z ) Iate
ice[-cream] if ill Iness] rmagrne rmportant in I to] influence Iin]fluIenza] rnJectlon ink
modern moment money monkey monthIly] moon more mornrng mosque mosqulto most mother motor[-car/ -cyclel mountarn mouse[-trap] moustache mouth move Mr[s] much mud[dy] multiply mumImy] muslc must mystenous nail name narrow nasty navy near nearly necessary neck necklace need needle neighbour neither nephew nest net never new newsIpaper] next nice nrece night!yl no nod noise/noisy none
nor northIern] nose not notebook notice[-board] now nulsance number nufse nut oar obey[/dient] occasional o'clock of off offer oflice officer o[ten oh oil old on once one (and -aza, e.g. in anyone) only open operatlon opposrte or orange order ordinary ornament other ought out outside oven overIcoat] owe ownIer] packIage] packet page painIful] paintIer] Palr pan Paper parcel
pardon Parent park part party Pass passenger passport past Parh patient (.) patient (2.) Pay pen pencil[-box] penny people perhaps Permrssron Person persuade Petrol photograph physics Prano pick Plcnrc plcture plece prg pile pillow pln pink Prpe prty place plan plant plate play[ground] Iun]pleasant pleaseId] plenty plough P.m. pocket[-book] Poem point (2.) point (u.)
port porter
Ia((' rackcI radio r ail Iing/
r( ) P ( r0s('
f0t toll
Iim]possible postIcard/man/office] post ('.) Pot pX)tato pound Pour powder practlse prarse Pray prefer prepare p r e s e n t( . ) present (t.) president press (r.) pretend pretty prevent Prlce p r r m em l n l S t e r princeIss] prisonIer] Prrvate Pnze probable produce programme promlse Pronounce proof/prove proud public pull pump punctual punish pupil pure purple purpose push Put puzzle[/ing] quarrel quarter queen question[-markJ quick qulet qurte
wayI rainll/coatl
I are rat rat lrrr raz(rf rcat h rcad rcady[-rn:rdel rcal rcal izc rcason reccnt recrtc rc( oglllz(' rccord [ -rlar cr ] reo rcfi igt'rittot relisc ( ) Iirlrc4rrlar relativc ( ) rt'nrcnllt't rcnrirrd rent repeat republic reslgn responsible rest rcstauranl res ul t retlre rcturn ribbon rlce riclr rid ride right[-hand] ring (2.) ring (r.) rrpe rlvcr road roar rock rod roll roof room root
sat k sad sal(' sail saikrr s al r rr s a l t I rI sullc sandIy I s a n d ui c l t [ d i s] s a ti s l i c d s a u (e sau('cr sausage savc saw sa)' scalcs scelrerv school[-time] sclssors scold s(ore s c o ut scratch screwId river] (unscrew) sea[-shell/sidc] season seat s c c o n d( 2 . ) secret see seed seem seldom -self/selves Iun]selfish sell send
scr)t('nce scP:Ir:rte s c tl o u s scl \ aI)t s c \( ' r : l l s e n ' li n g I s h a d c [ / yI slladow s h ak c shall sllalltln sharc sharc s rl a r P snaVc shc shcd shee.> shcct s h cl l ' slx'l I sl l i n t ' shir s h ir t slrocImakerl sho<>t shopIkeeper] shorc short slx)rts sh<-uldcr shout show shut shy sick side signIpost] signal slgnature silk silly silver slncc stncere singIcr] single sink slr slstcr
slt stze
s l i tt : slitlc s l i p Ip c rr I slopc/ l inel slorv snlall Il srrre snrile s n r r k[c / iner a rl i : l g ( ' l sn.uxth snakc
sll()\1 s0 sorl) so(k s o lt s r l t li t ' solitl sotn(' s0nl('t il les s()tt sorrul-lxxrk I s(f)n sot('
strr( crl . t ' ) s o u l) souI sorrthIt'rr Ir srarft' sparc slt'ak s p c l lI i n g ] spend spill sprt splash spoil spoonI firl ] sPort spread springItimel squarc squat stage staln stairs/stair('ase (alsct-slairs, e.g. in upstairs) stale stamP stand st a r st a r t
stanon stay stear steamIer/boat/ -engine/ship] steel steep steerI ing-w heeI ] step stick(n.) s t i c kI y ] sticking-plaster stiff srill stlng stocking stomach stone stop store[-house/ keeper/room] storm[y] story
straight strangeIr] straw stream st r e e t stretch st r l c t strlng strong stuclent study stuff stupid submarine succeed[/ess /full such suck sudden sugar[-bowl] suggestIion] suitIcase] suit (u.) sum s um m e r I t i m e ] sunIburnt/nyl rise/set/shine] supper support suPpose sure surprised[/ing]
table tablet tail tailor take talk tall tame tank rap taste taxl teaIpot] teach[er] team tear (zr) telegram telephone television tell remperature remple tennrs tent term terrible rest than thankIful/s] that/those that (con1.) the theatre then there thermometer they thick thief thin thing (also - t h i n g , eg i n nothing) think thirsty
throw thumb thunder ticket tidy tie (z and z,' ) (untie) tlger tight till (prep ) timeItable] t i n I n e d] trp t i r e d[ / i n g ] title to tobacco today toe
* a s hI i n g / l r o r r s lc
\\ astc rvatr h (z ) rratch (r ) u atcr[-lrottlc/ lall/-jue/
s h:rt !v n('('t *hcnIcr er] rvlrt'r r' (:rlso -u,lrcr, t' t! t s()lnc\lnt'l eJ rv lr t'thc r u liich w hilc w'hispe r whistlc h'hrtc who u holc uhl wicle w i c l o w I c rI wilt' u,ild will ( )
f r r n l ui l l i n g wtn u i n d I r] n rtrlou
r! Int' \\ lllg
!va\ c way werk wcar werther rvcdding wecklcnd/lr ] u eigh lvck onle well ( ) lvestlcrnl *'ct
typeIwriter] (typist) tyre ugly umbrella uncle under understand unrversrty unless until up[on] urgent use used to useful[/less] usually valley value[/able] van vanous
VASE vegetable very vlew village violin visitIor] volce volcano volley-ball voyage wages waist[coat] walt waiter [/tress] wake walkIing-stick] wall want war -wards (e g in backuards) warm warn
r v i n t e rI t i n r c I \1'r PC
tomorrow tongue tonight tonne too tool toothIpaste] top torch total touch tough towards towel tower town toy trallic train (z ) trap travel !er] traY treat tree tremble tnp trouble trousers truck true[/thful]