Inggris 1617
Inggris 1617
Inggris 1617
Rabu, 12 April 20 17 t 1 0.3 0 - 1 2.3 0)
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Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS
Nsma :
No Peserta:
Listeniug Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
Engiish. T'here are four palts to this section irilh special directions for each part.
Questions tr to 4.
In this parl of'the test. yorl will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The dialogues
and thc questions will be spoken iwice. Ther rvill not be printed in your test book, so you must
listen carefully to understand v,'hat the speakers are saying.
After y'ru iisten to tire dialogue and the qtiesiions about it, read the five possible answers, and
decide lvhich one would be the best answer to the question you have just heard. Now listen to a
sample question.
Namator : The best answer to the question "\\hat does the man think about Kathy?" is
"Kathy is a sta,rr at home woman". Therefore you should answer (D).
A. Regret
B. Congratulations
C. Syrlpathy
D. Expectatic:n
E. Hope
A. Make themselves crazy
B. Come late to school
C, Call the teacher
D. Hope and pray
E,. Miss the first lesson
A. She has met her lriend
B. She has been on the nervs
C. She has been accepted at medical faculti
D. She has become a doctor
E. She deserves to studv hard
Questions 5 to 7.
Directions: .
in this parl of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues Sfc.r3r il English, followed by
resp.r:ses :.. 're spoken twice. They
four responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the ur
will not be printed in your test book, so .vou must listen carei*il1 :ir ur jers:lri \"hat the speakers
are saying. You have to choose the best response to each ques::L'rn
r-r]-20 r 6i20 I7
t:'llak Cipta paclal'usat I'cnilaian Pt:niJiclikan-llAI Il'l];\N(i-KI)l\'11)lKIlt I)
I ililt iililililil ilti iltil ililllilil tffi llil
In this part of the test. you will hear sorne rrLrnologues spoken in English. The monologues will be
spoken twice. They ivill not be printed in r ou.i test book, so you must listen carefully to what the
speakers are saying. After: you iister ic the mr.',noiogue, look at the five pictures proviclecl in
test book, and decide r.ihich wculd be the most suitable one for the monologue you have just heard.
A. D.
tlliik ('ip1a parie l)Usal l,criilaian l,cnrlirlik*fi-{lnli l llr\NG-KF.N4l)lKBLll)
I |ilil ilillll iffi ilt iltil ililllilil til ilil
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS
Questitins l? to 15"
In this part of the rest, you will hear ser.erai mcnoiog'.ies. tracf i monologue will be spoken twice.
'l'hey will not be printed in your test book. so you imsr iisten carefuiiy to understand what the
speaker is saying.
Alier you hear the monologue and the question aboui it. read the five possible answers and decide
rvhich i:ne would be the best ansr.ver tc tiie queslion 1'oit have just heard.
A. West Nusa Tenggara (N'IB)
B. Hosting a festival in NTB
C. Corai reefs
D. The conservation destinalions
E. The envirnnmental issues
Sr\NCA'f ttAl'lASl..\
nahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS
A. A biography of General Soedirman
B. The family of General Soedirman
C. T'he death of General Soedirman
D. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian Armed Fr:rces
E. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman
A. I-iis uncle's narne was also Soedirman
B, January is the month of Maulud
C. Soedirman was shot and died in the military war
D, Soedirman died when he was relatively young
E. Soedirman died on I March 1949
r l-rl-20 r 6/20 I 7
*l lak Cipta pacia Pusat Pcniloian Pcndirlikan-llALl I l]ANC-KI:)MI)lKUl.ll)
iililtilillil tililillllililtiltffi llilfiil
S,\N{ i.{'f lti\} l;\Slr\ 10 Bahasa Inggris SMA/VIA fps
This text is for questions 16 and 17.
During the last school holidays, we spent one whole rveek in Penang. Ivfy parents, two
sisters and I left Kuala Lumpur by car.
It was a long journey and so we stafied off at 6.00 a.m. and drove along quiet roads. It r.vas
still dark and chilly. On the way, we passed rubber plantations and tin mines. I r,vas
interested in the scenery as we study about these industries in our Geograph-v lessons in
Finally, we crossed over to Penang by fbrry and reached our seaside bungalow at Batu
Ferringhi. I loved the blue sea with its gentle waves sparkling in the sun. The cocon*t
palms swayed gracefully in the breeze as though to welcome us, The sea \\'as so inviting
that, before long, we changed into our swim-suits and jumped into the cool water. I
enjoyed swimming with my family.
We spent the whole week swimming, playing on the sand-v beach and picking pretty shells
to take home besides catching tiny crabs, We also drove around the island and visited
tourist spots like the Snake Temple, the Pagoda and the Butterfly Farm. I enjo-ved the cable
train ride up Penang Hiil which I found most fascinating. Ai'ter a week in Penans. *e
retumed home.
17. When did the writer and the family reach the seaside bungalow?
A. After driving along quiet roads.
B. After crossing over to Penang by ferry.
C. Before they visited the Butterfly Farm.
D. As soon as they passed rubber plantation.
E. Before they passed the abandoned tin mines.
Ycu have been selected to attend a Focus Grorip as pa$ of lhe cctrsr,tlta1rc* perioo
Northarnpton Bcrough Council is running oE prcposed changes tc X-trcusii:S Alicc,ati*r, *r:*
Tenancy Strategy. It is very important that you attend and give ycur views on ihr nit--'irsa ' s
as they could significantly atTect the iuture of the lvay social housirig is aliaqated and
The date of the event is 1Oth May 2C17 at 5.30 p.m. in the Ccu$ R*cm, The &*rl*haii,,
and should take no more than an hour.
Il'you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate tc conta*t the
numbers above.
Yours faithfully,
Nicky McKenzie
Team Leader
F{ousing Choice 7 Resettiemenr
t]-r;-2() I6110 r 7
*f{ak Cipla pacla l}u*at ?eni laian }end idik:*-l}Al. l?A',tNC-KliMnl K,3 lJ l)
ffil tilrilfl ril lril ilrilfitil tillt illt
r tffi
Dear Nlar,v.
Florv are you? 1'm very well. I didn't i,l,rite earlier becarise I was very busy.
{ Iike m1,new }rome. It is a lovely house. I have a big bedroout looking over the garden. I
helped fulumrny paint the bedroom walls yesterday. We chose a pretty yellow colour.
A boy called Mark lives next door. He is the same class as me at school. Mark is
ver]'good at sports and English. He likes animals just like we do, but even more, l{e says
he is going to be a vet when he grorvs up.
I am still thinking about being a writer. Do you want me to send you the story I am
u'riting'when it is finished? It is all about animals having adventures.
Write back soon. I am reall-v looking fbrward to hearing all news about you and
our old neighbourhood.
24. According to the letter, how did Jenny and lIary know each other?
A. The,v are sisters.
il. T'hey are writers.
C. They lived near each other.
D. They were {i'iends with Mark.
E. They had an adventure together.
l.l-l,":(i Itt17{}I"1
r:'llnk {.:ipta paila llusat I'enilaian l'*ndidikan-llALl ll}ANC'KIil\'JI)lKtll;l)
Iilil iltilllt til illl ilill fitil fiff ilil
I tffi
sANi;A'l' R".{l tAslA
Bahasa Inggris SMA/NIA IpS
26. "l am reaily leohing forward to hearing all news ..." (last paragraph)
'fhe underlined words have closest in meaning to ....
A. watch something without becoming involved
ts. expeat something with pleasure
C. read or examine something
D. see something in the future
E. be aware of sornething
This text is for questions 27 to 30.
There are three separate sources ofhazard in the process ofsupplying energy by
nuclear power.
The radioactive material must travel frorn its place of manufacture to the power
station. Although the power station themselves are solidly built, the container used to
ffansport of the materials are not. There are normally only two methods of transport of the
materials available namely road and rail. Unfortunately both of these involves close
contact with general public, since the routes are sure to pass near, or even though, heavily
populated areas.
)rlext, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power station produce waste that
in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. it is impossible to make these
wastes non-radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that
scientists have invented. For exampie they may be buried under the ground, or dropped
into abandone<i mines. or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the
problem, since an earthquake could easily crack the containers open,
Irinally, there is the problem of accidental exposure due to leak or an explosion, at
the power station. At with the other two hazards, this is not very likely, so that it does n<lt
provide a serious objection to the nuclear program. Neverlheless, it can happen.
Separately, these three types of risks are not great causes for concenr. Cn the il&ole
the ility of disaster is still
29. I{cw does the writer argue about waste of nuclear power?
A. it is easy to burn.
B. It causes land pollution.
C. It remains radioactive forever.
D. The waste container easily leaks.
E. Natural disaster may destroy the waste storage.
Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS
34. "I{ighly ailapted fcrr iifle in the rvater, penguins have connter sl-raded dark and rvhite plumage
and their vu'ings have evolved into l1i1-.pers." (Paragraph i)
The closest meaning cf the underlineri word is ....
B. valuable
C. adjusted
D. demanded
E. depenclent
The New York City's John Deu'ey High School can be perceived as the higli school of the
future. Located in Brooklyrr. this uniqr-re school oiTers an expancled, altered course of study
flor mati:re students. The convenlional 40-r'ninute period has been replaced with 20 minute
units. so that some classes are ?A, 4A,60, or even 80 minlites long. Courses irave been
revised into seven-week units. Generaily, the teachers' attitude towards students is casual.
Pupils may utilize the cafeteria any time they have no class. Pupils pursue courses they
choose tl,emselves. The positive reaciion is anonl'mousl ever-yol1e senses that the fortunate
students at John Devrey lligh School are pioneers in the tluust to find new lvay of teaching
and learning. We salute this it:rrovative school.
t J-l]-?0 I 6i20 i 7 t'lllk (lipta purlii i'usat Pcni kLian l'cnil idikan-llAl.l l'll ANG'Kt'LI D IK ll t l i)
ffiililililillffi ilililtililtilillllffi ilil
SAN(i;\"1' RAHitSIA 17 I
Among American heroes, Lincoln was seen having a unique appeal for his fellow country
men and people of other countries. This charm derived from his remarkable life story-the
fiom the huratle origins to a dramatrc death*and his distinctively human and humane
personalitv as ra'ell his historical role as the savior olthe Union and emancipator of the
slaves. In his vier,r', the Union was r,r'orth saving not only lbr its own sake, but also because
it embodied an ideai and the ideal of self-government.
42. ". . " because it ernbodied an ideal and the ideai of self-government"(paragraph 2).
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ,...
A. attracted
B. dedicated
C. appeaied
D. represented
E, described
rj-ll-2016r?017 {:l lrrk Cipta pada Pusat Peni laian Pendid ikan-i}Alll'UANG-KIIMDl Kl}l }D
ililt illlilil tillilt tilil iltil ilffi ilil
45. According to the text, the transplantation of animal organ into human ...
A. wiitr be ineffective
B. can cause sickness
C. needs spiritual treatment
D. creates upsetting condition
E. is the disadvantage of other organs
r i-B-20 r 6t20I 7
{}llak Cipta pada Pusat |enilaian l'enrlidikan-l}Al.i'fllANC-K11,t4p1611t11)