FF 102 - Foundation Pillars
FF 102 - Foundation Pillars
FF 102 - Foundation Pillars
Psalm 11:3, Luke 6:47-49 After salvation, there must be a consistent growth in Grace and in the knowledge of God. II Peter 3:18. Hence, the need to understand the foundational truths of Christianity. There are six fundamental truths: 1. REPENTANCE FROM DEAD WORKS Dead works are those things we did before we got saved. They are activities void of the life of GOD & lead to sin. Repentance is a change of the mind & attitude leading to a change of action. The marks of True repentance are (A) Godly sorrow - 2 cor 7:10, (B) Confession of sin - 1 John 1:9, (C) Forsaking sin - Proverbs 28:13, (D) A distaste for sin - Ezekiel 20:43-44 Repentance is an attitude of the heart essential to our ongoing relationship with GOD.
An absolute trust in GOD without which we cannot please HIM. Hebrews 11:6. Every believer gets a measure of it at salvation. Romans 12:3 You develop it by; (a) Hearing GOD's word - Rom 10:17 & (b) Exercising it- Luke 17: 5&6 Through faith, All things are possible - Mark 9:23. The Just shall live by his faith - Habbakuk 2:4
3. BAPTISMS There are three major Baptisms: Baptism into the Body of CHRIST. 1 cor 12:3
Baptism in Water by Immersion - Identifying with the death, burial & resurrection of CHRIST by a public profession. Romans 6:3-4, Matthew 28:19. Baptism in THE HOLY SPIRIT. Acts 19:1-6
4. LAYING ON OF HANDS It had a lot of significance in the Old Testament a) In offerings made - Lev 1:1-4, b) For commissioning into leadership - Numbers 27:18-19, & Deuteronomy 34:9 c) For the impartation of The Blessing - Genesis 48:14-16 In the New Testament, the purpose is to: Impart Healing - Mark 16:17-18, Minister the baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT - Acts 9:17; 19:6 Impart Spiritual gifts & Blessings - 1 Tim 4:14, 2 Tim 1:6 To set people apart for Specific Assignment - Acts 13:2-3
a) b) c) d)
5. RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD It means a raising up 1Cor. 15:19-23 Some people were raised back to life in the bible (Lazarus - John 11:145, Jairus' daughter - Mark 5:35-42, The widow of Nain's son - Luke 7:11-16) THE LORD JESUS was raised - Matthew 28:6 There's coming A Resurrection known as The Rapture - 1 Thess 4:16-17 Resurrection day is Reward Day - 1 cor 3:10-15
6. ETERNAL JUDGMENT Everyone will live ETERNALLY whether with GOD or with the devil in the lake of fire. Revelation 21:1-8 We must beware of erroneous teachings on eternal judgment such as the doctrine of annihilation, purgatory & universal reconciliation. Saints will be judged (Romans 14:10-12). Sinners will be judged ( Rev 20:11-15) Your Eternal DESTINATION is determined by your FAITH in JESUSJohn 3:36 Your Eternal COMPENSATION is determined by your SERVICE - Rev 14:13; 20:12 This hope produces purity in the believer - 1 John 3:3, 1 Peter 3:15.
Assignment: In what ways do the foundation pillars structure your Christian living? NB: This assignment is to be submitted on or before Sunday