Meeting 27 Appendix C
Meeting 27 Appendix C
Meeting 27 Appendix C
DIRECTIONS: Each ofthe following sentences contains an idiom in italics. Read the sen-
tence and try to understand the idiom. Then find the meaning of the idiom in the list
that follows,and write the letter of the answer on the line.
1. Hc's holding down twojobs and attending school. He's really burning the
candle at both ends.
2. She's buying a lot of new furniture before she even has ajob. She's putting
the cart before the horse.
3. Every time he opens his mouth, he immcdiately regrets what he said.
He's alwaysputting hisfoot in his mouth.
4. He's not telling me exactly what happened. He's beating around the bush.
5. She wanted to get that man's phone number, but she wasn't sure of his
last name or where he livcd. It was like lookingfor a needle in a haystack.
6. He's alwaystoo fast and out of control on his motorcycle. He's playing
with fire.
7. She kecps asking if! was the one who was spreading rumors about her,
but I wasn't. Shc's barking up the wrongtree.
8. Hc took the bcst portions for himself and didn't leave enough for the
others. Hc's just looking Olltfor number one.
9. She's bcen working on that assignment for over two months, and I don't
think she's cver going to finish it. She's takingforeverand a day.
__ 10.. She has to go to the bank, and while she's out she'll stop and visit her
friend. She's killing two birds with one stone.
__ 11. He was admitted to Harvard, and he would have gone there but he forgot
to send in the appropriate form in time. He has really missed the boat.
12. I know that you thought that this part of the program was difficult, but
wait until you see the ncxt part. You'rejumping out of thefrying pan and
into thefire.
DEFINITI~NS-E~~rci5e.CI ...
~..:.. <.
,making a mistake. ~ :. G. missed '~n opport~nity; ..
accomplish'lng,two things at' onc~.; H~.'say!ng embariassing thin'g~.",< .
1. His only two choices are to give up his free time or to pay a lot of money,
and he doesn't like either choice. He's between a rock and a hard place.
2. She got 100 percent on the exam and the other students were below 70
percent. She's head and shoulders above the rest.
3. Every day he fixes meals, cleans the apartment, and goes to the market.
It's all in a day's work.
4. She's a well-known lawyer, a good skier, a great cook, and a painter. She's
a jack-of-<Jll-trades.
5. Every time he puts the toys away, the children just take them out again.
Keeping the house clean when the children are there is like trying to swim
6. Anytime 1 need help 1 go to her because I know she'll help me any way
she can. She's one in a million.
7. He thought he was going to have to come into the office and work on
both Saturday and Sunday, but now he doesn't have to. He's off the hook.
8. She and her classmates all have to read five chapters, write a paper, and
prepare for an exam this week. They're all in tile same boat.
9. He and his brother have the same hair. the same eyes, the same smile,
and the same expressions. They're like two peas in a pod.
-_ 10. When I saw him with an older man. Ijust knew that the man had to be his
father. He's a chip off the old block.
__ 11. She's had so much to do to get ready for the trip that she's been running
around all day. Now she's on her last legs.
__ 12. I can't think of the answer, but it will come to me in just a minute. It's on
the tip of my tongue.
1. Do you think you could help me out with the math homework? Two heads
are better than one.
2. What was it like when the announcement of the disaster came over the
radio? You could have heard a pin drop.
3. We could either go out to dinner tonight or stay home and cook. Six of
one, half dozen of the other.
4. I know you like the food at this restaurant, but Ijust don't ,\are for it. To
each his oum.
5. I got to the bank just one minute after closing time.Just my luck.
7. Don't worry about what the bossjust said to you. His bark is worse than
his bite.
A. It was really quiet. G. Badthings,are accompanied by good.,
B. It's good to work together. H. ,Youalways-want what you don't have.
C. It's been going well up to now. I. Everyone hilSa different opinion.
D. I'm not so fortunate. J. His words are worse than his actions.
E. It doesn't matter. K. . if y;'u want scm, can do it.
F. It will~e done Immediately. , L~ '..Everythingtakes tir!Je:'::; , .' . '
'.- t"' •
2. When he told his mother that he didn't need to study for the exam
because he knew he would get a good grade, his mother responded,
"DolI't count your chickens before they're hatched. "
3. When I asked my friend to do some of my work for me, she replied that I
would have to stand 011 my oum two feet.
4. You've been offered this job, and the offer may not remain on the table
for too long, so you'd better take this one while you have the chance. You
need to strike while the iron is hot.
5. When you guessed that I would get the promotion, you hit the nail right on
the head.
6. Before you accept the position, you should find out everything you can
about the company. You should look before you leap.
8. If you want to be the one who gets noticed at work, you need to dot all the
i's and cross all the t's on every task that you do.
9. You need to learn to relax. Every time there's a lot of work to do, you just
run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
II. She thinks she should confess what she did, but no one really seems
interested in knowing. Instead, she decides to let sleeping dogs lie.
__ 12. He never has to work for anything because his parents will give him
anything he asks for. He seems to have been born with a silver spoon in his