Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning (V.l. Bychkov)

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Chapter 1

Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning

V.L. Bychkov
Abstract Ball lightning is an unusual phenomenon always drawing attention of
people. There are still questions about its origination, features, interaction with
environment, and phenomena related to it. On a way of studying this phenomenon,
there are a lot of difculties, the basic of them is insufciency of authentic, scientic
data. The chapter sets as the purpose to interest the reader in the problem, to describe
conditions of ball lightning occurrence, theories, and its hypotheses explanation, to
include readers in a circle of experimental searches in creation of a ball lightning and
its analogues, and to describe fascination of a problem and difculty of its solution.
1.1 Introduction
The term ball lightning (BL) is usually applied to an autonomous, stably shining
ball-like object, which is observed in the atmosphere, and is connected usually
with the thunderstorm phenomena, and the natural linear lightning. Under the
autonomous feature, we understand its capability to move in space keeping its
form, size, and color during a time compared with its lifetime. It is one of the
most surprising natural phenomena, which on an extent of 1,000 years amazed the
imagination of people. One of the rst mentions about this phenomenon can be
found in the Flavius Josephuss book War of the Jews, written soon after 70 AD.
In it, the garnet balls on the clothes of priests symbolized BL. First meeting of
the scientists, investigating an atmospheric electricity, with BL was in 1753 [13].
Prof. G.W. Richmann was killed by stroke during a thunderstorm. He was measuring
a potential of a metallic bar, placed on a roof of his house with a help of an
electrometera metallic rod, which was placed inside the house. The rod was
isolated from the ground by a crystal glass, and a silk thread was attached to the
rod by one of its ends. He judged by an angle of the thread deection about the
value of the rod potential. In Fig. 1.1, one can see a picture of this event.
This event was soon investigated by M. V. Lomonosov. He revealed that the
reball was formed outside the house, and penetrated into the room through either
V. Shevelko and H. Tawara (eds.), Atomic Processes in Basic and Applied Physics,
Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics 68,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-25569-4 1, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
4 V.L. Bychkov
Fig. 1.1 Death of professor
G.W. Richmann after BL
impact, the picture is taken
from [1]
the door, or the window. The report of Lomonosov can be considered as the rst
qualied description of traces left by BL. Besides this event, Lomonosov knew also
other cases of BL observations; about this, he wrote in his article [4] combustion of
fats, gathered together in air. In fact, this was the rst model of BL with a chemical
source of energy. Unfortunately, Richmanns death had for a long time retarded
studies of the atmospheric electricity (including investigations of BL).
We can consider an activity of Francois Arago to be the next expression of
interest in BL. He had collected and published 30 evidences of BL observations,
explaining themas lightning energy condensation [5]. Later, BL observation cases
and its models were discussed at Paris Academy of Sciences sessions.
An important milestone in BL investigation had become the Walter Brands book
Ball Lightning, published in 1923 [6]. Brand in his book had represented 215 BL
observations from 1665 to 1919 as described by eyewitnesses and indicated main
14 features of BL.
In the twentieth century after W. Brand worked and continue to work on
BL problem many well-known scientists. They collect data on BL, analyze its
properties, and carry out experiments on generation of its analogues. First of them
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 5
was the Nobel Prize winner P.L. Kapitsa. He thought of its nature, and made the
rst plasma experiments on its origination. A hypothesis according to which BL is
fed by the radio-frequency radiation energy of thunderstorms, P.L. Kapitsa [7] has
proposed in 1955. Kapitsa with his coworkers realized a high-frequency constricted
discharge in the atmosphere of helium, argon, carbon dioxide, and air at pressure
from ten Torr to several atmospheres [8], but it proved to be a plasma, not BL.
J.D. Barry, G.C. Dijkhuis, M.T. Dmitriev, G. Egely, Ya.I. Frenkel, A.I. Grigorev,
A. Keul, J.R. McNally, I.V. Podmoshenskyi, W.D. Rayle, S. Singer, B.M. Smirnov,
I.P. Stakhanov, and many others made a considerable contribution in a solution of
this problem. Nowadays, there exists an international Committee on ball lightning
(ICBL), which was created in 1990 by S. Singer, B.M. Smirnov and Y.-H. Ohtsuki,
and which holds International Symposia each 2 years.
During the twentieth century, collecting and analysis of observations by different
investigators and research teams [915] was realized; many theories and experi-
ments were made.
However, the problem of BL is still unresolved. There are many theories of BL,
but none of them can explain all BL features. Many experiments and experimental
approaches to this phenomenon have been realized. Some of them reproduce
separate features of BL but cannot copy the phenomenon in the whole.
This chapter presents a short review of the state of the art in BL investigations.
1.2 General Ball Lightning Features
Intensive collecting of data and its analysis made in the twentieth century allowed
to create a ball lightning image with averaged characteristics. These characteristics
of BL are represented in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Average parameters of BL [16, 17]
Parameter Value
Probability of spherical form 89 1%
Diameter 2432 cm
Lifetime 916 s
Motion velocity 35 m/s
Energy 12.631.6 kJ
Energy density 1.615.8 J/cm
Color White (24 2%), yellow (24 2%), red (18 2%),
orange (14 2%), blue and violet (12 2%), others
Light ux 8002,200 lm
Light output ratio 0.142.82 lmW
Correlation with electric phenomena 70 10% BL appear during thunderstorms
Season 80% of BL appear in summer months (JuneAugust)
Decay 50 20% explosion, extinction, decay
Probability of appearance 10
6 V.L. Bychkov
Fig. 1.2 Still photograph of
falling-down BL taken during
a thunderstorm in 1935 by
Schneidermann [14]
To them, most known authors of the end of the twentieth century [11, 14, 16, 17]
added the following. BL is observed indoors and outdoors, in airplanes and near
them. It moves in horizontal and vertical directions (mostly downward). Its existence
is often accompanied with hissing, whistling, and cracking. In most cases, BL
thermal impact to objects is not revealed.
In Fig. 1.2, one can see a photo of a falling-down BL [14]. In [15], it is shown
that an oval image of BL is caused by the motion of BL during shooting. In Fig. 1.3,
we represent a still photograph of BL luminous trace from [14].
However, the collected data showed that BL can have an internal structure (as if it
is made of honeycombs, or caviar) [1113], sparks were observed inside and outside
of it [13], and it can be surrounded by a halo much greater in size than BL itself [14].
It has also gray and black colors. Sometimes, it can appear in a form of a tape or a
thread and transform it to the ball [13, 18]. In Fig. 1.4, one can see a photo of BL
with luminous laments (maybe emitted luminescent particles) [14].
BL exposes electric properties, making harmful inuence on people and animals
(similar to affection of the electric current). It often destroys electrical circuits and
devices (computers, TV, and radio sets) [1113]. In Fig. 1.5, we represent a photo
of a falling-down BL [14], the validation that this was a real BL discussed in [15].
There are well-documented cases of pepoles death [13, 19] in the result of the
electric or the thermal impacts caused by BL. Usually, these cases are biased,
questioned [14], or disregarded [11, 14, 16, 17]. According to the authors of these
papers, BL creates a path for a stroke of a linear lightning, which is the real reason
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 7
Fig. 1.3 Still photograph of a luminous trace of a moving-outdoors BL, taken by Bird [14]
Fig. 1.4 A fragment photo of
BL with luminous laments,
the photo is taken from [14]
for the harmful events. However, there are reliable evidences that these cases were
not connected with the linear lightning [13, 19].
BL can penetrate through window glasses in three ways: through existing holes,
making a hole, and without any holes, leaving small or no traces [2022]. A photo
of the hole in the glass made by BL is represented in Fig. 1.6.
New analysis of BL properties made in the twenty-rst century has shown new
BL features, and emphasized the already known, but usually disregarded. In [20, 22]
was shown that in about of 25% cases of BL observations from the close distance,
the BL impact lead to arising of res, injuries of people, and heating or melting of
8 V.L. Bychkov
Fig. 1.5 Still photo of a falling BL taken by Shagin during a thunderstorm over the black sea near
Sochi City [14]
Fig. 1.6 A hole in the glass made by BL [21]. To the right, there is a hole in the glass; to the left,
there is the disc that had fallen out the hole. Disc (hole) axes sizes are 8.2 and 7.6 cm, respectively
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 9
Fig. 1.7 An appearance of
BL from a socket [19]
The idea about a hot exible surface of BL leads also to the picture of BL in
Fig. 1.7 where the BL blowing off from the socket is represented [19]. This BL
capability is often described by the observers.
The photo in Fig. 1.8 shows a place of BL impact to the birch tree bark, which
reveals the evident thermal effect.
Basing on the available data analysis, and especially on the analysis of works
[12, 13, 15, 2224], it was concluded that BL can store large amount of energy with
the energy density up to 3 10
and more in conditions of the linear lightning
absence in immediate vicinity to BL.
Another outstanding BL feature [19,23,25] is its capability to drag heavy objects,
such as metallic roofs (with weight about 10
kg) and metallic constructions (with
weight about 10
kg), and to break large trees [26].
One has also to take into account that in a number of cases [12, 24, 26], tens or
hundreds of kilograms of slad, carbonaceous steel with slag, and rocks at the places
of large reball explosions or falls were found.
These last two features rst of all speak about a possibility of BL large
momentum and mass. These cases were known long ago and were absolutely
ignored in the twentieth century.
BL properties, described above, and a variety of its parameters dene a complex-
ity of BL phenomenon starting from the question where does it from? and what
is its composition?.
However, parameters of this phenomenon averaged over a large number of events
are not impressing, see Table 1.1. To say more, the given parameters are usually
useless when one wants to have a reliable picture of the BL phenomenon, and
prepare a new experiment on BL modeling. Collection and analysis of more than
3,000 cases of BL observations, and establishing of more than 80 BL features,
put forward a multitude of questions. Some important and interesting of them are
formulated in [15]. Majority of these features can not be included into the Table 1.1
because of its average character, as we have already indicated.
Nonimpressive average parameters of BL in the Table 1.1 have played an
unkind joke with the BL problem in the twentieth century: the most interesting
BL featureits possibility to accumulate high values of energy stopped to be
considered seriously [11, 14, 16, 17], and new investigators have lost their interest in
BL researches. There still appear voices claiming that BL is an optical phenomenon
or the effect of human perception.
10 V.L. Bychkov
Fig. 1.8 Still photograph of BL burn trace on a birch tree, taken by Yu. Kurilenkov in 2007 (with
a permission of the author)
1.3 Energy Storage in the Ball Lightning
1.3.1 Hypotheses About BL Energy Sources
From the facts of BL observation presented above, one can have a general idea of
this phenomenon. A desire of people to explain BLs nature and realize a similar
object is understandable. Since BL observations have rich history, then there is
a large number of hypotheses about its nature, many of them are discussed in
[1, 2, 1115]. On their basis, theoretical models of BL as a physical phenomenon
are under a construction. In their basis lies the information on processes, which take
place in air excited by a thunderstorm and the surrounding nature.
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 11
Concerning the hypotheses, it is necessary to note that their number is great.
With time, some of them are forgottenand then they appear again in works of
new authors with new shades. Therefore, for an explanation of BL nature, following
[16, 17], there is no sense to search for new physical principles inherent its nature,
but is reasonable to use already existing ones. It is necessary to note that BL is
a complex phenomenon, which combines at rst sight inconsistent properties, so
many existing models usually describe only the separate sides of the phenomenon.
One can stand on a view point of the corresponding model, and critically
estimate other sides of the phenomenon, using the modern scientic information
on the processes, the phenomena in the thunderstorm-excited air, and the nature
surrounding the observed object. If it leads to principle contradictions between the
used theoretical model and the observable facts, then it is necessary to conclude the
inconsistency of the model.
Let us carry out the critical analysis of the existing hypotheses connected with BL
energy accumulation. We concentrate our attention to this property most attractive
for the autonomous objects. In the agreement with the conclusions of [11], BL has
no constant external feeding with energy. Each of these hypotheses should explain,
rst of all, the energy of BL, and where it comes from. First, we divide existing
hypotheses according to the supposed energy source. Then, following [16, 17] we
can attribute possible hypotheses to one of the following types:
(1) Exotic
(2) Plasma energy
(3) Energy of excited molecular particles in the gas
(4) Electrical energy
(5) Chemical energy
Let us explain each of these types. We begin with the rst one, which we
conditionally name exotic. To this type, we have included such assumptions, in
which the BL energy is connected with dark and antimatter, X-ray radiation,, etc.
Such type of the hypotheses is discussed in [1, 11, 15], where their inconsistency is
1.3.2 BL Plasma Models
The plasma hypothesis is quite natural since BL is connected with electric phenom-
ena in the thunderstorm atmosphere, with the usual lightning, by which a plasma
is formed. An internal energy of such BL is reserved in different charged particles.
This energy is released in the processes of their recombination. Depending on a type
of the charged particles in the plasmaelectrons, ions, complex and cluster ions, or
aerosol-charged particlesthere can be different versions of BL plasma models.
We consider that the energy in the BL plasma is not constantly delivered from
the outside and the internal energy source exists. Thus, the BL temperature is
insignicant (about of 1,0002,000K).
12 V.L. Bychkov
Let us consider that according to the observation data, the noticeable density of
the internal BL energy is W
D 10
, and the average value of its lifetime
is about of 12 s (see Table 1.1).
The energy reserved in such a BL plasma is connected with the ionization of
atoms and molecules. In rough approach, the plasma energy density is
1 D N
1. (1.1)
where 1 denotes the ionization potential of atoms or molecules and N
is a number
density of the charged particles. At the concentration of the charged particles in
the plasma of 10
, created by the lightning, and the ionization potential of
atoms, or molecules of 15 eV, from the expression (1.1) for the energy density
reserved in the unit of the BL volume, we obtain the following value for the energy
density of BL
24 J,cm
As is known, the lifetime of the plasma is dened by the time of the charged particles
elimination. The analysis of [16, 17] has shown, that the recombination time of the
plasma consisting of the electrons and the positive ions, and consequently of BL,
consisting of these particles (e.g., ions of nitrogen N
and oxygen O
), is about
of 5 10
s; the recombination time of the plasma, consisting of the positive and
the negative ions, appears to be of the order of 5 10
s; and the recombination
time of the plasma containing complex ions appears to be of the order of 10
The recombination time estimations [16] of the oppositely charged aerosol particles
in air, when they approach each other due to the Coulomb attraction, and this motion
is decelerated by the friction forces in the gas, show that the recombination passes
quickly enough, with the typical time of 0.2 s.
From these estimates follows the inconsistency of the BL plasma models. Really,
a process of the charged particles energy transformation in heat at the positive and
the negative charges recombination in the plasma occurs too quickly, so appreciable
energy cannot be kept in the plasma long enough.
1.3.3 The Long-Lived Excited Atoms and Molecules in Air
Another way of the energy storage in the linear-lightning-excited gas can be
connected with a creation of a large number of the excited atoms or molecules.
Two types of the excited particlesthe metastable electronically excited atoms or
molecules and the vibrationally excited molecules- are possible in air.
The energy store in them is about the given in the formulae (1.1), or smaller.
The smallness of this energy density is true for any excited states in any gas. Even
the increase of the energy by several times, does not lead to the observed numbers
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 13
for real BL. At that, the processes with the participation of the excited atoms and
molecules at the atmospheric air pressure proceed rather quickly [27].
Therefore, those models of BL, in which the excited particles are used as the
energy source, appear to be also inconsistent by two parametersthe stored energy
and the lifetime.
1.3.4 An Electric Way of Energy Storage
To electric hypotheses, we attribute such in which the BL internal energy is
connected with the electric elds created by the charged particles. In this case, we
initially have a system of the charged particles (electrons, ions, or aerosol-charged
particles) collected in the set element of space. The energy used for placing there the
charged particles, having overcome the Coulomb interaction forces between them,
is the internal energy of the system interesting for us.
From the BL observation data follows, that it possesses rather high electric
charge. An electric eld created by the objects charge, can cause a luminescent
discharge in air. So, we have to estimate an energy of such a system.
Let us consider that the full charge of BL is equal to q, and is located in a sphere
of a radius 1
. Then, in the case the charge is uniformly distributed over the volume
of the sphere, the electric energy of the sphere is equal to [16, 17]:
1 D
. (1.2)
where c is the dielectric constant of BL material and c
is the dielectric constant of
vacuum. If the charge is uniformly distributed over the sphere surface, its electric
energy is equal to [1517]:
1 D
. (1.3)
where c is the dielectric constant of air. One can see that they are of the same order
of magnitude. At that, an electric eld strength value J is maximal at a surface of
the sphere and is
. (1.4)
As is known, at F D 27 30 kV/cm, the air breakdown takes place at the
atmospheric pressure in dry or humid air. For such an electric eld strength, the
energy density of the surface-charged sphere is W
D 2 10
. Even rise of
the electric eld on the ball surface by several orders of magnitude [15] does not
14 V.L. Bychkov
save the situation. In this case, we also come to the conclusion, that by the electric
interactions, it is impossible to explain the observable BL energy values.
Recently, Nikitin in [15] has published the concept of BL as a dynamic capacitor.
As well as other authors of modern models, he had a predecessorde Tessanwho
proposed in 1859 a BL model in a form of a spherical electric capacitor. Even at
replacement of air by an insulator with the electric eld strength 1
D 10
the energy stored in the capacity is insufcient for an explanation of the high energy
density of BL. However, a strong dependence of the energy density on the electric
eld (W
) makes it very attractive to use, namely, this electric capacitor as the
keeper of energy. The complexity consists in that in real electric capacitors the eld
pulls out electrons at the superstrong electric elds from the metal electrodes, and
in the case of BL there are no solid electrodes. Therefore, it is necessary to search
for a conguration, which existence would be supported by the moving separated
electric charges of a different sign. The author has come to the model named the
dynamic electric capacitor. In it, the electrons are located in the center, moving on a
ring orbit, and round them rotate the positive ions under the inuence of the electric
eld, created by the charge of the electrons. The author met a problem of a cover
of such BL, which protects moving electrons and ions from the collisions with the
molecules of air. He supposes, that it is created of the raindrops water during the
lightning discharge in the thunderstorm atmosphere. However, a possibility of such
a cover creation simultaneously with the starting of the charged particles torsion is
1.3.5 A Chemical Way of Energy Storage
The most ancient hypothesis of BL is connected with a chemical way of the energy
storage [4, 5].
In the case of the chemical way of the BL energy storage, its energy is released at
the chemical reactions. An elementary act of the chemical process is connected with
a tunnel transition of atomic particles, and a reconstruction of an atomic system at
a moment of the particles rapprochement. At the thermal energies, the probability
of such a transition can be very small, so there are many examples with the large
storage time of the chemical energy. The chemical way of the energy storage has
one more advantage before others, providing the high energy density, considerably
exceeding those of the electric processes and the plasma.
For a comparison, we represent values of the air energy density at the
atmospheric pressure: the energy density of the completely dissociated and half
ionized air is W
D 0.7 J/cm
[16, 17], and the energy density of air with a coal
dust concentration greater than 0.08 g per 1 g of air is W
D 3.6 J/cm
[16, 17].
One can see high chemical energy density store with respect to those of the plasma.
Even more energy is released at combustion of the solid materials. For example,
if the silicon oxidation takes place in BL of 10 cm in radius lled with 1.0 g of
the silicon, then the energy density released at the combustion would be about
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 15
D 2.2 10
, as it can be obtained from the data of [28], and it is
considerably closer to the observed BL with high energy density.
In the case of the BL huge energy parameters, one can suppose a heavy weight
of BL, and it in turn can explain the observed mechanical impacts of BL.
As the result of our analysis, in agreement with [16, 17], we come to the
conclusion that the unique way of the energy conservation in BL is the chemical
At denite application, one can start at some model features of BL, so from the
represented BL analysis we have to consider initially the ball-like, the high-energy,
rather heavy, and the long-lived object.
One of the most consistently developed model was created in works of Smirnov
[16, 17, 29]. According to his model, BL has the light aerosol framework with the
specic weight of the atmospheric air. This framework is charged, that maintains
its stability and rigidity. In the framework pores, there is a small amount of the
active substance, which represents a mixture of a fuel and oxidizer. A weight of
the active substance is by several times smaller than the weight of the framework.
The active substance inside the framework has a fractal structure, and can be
represented in a form of a large number of thin threads. The energy density of such
BL is about W
D 30 50 J/cm
, this shows that such a model cannot be applied to
the observed high-energy BL.
Articles [30, 31] have appeared to be important for understanding of a soil role
in BL origination. In [30], it was proposed that BL appears as a result of the linear
lightning stroke in the Earth. It releases high energy and creates the fulgurite area
a cavity in the Earth. In it, chemical reactions with participation of soil consisting
of sand, organic, and other components take place. A sand includes silica (SiO
in its composition. A recovery of silica to metal silicon takes place, namely, in the
C2C !Si C2CO. (1.5)
Here, C is carbon and Si is silicon atoms.
At high temperature, this leads to the formation of metallic chains, and those,
appearing in air, create a ball-like formation of the type predicted by Smirnov [29].
However, this model gives BL energy of the order of the model [29], so it cannot
explain the features of the high-energy and heavy BL.
The model recently represented in [15, 32] continues the chemical approach to
BL with the high-energy content, and it develops an approach of [30,31]. BL appears
at an impact of either a linear lightning, or a high-power electric discharge to some
melting and evaporating material. At this, hitting to some melting object a cavern
(or a fulgurite area in case of the Earth) is created. There chemical processes occur at
high temperature with the participation of metal, dust (mixture of sand and organic
particles), rust, and water vapors in the case an impacted subject is over the Earth.
Inside the soil componentssilica [16, 17], atoms, and molecules of the dissociated
organicmacromolecules including C and H
inside the Earth are participating.
16 V.L. Bychkov
At high temperature, the recovery processes of oxides take place in the cavern; they
lead to creation of a metallic powder and accompanying gases. For example, inside
the Earth they are [30, 31, 33, 34]:
!Si C2H
O. (1.6)
Here, H
denotes hydrogen molecules and H
O are water molecules. Over the earth
rust, Fe
, and other oxides can participate in the recovery processes. The cavern
with the oxide surface lled with a metallic powder and gases is created: in the
Earthdue to melting of SiO
on the surface of the cavern; over the Earthdue to
oxidizing of the melted metallic surface at interaction with oxygen of air.
At the same time, the transportation of noncompensated charge to the particles
of this cavern or a bubble takes place from the linear lightning or discharges.
It is evident in the case of the linear lightning, which carries a noncompensated
charge [35]. So, in the result of these processes, the charged sphere with the metallic
powder and gases, such as CO
and H
O inside, and the oxide cover layer outside
is created.
Being charged, this bubble, created over the ground, separates from the place
of its origination, if it has the same charge as the Earth. The linear lightning with
average parameters transfers to the Earth about 10
J [35], creating high pressure
up to several hundreds of atmospheres in the cavity. After this, an ejection of a
modied material part takes place. So, the bubble created in the earth is ejected into
air. Bubbles can be light, heavy, hot, and highly charged objects, with respect to
their composition. The oxide layer strongly decelerates an internal metal particles
oxidation due to prevention of oxygen penetration inside. The lm has a rather high
tensile strength [33, 34], so the cover can withstand development of hydrodynamic
instabilities on the BL surface. The pressure of charges on the surface is initially
compensated by the air pressure. Charged heavy objectthe ball lightning moves
in air. It does not fall down due to the Coulomb repulsion from the charged surface
of the Earth. Due to the large charge of the object, a plasma layer originates on its
surface [15]. The surface layer warms up the ball surface.
Slow combustion processes take place inside the reservoir of BL. They ensure not
only an illumination of the ball, but its explosion, when the pressure of created gases
inside the ball becomes comparable with the atmospheric one. Oxygen propagation
into the reservoir sharply increases at break of the surface. Oxidation and release of
energy takes place in different chemical reactions such as [30, 33]
. SiO
CSi !2SiO. (1.7)
The combustion takes place; the object explodes, and tears apart. For estimation
of such a BL energy density, consider BL with the mass of 10 g ensured by the Si
powder. It is in a sphere of 10 cm radius. The energy W
released at its oxidation in
air is W
D m
zQ, where m
is the mass of the silicon and zQ D 8.810
is the oxidation enthalpy of Si in air at typical combustion temperature T D2.000 K,
as it follows from [28]. So the chemical energy, which can be released at its
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 17
combustion, is about W
2.2 10
, that is even larger than the estimates
of the BL energy density given above. BL lifetime can be limited by a number of
processes, one of them the metallic powder material combustion. Absence in the
literature of necessary data for Si combustion rate constants makes us use the data
for the Al powder combustion [34]. The radial combustion velocity of Al powder
(in H
O and CO
) is V
D 510 mm/s. So, the BL lifetime estimate is 75150s,
which well ts to the observed lifetime of the large BL. We see that such BL can
have high level of the chemical energy and live rather long.
This model considers BL as the object which can be hollow and can contain
charged metallic particles inside it, that is can have the metallic core inside the oxide
cover. The objects internal substance can represent a powder. The powder can be
charged its motion inside the cover can lead to mechanical effects on BL motion
and form. This object is alike a soft exible cushion that can penetrate through
holes. Its main energy is connected with a metal oxidation, but it also possesses a
sufciently large amount of the electrical energy.
Presence of the electric charges in this object represents its essential feature,
since it determines its capability to y, and to realize harmful impact to different
electrical devices and people. So BL represents a unique joint of chemical, electrical,
and mechanical features. BL studies require additional experiments, collection, and
analysis of observation data, and eld investigations to the places of its impact to
Earth, objects, and people.
From the point of view of possible experiments, the presented model shows the
productivity of the experiments with Si, rocks, metals, and metallic particles, as well
as with natural organic materials in plasmas; some of them are discussed below.
1.4 Experimental Modeling
An attempt to understand the BL construction and create some working hypoth-
esis on its nature was accompanied with attempts to realize a laboratory model of
BL, or articial ball lightning (ABL). In the past, there were many experiments
undertaken on BL modeling in a laboratory. Some of them are described in
[1, 2, 15, 36]. Experiments were realized by different types of gas discharges or
plasma jets. It was dened by a convenience of the energy put by these means and
the appropriate energy of existing discharges and plasma jets.
Following the accepted approach, we consider experiments that model the
chemical nature of BL, when the realized long-lived object had a spherical form,
which did not change into other forms (vortex or so).
In [1, 2] there is a description of H. Nauers experiments on creation of lumines-
cent balls at gas discharges in air with admixture of hydrogen and hydrocarbons,
such as methane, propane, and benzene in concentrations somewhat smaller than
those necessary for the inammation of mixtures. The greatest effect was observed
at the application of benzene. Bright luminescent balls were observed even at
18 V.L. Bychkov
presence of tiny traces of it in the discharge chamber. At an explanation of the
experiments, the author made a supposition that the glow appears on the tangle
of thin threads, produced at benzene combustion. At that, the luminescence was
considered as the result of an organic material combustion.
One can nd descriptions of Barrys experiments with the pulsed discharge in
air with propane admixture (with inter electrode voltage of 10 kV and energy in the
pulse 250 J) in [2]. Air pressure was the atmospheric one, a volumetric propane
concentration was 1.41.8%; it is smaller than the concentration necessary for an
inammation of the mixture. In the result a yellowgreen ball appeared which
lifetime was 12 s.
In the reference [37], that ideologically continued Barrys experiment [2], the
pulsed discharge in air, was created between the copper electrodes, being at the
distance of 3 mm. At that, the discharge voltage was changed in the range 810 kV,
and energy in the pulse was 350 J. At Ethane content of 2.1% in mixture with air
red balls with a diameter 4 cm and the lifetime of 0.3 s were observed sometimes.
ABL of white color and 3 cm in diameter was observed in the discharge afterglow
during 0.8 s at addition of 100 cm
of cotton bers to the gas mixture. Appearance
of the luminescent objects were observed several times in the mixture consisting of
ethane 2.7%and 100 cm
cotton bers processed into small particles. The maximum
diameter of such an object was 5 cm, and its lifetime was 2 s.
Streamer discharges were used in [38] for a generation of ABL. For this purpose,
a Tesla generator at the frequency of 67 kHz was used. A setup of Tesla [39] was
reproduced in the smaller size [36]. The mean power delivered to the high-voltage
electrode was 3.2 kW. This electrode was covered with a piece of wax or charred
wood. It was experimentally revealed that a large number of hydrocarbon and
metallic particles, evaporated from the electrode, appeared during the discharge.
Their maximum number was observed in a small area near the electrode region
with strong electric elds (of 1020kV/cm). ABL appeared near the high-voltage
electrode as if fromnowhere because they were absent at previous frames of video
recoding. Their colors were different: red, yellow, blue, and white; their lifetime
reached 2 s and size 15 cm. In the end of the existence, ABL often exploded with a
loud bang, this effect we have to specially mark.
Tesla [39] had realized reballs by himself, their sizes reached several centime-
ters. The high-voltage electrode in his case was covered with the isolation made of
a natural rubber, and a layer of graphite powder was between the electrode and the
isolation. Therefore, particles of metal, soot, carbon, and polymer evaporated from
the electrode could take part in complicated processes of a structure formation and
To another popular investigations, one can attribute a formation of balls out of a
metallic vapor, realized at closing of contacts of powerful electric batteries [40, 41].
Sizes of ABL were of several cm, and their lifetime reached tens part of a second.
Luminescent balls of 24 mmin diameter, and the lifetime of 25 s were obtained
in [42] at short-circuit of two electrodes in water. The balls resembled drops of
melted metal burning in air. After cooling, they represented metallic spheres of
2 mm in diameter with traces of oxides on the surface in a form of thin hair.
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 19
Experiments described in [43] were devoted to creation of regions with plasma
conditions analogous realized at the linear lightning stroke to the soil, or at the
explosion in a closed space. The discharge and the plasma were created in the closed
volume of the organic tube. Then the created luminescent formation, consisting of
a mixture of the vapor, particles of the electrode material melt, and the ionized air,
went outside through a specially prepared hole, or a hole broken through in the
tube due to the pressure rise during the discharge. The lifetime of such formations
reached 57 s. They exploded after hitting an obstacle standing in front of it, leaving
traces as froma multilayered object with the melted core. Sometimes, it was possible
to nd their remains, that resembled oxidized metallic shells. This was one of few
experiments when there were detected an explosion and remains of ABL.
This direction had a development in the work [44]. It was discovered there
that different ABL structures were formed at the application of organic plasma-
forming materials and at injection of plasmas into air saturated with organic vapors.
A plasma jet from the plasma generator passed over a cuvette, keeping melted
parafn or wax at undertaking of these experiments. At that, the plasma generator
energy of about 200 J was delivered to the gas mixture during 68 ms. A video
recording had showed that the spheroid or mushroom formations were formed over
the cuvette immediately after the shoot and rose up. Their size was 1020cm,
and the temperature was T 1,5002,000K (as it was estimated by their rising
velocity), they existed up to 0.5 s. Luminescent objects in experiments [44] were
created by the plasma stream. They appeared over a cuvette with a melted wax
and a parafn even 10 min after stopping of the cuvette heating. Such a long time
of the vapors high-concentration existence proved that in real conditions gaseous
hydrocarbons can be accumulated in some local places and ignited later. Appearance
of such objects allows to explain a nature of the luminescent objects that lead to
summer forest res and are observed in coniferous forests in clear weather.
In the another experimental series in [44], with use of the capillary of 12 mm
made in a material of a complex organic mixture consisting of parafn, colophony
and milled wood with average sizes of the seed 1 0.3 0.3 mm were
obtained luminescent objects with typical visible sizes 12 cm and the lifetime
of 12 s. Several times, it was possible to nd remains of these ABL. They were
investigated with the electronic microscope, which showed their polymer fractal-
porous structure. These ABL practically completely copied descriptions of the BL
motion. They unexpectedly appeared from the channel of the plasma generator,
usually 30 ms after the plasma ow. Visually, they unexpectedly disappeared, though
the video record showed their gradual starvation during 0.30.4s. In the reference
[45], it was experimentally and theoretically was shown that analogous in sizes and
the lifetime objects were observed at burning of small particles of wood with sizes
of 12 mm. Such particles could be formed in [44] at erosion of the channel wall,
and later they could be ignited.
Abrahamson [31] has undertaken experiments on imitation of the lightning stroke
to the Earth in order to verify his hypothesis [30], as described above. He passed a
discharge current fromthe capacity 204 pF, charged to the voltage of 20 kV, through
a layer of the humidied soil of 3 mm in the thickness. The soil lled the bottom
20 V.L. Bychkov
graphite electrode; the graphite rod of 15 mm in diameter was used as the upper
electrode located at a distance of 2236 mm from the surface of an Earth layer
on the bottom electrode. Energy released during the discharge was 110 kJ, and the
charge of 1.33.4 C passed through the soil. At the highest power experiments, the
negative potential was applied to the upper electrode. Products of chemical reactions
were sucked away by a pump and deposited on the lter of quartz bers and on a
lattice of nickel. Fiber threads of 100 nmin diameter and to 7 microns in length were
found on the lter by means of an electron microscope. Chains from 25 to 120 nm in
length consisting of balls of 25 nm in diameter were found on a surface of a nickel
lattice. However, authors of [31] did not manage to realize an appearance of large
autonomous spheres similar to BL.
After papers [30, 31] several works [4649] devoted to the combustion and
explosion of porous silicon with the formation of ABL were published.
The work [46] was devoted to the explosion and combustion of nanostructured
silicon in the presence and absence of the hydrogen on its surface. Special attention
was paid to the investigation of spherical luminous structures formed in these
processes. Porous silicon layers created as a result of the electrochemical anodizing
of the single-crystal silicon were used as a source of the silicon nanoparticles.
The explosion and combustion of porous silicon samples were initiated thermally,
mechanically, electrically, and optically. For example, thermal initiation was made
by a contact heating of the sample to 900

C. Visible differences in explosive

reactions with respect to the way of their initiation were not revealed. The explosion
and combustion of porous silicon were accompanied by the origination of luminous
balls with a diameter of 0.10.8m moving with a velocity up to 0.5 m/s. The lifetime
of such objects could reach 1 s.
In [46], it was proposed a hypothesis of the appearance and development of BL.
A linear lightning striking the Earth leads to creation of silicon particles including
those whose sizes are equal to several nanometers. These nanoparticles appear in air
in the formof a fractal cluster, and are not visible until their combustion or explosion
is initiated by some impact. The hydrated silicon and humid air ensure the formation
of the hydrated plasma in the processes of the combustion and the explosion, which
increases the lifetime of such a plasma to several seconds.
However, this hypothesis based on the described experiments and the model [29]
cannot explain the high energy of the real BL and its heavy weight.
In Fig. 1.9, one can see an example of realized luminescent structures obtained
in [46].
In the work [47], were also tested the ideas of [30, 31] by vaporizing at normal
atmospheric pressure of small pieces of highly pure Si wafers by an electric
arc. The arc was generated by the interruption of the electric circuit. It realized
high temperatures sufcient to melt and vaporize the Si pieces. Authors generated
luminous balls that have long lifetime and several properties typical for natural BL.
Their initial diameters were in the range from 1 to 4 cm, and the lifetime was up
to 8 s.
We have to emphasize that the considered experimental works correlate with
recent theoretical approaches [15, 32], though they did not represent high-energy
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 21
Fig. 1.9 Articial ball
lightning produced by
thermal ignition of 100 pm
thick 1 cm in diameter doped
porous silicon: 0.5 s after
formation [46]
objects and did not reveal a mechanism of BL ying or levitating in air, and there
are doubts concerning the origination of the activated silicon in nature.
As we can see, our approach to the experimental revealing of the BL chemical
nature has allowed us to select works devoted to the analysis of the combustion
processes of different materials that can be under the lightning, discharge, and
the plasma impacts. Their combustion is accompanied with complex gas-dynamic
and radiation processes, which in many features resemble appearance of real BL.
However, there was practically absent explosions of the created ABL typical for
real BL.
1.5 Difculties of BL Investigations
There is a complexity of BL events collecting since it is connected with several
reasons. BL appearance is usually unexpected even if an observer is prepared to
it theoretically: the observer becomes excited, so he can make mistakes in the
observation details and believe in them. He can analyze it by himself, put it to
some scheme, use some known hypothesis, and to misrepresent facts. It is true for
events manifesting high BL energy, heavy weight, large momentum, and capability
to take away golden adornments, change of BL form. So, the continuation of BL
observation is required in order to eliminate ambiguity of observations, hence to
simplication of experimental and theoretical modeling.
Difculties of BL science development is strongly connected with the exper-
imental realization of the observation events. It is well understood that the BL
22 V.L. Bychkov
problem will be considered as solved only after the experimental realization of
this object, having all indicated above features. Nowadays, there are problems
with copying of BL impact to window glasses. Especially, it is true with their
penetration through glasses without clearly detected traces. Available information
about BL impact on glasses is insufcient for understanding of physical and
chemical processes that take place.
There are difculties with the experimental modeling of magnetic impact of BL
on metallic subjects. There are only few descriptions left [3, 19] and no analysis
of metals inuenced by BL. So, we do not denitely know what to model. It is also
difcult to imagine howto model BL impact on golden rings and bracelets leading to
their disappearance. We understand that we can use high-frequency electric elds,
but what else have we to foresee in experiments in order to realize these subjects
disappearance? We have to understand a mechanism of BL transformation into a
ball from a tape and back.
Generally speaking, there is a shortage of detailed observations showing how
these effects are realized by nature. So, we have to continue collection of detailed
descriptions of BL unusual events and analyze approaches to their experimental
New investigations are to be undertaken in modeling of BL appearance and
creation of luminescent objects on a base of burning metals inside oxide covers.
We have to understand and realize mechanisms of BL explosions. It is difcult
to model BL levitation, though we can charge a rubber ball by the Van der
Graaf accelerator. This can be another type of experiments. We have to continue
experiments with combusting powders and jets, especially creating them in charged
and excited states and so on.
1.6 Conclusions
In the given chapter, we have shortly looked at the BL problemas a whole. For better
understanding of this phenomenon, we have represented its photos and descriptions
of its properties.
We have presented an approach to hypotheses of BL origin which showed that
BL most probably has a chemical nature.
Some known experiments on reproduction of BL analogues are described.
They show various approaches to the experimental realization of this object and
their results. These experiments show a complicated character of origination and
elimination of the ABL of the plasma chemical nature.
Analysis of experiments demonstrates existence possibility of the ABL on a basis
of heterogeneous structures (a mixture of a gas with solid or melted components)
or an object with solid framework. They are formed at the destruction both of
organic polymeric and inorganic materials, such as Si, SiO
, SiC, Fe
, etc. In the
plasma conditions, these objects can be highly excited and represent nonequilibrium
1 Unsolved Mystery of Ball Lightning 23
electrically charged structures and melts that combust in air. Some models of this
phenomenon, which have drawn the attention of the investigators, are named.
Unlike other directions of physics where theory development is based on the
analysis of a large set of experiments with unequivocal and regularly reproduced
results, such a possibility for BL theory construction at the moment is absent.
Theories are born often in a random way, and are under the construction without
accounting of all achievements of the predecessors. In these circumstances, the
weakness consists of the BL physics.
One can conclude that BL is not only the physical phenomenon, but the
geophysical, and the geochemical as well. BL appears over and from the Earth
mainly after the lightning impact. It can be formed at its impact to metallic and
organic subjects. It can be formed during the earthquakes and the volcano activity
as well.
Therefore, laborious work on the further ball lightning data collection, on
experimental and theoretical modeling of its properties, is necessary. As a whole
the science of ball lightning has passed the long way which has led to accumulation
of this phenomenon observations, results of many experiments, and theories. It has
shown that this complex physical phenomenon is connected mainly with chemical
and electric processes accompanying them in the atmosphere, over and in the Earth.
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