LP Mam Tambong

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Aklan State University College of Teacher Education Banga, Aklan

Requirement in Educ. 17

Technology 2)

Lesson Plan with ICT Integration

Submitted by: Rhea Mae I. Crisosto Justine Marie G. Lagunday Gladys D. Guiller Ivan R. Bombales John Kevin A. Inolino Joanna Pearl T. Ambay Bienvenida Oquendo Submitted to: Mrs. Clarita Tambong Professor

Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Lesson Topic: Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: determine the various formulas used in solving for the perimeter and area of plane figures; value the importance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the development of Mathematics; apply what they learned in situations which may need such.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures b. References: Geometry by De Leon, C.M., p. 27-35. c. Materials: software, computer with Internet access, LCD projector, blackboard. chalk, book

III. Procedure/ Instructional Activities: a. Prayer

Teachers Activity Good morning class! Before we start with our lesson, let us first ask the guidance of the Lord. Everybody, stand. Students Activity Good morning maam! (Everybody will rise and recite a prayer.)

b. Checking of Attendance
Teachers Activity This time, Im going to check your attendance. Say present if your name is Students Activity (The student says present if his/ her name is called.)

called. c. Unfreezing Activity Teachers Activity Class, do you want to have any unfreezing activity? Who can volunteer? Yes maam. Students Activity

(one student will volunteer.)

Learning Math is Really Fun (to the tune of Planting Rice) Learning Math is really fun New ideas every time Counting numbers now in mind Solving problems one by one. I love Math, you love Math Mathematics makes us smart I love Math, you love Math Mathematics is our life. We Love Math!!!

Lets Count!!! One and one Two Two and two Four Three and three are Six for me Four and four Eight Five and five Ten Little fingers in my hand. (Repeat once more)

d. Review of the Past Lesson Teachers Activity Before we proceed to our new lesson, we will first have a review on what we had discussed yesterday. 1. A ______ is a solid bounded by flat surfaces that form polygons. 2. It is a point where two or more edges intersect. 3. It is a polyhedron whose bases are congruent and parallel and whose lateral faces are parallelograms. Yes maam. Students Activity

It is a polyhedron, maam.

Maam, it is called vertex.

That polyhedron is a prism, maam.

4. A _____ is a polyhedron with a polygon as base and triangles as lateral faces. 5. It is a solid with a circle as base and all line segments from the circle intersect at a fixed point called the vertex.

It is a pyramid, maam.

Maam, that solid is called a cone.

e. Motivation Teachers Activity Students Activity

f. Lesson Proper Perimeter The formula for finding the perimeter of plane figures can be determined by using the appropriate formulas. Perimeter of a Triangle Example: A triangular piece of paper measures 8cm, 12cm and 15cm. What is the perimeter in centimeters of the piece of paper? Perimeter is the sum of the measures of the lengths of the three sides.

P=a+b+c = 8 + 15 + 12 = 35 cm (perimeter of the paper)

a = 8cm

c = 12cm

b = 15cm

The perimeter of a triangle is P=a+b+c

Perimeter of a Rectangle Example: A rectangular tablecloth has a width 1.5m and a length of 2.8m. How many meters of lace trimmings should be bought to make its borders? The figure shows that the perimeter of a rectangle can be determined by adding twice its length and twice its width. Thus, P = 2L + 2W = 2(2.8) + 2(1.5) 1.5 m = 2(4.3) = 8m (needed for the lace trimmings)
2.8 m

The perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2L + 2W

Perimeter of a Square Example: A decorative matt is a square. One side is 45.5cm. How long an edging is needed to put borders on it? The figure shows that a square has four equal sides. Its perimeter can be found simply by multiplying one side by four.


The perimeter of a square is P = 4s

Notice that for every type of polygon, finding the perimeter is simply measuring the distance around it or using a more convenient formula.

Circumference of a Circle


2.6 m


Example: The diameter of a coin is about 2.6cm. Find its circumference.

The circumference of a circle is expressed in terms of (pi) approximately equal to 3.1416. it is equal to d where d is the diameter of the circle. Thus, the solution to the problem is, C = d = 3.14 x 2.6 = 8.164 cm 9the circumference of the coin)

The circumference of a circle is C = d or C = 2r


The amount of surface in a region is its area. The area of any two dimensional figure can be determined by imagining its surface completely filled with square regions called square units. Area of a Rectangle Example: A glass top of an office table has a length of 105cm and width 61cm. What is its area?

61 cm

A=LxW = 105 x 61 = 6405 cm2 (area of the glass top)

105 cm

The area of a rectangle is A=LxW

Area of a Square Example: A room which measures 5.5m on its side is to be finished with vinyl tiles. How many square meters is to be covered with tiles? A = 5.5 x 5.5 = (5.5)2 = 30.25 m2 (area of the room)
5.5 m

The area of a square is A = s2

Area of a Parallelogram Example: A rice field is in the form of a parallelogram. If its base is 38m and its height is 25m, how many square meters can be planted with rice?

Thus, A = 38 x 25 = 950 m2 (area of the rice field)

38 cm

The area of a parallelogram is A=bxh

Area of a Triangle Example: The sides of a roof are triangular in shape. If each side has a base which measures 6m and an altitude which measures 3.2m, what is its area? A = (6 x 3.2) = (19.2) = 9.6 m2 (the area of the triangular roof)
h = 3.2 cm

b = 6 cm

The area of a triangle is A = (b x h) Area of a Trapezoid

5 cm

Example: Find the area of a trapezoid whose altitude is 8cm and whose bases are 10 cm and 5 cm, respectively.

8 cm

Thus, the solution is, A = (8) (10 + 5)

10 cm

= 4 (10 + 5) = 60 cm2 (area of trapezoid)

The area of a trapezoid is A = h (b1 + b2)

Area of a Circle Example: Find the area of a circle whose radius is 3 cm.

Solving the problem, A = r2 = (3)2 = 9 m2 or 28.27 m2 (area of circle) The area of a circle is A = r2

3 cm

IV. Application/ Evaluation: Find the perimeter/ circumference of each plane figure. 1. a circle with r = 7.1 cm 2. a square with s = 2.8 cm 3. a triangle with sides 3.84 cm, 6.23 cm, and 5.6 cm 4. a rectangle with l = 24.5 cm, w = 17.61 cm 5. a circle with d = 52 mm Find the area of the plane figures; 1. a parallelogram with h = 4.6 cm, b = 8.8 cm 2. a triangle with b = 5m, h = 2.5m 3. a circle with r = 0.16cm 4. a square with s = 325mm 5. a rectangle with l = 0.92m, w = 0.76m

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