Private, Public and Global Enterprises

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Private, Public and Global Enterprises Testing 1 (Direct questions)

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

8. 9.



Explain the meaning of Business Organisation. Give the classification of Business Organisation. What do you mean by Private sector organisation? Explain its features. Define Public Sector Organisation / Public Enterprise. What are the features of Public Sector Enterprises? Show the classification of Public Sector Enterprises. What do you mean by Departmental Undertaking? Explain its features. Define Statutory Corporation. What are the merits and demerits of Statutory Corporation? Define Government Company. Explain its merit s and demerits. State the changing role of Public Sector OR What are the achievements of Public Sector in the Post independent era? What do you mean by the term Global Enterprises / MNCs? Explain the features of MNC. What is Joint Venture? Explain the features of Joint Venture.

Distinguish Between:
(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Private and Public Sector Organisation: Compare Departmental Undertaking, Government Company. Joint Venture and Partnership. Government Company and MNC.




State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

The main aim of private sector is to render services to the public. Public enterprises are owned, managed and controlled by public. Multinational Companies have branches throughout the world. Government Company is registered under special legislation. Public enterprises have public accountability. Depart mental organisations have right to borrow funds from outside. Statutory Corporations need not follow the Companies Act. 1956.

Government Companies enjoy legal status. (9) Government interference is more in public sector enterprises. (10) Multinational Companies help the host companies. (11) Joint Venture is a business agreement in which par ties agree t o develop for an infinite time. (12) Joint Venture increases Entry Risk for any foreign company.

Testing II Select the correct option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences.









Public sector enterprise is owned, managed and controlled by _________. (a) Individuals (b) Government (c) Board of Directors Private Enterprises invest their funds in ________. (a) Areas of social benefit. (b) Areas where return is maximum (c) Any area. Atleast ______ of the capital of Government Company is held by the Government. (a) 51% (b) 71% (c) 50% Government Company is registered under _______. (a) Special legislation (b) Indian Companies Act 1956. (c) Government Company Act. Government companies have _______ status. (a) Legal (b) artificial (c) natural Public enterprises are financed by __________ . (a) Government (b) private businessmen (c) Political leaders. The nature and power of a statutory corporation is defined in ________. (a) Indian Companies Act 1956. (b) Special statute (c) prospectus Multinational Corporations have a network of subsidiaries in ________. (a) Several countries (b) home country (c) state only A multinational Corporation is also known as ________. (a) Global corporation (b) regional corporation (c) national corporation

(10) MNC

Corporate _______. (a) In only one country (b) in developed countries (c) all over the world (11) Joint Venture is a _________ partnership. (a) Temporary (b) permanent (c) infinite time (12) ________ is formed by a Special Act of Parliament. (a) Private Enterprise (b) Government Company (c) statutory corporation (13) Public enterprises are generally not run on _________. (a) Service motive (b) commercial lines (c) profit motive (14) _______ is an example of Public Corporation. (a) Post and Telegraph (b) LIC (c) BHEL (15) _______ is an example of departmental undertaking. (a) LIC (b) Reliance (c) Post and Telegraph (16) A ________ is formed by both the government and the public. (a) Private Sector (b) Public Sector (c) Joint Sector (17) ______ is the oldest form of Public Sector Organisation. (a) MNC (b) Government Company (c) Departmental Undertaking (18) Departmental organisations are accountable to _________ for all their actions. (a) Government (b) Ministry (c) Public (19) The technological gap between the developed and developing countries is bridged by the _______ . (a) MNC (b) Government Company (c) Private enterprises. Match the following pairs: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Group A Departmental Organisation Statutory Company Multinational Company Public Sector Enterprises Joint Venture (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Group - B Private Sector Operates globally Profit oriented Object based agreement Service oriented Established by passing a Special Act

(g) (h) (i) (j) Fill in the Blanks and rewrite the sentences:

Government Company Sole Trading Owned by Government Temporary partnership

The main aim of private sector enterprises is to earn _______ (2) The main aim of public sector enterprises is to render __________. (3) Profit maximization is the ultimate goal of ______ sector. (4) Departmental organisations are accountable to _____ for all their actions. (5) Departmental undertakings are a source of revenue to ________ treasury. (6) Reserve Bank of India is an example of ______. (7) A Government Company is formed and registered under _______. (8) A Company which is incorporated in one country and has business units in several countries is called ________. (9) A Government company may be a private limited company or a _______. (10) Post and Telegraph is an example of _________. (11) A Company formed by passing a special act in the Parliament or Legislature is a ________ company. (12) Due to Joint Venture, the benefit of local _____ can be taken. (13) Joint Venture is also called _______ partnership (14) MNCs have the need of _______ capital (15) MNCs use advanced technology and ______ management.

Suggest one word or commercial phrase for the following:

(1) (2)

(3) (4) (5)


A temporary partnership in business. A company which is incorporated in one country and has business units in several countries. A company formed by passing a special act in the Parliament or Legislature. Partners in a Joint Venture. All business enterprises owned and controlled by private enterprises or individuals or group of people. Name the two Departmental Organisations.


A company where 51% of the paid up capital is held by the Central or State Government.

Distinguish Between
(1) (2) (3)

Statutory Corporation and Government Company. Statutory Corporation and Departmental Organisation. Government Company and Departmental Organisation.

Write short answers for the following: How are Government companies useful for economic development? (2) What are the features of public sector? (3) What are the features of private sector? (4) What are the merits of private sector? (5) What are the features of Statutory Corporations? (6) How Departmental undertakings are useful? (7) Explain the features of Joint Ventures. (8) Explain the benefits of Joint Venture. (9) What are the merits and demerits of Departmental Undertaking? (10) What are the features of Government Company?

Answer the following questions in detail:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

What is meant by private sector? Explain the importance of private sector. What is Departmental Organisation? Explain its importance. What is Statutory Government? Explain its features. What is Multinational Company? Explain its features. What is Joint Venture? Explain its benefits. Explain the different forms of Public Sector Enterprises. And then explain the meaning of few points of features of all forms of PSE.


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