Deadworld Cyberpunk 2021

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Deadworld: Cyberpunk 2021

For those of you who may not be familiar with the Cyberpunk world, basically it is an alternate timeline that starts in 1992 with the birth of cybernetics. The US falls apart for a while and goes under martial law. Corporations begin to take over the infrastructure, and millions of people die in chaos and famine. By 2020, things have stabilized somewhat with a smaller population. The US still exists, but some states are now Free States, paying lip service to Federal law. Corporations own much land and have great influence. Groups of people, called Nomads, wander the country, working where they can and scavenging where they can. The Net is much more powerful, but many of its wonders can only be seen by Netrunners, those people who mesh mind with machine and work a magic, of sorts. Wars in Central and South America have given rise to a generation of Solos, selling their combat skills to the highest bidder. Cops work their jobs, with new weapons and armor. In response to the long years of want, Fixers have risen up, selling goods and services on the black market. Medias and Corporates vie for power and influence with Rockers, those self-proclaimed musical voices of the technological peasant class. Techies and Medtechies make the cyberware and sell the drugs, repair the weapons and build the tools to make the tools of daily life. Urban sprawls are like a target- the Bullseye of the Corporate District, surrounded by a wasteland called the Combat Zone, followed by a belt of Corporate-owned and Solo-policed suburbs. Housing isn't a given. Oil is scarce. Life is cheap. Television is everywhere. The base unit of currency is the Eurodollar, or Eurobuck (EB), equal to two US dollars. Pure water costs 2 EB a liter, but 1 EB will buy you a magazine of 9mm caseless ammunition. This is the world of Cyberpunk. In late 2020, four of the world's biggest corporations entered into a mammoth deal. Biotechnica, the world's largest purveyor of bioware and CHOO2H wheat (vital, as CHOO2H powers the world's engines), sold Militech (world's largest arms manufacturer and mercenary provider), Arasaka (world's largest security company, also does arms and banking), and Petrochem (world's largest oil producer and CHOO2H farming company) with Bioware for every employee in exchange for billions of EB. This deal was echoed all over the world, as police departments fought for the rights to the same bioware. SovOil, the second largest oil producer and the virtual controller of the former USSR, provided their own deal with many of the European Corporations such as IEC, EBM, and Orbital Air. Unfortunately, Biotechnica and SovOil were using a similar process to create the tons (literally) of bioware needed to complete the deal. Someone (most people blame Netrunners) put a virus into the quality control computers. Though different errors occurred, the final effects were similar. Tests showed the bioware had the exact effect wanted- MuscleBone Lace (Str, Con +2) and Skinweave 12 (AV 12), and had the beneficial side effect of repairing damage to either system. The Corporations benefiting from the deal were pleased, and had every employee outfitted with the new bioware by the end of 2020. The excess bioware was sold to the general public, with millions of ordinary citizens now able to get their hands on these vital enhancements. It wasn't until 2021 until Biotechnica discovered the full extent of the error. The nanomachines that worked inside the body to build the bioware weren't stopping with the changes to skin, bone, and muscle. Nerve tissue was being modified as well. By the time they figured this out, it was already too late. Millions of people all over the world began to go nuts, killing those without the bioware and feasting, not responding to anything at all. Blows to the head no longer stopped them- even when clinically dead the nanomachines would drive the body on. Luckily, the cyberware worn by these 'Bio-Zombies' ceased functioning unless the person was hooked up to a system that could provide power- such as a Cyberdeck, a cyber-controlled vehicle or machine, or a smartgun. The Net became as much of a battlefield as the real world. Worse yet, any bioware besides the Muscle-Bone Lace and Skinweave was taken over by the nanomachines. The 'Bio-Zombies' displayed a voracious appetite for human flesh- specifically organ tissue, emphasis on kidneys, liver, and the pancreas. Worse, they did not target other 'Bio-Zombies', knowing somehow that their organs weren't nutritious. The Bio-Zombies displayed the intelligence of a predatory animal, and learning ability. Some even kept the skills they had in life.

The only positive aspect was that there were still millions of people not infected with this bioware. Unfortunately, they were generally those too poor to afford the bioware or those who had personal reasons for avoiding bioware, such as religious beliefs or philosophy. The CMs are of this mass of surviving humanity. Most urban areas have been taken over, but several chunks of the Combat Zone survive on. Nomad packs have swelled. Another positive aspect is that Biotechnica and SovOil destroyed their production facilities, preventing any more batches of the tainted bioware from making their way to the market. Research has begun on ways to combat this menace and, if possible, cure it.

Bio vs. Cyber: CMs are gangers living in the Combat Zone. Emphasis is on survival and looting the abandoned zones, avoiding cyberpsychotics, getting more cyber put in, and dealing with Bio-Zombies. Cold Hard Science: CMs are scientists and Corporates ordered to study the phenomenon. Getting sample Bio-Zombies won't be difficult- dealing with Biotechnica's legal staff will be. Other Corporations will try to kidnap the CMs for their own research teams. Grape Nuts of Wrath: CMs are Nomads and city folk fleeing the urban areas. They must now find a place to hide and survive. Opponents include the Bio-Zombies, other Nomads, and Corporations who don't take kindly to trespassers.

Biotechnica Bio-Zombies
Power: Str:6 Dex:2 Con: 4 Int:1 Per:1 Will: 2 DP: 20 Spd: 4 EP: 12 Attacks: Teeth 1d4x6, Weapon Skills: Brawl 2, Hand Weapon (any) 2 AV 12, Damage Resistant Weak Spot: Spine (5) (improved by the nanomachines) Getting Around: Life-Like (3) Strength: Strong like Bull (5), Damage Resistant (5) (all attacks do half-damage) Senses: Like the Dead (0) Sustenance: Daily(0), Sweet Breads (-3) Intelligence: Tool Use 1 (3), Animal Cunning (4), Long-Term Memory (5) Spreading the Love: Nobody Loves Me (-5) Specials: Regeneration (5) 1 DP back/Turn Biotechnica Bio-Zombies are the result of a horrible programming error in the nanomachines used to create Skinweave and Muscle-Bone Lace. The two blocks of nanomachines somehow gained programming priorities involving spine and nerve tissue. Among the errors was a fault resulting in the degradation of pancreatic action and liver failure. Other errors resulted in the creation of effective Decentralized Hearts and an effective backup brain in the spine. Blow the head off of a Bio-Zombie and it'll keep coming- chop the head off and it'll keep moving for a while. The mind is either subsumed or destroyed by the Bio-Zombie bioware. Bio-Zombie Netrunners seem to go insane while online, attacking with all of their skill. Most Bio-Zombies, however, stick with knives and clubs, ambushes and simple traps. Most cyberware becomes inactive rapidly once the Bio-Zombie Bioware starts its process. Cyberlimbs may work for up to 12 hours after the full 'Zombie Process' has ended. Implants and devices that work by muscle action (such as most implant weapons, Adrenal Boosters) and so on will work normally. Boosterware stops working instantly- the spinal system is modified too greatly for the neural boosters to have any effect. Cyberaudio will work up to 12 hours after the Process ends. The same applies to Cyberoptics. Implant cell phones and other devices which have their own power supply will work on their own, though the Bio-Zombie may not think to use them. The incessant ringing of an implant cell phone has warned many a survivor of the approach of a Bio-Zombie.


Str 4 Dex 3 Con 3 Int 1 Per 1 Will 2 LPS:47 EPS: 33 Spd: 12 EP: 14 Qualities: Hard to Kill 3 Fast Reaction Time(2) Drawbacks: -6, chosen from: Adversaries Status Attractiveness Charisma Addictions

English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 2 Brawl 5 Dodge 4 Hand Weapon (cyber) 5 Guns (Pistol) 4 Hand Weapon (knife) 2 Hand Weapon (club) 4 Streetwise 4 Intimidate 4 Surveillance 2

Equipment: Armored vest, pants. Handgun. Large knife. Tattoos. Stench. Cyberware Preferences: All. The more cyberweapons and limbs, the better. Blades a bonus. Boosterware practically mandatory. Personality: Yeah! All right! No Cops on the streets to keep us from meat! Nobody telling me I can't pack as much of that lovely cyberware into my body as possible. Zombies? Who cares? You're all a bunch of zombies anyway! Nice camera. Gimme! Quote: "Gimme!"

Norm Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2 Int 2 Per 3 Will 3 LPS:29 EPS:23 Spd10 EP 14 Qualities: Hard to Kill 1 Nerves of Steel Status 1 Drawbacks: -6, chosen from Humorless Adversaries Zealot Delusions Cruel Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 4 Knowledge (Police Procedures) 4 Guns (Pistol) 4 Hand Weapon (Baton) 4 Brawl 4 Dodge 4 Knowledge (Education) 4 Questioning 2 Streetwise 2 First Aid 2 Drive (Car) 2

Equipment: Body armor, helmet, Handgun, Baton, Headset Radio, Police car. Cyberware Preferences: Bioware, Boosterware, and Smartgun Link. Personality: In 5 years on the Force I've taken down Cyberpsychos, Boosters, crazed Corporates, drug-happy Posers, nuts in Power Armor. Nothing like these Zombies, though. Must have lost half of my precinct the first night. 'Course, now at least all the perps aren't on the streets.

Quote: "Dead or alive, you're coming with me!"

Norm Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 3 Per 2 Will 3 LPS:26 EPS:26 Spd:8 EP: 14 Qualities: Resources 2 Contacts 2 Status 1 Drawbacks: -6, chosen from Adversaries Secret Cruel Delusions Emotional Problems Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 4 Knowledge (education) 4 Haggling 4 Smooth Talking 4 Bureaucracy 4 Writing (Business) 2 Computers 2 Acting 4 Research 4 Streetwise 2 Brawling 2

Equipment: Armor vest, Business suit, Cell phone (headset), Watch, Laptop, briefcase. Solos as bodyguards. Cyberware preferences: Comm gear. Anything to get the edge. Personality: When I signed the contract Arasaka promised full security. Then the dead starting coming back, so I figured I was one of the few safe people. Then I remembered all the Bioware our Boys in Black had, so I took off, called some buddies, got myself extracted. Now I'm with Militech, looking to deal with the problem. Hey, the pay's good. Quote: "I'm not paying for your conscience- just do the job."

Norm Str 2 Dex 3 Con 2 Int 2 Per 3 Will 2 LPS: 26 EPS: 23 Spd 10 EP 14 Qualities: Contacts 5 (all over) Drawbacks: -6, chosen from: Adversaries Status Resources Addiction Cruel Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Haggling 4 Intimidate 4 Smooth Talking 4 Streetwise 4 Guns (Pistol) 2 Brawl 2 Dodge 4 Notice 4 Surveillance 2 Lock Picking 2 Hand Weapon (Club) 2 Writing (Forgery) 2

Equipment: Cell Phone, Headset, armored outfit, Handgun, Armored trench coat, laptop.

Cyberware Preferences: Comm gear, Boosterware, chipware sockets. Personality: So what do you want? Drugs? Name your poison. Cyberware? What and where? I've got it all. Half the illegal doctors in this city know me by name. Same goes for the gang lords, the weapons dealers, the Boosters, the Chromers, and the Posers. When the Dead started walking, I was the first to start selling space in my safe houses and Solos for protection. Quote: "You want it, I got it."

Norm Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 2 Per 3 Will 3 LPS: 26 EPS: 26 Spd: 8 EP: 14 Qualities: Status 1 Charisma 2 Contacts 2 Drawbacks: -6, chosen from Adversaries Zealot Emotional Problems Resources Secret Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 4 Knowledge (Education) 4 Streetwise 4 Writing (Journalism) 4 Questioning 4 Research 4 Storytelling 4 Smooth Talking 4 Electronic Surveillance 4

Equipment: Camera, armored trench coat, recorder, laptop computer, cell phone. Cyberware Preferences: Comm gear, chipware socket, cyber-camera. Personality: The biggest story of the month and who's alive to see it? Biotechnica must have planned this all along. I was out on atrocity duty- flying over the streets looking for Booster fights, anything to fill out a slow news day. I got the first footage in- bunch of zombies gnawing on some Zeroes in Lake Park. By the time I'd sent in the video, though, they'd already seen it. I lost two Solos that day. Quote: "Smile! The world's watching!"

Norm Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 3 Per 3 Will 2 LPS: 26 EPS:23 Spd: 8 EP: 14 Qualities: Status 2 Nerves of Steel Drawbacks: -6, chosen from Addiction Resources Attractiveness Charisma Secret Delusions Equipment: Cell phone, Medic gear, Armored jumpsuit. Cyberware Preferences: Comm gear. Personality: Don't look at me for answers. All I know is two hours after Biotechnica made their announcement the dispatch board shut down with calls. 48 solid hours of work- fighting off the walking dead while trying to save people's lives. Watching as a DOA began to claw its way out of the body bag. Luckily none of us were infected or had any of the poisoned cyber. No, I'm not looking for 'the cure'. I'm looking to stay alive. Quote: "Could you get this zombie off of me? I'm trying to save a life here." Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 4 Medicine 4 Knowledge (Education) 4 Sciences (Chemistry) 2 Sciences (Pharmaceuticals) 2 Bureaucracy 2 Sciences (Physiology) 2 Engineer (Cybernetics) 4 First Aid 4 Humanities (Cyber-Psychology) 4

Norm Str 1 Dex 3 Con 2 Int 3 Per 3 Will 2 LPS: 22 EPS 20 Spd 10 EP 14 Qualities: Fast Reaction Time (2) Contacts 3 Drawbacks: -6, chosen from Status Attractiveness Charisma Delusions Clown Reckless Showoff Equipment: Cyberdeck, Cell phone, Laptop, Armored outfit, Programs. Cyberware preferences: Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Electronics 4 Computers 4 Computer Programming 4 Computer Hacking 4 Knowledge (Cyberspace) 4 Notice 4 Knowledge (Education) 4 Research 4 Electronic Surveillance 4

Cyberdeck jack, interface plugs, comm gear. Personality: God, I hate not being on the Net. I move so slow. Plus, Solos and other muscle-bound dorks shoot things at me. I'm a turtle. Online, though, watch out! I'm the Codeslinger, the console cowboy, the God of getting the data you need. Not that any of it does any good when a zombie's gnawing on your liver in the middle of a hack. I lost too many friends that way. Well, ok. I knew of too many Netrunners getting killed that way. So now I hired a Solo to watch me while I run. Quote: "Obsolescence is death!"

Norm Str 2 Dex 3 Con 3 Int 2 Per 2 Will 2 LPS: 30 EPS: 26 Spd: 12 EP: 14 Qualities: Hard to Kill 2 Resistance (Fatigue) 2 Contacts 1 Drawbacks: -6 chosen from Obligation Status Resources Adversaries Equipment: Tool kit, motorcycle, rifle, large knife, armored trench coat. Personality: So, you statics want to finally join us, eh? Fine. Leave all of that useless stuff behind. Stock up on water and food. If you don't use it, leave it. Yes, it's hard. It's hard for all of us. But it's a life, and if you want to live you'll come with us. Quote: "Move out" Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 4 Dodge 4 Guns (Rifle) 4 Brawling 4 Drive (Motorcycle) 4 Drive (Truck) 4 Survival 4 Mechanic 4 Brawl 2 Hand Weapon (Knife) 2

Norm Str 2 Dex 4 Con 2 Per 3 Int 2 Will 2 LPS: 32 EPS: 23 Spd 12 EP 15 Qualities: Fast Reaction Time (2) Hard to Kill 2 (2) Drawbacks: -6, chosen from: Status, Attractiveness, Adversaries, Charisma, Resources Cruel Honorable Humorless are also common Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Guns (pistol) 4 Guns (SMGs) 4 Guns (Assault Rifles) 4 Martial Arts 2 Hand Weapon (Knife) 4 Notice 4 Stealth 4 Craft (Gunsmith) 2 First Aid 2 Dodge 4

Equipment: Caseless handgun, large knife, armored trenchcoat, boots, black outfit, SMG. Ammunition. Cyberware Preferences: Boosterware Implant weapons Smartguns Personality: "Frag it! I don't care what it looked like. That Booster wasn't a Booster, and you know it! Damn stupid Corporates. I don't know why I took this damn job in the first place. Here I am, after ten years of learning on the Street how to hunt and kill in the urban jungle, protecting a bunch of Corps and Net-geeks from get this, the living dead! Yes, it's been a bad day. Quote: "You want him dead? Then cough up, pal. Lead ain't free."

Norm Str 2 Dex 2 Con 2 Int 3 Per 3 Will 2 LPS: 25 EPS: 23 Spd: 8 EP: 14 Qualities: Resources 1 Contacts 2 Photographic Memory Drawbacks: -6 chosen from Attractiveness Charisma Status Emotional Problems. Equipment: Armored jumpsuit, tech tool kit, cell phone, goggles. Skills: English 5 Streetslang 2 Notice 4 Mechanic 4 Electronics 4 Electronic Surveillance 4 Craft (Weaponsmith) 4 Engineer 4 Computers 4 Demolitions 4 Instruction 2 Haggling 2

Cyberware Preferences: Chipware socket, machine/tech link, interface plugs. Personality: Sounds like you managed to break it. A Militech Arms Laser Cannon, and you broke it. Don't tell me; it ran out of power so you used it as a club. Didn't I tell you this stuff is delicate? Now give me a couple a minutes and I'll swap in a new power pack and see if I can't get that crud out of the firing lens. What is that- zombie brains? God. Quote: "Of course I can fix it."

Cyberpunk 2020 Weapons and Technology Conversion

Armor: Use the same listings as the armor types in AFMBE, but use the maximum AV. 'Metal Gear' would be Class IV Body Armor. The 'Light Armor Jacket' would be Class II, protecting the Torso and Arms. The Medium would be Class IIIa, and the Heavy would be Class III. The Kevlar T-Shirt is Class IIa. Heavy Leather is treated as Leather Jacket, (AV 4). Flak Pants, Vest, are Class III. Doorgunner Vest is Class IV. Armored Clothing can use the listed value from Chromebook 4, or be assumed to be Class IIa. Weights are unchanged. Weapons: Use the statistics in AFMBE for all weapons and ammunition, save for the exceptions listed here. Double maximum Capacity for caseless weapons. Electrothermal Weapons have the Capacity of brass-cased weapons (listed Capacity) but have the Multiplier increased by 2- thus, a .45 Electrothermal weapon would do D8 x 6, equal roughly to a .30-06 Rifle. Use the Range characteristics of High-Velocity Handguns for Electrothermal weapons. Electrothermal weapons can only be semi-automatic. New Caliber Damage listings: Handgun/SMG: 5/6mm: D4 x 3 11mm: D8 x 4 12mm: D8 x 5 Heavy Weapons: Barret-Arasaka Light 20mm: D10 x 6 AP, damage that gets through is doubled Scorpion 16 SAM: D8 x 12 AP, damage that gets through is doubled Militech RPG-A: D6 x 12 (GZ)/D6 x 10 (GE)/ D6 x 6 (MR) C6: D10 x 10 (GZ)/D10 x 8 (GE)/D10 x 6 (MR) Microwavers do 1d4x2 dmg, range as a Handgun. Effects can be rolled using the Cyberpunk table, using Dex instead of Ref, or the person hit by the weapon may roll a Survival Test, failure indicating the loss of a random cybernetic enhancement. Hardening protects as normal. Lasers do a base 1d6 x 2 per 'shot' and have ten 'shots'. Putting more 'shots' into a single firing 'shot' increases the multiplier by two, thus using all ten 'shots' would be 1d6 x 20.

Cyberware for Deadworld

Cyberware The first and most major problem in using Cyberpunk cyberware is Humanity Cost. Use the normal HC listings from the appropriate books. Treat HC as a separate pool, using the Taint rules from Witchcraft's Abomination Codex. In short, once a character has Cyberware, they can no longer channel Essence and thus are incapable of using most Metaphysics. Subtract the HC pool from your Essence Pool to determine how 'human' your character acts in a given situation. Use the Essence loss rules, but HC cannot kill a character outright, but the loss of mental Attributes or gain in Mental Drawbacks does apply. Also, apply the Madness Pool rule. Madness Pool: Your Madness Pool is equal to 1/20th of your HC pool (thus, if you have 40 HC, you have a Madness Pool of 2). Once your Madness Pool goes higher than your Willpower plus one, you are considered Cyberpsychotic. Your Madness Pool can be lowered by therapy or by the removal of the offending cyberware and replacement with the original parts or a flesh replacement. Gained Mental Drawbacks must be bought off over time and with therapy. Example: Bob the Solo has a Will of 3, an Essence Pool of 18, and 40 HC. His Madness Pool is 2. Bob cares little about anything, and has already picked up Cruel (-3). After an extraction is botched (because of Bob's staying around to

torture a security guard), Bob receives 40 HC in new cybernetics (a new leg with all the trimmings and a reflex booster). He then gains a new Drawback, Emotional Problem (Psychopath), and proceeds to go Cyberpsychotic. After a 24-hour rampage through the Combat Zone, Bob is captured. Once the offending cyberleg and reflex booster is removed and replaced with his original limbs, Bob is back to 'normal'. The Emotional Problem Drawback remains, however. Cyberware Changes: Any bonus to Awareness should be treated as a bonus to Notice of the same level. Any bonus to an attribute does NOT add to EP. Fashionware: Biomonitor gives its bonus to Will to resist drugs and torture. Neuralware: Kerenzikov and Sandevistan boosterwares add their level to Speed as well as to Initiative rolls. Chipware sockets can take a maximum of Int x 2 chips, maximum of 10. Skill level maximums are unchanged. Implants: Adrenal Booster gives its bonus to Dex (recalculate Speed), and to Speed (after increased Dex is calculated). Audiovox gives its bonus to Acting and Singing. Subdermal Armor is AV 18. Bioware: Grafted Muscle gives +1 to Str per level, which adds normally to LPS. Muscle-Bone Lace gives its bonus to Str and Con, which adds normally to LPS. Skinweave gives AV 12 Toxin Binders give their bonus to the Survival Test versus poisons. Cyberweapons: Cyberweapons use the Hand Weapons (Cyberweapons) skill. Scratchers and Vampires do damage as a Small Knife Rippers do damage as a Large Knife Wolvers do damage as a Huge Knife Big Knucks do damage as a Large Stick Slice N' Dice does damage as a Huge Knife and is AP. Cybersnake does damage as a Large Knife using its own strength of 2. Cyberoptics: Cyberoptics are unchanged. Bonus to Awareness is bonus to Notice. Cyberaudio Bonus to Awareness is bonus to Notice. Voice Stress Analyzer gives its bonus to Questioning, Notice, or Haggling. Cyberarms/Cyberlegs. Use D6 instead of D4 to determine damage from a Cyberlimb punch or kick. SDP is DC. SP is AV. Hydraulic Rams increase the multiplier of physical attacks by 3 (thus, a cyberlimb kick by a character with Str 3 and Hydraulic Rams is 1d6 x 7). Thickened Myomers increase the multiplier of physical attacks by 2 (thus, a cyberlimb kick by a character with Str 3 and Thickened Myomers is 1d6 x 6). Spike Hand, Spike Heel Foot, and Talon Foot make cyberlimb physical attacks Stabbing/Slashing, and do +1 damage before the multiplier. Built Ins: Some weapons are limited by the size of the user. Treat Str 1 as Very Weak to Weak, 2-3 as Average to Strong, and 4 as Very Strong. Cyberweapons: Micro-Missile Launcher- Missiles do damage as 40mm Grenades Capacitor Laser- Does 1d6x6 damage, 2 shots. Linear Frames: Bonus to Strength does NOT count for LPS, EPS, or EP. Frame Sigma: +4 to Str

Frame Beta: +6 to Str Frame Omega: +8 to Str Body Plating: SP is AV. Netrunning Netrunning works much as normal. Netrunners are the only Cast Members who can use Fast Reaction Time while on the Net. Everyone else rolls as normal- 1d10 + Dex + Deck Speed. Use Dex instead of Reflexes for Initiative. Program Strengths and Data Walls are much the same. For dealing with Anti-Personnel Attacks, use Int and Computer Hacking instead of Int and Interface. Otherwise, programs, decks, dataforts, all are much the same.

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