Admissions Application
Admissions Application
Please print all information clearly and use codes listed on page 35.
Home Phone _________________ Soc. Sec. No. _________________ City of Birth ____________________ Birth Date __________________
Parent/Guardian Information
Home Address (if different from student) Home Address (if different from student)
______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Permission is granted for my son/daughter to apply for admission to MVCTC. I also, hereby, grant permission for any requested
student records, including the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) scores, be released to MVCTC. The district will use the OGT scores to determine whether
the student needs to retake any parts of the OGT in order to fulfill Ohio state graduation requirements and to place the student in the appropriate
classes. The student information will only be disclosed to school officials and authorized representatives. This district will not re-disclose the
information. As a parent/guardian I recognize that it is my responsibility to devise a credit recovery plan with my son/daughter’s high school guidance
counselor for any credit deficiencies my child may have.
Parent/Student Comments____________________________________________________________________________________________
If no, list status (example: Open Enrollment, Tuition, Court Placed, etc.)
Attendance (List number of days absent) Grade 9 __________ Grade 10 __________ Grade 11 __________
List deficiencies that cannot be met at MVCTC and how they will be satisfied
Counselor Comments__________________________________________________________________________________________
The Miami Valley Career Technology Center is dedicated to providing equal admission opportunities, equal educational opportunities and equal employment
opportunities without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, handicap, marital status, or veteran status.