Financial Aid Profile: International Student

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International Student

Financial Aid Profile

Please check with each school to see if this form is required
as part of their financial aid application. If the school requires
you to send this form to SSS, be sure to upload or mail it in
addition to completing your PFS. Along with this form you
must submit documentation as indicated in the Verification
section on page 5.


Please print clearly in black ink.

Student applicant name

Last name (surname/family name) __________________________________________________________________________________

First name _________________________________________________________ Middle name ______________________________

Student date of birth _________________________


Student country of birth _________________________ Student country(ies) of citizenship _______________________________

Does the student currently hold a valid I-20? o Yes o No

If yes, from what school? _______________________________________________________________________________________

Current grade: o8 o9 o 10 o 11 o 12

Applying for grade: o9 o 10 o 11 o 12 o post graduate

Current school _______________________________________________________________________________________________

School address _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Student-applicant home/permanent address:



Student-applicant mailing address and phone number (if different from above):



Valid phone number (include country and city codes) _________________________________________________________________

Student email address ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Student applicant name ___________________________________________ Page 2 of 5


The student-applicant resides with: o Mother o Father o Stepmother o Stepfather o Grandparent
o Other (explain)_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Parents’ current marital status: o Married o Separated/Divorced o Other (explain) ____________________________________
Does any parent file a U.S. Federal tax return? o Yes o No

PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 NAME ______________________________________________________________________________

(last, first, middle)

Age: _________ Relationship to student-applicant __________________________________________________________________

Email address _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Home address (if different from applicant) __________________________________________________________________________


Occupation/Title _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Employer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of years with employer ________ o Full time o Part time

PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 NAME ______________________________________________________________________________

(last, first, middle)

Age: _________ Relationship to student-applicant __________________________________________________________________

Email address__________________________________________________________________________________________________

Home address (if different from applicant) __________________________________________________________________________


Occupation/Title _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Employer ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number of years with employer ________ o Full time o Part time

How many people are dependent upon the family income for daily living expenses? _____________

List dependents in the household:

Name_________________________ Relationship to applicant____________________ Age______

Name_________________________ Relationship to applicant____________________ Age______

Name_________________________ Relationship to applicant____________________ Age______

Name_________________________ Relationship to applicant____________________ Age______

Name_________________________ Relationship to applicant____________________ Age______

Name_________________________ Relationship to applicant____________________ Age______

Student applicant name ___________________________________________ Page 3 of 5


What is the official exchange rate of your country’s currency to the U.S. dollar: _____________ = 1.00 USD

List your family’s annual income for the current calendar year and estimated for next year:


Parent 1 salary/wages US$_______________ US$_______________

Parent 2 salary/wages US$_______________ US$_______________

Rental property income US$_______________ US$_______________

Business net income US$_______________ US$_______________

Interest or dividend income US$_______________ US$_______________

Pension/annuity/retirement income US$_______________ US$_______________

Income earned by student applicant US$_______________ US$_______________

Other income (please explain) US$_______________ US$_______________


Annual taxes paid to government US$_______________ US$_______________

Rent/mortgage US$_______________ US$_______________

Health insurance/medical US$_______________ US$_______________

Automobile US$_______________ US$_______________

Food US$_______________ US$_______________

Clothing US$_______________ US$_______________

Utilities US$_______________ US$_______________

Annual loan payments* US$_______________ US$_______________

Vacations US$_______________ US$_______________

Household help/maid/cook/nanny US$_______________ US$_______________

Other__________________ US$_______________ US$_______________

* Please indicate the nature and amount of the loan _______________________________________________________________

Does your family employ other people? o Yes o No

If yes, how many are employed? _________ In the home _________ In the family business _________
Student applicant name ___________________________________________ Page 4 of 5


Does your family own its own home? o Yes o No

Year of purchase ______________ Purchase price US$ ________________ Present value US$ ___________________

How much does your family still owe on the purchase price?_________________________________________________

Do you own any other property? o Yes o No If yes, please describe __________________________________

Year of purchase _______________ Purchase price US$ ________________ Present value US$ ___________________

Is either parent self-employed or holding an interest in a family business? o Yes o No

If yes, name of the business______________________________________________________________________________

Parent’s role in the business ______________________________________ % ownership __________________________

Total amount of current cash/savings US$ ____________________


Total amount of investments (stocks, bonds, etc.) US$ ____________________

Retirement savings US$ ____________________

Debts owed to family US$ ____________________

Assets owned by student-applicant US$ please describe _________________________________


Does your family have any money, property, or assets in another country? o Yes o No
Amount in US$ ________________ Country in which assets are held __________________________________________

Does your family receive income from these assets? o Yes o No If yes, US$ o _____________________________

List all dependent children and educational expenses incurred for each:

Child’s Name Age School/University US$ Annual cost Amount paid

by family
_____________________ ____ _____________________ _______________ ______________
_____________________ ____ _____________________ _______________ ______________
_____________________ ____ _____________________ _______________ ______________

How much can your family contribute toward all educational expenses next year? US$ ______________
How much can your family contribute toward the student applicant’s educational expenses?

US$ ______________
Student applicant name ___________________________________________ Page 5 of 5

Documentation must be provided to verify this income information. (Note: All documents must be translated to English)

Please indicate which documentation you will send:

o Tax Returns o Proof of income o

✔ Other _______________________________________________________________

Statement of Truth:

I declare that the information reported on this form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and complete.

We will contact each school if there is a change in our family’s circumstances.

PLEASE NOTE: Providing false information may jeopardize a student’s visa status and/or admission and financial aid status.

Signature of Parent/Guardian 1 ______________________________________________ Date _______________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian 2 ______________________________________________ Date _______________________

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