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388 characters) Reads: 11215 2 comments Uploaded on 2006/10/29 17:10:07 HOW TO INFLUENCE OTHERS TO MENTALLY: I. Easily get what you want. II. Win the esteem and consideration of men and women very targeted. III. Make you shut IMMEDIATELY anyone you criticize or demean and change her opinion of you. IV. Cause a person of the opposite sex is deeply in love with you, whatever your current relationship with that person. BY A. C. Wolfmann METHOD COMPLETE "PSYCHO CONTROL SX" SUMMARY NOTICE OF AUTHOR ............................................. 07 PREPARE YOUR WISHES TO SEE IF HELD ............... 11 THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when they procure EMPLOY A PERSON INFLUENCE DISTANCE ....................................... 15 ........ HOW TO MAKE A PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX fall for YOU ..................................... ............... 21 MASTERS OF INFLUENCE DISTANCE REVEAL THEIR SECRETS .................. 25 The surprising METHOD OF INFLUENCE OF DISTANCE "URI GELLER" ...... 31 EAT TO USE THE SECRETS OF "PSYCHO-SX COMMAND" TO MAKE THE OTHERS DO YOU WANT ............................. .................. 35

3 THE CONDITIONS TO BE EFFICIENT .................................... 37 HOW TO TELL IF YOUR WISHES ARE EASY TO MAKE AND BENEFICIAL FOR YOU ................................... 39 LEARN TO DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND ....................................... 45 3 BIG OBSTACLES THAT YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST AVOID ................ 49 WHAT ARE THE MOMENTS MORE FAVORABLE FOR PRACTICE INFLUENCES THE DISTANCE .................................... 55 A SECRET TO YOUR SUCCESS favor PRETTY .......... 57 WHAT IS THE TIME NECESSARY FOR ITS FIRST RESULTS .. 61 HOW TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE SECRETLY AND GET WHAT YOU WANT ........................................ 65 ................ PRACTICE OF INFLUENCE DISTANCE ...................................... 69 HOW TO GET A FULL RELAXATION FOR OTHERWISE-HYPNOSIS? ................. 71 HOW TO END YOUR SESSION OF INFLUENCE DISTANCE ....... ...................... 75 EXPERIENCES THAT PROVE THAT FAVORS THE HYPNOSIS COLLEGES "PSI" .................................. 79 SOME TYPICAL CASES OF INFLUENCE A DISTANCE: THE HOW AND WHY .. 81 LATEST RECOMMENDATIONS ................................. 93 NOTICE OF THE AUTHOR Voc acaba de virar a primeira pgina de um mtodo que encerra segredos at ento cuidadosamente guardados. Estes segredos vo permitir que voc realize proezas eu talvez voc achasse impossvel realizar. Dado o fato do contedo deste mtodo ser excepcional, fao questo, antes demais nada, de alert-lo a respeito da utilizao das tcnicas que aqui esto expostas. Estas tcnicas vo permitir que voc influencie secretamente as pessoas, ou que atrair para si, aquilo que desejar: amor, trabalho, sorte, etc...

During the minutes that follow, you will learn how to develop and employ these fantastic possibilities that lie dormant in each of us. Techniques influence the distance, you will soon know, will allow you to perform experiments. When you use them you will see that hold things you never thought were possible. However. I want to warn you about the use of these techniques negative. Do not preach without, under any circumstances, to harm or harming others because inevitably, not just you, not gotten the desired result, but also the evil that you have desired to be against you. In fact, the hidden forces have this peculiarity: when misused (for the purpose of causing harm), they always come back multiplied by 100. It is indeed for this reason that I decided to publish all the precious secrets you will discover. They may try to bring wonderful things for their existence, it would be almost a criminal act not to disclose them to you. This introduction was necessary because, unfortunately, the human mind is not always supplied with good intentions. But I'm sure you know use these wonderful techniques of action at a distance for their good and for the good to those who love you. Thus, you will see that your life and theirs will become, literally, for up-become more enjoyable every day. You will also see, your wishes come true, even those that you for years, feeds, and had never achieved. You will be surprised to see that it is capable of such wonders, that will hold, more easily. When you have read the last word of this method, you will eventually become aware of the amazing possibilities that lie dormant emvoc. A. C. Wolfmann Prepare to see their wishes come true. Suppose you met a beautiful girl or a man very seductive, but, unfortunately, this person gave him little or no attention. Herons techniques extraordinary influence the distance, you can you do with this man or this woman fall in love with you. Do you think your work is poorly recognized and that his salary is below the deserved. Your kids just do what comes to mind and, moreover, it is impossible for you to talk to them because as soon as you do this, they insist. Acting as the procedure you will learn, you will be able, without even them realizing, of lobter a definite improvement in their relationships and in their behavior. Your husband to trick her and refusing dialogue. When you ask him why he does this, he did not even respond, your entire universe crumbles and you see no way out! Thanks to the extraordinary technique of influence at a distance, you will capazde act and to move the situation in their favor and this, in less than a month. Every time you want to make love, your wife finds every excuse imaginable. This situation becomes even more unfortunate for you for you. What to do? You've tried

everything. Use action at a distance and you will have all the chances to meet. And that's not all. There's more. This method also gives you many possibilities to get what you want, because the powers of influence distance are an absolute efficiency. If it did not you think some people known, would have paid a lot of money to get it? So do not deprive yourself of the rias extraordinary possibilities of this method. Anyway, nothing prevents you to accumulate several techniques, this will only increase your success! Another wonderful feature of action at a distance is used by many famous healers. By a technique similar to what you'll learn, they sometimes can do miracles. The disease is a problem that everyone meet, in the course of their lives. Sometimes we ourselves suffer with it. Sometimes it is a being that is dear to us as well and we would like to help. The technique of action at a distance can allow you to get excellent results, in yourself and in others. This way you will help your body and mind sick, healing. You can also get a person to which you are a stranger, come knocking on your door under some pretext. She did not know what happened, because suddenly needed you, but you know. The money often is the center of your concerns? How to have more money? How to live better, more comfortably, without fear of tomorrow? By applying the technique to influence the distance you will learn how to attract money. You think people who earn four times more than you are smarter than you? No! Rather, they know and preach certain secrets to get what they want. Soon you will also be able to attract to you the money and get it in enough to live comfortably mind. And the best part is that this amazing method will allow you to make them do exactly what you want, by any person of your choice. You do not need to ask him openly. You give your orders, silently, he or she will perform them without realizing that it is you who dictates his actions. Do you doubt? It normally. But do not limit yourself to doubt, TRY! Act, the principle is more important to your success. Here's what happens when a person uses the influence distance. Alain M. .. is a 18 year old guy who has very little success with girls ace, which leaves very unhappy thousand things interesting with a nice girl. But, besides its failure Alain is extremely shy. A shyness almost unhealthy due to their lack of confidence mesmo.Um day, he discovers a technique that allows a person to influence secretly, without even realizing it. Just beside his house, lives a charming girl, he would like to know, unfortunately, it does not give any attention. As he was completely desperate, he decides to use that famous technique that seems, performs miracles. Which is not a surprise when, two days later, the girl gives you a big smile when he crosses the street with her out, what ever happened, even though they were neighbors. This event encourages him to persevere. A few days later (it was less than a week he had begun his action) the

same girl knocks on your door to invite him to come to her house. That girl was called Gaby and both lived a candle love story. A mysterious discovery. Virginie myth was in love with a man who thought she was ugly and insignificant. They met every day at work and, despite all the advances virginie, nothing changed! Always the same coldness, indifference is always the same. Virginie was passionate about everything that concerned the possibilities of the mind. One day, she heard a means whereby secretly influence people, so they did, exactly, you were asked here foulbrood, mentally. It was a mysterious method, accidentally discovered in a Tibetan temple, for over three centuries. As she had studied there reasonably question, she knew the influence distance could be possible that certain techniques, jealously guarded, allowed to act on others and get what seat you may be, without having to utter a single word. She decided to try. Then she applied the technique of action at a distance, in order to become the man she loved, in love with her. At the end of three weeks out, what she expected happened: the man she loved fell into his arms without know what you want of him. Another example: Bernard and Claudine have been married for 10 years and has two children. Everything was going well with the couple Claudine was a little more enthusiastic in bed. "It seemed that every time we want it to be and, moreover, Vica va far from satisfactory," says Bernardo. In this regard, he says: "I no longer take it anymore, and if it were not for scrianas, I would have divorced. Was a colleague who told me about a technique influence from afar, who had allowed him to see his wife become completely. he promised to bring me the method the next day, telling me that everything will be arranged. "have used this technique, which I find really infallible, when properly applied, and that in addition, and very easy and requires little time . "After eight days, I found that my wife was not quite the same anymore: it no va aquila, wore more attractive than before. After only 15 days-using the technique found that she was actually hotter and that in a week, we had already made love four times, which we had never happened before. To my great surprise, I should note that Claudine UNLOCK the cow again every day. Today it is she who takes the initiative to make love. That transformation is unbelievable Before, I was always hard, never had money. I must say that making just a little more than a paycheck; really had the impression of living a detestable. Although seek another job izante more value and better paid, nothing ever changed. Then I remembered he had purchased a few months ago, a method that revealed a secret technique to accomplish your desires and get what you wanted. Why not try it? It could be that worked. Anyway, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. After four weeks of practice, I was offered a job, which would earn three times more than before and, besides, I liked oservio. This report on the scourge of Dominique H. .. Brussels, which today is a seller of automobiles much quoted,

whereas before employing the influence from a distance, it was a simple shopkeeper very poorly paid. Have you ever had the impression that someone hiding the truth? If this still happens to you, do as Edith S. .. this young lady says, "I did not know what else to do. tried desperately money that was set aside to pay my rent. was sure to have it placed in a drawer in the kitchen, and saw only one possibility ... When my son arrived, I asked him immediately. he was surprised. But I said no, they had not seen the money. did not believe then hired my new power to know if he was telling the truth ... Then, suddenly, my son took the money out of his pocket and placed on the table. After making this gesture, continued its activities as if nothing had happened. "To you too, once you know the method of" Psycho-ComandoSX ", no one else can tell stories. Consider all the secrets you do not know! all that the neighbors do not say. perhaps what your partner will hide, reveal all its secrets. they will do this without you ask them, without knowing why. Behold, yet another example: you go into a bank to ask a loan. banker examines their case, smiled but replied: "I'm sorry." but you do not fulfill the conditions for this credit will be granted dido now "... right now, you employ the secret, which I will reveal in an instant ...... Here's what the banker will after a few seconds of silence, not knowing why or how, he suddenly changes his mind and tone continues: "Listen, I think we can actually do something for you.'ll, Personal mind, I strive to this loan will be granted. Replace see me tomorrow. "The examples are so numerous that it is impossible to mention them here. These few cases gave, hope, a sense of all the possibilities that offers the PSYCHO-COMMAND SX. Until very recently, only a few Mastersinitiated could receive it and use it. Today, you are also able to enjoy all the benefits and good things that this method will bring. In fact, you can get everything through this procedure secret influence. Just adapt the technique to your own case, your needs, and there is no doubt that your life will become like the people mentioned above. HOW TO MAKE A PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX fall for YOU. Every day you are subjected to all kinds of influences, from people you encounter, or your friends, or even from strangers. You, like many others, is constantly influenced by their environment and circle of friends. Surely you've noticed that, or get in touch with people calm, you calm, whereas individuals with nervous, you also get nervous. This often occurs without any words being exchanged. Are only the vibrations of the person you shoot, and that influence you positively or negatively. When you suffer more negative influence than positive, you become depressed and tired while in contact with positive people, you feel on top form. WHY PRODUCE THESE INFLUENCES? Mind is all-powerful over matter, not only over his own body, but also on the body and metes other. Did you know that

doctors consider that 80% of illnesses are psychosomatic, meaning that the thoughts of the patient causing the disease? Even diseases like cancer often has a arigem psychosomatic, because thoughts are all-powerful on the matter. ANY THOUGHT THAT REPEATS ITSELF WITH STRENGTH AND SUFICEINTE ENOUGH TIME, TURNS TO CONCRETE REALITY. What do you mean exactly this phase? Simply that if you think hard and if your thoughts are repeated long enough, then your thoughts become actions, the practical and tangible, always! Take an example: You see a girl that likes a lot and always think it. What will happen? First, your thoughts will join together to form a block of thoughts in you, then around him, and finally they will be projected on the person in question. Then we will create a powerful attraction power that will act as a magnet, about the desired person. This will start paying more attention to you, then she will find it interesting. If you continue to think strongly in it, the latter had clung to you, without really knowing why. And if, moreover, you have thoughts of love for her, then she will fall into his arms. Certainly, the action that exert their thoughts, also depend on the sensitivity of the person, as well as the affinity you have in common. The more she is sensitive and responsive, the easier it will influence it. The more affinity you have, men are barriers you have to overcome. This is why we love always arises among people similar or complementary. The similar attract similar. What is complementary meets. Some people made masters of the art of thinking, are able to get everything they want. They will reveal to you their secrets now. MASTERS OF INFLUENCE DISTANCE REVEAL THEIR SECRETS. J. Rno Bojolais was hypnotist, founder of Hypnotists national grouping of France and president of this association, until his death. This man, having devoted his entire life to hypnosis, the same way that influences the distance, performed wonders, simply because it had become master in the art of influencing others. Here are the secrets that he reveals in his book "rational method of influence at a distance" of Niclaus. To convey his thought well, it takes you to put yourself in a state of passivity, make all your mental and physical this already calm and as relaxed as possible. Any muscle activity, any psychic tension, moral or intellectual prevents the emission of brain waves. The mental representation of the idea to be communicated shall in must be clear, regular and prolonged to go to model the fluid mass of the receptor in living image. J. Rno Bajolais adds: "There are 6 types of issuers nature itself (people who have the influence)" The 6 types of natural emitters those whose first thought is shy, hesitant, cause I divide it, numerous charts and as well noted K. Kephren, retractions constant mass fluid emitted, which is, that this class of people to engage only one action influences nil or almost nil. Two beings, whose thoughts are gentle, constant bit intense, but

regular, active, already possess innate ability of issuers, with a little practice, will be endowed. 3 Another category is where we find people who have a vigorous thought, but to which, whim and fancy only grant an action uneven and slippery. His psychic impulses but powerful sounds. Unfortunately constantly changing, which destroys all its effectiveness. 4 Here, we beings whose mental concepts tortuous act slow and cluttered mind. However, this can lead him to determine that purpose. However, heavy consequences should be feared themselves. 5 there are those among you should be: strong, thought the psychic realm, those endowed with rich powers nervous, calm thoughts, and continues to creep determined. These people can succeed in todaparte and impose their will on everyone. (following the advice that this method gives you inevitably will be part of this category) .6 There are those, among which you should not be: eimagens mental thoughts are weak and diffuse, dispersive and can not lead them to any results positive. They are unable to sustain an action or being disciplined. These people fail in everything they undertake: go where the wind asleva. Anyway, whatever its position among the six types of issuers, you may, if you wish really belongs to the fifth category. For this, you simply apply daily to give you the basics. Thousands of people applied these rules: some among them, and applied with perseverance, moved from poverty to wealth. Disease to health. Unhappiness. The chance to luck. The loneliness of a life filled with caring people loving it. Like them, you can also get there. A TECHNIQUE FOR EASY ACTION DISTANCE Let's hear now to another great master of influence at a distance: Raumond Rante has published several technical works concerning the powers of man, including "para-psychology practice for all", Editions Rocher Besides his activities as a writer and medium, he directs a research institute me parapsychology. Her fame is international. Here you Reant advises his students to easily produce an effect of influence distance. "Es vie your mind, then view, ie, display the mental image of the person to whom the message is intended." This representation should be as "real live" as possible. Having achieved this, think about the "guy" target, as if you were actually in front of him. Then send the message, determined in advance, imagined introduce it into his brain, through the space between the two eyes. This space is considered to be a gateway to mind. Repeat this with the authority to make sure that the message will be received. The shorter and "penetrating" the message is, the better it will be received. But it should be kept for several minutes when aimed at a person not prevented. Raymond Reant adds that one should not perform this procedure when you are tired or nervous, or if depressed, since these states nullify its power emission are. This

technique, if well executed, will guarantee a total success. Several people, when applied, were surprised with the results. I applied them an identical process, reveal that in the "miraculous process to act at a distance," I can assure the effectiveness of it. YVON YVA, the hypnotist LET THAT OPERATE WITHOUT ANESTHESIA REVEALS ONE OF THEIR SECRETS. Yvon Yva is an exceptional man from all points of view. His kindness and his devotion, only equal their amazing powers. If one day you have the opportunity to make one of the many courses he teaches, do not hesitate! This character, unusual, will teach a charm, one more interesting than the other. Here is what he says about the influence distance: "I know that to succeed, I can not concentrate on his picture, the mind free from any another thought, or eyes open, or mentally, until your image cheer up. "When your mind is free from any other thought, you have all of your power to act. In my personal method of influence at a distance, you discovered how to soothe your mind and how to make it fully effective. The AMAZING METHOD OF INFLUENCE AT A DISTANCE OF URI GELLER. Uri Geller, the man capaza warping spoon and other metal objects, todo clocks back to work, to read the thoughts. Today it is occupied mainly with research pig oil, mine gold or other precious metals, due to rich mining companies. Each research he undertakes brings you several thousand dollars. This man is also able to bring out in a few seconds, beans, radish simply placing your finger over them. Eight million viewers saw in November 1986, during a broadcast tv English, like Uri Geller reproduced almost millimeter mind, a design oa presenter Terry Logan had done a few moments before. Uri Geller imagine that we all have the ability to do what he did, in a greater or lesser degree. It defines itself as the revealer of these phenomena. He wants to show everyone what the human mind is capable. Here is the procedure that Uri Geller used to act at a distance, either on the field or on a human being. First mind, he takes contact with the object, either by touching it (if that is possible), is thinking of him, until we create an affinity between him and the object to be influenced. Once you have formed an emotional attachment between him and the object, he thinks strongly in what he wants to see realized. Most of the time, it only requires a few seconds for you, with practice, its power has developed considerably. GELLER EFFECT: WHAT REALLY HAPPENS? J.Pierre Girard is a man of about forty years been the subject of numerous scientific researches. Among researchers who study and rated their powers, cite Professor. John B. Hasted, Pastor H. Bender and the celebrated physicist Oliver Costa de Beauregard. The average French person was able to produce phenomena similar to Uri Geller. Here's what he tells us about their capacity to influence the distance, contained in his book

"The effect G." R. Laffont. In fact, the action lies on the border of the will and not acting. My plan rational consciousness being interrupted, is the plane of higher consciousness, which acts. The action occurs only really when I can recreate within a shrug. Here, you can see that going is not the physical or rational desire that causes the effect to occur, but the desire doser higher, the higher plane of consciousness as the flame J. P. Girard. HOW TO USE THE SECRETS OF "PSYCHO-SX COMMAND TO MAKE OTHERS DO WHAT YOU WANT. Did you ever have a first notion, in the preceding paragraphs, the different techniques of action at a distance, you discovered it masters the secrets of different power "psi." So you can see how they practiced the action at a distance. On some pages you benefited from the experience and knowledge of people who have mastered perfectly, this phenomenon, which can not fail to facilitate their first steps. now you will learn to cultivate this talent you already have on you. according to the people, he is more or less developed. however, with proper training, anyone can achieve excellent results. creating the function body.'s through a proper training you will become a master in the art of acting at a distance. 3 THE CONDITIONS TO BE EFICIENTE.1) The desire as you expect to get whatever it is, if not desired? Desire is the flame that burns the wick, without him nothing is possible. The desire to get something provokes in you a powerful energy, can produce miracles. The stronger and more determined is your desire, the more it will hold. In the area of influence of the distance, the desire is the basis for any action. All his life is built on its desjos, is not it? Certainly, if you have not, do not happen much in their existence. Perhaps can even backfiring without your wishes, you do not know, ever happiness, because life gives you, what you ask for, nothing more, nothing less. In the area of influence of the distance, the larger and determined is your desire, the more easily you will get what you want. HOW TO TELL IF YOUR WISHES ARE EASY TO REALIZARE BENEFICIAL BENEFICIAL FOR YOU. Have you ever noticed that when you ache for something, you get more easily? Your wish will come true, even better, it is a desire intimate that you bring with you. If, moreover, his desire follow the direction of YOUR evolution, then there, there will be no obstacle to achieving it. The first question you should ask yourself before putting it all into action to accomplish your desire is, will this desire is really a part of me, or did it come that suffered by the influence of a third person with whom I'd like to look, or match me? The second question you should ask yourself, is due to the fact that the answer you have given the first: this desire comes, actually, my "I" inside? The third question is: what do you bring the realization of this desire?

If you have a conclusive answer to the second and third questions, your wish will surely be fulfilled and, this, almost effortlessly. Moreover, applying Astec cal this method, you will be able even to give a great help to the destination. Whereas, if the answer to the first question is affirmative, that is, if your desire does not really come from your inner being, you will always be possible to fulfill her wish, but this will require a little more effort. His desire is harmful to yourself or others, that you can create problems because instead of going to the direction of its evolution or the other, you'll be doing the opposite. In conclusion, strive, always, to influence events favorably, not only for you but also for others and thus you will reap fruits magnificent. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OF THE POWERFUL THAT IF JOSTA nothing can stop its realization. For what your wishes are powerful you need to keep them, feed them with the burning fire of your will and your will and your imagination. How? Thinking about them daily and have done imagining your desire. Remember "Do as whatever had managed" this way, you will already be able to fulfill her wish. By doing so, your mind will attract to you all peace sca event to produce the expected result. Every desire begins with a thought, and the sum of thoughts going in the same direction as your desire, leads unerringly to its reality. Take an example: the girl who caught his eye. What will happen? In principle, you will think of her. First, a little later, more and more. At any given time, if you are really in love with this girl, she'll take all your mind, and all his thoughts will for her. Thus, you will cause her a burning desire, will become increasingly important, before his eyes, until the day that she will be madly in love. Certainly, this example represents only a particular type of influences, among many others, however, he shows the mechanisms of desire. If this charming person has affinity with you, everything will best way possible, but if not pos this case, the break will be painful and brutal. For this reason, it is not always good force nature, since this causes the return shocks. 2) The course is a prerequisite for any development and relaxation, without discipline, you will never reach any result. To get powerful, your mind is a great need of discipline. In fact, as you want to get whatever is not able to keep their attention to achieve the goal you set? Your mind is like a small child: he needs to be educated and disciplined, according to the category of issuer in which you stand, you have more or less this capability. The disciplined man emanates a strong personal magnetism, succeeds where others fail, and just, always triumphing over the obstacles that come your cumin. This type of person is sought for their advice, and their ability to solve problems is huge, it imposes effortlessly their will on others who seek your company, the security it brings. On the other hand, the man who does not have this quality, is constantly prey to defeat. For him to succeed, it becomes a feat and this despite detodas other qualities he may have. Most of the time, he goes where the wind

takes you, and when things do not go as he goes where the wind levae when things do not go as he wishes he capitulates. Your personal magnetism is oscillating: sometimes strong, sometimes weak, according to his state of soul, which changes frequently, given their inconsistency. To become a person really able to get the others, what you are, it is vital for you to be part of disciplined men. Applying the advice that will follow, you will become, inevitably, that the person for whom everything goes right. It is possible that the failure to happen one day or another in his life, but if you are disciplined, you always turn this failure into victory. LEARN TO DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND TO MAKE YOUR WISH IS HELD. What do you do to get a child to do what you ask him? You repeat tirelessly, the same things, until she does what you ask him. This is exactly how you should act, to get your mind what you want. We must insist, until you get what you want. You must impose a discipline, the firmer it is faster you will succeed. Take an example: you have found or man who would know better, maybe even until you're in love. Unfortunately, he does not share at all of your desires. At this point you have two solutions: either you say to yourself that there is possvele quit, or you persevere and discipline yourself to get what you want. What would you do in this case? Every time you find this charming person, you If endeavored to always show in his best day, will be smiling and full of charm and attention. Little by little you will notice that the man you lust of increasingly more attention to you, until one night invites her to dinner. So, you already start to get what you want! The same happens with the influence distance. Discipline your mind, do what we indicate and apply to get the success. Always proceed in this way, whatever your goal, so you will always succeed. 3) The action Even if you have a burning desire and a good discipline may be that you can not ever what you want. For success you reach out, it is vital that you add the action to the two preceding qualities. You can have all the knowledge, to achieve the goal that you If set, unless you take action, you will not have any chance of Chagar there. Many people have great designs, many desires and knowledge notable, however all escapes them. Why? Simply because they never act, or they lack obstinacy. The difference between the man who knows that he knows, and one that succeeds is in practice. Everything you read in this method is the result of the experience drawn from practice. If you apply the principles and techniques that are listed here, success will be your companion! Look no constantly excuses dwarf pair do anything, act whenever this is possible. AWAKENING AS ACTION Take the example of this method or any other reading enrichment quece dora for you "GLAD NOT NEVER ALONE WITH READING, BUT APPLY WHAT YOU READ" Every time you read or learn something that interests you put it into practice, make sure that what is written is accurate. Applying this principle, your life will change completely! Many people who are full of

principles and prejudices, all that which does not go into their concepts is necessarily false. Unfortunately for them, these people limit their horizons so that always think they are right. Ever they will question, only count always, their own opinions. Please do not include among these, leave the beaten paths, ask yourself every time that you this work for you and follow your instinct. Aja, whenever you can, whenever the occasion present itself! Make logo, all what can be done right: do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today! If you read this method without applying his techniques and principles, he can only give some additional knowledge, but if you act if you apply and practice what is written here, then your whole life will be transformed. ACT NOW! THREE MAJOR OBSTACLES THAT YOU MUST, ABSOLUTELY, AVOID. There are three major obstacles, able to make all your projects fail. These barriers are real wounds in the area of influence distance. But as a man forewarned is forearmed, so they can not do anything against you, because you will have them unmasked and rendered harmless. Keep well the three names that will follow and keep them away from his path. The three predators who make so many victims by cumin are: DOUBT, FEAR, FATIGUE. 1) The question is to the mind the same as a thorn in the foot, where it is present, everything goes wrong. When you doubt you, you decrease by half their capacity. For this reason, it is vital for you to know the remedy-miracle, capable of exterminating es scourge. A REMEDY FOR A MIRACLE-LIFE DU All great men uttered this phrase that you will soon discover. She possesses virtues masterful, extraordinary. For centuries, in many civilizations, it is said the power of these few words. What you will find now. To overcome doubts: STRIVE IN VIEW OF THE GOOD THINGS! You now touque when you look miserable and ugly things, you impregnates seuks sa borese, every time this happens, you impregnates his tastes, and every time this happens, you become more unhappy and pessimistic? Whereas, if you look at beautiful things, things that are nice, you become more optimistic and get more confidence in you. So if you want to really beat this scourge that is the doubt, strive and see the good side of things. Everything that exists has a good side and a good side of things. All whichis a doubt, strive to see the good side of things. Everything that exists, hasa good side and a bad side, according to the way you look at it. Struggling to see the good side of things, you will be getting in May sentu siasta and increasingly confident in you. By doing so, you will eliminate the doubts of his life. Moreover, both see the good side of things, you will impregnate everything they have to attract positive and for himself, increasingly positive events. This simple phrase: "strive to see the good side of things" is one of the keys to happiness in your life. 2) Fear paralyzes and prevents you proceed. It is also a major obstacle to carry out their exercises influence from afar. When you are afraid, your energy recedes and you lose all your resources. The only thing you should fear is fear itself because it prevents you from progressing on the path of life.

A MIRACLE TO WIN REMEDIO-MED The Why be afraid? You have in itself all the ingredients of success, all you can you apply the principles of this method. Try it and see that all that is written here is absolutely accurate, so why be afraid? Here, now, a trick-miracle to overcome fear: when you feel the fear coming at you: "CALM AND BREATHE DEEPLY IN ONE OR TWO MINUTES. SAME TIME, THINK AND MENTALLY VISUALIZE A nice moment happened OF YOUR LIFE . "You have certainly noticed that when afraid, your breathing gets harder, need more air. Therefore, it should first breathe deeply and calmly, in the case of fear. Fear is always enabled by a memory or an event that leave little to desire. Surely, you are not always aware of this, as it may be deeply embedded in your subconscious. For this reason, you should, whenever fear, breathe calmly and deeply and visualize so totally relaxed, enjoyable an event of your life. It's similar to when you turn on a light in a dark room: the same happens to you. The fear comes from obscure things that we already live. VIEWING a positive development of its existence, you light this shadow zone. Remember, every time the fear en venerate his life: "BREATHE DEEP AND SLOWLY!" (SEE PREVIOUS EXAMPLE). Applying this famous technique, you will see that after one to two weeks, whether to create a conditioned reflex, and that it will take a few seconds to get back. Perfectly calm and confident. 3) The fatigue is a very negative factor for you. It is virtually impossible to act at a distance when tired. Why? Why does the body and mind using, first, the energy reserves for its own operation, before employing them to another action. The influence of the distance requires a body and a mind, rested and alert. At this time his thoughts has all the power needed to have a strong action. You noticed that, tired state, you have difficulty concentrating, all distracted sometimes, you tend to fall asleep. If this twilight sleep and resume after sleep. Have no prescribe. You wake up naturally when recovered and then you will be really effective. A REMEDIO-MIRACLE TO WIN THE BAG CAN only remedy against fatigue is "The REST AND DREAM." Rest and sleep are two things essential to your life and your balance: "Do not deprive yourself of them." Whenever you feel tired, lies, and if possible sleep, do not be looking for excuses like "I still have to do this or that" no rest first, and do it then. Anyway, you know very well that when you are tired, it takes twice as long to perform the same work. When you feel tired or sleepy you dominate, stretch and play the dead. Maybe fifteen minutes or half an hour's rest, you are sufficient and this will make you feel good, you won a long time, the activities that follow. Have you noticed that when you're tired, everything suits her hands, every failure? Do not insist if you are tired because you do not get results. Enjoy, first, a home repairman, you will then be fully available in order to perform miracles.

WHAT ARE THE MOMENTS FOR MORE FAVORABLE INFLUENCE practiced DISTANCE? Certain hours of the day sounds more propitious, other than to act at a distance. In the preceding paragraph, you saw what conditions were more favorable to issue a message. Now, you will see which are the most favorable hours. In the morning upon awakening, make your programs influences the distance, what sounds segundoos principles revealed in this method. Another time it provides afternoon, between the 16 and the 20. At night, between 20 and 22 h, it is also very advantageous. If you know what time the person you wish to influence lies, this can be very favorable level for your action, because this time, she will be more relaxed, more receptive, when it is in full swing. IMPORTANT particular, avoid eating before practice influences the distance, this will weigh the mind to relax a bit before starting. If you are really hungry, eat something light before your workouts action at a distance. A SECRET THAT PRETTY FAVARE WAX YOUR SUCCESS. You now know that discipline is very important in all areas of life and influences the distance makes no exception to the rule. A very important secret to success is to: choose the schedule that works best for you and discipline yourself to do your techniques every day, at the same time. It is very important that you respect this rule! Why? Once you If disciplinary action for every day, at the same time, produce will be two things of importance to your success: 1. you will condition your mind to be ready and effective, every day, at the same time. By doing so, you create a conditioned reflex, or mind that the MSAR much power. By buying this method you surely wondered what your life would be if it possessed all knowledge, all possibilities, all the powers that were promised. Today, your dream can become reality. To do this, simply apply the principles set out here once again: AJA! Nothing similar has already been edited, all the secrets that are revealed of been, until now, always carefully stored, disclosed the privileged few to which the smiling life, day after day. Today is for you she will smile. WHAT IS THE TIME NECESSARY FOR ITS FIRST results.You ever noticed that some people perform a job quickly, while others need more time for the same task. Several factors energy comes this phenomenon: the habit, intelligence, knowledge, desire to work quickly in question. In the case of the influence of distance things are a bit different. Some people are more equipped than the other and has successfully faster. The chapter dealing with 6 natural emitters allows you to better understand this evidence. However, mostly do not believe it is already inevitable and if you're not part of the most favored categories, you can not ever be effective. When you studied, did you have contact with students and that median however, had better luck in life that the first class. In the field of influence at a distance, rushes the same. If you want, you will soon be among the best, a little discipline and patience and results will soon emerge.

PRACTICE YOUR INFLUENCE OF progrma, DISTANCE HALF HOUR A DAY, AT THE TIME THAT YOU HAVE CHOSEN. If this time you seem too long, a minimum of 15 minutes per day is indispensable. To further increase the effectiveness of your action, you can act 15 minutes or half an hour twice a day eg morning and evening. When practicing, do not force, STAY RELAXED! Sit relaxed! There is a strength exercise, what you do, how much more relaxed you are, the clearer the picture of his mental suggestion and the better the results. It is evident that the time of action that we give is relative, it is only an indication media. However, it is rare to achieve concrete results, acting less than 15 minutes per day, it is really the minimum time. On the other hand you can easily overcome niche hour if you want. This only can easily exceed half an hour if you want. This can only favorable but since no force, stay relaxed! You will notice a few days of practice after that time will seem increasingly short, this seat to see habit or skill that your brain has acquired this year. After some few days, this will be even very nice. IMPORTANT! Practicing the influence distance every day for half an hour, you get very quickly spectacular results. In less than a month, you'll get in most cases, to accomplish your goal. Then if you want, you can continue with another project and so on. The half hour asked to read at the beginning, not ask more than 15 minutes, after 2 or 3 months. Or else, you will not need more than a month to bring to fruition, what we needed, some time ago, three months. The effectiveness comes from practice, you quickly realize that. HOW TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE SECRETLY AND GET WHAT YOU WANT. In the lines that follow, you will discover a fantastic technique that can literally transform his life. Until recently, only a few Masters and initiates could receive it and use it. This technique will allow you to secretly influence people, semter to utter a single word. You will be the only person to have knowledge of YOUR action. You will be able to get the things you've always wanted; suffice for this, apply the advice you'll find on the following pages. Practice this extraordinary technique and you'll see that soon your life will get better, that your relationships with others will improve and, if you wish, you gan harmais money without effort into it. You already own you in this extraordinary college, but nobody, never taught him to use it to its advantage. At the time of the Atlantean civilization at a particular time of Ancient Egypt, all were able to materialize their Josso with strength of mind. Otherwise, let's see, sas all things have two sides: one good and one bad, according to the use you make of them. The influence distance is also made in the same manner in the universe. The yang and yin as the Chinese say. Oppositional and negative. Why do you think that ancient civilizations have vanished from the earth? Simply because they ended up using only the bad side of the force, acting with the sole purpose of settling their low selfish instincts.

NOW GET READY ... The technique that will be taught is what is called a hidden technique, ie, its action takes place on a non-visible. It is a mysterious method to accidentally discovers a while Tibetan, for over three centuries. This technique, if you are using for your sake and that of his neighbor, to bestow all their benefits and their wishes will be carried out more expensive. It will allow you to make your life evolve considerably, or the life of the person you want to help themselves, of course, you use a positive way. Otherwise, I mean, if you decide to act without discrimination, without respected life and balance the others, if your action is not in the sense of evolution, improvement, serious hassles await. Men and woman reached such a degree of power, that all they could. Unfortunately, they abused their abilities, using them with a negative goal. Thus, it never hurts to advise you, to only use this wonderful technique, graduated in secret for so long, for a positive goal. To improve your life or that of others and, in doing so, you will wonder if they will live a wonderful life, full of joy, love and success. PRACTICE OF INFLUENCE AT A DISTANCE. As you now know, and very difficult for a mind excited and nervous to be a good station, so it is first necessary to calm her down before you pass the practice influences the distance. If you have practiced relaxation techniques and self-hypnosis, you must quickly get to relax. Five to ten minutes should be sufficient. Otherwise, ten to fifteen are certainly indispensable to obtain a good relaxation, although some people reach faster. So, before practicing the technique influences the distance, apply yourself first, to get a good relaxation of body and mind. Your reference point will feel calm and relaxado.Seu body and your mind will be at peace and stems. At this point, you can start the action at a distance with the Maximum chance of success. Now let non-technical self-hypnosis, you can get rid of all tensions and relax it completely. HOW TO GET A FULL RELAXATION BY SELF-HYPNOSIS? In the first place, lie comfortably on your bed, or sit in a good chair. Next, fix a point: it is above you (ceiling) if you are lying, either ahead if seated. For this, you can serve the disk attached hypnotic, chant or fix any point. Then focus all your attention on this point. Only this point must be present in your mind. Now, start thinking mentally phrase that someone and try to feel the effects they produce in you. Fico this point each time with more force, and the more this fixed point, plus my body and mind to relax (take all the time necessary to apply each pair mental suggestion, feel it well, you're not shopping). My eyelids are heavy and my eyes get tired more and more with each passing second. I want my eyes to close, and I close my eyes.

I feel calm and relaxed, my body becomes increasingly heavy, in parallel with it that relaxes. My eyes and then closed and locked. I will now relax my body: start with my feet and climb to the head (this proceed as indicated in the following suggestions). Now focus my attention on my feet, which relax and become heavy. A gentle heat and beneficial shines over my whole body. My legs are heavy and relaxed turn (strive to feel it, but do not force; anyway this state happened if you practice regularly). My belly relaxes and gets heavy now (while you acted mentally focus equally on the body part on the suggestion, without forcing, simply being aware. Already with the desire and love, is the only means of really be successful). My hands and my arms are heavy and relaxed. My chest, my neck, my neck is relaxing more and more with each passing second. I feel good, wonderful. My mind relaxes more and more. It is clearer, my thoughts are elements stalks, calm. (here you should feel a sense of peace and well-being, feeling like a dream). In this state, any thoughts you want to send is so powerful, so powerful that unerringly strikes its target, whatever the distance that separates you from him. "Repeat this phrase mentally three times." It is from now on you will address the phase influences the distance itself! Now, visualize mentally the person to whom the message is intended (in the case of a person, but to visualize the object or purpose of the issue you want to achieve). This representation should be as alive and real as possible, do this for 510 minutes or so, however, does not exceed this time. Send your message mentally, just thinking about her greatly, and imagine that it penetrates the person in the middle of the forehead (which is the zone of receptivity "PSI"). Do this for 5 to 10 minutes, according to the state in which you find yourself. As soon as you start to feel tired or tense, stop, rest and start again a few minutes later, if you feel the need, but no more than 15 minutes. A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO MEET Build your message as a suggestion, I mean, it must be positive, as short as possible and penetrating. Think this message devoting her full attention. The more engrossed by it you get, the better

success you will have, the more it is present in your mind during the session, but you will have better success once again, "relax, do not push." Act as the conviction that your message will be received and hold, do not forget that "EVERYTHING THAT yOU BELIEVE tO BE TRUE iS TRUE OR BECOMES TRUE", and that infallibly. Act with STRONG LOVE, BURNING DESIRE, entusiasm The FIERCE. This explosive cocktail will soon produce the desired results. In case your influence to exert on something other than a person. Suppose that you want to get a large sum of money, then here, visualize mentally the amount that you want. HOW TO END YOUR SESSION OF INFLUENCE AT A DISTANCE. One very important thing is to always face your session with one last issue clear and crisp message. Then relax for 5 minutes to Recover relax. Little by little you will taste in this famous year of action at a distance and will be very happy to practice it (especially when you constaros results that are produced.) We again remind you that you can practice it on waking, before bed or during the day, if you can not do it on a fixed schedule. For greater details return to es chapter "hours more favorable to practice influences the distance." PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE In the beginning you will proceed as indicated in "Technical extraordinary influence at a distance." After a few days have you noticed that relaxes much faster and that it is sufficient 3 to 4 minutes to obtain a good relaxation. Then you realized that the simple fact of thinking of relaxing this will be enough to cause relaxation, usually after 2 or 3 months. The even will run with the exercise of influence to distance itself. At first you will need a relatively long time to get what you want. Although the results vary greatly from one person to another, the principle between 3 weeks and 1 month will allow you to accomplish wonders. The more you practice, the faster you get results fast and dramatic. Sometimes you'll have trouble believing, then come a time when all will be very fast, because your mind will become efficient. A single thought is enough to produce the effect. EXPERIENCES THAT PROVE THAT FAVORS THE HYPNOSIS COLLEGES "PSI". Numerous research centers of the extraordinary faculties of man in pre range hypnosis to trigger and observe phenomena "psi" extraordinary, for example, the movement of objects at a distance, telepathy, the can of divination ing the distance, etc ... Why scientists, rationalists very soon employ hypnosis? Simply because hypnosis is a means of exceptional research and this for several reasons. Hypnosis allows you to disconnect our mind criticism, which, without ceasing, refusing everything that does not come into their design, what prevents it effectively to accomplish great things of which it is capable. After the Hypnosis allows it to act directly on the subconscious, what do avoid a power loss, due to our mind criticism. By practicing yourself the simplest form of hypnosis which is selfhypnosis, it is you yourself who criticizes disconnect your mind and limited for a

few moments, which allows you to use all the power all the resources you have in yourself . SOME TYPICAL CASES OF INFLUENCE DISTANCE: THE HOW AND WHY. How to awaken love in a person you want to awaken love in a person. Start by visualizing mental person concerned. Once your image is well formed in his mind, send the message in question. Let us assume that this person is called Daniela and you sechama Sergio. Here is the message you send: "Daniela is in love with Sergio." You will notice that the message is very short and positive. It does not say "vaificar" but "is". In the case of whether a person is always good to employ THE FIRST name if you know it. Design this message, imagining that it penetrates through the center of the forehead (third eye area), to the person inside. For the rest, follow the instructions it sounds given in the Technical Meeting to influence the distance. MAKING YOUR CHILDREN CALM AND OBEDIENT. His children just do what comes to mind and it is impossible for you to get them what they want it to be, by the discussion. Start by visualizing son sue over stem if you have more than one, After The one other. Once each, in the same session and not exceeding 15 minutes per child. When you have succeeded view it properly calm and immovable, it is time to send your message. Assume that your child is called Silvio, his mother loves you, be gentle eating her, "is the message here is made in two stages: first, to trigger a feeling in the child, it is always easier to cooperate with a person who has a sense love or esteem for you than another who has not. imagine where this message penetrates the person in the middle of the forehead. shall you this way with each child to give you problems, you can encourage them equal mind so that they can do better in school, to be more thoughtful, etc ... LIKE A LOVE LOST rediscover Her husband cheats and refuses to talk to you. See, first, her husband, visualize the passionate, if possible. Since this is well formed in his mind, send your message and imagine it in your head penetrates through the forehead. Assume that your husband is called Ivo. The secret of success in this case will unleash her husband a deep sense of love for you. Here's how you have to do: Once you have formed the image of her loving husband, him design his own image (show up as seductive as possible) "Ivo, you're in love with me," is the message. Make this thought entered it with Strength and insistence, without getting tense. Always be calm and relaxed during sessions. HOW TO RELIEVE YOUR PAIN OR THE OTHER Some famous healers use the technique influences the distance that you will learn and can sometimes do miracles. Here's how you can do the same: if you have a photo of the sick person, take it in your hands and secure it intensely. When you are well impregnated with her image, close your eyes. If you have picture, skip to the next phase. Mental

image is clear, two solutions seo fer cations lead to you: 1. You imagine this person in full form and sends the following message mentally, making her always in her head through his forehead: "... you cure '. In place of the ellipsis place the person's first name. If you address issues that are personal, make it, visualizing (I heal myself ...), the rest is identical. Make for 15 minutes or so in the morning and evening, until a total cure. 2. You know what disease or suffers badly the person you want, help, admit that she has severe pain in the knee of the person, direct your attention paraseu knee, visualize it mentally in perfect condition and send the following message, always in the middle of flush: "your knee heals." in the case of you, visualize your knee in full form and use aseguinte message "my knee will be." Do this for 15 lots, approximately, morning and evening, until the person has no more pain. HOW TO INCREASE YOUR INCOME. You want to see your bank account increase by 1000.00 and 3000.00 and R $ 15,000.00 or more real. Imagine yourself in possession of this amount, the joy you feel in that would bring such a sum. See the figure and the sum of money, you want to get. When this is clear, mentally repeat for 10 to 15 minutes the following formula: "within 6 months will own 3000.00 or more real in my bank account." Assuming that this is the sum that you want obtain. It is also necessary that you set a time limit for this sum, defining the performance in time and this to make your mind more active, so it will attract to you what you have asked him, within the time prescribed. HOW TO KNOW IF A PERSON SAYS TRUE AND Edith s account ... "I did not know what else to do. Des expectedly sought money he had set aside to pay my rent. Was sure to have leased site in a drawer in the kitchen and saw only a possibility ... "Right now, you put yourself in a state influences the distance (ie, of calm and relaxation, hypnoid state). Attach the banker in the sun penetrate hos and make the following message, through his forehead, several time ESEM then: "you give me this credit now." After a few seconds of silence, as without knowing why, he suddenly changes his tune and says: "Listen, I think we can actually do something for you.'ll Take care of it personally. Replace me vera morning." Was acting in this way that the author of this method obtained a loan of 700,000 francs, even though their incomes were well below the standard sought to be entitled to this amount. These few examples you gave, I hope, a sense of how to proceed should employ. Of course, any other field of action is possible.The operating mode is always more or less the same, it is not necessary to mention here, all possible cases. The important thing is that you have to buy endido well, the beginning of the influence of action at a distance. Regarding the last two examples, Edith S. .. and Banker, it should be noted that they require experience and practice more important than other cases because the influence is immediately within a few seconds. But even here, you get easily too, psal gumas weeks of practice. How to get in touch with the person you love First, as with all techniques of influence

distance, relax, relax all your body and all your mind. Breathe deeply for 5 minutes, then release your mind of thoughts that have no relation to your goal. How? Simply not giving them any importance and fixing your attention on your goal. Take a photo of the person with whom you want to contact (if possible and imagine that you are in front of this person. A first part of the operation is performed. You made contact with the person you love through the photo. When you love someone, it creates a bond of affection. was demonstrated by laboratory experiments that this loco greatly promotes the telepathic contacts; remember what is written in the chapter referring to Uri Geller. Uri Geller says the following: "once has formed a bond between me and affective object, I believe strongly in what I want to see come true. "The second part of the operation will be to communicate telepathically with the beloved. Behold carry with you: once you have felt that the contact is well established that if I am anything, look again at the photo, then close your eyes. With the focus of thought, now do the following question: "... TALK TO ME, TALK TO ME." In place of the ellipsis, you put the first name of the person loved. Repeat this phrase several times if necessary, until you feel something to cheer you. Maybe you have funny feelings, or thoughts arise in your mind sudden mind. In the beginning, you will tend to believe that this stems from his think ing, but with a little experience, you will understand what is effectively a telepathic communication between you and the person you love, it produces. If you have this possibility, combine the time that you will try to contact her. She can start to relax in the expected time, then join you. The latter course of action will facilitate telepathic contact. With a little practice, it will become easier for you to feel what a person thinks or does, even when she's hundreds of miles away. WITH SEE WHAT THE OTHER MAKES EVEN A DISTANCE OF 1000 Km. This exercise of telepathy will be identical to the preceding paragraph "to get in touch with the person you love," ie, you employ a photo here also, if possible, otherwise display the image of the person issue.The following picture you find yourself in front of her, his whole being is with her, if you know where she is, imagine this place, mentally. Make a mental question, when you feel the loop lished this: "... What are you doing?", Here too the ellipsis replaces mo first name of the person in question. Let your body and your mind totally relaxed throughout the exercise time. It is very important because no sense can reach you if you are worried, tired or tense. Having asked the question "... what are you doing?" loosen up and, especially, do not analyze what comes to mind. Unlike accepted as accurate everything you hasten, note after the session, if necessary, communicate to the person the results of their investigation. This way you can judge the accuracy of what you have seen, felt or heard. Above all, do not be discouraged if you do not get results with it guiuler immediately whole pages. You started reading a few words, a few sentences, finally, you read whole books and, today, is up to you even able to read, thinking about something else. The same will happen with telepathy. After a few weeks of training, you will be able to see, through telepathy,

reading the thoughts of others, to communicate away. The most important, in the beginning, is that you do not try to analyze this po instantly destroy all your extrasensory perceptions. The part of the brain in question, when you do this type of exercise is right, I mean, there where it lodges the unconscious or subconscious, terminating all abilities "psi", but also intuition, creativity, imagination . The left brain is the rational part, which intervenes in mathematics at trial in the analysis, at will. Maybe you understand better now, because it's a bad look, and make efforts to ease during these exercises. These two sides of the brain each have their properties and capabilities. Following the work you do, you better order one or tro wolf. According to what you want to get, and in the case of telepathy, is right side of his brain. The measurement of your practice, you will discover the thousand wonders of which you are capable. As in all things, the beginning is the hardest, so there would not be too much to recommend a little patience and perseverance, you will be rewarded a hundredfold. LATEST RECOMMENDS cohesive reading your method will influence distance is almost finished. Apply to take the advice we gave, they came a long practice, which has always shown its effectiveness. Applying the principles of this method, you also, as thousands of people get what they want. However, nothing can be done without a good discipline and a serious practice. It is the only condition to be sure to be bemsucedido. Do not forget this: "THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MAN AND KNOW THAT HAS ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PRACTICE IS-SENA" Read and reread this method, study it until you have clearly understood all the principles and all the technique that are exposed here. Once all this already clear pair you start practicing. You will then see if that does not produce wonders never cease to amaze you. COMPLETE METHOD OF "PSYCHO CONTROL SX" - AC Wolfmann HOW TO INFLUENCE OTHERS TO MENTALLY: I. Easily get what you want II. Win the esteem and consideration of people very targeted III. Make you shut IMMEDIATELY anyone you criticize or demean and change their opinion about you IV. cause a person of the opposite sex fall in love deeply for you, Any extra that are your current relations with this person

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