2 - Erotic Hypnosis Manual Part 2 (EroticHypnosisPart2)

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Before moving into inductions I would like to cover brain states a bit more. People

commonly move from the Beta state to the Alpha states at different times during the day.

When people are watching television they move into an alpha state within 60 seconds of

watching a television program. People also move into Alpha states while driving long

periods, reading a book, feeling emotional, using their imagination process. The Alpha

state does provide for easier critical bypass than the Beta State. If you leave a person in

Alpha long enough they will begin to go into deep alpha / light theta.

We are all hardwired with the ability to move in and out of states within seconds or

minutes. When you are inducing a state in someone, you are utilizing an existing

hardware in a person. People go into these states naturally every day, as hypnotist you are

skillfully guiding the person into the state of your choice. People are also capable of

going into theta states at times other than sleeping.

If something incredibly bad or unexpected happens to a person, that person can go

into “shock’. While a person is in shock they are highly suggestible. “Shock’ is a Theta

brain wave state and an absolute bypass of the critical conscious mind. When a traumatic

event happens, people usually tend to search for an answer for what to do next. If the

person has an existing answer than that answer will be quickly applied to the situation.

Emergency Medical personal are an example of people trained to deal with unexpected

traumatic events.
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If the person does not have a response, the person’s brain will “search” for a

response. During this search process the brain will go into an “altered theta state”. The

theta state allows for the person to absorb any and all information for a solution, without

being hindered by the critical mind. This will happen until a suitable response is

discovered or given to the subconscious mind. This is why people who are in “shock”

are incredibly suggestible.

If you ask a person to “imagine” something, that person will go into a temporary

alpha state to construct what you are asking. When people are deeply and heavily relaxed

they also tend to go into deep alpha states. You may find that as you think about these

examples, it makes more sense that you’re guiding people into a natural process. You

may also find its a lot less intimidating as you realize hypnosis consists of you utilizing

existing states within people.

Has there ever been a time where one of your friends jumped out of nowhere and

scared the living crap out of you? Do you remember what it was like when your brain

temporarily froze as you tried to figure out what the hell was going on? Congratulations

you’ve also experienced your own “hardwired” theta state in action. We are all

hardwired by our nature to go into these altered states. As a hypnotist you’re just pushing

the button that triggers the altered state. The “magic” is that people don’t realize these

states already exist within them. People believe you are somehow “creating” a trance.

People don’t realize you’re just pushing the buttons they were hardwired to respond to.
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As you think about what I’ve told you and reflect about it in your daily life, please

read the list of other examples in your daily life that can cause a state change:

1. Watching television or movies ( light alpha to deep Alpha )

2. Reading a book ( Alpha )

3. Any type of sudden surprise and unexpected event ( Theta )

4. Huge amounts of Pleasure ( Alpha )

5. Deep relaxation from any form ( deep alpha light Theta )

6. Being bored out or your mind ( Deep Alpha State )

7. Going inside yourself to find the answer to something that is ambiguous (Alpha)

8. Going inside yourself to find Imagine yourself doing something ( Deep alpha)

9. Rhythmic beats from music or your voice ( Alpha and Theta States )

10. Sleep and Dreaming ( Theta states )

11. People are deeply confused about something that doesn’t make sense ( Deep

alpha )

It is incredibly easy to guide a person from an Alpha state to a Theta state. It is also

incredibly easy to put someone Theta from Beta. It is easy because you are utilizing

mechanisms that people are born with.

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I have a fun exercise for you that you may find entertaining. For this to work you

must be very serious, don’t laugh, and look as if you expect an answer. Find a friend or

co-worker, look them straight in the eye, be dead serious and ask:

“Do you know what time the fox leaves the balloon,.. my dad said it was at noon”

Make sure you say it quickly and seriously. You will find that your friend’s brain state

will go into a deep alpha state as he tries to figure out what you said. What you are saying

makes no sense, but you’re not joking, so this adds to the confusion. If you are laughing

and acting silly then your statement would be congruent with your demeanor. However

because you are acting serious this causes deep confusion. Your friend will go into an

altered state to figure out what is going on.

If you watch your friends eyes you will find that they look up to the left or right of

they will just freeze and look ahead trying to figure out what is going on. This is an

example of the brain going into an altered state looking for an answer.

There is one more thing I wanted to mention about Alpha States. Alpha states are

useful for giving someone a hypnotic suggestion. However the suggestions but be

“reasonable” in terms of the conscious mind. This is why the Alpha state is a great state
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to give suggestions for someone to go into theta or ( to go deeper into hypnosis ). I like

to use the following metaphor to think of brain wave states and the critical mind.

Think of the critical mind as huge security guard. The security guard provides

security to a private party. You can only get into this private party if you are on the

special list. While the mind is in beta, the security guard is dead sober and will not

deviate or accept any new party goers. When the mind is in deep alpha the security guard

has just had a few beers, and he is feeling relaxed and tired. The relaxed and buzzing

security guard will let people on the list into the party. However, the people the guard lets

in must still be dressed appropriately and no craziness. When the conscious mind is in

“theta” the guard is completely unconscious from being knocked out, or drinking too

much. While the guard is passed out, anyone can just “walk right into the party.”

Now if you’re clever you can get the guard relaxed and drunk, then send some

people into the party to talk to the owner. If you convince the owner of the party to let

more into the party, even better! If you convince the owner to tell the guard to have a few

more drinks, how delightful!

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And instant induction is a hypnotic induction that brings a person from Beta to Theta

in a matter of seconds. In my personal experience instant inductions can be very useful in

bars, coffee shops, or public venues with lots of people. Instant inductions are also

incredibly useful in a therapy session. I am first going to explain to how the inductions

work before giving you specific techniques. I believe its important to understand the

theory and why it works first, then I will do the specific techniques.

Do you remember earlier I spoke to you about what happens to the brain when

someone is in shock? Can you recall what happens when someone is suddenly surprised

without warning? Remember how you reacted at a time when a friend of yours startled

you without warning? Instant inductions trigger a hardwired response in the brain that

searches for answers as to what to do next. This search takes place on an external and

internal level and usually takes about 1 second or less. During this “search phase” the

brain goes into theta for about 1-2 seconds looking for answers.

During this window of time the mind is going into its data banks for an appropriate

response while searching external stimuli for an answer. Your goal is to take advantage of

that window and send your command into the subconscious first before anything else.

You are using a “shocking” type of mechanism to create a situation where your client

does not know how to respond. This “shocking” mechanism can be anything at all, just

keep in mind you open that “theta” brain state window for only a second.
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The window will only be open for a second because the brain will conclude that

you’re just being silly, or there is no threat, no pain, so carry on with your life. Naturally

in violent traumas people will remain in theta/shock for hours as they search for answers.

However you can’t use violent traumas on clients because it is morally reprehensible and

you will do life in Pelican Bay Prison if you try.

Using a method of shock you can make someone go form Beta to Theta for about 1

second. Sometimes I like to first put the client into a light alpha state before using a

shock. This can easily be achieved by having the client do things that will make him

wonder what is going to happen, or to confuse him as to what you are doing. Anytime

someone has to “go inside oneself” and think about something confusing it causes an

alpha state. Many hypnotists will tell you to use “expectation” on a client, but lets break

down what expectation really means.

What happens when you expect something is going to happen but you don’t know

what is going to happen, or how it will happen but you know it will happen? You start to

really think and wonder and anticipate. This anticipation causes an altered Alpha Level

brain wave state. This is because you are looking for answers, searching, and anytime

you search for something intently it causes an altered brain wave state. This is why its

important to project confidence and to act like you are going to expect it to work, even if
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you don’t believe it will. By you acting like its going to work you are sending a powerful

suggestion to someone in an alpha state. The suggestion is

“This is going to work and you’re going to go out like a light”

Remember, when someone is in an Alpha State, hypnotic messages are accepted and

have an impact on the mind. This is another reason why it is important that you do not

have body language, posture, vocal tone, or facial expressions that communicate you are

insecure and it won’t work. All of these things communicate the following message:

“In a moment I am going to do something shocking to you to you but don’t worry, its

not going to work. So once you go into theta state you can quickly come out of it and

then look at me and wonder what to do next. “

If you give this message to the person before hand, then the person will know

exactly what to do when they enter the theta state. And the open window to theta time

will close from 1 second to .001 seconds because a response is in place to the shock that

is about to happen.

Remember, when people are in altered states, everything becomes a suggestion

direct or implied.
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I do want to bring up something important to all of you, you do not have to believe

the instant induction is going to work. However you must pretend that you do. The first

10 times I used instant inductions I did not believe they would work, however I didn’t

let the client know that. Think of yourself as an actor, a performer.

Lets talk a bit more about the 1 second window that you create in someone by

causing a state of shock. As I said before, the shock will provide a 1 second window of

theta into your client. This is a precious window where any suggestions you give go deep

into the mind unobstructed. However you only have one second to convey your

instructions, so what do you say to the person….?


While the 1 second window of theta is open you will shout/command the world

“sleep” to your client. The sleep command will then drop your client into an even deeper

state of theta. You can shout the command “sleep” if you like or you can say it gently. I

find that shouting it adds to the shock and is more effective. Essentially you are taking a

small window of “theta state”, and using that to insert the command SLEEP deep into the
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subconscious mind. Once the command has been inserted the client’s brainwave state will

immediately go into deep theta, but only for another 1-2 seconds.

In this second window of “deep theta” its crucial to immediately being deepening the

client or they will pop right back out to beta. Naturally these are general rules, and there

are exceptions. Some people will remain unconscious until you wake them up while

others will awaken naturally in 1-3 minutes. However, generally most people will awaken

within 1-2 seconds if you do not immediately deepen them and solidify the theta state.

So, you create the shock, open a theta window, command sleep and drop the person into

deeper theta window and deepen.

People don’t naturally go into deep theta states unless they are sleeping. When you

initially artificially activate the state the subconscious will wonder whats going on. If you

don’t say anything the subconscious will say..

“Hmmm…okay you said sleep so I put him to sleep but you didn’t say how long and it’s

the middle of the day, Joe has got stuff to do and he is sleeping. He is going to miss his

appointments and chores, this is ridiculous I need to wake him up.”

When you continue to talk to your client and deepen him the subconscious will say
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“”hmmmmm….okay you said sleep so I put Joe to sleep …I better just keep listening to

what the hypnotist is saying and keep Joe in the theta state and follow the instructions”

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