Oppositionality and Socioemotional Competence

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Oppositionality and Socioemotional Competence: Interacting Risk Factors in the Development of Childhood Conduct Disorder Symptoms
William Mandy, D.Clin.Psy., David Skuse, M.D., Colin Steer, M.Sc., Beate St Pourcain, Ph.D., Bonamy R. Oliver, Ph.D.
Objectives: Oppositional behavior in childhood is a probabilistic risk factor for the subsequent development of more serious conduct problems characteristic of conduct disorder (CD). The capacity to understand the subjective states of others (socioemotional competence) helps regulate antisocial behavior in typical development. We hypothesized that socioemotional competence moderates the developmental relationship between oppositionality and CD symptoms, such that oppositional deant disorder (ODD) symptoms pose the greatest risk for subsequent CD symptoms in children with poor socioemotional competence. Method: Parent-report data were collected for 6,218 children at 7 and 10 years of age. Bootstrap multiple regression predicting CD symptoms at age 10 was used to test for an interaction between socioemotional competence and ODD symptoms, while also accounting for direct effects and controlling for sex, maternal education, attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms, and CD symptoms at 7 years. We further tested whether the interaction applied to both males and females, and to both aggressive and rule-breaking CD symptoms. Results: A signicant interaction was found between ODD and socioemotional competence: the association between oppositionality at 7 years and CD traits at 10 years was strongest for children with poor socioemotional capacities. As predicted, this moderation effect was signicant in a model predicting aggression, but it was not signicant for rulebreaking CD symptoms. Conclusion: Socioemotional competence moderates the developmental relationship between mid-childhood oppositionality and more serious conduct problems in later childhood. A capacity to understand the subjective states of others may buffer the risk posed by oppositionality for later CD symptoms, including aggression. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2013;52(7):718727. Key Words: Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), conduct disorder (CD), developmental psychopathology, oppositional deant disorder (ODD), socioemotional competence

ppositional deant disorder (ODD) is characterized by a pattern of negativistic, deant, disobedient, or hostile behavior toward authority gures (p. 100),1 whereas the cardinal feature of conduct disorder (CD) is a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age appropriate societal norms are violated (p. 93).1 Both of these childhood disruptive behavior disorders are dimensional,2 each representing the extreme of distinct trait distributions that extend throughout the general population.3 Elevated ODD symptoms are a risk factor for the subsequent development of CD and CD

symptoms,4,5 yet this relationship is probabilistic and complex, as illustrated by the fact that most children with ODD do not go on to develop CD.6 One approach to understanding the variability of outcomes in development draws upon a core principle of developmental psychopathology: that individual differences in adaption and maladaption arise from the interaction of multiple risk and protective factors.7 On this basis, the investigation of variables that moderate the inuence of ODD traits may help to explain continuities and discontinuities with later CD symptoms. Conduct problems, especially those with childhood onset, are frequently associated with





abnormalities in social cognition.8 In particular, children with a callous and unemotional interpersonal style are at risk for developing the severe and persistent externalizing problems characteristic of childhood-onset CD.9 Other forms of atypical social cognition, such as impaired emotion recognition10 and poor theory of mind.11 have also been implicated in the development of childhood-onset CD. Some evidence exists that elements of social cognition moderate the development of childhood conduct problems, by amplifying or attenuating the effects of other risk factors. For example, in early childhood, low maternal emotional support is only predictive of increases in aggression in children who have delayed theory of mind development.12 Moreover, callous-unemotional traits weaken the relationship between poor parenting and childhood disruptive behavior problems,13 and strengthen the association between initial and subsequent CD symptoms.6 In the current study, we tested a novel social moderation hypothesis by considering whether the capacity to accurately perceive the perspectives and emotions of others (termed socioemotional competence) inuences the developmental relationship between ODD and CD traits in childhood. This was based on clinical experience and the 3 following related arguments. First, ODD is characterized by emotional and behavioral dysregulation that places children at risk for committing the transgressive acts symptomatic of CD.14 Second, these acts, particularly those involving direct aggression (e.g., ghting, bullying, threatening), engender negative affect in others. Third, a capacity for perceiving this affect offers an opportunity for top-down regulation of behavior by making an aversive experience available to a child who has caused distress or anger.15,16 Conversely, those with limited socioemotional competence are, by denition, less likely to notice the negative impact of their behavior on others, and thus miss out on this form of interpersonal behavioral regulation. Accordingly, we predicted that children with ODD symptoms and poor socioemotional competence in middle childhood would be at elevated risk for developing CD symptoms, and, conversely, that children who are oppositional, but who show intact socioemotional competence, would be at lesser risk for developing CD symptoms. Beyond this overarching hypothesis, we were interested in 2 additional issues. The rst was based on factor analytic, phenotypic, and behavior genetic ndings suggesting that symptoms of CD

can be divided into 2 related but meaningfully distinct aggressive and rule-breaking clusters.17 We predicted that the moderating effect of socioemotional competence would be most pertinent to overt, aggressive CD symptoms (such as ghting, bullying and threatening), as these are more likely to elicit immediate, observable emotional distress in others compared to more covert, rule-breaking CD behaviors (lying, stealing, staying out late, playing truant). Second, because boys are more likely to progress from ODD to CD than are girls,18 it is possible that sex inuences developmental processes that link oppositionality and later CD behaviors. For this reason, we tested whether the moderation effect that we predicted applied to both boys and girls. Because attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms are a risk factor for a range of conduct problems4 and, as such, may carry some of the cross-sectional and developmental association between ODD and CD, we also included measures of inattention and hyperactivityimpulsivity in our analyses to control for these potential confounds. We tested our hypotheses using parent-report measures in a large, UK community sample of children assessed at 7 and 10 years of age.

Participants were members of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a populationbased, longitudinal cohort in southwestern England, comprising individuals with a predicted birth date between April 1, 1991, and December 31, 1992. The initial cohort included 14,541 pregnancies, with 13,971 children alive at 12 months. Ethical approval was obtained from the ALSPAC Law and Ethics Committee and Local Research Ethics Committees. Cohort members were included in the current study if they had complete behavioral data required to test the study hypotheses (see Data Analysis). Demographic characteristics for the 6,218 children who were eligible are presented in Table 1. In comparison to participants in the current study, those in the original ALSPAC cohort excluded from our analyses were more likely to have a mother who was adolescent (odds ratio [OR] 5.15, 95% condence interval [CI] 4.136.43), had no higher or further education (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.701.95), and was not a home owner (OR 3.15, 95% CI 2.903.43).

Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA). ODD, CD, and ADHD symptoms were measured using the DAWBA, administered as a parent-report questionnaire




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Characteristics of the Sample (N 6,128)

Characteristics Age in months at time 1, mean (SD) Age in months at time 2, mean (SD) Proportion female, % Proportion with white ethnicity, % Proportion born to adolescent mother, % Proportion with mother with a university degree, % Proportion with parent(s) who own their home, % 91.7 (1.4) 128.6 (1.6) 49.0 95.1 1.5 17.5 84.6

when participating children were 7 and 10 years old. The DAWBA contains symptom checklists in which each item corresponds to a DSM-IV and ICD-10 diagnostic criterion, and has been extensively validated in community samples.19 For each ODD and ADHD item, parents were asked to rate whether, in the last 6 months and compared to other children of the same age, their child had had the symptom no more than others, a little more than others, or a lot more than others. For CD, parents were asked whether their child had shown each symptom within the last 12 months, with the answer codes no, perhaps, and denitely. ODD, ADHD, and CD symptom scores were calculated by summing DAWBA items. The ODD scale comprised 9 items, which were summed to give an overall oppositionality score. The overall CD symptoms scale was the sum of 7 DAWBA items, comprising the most commonly reported symptoms of CD. More extreme manifestations of CD, including sexual assault and torturing animals, were not included in ALSPAC questionnaires due to their rarity in the general population of children and to minimize the risk of increasing sample attrition. We summed clusters of DAWBA CD items to create aggressive (has often bullied or threatened, often started ghts) and rulebreaking (often told lies, often stayed out after dark, much later than he was supposed to, stolen from the house, or from other peoples houses, or from shops or school, run away from home more than once, often played truant) CD symptom scales. DAWBA ADHD items were used to calculate separate scales for inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, each comprising 9 DAWBA items. Socioemotional Competence. Socioemotional competence was measured at age 7 years using a subset of questions from the Social Communication Disorders Checklist.20 This 4-item subscale, derived on the basis of face validity and factor analysis, has been used previously for examining the relationship between socioemotional competence and conduct problems.21 It is summed from parental responses to the following items: Not aware of other peoples feelings, Does not realize when others are upset or angry, Does not notice the effect of his/her behavior on other members of the family, and Does not pick up on body language. Response codes are not true, quite

or sometimes true, and very or often true. This socioemotional competence scale excludes those items of the Social Communication Disorders Checklist that concern behavioral (e.g., Child is very demanding of other peoples time) or emotional (e.g., Child is difcult to reason with when upset) aspects of social communication difculties. This is for the purpose of achieving a focused measure of socioemotional competence less likely than the full Social Communication Disorders Checklist to yield scores inuenced by externalizing and internalizing problems. There is evidence for the construct validity of this socioemotional competence scale, as its pattern of associations with measures of other constructs is in line with theoretical expectations. Specically, in terms of convergent validity, the scale is sensitive to diagnosed cases of autism spectrum disorder in the ALSPAC cohort and correlates moderately with scores on the Child Communication Checklist, a measure of pragmatic language.21,22 Also, as would be predicted for a scale of socioemotional competence,23 males score worse than females on the scale. Its discriminant validity is suggested by ndings of weak correlations with distinct constructs, such as IQ, low socioeconomic status, and teenage pregnancy.21 Maternal Education. Maternal education was used as an indicator of socioeconomic variability, as this has been shown to be a valid index of socioeconomic status in the ALSPAC cohort.24 At 32 weeks gestation, mothers reported their highest education attainment as: none; CSE (basic level educational attainment in the UK); vocational qualications; O-level (at the time of data collection, the minimum requirement for progression to further education); A-levels (highest school-based attainment typically awarded, aged 18 years); and degree or above. For this variable, higher scores indicate higher maternal education.

Data Analyses
To test our moderation hypothesis, we used linear multiple regression to assess the signicance of the interaction between ODD and socioemotional competence. In our main model, we used overall CD symptom score at 10 years of age as the outcome variable, and included the following as predictors: maternal education; sex; CD symptoms at 7 years; ODD symptoms at 7 years; inattention at 7 years; hyperactivityimpulsivity at 7 years; socioemotional competence at 7 years; and the interaction term for socioemotional competence and ODD. This allowed us to test for an interaction between socioemotional competence and ODD, while accounting for main effects of ODD traits and socioemotional competence and controlling for maternal education, sex, ADHD traits, and CD symptomsat age 7 years. To test the expectation that the interaction between socioemotional competence and oppositionality would be most relevant to the development of aggressive rather than rule-breaking conduct





symptoms, we ran 2 further regression models with identical predictors to those described above, but with aggressive and rule-breaking CD symptoms as outcome variables. To investigate differences in interaction effects between these 2 models, multivariate linear regression was used. To test for sex differences in moderation effects, we ran 3 additional regression models with overall CD, aggressive CD, and rule-breaking CD as their respective outcome variables. For each of these models, in addition to the predictor variables described above, we entered a 3-way interaction term for socioemotional competence ODD sex. To avoid making any assumptions concerning the other potential 2-way interactions (socioemotional competence sex, ODD sex), these terms were also tted. To ensure robustness of our parameter estimates, given the deviations from normality for our outcomes, we used bootstrap regression based on 10,000 random samples (with replacement) of size n, where n reects the number of children with complete data for each outcome separately. This allowed empirically based 95% condence intervals and p values to be derived, and avoided any normality-based assumption associated with the t-distribution used in standard linear regression. To illustrate the interaction effects (Figure 1), we divided the sample into 3 groups based on degree of socioemotional competence: no socioemotional competence difculties (n 3,832); 1 difculty (n 1,140); and 2 or more difculties (n 1,246). A difculty was considered present if a parent answered quite or sometimes true or very or often true to an item on the socioemotional competence scale. For each group,

we used regression to examine the relationship between ODD traits at 7 years of age and CD symptoms at 10 years, controlling for sex, maternal education, and CD and ADHD symptoms at 7.


Bivariate correlations with bootstrap 95% condence intervals for continuous variables used in our regression analyses are shown in Table 2. Bootstrap t tests were used to test for sex differences on key variables. Boys (mean 3.29, SD 1.19) and girls (mean 3.31, SD 1.21) did not differ on maternal education (p .539). Boys (mean 1.55, SD 3.04) scored higher than girls (mean 1.13, SD 2.42) for ODD traits at age 7 years (p < .001). At both time points in the study, boys (age 7 years, mean 0.59, SD 1.07; age 10 years, mean 0.54, SD 1.12) had more (p < .001) CD symptoms than girls (age 7 years, mean 0.49, SD 0.92; age 10 years, mean 0.39, SD 0.87). On average, girls (mean 0.71, SD 1.24) had superior (p < .001) socioemotional competence to that of boys (mean 0.97, SD 1.52). Moderation by Socioemotional Competence of the Relationship Between Oppositionality and Subsequent CD Symptoms Table 3 shows standardized beta coefcents (b) for the bootstrap regression models designed to

FIGURE 1 Association between oppositionality at age 7 years and conduct disorder (CD) symptoms at 10 years for groups dened by degree of socioemotional competence. Note: All analyses control for sex and maternal education, as well as attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder and conduct disorder symptoms at 7 years.








Two plus

Number of difficulties with socioemotional competence

Overall CD symptoms Aggressive CD symptoms Rule-breaking CD symptoms





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TABLE 2 Bootstrap Bivariate Correlations Between Study Variables

R (95% CI) Characteristic 1 Maternal education 2 ODD symptoms at age 7 years 3 CD symptoms at age 7 years 4 SEC at age 7 years 5 ADHD-inattentive symptoms at age 7 years 6 ADHD hyperactiveimpulsive symptoms at 7 years 7 CD symptoms at age 10 years 8 Aggressive CD symptoms at 10 years 9 Rule-breaking CD at 10 years 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0.03*** 0.07*** 0.04** 0.03* 0.07*** 0.08*** 0.06*** 0.08*** (0.06 to 0.01) (0.09 to 0.04) (0.06 to 0.01) (0.06 to 0.01) (0.10 to 0.05) (0.11to 0.06) (0.09 to 0.03) (0.10 to 0.05) 0.45*** 0.46*** 0.49*** 0.58*** 0.36*** 0.33*** 0.29*** (0.42 to 0.49) (0.43 to 0.49) (0.46 to 0.52) (0.55 to 0.60) (0.32 to 0.40) (0.28 to 0.37) (0.25 to 0.33) 0.32*** 0.34*** 0.38*** 0.45*** 0.33*** 0.40*** (0.29 to 0.35) (0.31 to 0.37) (0.35 to 0.42) (0.41 to 0.48) (0.29 to 0.38) (0.37 to 0.44) 0.22*** 0.41*** 0.45*** 0.26*** 0.21*** (0.19 to 0.26) (0.38 to 0.44) (0.42 to 0.48) (0.22 to 0.29) (0.17 to 0.25) 0.72*** 0.29*** 0.22*** 0.26*** (0.70 to 0.74) (0.26 to 0.33) (0.18 to 0.26) (0.23 to 0.30) 0.33*** (0.29 to 0.36) 0.27*** (0.23 to 0.30) 0.28*** (0.25 to 0.32)


0.40 (0.35 to 0.44)

Note: ADHD attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder; CD conduct disorder; ODD oppositional deant disorder; SEC socioemotional competence. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.


TABLE 3 Bootstrap Regressions Testing Whether Socioemotional Competence Moderates the Effect of Oppositionality at Age 7 Years on Conduct Disorder Symptoms at Age 10 Years

Sex Differences To test whether our moderation hypothesis was equally applicable to boys and to girls, we ran further bootstrap regression models, adding to the models described in Table 3 a term for socioemotional competence ODD sex, along with terms for ODD sex and socioemotional competence sex. The term for the socioemotional competence ODD sex interaction was not signicant in models predicting overall CD (b 0.10, p .353), aggressive CD (b 0.12, p .442), and rule-breaking CD (b 0.07, p .479) symptoms, demonstrating no sex differences for the moderation effects.

Maternal education Sex CD symptoms at 7 years ADHD inattentive symptoms at 7 years ADHD hyperactive-impulsive symptoms at 7 years ODD symptoms at 7 years SEC at 7 years SEC ODD

Note: ADHD attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder; CD conduct disorder; ODD oppositional deant disorder; SEC socioemotional competence.

Conduct Disorder Symptoms, Age 10 y

Standardized b (95% CI)


0.05 (0.01 to 0.11) 0.01 (0.04 to 0.03) 0.13 (0.04 to 0.22)

0.05 0.03 0.32 0.05 0.07

test for an interaction between socioemotional competence and ODD in the prediction of CD symptoms at age 10 years. In the model predicting overall CD symptoms, female sex and higher level of maternal education were associated with lower levels of CD symptoms at age 10 years. CD symptoms, inattention, and hyperactivity-impulsivity at age 7 years each independently predicted CD symptoms at age 10, and there were no direct effects of ODD or socioemotional competence at age 7 in this model. There was a signicant interaction between socioemotional competence and ODD (p .006). Figure 1 illustrates the nature of this interaction: the relationship between ODD at 7 years and CD at 10 years is stronger in the presence of socioemotional competence difculties. Our bootstrap regression model with aggressive CD symptoms as an outcome variable shows that CD, inattention, hyperactivityimpulsivity, and ODD symptoms at age 7, as well as male sex and lower maternal education, all predicted increased aggressive symptoms at age 10. The interaction between socioemotional competence and ODD was signicant (p .002). As shown in Figure 1, ODD had a stronger relationship with later aggressive CD symptoms in children with socioemotional competence difculties. In the rule-breaking CD model, overall CD symptoms, oppositionality, inattention, and hyperactivity-impulsivity at age 7, and maternal education were all signicant predictors. The interaction between socioemotional competence and ODD did not reach signicance (p .079). There was no signicant difference (p .092) in magnitude between the socioemotional ODD interaction effects in our aggressive and rule-breaking models.

<.001 .144 <.001 <.001 .011 (0.07 to 0.02) (0.04 to 0.01) (0.27 to 0.35) (0.03 to 0.11) (0.01 to 0.10) .005 .003 <.001 .89 .024 (0.06 to 0.01) (0.06 to 0.01) (0.17 to 0.26) (0.05 to 0.04) (0.01 to 0.11) <.001 .013 <.001 .023 .002 (0.07 to 0.03) (0.04 to 0.01) (0.28 to 0.37) (0.01 to 0.09) (0.03 to 0.11) 0.03 0.03 0.21 0.00 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.31 0.07 0.06

Rule-Breaking Conduct Disorder Symptoms, Age 10 y

Standardized b (95% CI)

Aggressive Conduct Disorder Symptoms, Age 10 y

Standardized b (95% CI)

.120 .731 .006

0.07 (0.01 to 0.15) 0.03 (0.07 to 0.01) 0.16 (0.06 to 0.27)

.033 .111 .002

0.07 (0.02 to 0.12) 0.02 (0.04 to 0.08) 0.08 (0.01 to 0.16) 723


.012 .501 .079

MANDY et al.

ODD symptoms are a risk factor for the subsequent development of more serious behavior problems characteristic of conduct disorder (CD).4 In a large, longitudinal UK community sample, we used parent-report data to examine whether a capacity for understanding the subjective states of others (socioemotional competence) moderated this developmental relationship. Based on clinical experience and existing literature, we hypothesized that ODD traits and socioemotional competence in middle childhood would interact in their association with CD symptoms in later childhood, such that, where socioemotional competence was poor, the association would be stronger. Regression models were used to test for this anticipated moderation, while controlling for sex, maternal education, inattention, hyperactivityimpulsivity, and CD symptoms at 7 years. In addition, we tested for potential sex differences in these associations and compared aggressive and rule-breaking CD symptoms. We discuss our ndings, their implications for future research and clinical practice, and study limitations. We found evidence that the developmental relationship between oppositionality at 7 years and CD symptoms at 10 years was moderated by parent-rated socioemotional competence in this large UK sample. As expected, for children with no symptoms of socioemotional impairment, there was only a weak longitudinal relationship between ODD and CD symptoms, although the relationship became increasingly strong as a function of socioemotional competence. In those with just 1 reported socioemotional competence difculty, this relationship was stronger; and for those with multiple (2 or more) difculties, ODD traits were a still larger risk factor for the development of subsequent CD symptoms. In our sample, this moderation effect was apparent for both boys and girls. Our hypothesis was based on the idea that socioemotional competence helps to regulate behavior by making available an adverse experience to a child when they cause distress in others. Accordingly, we further reasoned that the moderating effect of socioemotional competence would be particularly salient for CD symptoms that most directly and obviously cause immediate suffering in others, namely overt acts of aggression such as bullying, ghting, and threatening. Our analyses offered partial support for this prediction. In separate analyses, there was a signicant interaction between ODD symptoms


and socioemotional competence for aggressive CD symptoms, whereas for rule-breaking CD symptoms, the moderation effect was not significant. However, formal statistical comparison of the effect sizes in these models did not show that the interaction effect for aggression was signicantly bigger than for rule-breaking CD symptoms. These paradoxical ndings raise the possibility that socioemotional competence does indeed play a role in moderating the relationship between ODD and subsequent rule-breaking CD symptoms, but that our study failed to detect this. Moderation effects are notoriously difcult to detect in nonexperimental studies because of considerations of statistical power, even in large samples such as ours.25 Further investigations using larger samples and more detailed measures of CD symptoms and socioemotional competence are warranted to further examine the hypothesized difference in moderation effects for aggressive and rule-breaking symptoms. In typical development, levels of disruptive behavior, including aggression, decline during childhood,26 and our ndings t with theories that attribute this phenomenon to the childs emerging capacity for intersubjectivity. For example, Fonagy16 has argued that an increase in mentalizing (i.e., the ability to interpret the behavior of others as being driven by mental states) is crucial in the unlearning of physical aggression during typical development. Similarly, Blairs15 Integrated Emotional Systems model states that the increasing regulation of disruptive behavior in typical development is partly dependent on a childs ability to understand and to be adversely affected by the distress of other people. Both ODD and CD are dimensional disorders, representing the extreme of traits that extend throughout the general population.2 Hence, we posit that the developmental processes that we observed in our community sample are likely to be relevant to understanding severe conduct problems described by ODD and CD diagnoses. CD can be parsed into childhood- and adolescentonset subgroups, which have partially distinct etiologies, treatment needs, and prognoses.1,27 Our study included children in middle and late childhood, so we seek to relate our ndings only to the development of childhood-onset CD. Compared to its childhood-onset equivalent, adolescent-onset CD is less associated with dispositional risks, including impaired socioemotional competence,21 so it may be that the





socioemotional competence moderation effect that we report is less relevant to understanding its etiology. Our moderation model provides some insight into why a transition from ODD to childhoodonset CD is rare,6 as it suggests a protective effect of socioemotional competence. We propose that children with ODD who develop childhoodonset CD may have an inferior capacity for understanding the subjective states of others compared to children with ODD who do not go onto develop CD. Supportive evidence for the hypothesis is provided by the ndings that impaired socioemotional competence21 and autistic social-communication traits11 are common among children with early-onset conduct problems. Also, our ndings may help to explain why fewer girls than boys progress from ODD to childhoodonset CD.18 In common with other studies,23 we found that females tend to have greater socioemotional competence than males. As a result, females are more likely to benet from the protective effects of socioemotional competence in buffering the risk posed by oppositionality. ODD is a pivotal disorder in developmental psychopathology, which places individuals at risk for a range of concurrent and subsequent internalizing and externalizing disorders.5,28 This multinality is of clinical concern, and future research is warranted to test whether the buffering effect of socioemotional competence that we observed for CD operates with respect to other forms of subsequent psychopathology. Awareness of the moderating effects of socioemotional competence has the potential to promote a better understanding of ODDs multi-nality. That is, the current ndings suggest that children with ODD and poor socioemotional competence are at risk for developing severe externalizing difculties. It will be interesting to examine whether those children with ODD and socioemotional skills risk being on a different maladaptive trajectory not identied in the current study, for example, one characterized by internalizing difculties. Furthermore, there is currently interest in the idea that emotional and behavioral symptoms of ODD should be distinguished.29 This is based on the discovery that, whereas ODD symptoms are highly intercorrelated and all predict disruptive behavior outcomes, only emotional symptoms (loss of temper, touchiness, anger) are uniquely predictive of emotional problems.28 On this basis the Disruptive Behavior Disorders Workgroup have proposed that, in

DSM-5, ODD symptoms be organized into angry/irritable mood, argumentative/deant behavior, and vindictiveness clusters.30 It will be important in future analyses to test whether the moderation effect that we have found applies to each of these putative symptom dimensions. Such work may shed further light on the developmental processes that lead from ODD to more serious conduct problems, and would contribute to debates about the validity of the tripartite model of ODD. The use of more ne-grained measures of empathy is warranted to rene our developmental moderation model, as there is behavioral and neuroanatomical evidence for a distinction between emotional (or affective) and cognitive empathy,31 and the measure of socioemotional competence used in the current study draws on aspects of both. Clinical evidence suggests that it is impaired emotional, rather than cognitive, empathy that is relevant to aggression and antisocial behavior more generally, with a specic decit in fear perception being especially important.32 We predict that emotional empathy, particularly the capacity to empathize with others fearful states, may underpin the protective effects of socioemotional competence that we observed, and may have an important part to play in our hypothesized differentiation between aggressive and rule-breaking behaviors. Furthermore, given our ndings, it will be theoretically and clinically important to understand the causes of variability in socioemotional competence. Longitudinal studies investigating whether characteristics of the social environment (e.g., parental sensitivity, a supportive family environment) inuence socioemotional competence would be of interest; as would genetically informative designs to test whether the construct measured by our socioemotional competence scale, like the one measured by the Social Communication Disorders Checklist from which it is derived, is highly heritable.20 Callous-unemotional traits are a key construct in understanding the development of a group of severely affected children with early-onset conduct problems.9 The question raised is how independent the developmental process involving socioemotional competence that we propose is from the pathway to antisocial behavior associated with callous-unemotional traits. We argue that socioemotional competence and callousunemotional traits are distinct constructs. The key characteristic of socioemotional competence


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is the capacity to notice and to correctly interpret the subjective experiences of other people, whereas callous-unemotional traits are characterized by indifference to the emotional states of others. Evidence for the validity of such a distinction is provided by the nding that callous-unemotional traits are independent of core autistic decits in mind reading.33 Nevertheless, there is a need to investigate empirically the relationship between socioemotional competence and callous-unemotional traits; and to test whether they operate as separate moderators of the longitudinal links between ODD and CD. Our study had several strengths, including a prospective design, the use of well-validated, clinically relevant measures, and a large sample size. Nevertheless, the current ndings should be considered in the light of the following limitations. First, our data were collected by parent report, raising the issue of shared-method variance. Although this is unlikely to give rise to artifactual moderation effects, it might exaggerate the size of direct associations between variables. Our ndings will be more robust if they are replicated using observational measures of social-emotional competence, so it will be important to retest our hypotheses using standardized tests of emotion recognition and empathy. Second, there was marked attrition in our community sample, with a bias favoring more socially advantaged individuals, compromising the accuracy of any prevalence estimates. However, given that the nature of our analyses is association, we argue that this attrition does not negate our ndings. Indeed, recent ndings from the ALSPAC cohort, which are especially pertinent to the current study as they concerned behavior problems, have shown only a marginal effect of drop-out on estimates of associations between variables.34 Furthermore, we controlled for socioeconomic
1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed, text revision. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000. 2. Fergusson DM, Boden JM, Horwood LJ. Classication of behavior disorders in adolescence: scaling methods, predictive validity, and gender differences. J Abnorm Psychol. 2010;119:699-712. 3. Sterba SK, Copeland W, Egger HL, Costello JE, Erkanli A, Angold A. Longitudinal dimensionality of adolescent psychopathology: testing the differentiation hypothesis. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2010;51:871-884. 4. Burke JD, Waldman I, Lahey BB. Predictive validity of childhood oppositional deant disorder and conduct disorder: implications for the DSM-V. J Abnorm Psychol. 2010;119:739-751. 5. Stringaris A, Goodman R. Longitudinal outcome of youth oppositionality: irritable, headstrong, and hurtful behaviors have distinctive predictions. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009; 48:404-412.

variability, bolstering the argument that our ndings are applicable across the spectrum of social advantage. In conclusion, although ODD traits in childhood are a risk factor for the subsequent development of CD symptoms, the capacity to accurately perceive the perspectives and emotions of othersi.e., socioemotional competencemay buffer the risk posed by oppositionality for the development of conduct problems, including aggressive behavior. Childhood conduct problems are overdetermined,8 and recent advances in their treatment have shown the need for interventions that simultaneously address multiple risk factors.35 Our ndings suggest the value of testing whether work designed to improve socioemotional competence will be a useful component of interventions aimed at reducing conduct problems in high-risk populations. &
Accepted April 16, 2013. Dr. Mandy is with University College London (UCL). Dr. Skuse is with UCL Institute of Child Health. Mr. Steer is with the Centre for Child and Adolescent Health at the University of Bristol. Dr. St Pourcain is with the School of Social and Community Medicine at the University of Bristil. Dr. Oliver is with the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex. Mr. Steer served as the statistical expert for this research. The authors are extremely grateful to all the families who took part in this study, the midwives for their help in recruiting them, and the whole Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) team, which includes interviewers, computer and laboratory technicians, clerical workers, research scientists, volunteers, managers, receptionists, and nurses. The UK Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust (grant 092731), and the University of Bristol provide core support for ALSPAC. This publication is the work of the authors, who will serve as guarantors for the contents of this paper. Disclosure: Drs. Mandy, Skuse, St Pourcain, and Oliver, and Mr. Steer report no biomedical nancial interests or potential conicts of interest. Correspondence to William Mandy, D.Clin.Psy., Research Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London, UK, WC1N 6BT; e-mail: [email protected] 0890-8567/$36.00/2013 American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2013.04.011

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