Obstetrics Questions

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Obstetrics Questions




 The Pelvis
 Genital Organs
 Physiology of Ovulation & Menstruation
 Fertilisation of Ovum & Development of Embryo

4 Marks

1.Lower Uterine Segment & its clinical importance (July 19)

2.Functions of Placenta (Aug 10)
3.Lower Uterine Segment & its significance (Aug 10)
4.Hydramnios (March 08)
5.Polyhydramnios (Oct 07)

2 Marks

1.Causes of Polyhydramnios (Jan 19)

2.Causes of Polyhydramnios (July 17)
3.Mention functions of Placenta (Jan 15)
4.Maternal complications of Hydramnios (Aug 13)
5.Diagonal Conjugate (Aug 13)
6.Causes of Polyhydramnios (Feb 13)
7.Diagonal Conjugate (Aug 12)
8.Vasa previa (Aug 12)
9.Functions of Placenta (Aug 11)
10.Oligohydramnios (Feb 11)
11.Placenta succenturiata (Aug 10)
12.Oligohydramnios (Sept 08)


 Maternal Changes During Pregnancy

 Diagnosis of Pregnancy
 The Fetus in Normal Pregnancy
 Prenatal Care
 Drugs in Pregnancy
 Antepartum Fetal Surveillance Tests of Fetal Well-being

10 Marks

1.Mrs Y aged 23 yrs with 2 months of Amenorrhoea , urine pregnancy test

positive comes to hospital for check up . Write in brief the examination ,
antenatal investigations , antenatal advice & follow up for this patient (July 19)

4 Marks

1.Antental Investigations (Jan 20)

2.Biophysical Profile (BPP) (July 19)
3.Signs & symptoms of Pregnancy (Jan 18)
4.Hemodynamic changes during Normal Pregnancy (Aug 15)
5.Non-Stress Test (NST) (Aug 14)
6.Modified Biophysical Profile (Jan 14)
7.Non-Stress Test (Feb 12)
8.Symptoms & Signs of early Pregnancy (Aug 11)
9.Cardiovascular changes in Pregnancy (Sept 09)

2 Marks

1.Anterior Fontanelle (July 18)

2.Cardiotocography (Jan 18)
3.Hegar’s sign (Aug 15)
4.Tetanus immunization in Pregnancy (Jan 14)
5.Diameters of fetal skull (Aug 11)

6.Non-Stress Test (Sept 09)

7.Quickening (March 09)


 Causation & Stages of Labour

 The Mechanism of Labour
 Conduct of Normal Labour
 Intrapartum Surveillance
 Normal Puerperium

10 Marks

1.Define Puerperium . Write in brief about Physiology of Lactation &

Enumerate causes for Failed Lactation (Jan 19)

2.What causes Onset of Labour ? What are the events during Normal Labour ?
How will you manage each stage of Normal labour ? (Sept 09)

3.Define Normal Labour . Write the physiology & management of 3rd Stage of
Labour (Sept 08)

4 Marks

1.Active management of 3rd Stage of Labour (July 19)

2.Modified WHO Partograph (Jan 19)
3.Episiotomy (July 18)
4.Management of 3rd Stage of Labour (Jan 18)
5.Merits of Breastfeeding (Jan 17)
6.Episiotomy – indications , types & complications (Jan 17)
7.Partograph (Jan 16)
8.Management of 3rd Stage of Labour (Aug 15)
9.Merits of Breastfeeding (Jan 15)
10.Partograph (Aug 14)
11.Partograph (Aug 12)

12.Episiotomy & its significance in modern obstetrics (Aug 10)

13.Mechanism of Normal Labour (March 09)
14.Puerperium (Oct 07)

2 Marks

1.True labour pains (July 19)

2.3rd Stage of Labour (July 18)
3.Steps in Mechanism of Labour (July 18)
4.Define Lochia & mention its clinical importance (Jan 18)
5.Active Management of 3rd Stage of Labour (July 17)
6.Mention 4 indications for Episiotomy (Jan 14)
7.Mechanism of Labour (Feb 10)
8.Episiotomy (May 07)


 Hyperemesis Gravidarum
 Abortion
 Ectopic Pregnancy
 Hydatidiform Mole or Vesicular Mole
 Anemia in Pregnancy
 Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
 Antepartum Hemorrhage – Abruptio Placenta
 Placenta Previa
 Preterm Labour
 Intrauterine Growth Restriction
 Prolonged Pregnancy
 Multiple Pregnancy
 Rhesus Isoimmunization

10 Marks

1.Enumerate the causes of Pedal Oedema in the 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy .

How will you diagnose & manage a case of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
(PIH) at 32 weeks of Pregnancy (July 18)

2.Enumerate causes of Recurrent Abortion . Write diagnosis & management of

Cervical Incompetence (July 17)

3.What is Eclampsia ? What are the investigations you would send for her ?
Management of an Eclamptic patient (July 16)

4.Define Anemia in Pregnancy . What are the complications of anemia in

Pregnancy ? Write the prophylactic treatment of Anemia in Pregnancy & how
will you manage a Pregnant patient of Anemia in Labour ? (Jan 16) 2+3+2+3=10

5.What are the complications of Multiple Pregnancy ? Write the diagnosis .

Write the management of Twin Pregnancy during Labour (Aug 15)

6.What are the causes for Tubal Pregnancy ? How will you diagnose Tubal
Rupture ? How will you manage a case of Ruptured Tubal Pregnancy ? (Aug 14)

7.What are the causes of Antepartum Hemorrhage (APH) ? Discuss the

differential diagnosis . Outline the management of APH presenting at 32 weeks
of Pregnancy (Feb 13)

8.Classify Hypertensive disorders of Pregnancy . What is the pathophysiology

of Pre-Eclampsia ? How will you manage a case of primi gravida with 33 weeks
Pregnancy with Severe Pre-Eclampsia ? (Aug 12)

9.What is APH ? Write etiology , clinical features & management of Placenta

Previa (Feb 12)

10.Define Pre-Eclampsia . What is HELLP Syndrome ? How will you manage a

case of Eclampsia (Aug 11)

11.What are the symptoms , signs & how do you manage a case of Ruptured
Ectopic Pregnancy ? (March 08)

12.Define Pre-Eclampsia . What is HELLP Syndrome ? How will you manage a

case of Eclampsia (Oct 07)

4 Marks

1.Management of Eclampsia (Jan 20)

2.Causes & treatment of Iron deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy (Jan 20)
3.Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Jan 19)

4.Diagnosis & management of Incomplete Abortion (Jan 19)

5.Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (Jan 19)
6.Symmetrical IUGR (July 18)
7.Abruptio Placentae – varieties & their clinical features (Jan 18)
8.Anti D Immunoprophylaxis (Jan 18)
9.Expectant management in case of Placenta Previa (July 17)
10.Maternal & Fetal complications in Multifetal Pregnancy (July 17)
11.Management of Septic Abortion (Jan 17)
12.Follow up of Vesicular Mole after evacuation (July 16)
13.Missed Abortion (Aug 15)
14.Management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Aug 15)
15.Parenteral Iron therapy (Jan 15)
16.Expectant management in case of Placenta Previa (Aug 14)
17.Management of Septic Abortion (Jan 14)
18.Obstetric management of Antepartum Eclampsia (Jan 14)
19.Diagnosis of Cervical Incompetence (Jan 14)
20.Complications of Preterm baby (Aug 13)
21.Diagnosis of Vesicular Mole (Aug 13)
22.Causes of Recurrent Abortions (Feb 13)
23.Medical management of Ectopic Pregnancy (Feb 13)
24.Parenteral Iron preparations (Aug 12)
25.Complications of Multiple Pregnancy (Feb 12)
26.Causes of Preterm Labour (Feb 12)
27.Management of Iron deficiency Anemia during Pregnancy (Aug 11)
28.Classification of Abruptio Placentae (Feb 11)
29.Secondary Abdominal Pregnancy (Aug 10)
30.Etiological factors of Asymmetrical Growth Restriction (Aug 10)
31.Management of Placenta Previa (Feb 10)
32.Missed Abortion (Feb 10)
33.Management of Severe Pre-Eclampsia (Feb 10)
34.Diagnosis & management of Abruptio Placentae (Sept 09)
35.Tocolytic agents to arrest Preterm Labour (March 09)
36.Twin Transfusion Syndrome (March 09)
37.Classification of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy & management of a
case of Severe Pre-Eclampsia (Sept 08)
38.Hyperemesis Gravidarum (Sept 08)
39.Missed Abortion (March 08)
40.Causes of Recurrent Abortion (Oct 07)
41.Management of Ectopic Pregnancy (Oct 07)

42.Couvelaire Uterus (Oct 07)

43.Major degree Placenta Previa (May 07)
44.Incompetent Os (May 07)
45.Anemia in Pregnancy (May 07)
46.Acute Ectopic Pregnancy (May 07)

2 Marks

1.Name 3 causes for Bleeding in 1st Trimester (Jan 20)

2.Causes of APH (Antepartum Hemorrhage) (July 19)
3.Maternal & fetal complications of Anemia complicating Pregnancy (Jan 19)
4.Features of Hydrops fetalis (Jan 19)
5.Problems of a Growth Restricted Neonate (Jan 18)
6.Etiology of Preterm Labour (Jan 17)
7.Rh (Anti-D) Immunoprophylaxis (Jan 17)
8.Complications of Abruptio Placentae (July 16)
9.Define Pre-Eclampsia & mention two risk factors for it (Jan 16)
10.Types of Ectopic Pregnancy (Jan 16)
11.Follow up in a case of Vesicular Mole (Aug 15)
12.Eclampsia management (Jan 15)
13.Diagnosis of Vesicular Mole (Jan 15)
14.Define Threatened Abortion & mention its clinical features (Aug 14)
15.Proteinuria in Pregnancy (Aug 14)
16.Parenteral Iron therapy (Aug 13)
17.Magnesium Sulphate therapy (Aug 13)
18.Diagnosis of Premature Rupture of Membranes (Feb 13)
19.Peripheral blood smear in Anemia of Pregnancy (Feb 13)
20.Prevention of Rhesus Isoimmunization (Feb 12)
21.Prevention of Anemia in Pregnancy (Feb 12)
22.Couvelaire Uterus (Aug 11)
23.Follow up of Molar Pregnancy (Aug 11)
24.Threatened Abortion (Feb 11)
25.Causes of Recurrent Abortion (Aug 10)
26.Pritchard regimen in Eclampsia (Aug 10)
27.Prophylactic chemotherapy in Molar Pregnancy (Feb 10)
28.Placental Abnormalities (Feb 10)
29.Antihypertensive drugs in Pregnancy (Sept 09)
30.Proteinuria in Pregnancy (March 09)

31.Hydrops fetalis (March 09)

32.Causes of APH (March 09)
33.Follow up of Vesicular Mole (Sept 08)
34.Couvelaire Uterus (March 08)
35.Macfae’s regimen in Placenta Previa (March 08)
36.Pritchard’s regimen in Eclampsia (March 08)
37.Complications of Twin Pregnancy (March 08)
38.Conjoined Twins (Oct 07)


 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System

 Liver Disease in Pregnancy
 Tuberculosis & Pregnancy
 Maternal Infections During Pregnancy
 Diabetes in Pregnancy
 Diseases of the Urinary System
 Tumours of the Uterus & Adnexa
 Surgical Emergencies During Pregnancy

10 Marks

1.What is GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) ? What are the screening tests
used to diagnose ? Discuss the management of primi with GDM at 34 weeks
gestation (Jan 18)

4 Marks

1.Maternal & fetal complications in Diabetes complicating Pregnancy (Jan 20)

2.Macrosomia (July 18)
3.HELLP Syndrome (Aug 13)
4.Intrapartum management of Rheumatic heart disease complicating
Pregnancy (Feb 12)
5.HELLP Syndrome (Sept 09)
6.Causes of Jaundice during Pregnancy (March 09)
7.Congenital Heart Disease with Pregnancy (Sept 08)
8.Gestational Diabetes (March 08)

2 Marks

1.Assymptomatic Bacteriuria (Jan 20)

2.Oral Glucose Challenge Test (OGCT) (July 18)

3.Glucose Challenge Test (July 17)

4.HELLP Syndrome (Sept 08)
5.Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (Oct 07)


 Abnormal Fetal Presentation

 Transverse or Oblique Lie
 Breech Presentation & Compound Presentation
 Dystocia due to Anomalies of the Expulsive Force
 Abnormalities of the Reproductive Tract
 Complications of the Third Stage of Labour
 Injuries to the Parturient Canal
 Puerperal Infection

10 Marks

1.Mrs X , aged 29 yo , Gravida 4 Para 3 Living 3 had a full term vaginal delivery
of baby girl weighing 3.5 kgs , following which patient developed severe
bleeding per vagina . Write causes of PPH (Postpartum Hemorrhage) . Write
diagnosis & management of Atonic PPH (Jan 20)

2.Enumerate the causes of Vaginal Bleeding in 3rd Trimester of Pregnancy .

How will you diagnose a case ? Write management of a case of Rupture Uterus
in a 26 yo second gravida (Jan 17)

3.What are the causes of Postpartum Hemorrhage ? How will you prevent
Postpartum Hemorrhage ? Discuss the management of Atonic PPH (Jan 15)

4. Define PPH ? What are the causes of Atonic PPH ? How will you manage a
case of Atonic PPH ? (Jan 14)

5.Define PPH . What are the causes of PPH ? How do you manage a case of
Atonic PPH in a multiparous woman ? (Feb 11)

6.Enumerate causes of Vaginal Bleeding in Pregnancy . How will you diagnose a

case ? Write management of a case of Ruptured Uterus in a 26 yo second
gravida (Aug 10)

7.Define Normal Puerperium . What are its abnormalities ? How will you
manage a case of Puerperal fever ? (Feb 10)

8.A gravid multi delivered & presented with shock (May 07)
a) Discuss the causes
b) Management of Atonic PPH
c) Prevention of PPH

4 Marks

1.Assisted Breech delivery (July 17)

2.Deep Transverse Arrest (Jan 17)
3.Management of Cord Prolapse (July 16)
4.Management of Atonic PPH (Jan 16)
5.Assessment of CPD (Cephalopelvic Disproportion) (Jan 16)
6.Causes of Puerperal Pyrexia (Jan 15)
7.Symptoms & signs of Puerperal Sepsis (Jan 14)
8.Inversion of Uterus (Aug 13)
9.Deep Transverse Arrest (Aug 13)
10.Delivery of after coming head in breech (Feb 13)
11.Clinical Assessment of CPD (Feb 13)
12.Retained Placenta (Aug 12)
13.Trial Labour (Aug 11)
14.Bandl’s ring (Feb 10)
15.How will you diagnose & manage Deep Transverse Arrest (March 09)
16.Atonic PPH (Sept 08)
17.Puerperal Sepsis (Sept 08)
18.Management of PPH (March 08)

2 Marks

1.Causes for Obstructed Labour (July 18)

2.Complete Perineal tear (July 17)
3.Signs & Symptoms of Puerperal Sepsis (Jan 17)
4.Lovset’s Manoeuvre (Aug 15)
5.Causes for Face Presentation (Aug 15)
6.Bandl’s ring (Aug 14)
7.Mention the causes of Ruptured Uterus (Aug 12)
8.Causes of Puerperal Pyrexia (Feb 12)
9.Constricted ring (Feb 11)
10.Management of after coming head in breech presentation (Feb 10)
11.Puerperal Pyrexia (Sept 09)
12.Causes of Unstable Lie (March 09)
13.Contracted Pelvis (Oct 07)
14.Contracted Pelvis (May 07)


 Resuscitation & Examination of the Newborn

 Feeding of the Newborn & Immunization
 Respiratory Distress & Neonatal Sepsis
 Neonatal Jaundice
 Neonatal Problems & Their Management

4 Marks

1.Asphyxia Neonatorum (July 17)

2.Jaundice of the newborn baby (Aug 15)
3.National Immunization Schedule in newborn (Aug 12)
4.Caput succedaneum (Feb 11)

2 Marks

1.Caput succedaneum (Jan 20)

2.Cephalhematoma (July 19)
3.Mention two indications & two objectives of Exchange transfusion in
newborn (Jan 15)
4.Management of Asphyxia Neonatorum (Jan 15)
5.Cephalhematoma (Aug 14)
6.What is Caput succedaneum ? Mention its importance (Jan 14)
7.Cephalhematoma (Aug 11)
8.APGAR Score (Aug 10)


 The Forceps & Vacuum Extractor

 Version & Destructive Operations
 Caesarean Section
 Induction of Labour

10 Marks

1.What are the indications for Caesarean Section ? What are the complications
during surgery ? Write about post operative care (Aug 13)

4 Marks

1.Indications for Lower Segment Caesarean Section (Jan 20)

2.Indications , procedure & hazards of Internal Podalic Version (Jan 18)
3.Indications & Methods of Induction of Labour (July 17)
4.Outlet Forceps Delivery (Aug 14)
5.External Cephalic Version (Aug 14)
6.Indications & pre requisites of Outlet Forceps Delivery (Aug 12)
7.Indications of Caesarean Section (Feb 12)
8.Internal Podalic Version (Aug 11)
9.External Cephalic Version (Feb 11)
10.Outlet Forceps (March 08)

2 Marks

1.Name the drugs used for Induction of Labour at term (Jan 20)
2.Prerequisites to apply Outlet Forceps (July 19)
3.Components of Bishop’s Score (Jan 19)
4.Fetal & maternal complications of Ventouse Delivery (Jan 18)
5.Complications of Forceps Delivery (Jan 17)
6.Vacuum Extractor (July 16)
7.External Cephalic Version (July 16)

8.Signs of Scar Rupture (July 16)

9.Absolute indication of Caesarean Section (Jan 16)
10.Bishop’s Score (Aug 13)
11.Craniotomy (Aug 12)
12.Absolute indications of Caesarean Section (Aug 11)
13.Pre requisites of Outlet Forceps (Aug 10)
14.Pre requisites of Forceps Delivery (Sept 09)
15.Vacuum Delivery (Sept 08)
16.Complications during Caesarean Section (March 08)


 Maternal Death
 Perinatal Mortality
 Coagulation Disorders in Obstetrics
 Imaging Techniques
 Prenatal Diagnosis
 Contraception
 Medical Termination of Pregnancy
 Maternal & Newborn Health : Initiatives of Government
of India

10 Marks

1.Define Social Obstetrics . What are the aims & objectives of MCH (Maternal
& Child Health) Care ? What are the measures that can improve MCH Care ?
(March 09)

4 Marks

1.MTP Act (July 19)

2.Amniotic Fluid Embolism (Jan 19)
3.1st trimester MTP methods (July 18)
4.Maternal Mortality (July 16)
5.Methods of 2nd trimester MTP (July 16)
6.Causes of Intrauterine Fetal Demise (July 16)
7.Predisposing factors for Perinatal mortality (Jan 16)
8.Causes of Perinatal mortality (Feb 11)
9.Signs of Intrauterine death of Fetus (Feb 10)
10.MTP (May 07)

2 Marks

1.Triple Test (July 19)

2.Amniotic Fluid Embolism (Jan 16)
3.Mention the predisposing factors for Perinatal mortality (Aug 14)
4.Define Amniocentesis & two diagnostic indications (Jan 14)
5.Mention 4 causes of Maternal mortality in India (Jan 14)
6.Causes of Perinatal mortality (Feb 13)
7.MMA (Medical Method of Abortion) (Feb 11)
8.Chorion Villous Biopsy (Feb 10)
9.Amniocentesis & its significance (Sept 09)
10.Perinatal mortality (Oct 07)
11.Maternal mortality (May 07)


4 Marks

1.Mechanism of Labour in Occipito Anterior Position (July 19)

2.Fetal Circulation (July 18)
3.Measures to prevent Vertical transmission of HIV (Jan 17)
4.Management of Post-term Pregnancy (Jan 16)
5.Labour Analgesia (Jan 15)
6.Clinical Pelvimetry (Jan 15)
7.Safe Motherhood Initiative (Feb 13)
8.Uses of Magnesium Sulphate in Obstetrics (Feb 11)
9.Prostglandins in Obstetrics (Sept 09)

2 Marks

1.Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (Jan 20)

2.Uses of Oxytocin (Jan 19)
3.Causes of Oedema in Pregnancy (Jan 18)
4.Anencephaly (July 17)
5.Down’s Syndrome (Jan 17)
6.Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (July 16)
7.Placentography (Jan 16)
8.Mention maternal & fetal dangers of Oxytocin (Aug 15)
9.Uses of Misoprostol (Feb 13)
10.Erb’s palsy (Aug 12)
11.Drugs used for Suppression of Lactation (Feb 12)
12.Contraindications for use of Prophylactic Ergometrine (Feb 12)
13.Face to Pubis Delivery (Feb 11)
14.Diagnosis of Choriocarcinoma (Sept 09)
15.Management of Concealed Accidental Hemorrhage (Sept 08)
16.Immediate Care of Newborn (Oct 07)
17.Prolonged Labour (May 07)
18.Oxytocin (May 07)

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