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Agilent Technologies

Agilent 34970A/34972A
Data Acquisition /
Switch Unit
Users Guide Page 1 Thursday, December 10, 2009 5:38 PM
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009-
No part of this manual may be repro-
duced in any form or by any means
(including electronic storage and
retrieval or translation into a foreign
language) without prior agreement and
written consent from Agilent Technolo-
gies, Inc. as governed by United States
and international copyright laws.
Manual Part Number
Third Edition, May 2012

Printed in Malaysia
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
900 S. Taft Ave.
Loveland, CO 80537 USA
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Software Updates/Licenses
Periodically, Agilent releases software
updates to fix known defects and incorpo-
rate product enhancements. To search for
software updates and the latest documenta-
tion for your product, go to the product page
A portion of the software in this product is
licensed under terms of the General Public
License Version 2 ("GPLv2"). The text of
the license and source code can be found at:
This product utilizes Microsoft Windows
CE. Agilent highly recommends that all
Windows-based computers connected to
Windows CE instruments utilize current
anti-virus software. For more information,
go to the product page at:
Declaration of Conformity
Declarations of Conformity for this
product and for other Agilent products
may be downloaded from the Web. Go
to http://regulations.corporate.agi- and click on "Declarations of
Conformity." You can then search by
product number to find the latest Decla-
ration of Conformity.
The material contained in this
document is provided as is, and
is subject to being changed, with-
out notice, in future editions.
Further, to the maximum extent
permitted by applicable law, Agi-
lent disclaims all warranties,
either express or implied, with
regard to this manual and any
information contained herein,
including but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchant-
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lar purpose. Agilent shall not be
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ument that conflict with these
terms, the warranty terms in the
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Technology Licenses
The hardware and/or software
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terms of such license.
Restricted Rights Legend
If software is for use in the perfor-
mance of a U.S. Government prime
contract or subcontract, Software is
delivered and licensed as Commercial
computer software as defined in
DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), or as
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2.101(a) or as Restricted computer
software as defined in FAR 52.227-19
(June 1987) or any equivalent agency
regulation or contract clause. Use,
duplication or disclosure of Software is
subject to Agilent Technologies stan-
dard commercial license terms, and
non-DOD Departments and Agencies
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greater than Restricted Rights as
defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2)
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will receive no greater than Limited
Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-14
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(b)(2) (November 1995), as applicable
in any technical data.
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a
hazard. It calls attention to an
operating procedure, practice, or
the like that, if not correctly per-
formed or adhered to, could
result in damage to the product
or loss of important data. Do not
proceed beyond a CAUTION
notice until the indicated condi-
tions are fully understood and

A WARNING notice denotes a
hazard. It calls attention to an
operating procedure, prac-
tice, or the like that, if not cor-
rectly performed or adhered
to, could result in personal
injury or death. Do not pro-
ceed beyond a WARNING
notice until the indicated con-
ditions are fully understood
and met.
Additional Safety Notices
The following general safety precau-
tions must be observed during all
phases of operation of this instrument.
Failure to comply with these precau-
tions or with specific warnings or
instructions elsewhere in this manual
violates safety standards of design,
manufacture, and intended use of the
instrument. Agilent Technologies
assumes no liability of the customers
failure to comply with the require-
Do not use this product in any manner
not specified by the manufacturer. The
protective features of this product may
be impaired if it is used in a manner not
specified in the operation instructions.
Before Applying Power
Verify that all safety precautions are
taken. Make all connections to the unit
before applying power and select the
appropriate power line voltage on the
fuse module.
Ground the Instrument
This product is provided with protec-
tive earth terminals. To minimize shock
hazard, the instrument must be con-
nected to the ac power mains through a
grounded power cable, with the ground
wire firmly connected to an electrical
ground (safety ground) at the power
outlet. Any interruption of the protec-
tive (grounding) conductor or discon-
nection of the protective earth terminal
will cause a potential shock hazard that
could result in personal injury.
Do Not Operate in an
Explosive Atmosphere
Do not operate the instrument in the
presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Do Not Remove the
Instrument Cover
Only qualified, service-trained personal
who are aware of the hazards involved
should remove instrument covers.
Always disconnect the power cable and
any external circuits before removing
the instrument cover.
Do Not Modify the
Do not install substitute parts or per-
form any unauthorized modification to
the product. Return the product to an
Agilent Sales and Service Office for
service and repair to ensure that safety
features are maintained.
In Case of Damage
Instruments that appear damaged or
defective should be made inoperative
and secured against unintended opera-
tion until they can be repaired by quali-
fied service personnel.
Unless otherwise noted in the specifica-
tions, this instrument or system is
intended for indoor use in an installa-
tion category II, pollution degree 2
environment per IEC 61010-1 and 664
respectively. It is designed to operate at
a maximum relative humidity of 20%
to 80% at 40 C or less (non-condens-
ing). This instrument or system is
designed to operate at altitudes up to
2000 meters, and at temperatures
between 0 C and 55 C.
Technical Support
If you have questions about your
shipment, or if you need
information about warranty,
service, or technical support,
contact Agilent Technologies:
In the United States: (800) 829-
In Europe: 31 20 547 2111
In Japan: 0120-421-345
Or go to
for information on contacting
Agilent in your country of specific
location. You can also contact your
Agilent Technologies
Safety Symbols
Alternating current
Frame or chassis
Standby supply. Unit is not
completely disconnected
from AC mains when
switch is off.
Caution, risk of electric
Caution, refer to
accompanying documents
Earth ground terminal
CAT I IEC Measurement
The CE mark is a
registered trademark of the
The CSA mark is a
registered trademark of the
The C-tick mark is a
registered trademark of the
Spectrum Management
Agency of Australia. This
signifies compliance with the
Australian EMC Framework
regulations under the terms of
the Radio Communications
This text indicates that the
instrument is an Industrial
Scientific and Medical
Group 1 Class A product
(CISPER 11, Clause 4).
This text indicates product
compliance with the
Canadian Interference-
Causing Equipment
Standard (ICES-001).
Contains one or more of
the 6 hazardous substances
above the maximum
concentration value
(MCV), 40 Year EPUP.
Agilent 34970A/34972A
Data Acquisition/Switch Unit
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, this manual applies to all serial numbers.
The Agilent Technologies 34970A/34972A combines precision
measurement capability with flexible signal connections for your
production and development test systems. Three module slots are built
into the rear of the instrument to accept any combination of data
acquisition or switching modules. The combination of data logging and
data acquisition features makes this instrument a versatile solution for
your testing requirements now and in the future.
Convenient Data Logging Features
Direct measurement of thermocouples, RTDs, thermistors, DC
voltage, AC voltage, resistance, DC current, AC current, frequency,
and period
Interval scanning with storage of up to 50,000 time-stamped readings
Independent channel configuration with function, Mx+B scaling, and
alarm limits available on a per-channel basis
Intuitive user interface with knob for quick channel selection, menu
navigation, and data entry from the front panel
Portable, ruggedized case with non-skid feet
BenchLink Data Logger 3 Software for Microsoft


Flexible Data Acquisition/Switching Features
6-digit multimeter accuracy, stability, and noise rejection
Up to 60 channels per instrument (120 single-ended channels)
Reading rates up to 500 readings per second on a single channel and
scan rates up to 250 channels per second
Choice of multiplexing, matrix, general-purpose Form C switching,
RF switching, digital I/O, totalize, and 16-bit analog output functions
GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and RS-232 interface are standard on the
34970A. Local Area Network (LAN) and Universal Serial Bus (USB)
are standard on the 34972A.
SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments)
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The Front Panel at a Glance
Denotes a menu key. See the next page for details on menu operation.
1 State Storage / Remote Interface Menus
2 Scan Start / Stop Key
3 Measurement Configuration Menu
4 Scaling Configuration Menu
5 Alarm / Alarm Output Configuration Menu
6 Scan-to-Scan Interval Menu
7 Scan List Single Step / Read Key
8 Advanced Measurement / Utility Menus
9 Low-Level Module Control Keys
10 Single-Channel Monitor On / Off Key
11 View Scanned Data, Alarms, Errors Menu
12 Shift / Local Key
13 Knob
14 Navigation Arrow Keys
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The Front-Panel Menu at a Glance
Several of the front-panel keys guide you through menus to configure
various parameters of the instrument (see previous page). The following
steps demonstrate the menu structure using the key.
1. Press the menu key. You are automatically
guided to the first level of the menu. Rotate the
knob to view the other choices on the first level
of the menu.
The menu will automatically time out after
about 20 seconds of inactivity. You will be
returned to the operation in progress prior to
entering the menu.
2. Press the same menu key again to move to the
next item of the menu. Typically, this is where
you choose parameter values for the selected
3. Rotate the knob to view the choices on this level
of the menu. When you reach the end of the list,
rotate the knob in the opposite direction to view
all of the other choices.
The current selection is highlighted for
emphasis. All other choices are dimmed.
4. Press the same menu key again to accept the
change and exit the menu. A brief confirmation
message is displayed.
Tip: To review the current configuration of a specific menu, press the menu key several times.
A message NO CHANGES is displayed when you exit the menu.
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Display Annunciators
SCAN Scan is in progress or enabled. Press and hold again to turn off.
MON Monitor mode is enabled. Press again to turn off.
VIEW Scanned readings, alarms, errors, or relay cycles are being viewed.
CONFIG Channel configuration is in progress on displayed channel.
Measurement is in progress.
ADRS Instrument is addressed to listen or talk over the remote interface.
RMT Instrument is in remote mode (remote interface).
ERROR Hardware or remote interface errors are detected. Press to read errors.
EXT Instrument is configured for an external scan interval.
ONCE Scan Once mode is enabled. Press to initiate and hold key to disable.
MEM (34970A)
MEM (34972A)
Reading memory overflow; new readings will overwrite the oldest readings.
A USB drive is connected to the instrument (annunciator on), or data is
being written to or read from the USB drive (annunciator flashing).
AUTO (34972A) USB logging is active.
LAST Viewed data is the last reading stored during most recent scan.
MIN Viewed data is the minimum reading stored during most recent scan.
MAX Viewed data is the maximum reading stored during most recent scan.
SHIFT has been pressed. Press again to turn off.
4W 4-wire function is in use on displayed channel.
OC Offset compensation is enabled on displayed channel.
Alarms are enabled on displayed channel.
Mx+B scaling is enabled on displayed channel.
HI or LO alarm condition has occurred on indicated alarms.
To review the display annunciators, hold down the key as you
turn on the instrument.
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The 34970A Rear Panel at a Glance
WARNING For protection from electrical shock, the power cord ground must not be
defeated. If only a two-contact electrical outlet is available, connect the
instruments chassis ground screw (see above) to a good earth ground.
1 Slot Identifier (100,200, 300)
2 Ext Trig Input / Alarm Outputs / Channel
Advance Input / Channel Closed Output
(for pinouts, see pages 99 and 145)
3 RS-232 Interface Connector
4 Power-Line Fuse-Holder Assembly
5 Power-Line Voltage Setting
6 Chassis Ground Screw
7 GPIB (IEEE-488) Interface Connector
Use the Menu to:
Select the GPIB or RS-232 interface (see chapter 2).
Set the GPIB address (see chapter 2).
Set the RS-232 baud rate, parity, and flow control mode (see chapter 2).
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The 34972A Rear Panel at a Glance
WARNING For protection from electrical shock, the power cord ground must not be
defeated. If only a two-contact electrical outlet is available, connect the
instruments chassis ground screw (see above) to a good earth ground.
1 Slot Identifier (100,200, 300)
2 Chassis Ground Screw
3 Ext Trig Input / Alarm Outputs / Channel
Advance Input / Channel Closed Output
(for pinouts, see pages 99 and 145)
4 Power-Line Fuse-Holder Assembly
5 LAN Connector
6 USB Drive Connector
7 USB Interface Connector
Use the Menu to:
Select and configure the LAN and USB interfaces (see chapter 2).
Device LAN
ExtT rig / Alarms (5V)
Line: 50/60/400 Hz Fuse: 500mAT
Opt. 001
LXI Class C
30 VA Max
ISM 1 -A
120V (127V)
220V (230V)
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BenchLink Data Logger 3 at a Glance
The Agilent BenchLink Data Logger 3 software provides a convenient
way to collect and analyze your data. The software uses a familiar
spreadsheet environment, streamlining your data gathering needs.
Simply identify the measurements you want to acquire, initiate the
process, and see the data displayed on the computer screen. Use one of
the many options to analyze and display your data-strip charts,
histograms with statistical analysis, bar and scatter charts, individual
channel results, and more.
A sample of the BenchLink Data Logger 3 features include:
Tab based user interface, simple menu structure.
A data manager that manages all configurations and data logs;
simplifies opening, renaming, deleting, and editing; easy access to
data export.
A data log name template.
Automatic data export with preconfigured preferences; control of the
decimal character and field separator; control of the export contents.
Graph configurations saved and restored automatically the next time
Data Logger 3 is opened.
Graph preferences to allow easy control of graph look and feel.
Split graphs for easy viewing of independent measurements.
Import Data Logger I and Data Logger II configurations.
Configure up to four 34970A/34972As for simultaneous scanning.
To install the software, refer to Installing BenchLink Date Logger 3
Software on page 25.
To learn more about the software and its capabilities, refer to the On-
Line Help System for BenchLink Data Logger 3.
For increased capabilities, purchase the optional Agilent BenchLink
Data Logger Pro software. This software provides advanced data logging
and decision making with no programming required.
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The Plug-In Modules at a Glance
For complete specifications on each plug-in modules, refer to the module
sections in chapter 8.
34901A 20-Channel Armature Multiplexer
20 channels of 300 V switching
Two channels for DC or AC current measurements (100 nA to 1A)
Built-in thermocouple reference junction
Switching speed of up to 60 channels per second
Connects to the internal multimeter
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 201.
Each of the 20 channels switches both HI and LO inputs, thus providing
fully isolated inputs to the internal multimeter. The module is divided
into two banks of 10 two-wire channels each. When making four-wire
resistance measurements, channels from Bank A are automatically
paired with channels from Bank B. Two additional fused channels are
included on the module (22 channels total) for making calibrated DC or
AC current measurements with the internal multimeter (external shunt
resistors are not required). You can close multiple channels on this
module only if you have not configured any channels to be part of the
scan list. Otherwise, all channels on the module are break-before-make.
34902A 16-Channel Reed Multiplexer
16 channels of 300 V switching
Built-in thermocouple reference junction
Switching speed of up to 250 channels per second
Connects to the internal multimeter
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 203.
Use this module for high-speed scanning and high-throughput
automated test applications. Each of the 16 channels switches both HI
and LO inputs, thus providing fully isolated inputs to the internal
multimeter. The module is divided into two banks of eight two-wire
channels each. When making four-wire resistance measurements,
channels from Bank A are automatically paired with channels from Bank
B. You can close multiple channels on this module only if you have not
configured any channels to be part of the scan list. Otherwise, all
channels on the module are break-before-make.
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34903A 20-Channel Actuator / General-Purpose Switch
300 V, 1 A actuation and switching
SPDT (Form C) latching relays
Breadboard area for custom circuits
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 205.
Use this module for those applications that require high-integrity
contacts or quality connections of non-multiplexed signals. This module
can switch 300 V, 1 A (50 W maximum switch power) to your device
under test or to actuate external devices. Screw terminals on the module
provide access to the Normally-Open, Normally-Closed, and Common
contacts for each of the 20 switches. A breadboard area is provided near
the screw terminals to implement custom circuitry, such as simple
filters, snubbers, or voltage dividers.
34904A 4x8 Two-Wire Matrix Switch
32 two-wire crosspoints
Any combination of inputs and outputs can be connected at a time
300 V, 1 A switching
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 207.
Use this module to connect multiple instruments to multiple points on
your device under test at the same time. You can connect rows and
columns between multiple modules to build larger matrices such as 8x8
and 4x16, with up to 96 crosspoints in a single mainframe.
34905/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers
34905A (50O) / 34906A (75O)
2 GHz bandwidth with on-board SMB connections
1 GHz bandwidth with SMB-to-BNC adapter cables provided
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 209.
These modules offer wideband switching capabilities for high frequency
and pulsed signals. Each module is organized in two independent banks
of 4-to-1 multiplexers. Both modules offer low crosstalk and excellent
insertion loss performance. To create larger RF multiplexers, you can
cascade multiple banks together. Only one channel in each bank may be
closed at a time.
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34907A Multifunction Module
Two 8-bit Digital Input/Output ports, 400 mA sink, 42 V open
100 kHz Totalize input with 1 Vpp sensitivity
Two 16-bit, 12 V Calibrated Analog Outputs
For detailed information and module block diagrams, see page 211.
Use this module to sense status and control external devices such as
solenoids, power relays, and microwave switches. For greater flexibility,
you can read digital inputs and the count on the totalizer during a scan.
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
40 channels of 300 V single-ended (common LO) switching
Built-in thermocouple reference junction
Switching speed of up to 60 channels per second
Connects to the internal multimeter
For detailed information and a module diagram, see page 213.
Use this module for high-density switching applications which require
single-wire inputs with a common LO. All relays are break-before-make
to ensure that only one relay is connected at any time.
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In This Book
Quick Start Chapter 1 helps you get familiar with a few of the
instruments front-panel features. This chapter also shows how to install
the BenchLink Data Logger 3 software.
Front-Panel Overview Chapter 2 introduces you to the front-panel
menus and describes some of the instruments menu features.
System Overview Chapter 3 gives an overview of a data acquisition
system and describes how parts of a system work together.
Features and Functions Chapter 4 gives a detailed description of the
instruments capabilities and operation. You will find this chapter useful
whether you are operating the instrument from the front panel or over
the remote interface.
Error Messages Chapter 5 lists the error messages that may appear as
you are working with the instrument. Each listing contains enough
information to help you diagnose and solve the problem.
Application Programs Chapter 6 contains several remote interface
program examples to help you develop programs for your application.
Tutorial Chapter 7 discusses measurement considerations and
techniques to help you obtain the best accuracies and reduce sources of
measurement noise.
Specifications Chapter 8 lists the technical specifications for the
mainframe and plug-in modules.
If you have questions relating to the operation of the 34970A/
34972A, call 1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact
your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
If your 34970A/34972A fails within one year of original
purchase, Agilent will replace it free of charge. Call 1-800-829-
4444 and select "Option 3" followed by "Option 1".
34970A Refresh Page 15 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
34970A Refresh Page 16 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Prepare the Instrument for Use 23
BenchLink Data Logger Software 25
To Connect Wiring to a Module 27
To Set the Time and Date 29
To Configure a Channel for Scanning 30
To Copy a Channel Configuration 32
To Close a Channel 33
If the Instrument Does Not Turn On 34
To Adjust the Carrying Handle 36
To Rack Mount the Instrument 37
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
Front-Panel Menu Reference 41
To Monitor a Single Channel 44
To Set a Scan Interval 45
To Apply Mx+B Scaling to Measurements 46
To Configure Alarm Limits 47
To Read a Digital Input Port 49
To Write to a Digital Output Port 50
To Read the Totalizer Count 51
To Output a DC Voltage 52
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34970A 53
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34972A 55
To Store the Instrument State 57
Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview 60
Signal Routing and Switching 70
Measurement Input 74
Control Output 83
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
SCPI Language Conventions 89
Scanning 90
Scanning with External Instruments 111
General Measurement Configuration 115
Temperature Measurement Configuration 123
Voltage Measurement Configuration 130
Resistance Measurement Configuration 132
Current Measurement Configuration 133
Frequency Measurement Configuration 135
Mx+B Scaling 136
Alarm Limits 139
Digital Input Operations 151
Totalizer Operations 153
Digital Output Operations 157
DAC Output Operations 159
System-Related Operations 160
Single-Channel Monitoring 171
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A 174
USB Drive Front Panel - 34972A 181
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A 183
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A 188
Calibration Overview 192
Factory Reset State 197
Instrument Preset State 198
Multiplexer Module Default Settings 199
Module Overview 200
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer 201
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer 203
34903A 20-Channel Actuator 205
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch 207
34905A/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers 209
34907A Multifunction Module 211
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer 213
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Chapter 5 Error Messages
Execution Errors 219
Instrument Errors 224
Self-Test Errors 235
Calibration Errors 236
Plug-In Module Errors 239
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0 243
Example Programs for C and C++ 250
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections 257
Measurement Fundamentals 265
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching 300
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching 306
Matrix Switching 310
RF Signal Multiplexing 312
Multifunction Module 314
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance 321
Chapter 8 Specifications
DC, Resistance, and Temperature Accuracy Specifications 326
DC Measurement and Operating Characteristics 327
AC Accuracy Specifications 328
AC Measurement and Operating Characteristics 329
System Characteristics 330
System Speed Specifications [1] 331
System Speed Specifications 332
Module Specifications 333
Module Specifications 334
Typical AC Performance Graphs 335
Module Specifications 336
Product and Module Dimensions 337
To Calculate Total Measurement Error 338
Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications 340
Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements 343
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Quick Start
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Quick Start
One of the first things to do with your instrument is to become
acquainted with the front panel. We have written the exercises in this
chapter to prepare the instrument for use and help you get familiar with
some of its front-panel operations.
The front panel has several groups of keys to select various functions and
operations. A few keys have a shifted function printed in blue below the
key. To perform a shifted function, press (the SHIFT annunciator
will turn on). Then, press the key that has the desired label below it. For
example, to select the Utility Menu, press .
If you accidentally press , just press it again to turn off the SHIFT
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
To Prepare the Instrument for Use, on page 23
BenchLink Data Logger Software, on page 25
To Connect Wiring to a Module, on page 27
To Set the Time and Date, on page 29
To Configure a Channel for Scanning, on page 30
To Copy a Channel Configuration, on page 32
To Close a Channel, on page 33
If the Instrument Does Not Turn On, on page 34
To Adjust the Carrying Handle, on page 36
To Rack Mount the Instrument, on page 37
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Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Prepare the Instrument for Use
To Prepare the Instrument for Use
1 Check the list of supplied items.
Verify that you have received the following items with your instrument.
If anything is missing, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales
Office or Agilent authorized reseller.
One power cord.
This Users Guide.
One Service Guide.
Certificate of Calibration (if you ordered the internal DMM).
BenchLink Data Logger 3 Software on CD-ROM.
To install the software, see page 25.
Quick Start Package (if you ordered the internal DMM):
One RS-232 cable (34970A only).
One J-type thermocouple and a flatblade screwdriver.
Any plug-in modules that you ordered are delivered in a separate
shipping container.
2 Verify that the fuse on the back is set to the proper voltage range
for your AC power.
3 Connect the power cord and turn on the instrument.
The front-panel display will light up briefly while the instrument
performs its power-on self-test. The instrument initially powers up with
all measurement channels turned off. To review the power-on display
with all annunciators turned on, hold down as you turn on the
instrument. Note that a battery must be installed in the unit in order for
it to boot up. The battery is installed when you receive the unit from the
factory; this is only a consideration if you remove the battery for some
reason. If the instrument does not turn on properly, see page 34.
Note that this switch
is Standby only.
To disconnect the
mains from the
instrument, remove
the power cord.
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Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Prepare the Instrument for Use
4 Perform a complete self-test.
The complete self-test performs a more extensive set of tests than those
performed at power-on. Hold down as you turn on the instrument
and hold down the key until you hear a long beep. The self-test will begin
when you release the key following the beep.
If the self-test fails, see the 34970A/34972A Service Guide for instructions
on returning the instrument to Agilent for service.
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Chapter 1 Quick Start
BenchLink Data Logger Software
BenchLink Data Logger Software
The Agilent BenchLink Data Logger 3 software comes standard with the
34970A/34972A (if the internal DMM is ordered) and provides the basic
data logger capabilities. Or, for increased capabilities, purchase the
optional Agilent BenchLink Data Logger Pro software. This application
provides advanced data logging and decision making with no
programming required.
For system requirements and additional details on the features of the
software, refer to the specifications in chapter 8.
BenchLink Data Logger 3 Software Installation
Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/2000
1. Insert the 34825A Product CD-ROM into your drive.
2. From the Product CD-ROM window that is displayed, locate Agilent
BenchLink Data Logger 3 Software in the Software group.
3. Click on Install and follow the instructions as prompted by the
installation utility.
A representative screen of the software is shown below.
34970A Refresh Page 25 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
BenchLink Data Logger Software
On-Line Help System
The software is shipped with an extensive on-line Help system to help
you learn the features of the software as well as troubleshoot any
problems that might arise as you are using the software. As you are
installing the software, you will notice that the on-line Help system is
available in several languages.
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Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Connect Wiring to a Module
To Connect Wiring to a Module
20 AWG Typical
6 mm
2 Connect wiring to the screw terminals.
Slot Channel
Channel Number:
1 Remove the module cover.
3 Route wiring through strain relief.
5 Install the module into mainframe.
Cable Tie Wrap
For detailed information on each module, refer
to the section starting on page 200.
To reduce wear on the internal DMM relays,
wire like functions on adjacent channels.
For information on grounding and shielding,
see page 259.
The diagrams on page 28 show how to connect
wiring to a multiplexer module for each
measurement function.
4 Replace the module cover.
Wiring Hints...
34970A Refresh Page 27 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Connect Wiring to a Module
2-Wire Ohms / RTD / Thermistor
Thermocouple Types: B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T
See page 351 for thermocouple color codes.
Ranges: 100, 1 k, 10 k, 100 k, 1 M, 10 M, 100 MO
RTD Types: 0.00385, 0.00391
Thermistor Types, 2.2 k, 5 k, 10 k
DC Current / AC Current
Valid only on channels 21 and 22 on the 34901A
Ranges: 10 mA, 100 mA, 1A
Channel n (source) is automatically paired with
Channel n +10 (sense) on the 34901A, or
Channel n +8 (sense) on the 34902A.
Ranges: 100, 1 k, 10 k, 100 k, 1 M, 10 M, 100 MO
RTD Types: 0.00385, 0.00391
DC Voltage / AC Voltage / Frequency
Ranges: 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, 300 V
4-Wire Ohms / RTD
34970A Refresh Page 28 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Set the Time and Date
To Set the Time and Date
All readings during a scan are automatically time stamped and stored in
non-volatile memory. In addition, alarm data is time stamped and stored
in a separate non-volatile memory queue.
1 Set the time of day.
Use and to select the field to modify and turn the knob to change
the value. You can also edit the AM/PM field.
2 Set the date.
Use and to select the field to modify and turn the knob to change
the value.
TIME 03:45 PM
JUN 01 2009
34970A Refresh Page 29 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Configure a Channel for Scanning
To Configure a Channel for Scanning
Any channel that can be read by the instrument can also be included in
a scan. This includes readings on multiplexer channels, a read of a
digital port, or a read of the count on a totalizer channel. Automated
scanning is not allowed with the RF multiplexer, matrix, actuator,
digital output, or voltage output (DAC) modules.
1 Select the channel to be added to the scan list.
Turn the knob until the desired channel is shown on the right side of
front-panel display. The channel number is a three-digit number; the
left-most digit represents the slot number (100, 200, or 300) and the two
digits on the right indicate the channel number (102, 110, etc.).
Note: You can use and to skip to the beginning of the previous or
next slot.
For this example, assume that you have the 34901A multiplexer
installed in slot 100 and select channel 103.
2 Select the measurement parameters for the selected channel.
Use the knob to scroll through the measurement choices on each level of
the menu. When you press to make your selection, the menu
automatically guides you through all relevant choices to configure a
measurement on the selected function. When you have finished
configuring the parameters, you are automatically exited from the menu.
The current selection (or default) is displayed in full bright for easy
identification. When you make a different selection, the new choice is
shown in full bright and it becomes the default selection. The order of the
choices always remains the same; however, you always enter the menu
at the current (full bright) setting for each parameter.
Note: The menu will time-out after about 20 seconds of inactivity and any
changes made previously will take effect.
For this example, configure channel 103 to measure a J-type
thermocouple with 0.1 C of display resolution.
34970A Refresh Page 30 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Configure a Channel for Scanning
Note: Press to sequentially step through the scan list and take a
measurement on each channel (readings are not stored in memory). This is
an easy way to verify your wiring connections before initiating the scan.
3 Run the scan and store the readings in non-volatile memory.
The instrument automatically scans the configured channels in
consecutive order from slot 100 through slot 300 (the SCAN annunciator
turns on). Channels that are not configured are skipped during the scan.
In the default configuration, the instrument continuously scans the
configured channels at a 10-second interval.
Press and hold to stop the scan.
4 View the data from the scan.
All readings taken during a scan are automatically time stamped and
stored in non-volatile memory. During the scan, the instrument
calculates and stores the minimum, maximum, and average on all
channels in the scan list. You can read the contents of memory at any
time, even during a scan.
From the front panel, data is available for the last 100 readings on each
channel readings taken during a scan (all of the data is available from
the remote interface). From the View menu, select READINGS and press
again. Then press and to choose the data you want to view
for the selected channel as shown in the table below.
Select Channel Last Reading on Channel
Time of Last Reading
Minimum Reading on Channel
Time of Minimum Reading
Maximum Reading on Channel
Time of Maximum Reading
Average of Readings on Channel
Second Most Recent Reading on Channel
Third Most Recent Reading on Channel
99th Most Recent Reading on Channel
34970A Refresh Page 31 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Copy a Channel Configuration
To Copy a Channel Configuration
After configuring a channel to be included in the scan list, you can copy
that same configuration to other channels in the instrument (including
digital channels on the multifunction module). This feature makes it
easy to configure several channels for the same measurement. When you
copy the configuration from one channel to another, the following
parameters are automatically copied to the new channel:
Measurement configuration.
Mx+B scaling configuration.
Alarm configuration.
Advanced measurement configuration.
1 Select the channel to copy the configuration from.
Turn the knob until the desired channel is shown on the right side of
front-panel display. For this example, lets copy the configuration from
channel 103.
2 Select the copy function.
Use the knob to scroll through the measurement choices until you see
COPY CONFIG. When you press to make your selection, the menu
automatically guides you to the next step.
3 Select the channel to copy the configuration to.
Turn the knob until the desired channel is shown on the right side of
front-panel display. For this example, lets copy the configuration to
channel 105.
4 Copy the channel configuration to the selected channel.
Note: To copy the same configuration to other channels, repeat this
34970A Refresh Page 32 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Close a Channel
To Close a Channel
On the multiplexer and switch modules, you can close and open
individual relays on the module. However, note that if you have already
configured any multiplexer channels for scanning, you cannot
independently close and open individual relays on that module.
1 Select the channel.
Turn the knob until the desired channel is shown on the right side of
front-panel display. For this example, select channel 213.
2 Close the selected channel.
3 Open the selected channel.
Note: will sequentially open all channels on the module in the
selected slot.
The table below shows the low-level control operations available for each
of the plug-in modules.
[1] Only one channel can be closed at a time on this module.
[2] Only one channel in each bank can be closed at a time on this module.
Plug-In Module
34901A 20-Channel Mux - - - -
34902A 16-Channel Mux - - - -
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Mux
- - - -
34903A 20-Channel Actuator - -
34904A 4x8 Matrix - -
34905A Dual 4-Channel RF Mux (50O)
34906A Dual 4-Channel RF Mux (75O)
34907A Multifunction Module (DIO) - - -
34907A Multifunction Module (Totalizer) - -
34907A multifunction Module (DAC) -
34970A Refresh Page 33 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
If the Instrument Does Not Turn On
If the Instrument Does Not Turn On
Use the following steps to help solve problems you might encounter when
turning on the instrument. If you need more help, refer to the
34970A/34972A Service Guide for instructions on returning the
instrument to Agilent for service.
1 Verify that there is AC power to the instrument.
First, verify that the power cord is firmly plugged into the power
receptacle on the rear panel of the instrument. You should also make
sure that the power source you plugged the instrument into is energized.
Then, verify that the instrument is turned on.
The On/Standby switch is located on the lower left side of the front
2 Verify that there is a battery in the instrument
A battery must be present for the instrument to boot up.
3 Verify the power-line voltage setting.
The line voltage is set to the proper value for your country when the
instrument is shipped from the factory. Change the voltage setting if it is
not correct. The settings are: 100, 120, 220, or 240 VAC.
Note: For 127 VAC operation, use the 120 VAC setting.
For 230 VAC operation, use the 220 VAC setting.
See the next page if you need to change the line voltage setting.
4 Verify that the power-line fuse is good.
The instrument is shipped from the factory with a 500 mA fuse installed.
This is the correct fuse for all line voltages.
See the next page if you need to replace the power-line fuse.
To replace the 500 mAT, 250 V fuse, order Agilent part number 2110-0458.
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Chapter 1 Quick Start
If the Instrument Does Not Turn On
2 Remove the line voltage selector from the
4 Replace the fuse-holder assembly in the
rear panel.
Fuse: 500 mAT (for all line voltages)
Agilent Part Number: 2110-0458
3 Rotate the line-voltage selector until the
correct voltage appears in the window.
1 Remove the power cord. Remove the
fuse-holder assembly from the rear panel.
100, 120 (127), 220 (230), or 240 VAC
34970A Refresh Page 35 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Adjust the Carrying Handle
To Adjust the Carrying Handle
To adjust the position, grasp the handle by the sides and pull outward.
Then, rotate the handle to the desired position.
Bench-top viewing position Carrying position
34970A Refresh Page 36 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Rack Mount the Instrument
To Rack Mount the Instrument
You can mount the instrument in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet using
one of three optional kits available. Instructions and mounting hardware
are included with each rack-mounting kit. Any Agilent System II
instrument of the same size can be rack-mounted beside the 34970A/
Note: Remove the carrying handle, and the front and rear rubber
bumpers, before rack-mounting the instrument.
To remove the handle, rotate it to the vertical position and pull the ends outward.
Front Rear (bottom view)
To remove the rubber bumper, stretch a corner and then slide it off.
34970A Refresh Page 37 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 1 Quick Start
To Rack Mount the Instrument

To rack mount a single instrument, order adapter kit 5063-9240.
To rack mount two instruments side-by-side, order lock-link kit 5061-9694 and
flange kit 5063-9212. Be sure to use the support rails inside the rack cabinet.
To install one or two instruments in a sliding support shelf, order shelf 5063-9255,
and slide kit 1494-0015 (for a single instrument, also order filler panel 5002-3999).
34970A Refresh Page 38 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Front-Panel Overview
34970A Refresh Page 39 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Front-Panel Overview
This chapter introduces you to the front-panel keys and menu operation.
This chapter does not give a detailed description of every front-panel key
or menu operation. It does, however, give you an overview of the front-
panel menus and many front-panel operations. See chapter 4 Features
and Functions, starting on page 87, for a complete discussion of the
instruments capabilities and operation.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
Front-Panel Menu Reference, on page 41
To Monitor a Single Channel, on page 44
To Set a Scan Interval, on page 45
To Apply Mx+B Scaling to Measurements, on page 46
To Configure Alarm Limits, on page 47
To Read a Digital Input Port, on page 49
To Write to a Digital Output Port, on page 50
To Read the Totalizer Count, on page 51
To Output a DC Voltage, on page 52
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34970A, on page 53
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34972A, on page 55
To Store the Instrument State, on page 57
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Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
Front-Panel Menu Reference
Front-Panel Menu Reference
This section gives an overview of the front-panel menus. The menus are
designed to automatically guide you through all parameters required to
configure a particular function or operation. The remainder of this
chapter contains examples of using the front-panel menus.
Configure the measurement parameters on the displayed channel.
Select the measurement function (dc volts, ohms, etc.) on the displayed channel.
Select transducer type for temperature measurements.
Select units (C, F, or K) for temperature measurements.
Select measurement range or autorange.
Select measurement resolution.
Copy and paste measurement configuration to other channels.
Configure the scaling parameters for the displayed channel.
Set the gain (M) and offset (B) value for the displayed channel.
Make a null measurement and store it as the offset value.
Specify a custom label (RPM, PSI, etc.) for the displayed channel.
Configure alarms on the displayed channel.
Select one of four alarms to report alarm conditions on the displayed channel.
Configure a high limit, low limit, or both for the displayed channel.
Configure a bit pattern that will generate an alarm (digital input only).
Configure the four Alarm Output hardware lines.
Clear the state of the four alarm output lines.
Select the Latch or Track mode for the four alarm output lines.
Select the slope (rising or falling edge) for the four alarm output lines.
34970A Refresh Page 41 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
Front-Panel Menu Reference
Configure the event or action that controls the scan interval.
Select the scan interval mode (interval, manual, external, or alarm).
Select the scan count.
Configure the advanced measurement features on displayed channel.
Set the integration time for measurements on the displayed channel.
Set the channel-to-channel delay for scanning.
Enable/disable the thermocouple check feature (T/C measurements only).
Select the reference junction source (T/C measurements only).
Set the low frequency limit (ac measurements only).
Enable/disable offset compensation (resistance measurements only).
Select the binary or decimal mode for digital operations (digital input/output only).
Configure the totalizer reset mode (totalizer only).
Select which edge is detected (rising or falling) for totalizer operations.
Configure system-related instrument parameters.
Set the real-time system clock and calendar.
Query the firmware revisions for the mainframe and installed modules.
Select the instruments power-on configuration (last or factory reset).
Enable/disable the internal DMM.
Secure/unsecure the instrument for calibration.
View readings, alarms, and errors.
View the last 100 scanned readings from memory (last, min, max, and average).
View the first 20 alarms in the alarm queue (reading and time alarm occurred).
View up to 10 errors (34970A) or 20 errors (34972A) in the error queue.
Read the number of cycles for the displayed relay (relay maintenance feature).
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Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
Front-Panel Menu Reference
Store and recall instrument states.
Store up to five instrument states in non-volatile memory.
Assign a name to each storage location.
Recall stored states, power-down state, factory reset state, or preset state.
Configure the remote interface (34970A).
Select the GPIB address.
Configure the RS-232 interface (baud rate, parity, and flow control).
Configure the remote interface (34972A).
Configure the LAN settings (IP Address, Hostname, DHCP, etc.)
Configure the USB settings (Enable, USB ID, etc.)
Configure and use the USB drive (Logging, etc.)
34970A Refresh Page 43 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Monitor a Single Channel
To Monitor a Single Channel
You can use the Monitor function to continuously take readings on a
single channel, even during a scan. This feature is useful for
troubleshooting your system before a test or for watching an important
1 Select the channel to be monitored.
Only one channel can be monitored at a time but you can change the
channel being monitored at any time by turning the knob.
2 Enable monitoring on the selected channel.
Any channel that can be read by the instrument can be monitored (the
MON annunciator turns on). This includes any combination of
temperature, voltage, resistance, current, frequency, or period
measurements on multiplexer channels. You can also monitor a digital
input port or the totalizer count on the multifunction module.
To disable monitoring, press again.
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Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Set a Scan Interval
To Set a Scan Interval
You can set the instruments internal timer to automatically scan at a
specific interval (e.g., start a new scan sweep every 10 seconds) or when
an external TTL trigger pulse is received. You can configure the
instrument to scan continuously or to stop after sweeping through the
scan list a specified number of times.
1 Select the interval scan mode.
For this example, select the Interval Scan mode which allows you to set
the time from the start of one scan sweep to the start of the next scan
sweep. Set the interval to any value between 0 and 99 hours
2 Select the scan count.
You can specify the number of times that the instrument will sweep
through the scan list (the default is continuous). When the specified
number of sweeps have occurred, the scan stops. Set the scan count to
any number between 1 and 50,000 scans (or continuous).
3 Run the scan and store the readings in memory.
00020 SCANS
34970A Refresh Page 45 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Apply Mx+B Scaling to Measurements
To Apply Mx+B Scaling to Measurements
The scaling function allows you to apply a gain and offset to all readings
on a specified multiplexer channel during a scan. In addition to setting
the gain (M) and offset (B) values, you can also specify a custom
measurement label for your scaled readings (RPM, PSI, etc.).
1 Configure the channel.
You must configure the channel (function, transducer type, etc.) before
applying any scaling values. If you change the measurement
configuration, scaling is turned off on that channel and the gain and
offset values are reset (M=1 and B=0).
2 Set the gain and offset values.
The scaling values are stored in non-volatile memory for the specified
channels. A Factory Reset turns off scaling and clears the scaling values
on all channels. An Instrument Preset or Card Reset does not clear the
scaling values and does not turn off scaling.

3 Select the custom label.
You can specify an optional three-character label for your scaled
readings (RPM, PSI, etc.). The default label is the standard engineering
unit for the selected function (VDC, OHM, etc.).
4 Run the scan and store the scaled readings in memory.
+0.000,000 VDC
Set Gain
Set Offset
34970A Refresh Page 46 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Configure Alarm Limits
To Configure Alarm Limits
The instrument has four alarms which you can configure to alert you
when a reading exceeds specified limits on a channel during a scan. You
can assign a high limit, a low limit, or both to any configured channel in
the scan list. You can assign multiple channels to any of the four
available alarms (numbered 1 through 4).
1 Configure the channel.
You must configure the channel (function, transducer type, etc.) before
setting any alarm limits. If you change the measurement configuration,
alarms are turned off and the limit values are cleared. If you plan to use
Mx+B scaling on a channel which will also use alarms, be sure to
configure the scaling values first.
2 Select which of the four alarms you want to use.
3 Select the alarm mode on the selected channel.
You can configure the instrument to generate an alarm when a
measurement exceeds the specified HI or LO limits (or both) on a
measurement channel.
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Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Configure Alarm Limits
4 Set the limit value.
The alarm limit values are stored in non-volatile memory for the
specified channels. The default values for the high and low limits are 0.
The low limit must always be less than or equal to the high limit, even if
you are using only one of the limits. A Factory Reset clears all alarm
limits and turns off all alarms. An Instrument Preset or Card Reset
does not clear the alarm limits and does not turn off alarms.
5 Run the scan and store the readings in memory.
If an alarm occurs on a channel as it is being scanned, then that
channels alarm status is stored in reading memory as the readings are
taken. Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all
readings (including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the
previous scan. As alarms are generated, they are also logged in an
alarm queue, which is separate from reading memory. Up to 20 alarms
can be logged in the alarm queue. Reading the alarm queue using the
View menu clears the alarms in the queue.
+0.250,000 C
34970A Refresh Page 48 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Read a Digital Input Port
To Read a Digital Input Port
The multifunction module (34907A) has two non-isolated 8-bit
input/output ports which you can use for reading digital patterns. You
can read the live status of the bits on the port or you can configure a scan
to include a digital read.
1 Select the Digital Input port.
Select the slot containing the multifunction module and continue turning
the knob until DIN is displayed (channel 01 or 02).
2 Read the specified port.
You can specify whether you want to use binary or decimal format. Once
you have selected the number base, it is used for all input or output
operations on the same port. To change the number base, press the
key and select USE BINARY or USE DECIMAL.
The bit pattern read from the port will be displayed until you press
another key, turn the knob, or until the display times out.
Note: To add a digital input channel to a scan list, press and select
the DIO READ choice.
01010101 DIN
Binary Display Shown
34970A Refresh Page 49 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Write to a Digital Output Port
To Write to a Digital Output Port
The multifunction module (34907A) has two non-isolated 8-bit
input/output ports which you can use for outputting digital patterns.
1 Select the Digital Output port.
Select the slot containing the multifunction module and continue turning
the knob until DIN is displayed (channel 01 or 02).
2 Enter the bit pattern editor.
Notice that the port is now converted to an output port (DOUT).
3 Edit the bit pattern.
Use the knob and or keys to edit the individual bit values. You
can specify whether you want to use binary or decimal format. Once you
have selected the number base, it is used for all input or output
operations on the same port. To change the number base, press the
key and select USE BINARY or USE DECIMAL.
4 Output the bit pattern to the specified port.
The specified bit pattern is latched on the specified port. To cancel an
output operation in progress, wait for the display to time out.
00000000 DOUT Binary Display Shown
240 DOUT Decimal Display Shown
34970A Refresh Page 50 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Read the Totalizer Count
To Read the Totalizer Count
The multifunction module (34907A) has a 26-bit totalizer which can
count pulses at a 100 kHz rate. You can manually read the totalizer
count or you can configure a scan to read the count.
1 Select the totalizer channel.
Select the slot containing the multifunction module and continue turning
the knob until TOTALIZE is displayed (channel 03).
2 Configure the totalize mode.
The internal count starts as soon as you turn on the instrument. You can
configure the totalizer to reset the count to 0 after being read or it can
count continuously and be manually reset.
3 Read the count.
The count is read once each time you press ; the count does not
update automatically on the display. As configured in this example, the
count is automatically reset to 0 each time you read it.
The count will be displayed until you press another key, turn the knob,
or until the display times out. To manually reset the totalizer count,
press .
Note: To add a totalizer channel to a scan list, press and select the
TOT READ choice.
12345 TOT
34970A Refresh Page 51 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Output a DC Voltage
To Output a DC Voltage
The multifunction module (34907A) has two analog outputs capable of
outputting calibrated voltages between 12 volts.
1 Select a DAC Output channel.
Select the slot containing the multifunction module and continue turning
the knob until DAC is displayed (channel 04 or 05).
2 Enter the output voltage editor.
3 Set the desired output voltage.
Use the knob and or keys to edit the individual digits.
4 Output the voltage from the selected DAC.
The output voltage will be displayed until you press another key or turn
the knob. To manually reset the output voltage to 0 volts, press .
+00.000 V DAC
34970A Refresh Page 52 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34970A
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34970A
The 34970A is shipped with both an GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and an
RS-232 interface. Only one interface can be enabled at a time. The GPIB
interface is selected when the instrument is shipped from the factory.
1 Select the GPIB interface.
2 Select the GPIB address.
You can set the instruments address to any value between 0 and 30. The
factory setting is address 9.
3 Save the change and exit the menu.
Note: Your computers GPIB interface card has its own address. Be sure
to avoid using the computers address for any instrument on the interface
bus. Agilents GPIB interface cards generally use address 21.
GPIB Configuration
GPIB / 488
34970A Refresh Page 53 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34970A
1 Select the RS-232 interface.
2 Select the baud rate.
Select one of the following: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600 (factory setting), or 115200 baud.
3 Select the parity and number of data bits.
Select one of the following: None (8 data bits, factory setting), Even
(7 data bits), or Odd (7 data bits). When you set the parity, you are also
indirectly setting the number of data bits.
4 Select the flow control method.
Select one of the following: None (no flow control), RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR,
XON/XOFF (factory setting), or Modem.
5 Save the changes and exit the menu.
RS-232 Configuration
19200 BAUD
34970A Refresh Page 54 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34972A
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34972A
The instrument is shipped with both a Local Area Network (LAN)
interface and a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. Both interfaces can
be enabled at the same time and both interfaces are selected when the
instrument is shipped from the factory.
1 Select the LAN interface.
2 Enable the LAN.
This is enabled by default.
3 Configure the instrument LAN settings according the
instructions provided by your LAN administrator.
LAN Configuration
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Configure the Remote Interface - 34972A
1 Select the USB interface.
2 Enable or disable the USB interface.
3 View the USB ID String
The instrument will display its USB identification (USB ID) string. This
is helpful in identifying the device on the USB network. Use the left and
right arrows above the knob to view the full string.
4 Save the changes and exit the menu.
USB Configuration
34970A Refresh Page 56 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Store the Instrument State
To Store the Instrument State
You can store the instrument state in one of five non-volatile storage
locations. A sixth storage location automatically holds the power-down
configuration of the instrument. When power is restored, the instrument
can automatically return to its state before power-down (a scan in
progress before power-down will also be resumed).
1 Select the storage location.
From the front panel, you have the ability to assign names (up to 12
characters) to each of the five stored states.
The storage locations are numbered 1 through 5. The power-down state
is automatically stored and can be recalled from the front panel (the
state is named LAST PWR DOWN).
2 Store the instrument state.
The instrument stores all channel configurations, alarm values, scaling
values, scan interval setups, and advanced measurement configurations.
34970A Refresh Page 57 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 2 Front-Panel Overview
To Store the Instrument State
34970A Refresh Page 58 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
System Overview
34970A Refresh Page 59 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
System Overview
This chapter provides an overview of a computer-based system and
describes the parts of a data acquisition system. This chapter is divided
into the following sections:
Data Acquisition System Overview, see below.
Signal Routing and Switching, on page 70
Measurement Input, on page 74
Control Output, on page 83
Data Acquisition System Overview
You can use the Agilent 34970A/34972A as a stand-alone instrument,
but there are many applications where you will want to take advantage
of the built-in PC connectivity features. A typical data acquisition system
is shown below.
and Software Interface Cable 34970A/34972A
and Events
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
The configuration on the previous page offers the following advantages:
You can use the 34970A/34972A to perform data storage, data
reduction, mathematical calculations, and conversion to engineering
units. You can use the PC to provide easy configuration and data
You can remove the analog signals and measurement sensors from
the noisy PC environment and electrically isolate them from both the
PC and earth ground.
You can use a single PC to monitor multiple instruments and
measurement points while performing other PC-based tasks.
The Computer and Interface Cable (34970A only)
Computers and operating systems are not discussed in this chapter. In
addition to the computer and operating system, you will need a serial
port (RS-232) or GPIB port (IEEE-488) and an interface cable.
Serial (RS-232) GPIB (IEEE-488)
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
Often built into the
computer; no additional
hardware is required.
Cable length is limited to
45 ft (15 m).*
Speed; faster data and
command transfers.
Cable length is limited to
60 ft. (20m).*
Drivers usually included
in the operating system.
Only one instrument or
device can be connected
per serial port
Additional system
flexibility, multiple
instruments can be
connected to the same
GPIB port.
Requires an expansion
slot plug-in card in PC
and associated drivers.
Cables readily available
and inexpensive.
The 34970A is shipped
with a serial cable (if
internal DMM is ordered).
Cabling is susceptible to
noise, causing slow or
lost communications.
Varying connector ys and
Direct Memory Transfers
are possible.
Requires special cable
Data transfers up to
85,000 characters/sec.
Data transfers up to
750,000 characters/sec.
* You can overcome these cable length limitation using special communications hardware.
For example, you can use the Agilent E5810A LAN-to-GPIB Gateway interface or a serial modem.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
Measurement Software
A variety of software is available to configure your data acquisition
hardware and manipulate and display your measurement data.
One particularly useful feature is 34972As Web Interface. Simply enter
the IP address of your instrument in your browsers navigation bar to
launch the Web Interface.
The remote control page of the Web Interface, shown below, allows you to
monitor your instrument, set up and initiate scans, save data to the USB
drive, and much more. For help, simply click on the large question mark
on the far left side of the screen.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
Data Logging and Monitoring
Agilent BenchLink Data Logger 3, which is included with your 34970A/
34972A is a Windows-based application that makes it easy to use the
instrument with your PC for gathering and analyzing measurements.
Use this software to set up your test, acquire and archive measurement
data, and perform real-time display and analysis of your measurements.
The Agilent BenchLink Data Logger Pro option, available at additional
cost, provides advanced data logging and decision making with no
programming required.
Automated Testing with Multiple Instruments
Agilent VEE
TransEra HTBASIC for Windows
National Instruments LabVIEW
Microsoft Visual Basic or Visual C++
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
The 34970A/34972A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit
As shown below, the logic circuitry for the 34970A/34972A is divided into
two sections: earth-referenced and floating. These two sections are
isolated from each other in order to maintain measurement accuracy and
repeatability (for more information on ground loops, see page 263).
The earth-referenced and floating circuitry communicate with each other
via an optically-isolated data link. The earth-referenced section
communicates with the floating section to provide PC connectivity. The
34970A is shipped with both an GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and an RS-
232 interface. Only one interface can be enabled at a time. The 34972A is
shipped with Local Area Network (LAN) and Universal Serial Bus (USB)
The earth-referenced section also provides four hardware alarm outputs
and external trigger lines. You can use the alarm output lines to trigger
external alarm lights, sirens, or send a TTL pulse to your control system.
Analog Bus
= Optical Isolators
Logic Earth
AC Power
External Trigger
To Computer
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
The floating section contains the main system processor and controls all
of the basic functionality of the instrument. This is where the instrument
communicates with the plug-in modules, scans the keyboard, controls
the front-panel display, and controls the internal DMM. The floating
section also performs Mx+B scaling, monitors alarm conditions, converts
transducer measurements to engineering units, time stamps scanned
measurements, and stores data in non-volatile memory.
Plug-In Modules
The 34970A/34972A offers a complete selection of plug-in modules to give
you high-quality measurement, switching, and control capabilities. The
plug-in modules communicate with the floating logic via the internal
isolated digital bus. The multiplexer modules also connect to the internal
DMM via the internal analog bus. Each module has its own
microprocessor to offload the mainframe processor and minimize
backplane communications for faster throughput. The table below shows
some common uses for each plug-in module.
For more information on each module, refer to the module sections in
chapter 4, starting on page 200.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
Model Number Module Name Common Uses
Measurement Input
34901A 20-Channel Mux with T/C
Scanning and direct measurement of
temperature, voltage, resistance,
frequency, and current (34901A only)
using the internal DMM.
34902A 16-Channel Reed Mux with T/C
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Mux
with T/C Compensation
Scanning and direct measurement of
temperature, voltage, and resistance
using the internal DMM.
34907A Multifunction Module Digital Input, Event Counting.
Signal Routing
34901A 20-Channel Mux with T/C
Multiplexing of signals to or from
external instruments.
34902A 16-Channel Reed Mux with T/C
34908A 40_Channel Single-Ended Mux
with T/C Compensation
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch 32 Crossppoint Matrix switching.
34905A Dual 4-Channel RF Mux (50O) 50O high-frequency applications
(<2 GHz).
34906A Dual 4-Channel RF Mux (75O) 75O high-frequency applications
(<2 GHz).
Control Output
34903A 20-Channel Actuator General-purpose switching and control
using Form C (SPDT) switches.
34907A Multifunction Module Digital Output, Voltage (DAC) Outputs.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
System Cabling
The plug-in modules have screw-terminal connectors to make it easy to
connect your system cabling. The type of cabling that you use to connect
your signals, transducers, and sensors to the module is critical to
measurement success. Some types of transducers, such as
thermocouples, have very specific requirements for the type of cable that
can be used to make connections. Be sure to consider the usage
environment when choosing wire gauge and insulation qualities. Wire
insulation typically consists of materials such as PVC or PTFE. The
table below lists several common cable types and describes their typical
Note: Wiring insulation and usage is described in more detail in "System
Cabling and Connections" starting on page 257.

Cable Type Common Uses Comments

Extension Wire
Thermocouple measurements. Available in specific thermocouple
types. Also available in a shielded
cable for added noise immunity.
Twisted Pair,
Shielded Twisted Pair
Measurement inputs, voltage
outputs, switching, counting.
Most common cable for low-frequency
measurement inputs. Twisted pair
reduces common mode noise.
Shielded-twisted pair provides
additional noise immunity.
Shielded Coaxial,
VHF signal switching. Most common cable for high-
frequency signal routing. Available in
specific impedance values (50O or
75O). Provides excellent noise
immunity. Double-shielded cable
improves isolation between channels.
Requires special connectors.
Flat Ribbon,
Twisted pair Ribbon
Digital Input/Output Often used with mass termination
connectors. These cables provide little
noise immunity.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
Transducers and Sensors
Transducers and sensors convert a physical quantity into an electrical
quantity. The electrical quantity is measured and the result is then
converted to engineering units. For example, when measuring a
thermocouple, the instrument measures a DC voltage and
mathematically converts it to a corresponding temperature in C, F, or
Measurement Typical Transducer Types Typical Transducer Output
Temperature Thermocouple 0 mV to 80 mV
RTD 2-wire or 4-wire resistance
from 5O to 500O
Thermistor 2-wire resistance from
10O to 1 MO
Pressure Solid State +/-10 VDC
Flow Rotary Type
Thermal Type
4 mA to 20 mA
Strain Resistive Elements 4-wire resistance from 10O to
10 kO
Events Limit Switches
Optical Counters
Rotary Encoder
0V or 5V Pulse Train
Digital System Status TTL Levels
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Data Acquisition System Overview
Alarm Limits
The 34970A/34972A has four alarm outputs which you can configure to
alert you when a reading exceeds specified limits on a channel during a
scan. You can assign a high limit, a low limit, or both to any configured
channel in the scan list. You can assign multiple channels to any of the
four available alarms (numbered 1 through 4). For example, you can
configure the instrument to generate an alarm on Alarm 1 when a limit
is exceeded on any of channels 103, 205, or 320.
You can also assign alarms to channels on the multifunction module. For
example, you can generate an alarm when a specific bit pattern or bit
pattern change is detected on a digital input channel or when a specific
count is reached on a totalizer channel. With the multifunction module,
the channels do not have to be part of the scan list to generate an alarm.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Signal Routing and Switching
Signal Routing and Switching
The switching capabilities of the plug-in modules available with the
34970A/34972A provide test system flexibility and expandability. You
can use the switching plug-in modules to route signals to and from your
test system or multiplex signals to the internal DMM or external
Relays are electromechanical devices which are subject to wear-out
failure modes. The life of a relay, or the number of actual operations
before failure, is dependent upon how it is used applied load, switching
frequency, and environment. The 34970A/34972A Relay Maintenance
System automatically counts the cycles of each relay in the instrument
and stores the total count in non-volatile memory on each switch module.
Use this feature to track relay failures and to predict system
maintenance requirements. For more information on using this feature,
refer to Relay Cycle Count, on page 169
Switching Topologies
Several switching plug-in modules are available with different topologies
for various applications. The following switching topologies are available:
Multiplexer (34901A, 34902A, 34905A, 34906A, 34908A)
Matrix (34904A)
Form C Single Pole, Double Throw (34903A)
The following sections describe each of these switching topologies.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Signal Routing and Switching
Multiplexer Switching Multiplexers allow you to connect one of
multiple channels to a common channel, one at a time. A simple 4-to-1
multiplexer is shown below. When you combine a multiplexer with a
measurement device, like the internal DMM, you create a scanner.
For more information on scanning, see page 77.
Multiplexers are available in several types:
One-Wire (Single-Ended) Multiplexers for common LO
measurements. For more information, see page 301.
Two-Wire Multiplexers for floating measurements. For more
information, see page 301.
Four-Wire Multiplexers for resistance and RTD measurements. For
more information, see page 302.
Very High Frequency (VHF) Multiplexers for switching frequencies up
to 2.8 GHz. For more information, see page 312.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 4
Channel 3
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Signal Routing and Switching
Matrix Switching A matrix switch connects multiple inputs to
multiple outputs and therefore offers more switching flexibility than a
multiplexer. Use a matrix for switching low-frequency (less than
10 MHz) signals only. A matrix is arranged in rows and columns. For
example, a simple 3x3 matrix could be used to connect three sources to
three test points as shown below.
Any one of the signal sources can be connected to any one of the test
inputs. Be aware that with a matrix, it is possible to connect more than
one source at the same time. It is important to make sure that dangerous
or unwanted conditions are not created by these connections.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Signal Routing and Switching
Form C (SPDT) Switching The 34903A Actuator contains 20 Form C
switches (also called single-pole, double-throw). You can use Form C
switches to route signals but they are typically used to control external
Channel Open
(NC Contact Connected)
Channel Closed
(NO Contact Connected)
NO = Normally Open
NC = Normally Closed
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
Measurement Input
The 34970A/34972A allows you to combine a DMM (either internal or
external) with multiplexer channels to create a scan. During a scan, the
instrument connects the DMM to the configured multiplexer channels
one at a time and makes a measurement on each channel.
Any channel that can be read by the instrument can also be included in
a scan. This includes any combination of temperature, voltage,
resistance, current, frequency, or period measurements on multiplexer
channels. A scan can also include a read of a digital port or a read of the
totalizer count on the multifunction module.
The Internal DMM
A transducer or sensor converts a physical quantity being measured into
an electrical signal which can be measured by the internal DMM. To
make these measurements, the internal DMM incorporates the following
Temperature (thermocouple, RTD, and thermistor)
Voltage (dc and ac up to 300V)
Resistance (2-wire and 4-wire up to 100 MO)
Current (DC and AC up to 1A)
Frequency and Period (up to 300 kHz)
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
The internal DMM provides a universal input front-end for measuring a
variety of transducer types without the need for additional external
signal conditioning. The internal DMM includes signal conditioning,
amplification (or attenuation), and a high resolution (up to 22 bits)
analog-to-digital converter. A simplified diagram of the internal DMM is
shown below.
= Optical Isolators
Analog to
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
Signal Conditioning, Ranging, and Amplification Analog input
signals are multiplexed into the internal DMMs signal-conditioning
section typically comprising switching, ranging, and amplification
circuitry. If the input signal is a DC voltage, the signal conditioner is
composed of an attenuator for the higher input voltages and a DC
amplifier for the lower input voltages. If the input signal is an AC
voltage, a converter is used to convert the AC signal to its equivalent DC
value (true RMS value). Resistance measurements are performed by
supplying a known DC current to an unknown resistance and measuring
the DC voltage drop across the resistor. The input signal switching and
ranging circuitry, together with the amplifier circuitry, convert the input
to a DC voltage which is within the measuring range of the internal
DMMs analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
You can allow the instrument to automatically select the measurement
range using autoranging or you can select a fixed measurement range
using manual ranging. Autoranging is convenient because the
instrument automatically selects the range to use for each measurement
based on the input signal. For fastest scanning operation, use manual
ranging for each measurement (some additional time is required for
autoranging since the instrument has to make a range selection).
Analog-to-Digital Conversion (ADC) The ADC takes a prescaled DC
voltage from the signal-conditioning circuitry and converts it to digital
data for output and display on the front panel. The ADC governs some of
the most basic measurement characteristics. These include
measurement resolution, reading speed, and the ability to reject
spurious noise. There are several analog-to-digital conversion techniques
but they can be divided into two types: integrating and non-integrating.
The integrating techniques measure the average input value over a
defined time interval, thus rejecting many noise sources. The non-
integrating techniques sample the instantaneous value of the input, plus
noise, during a very short interval. The internal DMM uses an
integrating ADC technique.
You can select the resolution and reading speed from 6 digits (22 bits) at
3 readings per second to 4 digits (16 bits) at up to 600 readings per
second. The Advanced menu from the 34970A/34972A front panel allows
you to control the integration period for precise rejection of noise signals.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
Main Processor The main processor, located in the floating logic
section, controls the input signal conditioning, ranging, and the ADC.
The main processor accepts commands from, and sends measurement
results to, the earth-referenced logic section. The main processor
synchronizes measurements during scanning and control operations.
The main processor uses a multi-tasking operating system to manage the
various system resources and demands.
The main processor also calibrates measurement results, performs
Mx+B scaling, monitors alarm conditions, converts transducer
measurements to engineering units, time stamps scanned
measurements, and stores data in non-volatile memory.
The instrument allows you to combine a DMM (either internal or
external) with multiplexer channels to create a scan. During a scan, the
instrument connects the DMM to the configured multiplexer channels
one at a time and makes a measurement on each channel.
Before you can initiate a scan, you must set up a scan list to include all
desired multiplexer or digital channels. Channels which are not in the
scan list are skipped during the scan. The instrument automatically
scans the list of channels in ascending order from slot 100 through slot
300. Measurements are taken only during a scan and only on those
channels which are included in the scan list.
You can store up to 50,000 readings in non-volatile memory during a
scan. Readings are stored only during a scan and all readings are
automatically time stamped. Each time you start a new scan, the
instrument clears all readings stored in memory from the previous scan.
Therefore, all readings currently stored in memory are from the most
recent scan.
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
You can configure the event or action that controls the onset of each
sweep through the scan list (a sweep is one pass through the scan list):
You can set the instruments internal timer to automatically scan at a
specific interval as shown below. You can also program a time delay
between channels in the scan list.
You can manually control a scan by repeatedly pressing from the
front panel.
You can start a scan by sending a software command from the remote
You can start a scan when an external TTL trigger pulse is received.
You can start a scan when an alarm condition is logged on the
channel being monitored.
Scan List (1 sweep)
Scan-to-Scan interval
(0 to 99:59:59 hours)
Scan Count
1 to 50,000 scans, or continuous)
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
Scanning with External Instruments
If your application doesnt require the built-in measurement capabilities
of the 34970A/34972A, you can order it without the internal DMM. In
this configuration, you can use the 34970A/34972A for signal routing or
control applications. If you install a multiplexer plug-in module, you can
use the 34970A/34972A for scanning with an external instrument. You
can connect an external instrument (such as a DMM) to the multiplexer
COM terminal.
External DMM
Common Terminals
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
To control scanning with an external instrument, two control lines are
provided. When the 34970A/34972A and the external instrument are
properly configured, you can synchronize a scan sequence between the
Channel Closed OUT
34970A/34972A External DMM
Ext Trig IN VM Complete OUT
Ext Trig IN
34970A Refresh Page 80 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
The Multifunction Module
The multifunction module (34907A) adds two additional measurement
input capabilities to the system: digital input and event totalize.
The multifunction module also contains a dual voltage output (DAC)
which is described in more detail on page 68.
Digital Input The multifunction module has two non-isolated 8-bit
input/output ports which you can use for reading digital patterns. You
can read the live status of the bits on the port or you can configure
a scan to include a digital read. Each port has a separate channel
number on the module and contains 8-bits. You can combine the two
ports to read a 16-bit word.
Bit 0
Bit 0
Bit 7
Bit 7
Port 1 (LSB)
Channel 01
Port 2 (MSB)
Channel 02
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Measurement Input
Totalizer The multifunction module has a 26-bit totalizer which can
count pulses at a 100 kHz rate. You can manually read the totalizer
count or you can configure a scan to read the count.
You can configure the totalizer to count on the rising edge or falling
edge of the input signal.
The maximum count is 67,108,863 (2
- 1). The count rolls over to 0
after reaching the maximum allowed value.
You can configure the totalizer to read without affecting the count or
reset the count to zero without losing any counts.
Channel 03
26 Bits
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Control Output
Control Output
In addition to signal routing and measurement, you can also use the
34970A/34972A to provide simple control outputs. For example, you can
control external high-power relays using the actuator module or a digital
output channel.
The Multifunction Module
The multifunction module (34907A) adds two additional control output
capabilities to the system: digital output and voltage (DAC) output.
The multifunction module also contains digital input and event totalizer
capabilities which are described in more detail starting on page 81.
Digital Output The multifunction module has two non-isolated 8-bit
input/output ports which you can use to output digital patterns. Each
port has a separate channel number on the module and contains 8-bits.
You can combine the two ports to output a 16-bit word.
Bit 0
Bit 0
Bit 7
Bit 7
Port 1 (LSB)
Channel 01
Port 2 (MSB)
Channel 02
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Control Output
Voltage (DAC) Output The multifunction module has two analog
outputs capable of outputting calibrated voltages between 12 volts with
16 bits of resolution. Each DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) channel
can be used as a programmable voltage source for analog input control of
other devices. A simplified diagram is shown below.
You can set the output voltage to any value between +12 VDC and -12
VDC, in 1 mV steps. Each DAC is earth referenced; it cannot float.
Each DAC channel is capable of supplying 10 mA maximum current.
Note: You must limit the output current to 40 mA total for all three slots
(six DAC channels).
Channel 04
Channel 05
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Control Output
The Actuator / General Purpose Switch
You can think of the 34903A Actuator as a control output because it is
often used to control external power devices. The actuator provides 20
independent, isolated Form C (SPDT) switches.
Each channel can switch up to 300V DC or AC rms. Each switch can also
switch up to 1 A DC or AC rms up to 50 W maximum. For example, the
maximum current that you can switch at 120 V is 0.45 A as shown below.
Channel Open
(NC Contact Connected)
Channel Closed
(NO Contact Connected)
NO = Normally Open
NC = Normally Closed
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Chapter 3 System Overview
Control Output
For control applications, the actuator has the following advantages:
Higher voltage and power rating than the digital output channels.
The actuator switches can also be used to control power devices.
When used with high-power devices, however, it is critical that you
provide protection to the switch from capacitive and inductive loads
to ensure maximum relay life (for more information on attenuators,
see the discussion on page 309).
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Features and Functions
34970A Refresh Page 87 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Features and Functions
You will find that this chapter makes it easy to look up all the details
about a particular feature of the 34970A/34972A. Whether you are
operating the instrument from the front panel or over the remote
interface, this chapter will be useful. This chapter is divided into the
following sections:
SCPI Language Conventions, on page 89
Scanning, on page 90

Scanning with External Instruments, on page 111

General Measurement Configuration, on page 115
Temperature Measurement Configuration, on page 123
Voltage Measurement Configuration, on page 130
Resistance Measurement Configuration, on page 132
Current Measurement Configuration, on page 133
Frequency Measurement Configuration, on page 135
Mx+B Scaling, on page 136
Alarm Limits, on page 139
Digital Input Operations, on page 151
Totalizer Operations, on page 153
Digital Output Operations, on page 157
DAC Output Operations, on page 159
System-Related Operations, on page 160
Single-Channel Monitoring, on page 171
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A, on page 174
USB Drive Front Panel - 34972A, on page 181
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A, on page 183
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A, on page 188
Calibration Overview, on page 192
Factory Reset State, on page 197
Instrument Preset State, on page 198
Multiplexer Module Default Settings, on page 199
Module Overview, on page 200
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer, on page 201
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer, on page 203
34903A 20-Channel Actuator, on page 205
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch, on page 207
34905A/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers, on page 209
34907A Multifunction Module, on page 211
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer, on page 213
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
SCPI Language Conventions
SCPI Language Conventions
Throughout this manual, the following conventions are used for SCPI
command syntax for remote interface programming:
Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate optional keywords or parameters.
Braces ( { } ) enclose parameter choices within a command string.
Triangle brackets ( < > ) separate parameters for which you must
substitute a value
A vertical bar (| ) separates multiple parameter choices.
Rules for Using a Channel List
Many of the SCPI commands for the 34970A/34972A include a scan_list
or ch_list parameter, which allow you to specify one or more channels.
The channel number has a form (@scc), where s is the slot number (100,
200, or 300) and cc is the channel number. You can specify a single
channel, multiple channels, or a range of channels as shown below.
The following command configures a scan list to include only channel
10 on the module in slot 300.
ROUT: SCAN ( @310)
The following command configures a scan list to include multiple
channels on the module in slot 200. The scan list now contains only
channels 10, 12, and 15 (the scan list is redefined each time you send a
new ROUTe: SCAN command).
ROUT: SCAN ( @210, 212, 215)
The following command configures a scan list to include a range of
channels. When you specify a range of channels, the range may
contain invalid channels (they are ignored), but the first and last
channel in the range must be valid. The scan list now contains
channels 5 through 10 (slot 100) and channel 15 (slot 200).
ROUT: SCAN ( @105: 110, 215)
34970A Refresh Page 89 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
The instrument allows you to combine a DMM (either internal or
external) with multiplexer channels to create a scan. During a scan, the
instrument connects the DMM to the configured multiplexer channels
one at a time and makes a measurement on each channel.
Any channel that can be read by the instrument can also be included in
a scan. This includes any combination of temperature, voltage,
resistance, current, frequency, or period measurements on multiplexer
channels. A scan can also include a read of a digital port or a read of the
totalizer count on the multifunction module. Scanning is allowed with
the following modules:
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer
34907A Multifunction Module (digital input and totalizer only)
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
Automated scanning is not allowed with the actuator module, the matrix
module, or the RF multiplexer modules. In addition, a scan cannot
include a write to a digital port or a voltage output from a DAC channel.
However, you can write your own program to manually create a scan to
include these operations.
Rules for Scanning
Before you can initiate a scan, you must set up a scan list to include
all desired multiplexer or digital channels. Channels which are not in
the scan list are skipped during the scan. The instrument
automatically scans the list of channels in ascending order from slot
100 through slot 300. Measurements are taken only during a scan
and only on those channels which are included in the scan list.
The (sample) annunciator turns on during each measurement.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
You can store up to 50,000 readings in non-volatile memory during a
scan. Readings are stored only during a scan and all readings are
automatically time stamped. If memory overflows (the MEM
annunciator will turn on), a status register bit is set and new
readings will overwrite the first readings stored (the most recent
readings are always preserved). You can read the contents of memory
at any time, even during a scan. Reading memory is not cleared when
you read it.
Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all readings
(including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the previous
scan. Therefore, the contents of memory are always from the most
recent scan.
While a scan is running, the instrument automatically stores the
minimum and maximum readings and calculates the average for each
channel. You can read these values at any time, even during a scan.
Mx+B scaling and alarm limits are applied to measurements during a
scan and all data is stored in non-volatile memory. You can read the
contents of reading memory or the alarm queue at any time, even
during a scan.
In the Monitor function, the instrument takes readings as often as it
can on a single channel, even during a scan (see Single-Channel
Monitoring on page 171). This feature is useful for troubleshooting
your system before a test or for watching an important signal.
If you abort a scan that is running, the instrument will complete the
one measurement in progress (the entire scan will not be completed)
and the scan will stop. You cannot resume the scan from where it left
off. If you initiate a new scan, all readings are cleared from memory.
When you add a multiplexer channel to a scan list, that entire module
is dedicated to the scan. The instrument issues a Card Reset to open
all channels on that module. You cannot perform low-level close or
open operations on any channels on that module (even those channels
that are not configured).
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
While a scan is running, you can perform some low-level control
operations on modules that do not contain channels in the scan list.
For example, you can open or close channels or issue a Card Reset on
switching modules that do not contain channels in the scan list.
However, you cannot change any parameters that affect the scan
(channel configuration, scan interval, scaling values, alarm limits,
Card Reset, etc.) while a scan is running.
When you add a digital read (multifunction module) to a scan list,
that port is dedicated to the scan. The instrument issues a Card Reset
to make that port an input port (the other port is not affected).
While a scan is running, you can perform low-level control operations
on any channels on the multifunction module that are not in the scan.
For example, you can output a DAC voltage or write to a digital port
(even if the totalizer is part of the scan list). However, you cannot
change any parameters that affect the scan (channel configuration,
scan interval, Card Reset, etc.) while a scan is running.
If a scan includes a read of the totalizer, multifunction module, the
count is reset each time it is read during the scan only when the
totalizer reset mode is enabled (TOTal i ze: TYPE RRESet command
or the Advanced menu for the totalizer).
If you install a module while a scan is running, the instrument will
cycle power and resume scanning. If you remove a module while a
scan is running, the instrument will cycle power, and it will not
resume scanning when the reboot completes. If you are logging to a
USB drive, the instrument will not log any scans that occur between
the removal of the module and the reboot of the instrument.
You can use either the internal DMM or an external DMM to make
measurements of your configured channels. However, the instrument
allows only one scan list at a time; you cannot scan some channels
using the internal DMM and others using an external DMM.
Readings are stored in 34970A/34972A memory only when the
internal DMM is used.
If the internal DMM is installed and enabled, the instrument will
automatically use it for scanning. For externally-controlled scans, you
must either remove the internal DMM from the 34970A/34972A or
disable it (see Internal DMM Disable on page 145).
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Power Failure
When shipped from the factory, the instrument is configured to
automatically recall the power-down state when power is restored. In
this configuration, the instrument will automatically recall the
instrument state at power-down and resume a scan in progress. If you
do not want the power-down state to be recalled when power is
restored, send the MEMor y: STATe: RECal l : AUTO OFF command
(also see the Utility menu); a Factory Reset (*RST command) is then
issued when power is restored.
If the instrument is in the middle of a scan sweep when power fails,
all readings from that partially completed sweep will be discarded (a
sweep is one pass through the scan list). For example, assume that
your scan list includes four multiplexer channels and you want to
sweep through the scan list three times (see diagram). A power
failure occurs after the second reading in the third scan sweep. The
instrument will discard the last two of the 10 readings and will
resume scanning at the beginning of the third scan sweep.
If you remove a module or move a module to a different slot while
power is off, the scan will not resume when power is restored. No
error is generated.
If you replace a module with a module of the same type while power is
off, the instrument will continue scanning when power is restored. No
error is generated.
Power Fails
34970A Refresh Page 93 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Adding Channels to a Scan List
Before you can initiate a scan, you must configure the channels to be
scanned and set up a scan list (these two operations occur
simultaneously from the front panel). The instrument automatically
scans the configured channels in ascending order from slot 100 through
slot 300.
To Build a Scan List From the Front Panel:
To add the active channel to the scan list, press . Select the
function, range, resolution, and other measurement parameters for this
channel. You can also press to sequentially step through the scan
list and take a measurement on each channel (readings are not stored in
memory). This is an easy way to verify your wiring connections and
channel configuration (also valid during a scan).
When you reconfigure a channel and add it to the scan list, it is
important to note that the previous configuration on that channel is
lost. For example, assume that a channel is configured for DC voltage
measurements. When you reconfigure that channel for thermocouple
measurements, the previous range, resolution, and channel delay are
set to their Factory Reset (*RST command) state.
To remove the active channel from the scan list, press and select
CHANNEL OFF. If you decide to add that channel back to the scan list
with the same function, the original channel configuration (including
scaling and alarm values) is still present.
To initiate a scan and store all readings in memory, press (the
SCAN annunciator will turn on). Each time you initiate a new scan,
the instrument clears all previously stored readings.
To stop a scan, press and hold .
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
To Build a Scan List From the Remote Interface:
The MEASur e?, CONFi gur e, and ROUTe: SCAN commands contain a
scan_list parameter which defines the list of channels in the scan list.
Note that each time you send one of these commands, it redefines the
scan list. To determine which channels are currently in the scan list,
you can send the ROUTe: SCAN? query command.
To initiate a scan, execute the MEASur e?, READ?, or I NI Ti at e
command. The MEASur e? and READ? commands send readings
directly to the instruments output buffer but readings are not stored
in memory. The I NI Ti at e command stores readings in memory. Use
the FETCh? command to retrieve stored readings from memory.
See the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help for
more information on using these commands.
When you reconfigure a channel and add it to the scan list using
MEASur e? or CONFi gur e, it is important to note that the previous
configuration on that channel is lost. For example, assume that a
channel is configured for DC voltage measurements. When you
reconfigure that channel for thermocouple measurements, the
previous range, resolution, and channel delay are set to their Factory
Reset (*RST command) state.
Each time you initiate a new scan, the instrument clears all
previously stored readings.
To stop a scan, execute the ABORt command.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scan Interval
You can configure the event or action that controls the onset of each
sweep through the scan list (a sweep is one pass through the scan list):
You can set the instruments internal timer to automatically scan at a
specific interval. You can also program a time delay between channels
in the scan list.
You can manually control a scan by repeatedly pressing from the
front panel.
You can start a scan by sending a software command from the remote
interface (MEASur e? or I NI Ti at e command).
You can start a scan when an external TTL trigger pulse is received.
You can start a scan when an alarm event is logged on the channel
being monitored.
Interval Scanning In this configuration, you control the frequency of
scan sweeps by selecting a wait period from the start of one sweep to the
start of the next sweep (called the scan-to-scan interval). The countdown
time is shown on the front-panel display between one scan sweep and the
start of the next sweep. If the scan interval is less than the time required
to measure all channels in the scan list, the instrument will scan
continuously, as fast as possible (no error is generated).
Scan List (1 sweep)
Scan-to-Scan interval
(0 to 99:59:59 hours)
Scan Count
1 to 50,000 scans, or continuous)
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
You can set the scan interval to any value between 0 seconds and
99:59:59 hours (359,999 seconds), with 1 ms resolution.
Once you have initiated the scan, the instrument will continue
scanning until you stop it or until the scan count is reached. See
Scan Count on page 102 for more information.
Mx+B scaling and alarm limits are applied to measurements during a
scan and all data is stored in non-volatile memory.
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands automatically set the scan
interval to immediate (0 seconds) and the scan count to 1 sweep.
From the front panel, a Factory Reset (Sto/Rcl menu) sets the scan
interval to 10 seconds and the scan count to continuous. From the
remote interface, a Factory Reset (*RST command) sets the scan
interval to immediate (0 seconds) and the scan count to 1 sweep.
Front-Panel Operation: To select interval scanning and set a scan
interval time (hour:minutes:seconds), choose the following item.
To initiate the scan and store all readings in memory, press (the
SCAN annunciator will turn on). Between scan sweeps, the count-
down time is shown on the front-panel (00: 04 TO SCAN).
Note: To stop a scan, press and hold .
Remote Interface Operation: The following program segment
configures the instrument for an interval scan.
TRI G: SOURCE TI MER Select the interval timer configuration
TRI G: TI MER 5 Set the scan interval to 5 seconds
TRI G: COUNT 2 Sweep the scan list 2 times
I NI T Initiate the scan
Note: To stop a scan, send the ABORt command.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scan Once In this configuration, the instrument waits for either a
front-panel key press or a remote interface command before sweeping
through the scan list.
All readings from the scan are stored in non-volatile memory.
Readings accumulate in memory until the scan is terminated (until
the scan count is reached or until you abort the scan).
You can specify a scan count which sets the number of front-panel key
presses or scan trigger commands that will be accepted before
terminating the scan. See Scan Count on page 102 for more
Mx+B scaling and alarm limits are applied to measurements during a
Scan Once operation and all data is stored in non-volatile memory.
Front-Panel Operation:
To initiate the scan and store all readings in memory, press . The
ONCE annunciator turns on as a reminder that a Scan Once
operation is in progress.
Note: To stop a scan, press and hold .
Remote Interface Operation: The following program segment
configures the instrument for a Scan Once operation.
TRI G: SOURCE BUS Select the bus (once) configuration
TRI G: COUNT 2 Sweep the scan list 2 times
I NI T Initiate the scan
Then, send the *TRG (trigger) command to begin each scan sweep.
You can also trigger the instrument from the GPIB interface by
sending the IEEE-488 Group Execute Trigger (GET) message. The
following statement shows how to send a GET message.
TRI GGER 709 Group Execute Trigger
Note: To stop a scan, send the ABORt command.
34970A Refresh Page 98 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
External Scanning In this configuration, the instrument sweeps
through the scan list once each time a low-going TTL pulse is received
on the rear-panel Ext Trig Input line (pin 6).
You can specify a scan count which sets the number of external pulses
the instrument will accept before terminating the scan. See Scan
Count on page 102 for more information.
If the instrument receives an external trigger before it is ready to
accept one, it will buffer one trigger before generating an error.
All readings from the scan are stored in non-volatile memory.
Readings accumulate in memory until the scan is terminated (until
the scan count is reached or until you abort the scan).
Mx+B scaling and alarm limits are applied to measurements during
the scan and all data is stored in non-volatile memory.
Front-Panel Operation:
To initiate the scan, press . The EXT annunciator turns on as a
reminder that an External Scan is in progress. When a TTL pulse is
received, the scan starts and readings are stored in memory. To stop
scan, press and hold .
Ext Trig Input
Ext Trig Connector
> 1 s
34970A Refresh Page 99 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Operation: The following program segment
configures the instrument for an External Scan.
TRI G: SOURCE EXT Select the external trigger configuration
TRI G: COUNT 2 Sweep the scan list 2 times
I NI T Initiate the scan
Note: To stop a scan, send the ABORt command.
Scanning on Alarm In this configuration, the instrument sweeps the
scan list once each time a reading crossing an alarm limit on a channel.
You can also assign alarms to channels on the multifunction module. For
example, you can generate an alarm when a specific bit pattern is
detected or when a specific count is reached.
Note: For complete details on configuring and using alarms, refer to
Alarm Limits starting on page 139.
In this scan configuration, you may use the Monitor function to
continuously take readings on a selected channel and wait for an
alarm on that channel. The monitored channel can be part of the scan
list but you can also use a channel on the multifunction module
(which does not have to be part of the scan list and you do not have to
use the Monitor function). For example, you can generate an alarm on
a totalizer channel which will initiate a scan when a specific count is
You can specify a scan count which sets the number of alarms that
will be allowed before terminating the scan. See Scan Count on page
102 for more information.
All readings from the scan are stored in non-volatile memory.
Readings accumulate in memory until the scan is terminated (until
the scan count is reached or until you abort the scan).
Mx+B scaling and alarm limits are applied to measurements during
the scan and all data is stored in non-volatile memory.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Front-Panel Operation:
To enable the Monitor function select the desired channel and then
press . To initiate the scan, press . When an alarm event
occurs, the scan starts and readings are stored in memory.
Note: To stop a scan, press and hold .
Remote Interface Operation: The following program segment
configures the instrument to scan when an alarm occurs.
TRI G: SOURCE ALARM1 Select the alarm configuration
TRI G: COUNT 2 Sweep the scan list 2 times
CALC: LI M: UPPER 5, ( @103) Set the upper limit
CALC: LI M: UPPER: STATE ON, ( @103) Enable the upper limit
OUTPUT: ALARM1: SOURCE ( @103) Report alarms on Alarm 1
ROUT: MON ( @103) Select monitor channel
ROUT: MON: STATE ON Enable monitoring
I NI T Initiate the scan
Note: To stop a scan, send the ABORt command.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scan Count
You can specify the number of times the instrument will sweep through
the scan list. When the specified number of sweeps have occurred, the
scan stops.
Select a scan count between 1 to 50,000 scan sweeps, or continuous.
During an Interval Scan (see page 96), the scan count sets the number
of times the instrument will sweep through the scan list and
therefore determines the overall duration of the scan.
During a Scan Once operation (see page 98), the scan count sets the
number of front-panel key presses or scan trigger commands that will
be accepted before terminating the scan.
During an External Scan (see page 99), the scan count sets the
number of external trigger pulses that will be accepted before
terminating the scan.
During an Alarm Scan (see page 100), the scan count sets the number
of alarms that will be allowed before terminating the scan.
You can store up to 50,000 readings in non-volatile memory during a
scan. If you set a continuous scan and memory overflows (the MEM
annunciator will turn on), a status register bit is set and new
readings will overwrite the first readings stored (the most recent
readings are always preserved).
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands automatically set the scan
count to 1.
From the front panel, a Factory Reset (Sto/Rcl menu) sets the scan
count to continuous. From the remote interface, a Factory Reset
(*RST command) sets the scan count to 1 sweep.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Front-Panel Operation:
00020 SCANS
The default is CONTINUOUS. To set the count to a value between 1
and 50,000 scans, turn the knob clockwise and enter a number.
Remote Interface Operation:
Note: To configure a continuous scan, send TRI G: COUNT I NFI NI TY.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Reading Format
During a scan, the instrument automatically adds a time stamp to all
readings and stores them in non-volatile memory. Each reading is stored
with measurement units, time stamp, channel number, and alarm status
information. From the remote interface, you can specify which
information you want returned with the readings (from the front panel,
all of the information is available for viewing). The reading format
applies to all readings being removed from the instrument from a scan;
you cannot set the format on a per-channel basis.
From the remote interface, the time stamp information is returned
either in absolute time (time of day with date) or relative time (time
since start of scan). Use the FORMat : READ: TI ME: TYPE command to
select absolute or relative time. From the front panel, the time stamp
is always returned in absolute time.
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands automatically turn off the
units, time, channel, and alarm information.
A Factory Reset (*RST command) turns off the units, time, channel,
and alarm information.
Remote Interface Operation: The following commands select the
format of readings returned from a scan.
FORMat : READi ng: CHANnel ON
FORMat : READi ng: TI ME: TYPE {ABSol ut e| RELat i ve}
The following is an example of a reading stored in memory with all fields
enabled (relative time is shown).
1 Reading with Units (26.195 C)
2 Time Since Start of Scan (17 ms)
3 Channel Number
4 Alarm Limit Threshold Crossed
0 = No Alarm, 1 = LO, 2 = HI)
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Channel Delay
You can control the pace of a scan sweep by inserting a delay between
multiplexer channels in the scan list (useful for high-impedance or high-
capacitance circuits). The delay is inserted between the relay closure and
the actual measurement on the channel. The programmed channel delay
overrides the default channel delay that the instrument automatically
adds to each channel.
You can set the channel delay to any value between 0 seconds and 60
seconds, with 1 ms resolution. You can select a different delay for
each channel. The default channel delay is automatic; the instrument
determines the delay based on function, range, integration time, and
AC filter setting (see Automatic Channel Delays on the next page).
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands set the channel delay to
automatic. A Factory Reset (*RST command) also sets the channel
delay to automatic.
Front-Panel Operation:
Remote Interface Operation: The following command adds a 2-second
channel delay to channel 101.
ROUT: CHAN: DELAY 2, ( @101)
Scan List
Channel Delay
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Automatic Channel Delays
If you do not specify a channel delay, the instrument selects a delay for
you. The delay is determined by function, range, integration time, and
AC filter setting as shown below.
DC Voltage, Thermocouple, DC Current (for all ranges):
Integration Time Channel Delay
PLC >1
PLC s 1
2.0 ms
1.0 ms
Resistance, RTD, Thermistor (2- and 4-wire):
Channel Delay
(For PLC > 1)
Channel Delay
For PLC s 1)
1 kO
10 kO
100 kO
1 MO
10 MO
2.0 ms
2.0 ms
2.0 ms
25 ms
30 ms
200 ms
200 ms
1 kO
10 kO
100 kO
1 MO
10 MO
1.0 ms
1.0 ms
1.0 ms
20 ms
25 ms
200 ms
200 ms
AC Voltage, AC Current (for all ranges):
AC Filter Channel Delay
Slow (3 Hz)
Medium (20 Hz)
Fast (200 Hz)
7.0 sec
1.0 sec
120 ms
Frequency, Period:
AC Filter Channel Delay
Slow (3 Hz)
Medium (20 Hz)
Fast (200 Hz)
0.6 sec
0.3 sec
0.1 sec
Digital Input, Totalize
Channel Delay
0 sec
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Front-Panel Operation:
Remote Interface Operation: The following command enables an
automatic channel delay on channel 01.
Selecting a specific channel delay using the ROUTe: CHANnel : DELay
command disables the automatic channel delay.
Viewing Readings Stored in Memory
During a scan, the instrument automatically adds a time stamp to all
readings and stores them in non-volatile memory. Readings are stored
only during a scan. You can read the contents of memory at any time,
even during a scan.
You can store up to 50,000 readings in non-volatile memory during a
scan. From the front panel, you can view the last 100 readings and all
of the readings are available from the remote interface. If memory
overflows (the MEM annunciator will turn on), a status register bit is
set and new readings will overwrite the first readings stored (the
most recent readings are always preserved).
Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all readings
(including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the previous
scan. Therefore, the contents of memory are always from the most
recent scan.
The instrument clears all readings in memory after a Factory Reset
(*RST command) or Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command).
Reading memory is not cleared when you read it.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
While a scan is running, the instrument automatically stores the
minimum and maximum readings and calculates the average for each
channel. You can read these values at any time, even during a scan.
Each reading is stored with measurement units, time stamp, channel
number, and alarm status information. From the remote interface,
you can specify which information you want returned with the
readings (from the front panel, all of the information is available for
viewing). For more information, see Reading Format on page 104.
Readings acquired during a Monitor are not stored in memory
(however, all readings from a scan in progress at the same time are
stored in memory).
The MEASur e? and READ? commands send readings directly to the
instruments output buffer but readings are not stored in memory.
You will not be able to view these readings.
The I NI Ti at e command stores readings in memory. Use the FETCh?
command to retrieve stored readings from memory (the readings are
not erased when you read them).
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Front-Panel Operation: From the front panel, data is available for the
last 100 readings on each channel readings taken during a scan (all of
the data is available from the remote interface). After turning the
knob to the desired channel, press the and keys to choose the
data that you want to view for the selected channel as shown below
(the LAST, MIN, MAX, and AVG annunciators turn on to indicate
what data is currently being viewed). Reading memory is not cleared
when you read it. Note that you can view readings from the front
panel even while the instrument is in remote.
Select Channel Last Reading on Channel
Time of Last Reading
Minimum Reading on Channel
Time of Minimum Reading
Maximum Reading on Channel
Time of Maximum Reading
Average of Readings on Channel
Second Most Recent Reading on Channel
Third Most Recent Reading on Channel
99th Most Recent Reading on Channel
34970A Refresh Page 109 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Operation: The following command retrieves stored
readings from memory (the readings are not erased).
Use the following commands to query the statistics on the readings
stored in memory for a specific channel. These commands do not
remove the data from memory.
CALC: AVER: MI N? ( @305) Minimum reading on channel
CALC: AVER: MI N: TI ME? ( @305) Time minimum was logged
CALC: AVER: MAX? ( @305) Maximum reading on channel
CALC: AVER: MAX: TI ME? ( @305) Time maximum was logged
CALC: AVER: AVER? ( @305) Average of all readings on channel
CALC: AVER: COUNT? ( @305) Number of readings taken on channel
CALC: AVER: PTPEAK? ( @305) Peak-to-peak (maximum-minimum)
The following command retrieves the last reading taken on channel
301 during a scan.
DATA: LAST? ( @301)
The following command clears the contents of statistics memory for
the selected channel.
Use the following command to determine the total number of
readings stored in memory (all channels) from the most recent scan.
The following command reads and clears the specified number of
readings from memory. This allows you to continue a scan without
losing data stored in memory (if memory becomes full, new readings
will overwrite the first readings stored). The specified number of
readings are cleared from memory, starting with the oldest reading.
34970A Refresh Page 110 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scanning with External Instruments
Scanning with External Instruments
If your application doesnt require the built-in measurement capabilities
of the 34970A/34972A, you can order it without the internal DMM. In
this configuration, you can use the 34970A/34972A for signal routing or
control applications. If you install a multiplexer plug-in module, you can
use the 34970A/34972A for scanning with an external instrument. You
can connect an external instrument (such as a DMM) to the multiplexer
COM terminal.
External DMM
Common Terminals
34970A Refresh Page 111 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scanning with External Instruments
To control scanning with an external instrument, two control lines are
provided. When the 34970A/34972A and the external instrument are
properly configured, you can synchronize a scan sequence between the
In this configuration, you must set up a scan list to include all desired
multiplexer or digital channels. Channels which are not in the list are
skipped during the scan. The instrument automatically scans the list of
channels in ascending order from slot 100 through slot 300.
For an externally-controlled scan, you must either remove the internal
DMM from the 34970A/34972A or disable it (see Internal DMM Disable
on page 167). Since the internal DMM is not used, readings from
multiplexer channels are not stored in internal reading memory.
External connections are required to synchronize the scan sequence
between the 34970A/34972A and the external instrument. The 34970A/
34972A must notify the external instrument when a relay is closed and
settled (including channel delay). The 34970A/34972A outputs a Channel
Closed pulse from pin 5 on the rear-panel connector (see previous page).
In response, the external instrument must notify the 34970A/34972A
when it has finished its measurement and is ready to advance to the next
channel in the scan list. The 34970A/34972A accepts a Channel Advance
signal on the External Trigger input line (pin 6).
Channel Closed OUT
34970A/34972A External DMM
Ext Trig IN VM Complete OUT
Ext Trig IN
34970A Refresh Page 112 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scanning with External Instruments
You can configure the event or action that controls the onset of each
sweep through the scan list (a sweep is one pass through the scan
list). When the internal DMM is removed (or disabled), the default
scan interval source is timer. For more information, refer to Scan
Interval on page 80.
You can configure the event or action that notifies the 34970A/
34972A to advance to the next channel in the scan list. Note that the
Channel Advance source shares the same sources as the scan
interval. However, an error is generated if you attempt to set the
channel advance source to the same source used for the scan interval.
You can specify the number of times the instrument will sweep
through the scan list. When the specified number of sweeps have
occurred, the scan stops. For more information, refer to Scan Count
on page 102.
An externally-controlled scan can also include a read of a digital port
or a read of the totalizer count on the multifunction module. When
the channel advance reaches the first digital channel, the instrument
scans through all of the digital channels in that slot and stores the
readings in reading memory (only one channel advance signal is
You can configure the list of channels for 4-wire external scanning
without the internal DMM. When enabled, the instrument
automatically pairs channel n with channel n+10 (34901A) or n+8
(34902A) to provide the source and sense connections.
Front-Panel Operation: To select the channel advance source, choose
from the following items.
To initiate the scan, press (the SCAN annunciator will turn on).
To configure the instrument for 4-wire external scanning, choose the
following item.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Scanning with External Instruments
Remote Interface Operation: The following program segment
configures the instrument for an externally controlled scan.
TRI G: SOUR TI MER Select the scan interval
ROUT: CHAN: ADV: SOUR EXT Select the channel advance source
TRI G: TI MER 5 Set the scan interval to 5 seconds
TRI G: COUNT 2 Sweep the scan list 2 times
I NI T Initiate the scan
To configure the instrument for 4-wire external scanning, send the
following command.
ROUTe: CHANnel : FWI Re {OFF| ON}[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
34970A Refresh Page 114 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
General Measurement Configuration
This section contains general information to help you configure the
instrument for making measurements during a scan. Since these
parameters are used by several measurement functions, the discussion is
combined into one common section. Refer to the later sections in this
chapter for more information on parameters that are specific to a
particular measurement function.
Note: It is important that you select the measurement function before
selecting other parameters on a given channel. When you change the
function on a channel, all other settings (range, resolution, etc.) are reset
to their default values.
Measurement Range
You can allow the instrument to automatically select the measurement
range using autoranging or you can select a fixed range using manual
ranging. Autoranging is convenient because the instrument decides
which range to use for each measurement based on the input signal. For
fastest scanning operation, use manual ranging on each measurement
(some additional time is required for autoranging since the instrument
has to make a range selection).
Autorange thresholds:
Down range at <10% of range
Up range at >120% of range
If the input signal is greater than can be measured on the selected
range, the instrument gives an overload indication: OVLD from the
front panel or 9.90000000E+37 from the remote interface.
For a complete list of the measurement ranges available for each
function, refer to the instrument specifications in chapter 8.
For temperature measurements, the instrument internally selects
the range; you cannot select which range is used. For thermocouple
measurements, the instrument internally selects the 100 mV range.
For thermistor and RTD measurements, the instrument autoranges
to the correct range for the transducer resistance measurement.
34970A Refresh Page 115 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
For frequency and period measurements, the "range" parameter is
used to compute a specific measurement resolution (see the Agilent
34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help for details). When
specifying a (non-default) resolution, both the range and resolution
parameters must be specified within the MEASur e? and CONFi gur e
commands. Refer to the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers
Reference Help for more information.
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands contain an optional range
parameter which allows you to specify the range or autoranging.
The instrument returns to autoranging when the measurement
function is changed and after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An
Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset
(SYSTem: CPON command) does not change the range setting.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the measurement function on the
active channel. You are automatically guided to the next level of the
menu where you can select a specific range or autorange.
100 mV RANGE
Remote Interface Operation: You can select the range using
parameters in the MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands. For
example, the following statement selects the 10 VDC range on
channel 301.
CONF: VOLT: DC 10, DEF, ( @301)
34970A Refresh Page 116 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
Measurement Resolution
Resolution is expressed in terms of number of digits the instrument can
measure or display on the front panel. You can set the resolution to 4, 5,
or 6 full digits, plus a digit which can only be a 0 or 1. To increase
your measurement accuracy and improve noise rejection, select 6
digits. To increase your measurement speed, select 4 digits.
This is the 10 VDC range, 5 digits are displayed.
This is the 100 mVDC range, 4 digits are displayed.
This is the 100 ohm range, 6 digits are displayed.
For temperature measurements taken from the remote interface, the
resolution is fixed at 6 digits. From the front panel, you can set the
resolution in terms of the number of digits displayed past the decimal
point (Measure menu).
For AC voltage measurements, the resolution is fixed at 6 digits.
The only way to control the reading rate for AC measurements is by
changing the channel delay (see page 105) or by setting the AC filter
to the highest frequency limit (see page 131).
10. 216, 5 VDC
- 045. 23 mVDC
113. 325, 6 OHM
34970A Refresh Page 117 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
The specified resolution is used for all measurements on the selected
channel. If you have applied Mx+B scaling or have assigned alarms to
the selected channel, those measurements are also made using the
specified resolution. Measurements taken during the Monitor
function also use the specified resolution.
Changing the number of digits does more than just change the
resolution of the instrument. It also changes the integration time,
which is the period the instruments analog-to-digital (A/D) converter
samples the input signal for a measurement. See Custom A/D
Integration Time, on page 120 for more information.
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands contain an optional
resolution parameter which allows you to specify the resolution.
The instrument returns to 5 digits when the measurement function
is changed and after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An
Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset
(SYSTem: CPON command) does not change the resolution setting.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the measurement function on the
active channel. You are automatically guided to the next level of the
menu where you can select the number of digits. The default is 5
6 1/ 2 DI GI TS
For temperature measurements, go to the menu and select the
number of digits displayed past the decimal point on the selected
34970A Refresh Page 118 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
Remote Interface Operation: Specify the resolution in the same units
as the measurement function, not in number of digits. For example, if
the function is DC volts, specify the resolution in volts. For frequency,
specify the resolution in hertz.
You can select the resolution using parameters in the MEASur e? and
CONFi gur e commands. For example, the following statement selects
the 10 VDC range with 4 digits of resolution on channel 301.
CONF: VOLT: DC 10, 0. 001, ( @301)
The following statement selects the 1 A range with 6 digits of
resolution on channel 221.
MEAS: CURR: AC? 1, 1E- 6, ( @221)
You can also select the resolution using the SENSe commands. For
example, the following statement specifies a 4-wire ohms
measurement with 100O of resolution on channel 103.
SENS: FRES: RES 100, ( @103)
34970A Refresh Page 119 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
Custom A/D Integration Time
Integration time is the period of time that the instruments
analog-to-digital (A/D) converter samples the input signal for a
measurement. Integration time affects the measurement resolution (for
better resolution, use a longer integration time) and measurement speed
(for faster measurements, use a shorter integration time).
Integration time is specified in number of power line cycles (PLCs).
Select from 0.02, 0.2, 1, 2, 10, 20, 100, or 200 power line cycles.
The default is 1 PLC.
Only the integral number of power line cycles (1, 2, 10, 20, 100, or 200
PLCs) provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection.
You can also specify integration time directly in seconds (this is called
aperture time). Select a value between 400 s and 4 seconds, with
10 s resolution.
The only way to control the reading rate for AC measurements is by
changing the channel delay (see page 105) or by setting the AC filter
to the highest frequency limit (see page 131).
The specified integration time is used for all measurements on the
selected channel. If you have applied Mx+B scaling or have assigned
alarms to the selected channel, those measurements are also made
using the specified integration time. Measurements taken during the
Monitor function also use the specified integration time.
The following table shows the relationship between integration time,
measurement resolution, number of digits, and number of bits.
Integration Time Resolution Digits Bits
0.02 PLC
0.2 PLC
10 PLC
20 PLC
100 PLC
200 PLC
<0.0001 x Range
<0.00001 x Range
<0.000003 x Range
<0.0000022 x Range
<0.000001 x Range
<0.0000008 x Range
<0.0000003 x Range
<0.00000022 x Range
4 Digits
5 Digits
5 Digits
6 Digits
6 Digits
6 Digits
6 Digits
6 Digits
34970A Refresh Page 120 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
The instrument selects 1 PLC when the measurement function is
changed and after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument
Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) does not change the integration time setting.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the measurement function on the
active channel. Then, go to the Advanced menu and select one of the
choices in PLCs for the active channel.
To select the aperture time, select INTEGRATE T from the Advanced
menu and then specify a value in seconds for the active channel.
Remote Interface Operation: You can set the integration time using
the SENSe commands. For example, the following statement specifies
an integration time of 10 PLC for DC voltage measurements on
channel 301.
SENS: VOLT: DC: NPLC 10, ( @301)
You can also select an aperture time using the SENSe commands. For
example, the following statement specifies an aperture time of 2 ms
for resistance measurements on channel 104.
SENS: RES: APER 0. 002, ( @104)
34970A Refresh Page 121 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
General Measurement Configuration
When autozero is enabled (default), the instrument internally
disconnects the input signal following each measurement, and takes a
zero reading. It then subtracts the zero reading from the preceding
reading. This prevents offset voltages present on the instruments input
circuitry from affecting measurement accuracy.
When autozero is disabled, the instrument takes one zero reading and
subtracts it from all subsequent measurements. It takes a new zero
reading each time you change the function, range, or integration time.
Applies to temperature, DC voltage, 2-wire ohms, and DC current
measurements only. Autozero is enabled when you select 4-wire ohms
The autozero mode is set indirectly when you set the resolution and
integration time. Autozero is automatically turned off when you
select an integration time less than 1 PLC.
You can set autozero from the remote interface only; you cannot
directly set autozero from the front panel.
The autozero setting is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not
change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet
Remote Interface Operation: The OFF and ONCE parameters have a
similar effect. Autozero OFF does not issue a new zero measurement.
Autozero ONCE issues an immediate zero measurement.
ZERO: AUTO {OFF| ONCE| ON}[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
34970A Refresh Page 122 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
Temperature Measurement Configuration
This section contains information to help you configure the instrument
for making temperature measurements. For more information on the
types of temperature transducers, see Temperature Measurements
starting on page 267.
The instrument supports direct measurement of thermocouples, RTDs,
and thermistors. The instrument supports the following specific types of
transducers in each category:
Measurement Units
The instrument can report temperature measurements in
C (Celsius), F (Fahrenheit), or K (Kelvin). You can mix temperature
units on different channels within the instrument and on the same
The instrument selects Celsius when the probe type is changed and
after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON command)
does not change the units setting.
Setting the Mx+B measurement label to C, F, or K has no effect on
the temperature measurement units currently selected.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the temperature function on the
active channel. Then, select the temperature units.
Remote Interface Operation:
UNI T: TEMP F, ( @103)
B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T R
= 49O to 2.1 kO
o = 0.00385 (DIN/IEC 751)
o = 0.00391
2.2 kO, 5 kO, 10 kO,
44000 Series
34970A Refresh Page 123 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
Thermocouple Measurements
To connect a thermocouple to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
The instrument supports the following thermocouple types:
B, E, J, K, N, R, S, and T using ITS-90 software conversions.
The default is a J-Type thermocouple.
Thermocouple measurements require a reference junction
temperature. For the reference junction temperature, you can use an
internal measurement on the module, an external thermistor or RTD
measurement, or a known fixed junction temperature.
If you select an external reference, the instrument automatically
reserves channel 01 on the multiplexer in the lowest slot as the
reference channel (thermistor or RTD measurement). If you have
more than one multiplexer installed, channel 01 on the module in the
lowest slot is used as the reference for the entire instrument.
Before configuring a thermocouple channel with an external
reference, you must configure the reference channel (channel 01) for a
thermistor or RTD measurement. An error is generated if you
attempt to select the external reference source before configuring the
reference channel. An error is also generated if you change the
function on the reference channel after selecting the external
reference for a thermocouple channel.
If you select a fixed reference temperature, specify a value between
-20 C and +80 C (always specify the temperature in C regardless of
the temperature units currently selected).
The accuracy of the measurement is highly dependent upon the
thermocouple connections and the type of reference junction used.
Use a fixed temperature reference for the highest accuracy
measurements. The internal isothermal block reference provides the
lowest accuracy measurements. For more information on reference
junction temperature measurements and associated errors, see the
sections on pages 267 and 274.
34970A Refresh Page 124 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
The thermocouple check feature allows you to verify that your
thermocouples are properly connected to the screw terminals for
measurements. If you enable this feature, the instrument measures
the channel resistance after each thermocouple measurement to
ensure a proper connection. If an open connection is detected (greater
than 5 kO on the 10 kO range), the instrument reports an overload
condition for that channel (or displays OPEN T/ C on the front
Front-Panel Operation: To select the thermocouple function on the
active channel, choose the following items.
To select the thermocouple type for the active channel, choose the
following item.
To enable the thermocouple check feature on the active channel
(opens are reported as OPEN T/ C), choose the following item.
To select the reference junction source for the active channel, choose
one of the following items.
Note: Before selecting an external source, be sure to configure
channel 01 in the lowest slot for a thermistor or RTD measurement.
34970A Refresh Page 125 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
Remote Interface Operation: You can use the MEASur e? or
CONFi gur e command to select the probe type and thermocouple type.
For example, the following statement configures channel 301 for a J-
type thermocouple measurement.
CONF: TEMP TC, J , ( @301)
You can also use the SENSe command to select the probe type and
thermocouple type. For example, the following statement configures
channel 203 for a J-type thermocouple measurement.
SENS: TEMP: TRAN: TC: TYPE J , ( @203)
The following statements use the SENSe command to set a fixed
reference junction temperature of 40 degrees (always in C) on
channel 203.
SENS: TEMP: TRAN: TC: RJ UN 40, ( @203)
The following statement enables the thermocouple check feature on
the specified channels (opens are reported as +9.90000000E+37).
SENS: TEMP: TRAN: TC: CHECK ON, ( @203, 301)
34970A Refresh Page 126 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
RTD Measurements
To connect an RTD to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
The instrument supports RTDs with o = 0.00385 (DIN / IEC 751)
using ITS-90 software conversions or o = 0.00391 using IPTS-68
software conversions. The default is o = 0.00385.
The resistance of an RTD is nominal at 0 C and is referred to as R
The instrument can measure RTDs with R
values from 49O to
2.1 kO. The default is R
= 100O.
PT100 is a special label that is sometimes used to refer to an RTD
with o = 0.00385 and R
= 100O.
You can measure RTDs using a 2-wire or 4-wire measurement
method. The 4-wire method provides the most accurate way to
measure small resistances. Connection lead resistance is
automatically removed using the 4-wire method.
For 4-wire RTD measurements, the instrument automatically pairs
channel n with channel n+10 (34901A) or n+8 (34902A) to provide the
source and sense connections. For example, make the source
connections to the HI and LO terminals on channel 2 and the sense
connections to the HI and LO terminals on channel 12.
Front-Panel Operation: To select the 2-wire or 4-wire RTD function
for the active channel, choose the following items.
To select the nominal resistance (R
) for the active channel, choose
the following item.
: 100. 000, 0 OHM
To select the RTD type (o = 0.00385 or 0.00391) for the active
channel, choose the following item.
ALPHA 0. 00385
34970A Refresh Page 127 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
Remote Interface Operation: You can use the MEASur e? or
CONFi gur e command to select the probe type and RTD type. For
example, the following statement configures channel 301 for 2-wire
measurements of an RTD with o = 0.00385 (use 85 to specify o =
0.00385 or 91 to specify o = 0.00391).
CONF: TEMP RTD, 85, ( @301)
You can also use the SENSe command to select the probe type, RTD
type, and nominal resistance. For example, the following statement
configures channel 103 for 4-wire measurements of an RTD with
o = 0.00391 (channel 103 is automatically paired with channel 113 for
the 4-wire measurement).
SENS: TEMP: TRAN: FRTD: TYPE 91, ( @103)
The following statement sets the nominal resistance (R
) to 1000O on
channel 103.
SENS: TEMP: TRAN: FRTD: RES 1000, ( @103)
34970A Refresh Page 128 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Temperature Measurement Configuration
Thermistor Measurements
To connect a thermistor to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
The instrument supports 2.2 kO (44004), 5 kO (44007), and 10 kO
(44006) thermistors.
Front-Panel Operation: To select the thermistor function for the
active channel, choose the following items.
To select the thermistor type for the active channel, choose from the
following items.
Remote Interface Operation: You can use the MEASur e? or
CONFi gur e command to select the probe type and thermistor type.
For example, the following statement configures channel 301 for
measurements of a 5 kO thermistor:
CONF: TEMP THER, 5000, ( @301)
You can also use the SENSe command to select the probe type and
thermistor type. For example, the following statement configures
channel 103 for measurements of a 10 kO thermistor:
SENS: TEMP: TRAN: THERM: TYPE 10000, ( @103)
34970A Refresh Page 129 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Voltage Measurement Configuration
Voltage Measurement Configuration
To connect voltage sources to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
This section contains information to help you configure the instrument
for making voltage measurements. The instrument can measure DC and
true RMS ac-coupled voltages on the measurement ranges shown below.
DC Input Resistance
Normally, the instruments input resistance is fixed at 10 MO for all DC
voltage ranges to minimize noise pickup. To reduce the effects of
measurement loading errors, you can set the input resistance to greater
than 10 GO for the 100 mVDC, 1 VDC, and 10 VDC ranges.
Applies to DC voltage measurements only.
The instrument selects 10 MO (fixed input resistance on all DC
voltage ranges) when the measurement function is changed or after a
Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON command)
does not change the input resistance setting.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the DC voltage function on the
active channel. Then, go to the Advanced menu and select 10 MO
(fixed resistance for all DC voltage ranges) or >10 GO. The default is
10 MO.
I NPUT R >10 G
100 mV 1V 10V 100V 300V Autorange
Input Resistance
Input Resistance
100 mV, 1V, 10 V ranges
Input Resistance
100 V, 300 V ranges
Input R Auto OFF
Input R Auto ON
10 MO
> 10 GO
10 MO
10 MO
34970A Refresh Page 130 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Voltage Measurement Configuration
Remote Interface Operation: You can enable or disable the automatic
input resistance mode on the specified channels. With AUTO OFF
(default), the input resistance is fixed at 10 MO for all ranges. With
AUTO ON, the input resistance is set to >10 GO for the three lowest
DC voltage ranges. The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands
automatically select AUTO OFF.
AC Low Frequency Filter
The instrument uses three different AC filters which enable you to either
optimize low frequency accuracy or achieve faster AC settling times. The
instrument selects the slow, medium, or fast filter based on the input
frequency that you specify for the selected channels.
Applies to AC voltage and AC current measurements only.
The instrument selects the medium filter (20 Hz) when the function is
changed or after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument
Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) does not change the setting.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the AC voltage (or AC current)
function on the active channel. Then, go to the Advanced menu and
select the slow filter (3 Hz), medium filter (20 Hz), or fast filter (200
Hz) for the active channel. The default is the medium filter.
Remote Interface Operation: Specify the lowest frequency expected in
the input signal on the specified channels. The instrument selects the
appropriate filter based on the frequency you specify (see table above).
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands automatically select the
20 Hz (medium) filter.
SENS: VOLT: AC: BAND 3, ( @203)
Input Frequency Default Settling Delay Minimum Settling Delay
3 Hz to 300 kHz (Slow)
20Hz to 300 kHz (Medium)
200 Hz to 300 kHz (Fast)
7 seconds / reading
1 second / reading
0.12 seconds / reading
1.5 seconds
0.2 seconds
0.02 seconds
Select the slow filter (3 Hz)
34970A Refresh Page 131 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Resistance Measurement Configuration
Resistance Measurement Configuration
To connect resistances to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
This section contains information to help you configure the instrument
for making resistance measurements. Use the 2-wire method for ease of
wiring and higher density or the 4-wire method for improved
measurement accuracy. The measurement ranges are shown below.
Offset Compensation
Offset compensation removes the effects of any DC voltages in the circuit
being measured. The technique involves taking the difference between
two resistance measurements on the specified channels, one with the
current source turned on and one with the current source turned off.
Applies only to 2-wire and 4-wire ohms measurements on the 100O, 1 kO,
and 10 kO ranges.
For detailed information about offset compensation, see page 293.
The instrument disables offset compensation when the measurement
function is changed or after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An
Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset
(SYSTem: CPON command) does not change the setting.
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the 2-wire or 4-wire ohms
function on the active channel. Then, go to the Advanced menu and
enable or disable offset compensation.
Remote Interface Operation:
RES: OCOM ON, ( @208) Enable offset compensation (2-wire)
FRES: OCOM ON, ( @208) Enable offset compensation (4-wire)
For 4-wire measurements, specify the paired channel in the lower
bank (source) as the <ch_list> parameter.
100O 1 kO 10 kO 100 kO 1 MO 10 MO 100 MO Autorange
34970A Refresh Page 132 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Current Measurement Configuration
Current Measurement Configuration
To connect a current source to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
This section contains information to help you configure the instrument
for making current measurements on the 34901A multiplexer module.
This module has two fused channels for direct DC and AC current
measurements on the measurement ranges shown below.
Note: Current measurements are allowed only on channels 21 and 22 on
the 34901A module.
AC Low Frequency Filter
The instrument uses three different AC filters which enable you to either
optimize low frequency accuracy or achieve faster AC settling times. The
instrument selects the slow, medium, or fast filter based on the input
frequency that you specify for the selected channels.
Applies to AC current and AC voltage measurements only.
The instrument selects the medium filter (20 Hz) when the function is
changed or after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument
Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) does not change the setting.
10 mA 100 mA 1 A Autorange
Input Frequency Default Settling Delay Minimum Settling Delay
3 Hz to 300 kHz (Slow)
20Hz to 300 KHz (Medium)
200 Hz to 300 kHz (Fast)
7 seconds / reading
1 second / reading
0.12 seconds / reading
1.5 seconds
0.2 seconds
0.02 seconds
34970A Refresh Page 133 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Current Measurement Configuration
Front-Panel Operation: First, select the AC current (or AC voltage)
function on the active channel. Then, go to the Advanced menu and
select the slow filter (3 Hz), medium filter (20 Hz), or fast filter (200
Hz) for the active channel. The default is the medium filter.
Remote Interface Operation: Specify the lowest frequency expected in
the input signal on the specified channels. The instrument selects the
appropriate filter based on the frequency you specify (see table on
previous page). The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands
automatically select the 20 Hz (medium) filter.
SENS: VOLT: AC: BAND 3, ( @203) Select the slow filter (3 Hz)
34970A Refresh Page 134 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Frequency Measurement Configuration
Frequency Measurement Configuration
To connect an AC source to the modules screw terminals, see page 28.
Low Frequency Timeout
The instrument uses three different timeout ranges for frequency
measurements. The instrument selects a slow, medium, or fast timeout
based on the input frequency that you specify for the selected channels.
The instrument selects the medium timeout (20 Hz) when the
function is changed or after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An
Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset
(SYSTem: CPON command) does not change the setting.
Front Panel Operation. First, select the frequency function on the
active channel. Then, go to the Advanced menu and select the slow
timeout (3 Hz), medium timeout (20 Hz), or fast timeout (200 Hz) for
the active channel. The default is the medium timeout value.
Remote Interface Operation: Specify the lowest frequency expected in
the input signal on the specified channels. The instrument selects the
appropriate timeout based on the frequency you specify (see table
above). The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands automatically
select the 20 Hz (medium) timeout.
SENS: FREQ: RANG: LOW3, ( @203) Select the slow timeout (3 Hz)
Input Frequency Default Settling Delay
3 Hz to 300 kHz (Slow)
20 Hz to 300 KHz (Medium)
200 Hz to 300 kHz (Fast)
1 s
100 ms
10 ms
34970A Refresh Page 135 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mx+B Scaling
Mx+B Scaling
The scaling function allows you to apply a gain and offset to all readings
on a specified multiplexer channel during a scan. In addition to setting
the gain (M) and offset (B) values, you can also specify a custom
measurement label for your scaled readings (RPM, PSI, etc.). You can
apply scaling to any multiplexer channels and for any measurement
function. Scaling is not allowed with any of the digital channels on the
multifunction module.
Scaling is applied using the following equation:
Scaled Reading = (Gain x Measurement) + Offset
You must configure the channel (function, transducer type, etc.)
before applying any scaling values. If you change the measurement
configuration, scaling is turned off on that channel and the gain and
offset values are reset (M=1 and B=0). Scaling is also turned off when
you change the temperature probe type, temperature units, or disable
the internal DMM.
If you plan to use scaling on a channel which will also use alarms, be
sure to configure the scaling values first. If you attempt to assign the
alarm limits first, the instrument will turn off alarms and clear the
limit values when you enable scaling on that channel. If you specify a
custom measurement label with scaling, it is automatically used
when alarms are logged on that channel.
If you remove a channel from the scan list (by selecting
CHANNEL OFF from the front panel or by redefining the scan list
from the remote interface), scaling is turned off for that channel but
the gain and offset values are not cleared. If you decide to add that
channel back to the scan list (without changing the function), the
original gain and offset values are restored and scaling is turned back
on. This makes it easy to temporarily remove a channel from the scan
list without entering the scaling values again.
34970A Refresh Page 136 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mx+B Scaling
You can make a null measurement on a channel and store it as the
offset (B) for subsequent measurements. This allows you to adjust
for voltage or resistive offsets through your wiring to the point of the
During a Monitor operation, the gain and offset values are applied to
all readings on the specified channel.
You can specify a custom label with up to three characters. You can
use letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), an underscore ( _ ), or the #
character which displays a degree symbol ( ) on the front panel
(displayed as a blank space in an output string from the remote
interface). The first character must be a letter or the # character
(the # character is allowed only as the leftmost character in the
label). The remaining two characters can be letters, numbers, or an
Note: If you set the measurement label to C, F, or K, note that this
has no effect on the temperature units set in the Measure menu.
Although the instrument does not directly support strain gage
measurements, you can measure a strain gage using a 4-wire
resistance measurement with scaling. For more information, refer to
Strain Gage Measurements on page 295.
Note: Agilent BenchLink Data Logger 3 software has built-in strain
gage measurement capability.
Use the following equations to calculate the gain and offset.
M = B =
Where GF is the gage factor and R
is the unstrained gage resistance.
For example, a 350O strain gage with a gage factor of 2 would use the
following gain and offset values: M=0.001428571, B=-0.5 (be sure to
use 6 digits of resolution for this measurement).

34970A Refresh Page 137 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mx+B Scaling
The maximum gain allowed is 1E+15 and the maximum offset
allowed is 1E+15.
The MEASur e? and CONFi gur e commands automatically set the gain
(M) to 1 and offset (B) to 0.
A Factory Reset (*RST command) turns off scaling and clears the
scaling values on all channels. An Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON command)
does not clear the scaling values and does not turn off scaling.
Front-Panel Operation: The menu automatically guides you through
the gain, offset, and measurement label settings.
To reset the gain, offset, and measurement label to their defaults, go
to the corresponding level in the menu and turn the knob. To turn
scaling off (without clearing the gain and offset values), go to the first
level in the menu and select SCALING OFF.
To make a null measurement and store it as the offset, go to
SET OFFSET in the menu and turn the knob.
Remote Interface Operation: Use the following commands to set the
gain, offset, and custom measurement label.
CALC: SCALE: GAI N 1. 2, ( @101)
CALC: SCALE: OFFSET 10, ( @101)
CALC: SCALE: UNI T PSI , ( @101)
After setting the gain and offset values, send the following command
to enable the scaling function on the specified channel.
To make a null measurement and store it as the offset, send the
following command.
34970A Refresh Page 138 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Alarm Limits
The instrument has four alarms which you can configure to alert you
when a reading exceeds specified limits on a channel during a scan. You
can assign a high limit, a low limit, or both to any configured channel in
the scan list. You can assign multiple channels to any of the four
available alarms (numbered 1 through 4). For example, you can
configure the instrument to generate an alarm on the Alarm 1 output
when a limit is exceeded on any of channels 103, 205, or 320.
You can also assign alarms to channels on the multifunction module. For
example, you can generate an alarm when a specific bit pattern or bit
pattern change is detected on a digital input channel or when a specific
count is reached on a totalizer channel. With the multifunction module,
the channels do not have to be part of the scan list to generate an alarm.
For complete details, see Using Alarms With the Multifunction Module
on page 148.
Alarm data can be stored in one of two locations depending on whether a
scan is running when the alarm occurs.
1. If an alarm event occurs on a channel as it is being scanned, that
channels alarm status is stored in reading memory as the readings
are taken. Each reading outside the specified alarm limits is logged in
memory. You can store up to 50,000 readings in memory during a
scan. You can read the contents of reading memory at any time, even
during a scan. Reading memory is not cleared when you read it.
2. As alarm events are generated, they are also logged in an alarm
queue, separate from reading memory. This is the only place where
non-scanned alarms get logged (alarms during a monitor, alarms
generated by the multifunction module, etc.). Up to 20 alarms can be
logged in the alarm queue. If more than 20 alarm events are
generated, only the first 20 alarms are saved). Even if the alarm
queue is full, the alarm status is still stored in reading memory
during a scan. The alarm queue is cleared by the *CLS (clear status)
command, when power is cycled, and by reading all of the entries. A
Factory Reset (*RST command) does not clear the alarm queue.
34970A Refresh Page 139 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
You can assign an alarm to any configured channel and multiple
channels can be assigned to the same alarm number. However, you
cannot assign alarms on a specific channel to more than one alarm
When an alarm occurs, the instrument stores relevant information
about the alarm in the queue. This includes the reading that caused
the alarm, the time of day and date of the alarm, and the channel
number on which the alarm occurred. The information stored in the
alarm queue is always in absolute time format and is not affected by
the FORMat : READi ng: TI ME: TYPE command setting.
You must configure the channel (function, transducer type, etc.)
before setting any alarm limits. If you change the measurement
configuration, alarms are turned off and the limit values are cleared.
Alarms are also turned off when you change the temperature probe
type, temperature units, or disable the internal DMM.
If you plan to use alarms on a channel which will also use scaling, be
sure to configure the scaling values first. If you attempt to assign the
alarm limits first, the instrument will turn off alarms and clear the
limit values when you enable scaling on that channel. If you specify a
custom measurement label with scaling, it is automatically used
when alarms are logged on that channel.
If you remove a channel from the scan list (by selecting
CHANNEL OFF from the front panel or by redefining the scan list
from the remote interface), alarms are no longer evaluated on that
channel (during a scan) but the limit values are not cleared. If you
decide to add that channel back to the scan list (without changing the
function), the original limit values are restored and alarms are
turned back on. This makes it easy to temporarily remove a channel
from the scan list without entering the alarm values again.
Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all readings
(including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the previous
scan. Therefore, the contents of reading memory are always from the
most recent scan.
34970A Refresh Page 140 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Alarms are logged in the alarm queue only when a reading crosses a
limit, not while it remains outside the limit and not when it returns
to within limits.
Four TTL alarm outputs are available on the rear-panel Alarms
connector. You can use these hardware outputs to trigger external
alarm lights, sirens, or send a TTL pulse to your control system. You
can also initiate a scan sweep (no external wiring required) when an
alarm event is logged on a channel. For complete details, refer to
Using the Alarm Output Lines on page 145.
The following table shows the different combinations of front-panel
annunciators that may appear while using alarms.
An alarm is enabled on the displayed channel.
The indicated HI or LO limit is being configured on the indicated alarm (shown
while in the Alarm menu).
An alarm has occurred on one or more channels. The behavior of the alarm
output lines tracks the alarm annunciators on the front panel.
The alarm output lines have been cleared but alarms remain in the queue.
Alarm Event No Alarm
Upper Limit
Lower Limit
34970A Refresh Page 141 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
In addition to being stored in reading memory, alarms are also
recorded in their own SCPI status system. You can configure the
instrument to use the status system to generate a Service Request
(SRQ) when alarms are generated. See the Agilent 34970A/34972A
Programmers Reference Help for more information.
The default values for the upper and lower alarm limits are 0. The
lower limit must always be less than or equal to the upper limit, even
if you are using only one of the limits.
For details on configuring alarms on the multifunction module, see
Using Alarms With the Multifunction Module on page 148.
A Factory Reset (*RST command) clears all alarm limits and turns
off all alarms. An Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or
Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON command) does not clear the alarm limits
and does not turn off alarms.
Front-Panel Operation: To select the alarm for use on the active
channel, choose from the following items.
Then, choose from the following alarm conditions.
Then, set the desired limit values and exit the menu. Note that the
instrument does not start evaluating the alarm conditions until you
exit the Alarm menu.
Remote Interface Operation: To assign the alarm number to report
any alarm conditions on the specified channels, use the following
command (if not assigned, all alarms on all channels are reported on
Alarm 1 by default).
OUTPUT: ALARM2: SOURCE ( @103, 212)
34970A Refresh Page 142 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
To set the upper and lower alarm limits on the specified channels, use
the following commands.
CALC: LI MI T: UPPER 5. 25, ( @103, 212)
CALC: LI MI T: LOWER 0. 025, ( @103, 212)
To enable the upper and lower alarm limits on the specified channels,
use the following commands.
CALC: LI MI T: UPPER: STATE ON, ( @103, 212)
CALC: LI MI T: LOWER: STATE ON, ( @103, 212)
Viewing Stored Alarm Data
If an alarm occurs on a channel as it is being scanned, then that
channels alarm status is stored in reading memory as the readings are
taken. As alarm events are generated, they are also logged in an alarm
queue, which is separate from reading memory. This is the only place
where non-scanned alarms get logged (alarms during a monitor, alarms
generated by the multifunction module, etc.).
You can store up to 50,000 readings in memory during a scan. You
can read the contents of reading memory at any time, even during a
scan. Reading memory is not cleared when you read it.
Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all readings
(including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the previous
scan. Therefore, the contents of memory are always from the most
recent scan.
Up to 20 alarms can be logged in the alarm queue. If more than 20
alarms are generated, they will be lost (only the first 20 are saved).
The alarm queue is cleared by the *CLS (clear status) command,
when power is cycled, and by reading all of the entries. A Factory
Reset (*RST command) or Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet
command) does not clear the alarm queue.
Front-Panel Operation: From the front panel, you can view the first
20 alarms in the queue. After turning the knob to the desired
channel, press and to view either the alarm reading or the
time that the alarm occurred. Notice that the annunciators indicate
which alarm is being viewed.
Note: The alarm queue is cleared when you read the alarms.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Remote Interface Operation: The following command reads data from
the alarm queue (one alarm event is read and cleared each time this
command is executed).
The following is an example of an alarm stored in the alarm queue (if
no alarm data is in the queue, the command returns 0 for each
The following command retrieves scanned readings and alarm data
from reading memory (the readings are not erased).
1 Reading with Units (31.009 C)
2 Date (May 1, 1997)
3 Time (2:39:40.058 PM)
4 Channel Number
5 Limit Threshold Crossed (0 = No Alarm,
1 = LO, 2 = HI)
6 Alarm Number Reported (1, 2, 3, or 4)
34970A Refresh Page 144 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Using the Alarm Output Lines
Four TTL alarm outputs are available on the rear-panel Alarms
connector. You can use these hardware outputs to trigger external alarm
lights, sirens, or send a TTL pulse to your control system. You can assign
an alarm to any configured channel and multiple channels can be
assigned to the same alarm number. Each alarm output line represents
the logical OR of all channels assigned to that alarm number (an alarm
on any of the associated channels will pulse the line).
You can configure the behavior of the alarm output lines as described
below. The behavior of the alarm annunciators on the front panel also
tracks the alarm output configuration. The configuration that you select
is used for all four alarm output lines. A Factory Reset (*RST command)
clears all four alarm outputs but does not clear the alarm queue in either
Latch Mode: In this mode, the corresponding output line is latched
true when the first alarm occurs and remains asserted until you clear
it by initiating a new scan or cycling power. You can manually clear
the output lines at any time (even during a scan) and the alarm data
in memory is not cleared (however, data is cleared when you initiate a
new scan).
Alarms Connector
Alarm 4 Output
Alarm 3 Output
Alarm 2 Output
Alarm 1 Output
34970A Refresh Page 145 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Track Mode: In this mode, the corresponding output line is asserted
only when a reading crosses a limit and remains outside the limit.
When a reading returns to within limits, the output line is
automatically cleared. You can manually clear the output lines at any
time (even during a scan) and the alarm data in memory is not
cleared (however, data is cleared when you initiate a new scan). The
alarm outputs are also cleared when you initiate a new scan.
You can control the slope of the pulse from the alarm outputs (the
selected configuration is used for all four outputs). In the falling edge
mode, 0V (TTL low) indicates an alarm. In the rising edge mode, +5V
(TTL high) indicates an alarm. A Factory Reset (*RST command) will
reset the slope to falling edge.
Note: Changing the slope of the output lines may cause the lines to
change state.
Front-Panel Operation: To specify if you want to manually clear all
four alarm outputs, choose from the following items.
To select the output configuration for all four output lines, choose
from the following items.
To configure the slope of all four output lines, choose from the
following items.
Falling Edge Rising Edge
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Remote Interface Operation: To clear the specified output lines (or to
clear all four lines), use one of the following commands.
OUTPUT: ALARM2: CLEAR Clear alarm output line 2
OUTPUT: ALARM: CLEAR: ALL Clear all four alarm outputs
To select the output configuration for all four output lines, use the
following command.
To configure the slope of all four output lines, use the following
OUTPut : ALARm: SLOPe {NEGat i ve| POSi t i ve}
34970A Refresh Page 147 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Using Alarms With the Multifunction Module
You can configure the instrument to generate an alarm when a specific
bit pattern or bit pattern change is detected on a digital input channel or
when a specific count is reached on a totalizer channel. These channels
do not have to be part of the scan list to generate an alarm. Alarms are
evaluated continuously as soon as you enable them.
The digital input channels are numbered s01 (lower byte) and s02
(upper byte), where s represents the slot number. The totalizer
channel is numbered s03.
Alarms are evaluated continuously on the multifunction module, but
alarm data is stored in reading memory only during a scan.
Each time you start a new scan, the instrument clears all readings
(including alarm data) stored in reading memory from the previous
scan. However, alarm data stored in the alarm queue from the
multifunction module is not cleared. Therefore, although the contents
of reading memory are always from the most recent scan, the alarm
queue may contain data that occurred during previous scans or while
the instrument was not scanning.
Front-Panel Operation: To configure an alarm on a digital input
channel, choose from the following items and then set the desired bit
pattern. Set each bit to 0, 1, or X (dont care). You can either
specify that an alarm will occur when certain bits change or when a
specific 8-bit pattern is read.
To configure an alarm on a totalizer channel, select a high limit and
then set the desired count for the selected alarm.
00X10010 BI N
Bit 7 Bit 0
34970A Refresh Page 148 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Remote Interface Operation (Digital Input Channel): To assign the
alarm number to report any alarm conditions on the specified digital
input channels, use the following command.
OUTPut : ALARm[ 1| 2| 3| 4] : SOURce ( @<ch_list>)
To configure alarms on the specified digital input channel, use the
following commands (also see the example on the following page).
CALCul at e
: COMPar e: TYPE {EQUal | NEQual }[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
: COMPar e: DATA <dat a>[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
: COMPar e: MASK <mask>[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
Select EQUal to generate an alarm when the data read from the port
is equal to CALC: COMP: DATA after being masked by
CALC: COMP: MASK. Select NEQual (not equal) to generate an alarm
when the data read from the port is not equal to CALC: COMP: DATA
after being masked by CALC: COMP: MASK.
Use CALC: COMP: MASK to designate the dont care bits. Bits that you
set to 0 in the mask are ignored.
To enable the specified alarm mode, send the following command.
CALCul at e: COMPar e: STATe ON [ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
34970A Refresh Page 149 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Alarm Limits
Example: Configuring an Alarm on a Digital Input
Assume that you want to generate an alarm when a binary pattern of
1000 is read on the upper four bits of port 1. Send the following
commands to configure the port for an alarm.
CALC: COMP: DATA 128, ( @301)
CALC: COMP: MASK 240, ( @301)
Here are the calculations used to evaluate the alarm (assume that a
decimal 146 was read from the port):
Since the calculations produce a non-zero result (decimal 16), an
alarm is not generated in this example.
Remote Interface Operation (Totalizer Channel): To assign the alarm
number to report any alarm conditions on the specified totalizer
channels, use the following command.
OUTPut : ALARm[ 1| 2| 3| 4] : SOURce ( @<ch_list>)
To configure an alarm on a totalizer channel, specify the desired
count as the upper limit using the following command.
CALCul at e: LI Mi t : UPPer <count >[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
To enable the upper limit on the specified totalizer channel, use the
following command.
CALCul at e: LI Mi t : UPPer : STATe ON [ , ( @<ch_list>) ]


1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 Bit 0
Data read from port (decimal 146)
CALC: COMP: DATA command (decimal 128)
X-OR result
CALC: COMP: MASK command (decimal 240)
AND result (no alarm generated)
34970A Refresh Page 150 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Digital Input Operations
Digital Input Operations
The multifunction module (34907A) has two non-isolated 8-bit input/
output ports which you can use for reading digital patterns. You can read
the live status of the bits on the port or you can configure a scan to
include a digital read.
The digital input channels are numbered s01 (lower byte) and s02
(upper byte), where s represents the slot number.
You can generate an alarm when a specific bit pattern or bit pattern
change is detected on an input channel. With the multifunction
module, the channels do not have to be part of the scan list to
generate an alarm. For more information, see Using Alarms With the
Multifunction Module on page 148.
When you add a digital read to a scan list, that port is dedicated to
the scan. The instrument issues a Card Reset to make that port an
input port (the other port is not affected). While included in the scan
list, you can still perform low-level read operations on the port, but
you cannot perform write operations on the port.
From the front panel, you can read data from only one 8-bit input port
at a time. From the remote interface, you can read both ports
simultaneously as a 16-bit word only if neither port is in the scan list.
If one or both ports are included in the scan list, you can read only one
8-bit port at a time. However, if you have included both ports in the
scan list, the data will be read from both ports simultaneously and
will have the same time stamp. Therefore, you can externally
combine the two 8-bit quantities into a 16-bit quantity.
From the front-panel only, you can specify whether you want to use
binary or decimal format (readings are always stored in memory in
decimal format). Once you have selected the number base, it is used
for all input or output operations on the same port.
You can monitor a digital input channel even if the channel is not
part of the scan list (the internal DMM is not required either).
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Digital Input Operations
A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) from the remote interface will reconfigure both ports as
input ports.
Note that a from the front panel resets only the port currently
selected (both ports are not reset).
Front-Panel Operation: After selecting the port, press to read the
bit pattern (the least significant bit is on the right). The bit pattern
read from the port will be displayed until you press another key, turn
the knob, or until the display times out.
To add a digital read to a scan list, choose the following item.
From the front-panel only, you can specify whether you want to use
binary or decimal format.
Remote Interface Operation: From the remote interface, you can read
an 8-bit byte from one port or a 16-bit word from both ports using the
following commands. If you are going to read both ports
simultaneously, you must send the command to port 01 and neither
port can be included in the scan list
SENS: DI G: DATA: BYTE? ( @302) Read port 02
SENS: DI G: DATA: WORD? ( @301) Read both ports together
To redefine the scan list to include a digital read (8-bit read only),
send the following command.
CONF: DI G: BYTE ( @302) Add port 02 read to scan list
34970A Refresh Page 152 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Totalizer Operations
Totalizer Operations
The multifunction module has a 26-bit totalizer which can count TTL
pulses at a 100 kHz rate. You can manually read the totalizer count or
you can configure a scan to read the count.
The totalizer channel is numbered s03, where s represents the slot
You can configure the instrument to count on the rising edge or
falling edge of the input signal.
You can control when the totalizer actually records counts by
providing a gate signal (G and terminals on the module). A TTL
high signal applied to the G terminal enables counting and a low
signal disables counting. A TTL low signal applied to the
terminal enables counting and a high signal disables counting. The
totalizer only counts when both terminals are enabled. You can use
either the G terminal, the terminal, or both. When a gate is not
connected, the gate terminal floats to the enabled state, effectively
creating a gate always condition.
Input Signal
(Rising Edge)
Gate Signal
Totalizer Input
(High True)
Add to Total
34970A Refresh Page 153 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Totalizer Operations
Using the hardware jumper labeled Totalize Threshold on the
module, you can control the threshold at which an edge is detected.
Move the jumper to the AC position to detect changes through 0
volts. Move the jumper to the TTL position (factory setting) to
detect changes through TTL threshold levels.
The maximum count is 67,108,863 (2
-1). The count rolls over to 0
after reaching the maximum allowed value.
You can configure the totalizer to reset its count after it is read
without losing any counts (TOTal i ze: TYPE RRESet command).
Then, if the totalizer is included in a scan list, the count will be reset
on every scan sweep. The count is also reset whenever it is read
directly by pressing from the front panel or when sending the
SENSe: TOTal i ze: DATA? command.
You can configure the instrument to generate an alarm when a
specific count is reached on a totalizer channel. These channels do not
have to be part of the scan list to generate an alarm. Alarms are
evaluated continuously as soon as you enable them. For more
information, see Using Alarms With the Multifunction Module on
page 148.
You can monitor a totalizer channel even if the channel is not part of
the scan list (the internal DMM is not required either). The count on
a totalizer channel is not reset when it is being monitored (the
Monitor ignores the totalizer reset mode).
A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) reset the count to 0.
2.5 V Threshold (TTL)
0 V Threshold (AC)
34970A Refresh Page 154 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Totalizer Operations
Front-Panel Operation: After selecting the totalizer, press to
read the count. If you have selected the READ+ RESET mode, the
count is reset each time it is read. The count is displayed until you
press another key, turn the knob, or until the display times out.
To configure the totalizer reset mode, choose from the following items.
To configure the totalizer to count on the falling edge or rising edge of
the input signal, choose from the following items.
To add a totalizer read to a scan list, choose the following item.
34970A Refresh Page 155 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Totalizer Operations
Remote Interface Operation: To read the count from the specified
totalizer channel, send the following command. The count may be
returned with time stamp, channel number, and alarm status
information depending on the FORMat : READi ng command setting
(see Reading Format on page 104 for more information).
SENS: TOT: DATA? ( @303)
To configure the totalizer reset mode, send either of the following
commands (RRESet means read and reset).
SENSe: TOTal i ze: TYPE {READ| RRESet }[ , ( @<ch_list>) ]
CONFi gur e: TOTal i ze {READ| RRESet } , ( @<scan_list>)
To configure the totalizer to count on the falling edge (negative) or
rising edge (positive) of the input signal, send the following command.
SENSe: TOTal i ze: SLOPe {NEG| POS} , [ ( @<ch_list>) ]
To immediately clear the count on the specified totalizer channel
(whether scanning or not), send the following command.
SENSe: TOTal i ze: CLEar : I MMedi at e [ ( @<ch_list>) ]
34970A Refresh Page 156 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Digital Output Operations
Digital Output Operations
The multifunction module (34907A) has two non-isolated 8-bit input/
output ports which you can use for outputting digital patterns.
The digital output channels are numbered s01 (lower byte) and
s02 (upper byte), where s represents the slot number.
You cannot configure a port for output operations if that port is
already configured to be part of the scan list (digital input).
From the front panel, you can write to one 8-bit output port at a time.
From the remote interface, you can write to both ports
From the front-panel only, you can specify whether you want to use
binary or decimal format. Once you have selected the number base, it
is used for all input or output operations on the same port.
A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) from the remote interface will reconfigure both ports as
input ports.
Note: A from the front panel resets only the port currently
selected (both ports are not reset).
Front-Panel Operation: After selecting the output port, press to
edit the bit pattern or decimal value (the least significant bit is on the
right). Press again to output the bit pattern. To cancel an output
operation in progress, wait for the display to time out.
From the front-panel only, you can specify whether you want to use
binary or decimal format.
34970A Refresh Page 157 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Digital Output Operations
Remote Interface Operation: From the remote interface, you can
output an 8-bit byte to one port or a 16-bit word to both ports
simultaneously using the following commands. You must specify a
decimal value (binary data is not accepted). If you are going to read
both ports simultaneously, you must send the command to port 01.
SOUR: DI G: DATA: BYTE 10 , ( @302) Write to port 02
SOUR: DI G: DATA: WORD 10327 , ( @301) Write to both ports
34970A Refresh Page 158 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
DAC Output Operations
DAC Output Operations
The multifunction module (34907A) has two low-noise analog outputs
capable of outputting calibrated voltages between 12 volts with 16 bits
of resolution. Each DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) channel can be
used as a programmable voltage source for analog input control of other
On the multifunction module, the DAC channels are numbered s04
and s05, where s represents the slot number.
You can set the output voltage to any value between +12 VDC and -12
VDC, in 1 mV steps. Each DAC is earth referenced; it cannot float.
Each DAC channel is capable of 10 mA maximum output current.
Note: You must limit the output current to 40 mA total for all three
slots (six DAC channels).
A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem: CPON
command) from the remote interface will reset both DACs to 0 VDC.
Note: A from the front panel resets only the DAC currently
selected (both channels are not reset).
Front-Panel Operation: After selecting the desired DAC, press to
edit the output voltage. Press again to output the specified
voltage from the DAC channel.
Remote Interface Operation: The following command outputs +2.5
VDC from the DAC on channel 05.
SOURCE: VOLT 2. 5, ( @305)
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
System-Related Operations
This section gives information on system-related topics such as storing
instrument states, reading errors, running a self-test, displaying
messages on the front panel, setting the system clock, disabling the
internal DMM, reading the firmware revisions, and reading the relay
cycle count.
State Storage
The instrument has six storage locations in non-volatile memory to store
instrument states. The locations are numbered 0 through 5. The
instrument uses location 0 to automatically hold the state of the
instrument at power down. You can also assign a name to each of the
locations (1 through 5) for use from the front panel.
You can store the instrument state in any of the six locations.
However, you can only recall a state from a location that contains a
previously stored state. You can use location 0 to store a sixth
instrument state. However, keep in mind that location 0 is
automatically overwritten when power is cycled.
The instrument stores the state of all modules including all channel
configurations, scanning setups, alarm values, and scaling values.
When shipped from the factory, storage locations 1 through 5 are
empty (location 0 has the power-on state).
When shipped from the factory, the instrument is configured to
automatically recall the power-down state (state 0) when power is
restored. You can change the factory configuration such that a
Factory Reset (*RST command) is issued when power is restored.
Before recalling a stored state, the instrument verifies that the same
module types are installed in each slot. If a different module type is
installed, the instrument will perform the equivalent of a Card Reset
(SYSTem: CPON command) on that slot.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
You can assign a name to the storage locations (you cannot assign a
name to location 0). You can name a location from the front panel or
over the remote interface but you can only recall a named state from
the front panel. From the remote interface, you can only recall a
stored state using a number (0 through 5).
The name can contain up to 12 characters. The first character must
be a letter (A-Z), but the remaining 11 characters can be letters,
numbers (0-9), or the underscore character ( _ ). Blank spaces are
not allowed. An error is generated if you specify a name with more
than 12 characters.
A Factory Reset (*RST command) does not affect the configurations
stored in memory. Once a state is stored, it remains until it is
overwritten or specifically deleted.
Front-Panel Operation:
After recalling a stored state, you will notice that a new choice
(UNDO RECALL) is added under RECALL STATE. This allows you to
cancel the last recall operation and revert to the previous state. You
can also select LAST PWR DOWN to recall the state of the instrument
at the power-down.
To configure the instrument to recall the power-down state or issue a
Factory Reset when power is restored, select from the following.
Remote Interface Operation: Use the following commands to store and
recall instrument states (state 0 is the state of the instrument at
power down).
*SAV {0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5}
*RCL {0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5}
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
To assign a name to a stored state to be recalled from the front panel,
send the following command. From the remote interface, you can only
recall a stored state using a number (0 through 5).
To configure the instrument to automatically issue a Factory Reset
(*RST command) when power is restored, send the following
MEMor y: STATe: RECal l : AUTO OFF
34970A Refresh Page 162 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Error Conditions
When the front-panel ERROR annunciator turns on, one or more
command syntax or hardware errors have been detected. A record of up
to 10 errors (34970A) or 20 errors (34972A) is stored in the instruments
error queue. See chapter 6 for a complete listing of the errors.
Errors are retrieved in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The first error
returned is the first error that was stored. Errors are cleared as you
read them. When you have read all errors from the queue, the
ERROR annunciator turns off and the errors are cleared. The
instrument beeps once each time an error is generated.
If more than 10 errors (34970A) or 20 errors (34972A) have occurred,
the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced
with Error queue overflow. No additional errors are stored until you
remove errors from the queue. If no errors have occurred when you
read the error queue, the instrument responds with No error.
The error queue is cleared by the *CLS (clear status) command or
when power is cycled. The errors are also cleared when you read the
queue. The error queue is not cleared by a Factory Reset (*RST
command) or an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command).
Front-Panel Operation:
If the ERROR annunciator is on, press to view the error. Use the
knob to scroll through the error numbers. Press to view the text of
the error message. Press again to increase the scrolling speed (the
final key press cancels the scroll). All errors are cleared when you exit
the menu.
Remote Interface Operation:
SYSTem: ERRor ? Read and clear one error from the queue
Errors have the following format (the error string may contain up to
80 characters):
- 113, " Undef i ned header "
34970A Refresh Page 163 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
A power-on self-test occurs automatically when you turn on the
instrument. This limited test assures you that the instrument and all
installed plug-in modules are operational. This self-test does not perform
the extensive set of tests that are included as part of the complete self-
test described below.
A complete self-test runs a series of tests and takes approximately 20
seconds to execute. If all tests pass, you can have a high confidence that
the instrument and all installed plug-in modules are operational.
If the complete self-test is successful, PASS is displayed on the front
panel. If the self-test fails, FAIL is displayed and the ERROR
annunciator turns on. See the 34970A/34972A Service Guide for
instructions on returning the instrument to Agilent for service.
Front-Panel Operation: To perform the complete front-panel self-test,
hold down as you turn on the instrument and hold down the key
until you hear a long beep. The self-test will begin when you release
the key following the beep.
Remote Interface Operation:
Returns 0 if the self-test is successful or 1 if it fails.
34970A Refresh Page 164 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Display Control
For security reasons or for a slight increase in scanning rates, you may
want to turn off the front-panel display. From the remote interface, you
can also display a 13-character message on the front-display.
You can only disable the front-panel display by sending a command
from the remote interface (you cannot disable the front panel while in
local operation).
When disabled, the entire front-panel display goes blank and all
display annunciators except ERROR are disabled. All keys except
are locked out when the display is disabled.
The display is automatically enabled when power is cycled, after a
Factory Reset (*RST command), or when you return to local by
pressing .
You can display a message on the front panel by sending a command
from the remote interface. The instrument can display up to 13
characters on the front panel; if you attempt to send more than 13
characters, an error is generated. You can use letters (A-Z), numbers
(0-9), and special characters like @, %, *, etc. Use the #
character to display a degree symbol ( ). Commas, periods, and
semicolons share a display space with the preceding character, and
are not considered individual characters. While a message is
displayed on the front panel, readings from a scan or monitor are not
sent to the display.
Sending a message to the display from the remote interface overrides
the display state; this means that you can display a message even if
the display is turned off.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Remote Interface Operation: The following command turns off the
front panel display.
The following command displays a message on the front panel and
turns on the display if disabled.
To clear the message displayed on the front panel (without changing
the display state), send the following command.
Real-Time System Clock
During a scan, the instrument stores all readings and alarms with the
current time and date. The instrument stores the time and date
information in non-volatile memory.
When shipped from the factory, the instrument is set to the current
time and date (U.S. Mountain Time).
Front-Panel Operation:
TI ME 03: 45 PM
J UN 01 1997
Remote Interface Operation: Use the following commands to set the
time and date.
SYST: TI ME 15, 45, 00 Set time to 3:45 PM
SYST: DATE 1997, 06, 01 Set date to June 1, 1997
34970A Refresh Page 166 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Internal DMM Disable
You can scan through the configured channels using either the internal
DMM or an external instrument. For externally-controlled scans, you
must either remove the internal DMM from the instrument or
For information on controlling a scan with an external instrument,
refer to Scanning With External Instruments on page 111.
When shipped from the factory, the internal DMM is enabled. When
you change the state of the internal DMM, the instrument issues a
Factory Reset (*RST command).
A Factory Reset (*RST command) or Instrument Preset (SYSTem:
PRESet command) does not affect the internal DMM configuration.
Front-Panel Operation:
Remote Interface Operation:
I NSTr ument : DMM {OFF| ON}
Firmware Revision Query
The instrument has three microprocessors for control of various internal
systems. Each plug-in module also has its own on-board microprocessor.
You can query the instrument and each module to determine which
revision of firmware is installed for each microprocessor.
The instrument returns three revision numbers. The first number is
the firmware revision number for the measurement processor; the
second is the input/output processor; and the third is the front-panel
display processor. For each plug-in module, the instrument returns
one revision number for the on-board processor.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Front-Panel Operation:
REV X. X- Y. Y- Z. Z (for 34970A)
REV X. XX- Y. YY- Z (for 34972A)
Turn the knob to read the firmware revision number for the module
installed in each of the three slots. If a slot does not contain a module,
EMPTY SLOT is displayed.
Remote Interface Operation: Use the following command to read the
system firmware revision numbers (be sure to dimension a string
variable with at least 40 characters).
*I DN?
The above command returns a string in the form:
Agilent Technologies,34972A,0,I.II-O.OO-FP-FPGA
See the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help for
Use the following command to read the firmware revision number of the
module in the specified slot (be sure to dimension a string variable with
at least 30 characters).
SYSTem: CTYPe? {100| 200| 300}
This command returns a string in the form:
HEWLETT-PACKARD,34901A,0,X.X (for 34970A)
Agilent Technologies,0,0,0 (for 34970A)
See the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help for
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Relay Cycle Count
The instrument has a Relay Maintenance System to help you predict
relay end-of-life. The instrument counts the cycles on each relay in the
instrument and stores the total count in non-volatile memory on each
switch module. You can use this feature on any of the relay modules and
the internal DMM.
In addition to the channel relays, you can also query the count on
backplane relays and bank relays. Note that you cannot control the
state of these relays from the front panel but you can query the count.
For more information on channel numbering and layout, refer to
Module Overview starting on page 200.
You can also query the state of the three relays on the internal DMM.
These relays are numbered 1, 2, and 3 (which correspond to
relays K102, K103, and K104 respectively). These relays open or close
when a function or range is changed on a module.
The 34908A multiplexer contains 40 channels which are switched (HI
only) using only 20 relays. Each relay is used to switch HI on two
different channels (and only one channel can be closed at a time). The
channels are arranged such that channels 01 and 21 use different
contacts on the same relay. The remaining channels are also paired in
the same manner (channels 02 and 22, channels 03 and 23, etc.).
Therefore, when you query the relay count on a channel, the number
reflects the number of times that the relay was closed. For example,
the relay count will always be the same on channels 01 and 21.
You can reset the count (allowed only from remote) but the
instrument must be unsecured (see Calibration Overview on page
192 to unsecure the instrument).
For more information on relay life and load considerations, refer to
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance starting on page 321.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
System-Related Operations
Front-Panel Operation: To read the count on the active channel,
choose the following item and then turn the knob. To read the count
on the internal DMM relays, turn the knob counterclockwise beyond
the lowest numbered channel in the instrument. To read the hidden
backplane and bank relays, turn the knob clockwise beyond the
highest numbered channel in the current slot.
Remote Interface Operation: To read the relay count on either the
internal DMM (all three relays) or the specified module channels,
send the following commands.
DI AG: RELAY: CYCLES? ( @305, 399)
To clear the count on either the specified internal DMM relay or the
specified module channels (the instrument must be unsecured), send
the following commands.
DI AG: RELAY: CYCLES: CLEAR ( @305, 399)
34970A Refresh Page 170 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Single-Channel Monitoring
Single-Channel Monitoring
In the Monitor function, the instrument takes readings as often as it can
on a single channel, even during a scan. This feature is useful for
troubleshooting your system before a test or for watching an important
Any channel that can be read by the instrument can be monitored. This
includes any combination of temperature, voltage, resistance, current,
frequency, or period measurements on multiplexer channels. You can
also monitor a digital input port or the totalizer count on the
multifunction module. Monitoring is not allowed with the actuator
module, the matrix module, or the RF multiplexer modules.
The Monitor function is equivalent to making continuous
measurements on a single channel with an infinite scan count. Only
one channel can be monitored at a time but you can change the
channel being monitored at any time.
Readings acquired during a Monitor are not stored in memory but
they are displayed on the front panel (however, all readings from a
scan in progress at the same time are stored in memory).
Mx+B scaling and alarm limits are applied to the selected channel
during a Monitor and all alarm data is stored in the alarm queue
(which will be cleared if power fails).
A scan in progress always has priority over the Monitor function. The
instrument will take at least one monitor reading per scan sweep and
will take more as time permits.
You can monitor a multiplexer channel only if the internal DMM is
installed and enabled (see Internal DMM Disable on page 167). The
channel must also be configured to be part of the scan list.
You can monitor a digital input channel or totalizer channel even if
the channel is not part of the scan list (the internal DMM is not
required either). The count on a totalizer channel is not reset when it
is being monitored (the Monitor ignores the totalizer reset mode).
34970A Refresh Page 171 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Single-Channel Monitoring
In the Alarm Scan configuration (see Scanning on Alarm on page
100), the instrument sweeps the scan list once each time a reading
crosses an alarm limit on a channel. In this configuration, you may
use the Monitor function to continuously take readings on a selected
channel and wait for an alarm on that channel. The monitored
channel can be part of the scan list but you can also use a channel on
the multifunction module (which does not have to be part of the scan
list and you do not have to use the Monitor function).
Front-Panel Operation: To start a Monitor, press . Turn the knob
to advance to the desired channel. The instrument begins monitoring
after you pause for a few seconds on a configured channel.
To stop a Monitor press again. Note that while the instrument is
in the remote mode, you can still turn on the Monitor function and
select the desired channel.
Remote Interface Operation: The following program segment selects
the channel to be monitored (specify only one channel) and enables
the Monitor function.
ROUT: MON ( @101)
To read the monitor data from the selected channel, send the
following command. This command returns the reading only; the
units, time, channel, and alarm information are not returned (the
FORMat : READi ng commands do not apply to monitor readings.
34970A Refresh Page 172 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Single-Channel Monitoring
SCPI Language Version Query
The instrument complies with the rules and conventions of the present
version of SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments).
You can determine the SCPI version with which the instrument is in
compliance by sending a command from the remote interface.
You cannot query the SCPI version from the front panel.
The following command returns the SCPI version.
SYSTem: VERSi on?
Returns a string in the form YYYY.V, where YYYY represents the year
of the version, and V represents a version number for that year (for
example, 1994.0).
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
This section gives information on the mass memory subsystem (34972A
only). The mass memory subsystem enables you to capture data to, or
import an instrument configuration from a USB drive connected to the
instruments USB port.
General Capabilities
The mass memory subsystem suppports the following capabilities:
1. Automatic streaming of scanned data to USB drive during scan.
Files are automatically named.
Data is logged to USB drive and reading memory simultaneously.
Most internal operations of the instrument continue to operate on
reading memory.
If you are using TRI Gger : COUNt I NFi ni t y and capturing more
than 50,000 readings, reading memory will fill and then overflow,
discarding the oldest data. The USB streaming will continue after
reading memory overflows, allowing you to capture all of the data
(up to 2
sweeps, or up to the limits imposed by the USB drive).
2. Copying of data from reading memory to USB drive
Files are automatically named.
After a scan finishes, you can export reading memory to your USB
drive (up to 50,000 readings).
3. Setup of your instrument based on channel configurations specified in
Agilent BenchLink Data Logger.
Agilent BenchLink Data Logger allows you save configuration
(BLCFG) files on the USB drive. You can then import the file on
the USB drive into your instrument.
34970A Refresh Page 174 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
There are two annunciators related to the USB drive:
MEM (on) - Indicates that a USB drive is connected to the 34972A.
MEM (flashing) - Indicates the the USB drive is either streaming data to
USB (logging), copying from reading memory to USB (exporting), or
importing a configuration from Agilent BenchLink Data Logger.
AUTO (on) - Indicates that logging is active.
To avoid data loss or incomplete instrument configuration, do not
remove the USB drive while MEM is flashing.
4. Management of files on the USB drive via File Transfer Protocol
(FTP). You would typically use FTP to download and delete files from
the USB drive attached to the 34972A. A typical FTP session is
shown below.
From a command prompt, enter FTP AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD to start
the FTP session. Use the numbers of your instruments IP address
in place of AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD.
The software will ask for a user name and password. The user
name is Anonymous, and the password is any string, such as xyz.
Enter the command CD DATA to log onto the USB drive.
Enter the command DIR to obtain a directory of the USB drive.
Enter the command CD MY00012345/20091210_134523123 to
change to the directory containing the data you wish to download
from the USB drive to your local computer. Of course, the exact
directory name will vary.
Enter the command ascii to ensure that you transfer the
appropriate file type.
Enter the command get dat00001.csv to download that specific
file, or enter mget *.csv to download all files ending in CSV. The
MEM annunciator will not flash during the download.
Enter the command delete data00001.csv to delete a specific
file, or enter mdelete *.csv to delete all files ending in CSV.
Enter the command quit to leave the FTP session.
Refer to your computers FTP documentation for further details.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
SCPI Commands
This section concentrates on the features available from the front panel;
you can also control the mass memory subsystem with the following
SCPI commands:
MMEMor y: FORMat : READi ng: CSEPar at or <column_separator>
MMEMor y: FORMat : READi ng: CSEPar at or ?
MMEMor y: FORMat : READi ng: RLI Mi t <row_limit>
MMEMor y: FORMat : READi ng: RLI Mi t ?
MMEMor y: LOG[ : ENABl e] <state>
MMEMor y: LOG[ : ENABl e] ?
MMEMor y: EXPor t ?
MMEMor y: I MPor t : CONFi gur at i on? " <configuration_file>"
MMEMor y: I MPor t : CATal og?
For more information on the SCPI commands available to program the
instrument over the remote interface, see the MMEMory commands in
the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help.
Folder and File Structure
Folder Description
Each saved scan will be stored in a top-level folder named:
The square brackets ( [ ] ) are not actually part of the directory name,
and the yyyymmdd_hhmmssmmm is a timestamp indicating the
approximate start of the scan. The format is year (yyyy), month (mm),
day (dd), underscore (_), hours (hh), minutes (mm), seconds (ss), and
milliseconds (mmm).
34970A Refresh Page 177 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
For example, the folder named:
would indicate a scan on instrument number MY00012345 that started
approximately 23.123 seconds after 1:45 pm (13:45) on December 10,
File Descriptions
The top level folder described above will contain two types of files. The
first is a file named as follows:
This is a text file that documents the instrument configuration for this
scan. The timestamp is as described above. This file lists the
configuration of the instrument in a human readable form.
In addition to the config.csv file, you will have one or more data files
named as follows:
If you use the command MMEMor y: FORMat : READi ng: RLI Mi t OFF, all
of the data will be stored in one file, named dat00001.csv.
You can issue the command MMEMor y: FORMat : READi ng: RLI Mi t ON to
limit the data to 64K - 1 (65,535) sweeps per file, in which case the
sweeps are stored in multiple files, named dat00001.csv,
dat00002.csv, dat00003.csv, and so on. This is helpful for importing
data into spreadsheet or other data analysis software. Note that some
spreadsheet or data analysis software may import the data more easily if
you change the extension from csv to txt. If your software does not
import the file correctly, try changing the extension on the data file.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
Contents of Data Files
Logging into data files is only supported for channels that are in the scan
list. The possible channels are shown in the table below; note that s
stands for the slot number, which is 1, 2, or 3.
For example, the 34901A module supports could have channels 101-120,
201-220, or 301-320.
The format for all USB data files is similar to what Agilent BenchLink
Data Logger produces by default. The default field separator is a
comma, but you can use the following command to specify a different
MMEMory:FORMat:READing:CSEParator {TAB|COMMa|SEMicolon}
Module Description Channels
34901A 20-channel, 2-wire armature multiplexer s01-s20
34902A 16 channel, 2-wire reed multiplexer s01-s16
34907A 2-channel DIO input s01-s02
34907A 1-channel totalizer s03
34908A 40-channel, 1-wire armature multiplexer s01-s40
34970A Refresh Page 179 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Mass Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A
A sample file is shown below.
The channel numbers and the associated units are shown in the
header row.
If the row limit feature is ON and the data spills over into multiple
files, scan numbering continues where it left off in the previous file.
Thus, the first scan in the second data file would be number 65,536,
the first scan in the third data file would be number 131,071, and so
Sweep # Time Chan 201 (VDC) Chan 202 (VDC)
1 01/26/2009 08:07:12:237 0.36823663 1.23895216
2 01/26/2009 08:07:13:237 0.62819233 0.98372939
3 01/26/2009 08:07:14:237 0.38238212 0.39382906
4 01/26/2009 08:07:15:237 0.46773299 0.55543345
5 01/26/2009 08:07:16:237 1.32323567 0.21213335
34970A Refresh Page 180 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
USB Drive Front Panel - 34972A
USB Drive Front Panel - 34972A
This section gives information on configuring the USB drive with the
front panel. For more information about using the USB drive, see Mass
Memory (USB) Subsystem - 34972A, on page 174. For more information
on the SCPI commands available to configure the USB drive over the
remote interface, see the MMEMory Subsystem in hte Agilent 34970A/
34972A Programmers Reference Help.
Setting up Automatic Logging
You can set up the USB drive for automatic logging of readings.
Front-Panel Operation:
Exporting Readings
You can export readings from reading memory onto the USB drive.
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 181 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
USB Drive Front Panel - 34972A
Formatting Readings
You can control how readings are formatted on the USB drive. In
particular, you can choose whether the readings are stored in one large
file (ROWS/ FI LE: AUTO) or in a series of files with 64K - 1 rows per file
(ROWS/ FI LE: 64K) . You can also choose whether the files are formatted
with a tab, comma or semicolon between columns.
Front-Panel Operation:
Importing an Instrument Configuration
You can import an instrument configuration stored in an Agilent
BenchLink Data Logger configuration (BLCFG) file in the root directory
of your USB drive.
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 182 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A
This section gives information on configuring the 34970A for remote
interface communication. For more information on configuring the
instrument from the front panel, see To Configure the Remote
Interface starting on page 53. For more information on the SCPI
commands available to program the instrument over the remote
interface, see the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help.
GPIB Address
Each device on the GPIB (IEEE-488) interface must have a unique
address. You can set the instruments address to any value between 0
and 30. The address is set to 9 when the instrument is shipped from
the factory. The GPIB address is displayed at power-on.
You can set the GPIB address from the front panel only.
The address is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change
when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST command), or
after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command).
Your computers GPIB interface card has its own address. Be sure to
avoid using the computers address for any instrument on the
interface bus. Agilents GPIB interface cards generally use address
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 183 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A
Remote Interface Selection
The 34970A is shipped with both an GPIB (IEEE-488) interface and an
RS-232 interface. Only one interface can be enabled at a time. The GPIB
interface is selected when the instrument is shipped from the factory.
The interface selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not
change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet
If you select the GPIB interface, you must select a unique address for
the instrument. The GPIB address is displayed on the front panel
when you turn on the instrument.
If you select the RS-232 interface, you must also set the baud rate,
parity, and flow control mode for the instrument. RS-232 is
displayed on the front panel when you turn on the instrument.
Front-Panel Operation:
GPI B / 488 , RS- 232
Remote Interface Operation:
SYSTem: I NTer f ace {GPI B| RS232}
34970A Refresh Page 184 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A
Baud Rate Selection (RS-232)
You can select one of eight baud rates for RS-232 operation. The rate is
set to 57,600 baud when the instrument is shipped from the factory.
You can set the baud rate from the front panel only.
Select one of the following: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600 (factory setting), or 115200 baud.
The baud rate selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not
change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet
Front-Panel Operation:
19200 BAUD
Parity Selection (RS-232)
You can select the parity for RS-232 operation. The instrument is
configured for no parity with 8 data bits when shipped from the factory.
You can set the parity from the front panel only.
Select one of the following: None (8 data bits), Even (7 data bits), or
Odd (7 data bits). When you set the parity, you are also indirectly
setting the number of data bits.
The parity selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not
change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 185 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A
Flow Control Selection (RS-232)
You can select one of several flow control methods to coordinate the
transfer of data between the instrument and your computer or modem.
The method that you select will be determined by the flow method used
by your computer or modem.
You can select the flow control method from the front panel only.
Select one of the following: None (no flow control), XON/XOFF
(factory setting), DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, or Modem.
None: In this mode, data is sent and received over the interface
without any flow control used. When using this method, use a slower
baud rate (< 9600 baud) and avoid sending more than 128 characters
without stopping or reading a response.
XON/XOFF: This mode uses special characters embedded in the data
stream to control the flow. If the instrument is addressed to send
data, it continues sending data until the XOFF character (13H) is
received. When the XON character (11H) is received, the
instrument resumes sending data.
DTR/DSR: In this mode, the instrument monitors the state of the
DSR (data set ready) line on the RS-232 connector. When the line
goes true, the instrument sends data over the interface. When the
line goes false, the instrument stops sending information (typically
within six characters). The instrument sets the DTR line false when
the input buffer is almost full (approximately 100 characters) and
releases the line when space is available again.
RTS/CTS: This mode operates the same as the DTR/DSR mode but
uses the RTS (request to send) and CTS (clear to send) lines on the
RS-232 connector instead. When the CTS line goes true, the
instrument sends data over the interface. When the line goes false,
the instrument stops sending information (typically within six
characters). The instrument sets the RTS line false when the input
buffer is almost full (approximately 100 characters) and releases the
line when space is available again.
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34970A
Modem: This mode uses the DTR/DSR and RTS/CTS lines to control
the flow of data between the instrument and a modem. When the RS-
232 interface is selected, the instrument sets the DTR line true. The
DSR line is set true when the modem is on-line. The instrument sets
the RTS line true when it is ready to receive data. The modem sets
the CTS line true when it is ready to accept data. The instrument sets
the RTS line false when the input buffer is almost full (approximately
100 characters) and releases the line when space is available again.
The flow control selection is stored in non-volatile memory, and does
not change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST
command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 187 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A
This section gives information on configuring the instrument for remote
interface communication. For more information on configuring the
instrument from the front panel, see To Configure the Remote
Interface starting on page 53. For more information on the SCPI
commands available to program the instrument over the remote
interface, see the Agilent 34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help.
All of these menu items are accessed under the top-level menu:
Enabling and Disabling LAN Connectivity
You can enable or disable the LAN connectivity. If you are not
controlling the instrument via LAN, it is a good idea to disable LAN
connectivity in order to prevent others from connecting to your
instrument over the LAN.
Front-Panel Operation:
Determining the Status of LAN Connectivity
You can determine whether you are connected to the LAN. This menu
item simply indicates the status; it does not allow you to connect. If your
instrument loses LAN connectivity, it may take up to 30 seconds for the
LXI FAULT message to appear.
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 188 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A
Resetting the LAN
You can reset the instrument's LAN settings to their default values.
Front-Panel Operation:
Enabling and Disabling DHCP
You can enable or disable Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).
When DHCP is enabled (factory setting), the instrument will try to
obtain an IP address from a DHCP server. If a DHCP server is found, it
will assign a dynamic IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway to
the instrument.
If a DHCP server is not found, the instrument uses AutoIP to
automatically configure its IPsetting in the Automatic Private IP
Addressing range (
When DHCP is disabled, the instrument will use the static IP address,
Subnet Mask, Default Gateway and DNS Server during power-on.
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 189 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A
Setting the IP Address
You can set the IP address for your 34972A. This menu option assigns
the static IP address for the instrument. You must disable DHCP in
order to set this on the front panel.
The static IP address is applied when DHCP is disabled. If DHCP is
enabled, DHCP will auto-assign the IP address. This auto-assigned IP
address takes precedence over the static IP address assigned with this
Front-Panel Operation:
Setting the Subnet Mask
You can set the subnet mask for your LAN connection. This menu option
assigns a Subnet Mask for the instrument. The instrument uses the
Subnet Mask to determine whether a client IP address is on the same
local subnet. You must disable DHCP in order to set this on the front
When a client IP address is on a different subnet, all packets must be
sent to the Default Gateway. Contact your network administrator to
determine whether subnetting is being used and for the correct Subnet
Front-Panel Operation:
34970A Refresh Page 190 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Remote Interface Configuration - 34972A
Setting the Default Gateway
You can set the default gateway for your LAN connection. Contact your
network administrator to determine whether subnetting is being used
and for the correct address. If DHCP is enabled, DHCP will auto-assign
the gateway. This auto-assigned gateway takes precedence over the
static gateway assigned with this menu option. You must disable DHCP
in order to set this on the front panel.
Front-Panel Operation:
Setting the DNS Server
You can set the address of the DNS server for your LAN
connection.Contact your network administrator to determine whether
DNS is being used and for the correct address. If DHCP is available and
enabled, DHCP will auto-assign the DNS address. This auto-assigned
DNS address takes precedence over the static DNS address assigned
with this menu option. You must disable DHCP in order to set this on the
front panel.
Front-Panel Operation:
Viewing the MAC Address
You can view the MAC address of your 34972A. This address is of the
form ##:##:##:##:##:##, where each # is a hexadecimal digit (0-9 or A-F).
The LAN relies on every device attached to the network having a unique
MAC address. The MAC address for each instrument is set at the factory
and cannot be changed.
Front-Panel Operation:
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Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Calibration Overview
Calibration Overview
This section gives a brief introduction to the calibration features of the
instrument and plug-in modules. For a more detailed discussion of the
calibration procedures, see chapter 4 in the 34970A/34972A Service
Calibration Security
This feature allows you to enter a security code to prevent accidental or
unauthorized calibrations of the instrument. When you first receive your
instrument, it is secured. Before you can calibrate the instrument, you
must unsecure it by entering the correct security code.
The security code is set to either HP034970 or AT034972,
depending on the product number, when the instrument is shipped
from the factory. The security code is stored in non-volatile memory
on the mainframe, and does not change when power has been off,
after a Factory Reset (*RST command), or after an Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command).
The security code may contain up to 12 alphanumeric characters. The
first character must be a letter, but the remaining characters can be
letters, numbers, or an underscore ( _ ). You do not have to use all 12
characters but the first character must always be a letter.
If you forget your security code, you can disable the security feature by
adding a jumper inside the instrument. See the 34970A/34972A Service
Guide for more information.
34970A Refresh Page 192 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Calibration Overview
To Unsecure for Calibration You can unsecure the instrument
either from the front panel or over the remote interface. The instrument
is secured when shipped from the factory and the security code is set to
HP034970 or AT034972, depending on the product number.
Once you enter a security code, that code must be used for both front-
panel and remote operation. For example, if you secure the
instrument from the front panel, you must use that same code to
unsecure it from the remote interface.
Front-Panel Operation:
When you first enter the Utility menu, the calibration entries toggle
between CAL SECURED and UNSECURE CAL. To unsecure the
instrument, select UNSECURE CAL and press . After entering
the correct security code, press again. When you return to the
menu, you will see new choices CAL UNSECURED and SECURE CAL.
Note: If you enter the wrong secure code, NO MATCH is displayed and
a new choice, EXIT, is shown.
Remote Interface Operation: To unsecure the instrument, send the
following command with the correct security code.
34970A Refresh Page 193 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Calibration Overview
To Secure Against Calibration You can secure the instrument
either from the front panel or over the remote interface. The instrument
is secured when shipped from the factory and the security code is set to
HP034970 or AT034972, depending on the product number.
Once you enter a security code, that code must be used for both front-
panel and remote operation. For example, if you secure the
instrument from the front panel, you must use that same code to
unsecure it from the remote interface.
Front-Panel Operation:
When you enter the Utility menu, the calibration entries toggle
between CAL UNSECURED and SECURE CAL. To secure the
instrument, select SECURE CAL and press . After entering the
desired security code, press again. When you return to the
menu, you will see new choices CAL SECURED and UNSECURE CAL.
Remote Interface Operation: To secure the instrument, send the
following command with the desired security code.
To Change the Security Code To change the security code, you must
first unsecure the instrument, and then enter a new code. Make sure you
have read the security code rules described on page 155 before
attempting to change the security code.
Front-Panel Operation: To change the security code, first make sure
that the instrument is unsecured. Go to the SECURE CAL entry,
enter the new security code, and press (the instrument is now
secured with the new code). Changing the code from the front panel
also changes the code as seen from the remote interface.
Remote Interface Operation: To change the security code, first
unsecure the instrument using the old security code. Then, enter the
new code as shown below.
CAL: SECURE: STATE OFF, HP034970 Unsecure with old code
CAL: SECURE: CODE ZZ007943 Enter new code
34970A Refresh Page 194 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Calibration Overview
Calibration Message
The instrument allows you to store one message in calibration memory
in the mainframe. For example, you can store such information as the
date when the last calibration was performed, the date when the next
calibration is due, the instruments serial number, or even the name and
phone number of the person to contact for a new calibration.
You can record a calibration message only from the remote interface
and only when the instrument is unsecured. You can read the
message from either the front-panel or over the remote interface. You
can read the calibration message whether the instrument is secured
or unsecured.
The calibration message may contain up to 40 characters. From the
front panel, you can view 13 characters of the message at a time.
Press to scroll through the text of the message. Press again to
increase the scrolling speed.
Storing a calibration message will overwrite any message previously
stored in memory.
The calibration message is stored in non-volatile memory in the
mainframe, and does not change when power has been off, after a
Factory Reset (*RST command), or after an Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command).
Front-Panel Operation:
Remote Interface Operation: To store the calibration message, send
the following command.
CAL: STRI NG CAL: 06- 01- 98
34970A Refresh Page 195 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Calibration Overview
Calibration Count
You can query the instrument to determine how many calibrations have
been performed. Note that your instrument was calibrated before it left
the factory. When you receive your instrument, be sure to read the count
to determine its initial value.
The calibration count is stored in non-volatile memory in the
mainframe, and does not change when power has been off, after a
Factory Reset (*RST command), or after an Instrument Preset
(SYSTem: PRESet command).
The calibration count increments up to a maximum of 65,535 after
which it rolls over to 0. Since the value increments by one for each
calibration point, a complete calibration may increase the value by
many counts.
The calibration count is also incremented with calibrations of the
DAC channels on the multifunction module.
Front-Panel Operation:
Remote Interface Operation:
CALi br at i on: COUNt ?
34970A Refresh Page 196 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Factory Reset State
Factory Reset State
The table below shows the state of the instrument after a
FACTORY RESET from the Sto/Rcl menu or *RST command from the
remote interface.
Measurement Configuration
Integration Time
Input Resistance
Channel Delay
Totalizer Reset Mode
Totalizer Edge Detect
Factory Reset State
DC Volts
5 digits
10 MO (fixed for all DCV ranges)
Automatic Delay
Count Not Reset When Read
Rising Edge
Scanning Operation
Scan List
Reading Memory
Min, Max, and Average
Scan Trigger Source
Scan Interval (used with
Scan Count
Scan Reading Format
Monitor in Progress
Factory Reset State
All Readings are Cleared
Not Changed
10 Seconds
Reading Only (No Units, Channel, Time)
Mx+B Scaling
Gain Factor (M)
Scale Factor (B)
Scale Label
Factory Reset State
Alarm Limits
Alarm Queue
Alarm State
HI and LO Alarm Limits
Alarm Output
Alarm Output Configuration
Alarm Output State
Alarm Output Slope
Factory Reset State
Not Cleared
Alarm 1
Latched Mode
Output Lines are Cleared
Fail = Low
Module Hardware
34901A, 34902A, 34908A
34903A, 34904A
34905A, 34906A
Factory Reset State
All Channels Open
All Channels Open
Channels s11 and s21 Selected
Both DIO Ports = Input,
Totalizer Count = 0, Both DACs = 0 VDC
System-Related Operations
Display State
Error Queue
Stored States
Factory Reset State
Errors Not Cleared
No Change
34970A Refresh Page 197 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Instrument Preset State
Instrument Preset State
The table below shows the state of the instrument after a PRESET from
the Sto/Rcl menu or SYSTem: PRESet command from the remote
Measurement Configuration
Advanced Settings
Totalizer Reset Mode
Totalizer Edge Detect
Instrument Preset State
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
Count Not Reset When Read
Rising Edge
Scanning Operation
Scan List
Reading Memory
Min, Max, and Average
Scan Interval Source
Scan Interval
Scan Count
Scan Reading Format
Monitor in Progress
Instrument Preset State
No Change
All Readings are Cleared
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
Mx+B Scaling
Gain Factor (M)
Scale Factor (B)
Scale Label
Instrument Preset State
No Change
No Change
No Change
Alarm Limits
Alarm Queue
Alarm State
HI and LO Alarm Limits
Alarm Output Configuration
Alarm Output State
Alarm Output Slope
Instrument Preset State
No Change
No Change
No Change
No Change
Output Lines are Cleared
No Change
Module Hardware
34901A, 34902A, 34908A
34903A, 34904A
34905A, 34906A
Instrument Preset State
All Channels Open
All Channels Open
Channels s11 and s21 Selected
Both DIO Ports = Input, Totalizer Count =
0, Both DACs = 0 VDC
System-Related Operations
Display State
Error Queue
Stored States
Instrument Preset State
No Change
Errors Not Cleared
No Change
34970A Refresh Page 198 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
Multiplexer Module Default Settings
Multiplexer Module Default Settings
The table below shows the default settings for each measurement
function on the multiplexer modules. When you configure a channel for a
particular function, these are the default settings.
Temperature Measurements
Temperature Units
Integration Time
Display Resolution
Thermocouple Type
Open T/C Detection
Reference Junction Source
RTD Type
RTD Reference Resistance
Thermistor Type
Channel Delay
Default Setting
Type J
o= 0.00385
= 100O
5 kO
Automatic Delay
Voltage Measurements
Integration Time
Input Resistance
AC Low Frequency Filter
Channel Delay
Default Setting
5 digits
10 MO (fixed for all DCV ranges)
20 Hz (medium)
Automatic Delay
Resistance Measurements
Integration Time
Offset Compensation
Channel Delay
Default Setting
5 digits
Automatic Delay
Frequency/Period Measurements
AC Low Frequency Filter
Channel Delay
Default Setting
5 digits (frequency), 6 digits (period)
20 Hz (medium)
Automatic Delay
Current Measurements
Integration Time
AC Low Frequency Filter
Channel Delay
Default Setting
5 digits
20 Hz (medium)
Automatic Delay
34970A Refresh Page 199 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Module Overview
This section gives a description of each plug-in module, including
simplified schematics and block diagrams. A wiring log is also included
to make it easy to document your wiring configuration for each module.
For complete specifications on each plug-in module, refer to the module
sections in chapter 8.
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer, on page 201
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer, on page 203
34903A 20-Channel Actuator, on page 205
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch, on page 207
34905A/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers, on page 209
34907A Multifunction Module, on page 211
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer, on page 213
34970A Refresh Page 200 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer
This module is divided into two banks of 10 channels each. Two
additional fused channels are available for making direct, calibrated DC
or AC current measurements with the internal DMM (external shunts
are not required). All 22 channels switch both HI and LO inputs, thus
providing fully isolated inputs to the internal DMM or an external
instrument. When making 4-wire resistance measurements, the
instrument automatically pairs channel n with channel n+10 to provide
the source and sense connections. The module has a built-in
thermocouple reference junction to minimize errors due to thermal
gradients when measuring thermocouples.
Only one of channels 21 and 22 can be connected to the internal DMM and/or Com at a
time; connecting one channel will close the other (thus shorting the input I to LO).
If any channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot close multiple
channels; closing one channel will open the previously closed channel.
Connections to AC line are not recommended unless you provide external transient
Backplane Switches Channel Switches
DMM Input
DMM Input
(4W Sense)
DMM Input
Com (4W Sense)
Current Channels
Com (Current)
Bank Switches
Shunt Switches
34970A Refresh Page 201 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34901A 20-Channel Multiplexer
Not Used
Not Used
*4W Sense Channels are paired to Channel (n-10).
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Maximum Input Voltage: 300 V (CAT 1)
Maximum Input Current: 1 A
Maximum Switching Power: 50 W
WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, use only wire
that is rated for the highest voltage applied to any channel.
Before removing a module cover, turn off all power to external
devices connected to the module.
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Ch Name Function Comments
Current Channels Only:
20 AWG Typical
34970A Refresh Page 202 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer
This module is divided into two banks of eight channels each. All 16
channels switch both HI and LO inputs, thus providing fully isolated
inputs to the internal DMM or an external instrument. When making 4-
wire resistance measurements, the instrument automatically pairs
channel n with channel n+8 to provide the source and sense connections.
The module has a built-in thermocouple reference junction to minimize
errors due to thermal gradients when measuring thermocouples.
If any channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot close multiple
channels; closing one channel will open the previously closed channel.
Current measurements on this module will require external shunt resistors.
Connections to AC line are not recommended unless you provide external transient
Backplane Switches Channel Switches
Bank Switches
Com (4W Sense)
DMM Input
DMM Input
(4W Sense)
34970A Refresh Page 203 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34902A 16-Channel Multiplexer
*4W Sense Channels are paired to Channel (n-8).
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Maximum Input Voltage: 300 V (CAT 1)
Maximum Input Current: 50 mA
Maximum Switching Power: 2 W
WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, use only wire
that is rated for the highest voltage applied to any channel.
Before removing a module cover, turn off all power to external
devices connected to the module.
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Ch Name Function Comments
20 AWG Typical
34970A Refresh Page 204 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34903A 20-Channel Actuator
34903A 20-Channel Actuator
This module contains 20 independent, SPDT (Form C) latching relays.
Screw terminals on the module provide access to the Normally-Open,
Normally-Closed, and Common contacts for each switch. This module
does not connect to the internal DMM.
A breadboard area is provided near the screw terminals to implement
custom circuitry, such as simple filters, snubbers, and voltage dividers.
The breadboard area provides the space necessary to insert your own
components but there are no circuit board traces here. You must add
your own circuitry and signal routing.
You can close multiple channels at the same time on this module.
The channel CLOSE and OPEN commands control the state of the Normally Open (NO) to
COM connection on each channel. For example, CLOSE 201 connects the Normally Open
contact to COM on channel 01.
34970A Refresh Page 205 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34903A 20-Channel Actuator
NO = Normally Open, NC = Normally Closed
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Maximum Input Voltage: 300 V (CAT 1)
Maximum Input Current: 1 A
Maximum Switching Power: 50 W
WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, use only wire
that is rated for the highest voltage applied to any channel.
Before removing a module cover, turn off all power to external
devices connected to the module.
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Ch NO NC COM Comments
20 AWG Typical
34970A Refresh Page 206 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch
This module contains 32 two-wire crosspoints organized in a 4-row by 8-
column configuration. You can connect any combination of inputs and
outputs at the same time. This module does not connect to the internal
DMM. Each crosspoint relay has its own unique channel label
representing the row and column. For example, channel 32 represents
the crosspoint connection between row 3 and column 2 as shown below.
You can close multiple channels at the same time on this module.
Row 1
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
Col 1 Col 2 Col 8
Channel 32
(Row 3, Column 2)
Row 2
34970A Refresh Page 207 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34904A 4x8 Matrix Switch
Example: Channel 32 represents Row 3 and Column 2.
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Maximum Input Voltage: 300 V (CAT 1)
Maximum Input Current: 1 A
Maximum Switching Power: 50 W
WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, use only wire
that is rated for the highest voltage applied to any channel.
Before removing a module cover, turn off all power to external
devices connected to the module.
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Row Name Comments
Column Name Comments
20 AWG Typical
34970A Refresh Page 208 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34905A/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers
34905A/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers
These modules consist of two independent 4-to-1 multiplexers.The
channels in each bank are organized in a tree structure to provide high
isolation and low VSWR. Both banks have a common earth ground. This
module does not connect to the internal DMM. You can connect your
signals directly to the on-board SMB connectors or to the
SMB-to-BNC cables provided with the module.
The 34905A is used for 50O applications. The 34906A is used for 75O applications (mini
You can close only one channel per bank at a time on these modules; closing one channel
in a bank will open the previously closed channel. One channel in each bank is always
connected to COM.
This module responds only to the CLOSE command (OPEN does not apply). To OPEN a
channel, send the CLOSE command to another channel in the same bank.
Bank Switch
Bank Switch
34970A Refresh Page 209 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34905A/6A Dual 4-Channel RF Multiplexers
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Maximum Input Voltage: 42 V
Maximum Input Current: 700 mA
Maximum Switching Power: 20 W
Ten color-coded cables are included with the module. To order
additional cables, use the following cable kit part numbers
(10 cables are included):
34905-60001 (50O cables)
34906-60001 (75O cables)
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Ch Name Comments
SMB-to-BNC Cable
34970A Refresh Page 210 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34907A Multifunction Module
34907A Multifunction Module
This module combines two 8-bit ports of digital input/output, a 100 kHz
totalizer, and two 12V analog outputs. For greater flexibility, you can
read digital inputs and the totalizer count during a scan.
Digital Input/Output
The DIO consists of two 8-bit ports with TTL-
compatible inputs and output. The open-drain
outputs can sink up to 400 mA. From the front
panel, you can read data from only one 8-bit
input port at a time. From the remote interface,
you can read both ports simultaneously as a 16-
bit word only if neither port is in the scan list.
Totalize Input
The 26-bit totalizer can count pulses at a 100 kHz
rate. You can configure the totalizer to count on
the rising edge or falling edge of the input signal.
A TTL high signal applied to the G terminal
enables counting and a low signal disables
counting. A TTL low signal applied to the
terminal enables counting and a high signal
disables counting. The totalizer only counts when
both terminals are enabled. Move the Totalize
Threshold jumper to the AC position to detect
changes through 0 volts. Move the jumper to the
TTL position (factory setting) to detect changes
through TTL threshold levels.
Analog Output (DAC)
The two analog outputs are capable of outputting
calibrated voltages between 12 volts with 16
bits of resolution. Each DAC channel is capable of
10 mA maximum current. You must limit the
DAC output current to 40 mA total for all three
slots (six DAC channels).
Port 1 (LSB)
Channel 01
Port 2 (MSB)
Channel 02
Bit 7
Bit 0
Bit 7
Bit 0
Channel 03
26 Bits
Gat e
Channel 04
Channel 05
34970A Refresh Page 211 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34907A Multifunction Module
Threshold Jumper Position: TTL AC
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Digital Input/Output:
Vin (L): < 0.8V (TTL
Vin (H): >2.0V (TTL)
Vout (L): <0.8V @lout = -400 mA
Vout (H): >2.4V@lout = 1 mA
Vin(H) Max: <42V with external open-drain pull-up
Maximum Count: 67,108,863 (2
- 1)
Totalize Input: 100 kHz (max)
Signal Level: 1 Vp-p (min), 42 Vpk (max)
DAC Output:
12V, non-isolated
lout: 10 mA max per DAC; 40 mA max per mainframe
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Ch Name Comments
01 (DIO 1) Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
02 (DIO 2) Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
03 (Totalizer) Input (+)
Input (-)
04 (DAC 1) Output
05 (DAC 2) Output
20 AWG Typical
34970A Refresh Page 212 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
The module is divided into two banks of 20 channels each. All of the 40
channels switch HI only, with a common LO for the module. The module
has a built-in thermocouple reference junction to minimize errors due to
thermal gradients when measuring thermocouples.
Refer to the diagrams on page 27 to connect wiring to the module.
Only one channel can be closed at a time; closing one channel will open the previously
closed channel.
This module cannot be used to directly measure current or any 4-wire measurements.
When connecting thermocouples to the screw terminals on this module (not recommended
due to the common LO configuration), be sure to provide electrical isolation between
thermocouples to avoid current loops and subsequent measurement errors.
Connections to AC line are not recommended unless you provide external transient
Maximum Input Voltage: 300 V (CAT I)
Maximum Input Current: 1 A
Maximum Switching Power: 50 W
WARNING: To prevent electrical shock, use only wire that is rated for the highest voltage
applied to any channel. Before removing a module cover, turn off all power to external devices
connected to the module.
Bank Switch
Channel Switches
DMM Input
20 AWG Typical
34970A Refresh Page 213 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
WIRING LOG Slot Number: 100 200 300
Ch Name Function Comments
34970A Refresh Page 214 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
34970A Refresh Page 215 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 4 Features and Functions
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
34970A Refresh Page 216 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Error Messages
34970A Refresh Page 217 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Error Messages
Errors are retrieved in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The first error
returned is the first error that was stored. Errors are cleared as you
read them. When you have read all errors from the queue, the
ERROR annunciator turns off and the errors are cleared. The
instrument beeps once each time an error is generated.
If more than 10 errors (34970A) or 20 errors (34972A) have occurred,
the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced
with Error queue overflow. No additional errors are stored until you
remove errors from the queue. If no errors have occurred when you
read the error queue, the instrument responds with No error.
The error queue is cleared by the *CLS (clear status) command or
when power is cycled. The errors are also cleared when you read the
queue. The error queue is not cleared by a Factory Reset (*RST
command) or an Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command).
Front-Panel Operation:
If the ERROR annunciator is on, press to view the errors. Use the
knob to scroll through the error numbers. Press to view the text of
the error message. Press again to increase the scrolling speed (the
final key press cancels the scroll). All errors are cleared when you exit
the menu.
Remote Interface Operation:
SYSTem: ERRor ? Read and clear one error from the queue
Errors have the following format (the error string may contain up to 80
- 113, " Undef i ned header "
34970A Refresh Page 218 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Execution Errors
Execution Errors
-101 Invalid character
An invalid character was found in the command string. You may have
used an invalid character such as #, {, $, or % in the command header or
within a parameter. Example: CONF: VOLT: DC {@101)
-102 Syntax error
Invalid syntax was found in the command string. You may have inserted
a blank space before or after a colon in the command header, or before a
comma. Or you may have omitted the @ character in the channel list
syntax. Examples: ROUT: CHAN: DELAY 1 or CONF: VOLT: DC ( 101)
-103 Invalid separator
An invalid separator was found in the command string. You may have
used a comma instead of a colon, semicolon, or blank space or you may
have used a blank space instead of a comma. Examples: TRI G: COUNT, 1
or CONF: FREQ 1000 0. 1
-105 GET not allowed
A Group Execute Trigger (GET) is not allowed within a command string.
-108 Parameter not allowed
More parameters were received than expected for this command. You
may have entered an extra parameter or added a parameter to a
command that does not require a parameter. Example: READ? 10
-109 Missing parameter
Fewer parameters were received than expected for this command. You
have omitted one or more parameters that are required for this
command. Example: ROUT: CHAN: DELAY
-112 Program mnemonic too long
A command header was received which contained more than the
maximum 12 characters allowed. Example: CONFI GURATI ON: VOLT: DC
-113 Undefined header
A command was received that is not valid for this instrument. You may
have misspelled the command or it may not be a valid command. If you
are using the shortened form of this command, remember that it may
contain up to four letters. Or you may have inserted an extra colon where
one is not required. Examples: TRI GG: COUN 3 or
CONF: VOLT: DC: ( @101)
34970A Refresh Page 219 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Execution Errors
-114 Header suffix out of range
A header suffix is the number that can be appended to the end of some
command headers. This error is generated if an invalid number is used.
Example: OUTP: ALARM5: SOURCE (5 is not a valid alarm number)
-121 Invalid character in number
An invalid character was found in the number specified for a parameter.
Example: TRI G: TI MER 12. . 34
-123 Numeric overflow
A numeric parameter was found whose exponent was too large for this
command. Example: CALC: SCALE: GAI N 1E34000
-124 Too many digits
A numeric parameter was found whose mantissa contained more than
255 digits, excluding leading zeros.
-128 Numeric data not allowed
The wrong parameter type was found in the command string. You may
have specified a number where a string or expression was expected, or
vice versa. Examples: DI SP: TEXT 5. 0 or ROUT: CLOSE 101
-131 Invalid suffix
A suffix was incorrectly specified for a numeric parameter. You may have
misspelled the suffix. Example: ROUT: CHAN: DELAY 5 SECS
-134 Suffix too long
A header suffix is the number that can be appended to the end of some
command headers. This error is generated if the header suffix contains
more than 12 characters.
-138 Suffix not allowed
A parameter suffix was specified when one was not allowed.
34970A Refresh Page 220 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Execution Errors
-148 Character data not allowed
A discrete parameter was received but a character string or a numeric
parameter was expected. Check the list of parameters to verify that you
have used a valid parameter type. Examples: ROUTE: CLOSE CH101 or
DI SP: TEXT TESTI NG (the string must be enclosed in quotes)
-151 Invalid string data
An invalid character string was received. Check to see if you have
enclosed the character string in quotation marks and verify that the
string contains valid ASCII characters. Example: DI SP: TEXT TESTI NG
(the ending quote is missing)
-158 String data not allowed
A character string was received but is not allowed for this command.
Check the list of parameters to verify that you have used a valid
parameter type. Example: CALC: SCALE: STATE ON
-168 Block data not allowed
Data was sent to the instrument in SCPI definite length block format but
this command does not accept this format.
Example: SOUR: DI G: DATA #128
-178 Expression data not allowed
A channel list was received but is not allowed for this command.
Example: SYST: CTYPE? ( @100)
-211 Trigger ignored
More than one trigger was received while the instrument was scanning.
Triggers are occurring too frequently and you may need to slow them
down. Also make sure that you have selected the proper trigger source.
-213 INIT ignored
An I NI Ti at e command was received but could not be executed because
a scan was already in progress. Send an ABORt command or bus Device
Clear to stop a scan in progress.
34970A Refresh Page 221 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Execution Errors
-214 Trigger deadlock
A trigger deadlock occurs when the trigger source is BUS and a READ?
command is received.
-221 Settings conflict
An invalid configuration was requested. This error is most commonly
generated when setting alarm limits. Note that the lower limit must
always be less than or equal to the upper limit, even if you are using only
one of the limits. This error is also generated if you send the MEASur e?
or CONFi gur e command with autorange enabled with a fixed resolution.
-222 Data out of range
A numeric parameter value is outside the valid range for this command.
Example: TRI G: COUNT - 3
-223 Too much data
A character string was received but could not be executed because the
string length was more than 12 characters. This error can be generated
by the CAL: STRi ng and DI SPl ay: TEXT commands.
-224 Illegal parameter value
A discrete parameter was received which was not a valid choice for this
command. You may have used an invalid parameter choice.
Example: TRI G: SOURCE ALARM(ALARMis not a valid choice)
-230 Data stale
A FETCh? or DATA: REMove? command was received but internal
reading memory was empty. The readings retrieved may be invalid.
-310 System error
A firmware defect has been found. This is not a fatal error but you should
contact your nearest Agilent Service Center if this error is reported.
34970A Refresh Page 222 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Execution Errors
-350 Error queue overflow
The error queue is full because more than 10 errors (34970A) or 20 errors
(34972A) have occurred. No additional errors are stored until you remove
errors from the queue. The error queue is cleared by the *CLS (clear
status) command or when power is cycled. The errors are also cleared
when you read the queue.
A command was received which sends data to the output buffer, but the
output buffer contained data from a previous command (the previous
data is not overwritten). The output buffer is cleared when power has
been off or after a bus Device Clear.
The instrument was addressed to talk (i.e., send data over the interface)
but a command has not been received which sends data to the output
buffer. For example, you may have executed a CONFi gur e command
(which does not generate data) and then attempted to read data from the
remote interface.
A command was received which generates too much data to fit in the
output buffer and the input buffer is also full. Command execution
continues but all data is lost.
-440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response
The *I DN? command must be the last query command within a
command string. The *I DN? command returns an indefinite length
string which cannot be combined with any other query command.
Example: *I DN?; *STB?
34970A Refresh Page 223 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
Instrument Errors
111 Channel list: slot number out of range
The specified slot number is invalid. The channel number has the form
(@scc), where s is the slot number (100, 200, or 300) and cc is the
channel number. Example: CONF: VOLT: DC ( @404)
112 Channel list: channel number out of range
The specified channel number is invalid for the module in the selected
slot. The channel number has the form (@scc), where s is the slot
number (100, 200, or 300) and cc is the channel number.
Example: ROUT: CLOSE ( @134)
113 Channel list: empty scan list
Before you can initiate a scan, you must set up a scan list which includes
all configured multiplexer or digital channels in the instrument. Use the
MEASur e?, CONFi gur e, or ROUTe: SCAN commands to set up your scan
201 Memory lost: stored state
This error is reported at power-on to indicate that a stored state has
become unusable. This error is most likely caused by a dead battery
(memory is battery-backed). Refer to the 34970A/34972A Service Guide
to replace the internal battery.
202 Memory lost: power-on state
This error is reported at power-on to indicate that the power-down state
of the instrument (normally recalled when power is turned on) has
become unusable. This error is most likely caused by a dead battery
(memory is battery-backed). Refer to the 34970A/34972A Service Guide
to replace the internal battery.
34970A Refresh Page 224 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
203 Memory lost: stored readings
This error is reported at power-on to indicate that readings stored in
memory from a previous scan have been lost. This error is most likely
caused by a dead battery (memory is battery-backed). Refer to the
34970A/34972A Service Guide to replace the internal battery.
204 Memory lost: time and date
This error is reported at power-on to indicate that the time and date
settings have been lost (they are reset to JAN 1, 1996 00:00:00). This
error is most likely caused by a dead battery (memory is battery-backed).
Refer to the 34970A/34972A Service Guide to replace the internal battery.
221 Settings conflict: calculate limit state forced off
If you plan to use scaling on a channel which will also use alarms, be sure
to configure the scaling values first. This error is generated if you
attempt to assign the alarm limits first and the instrument will turn off
alarms and clear the limit values.
222 Settings conflict: module type does not match stored state
Before recalling a stored state, the instrument verifies that the same
module types are installed in each slot. The instrument has detected a
different module type in one or more slots.
223 Settings conflict: trig source changed to IMM
This error is generated if you attempt to set the channel advance source
(ROUTe: CHAN: ADVance: SOURce command) to the same source used for
the scan trigger (TRI Gger : SOURce command). The command has been
accepted and executed but the scan trigger source is reset to
I MMedi at e.
224 Settings conflict: chan adv source changed to IMM
This error is generated if you attempt to set the scan trigger source
(TRI Gger : SOURce command) to the same source used for the channel
advance source (ROUTe: CHAN: ADVance: SOURce command). The
command has been accepted and executed but the channel advance
source is reset to I MMedi at e.
34970A Refresh Page 225 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
225 Settings conflict: DMM disabled or missing
This command is valid only when the internal DMM is installed and
enabled. Use the I NSTr ument : DMM? command to determine the state of
the internal DMM. For more information, see Internal DMM Disable on
page 167.
226 Settings conflict: DMM enabled
When the internal DMM is enabled, the ROUTe: CHAN: ADVance: SOURce
and ROUTe: CHAN: FWI Re commands are not allowed. Use the
I NSTr ument : DMM? command to determine the state of the internal
DMM. For more information, see Internal DMM Disable on page 167.
251 Unsupported temperature transducer type
An invalid RTD or thermistor type has been specified. The following
RTDs are supported: o = 0.00385 (85) and o = 0.00391 (91). The
following thermistors are supported: 2.2 kO (2252), 5 kO (5000), and
10 kO (10000). Example: CONF: TEMP RTD, 1, ( @101)
261 Not able to execute while scan initiated
While a scan is running, you cannot change any parameters that affect
the scan (channel configuration, scan interval, scaling values, alarm
limits, issue a Card Reset, or recall a stored state). To stop a scan in
progress, send the ABORt command or a bus Device Clear.
271 Not able to accept unit names longer than 3 characters
For Mx+B scaling, you can specify a custom label with up to three
characters. You can use letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), an underscore ( _ ),
or the # character which displays a degree symbol ( ) on the front
272 Not able to accept character in unit name
For Mx+B scaling, you can specify a custom label with up to three
characters. The first character must be a letter or the # character (the
# character is allowed only as the leftmost character in the label). The
remaining two characters can be letters, numbers, or an underscore.
34970A Refresh Page 226 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
281 Not able to perform on more than one channel
You can perform this operation on only one channel at a time. Check the
channel list that you sent with this command to see if it contains more
than one channel. This error is generated by the ROUTe: MON and
DATA: LAST? commands.
291 Not able to recall state: it is empty
You can only recall a state from a location that contains a previously
stored state. The state location that you attempted to recall is empty.
The storage locations are numbered 0 through 5.
292 Not able to recall state: DMM enable changed
The enable/disable state of the internal DMM has been changed since
the instrument state was stored. Use the I NSTr ument : DMM? command
to determine the state of the internal DMM. For more information, see
Internal DMM Disable on page 167.
301 Module currently committed to scan
When you add a multiplexer channel to a scan list, that entire module is
dedicated to the scan. You cannot perform low-level close or open
operations on any channels on that module (even those channels that are
not configured). To stop a scan in progress, send the ABORt command or
a bus Device Clear.
303 Module not able to perform requested operation
A command was received which is not valid for the specified module.
This error is most commonly generated when you send a command
intended for the multifunction module to a switching module.
305 Not able to perform requested operation
The requested operation is not valid for the specified channel. You may
have tried to a configure a channel for current measurements (valid only
on channels 21 and 22 on the 34901A module). Or you may have tried to
configure scaling on a module that does not connect to the internal
34970A Refresh Page 227 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
306 Part of a 4-wire pair
For 4-wire resistance measurements, the instrument automatically pairs
channel n with channel n+10 (34901A) or n+8 (34902A) to provide the
source and sense connections. To change the configuration on the upper
channel in a 4-wire pair, you must first reconfigure the lower channel to
a measurement function other than 4-wire resistance.
307 Incorrectly configured ref channel
For thermocouple measurements using an external reference, the
instrument automatically reserves channel 01 on the multiplexer in the
lowest slot as the reference channel. Before configuring a thermocouple
channel with an external reference, you must configure the reference
channel (channel 01) for a thermistor or RTD measurement.
This error is also generated if you change the function on the reference
channel (channel 01) after selecting the external reference source on a
thermocouple channel.
308 Channel not able to perform requested operation
The channel is unable to perform the requested operation.
309 Incorrectly formatted channel list
The channel list is not formatted correctly. Examples of proper formats
are shown below.
(@321) - channel 21 on the module in slot 300.
(@221:222) - channels 21 through 22 on the module in slot 200.
(@121:122,222,321:322) - channels 21 and 22 on the module in slot 100,
channel 22 on the module in slot 200, and channels 21-22 on the module
in slot 300.
34970A Refresh Page 228 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
401 Mass storage error: failed to create file
The file was not created on the USB drive.
402 Mass storage error: failed to open file
The file was not opened on the USB drive.
403 Mass storage error: failed to close file
The file was not closed on the USB drive.
404 Mass storage error: file write error
The file data was not written on the USB drive.
405 Mass storage error: file read error
File data was not read from the USB drive.
406 Mass storage error: file write error
File data was not flushed to the USB drive.
407 Mass storage error: failed to remove file
The instrument was unable unable to delete the file on the USB drive.
408 Mass storage error: failed to create directory
The instrument was unable to create the directory on the USB drive.
409 Mass storage error: failed to remove directory
The instrument was unable to remove the directory on the USB drive.
410 Not enough disk space
The external USB drive is full.
411 No external disk detected
The operation requires a USB drive, which is not detected.
412 External disk has been detached
The external USB drive has been unplugged.
413 File already exists
The instrument was unable to create new file because a file with that
name already exists on the USB drive.
34970A Refresh Page 229 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
414 Directory already exists
The instrument was unable to create new directory because a directory
with that name already exists on the USB drive.
415 File not found
The file does not exist on the USB drive.
416 Path not found
The directory does not exist on the USB drive.
417 File not opened for writing
The instrument failed to open the file for writing on the USB drive.
418 File not opened for reading
The instrument failed to open the file for reading from the USB drive.
34970A Refresh Page 230 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
450 Overrun during data collection: readings lost in USB transfer
Internal error: readings were collected too fast and were not buffered for
output to the USB drive.
451 Overrun during USB output: readings lost in USB transfer
Internal error: USB write operation was unable to keep up with data
452 Reading memory export aborted due to measurement reconfig
The export of reading memory was aborted because of measurement
453 Not able to execute while logging data to USB
Operation can not be completed while data is being actively logged to
454 Not able to execute while copying data to USB
Operation can not be completed while data is being exported to USB.
455 Not able to execute while importing a configuration from USB
Operation can not be completed while a measurement configuration is
being imported from USB.
457 Logging request ignored: USB device is busy
Logging was not started because USB is busy, but the scan will continue
to run normally, placing data in reading memory.
458 External USB drive is inaccessible
External USB drive can not be accessed; either the disk is full or else it
may need to be reformatted. The instrument will behave as if no drive is
present. The instrument was unable to find a valid partition to use for
storing instrument data.
34970A Refresh Page 231 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
459 Logging to USB was stopped
Data logging was stopped prior to completion due to an abort or some
other error condition.
460 Logging to USB was stopped after 2^32 sweeps of data
Instrument is only able to capture 2^32 (~4.3 billion) sweeps worth of
data on an external USB drive
461 Memory lost: non-volatile settings; USB drive
Data in non-volatile memory was lost or corrupted. USB logging enable,
row limit and column separator will be set to defaults.
462 Configuration import aborted
Reconfiguration of the instrument was aborted.
463 Configuration import failed
This is a summary error that will be generated if ANY other errors were
reported during configuration import.
464 Invalid import file
The instrument did not recognize the USB configuration import file.
465 Import file cardset does not match instrument
The current instrument configuration does not match the cardset
expected by the USB import file.
466 Operation not allowed in a configuration import file
An illegal command was used inside the USB import file.
467 No readings to export
Reading memory is empty; nothing was exported to the USB drive.
468 Unable to fetch measurement config from internal processor
The instrument was unable to fetch measurement configuration data
from the secondary processor due to a communications error.
469 Internal processor returned an invalid measurement config
Configuration data returned by secondary processor was bad.
Measurement configuration could not be determined.
34970A Refresh Page 232 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
470 Measurement was reconfigured; Cannot save configuration data
Measurement configuration no longer agrees with the corresponding set
of readings. Configuration data will not be saved to the USB drive.
471 USB operation aborted; Cannot save configuration data
An abort or device clear was received while fetching configuration data
from secondary processor. Configuration data will not be saved to the
USB drive.
472 One or more blcfg file names invalid; files inaccessible
Agilent BenchLink Data Logger BLCFG configuration files on the USB
drive are limited to 40 character filenames (including the .blcfg
extension), and all characters must be ANSI. Only legal filenames will be
selectable for import.
473 Disk contains too many blcfg files; oldest files inaccessible
Instrument will only catalog the 50 most recently created Agilent
BenchLink Data Logger BLCFG files. Older files will not be selectable
for import.
34970A Refresh Page 233 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Instrument Errors
501 I/O processor: isolator framing error
502 I/O processor: isolator overrun error
511 Communications: RS-232 framing error
512 Communications: RS-232 overrun error
513 Communications: RS-232 parity error
514 (34970A only) RS-232 only: unable to execute using HP-IB
There are three commands which are allowed only with the RS-232
interface: SYSTem: LOCal , SYSTem: REMot e, and SYSTem: RWLock.
514 (34972A only) Not allowed; Instrument locked by another I/O session
The requested operation is not allowed because another I/O session has
locked the instrument.
521 Communications: input buffer overflow
522 Communications: output buffer overflow
532 Not able to achieve requested resolution
The instrument cannot achieve the requested measurement resolution.
You may have specified an invalid resolution in the CONFi gur e or
MEASur e? command.
540 Not able to null channel in overload
The instrument cannot store an overload reading (9.90000000E+37) as
the offset for Mx+B scaling using a null measurement.
550 Not able to execute command in local mode
The instrument has received a READ? or MEASur e? command while in
the local mode.
34970A Refresh Page 234 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Self-Test Errors
Self-Test Errors
The following errors indicate failures that may occur during a self-test.
Refer to the 34970A/34972A Service Guide for more information.
601 Self-test: front panel not responding
602 Self-test: RAM read/write
603 Self-test: A/D sync stuck
604 Self-test: A/D slope convergence
605 Self-test/Cal: not able to calibrate rundown gain
606 Self-test/Cal: rundown gain out of range
607 Self-test: rundown too noisy
608 Self-test: serial configuration readback
609 Self-test: DC gain x1
610 Self-test: DC gain x10
611 Self-test: DC gain x100
612 Self-test: Ohms 500 nA source
613 Self-test: Ohms 5 uA source
614 Self-test: DC 300V zero
615 Self-test: Ohms 10 uA source
616 Self-test: DC current sense
617 Self-test: Ohms 100 uA source
618 Self-test: DC high voltage attenuator
619 Self-test: Ohms 1 mA source
620 Self-test: AC rms zero
621 Self-test: AC rms full scale
622 Self-test: frequency counter
623 Self-test: not able to calibrate precharge
624 Self-test: not able to sense line frequency
625 Self-test: I/O processor not responding
626 Self-test: I/O processor self-test
34970A Refresh Page 235 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Calibration Errors
Calibration Errors
The following errors indicate failures that may occur during a
calibration. Refer to the 34970A/34972A Service Guide for more
701 Cal: security disabled by jumper
The calibration security feature has been disabled with a jumper inside
the instrument. When applicable, this error will occur at power-on to
alert you that the instrument is unsecured.
702 Cal: secured
The instrument is secured against calibration.
703 Cal: invalid secure code
You have entered an invalid calibration security code. You must use the
same security code to unsecure the instrument that was used to secure
it, and vice versa. The security code may contain up to 12 alphanumeric
characters. The first character must be a letter, but the remaining
characters can be letters, numbers, or an underscore ( _ ). You do not
have to use all 12 characters but the first character must always be a
letter. The security code is set to HP034970 or AT034972 when the
instrument is shipped from the factory.
704 Cal: secure code too long
The security code may contain up to 12 alphanumeric characters. A
security code was received which contained more than 12 characters.
705 Cal: aborted
A calibration in progress is aborted when you turn off the instrument or
send a bus Device Clear.
706 Cal: value out of range
The specified calibration value (CALi br at i on: VALue) is not valid for
the present measurement function and range.
707 Cal: signal measurement out of range
The specified calibration value (CALi br at i on: VALue) does not match
the signal applied to the instrument.
708 Cal: signal frequency out of range
The input signal frequency for an ac calibration does not match the
required input frequency for this calibration.
709 Cal: no cal for this function or range
You cannot perform calibrations for most ac current ranges, the 100 MO
resistance range, and period.
34970A Refresh Page 236 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Calibration Errors
710 Cal: full scale correction out of range
720 Cal: DCV offset out of range
721 Cal: DCI offset out of range
722 Cal: RES offset out of range
723 Cal: FRES offset out of range
724 Cal: extended resistance self cal failed
725 Cal: 300V DC correction out of range
730 Cal: precharge DAC convergence failed
731 Cal: A/D turnover correction out of range
732 Cal: AC flatness DAC convergence failed
733 Cal: AC low frequency convergence failed
734 Cal: AC low frequency correction out of range
735 Cal: AC rms converter noise correction out of range
736 Cal: AC rms 100th scale correction out of range
740 Cal data lost: secure state
741 Cal data lost: string data
742 Cal data lost: DCV corrections
743 Cal data lost: DCI corrections
744 Cal data lost: RES corrections
745 Cal data lost: FRES corrections
746 Cal data lost: AC corrections
NOTE: The following error messages indicate possible hardware
failures within the instrument. If any of the following errors occur,
contact your nearest Agilent Service Center for repair.
34970A Refresh Page 237 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Calibration Errors
747 (34970A only) Config data lost: HP-IB address
747 (34972A only) Calibration failed
748 (34970A only) Config data lost: RS-232
748 (34972A only) Cal checksum failed internal data
749 DMM relay count data lost
34970A Refresh Page 238 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Plug-In Module Errors
Plug-In Module Errors
901 Module hardware: unexpected data received
902 Module hardware: missing stop bit
903 Module hardware: data overrun
904 Module hardware: protocol violation
905 Module hardware: early end of data
906 Module hardware: missing end of data
907 Module hardware: module srq signal stuck low
908 Module hardware: not responding
910 Module reported an unknown module type
911 Module reported command buffer overflow
912 Module reported command syntax error
913 Module reported nonvolatile memory fault
914 Module reported temperature sensor fault
915 Module reported firmware defect
916 Module reported incorrect firmware installed
NOTE: The following error messages indicate possible hardware
failures within the instrument. If any of the following errors occur,
contact your nearest Agilent Service Center for repair.
34970A Refresh Page 239 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 5 Error Messages
Plug-In Module Errors
34970A Refresh Page 240 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Application Programs
34970A Refresh Page 241 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Application Programs
This chapter contains several example programs to help you develop
programs for your specific measurement application. See the Agilent
34970A/34972A Programmers Reference Help for details on the SCPI
language for the instrument.
The examples in this chapter have been tested on a PC running on
Windows 95. The examples are written for use over the GPIB interface
and require a VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) library
for use with your GPIB interface card in your PC. You will want to make
sure that you have the visa32.dll file in your c:\windows\system
directory for the examples to work properly.
These programs were written for the 34970A, but other than the
connectivity, the principles and code should generally apply to the
34972A as well.
For programs specific to the 34972A, see the product page at
Note: The GPIB (IEEE-488) address is set to 09 when the instrument is
shipped from the factory. The examples in this chapter assume an GPIB
address of 09.
34970A Refresh Page 242 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
This section contains two example programs written using Excel macros
(Visual Basic for Applications) to control the 34970A/34972A. Using
Excel, you can send SCPI commands to configure the instrument and
then record measurement data on the Excel spreadsheet.
To write an Excel macro you must first open a module in Excel. Go to the
Insert menu, choose Macro, and then Module. Name this module Send
Commands by clicking on the tab with the right mouse button. Create
another module and name it Port Configuration. You will use the Port
Configuration module to configure all of the overhead required to
communicate with the instrument over the interface. You will use the
Send Commands module to send the SCPI commands to the
instrument using the Port Configuration module.
Two Excel examples are included in this section. To enter the first
example (takeReadings), type the text as shown on page 244 into the
Send Commands module. Then type the text for configuring the
interface as shown on page 245 into the Port Configuration module.
After entering the information for both modules, go to a spreadsheet and
run the example program. Note that you must run the macro from a
spreadsheet. With the cursor in the spreadsheet, select Macro from the
Tools menu. Then double-click on the takeReadings macro in the
Macro dialog box.
To run the second example (ScanChannels), type the text as shown on
page 247 into the Send Commands module and reuse the Port
Configuration module from the first example (page 245).
Make any changes necessary to suit your application in the Send
Commands module. You must enter the information in the modules
exactly as shown or an error will be generated. If several system errors
occur while attempting to run a macro, you may have to reboot your PC
to get the GPIB port to work properly.
Note: To use these examples with Windows 3.1, you will need to modify
the declarations at the top of the Port Configuration module. Change
visa32.dll to visa.dll in all declarations.
34970A Refresh Page 243 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " "
Thi s Excel Macr o ( Vi sual Basi c) conf i gur es t he 34970A f or scanni ng wi t h t he 34901A,
34902A, or 34908A mul t i pl exer modul es. When t hi s subr out i ne i s execut ed, i t wi l l
t ake t he speci f i ed number of r eadi ngs on t he sel ect ed channel . You can easi l y modi f y t he
number of r eadi ngs, channel del ay, and channel number . To make t hese changes, modi f y t he
code i n t he sect i on t i t l ed SET UP . Not e t hat you must have one of t he above
modul es i nst al l ed i n sl ot 100 f or t hi s pr ogr amt o r un pr oper l y. You must al so have an
GPI B i nt er f ace car d i nst al l ed i n your PC wi t h t he VI SA or VTL l i br ar y.
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " "

Opt i on Expl i ci t
Sub t akeReadi ngs( )
Col umns( 1) . Cl ear Cont ent s
Col umns( 2) . Cl ear Cont ent s
Di mI As I nt eger Used f or count er i n For - Next l oop
Di mnumber Measur ement s As I nt eger Number of r eadi ngs
Di mmeasur ement Del ay As Si ngl e Del ay bet ween r el ay cl osur e and measur ement
Di mpoi nt s As I nt eger

" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " "
To change t he GPI B addr ess, modi f y t he var i abl e VI SAaddr bel ow.
VISAaddr = "9"
OpenPor t Open communi cat i ons on GPI B
SendSCPI "*RST" I ssue a Fact or y Reset t o t he i nst r ument
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " "
SET UP: Modi f y t hi s sect i on t o sel ect t he number of r eadi ngs, channel del ay,
and channel number t o be measur ed.
number Measur ement s = 10 Number of r eadi ngs
measur ement Del ay = 0. 1 Del ay ( i n secs) bet ween r el ay cl osur e and measur ement
Conf i gur e t he f unct i on, r ange, and channel
SendSCPI "CONF:VOLT:DC (@103)" Conf i gur e channel 103 f or DC vol t age
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " "
Sel ect channel del ay and number of r eadi ngs
SendSCPI "ROUT:CHAN:DELAY " & Str$(measurementDelay)
SendSCPI "TRIG:COUNT " & Str$(numberMeasurements)
Set up t he spr eadsheet headi ngs
Cel l s( 2, 1) = " Chan Del ay: "
Cel l s( 2, 2) = measur ement Del ay
Cel l s( 2, 3) = " sec"
Cel l s( 3, 1) = " Readi ng #"
Cel l s( 3, 2) = " Val ue"
SendSCPI "INIT" St ar t t he r eadi ngs and wai t f or i nst r ument t o put
Do one r eadi ng i n memor y
SendSCPI "DATA:POINTS?" Get t he number of r eadi ngs st or ed
poi nt s = Val ( get Scpi ( ) )
Loop Unt i l poi nt s >= 1
Remove one r eadi ng at a t i me f r ommemor y
For I = 1 To number Measur ement s
SendSCPI "DATA:REMOVE? 1" Request 1 r eadi ng f r ommemor y
Cel l s( I + 3, 1) = I The r eadi ng number
Cel l s( I + 3, 2) = Val ( get Scpi ( ) ) The r eadi ng val ue
Do Wai t f or i nst r ument t o put anot her r eadi ng i n memor y
SendSCPI "DATA:POINTS?" Get t he number of r eadi ngs st or ed
poi nt s = Val ( get Scpi ( ) )
Loop Unt i l poi nt s >= 1 Or I >= number Measur ement s
Next I
Cl osePor t Cl ose communi cat i ons on GPI B
End Sub
Excel 7.0 Example: takeReadings Macro
34970A Refresh Page 244 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
Opt i on Expl i ci t
Decl ar at i ons f or VI SA. DLL
Basi c I / O Oper at i ons
Pr i vat e Decl ar e Funct i on vi OpenDef aul t RM Li b " VI SA32. DLL" Al i as "#141" ( sesn As Long) As Long
Pr i vat e Decl ar e Funct i on vi Open Li b " VI SA32. DLL" Al i as " #131" ( ByVal sesn As Long, _
ByVal desc As St r i ng, ByVal mode As Long, ByVal Ti meOut As Long, vi As Long) As Long
Pr i vat e Decl ar e Funct i on vi Cl ose Li b " VI SA32. DLL" Al i as "#132" ( ByVal vi As Long) As Long
Pr i vat e Decl ar e Funct i on vi Read Li b " VI SA32. DLL" Al i as " #256" ( ByVal vi As Long, _
ByVal Buf f er As St r i ng, ByVal Count As Long, r et Count As Long) As Long
Pr i vat e Decl ar e Funct i on vi Wr i t e Li b " VI SA32. DLL" Al i as "#257" ( ByVal vi As Long, _
ByVal Buf f er As St r i ng, ByVal Count As Long, r et Count As Long) As Long
Er r or Codes
Gl obal Const VI _SUCCESS = 0
Gl obal Var i abl es
Gl obal vi def aul t RM As Long Resour ce manager i d f or VI SA GPI B
Gl obal vi As Long St or es t he sessi on f or VI SA
Di mer r or St at us As Long VTL er r or code
Gl obal VI SAaddr As St r i ng
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " "
Thi s r out i ne r equi r es t he f i l e VI SA32. DLL whi ch t ypi cal l y r esi des i n t he
c: \ wi ndows\ syst emdi r ect or y on your PC. Thi s r out i ne uses t he VTL Li br ar y t o send
commands t o t he i nst r ument . A descr i pt i on of t hese and addi t i onal VTL commands can be
f ound i n t he Agi l ent VI SA User s Gui de.
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " "
Publ i c Sub SendSCPI ( SCPI Cmd As St r i ng)
Thi s r out i ne sends a SCPI command st r i ng t o t he GPI B por t . I f t he command i s a
quer y command ( cont ai ns a quest i on mar k) , you must r ead t he r esponse wi t h get Scpi
Di mcommandst r As St r i ng Command passed t o i nst r ument
Di mact ual As Long Number of char act er s sent / r et ur ned
Wr i t e t he command t o t he i nst r ument t er mi nat ed by a l i ne f eed
commandst r = SCPI Cmd & Chr $( 10)
er r or St at us = viWrite(vi, ByVal commandstr, Len(commandstr), actual)
End Sub
Funct i on get Scpi ( ) As St r i ng
Di mr eadbuf As St r i ng * 2048 Buf f er used f or r et ur ned st r i ng
Di mr epl ySt r i ng As St r i ng St or e t he st r i ng r et ur ned
Di mnul pos As I nt eger Locat i on of any nul s i n r eadbuf
Di mact ual As Long Number of char act er s sent / r et ur ned
Read t he r esponse st r i ng
er r or St at us = viRead(vi, ByVal readbuf, 2048, actual)
r epl ySt r i ng = r eadbuf
St r i p out any nul s f r omt he r esponse st r i ng
nul pos = I nSt r ( r epl ySt r i ng, Chr $( 0) )
I f nul pos Then
r epl ySt r i ng = Lef t ( r epl ySt r i ng, nul pos - 1)
End I f
get Scpi = r epl ySt r i ng
End Funct i on
Continued on next page
Excel 7.0 Example: Port Configuration Macro
34970A Refresh Page 245 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
Sub OpenPor t ( )
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
Be sur e t hat t he GPI B addr ess has been set i n t he VI SAaddr var i abl e
bef or e cal l i ng t hi s r out i ne.
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
Open t he VI SA sessi on
er r or St at us = viOpenDefaultRM(videfaultRM)
Open communi cat i ons t o t he i nst r ument
er r or St at us = viOpen(videfaultRM, "GPIB0::" & VISAaddr & "::INSTR", 0, 2500, vi)
I f an er r or occur s, gi ve a message
I f er r or St at us < VI _SUCCESS Then
Range( " A2" ) . Sel ect
Cel l s( 1, 1) = " Unabl e t o Open Por t "
End I f
End Sub
Sub Cl osePor t ( )
er r or St at us = viClose(vi)
Cl ose t he sessi on
er r or St at us = viClose(videfaultRM)
End Sub
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
Thi s subr out i ne i s used t o cr eat e del ays. The i nput i s i n seconds and
f r act i onal seconds ar e al l owed.
" " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "
Sub del ay( del ay_t i me As Si ngl e)
Di mFi ni sh As Si ngl e
Fi ni sh = Ti mer + del ay_t i me
Loop Unt i l Fi ni sh <= Ti mer
End Sub
34970A Refresh Page 246 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " "
Thi s Excel Macr o ( Vi sual Basi c) conf i gur es t he 34970A f or scanni ng wi t h t he 34901A,
34902A, or 34908A mul t i pl exer modul es. When t hi s subr out i ne i s execut ed, i t wi l l
scan 5 channel s and di spl ay t he r eadi ngs on a spr eadsheet . You can easi l y modi f y t he
channel s i n t he scan l i st , number of scans, channel del ay, and scan del ay. To make t hese
changes, modi f y t he code i n t he sect i on t i t l ed SET UP . Not e t hat you must have one of
t he above modul es i nst al l ed i n sl ot 100 f or t hi s pr ogr amt o r un pr oper l y. You must al so
have an GPI B i nt er f ace car d i nst al l ed i n your PC wi t h t he VI SA or VTL l i br ar y.
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " "
Opt i on Expl i ci t
Sub ScanChannel s( )
Di mcol umnI ndex As I nt eger The col umn number of t he dat a
" 1" i ndi cat es t he f i r st dat a col umn
Di mnumber Scans As I nt eger Tot al number of scans
Di mnumber Channel s As I nt eger Tot al number of scanned channel s
Di mScanI nt er val As Si ngl e Ti me i nt er val i n seconds bet ween scans
Di mpoi nt s As I nt eger Readi ng count i n i nst r ument memor y
Di mr epl ySt r i ng As St r i ng St or e t he st r i ng r et ur ned f r omi nst r ument
Di mscanLi st As St r i ng Li st of channel s i ncl uded i n scan
Di mchannel Del ay As Si ngl e Del ay bet ween r el ay cl osur e and measur ement
Di mChannel As I nt eger
Range( " a1: ba40" ) . Cl ear Cont ent s Cl ear t he spr eadsheet

" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " "
To change t he GPI B addr ess, modi f y t he var i abl e VI SAaddr bel ow.
VISAaddr = "9"
OpenPor t Open communi cat i ons on GPI B
SendSCPI "*RST" I ssue a Fact or y Reset t o t he i nst r ument
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " "
SET UP: Modi f y t hi s sect i on t o sel ect t he scan i nt er val , t he scan count ,
and channel del ay.

These ar e var i abl es t hat ar e used t o set t he scan par amet er s

ScanI nt er val = 10 Del ay ( i n secs) bet ween scans
number Scans = 3 Number of scan sweeps t o measur e
channel Del ay = 0. 1 Del ay ( i n secs) bet ween r el ay cl osur e and measur ement
To del et e channel s f r omt he scan l i st , modi f y t he scan l i st st r i ng var i abl e
scanLi st bel ow. To add channel s t o t he scan l i st , modi f y scanLi st and t hen
conf i gur e t he channel usi ng t he CONFi gur e command.

scanLi st i s t he l i st of channel s i n t he scan l i st ; not e t hat t hi s does not have

t o i ncl ude al l conf i gur ed channel s i n t he i nst r ument .
scanList = " ( @101, 102, 110: 112) "
SendSCPI "CONF:TEMP TC,T,(@101)" Conf i gur e channel 101 f or t emper at ur e
SendSCPI "CONF:TEMP TC,K,(@102)" Conf i gur e channel 102 f or t emper at ur e
SendSCPI "CONF:TEMP THER,5000,(@103)" Conf i gur e channel 103 f or t emper at ur e
SendSCPI "CONF:VOLT:DC (@110,111,112)" Conf i gur e t hr ee channel s f or DC vol t s
" " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " "
SendSCPI "ROUTE:SCAN " & scanList Sel ect t he l i st of channel s t o scan
SendSCPI "ROUTE:SCAN:SIZE?" Quer y t he number of channel s i n scan l i st and
number Channel s = Val ( Get SCPI ( ) ) set var i abl e equal t o number of channel s
SendSCPI "FORMAT:READING:CHAN ON" Ret ur n channel number wi t h each r eadi ng
SendSCPI "FORMAT:READING:TIME ON" Ret ur n t i me st amp wi t h each r eadi ng
Set t he del ay ( i n seconds) bet ween r el ay cl osur e and measur ement
SendSCPI "ROUT:CHAN:DELAY " & Str$(channelDelay) & "," & scanList
Continued on next page
Excel 7.0 Example: ScanChannels Macro
34970A Refresh Page 247 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
Set up t he scan t r i gger par amet er s af t er conf i gur i ng t he channel s i n t he scan l i st
usi ng t he CONFi gur e command. The f ol l owi ng commands conf i gur e t he scan i nt er val .
SendSCPI "TRIG:COUNT " & Str$(numberScans)
SendSCPI "TRIG:TIMER " & Str$(ScanInterval)
Cel l s( 2, 1) = " St ar t Ti me" Put headi ngs on spr eadsheet
Cel l s( 4, 1) = " Channel " Put headi ngs on spr eadsheet
St ar t t he scan and r et r i eve t he scan st ar t t i me
r epl ySt r i ng = Get SCPI ( ) Put t i me i nt o st r i ng var i abl e
Conver t t he t i me t o Excel f or mat and put i nt o cel l s B2 and C2
Cel l s( 2, 2) = Conver t Ti me( r epl ySt r i ng)
Cel l s( 2, 3) = Cel l s( 2, 2)
Cel l s( 2, 3) . Number For mat = " d- mmm- yy" For mat f or dat e
Cel l s( 2, 2) . Number For mat = " hh: mm: ss" For mat f or t i me
Range( "a1: ba1" ) . Cl ear Cont ent s Cl ear out r ow 1
St ep t hr ough t he number of scan sweeps
For col umnI ndex = 1 To number Scans St ar t of scan dat a
Do Wai t f or i nst r ument t o put a r eadi ng i n memor y
SendSCPI "DATA:POINTS?" Get t he number of r eadi ngs st or ed
poi nt s = Val ( Get SCPI ( ) )
Loop Unt i l poi nt s >= 1
Remove one r eadi ng at a t i me f r ommemor y
For Channel = 1 To number Channel s
SendSCPI "DATA:REMOVE? 1" Request one r eadi ng f r ommemor y
Appl i cat i on. Scr eenUpdat i ng = Fal se
Get r eadi ngs f r ombuf f er and st or e i n cel l A1
Cel l s( 1, 1) = Get SCPI ( )
Par se t he st r i ng i n cel l A1 and put i nt o r ow 1
Range( " a1" ) . Text ToCol umns Dest i nat i on: =Range( " a1" ) , comma: =Tr ue
Cal l r out i ne t o or gani ze t he dat a i n r ow 1 i nt o a t abl e
makeDat aTabl e Channel , col umnI ndex
Range( " a1: ba1" ) . Cl ear Cont ent s Cl ear out r ow 1
Appl i cat i on. Scr eenUpdat i ng = Tr ue
Do Wai t f or i nst r ument t o put anot her r eadi ng i n memor y
SendSCPI "DATA:POINTS?" Get t he number of r eadi ngs st or ed
poi nt s = Val ( Get SCPI ( ) )
Loop Unt i l poi nt s >= 1 Or Channel >= number Channel s
Next Channel
Next col umnI ndex
Cl osePor t Cl ose communi cat i ons on GPI B
End Sub
Continued on next page
34970A Refresh Page 248 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for Excel 7.0
Sub makeDat aTabl e( Channel As I nt eger , col umnI ndex As I nt eger )
Thi s r out i ne wi l l t ake t he par sed dat a i n r ow 1 f or a channel and put i t i nt o a
t abl e. Channel det er mi nes t he r ow of t he t abl e and col umnI ndex det er mi nes t he
col umn ( scan sweep count ) .
The number of comma- del i mi t ed f i el ds r et ur ned per channel i s det er mi ned by t he
FORMat : READi ng commands. The number of f i el ds per channel i s r equi r ed t o l ocat e
t he dat a i n r ow 1. I n t hi s exampl e, t her e ar e t hr ee cel l s ( f i el ds) per channel .
Set up t he headi ng whi l e scanni ng t he f i r st channel .
I f Channel = 1 Then
Label t he t op of t he dat a col umn and t i me st amp col umn
Cel l s( 4, col umnI ndex * 2) = " Scan " & St r ( col umnI ndex)
Cel l s( 4, col umnI ndex * 2) . Font . Bol d = Tr ue
Cel l s( 3, col umnI ndex * 2 + 1) = " t i me st amp"
Cel l s( 4, col umnI ndex * 2 + 1) = " mi n: sec"
End I f
Get channel number , put i n col umn A f or f i r st scan onl y
I f col umnI ndex = 1 Then
Cel l s( Channel + 4, 1) = Cel l s( 1, 3)
End I f
Get t he r eadi ng dat a and put i nt o t he col umn
Cel l s( Channel + 4, col umnI ndex * 2) = Cel l s( 1, 1)
Get t he t i me st amp and put i nt o t he col umn t o t he r i ght of dat a; t o conver t r el at i ve
t i me t o Excel t i me, di vi de by 86400.
Cel l s( Channel + 4, col umnI ndex * 2 + 1) = Cel l s( 1, 2) / 86400
Cel l s( Channel + 4, col umnI ndex * 2 + 1) . Number For mat = " mm: ss. 0"
End Sub
Funct i on Conver t Ti me( Ti meSt r i ng As St r i ng) As Dat e
Thi s r out i ne wi l l t ake t he st r i ng r et ur ned f r omt he SYSTem: TI ME: SCAN? command and
r et ur n a number compat i bl e wi t h t he Excel f or mat . When l oaded i nt o a cel l , i t can
be f or mat t ed usi ng t he Excel For mat menu.
Di mt i meNumber As Dat e Deci mal or t i me por t i on of t he number
Di mdat eNumber As Dat e I nt eger or dat e por t i on of t he number
Cel l s( 1, 1) . Cl ear Cont ent s
Cel l s( 1, 1) = Ti meSt r i ng
Range( " a1" ) . Text ToCol umns Dest i nat i on: =Range( " a1" ) , comma: =Tr ue
dat eNumber = Dat eSer i al ( Cel l s( 1, 1) , Cel l s( 1, 2) , Cel l s( 1, 3) )
t i meNumber = Ti meSer i al ( Cel l s( 1, 4) , Cel l s( 1, 5) , Cel l s( 1, 6) )
Conver t Ti me = dat eNumber + t i meNumber
End Funct i on
Sub Get Er r or s( )
Cal l t hi s r out i ne t o check f or i nst r ument er r or s. The GPI B addr ess var i abl e
VI SAaddr must be set .
Di mDat aSt r i ng As St r i ng
OpenPor t
SendSCPI "SYSTEM:ERROR?" Read one er r or f r omt he er r or queue
Del ay ( 0. 1)
Dat aSt r i ng = Get SCPI ( )
MsgBox Dat aSt r i ng
Cl osePor t
End Sub
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Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for C and C++
Example Programs for C and C++
The following C programming examples show you how to send and
receive formatted I/O. For more information on non-formatted I/O, refer
to the Agilent VISA Users Guide. The examples in this section show you
how to use the SCPI commands for the instrument with the VISA
functionality and does not include error trapping. Error trapping,
however, is good programming practice and is recommended for your
application. For more information on error trapping, refer to the Agilent
VISA Users Guide.
The example programs are written in Microsoft Visual C++ Version
1.52 using project type QuickWin application, and using the large
memory model. Be sure to have access in the project to visa.lib or
visa32.lib usually found in the c:\vxipnp or c:\visa directory.
34970A Refresh Page 250 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for C and C++
/ * dac_out . c
/ *************************************************************************************
* Requi r ed: 34907A Mul t i f unct i on Modul e i n sl ot 200; VI SA l i br ar y *
* Thi s pr ogr amuses t he VI SA l i br ar y t o communi cat e wi t h t he 34970A. *
* The pr ogr amquer i es sl ot 200 and di spl ays t he r esponse. I t t hen r eset s *
* t he i nst r ument and sends t he val ue vol t age t o t he DAC on channel 205. *
#i ncl ude <vi sa. h>
#i ncl ude <st di o. h>
#i ncl ude <st r i ng. h>
#def i ne ADDR " 9" / * Set GPI B addr ess f or i nst r ument */
voi d mai n ( )
Vi Sessi on def aul t RM; / * Resour ce manager i d */
Vi Sessi on dac; / * I dent i f i es i nst r ument */
char r epl y_st r i ng [ 256] ; / * St r i ng r et ur ned f r omi nst r ument */
char Vi sa_addr ess[ 40] ; / * VI SA addr ess sent t o modul e */
doubl e vol t age; / * Val ue of vol t age sent t o DAC */
/ * Bui l d t he addr ess r equi r ed t o open communi cat i on wi t h GPI B car d.
The addr ess f or mat l ooks l i ke t hi s " GPI B0: : 9: : I NSTR" . */
st r cpy( Vi sa_addr ess, " GPI B0: : " ) ;
st r cat ( Vi sa_addr ess, ADDR) ;
st r cat ( Vi sa_addr ess, " : : I NSTR" ) ;
/ * Open communi cat i on ( sessi on) wi t h t he 34970A */
vi OpenDef aul t RM ( &def aul t RM) ;
vi Open ( def aul t RM, Vi sa_addr ess, VI _NULL, VI _NULL, &dac) ;
/ * Quer y t he modul e i d i n sl ot 200; Read r esponse and pr i nt . */
vi Pr i nt f ( dac, "SYST:CTYPE? 200\n") ;
vi Scanf ( dac, " %s" , &r epl y_st r i ng) ;
pr i nt f ( "I nst r ument i dent i f i cat i on st r i ng: \ n %s\ n\ n" , r epl y_st r i ng) ;
vi Pr i nt f ( dac, "*RST\n") ; / * Set power - on condi t i on */
vol t age = 5; / * Set var i abl e t o vol t age set t i ng */
vi Pr i nt f ( dac, "SOURCE:VOLTAGE %f,(@205)\n",voltage) ; / * Set out put vol t age */
/ * Cl ose communi cat i on sessi on */
vi Cl ose ( dac) ;
vi Cl ose ( def aul t RM) ;
C/C++ Example: dac_out.c
34970A Refresh Page 251 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for C and C++
/ * st at _r eg. c
/ ************************************************************************************
* Requi r ed: VI SA l i br ar y. *
* Thi s pr ogr amdemonst r at es t he use of t he 34970A St at us Regi st er s *
* f or an al ar mand Oper at i on Compl et e ( OPC) and f or enabl i ng and r ecei vi ng *
* an SRQ i nt er r upt . Thi s pr ogr amal so shows how t o conf i gur e a scan f or *
* 10 r eadi ngs on one channel . *
#i ncl ude <vi sa. h>
#i ncl ude <st di o. h>
#i ncl ude <st r i ng. h>
Vi Sessi on def aul t RM; / * Resour ce manager i d */
Vi Sessi on Dat aAcqu; / * Var i abl e t o i dent i f y an i nst r ument */
char r epl y_st r i ng [ 256] = {0}; / * st r i ng r et ur ned f r omi nst r ument */
doubl e vol t [ 10] ;
i nt i ndex, count ;
i nt sr qFl ag = {0};
/ * Funct i on pr ot ot ypes f or SRQ handl er */
Vi St at us _VI _FUNCH SRQ_handl er ( Vi Sessi on Dat aAcqu, Vi Event Type event Type,
Vi Event cont ext , Vi Addr user Hdl r ) ;
voi d mai n ( )
/ * Open communi cat i on wi t h Dat aAcqu usi ng GPI B addr ess " 9" */
vi OpenDef aul t RM ( &def aul t RM) ;
vi Open ( def aul t RM, " GPI B0: : 9: : I NSTR" , VI _NULL, VI _NULL, &Dat aAcqu) ;
/ * Reset i nst r ument t o power - on and cl ear t he St at us Byt e */
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "*RST;*CLS\n") ;
/ * Conf i gur e t he St at us Regi st er s t o gener at e an i nt er r upt whenever an al ar m
i s det ect ed on Al ar m1 or when t he oper at i on i s compl et e */
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "STATUS:ALARM:ENABLE 1\n") ; / * Enabl e Al ar m1 */
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "*ESE 1\n") ; / * Enabl e t he Oper at i on Compl et e bi t */
/ * Enabl e St at us Byt e Regi st er bi t 1 ( 2) and 5 ( 32) f or SRQ */
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "*SRE 34\n") ;
/ * Enabl e t he i nt er r upt handl er f or SRQ f r omt he i nst r ument */
vi I nst al l Handl er ( Dat aAcqu, VI _EVENT_SERVI CE_REQ, SRQ_handl er , ( Vi Addr ) 10) ;
vi Enabl eEvent ( Dat aAcqu, VI _EVENT_SERVI CE_REQ, VI _HNDLR, VI _NULL) ;
/ * Conf i gur e t he i nst r ument t o t ake 10 DC vol t age r eadi ngs on channel 103.
Set t he al ar mand set SRQ i f t he vol t age i s gr eat er t han 5 vol t s. */
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "CONF:VOLT:DC 10,(@103)\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "TRIG:SOURCE TIMER\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "TRIG:TIMER 1\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "TRIG:COUNT 10\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "CALC:LIMIT:UPPER 5,(@103)\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "CALC:LIMIT:UPPER:STATE ON,(@103)\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "OUTPUT:ALARM1:SOURCE (@103)\n") ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "INIT;*OPC\n") ;
/ * Wai t f or t he i nst r ument t o compl et e i t s oper at i ons so wast e t i me
and st ay i n t he pr ogr ami n case t her e i s an SRQ */
Continued on next page
C/C++ Example: stat_reg.c
34970A Refresh Page 252 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 6 Application Programs
Example Programs for C and C++
do{ / * St ay i n l oop unt i l t he sr qFl ag goes negat i ve */
i ndex = 1;
f or ( count = 0; count <45; count ++)
i ndex = 0;
pr i nt f ( " . " ) ;
pr i nt f ( " sr q f l ag = %d\ n" , sr qFl ag) ;
whi l e ( sr qFl ag>=0) ; / * A negat i ve sr qFl ag i ndi cat es scan i s done */
/ * The i nst r ument i s done, so cl ose t he SRQ handl er */
vi Di sabl eEvent ( Dat aAcqu, VI _EVENT_SERVI CE_REQ, VI _HNDLR) ;
vi Uni nst al l Handl er ( Dat aAcqu, VI _EVENT_SERVI CE_REQ, SRQ_handl er , ( Vi Addr ) 10) ;
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "FETCH?\n") ; / * Get al l t he r eadi ngs */
vi Scanf ( Dat aAcqu, " %, 10l f " , &vol t ) ; / * Put r eadi ngs i nt o an ar r ay */
f or ( i ndex = 0; i ndex<10; i ndex++) { / * Pr i nt t he r eadi ngs */
pr i nt f ( " r eadi ng %d = %l f \ n" , i ndex+1, vol t [ i ndex] ) ;
vi Cl ose ( Dat aAcqu) ; / * Cl ose t he communi cat i on por t */
vi Cl ose ( def aul t RM) ;
/ * Thi s f unct i on wi l l be cal l ed when t he i nst r ument i nt er r upt s t he cont r ol l er wi t h
an SRQ f or al ar mand/ or Oper at i on Compl et e */
Vi St at us _VI _FUNCH SRQ_handl er ( Vi Sessi on Dat aAcqu, Vi Event Type event Type,
Vi Event cont ext , Vi Addr user Hdl r )
Vi UI nt 16 st at usByt e;
vi ReadSTB( Dat aAcqu, &st at usByt e) ; / * Read st at us byt e r egi st er and cl ear SRQ */
/ * Bi t 6 ( 64) i ndi cat es t hi s SRQ i s f or our i nst r ument , bi t 1 ( 2) i ndi cat es
an al ar m, and bi t 5 ( 32) i ndi cat es t he st andar d event r egi st er ;
so al ar m64+2=66; OPC 64+32=96; bot h 64+32+2=98 */
i f ( ( st at usByt e==66) | ( st at usByt e==98) ) {
sr qFl ag = 1; / * Set f l ag t o i ndi cat e t hi s i s an al ar m*/
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "STATUS:ALARM:EVENT?\n") ; / * Check and cl ear al ar m*/
vi Scanf ( Dat aAcqu, " %s" , &r epl y_st r i ng) ;
pr i nt f ( " al ar mevent ; bi t = %s\ n" , r epl y_st r i ng) ;
i f ( ( st at usByt e==96) | ( st at usByt e==98) ) {
sr qFl ag = - 1; / * Set f l ag t o i ndi cat e end of oper at i on */
vi Pr i nt f ( Dat aAcqu, "*ESR?\n") ; / * Check and cl ear ESR bi t */
vi Scanf ( Dat aAcqu, " %s" , &r epl y_st r i ng) ;
pr i nt f ( "St andar d Event Regi st er ; bi t %s\ n" , r epl y_st r i ng) ;
r et ur n VI _SUCCESS;
34970A Refresh Page 253 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
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34970A Refresh Page 255 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
This chapter describes methods that you can use to reduce errors that
can affect your measurements. You will also find information to help you
better understand how the 34970A/34972A makes measurements and
what you can do to get the best results. This chapter is divided into the
following sections:
System Cabling and Connections, on page 257
Measurement Fundamentals, on page 265
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching, on page 300
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching, on page 306
Matrix Switching, on page 310
RF Signal Multiplexing, on page 312
Multifunction Module, on page 314
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance, on page 321
34970A Refresh Page 256 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
System Cabling and Connections
This section describes methods to reduce measurement errors that can
be introduced by your system cabling. Many system cabling errors can be
reduced or eliminated by selecting the proper cable and grounding
scheme for your system.
Cable Specifications
A wide variety of general-purpose and custom cables are available. The
following factors influence the type of cable that you choose.
Signal Requirements such as voltage, frequency, accuracy, and
measurement speed.
Interconnection Requirements such as wire sizes, cable lengths, and
cable routing.
Maintenance Requirements such as intermediate connectors, cable
terminations, strain relief, cable lengths, and cable routing.
Cables are specified in a variety of ways. Be sure to check the following
specifications for the cable type you intend to use (continued on the
following page).
Nominal Impedance (insulation resistance) Varies with the
frequency of the input signal. Check for HI-to-LO, channel-
to-channel, and HI- or LO-to-shield. High frequency RF applications
have exact requirements for cable impedance.
Dielectric Withstand Voltage Must be high enough for your
WARNING To prevent electrical shock or equipment damage, insulate all channels to
the highest potential in the system. It is recommended that you use wire
with 600 V rated insulation.
34970A Refresh Page 257 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Cable Resistance Varies with wire gauge size and cable length. Use
the largest gauge wire possible and try to keep the cable lengths as
short as possible to minimize the cable resistance. The following table
lists typical cable resistance for copper wire of several gauge sizes
(the temperature coefficient for copper wire is 0.35% per C).
* Recommended wire size for the screw terminals on 34970A/34972A plug-in
Cable Capacitance Varies with the insulation type, cable length,
and cable shielding. Cables should be kept as short as possible to
minimize cable capacitance. In some cases, low-capacitance cable can
be used.
The table below lists typical cable specifications.
O / ft (2 conductors)
at 25 C
20 *
5 mO
10 mO
15 mO
20 mO
30 mO
50 mO
Cable Type Nominal Impedance Capacitance Attenuation
Twisted Pair 100O at 1 MHz 10 to 20 pF/ft Up to 1 dB/100 ft at 1 MHz
Shielded Twisted Pair 100O at 1 MHz 10 to 20 pF/ft Up to 1 dB/100 ft at 1 MHz
Coaxial 50O or 75O at 100 MHz 15 to 25 pF/ft Up to 6 dB/100 ft at 100 MHz
Twisted Pair Ribbon 100O at 1 MHz 15 to 20 pF/ft Up to 1 dB/100 ft at 1 MHz
34970A Refresh Page 258 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Grounding Techniques
One purpose of grounding is to avoid ground loops and minimize noise.
Most systems should have at least three separate ground returns.
1. One ground for signals. You may also want to provide separate signal
grounds between high-level signals, low-level signals, and digital
2. A second ground is used for noisy hardware such as relays, motors,
and high-power equipment.
3. A third ground is used for chassis, racks, and cabinets. The AC power
ground should generally be connected to this third ground.
In general, for frequencies below 1 MHz or for low-level signals, use
single-point grounding (see below). Parallel grounding is superior but is
also more expensive and more difficult to wire. If single-point grounding
is adequate, the most critical points (those with the lowest levels and/or
the most precise measurement requirements) should be positioned near
the primary ground point. For frequencies above 10 MHz, use the
separate grounding system. For signals between 1 MHz and 10 MHz, you
can use a single-point system if the longest ground return path is kept to
less than 1/20 of a wavelength. In all cases, return-path resistance and
inductance should be minimized.
Circuit A Circuit B Circuit C Circuit A Circuit B Circuit C
Circuit A Circuit B Circuit C
Single-Point Ground
Separate Grounds
Parallel Grounds
34970A Refresh Page 259 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Shielding Techniques
Shielding against noise must address both capacitive (electrical) and
inductive (magnetic) coupling. The addition of a grounded shield around
the conductor is highly effective against capacitive coupling. In switching
networks, this shielding often takes the form of coaxial cables and
connectors. For frequencies above 100 MHz, double-shielded coaxial
cable is recommended to maximize shielding effectiveness.
Reducing loop area is the most effective method to shield against
magnetic coupling. Below a few hundred kilohertz, twisted pairs may be
used against magnetic coupling. Use shielded twisted pair for immunity
from magnetic and capacitive pickup. For maximum protection below 1
MHz, make sure that the shield is not one of the signal conductors.
Separation of High-Level and Low-Level Signals
Signals whose levels exceed a 20-to-1 ratio should be physically
separated as much as possible. The entire signal path should be
examined including cabling and adjacent connections. All unused lines
should be grounded (or tied to LO) and placed between sensitive signal
paths. When making your wiring connections to the screw terminals on
the module, be sure to wire like functions on adjacent channels.
Recommended Low-Frequency Cable:
Shielded twisted pair
Recommended High-Frequency Cable:
Double-shielded coaxial cable
Twisted Pair Shield
Center Conductor
Shield Foil Shield Braid PVC Jacket
34970A Refresh Page 260 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Sources of System Cabling Errors
Radio Frequency Interference Most voltage-measuring instruments
can generate false readings in the presence of large, high-frequency
signals. Possible sources of high-frequency signals include nearby radio
and television transmitters, computer monitors, and cellular telephones.
High-frequency energy can also be coupled to the internal DMM on the
system cabling. To reduce the interference, try to minimize the exposure
of the system cabling to high-frequency RF sources.
If your application is extremely sensitive to RFI radiated from the
instrument, use a common mode choke in the system cabling as shown
below to attenuate instrument emissions.
To Transducers
To Plug-In
34970A Refresh Page 261 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Thermal EMF Errors Thermoelectric voltages are the most common
source of error in low-level DC voltage measurements. Thermoelectric
voltages are generated when you make circuit connections using
dissimilar metals at different temperatures. Each metal-to-metal
junction forms a thermocouple, which generates a voltage proportional to
the junction temperature difference. You should take the necessary
precautions to minimize thermocouple voltages and temperature
variations in low-level voltage measurements. The best connections are
formed using copper-to-copper crimped connections. The table below
shows common thermoelectric voltages for connections between
dissimilar metals.
Noise Caused by Magnetic Fields If you are making measurements
near magnetic fields, you should take precautions to avoid inducing
voltages in the measurement connections. Voltage can be induced by
either movement of the input connection wiring in a fixed magnetic field
or by a varying magnetic field. An unshielded, poorly dressed input wire
moving in the earths magnetic field can generate several millivolts. The
varying magnetic field around the AC power line can also induce
voltages up to several hundred millivolts. You should be especially
careful when working near conductors carrying large currents.
Where possible, you should route cabling away from magnetic fields.
Magnetic fields are commonly present around electric motors,
generators, televisions, and computer monitors. Also make sure that
your input wiring has proper strain relief and is tied down securely when
operating near magnetic fields. Use twisted-pair connections to the
instrument to reduce the noise pickup loop area, or dress the wires as
close together as possible.
Copper-to- Approx. V/C
Beryllium Copper
Kovar or Alloy 42
Cadmium-Tin Solder
Tim-Lead Solder
34970A Refresh Page 262 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Noise Caused by Ground Loops When measuring voltages in circuits
where the internal DMM and the device-under-test are both referenced
to a common earth ground, a ground loop is formed. As shown below, any
voltage difference between the two ground reference points (V
causes a current to flow through the LO measurement lead. This causes
an error voltage (V
) which is added to the measured voltage.
= Lead resistance
= DMM isolation resistance
= DMM isolation capacitance
= Ground noise voltage
I = Current flow caused by V
Z ~ Z
= ~ 10 MO at 50 or 60 Hz
To minimize ground loop errors:
If V
is a DC voltage, keep R
small compared to R
If V
is an AC voltage, keep R
small compared to Z, and set the
DMMs integration time to 1 PLC or greater (see page 120 for a
discussion of integration time).
~ C
250 pF
>10 GO
Z +

34970A Refresh Page 263 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
System Cabling and Connections
Low-Level AC Measurement Errors When measuring AC voltages
less than 100 mV, be aware that these measurements are especially
susceptible to errors introduced by extraneous noise sources. An exposed
test lead will act as an antenna and the internal DMM will measure the
signals received. The entire measurement path, including the power line,
act as a loop antenna. Circulating currents in the loop will create error
voltages across any impedances in series with the instruments input.
For this reason, you should apply low-level AC voltages to the
instrument through shielded cables. You should also connect the shield
to the input LO terminal.
Be sure to minimize the area of any ground loops that cannot be avoided.
A high-impedance source is more susceptible to noise pickup than a low-
impedance source. You can reduce the high-frequency impedance of a
source by placing a capacitor in parallel with the instruments input
terminals. You may have to experiment to determine the correct
capacitance value for your application.
Most extraneous noise is not correlated with the input signal. You can
determine the error as shown below.
Voltage Measured =
Correlated noise, while rare, is especially detrimental. Correlated noise
will always add directly to the input signal. Measuring a low-level signal
with the same frequency as the local power line is a common situation
that is prone to this error.
You should use caution when switching high-level and low-level signals
on the same module. It is possible that high-level charged voltages may
be discharged onto a low-level channel. It is recommended that you
either use two different modules or separate the high-level signals from
the low-level signals with an unused channel connected to ground.
Vi n
34970A Refresh Page 264 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Measurement Fundamentals
This section explains how the 34970A/34972A makes measurements and
discusses the most common sources of error related to these
The Internal DMM
The internal DMM provides a universal input front-end for measuring a
variety of transducer types without the need for additional external
signal conditioning. The internal DMM includes signal conditioning,
amplification (or attenuation), and a high resolution (up to 22 bits)
analog-to-digital converter. A simplified diagram of the internal DMM is
shown below. For complete details on the operation of the internal DMM,
refer to Measurement Input on page 74.
The internal DMM can directly make the following types of
measurements. Each of these measurements is described in the following
sections of this chapter.
Temperature (thermocouple, RTD, and thermistor)
Voltage (dc and AC up to 300V)
Resistance (2-wire and 4-wire up to 100 MO)
Current (dc and AC up to 1A)
Frequency and Period (up to 300 kHz)
= Optical Isolators
Analog to
34970A Refresh Page 265 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Rejecting Power-Line Noise Voltages A desirable characteristic of
an integrating analog-to-digital (A/D) converter is its ability to reject
spurious signals. Integrating techniques reject power-line related noise
present with DC signals on the input. This is called normal mode
rejection or NMR. Normal mode noise rejection is achieved when the
internal DMM measures the average of the input by integrating it over
a fixed period. If you set the integration time to a whole number of power
line cycles (PLCs) of the spurious input, these errors (and their
harmonics) will average out to approximately zero.
When you apply power to the internal DMM, it measures the power-line
frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz), and uses this measurement to determine the
integration time. The table below shows the noise rejection achieved with
various configurations. For better resolution and increased noise
rejection, select a longer integration time.
The following graph shows the attenuation of AC signals measured in
the DC voltage function for various A/D integration time settings. Note
that signal frequencies at multiples of 1/T exhibit high attenuation.
PLCs Digits Bits
Integration Time
60 Hz (50 (Hz)
400 s (400 s)
3 ms (3 ms)
16.7 ms (20 ms)
33.3 ms (40 ms)
167 ms (200 ms)
333 ms (400 ms)
1.67 s (2 s)
3.33 s (4 s)
0 dB
0 dB
60 dB
90 dB
95 dB
100 dB
105 dB
110 dB
Signal Frequency x T

0 dB
-10 dB
-20 dB
-30 dB
-40 dB
0.1 1 10
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Temperature Measurements
A temperature transducer measurement is typically either a resistance
or voltage measurement converted to an equivalent temperature by
software conversion routines inside the instrument. The mathematical
conversion is based on specific properties of the various transducers. The
mathematical conversion accuracy (not including the transducer
accuracy) for each transducer type is shown below.
Errors associated with temperature measurements include all of those
listed for DC voltage and resistance measurements elsewhere in this
chapter. The largest source of error in temperature measurements is
generally the transducer itself.
Your measurement requirements will help you to determine which
temperature transducer type to use. Each transducer type has a
particular temperature range, accuracy, and cost. The table below
summarizes some typical specifications for each transducer type. Use
this information to help select the transducer for your application. The
transducer manufacturers can provide you with exact specifications for a
particular transducer.
Transducer Conversion Accuracy
Parameter Thermocouple RTD Thermistor
Temperature Range
Measurement Type
Transducer Sensitivity
Probe Accuracy
Cost (U.S. Dollars)
-210C to 1820C
6 V/C to 60 V/C
0.5C to 5C
$1 / foot
-200C to 850C
2- or 4-Wire Ohms
~ R
x 0.004C
0.01C to 0.1C
$20 to $100 each
-80C to 150C
2- or 4-Wire Ohms
~ 400O /C
0.1C to 1C
$10 to $100 each
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
RTD Measurements An RTD is constructed of a metal (typically
platinum) that changes resistance with a change in temperature in a
precisely known way. The internal DMM measures the resistance of the
RTD and then calculates the equivalent temperature.
An RTD has the highest stability of the temperature transducers. The
output from an RTD is also very linear. This makes an RTD a good choice
for high-accuracy, long-term measurements. The 34970A/34972A
supports RTDs with o = 0.00385 (DIN / IEC 751) using ITS-90 software
conversions and o = 0.00391 using IPTS-68 software conversions.
PT100 is a special label that is sometimes used to refer to an RTD with
o = 0.00385 and R
= 100O.
The resistance of an RTD is nominal at 0 C and is referred to as R
. The
34970A/34972A can measure RTDs with R
values from 49O to 2.1 kO.
You can measure RTDs using a 2-wire or 4-wire measurement method.
The 4-wire method provides the most accurate way to measure small
resistances. Connection lead resistance is automatically removed using
the 4-wire method.
Thermistor Measurements A thermistor is constructed of materials
that non-linearly changes resistance with changes in temperature. The
internal DMM measures the resistance of the thermistor and then
calculates the equivalent temperature.
Thermistors have a higher sensitivity than thermocouples or RTDs. This
makes a thermistor a good choice when measuring very small changes in
temperature. Thermistors are, however, very non-linear, especially at
high temperatures and function best below 100 C.
Because of their high resistance, thermistors can be measured using a
2-wire measurement method. The internal DMM supports 2.2 kO
(44004), 5 kO (44007), and 10 kO (44006) thermistors. The thermistor
conversion routines used by the 34970A/34972A are compatible with the
International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90).
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Thermocouple Measurements A thermocouple converts temperature
to voltage. When two wires composed of dissimilar metals are joined, a
voltage is generated. The voltage is a function of the junction
temperature and the types of metals in the thermocouple wire. Since the
temperature characteristics of many dissimilar metals are well known, a
conversion from the voltage generated to the temperature of the junction
can be made. For example, a voltage measurement of a T-type
thermocouple (made of copper and constantan wire) might look like this:
Notice, however, that the connections made between the thermocouple
wire and the internal DMM make a second, unwanted thermocouple
where the constantan (C) lead connects to the internal DMMs copper
(Cu) input terminal. The voltage generated by this second thermocouple
affects the voltage measurement of the T-type thermocouple.
If the temperature of the thermocouple created at J2 (the LO input
terminal) is known, the temperature of the T-type thermocouple can be
calculated. One way to do this is to connect two T-type thermocouples
together to create only copper-to-copper connections at the internal
DMMs input terminals, and to hold the second thermocouple at a known
Internal DMM
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
An ice bath is used to create a known reference temperature (0 C). Once
the reference temperature and thermocouple type are known, the
temperature of the measurement thermocouple can be calculated.
The T-type thermocouple is a unique case since one of the conductors
(copper) is the same metal as the internal DMMs input terminals. If
another type of thermocouple is used, two additional thermocouples are
created. For example, take a look at the connections with a J-type
thermocouple (iron and constantan):
Two additional thermocouples have been created where the iron (Fe)
lead connects to the internal DMMs copper (Cu) input terminals. Since
these two junctions will generate opposing voltages, their effect will be to
cancel each other. However, if the input terminals are not at the same
temperature, an error will be created in the measurement.
Internal DMM
Ice Bath
Ice Bath
Internal DMM
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
To make a more accurate measurement, you should extend the copper
test leads of the internal DMM closer to the measurement and hold the
connections to the thermocouple at the same temperature.
This circuit will give accurate temperature measurements. However, it is
not very convenient to make two thermocouple connections and keep all
connections at a known temperature. The Law of Intermediate Metals
eliminates the need for the extra connection. This empirical law states
that a third metal (iron (Fe) in this example) inserted between two
dissimilar metals will have no effect upon the output voltage, provided
the junctions formed are at the same temperature. Removing the
reference thermocouple makes the connections much easier.
This circuit is the best solution for accurate thermocouple connections.
Reference Thermocouple
Ice Bath
Internal DMM
Internal DMM
Ice Bath
(External Reference Junction)
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
In some measurement situations, however, it would be nice to remove
the need for an ice bath (or any other fixed external reference). To do
this, an isothermal block is used to make the connections. An isothermal
block is an electrical insulator, but a good heat conductor. The additional
thermocouples created at J1 and J2 are now held at the same
temperature by the isothermal block.
Once the temperature of the isothermal block is known, accurate
temperature measurements can be made. A temperature sensor is
mounted to the isothermal block to measure its temperature.
Thermocouples are available in a variety of types. The type is specified
by a single letter. The table on the following page shows the most
commonly used thermocouple types and some key characteristics of each.
Note: The thermocouple conversion routines used by the 34970A/34972A
are compatible with the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-
Internal DMM Reference
Isothermal Block
(Internal or External Reference)
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Thermocouple Types
Constantan = Copper-Nickel; Nicrosil = Nickel-Chromium-Silicon; Nisil = Nickel-Silicone-Magnesium; N/A = Not Available
T/C Type Pos (+) Lead Neg (-) Lead
Platinum -30% Rhodium
Platinum -60% Rhodium
250C - 1820C 0.5C High Temperature.
Beware of contamination.
Do not insert
in metal tubes.
-210C - 1200C 1.1C - 2.2C For vacuum, inert
Least expensive.
Not recommended for
low temperature.
-200C - 1370C 1.1C - 2.2C For oxidizing environments.
Good linearity
above 8C.
-200C - 400C 0.5C - 1C Withstands moisture.
Has a copper lead.
Low temperature
-200C - 1000C 1C - 1.7C Highest output voltage.
Highest resolution.
-200C - 1300C 1.1C - 2.2C Superior stability to
K type at higher
Platinum -13% Rhodium
-50C - 1760C 0.6C - 1.5C High Temperature.
Beware of contamination.
Do not insert in
metal tubes.
Platinum -10% Rhodium
-50C - 1760C 0.6C - 1.5C Low error, good stability.
High temperature
Beware of contamination.
Do not insert in
metal tubes.
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Sources of Error in Thermocouple Measurements
Reference Junction Error A thermocouple is typically formed by
welding or soldering two wires together to make the junction. Soldering
introduces a third metal into the junction. Provided that both sides of the
thermocouple are at the same temperature, the third metal has little
Commercial thermocouples are welded using a capacitive-discharge
technique. This technique is used to prevent overheating of the
thermocouple wire near the junction and to prevent the diffusion of the
welding gas and atmosphere into the thermocouple wire.
A poor weld or bad solder connection can also cause errors in a
thermocouple measurement. Open thermocouple junctions can be
detected by checking the resistance of the thermocouple. A resistance
measurement of more than 5 kO. typically indicates a defective
thermocouple. The 34970A/34972A contains a built-in, automatic
thermocouple check feature. If you enable this feature, the instrument
measures the channel resistance after each thermocouple measurement
to ensure a proper connection. For more information on using the
thermocouple check feature, see page 124.
Diffusion Error Diffusion in a thermocouple wire is the process of
changing the alloy type along the wire itself. Atmospheric particles can
actually diffuse into the metal. These changes in the wire alloy introduce
small voltage changes in the measurement. Diffusion is caused by
exposure to high temperatures along the wire or by physical stress to the
wire such as stretching or vibration.
Temperature errors due to diffusion are hard to detect since the
thermocouple will still respond to temperature changes and give nearly
correct results. The diffusion effects are usually detected as a drift in the
temperature measurements.
Replacing a thermocouple which exhibits a diffusion error may not
correct the problem. The extension wire and connections are all subject
to diffusion. Examine the entire measurement path for signs of
temperature extremes or physical stress. If possible, keep the
temperature gradient across the extension wire to a minimum.
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Shunt Impedance The insulation used for thermocouple wire and
extension wire can be degraded by high temperatures or corrosive
atmospheres. These breakdowns appear as a resistance in parallel with
the thermocouple junction. This is especially apparent in systems using a
small gauge wire where the series resistance of the wire is high.
Shielding Shielding reduces the effect of common mode noise on a
thermocouple measurement. Common mode noise is generated by
sources such as power lines and electrical motors. The noise is coupled to
the unshielded thermocouple wires through distributed capacitance. As
the induced current flows to ground through the internal DMM, voltage
errors are generated along the distributed resistance of the thermocouple
wire. Adding a shield to the thermocouple wire will shunt the common
mode noise to earth ground and preserve the measurement.
Common mode noise can dramatically affect the internal DMM. A typical
thermocouple output is a few millivolts and a few millivolts of common
mode noise can overload the input to the internal DMM.
Calculation Error An error is inherent in the way a thermocouple
voltage is converted to a temperature. These calculation errors are
typically very small compared to the errors of the thermocouple, wiring
connections, and reference junction (see page 267).
Power Line
Power Line
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
DC Voltage Measurements
To make a useful DC meter, a front-end is required to condition the
input before the analog-to-digital conversion. Signal conditioning
increases the input resistance, amplifies small signals, and attenuates
large signals to produce a selection of measuring ranges.
Signal Conditioning for DC Measurements Input signal
conditioning for DC voltage measurements includes both amplification
and attenuation. A simplified input to the internal DMM is shown below.
For input voltages less than 12 VDC, the Low V switch is closed and
applies the input signal directly to the input amplifier. For higher
voltages, the High V switch is closed and the signal is attenuated 100:1
before being applied to the input amplifier. The input amplifier gain is
set to one of three values (x1, x10, or x100) to yield a signal in the range
of 12 VDC for the analog-to-digital converter.
For the lower voltage ranges, the internal DMMs input resistance is
essentially that of the input amplifier. The input amplifier uses a low-
bias current (less than 50 pA) FET input stage yielding an input
resistance greater than 10 GO. On the 100V and 300V input ranges, the
input resistance is determined by the total resistance of the 100:1
divider. You can also set the input resistance to 10 MO by continuously
closing the High V switch (for more information on DC input resistance,
see page 130).
Low V
High V
+/- 12 Vcd to
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Sources of Error in DC Voltage Measurements
Common Mode Rejection Ideally, the internal DMM is completely
isolated from earth-referenced circuits. However, there is finite
resistance and capacitance between the input LO terminal and earth
ground. If the input terminals are both driven by an earth-referenced
signal (V
) then a current will flow through R
and create a voltage drop
as shown below.
Any resulting voltage (V
) will appear as an input to the internal DMM.
As the value of R
approaches zero, so does the error. Additionally, if V

is at the power line frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz), the noise can be greatly
reduced by setting the internal DMMs integration time to 1 PLC
or greater (see page 120 for a discussion of integration time).
= Common mode float voltage
= LO lead resistance
= Isolation resistance
= Isolation capacitance
= Parallel impedance of R
+ C

Error (V
) =
>10 GO
250 pF
+ V

Z +
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Noise Caused by Injected Current Residual capacitances in the
instruments power transformer cause small currents to flow from the
LO terminal of the internal DMM to earth ground. The frequency of the
injected current is the power line frequency or possibly harmonics of
the power line frequency. The injected current is dependent upon the
power line configuration and frequency. A simplified circuit is shown
With Connection A (see below), the injected current flows from the earth
connection provided by the circuit to the LO terminal of the internal
DMM. This configuration adds no noise to the measurement. However,
with Connection B, the injected current flows through the resistor R thus
adding noise to the measurement. With Connection B, larger values of R
will make the problem worse.
The measurement noise caused by injected current can be significantly
reduced by setting the integration time of the internal DMM to 1 PLC or
greater (see page 120 for a discussion of integration time).
Injected Current
(50/60 Hz ac line leakage current)
Connection A Connection B
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Loading Errors Due to Input Resistance Measurement loading
errors occur when the resistance of the device-under-test (DUT) is an
appreciable percentage of the instruments own input resistance. The
diagram below shows this error source.
= Ideal DUT voltage
= DUT source resistance
= Input resistance (10 MO or > 10 GO)
Error (%) =
To minimize loading errors, set the DMMs DC input resistance to
greater than 10 GO when needed (for more information on DC input
resistance, see page 130).
100 R

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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Loading Errors Due to Input Bias Current The semiconductor
devices used in the input circuits of the internal DMM have slight
leakage currents called bias currents. The effect of the input bias current
is a loading error at the internal DMMs input terminals. The leakage
current will approximately double for every 10 C temperature rise, thus
making the problem much more apparent at higher temperatures.
= DMM bias current
= DUT source resistance
= Input resistance (10 MO or > 10 GO)
= DMM input capacitance
Error (V) = I
34970A Refresh Page 280 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
AC Voltage Measurements
The main purpose of an AC front end is to change an AC voltage input
into a DC voltage which can be measured by the ADC.
Signal Conditioning for AC Measurements Input signal
conditioning for AC voltage measurements includes both attenuation
and amplification. An input coupling capacitor (C) blocks the DC portion
of the input signal so that only the AC component is measured. Ranging
is accomplished by combining signal attenuation from the first-stage
amplifier and gain from the second-stage amplifier.
The first stage implements a high input impedance (1 MO) switchable
compensated attenuator. The second stage provides variable-gain signal
amplification to scale the input to the AC converter to the full-scale level.
Any residual DC offset from the attenuator and amplifier stages is
blocked by a capacitor.
An AC voltage front end similar to the one discussed above is also used to
measure AC current. Shunt resistors convert the AC current into an AC
voltage which can then be measured. Current shunts are switched to
provide selectable AC current ranges.
X 0.01
AC to DC
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
True RMS AC Measurements True RMS responding multimeters
measure the heating potential of an applied voltage. Unlike an
average responding measurement, a true RMS measurement is used to
determine the power dissipated in a resistor. The power is proportional
to the square of the measured true RMS voltage, independent of
waveshape. An average responding AC multimeter is calibrated to read
the same as a true RMS meter for sinewave inputs only. For other
waveform shapes, an average responding meter will exhibit substantial
errors as shown below.
The internal DMMs AC voltage and AC current functions measure the
ac-coupled true RMS value. This is in contrast to the ac+dc true RMS
value shown above. Only the heating value of the AC component of the
input waveform is measured (dc is rejected). For sinewaves, triangle
waves, and square waves, the AC and AC+DC values are equal since
these waveforms do not contain a DC offset. Non-symmetrical
waveforms, such as pulse trains, contain DC voltages which are rejected
by ac-coupled true RMS measurements.
An ac-coupled true RMS measurement is desirable in situations where
you are measuring small AC signals in the presence of large DC offsets.
For example, this situation is common when measuring AC ripple
present on DC power supplies. There are situations, however, where you
might want to know the ac+dc true RMS value. You can determine this
value by combining results from DC and AC measurements as shown
below. You should perform the DC measurement using at least 10 power
line cycles of integration (6 digit mode) for best AC rejection.
+ =
34970A Refresh Page 282 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Making High-Speed AC Measurements The internal DMMs AC
voltage and AC current functions implement three low-frequency filters.
These filters allow you to trade-off low frequency accuracy for faster
scanning speed. The fast filter settles in 0.12 seconds and is useful for
measurements above 200 Hz. The medium filter settles in 1 second and
is useful for measurements above 20 Hz. The slow filter settles in 7
seconds and is useful for measurements above 3 Hz.
With a few precautions, you can perform AC measurements at speeds up
to 100 readings per second (use manual ranging to eliminate
autoranging delays). By setting the preprogrammed channel settling
delays to zero, each filter will allow up to 100 channels per second.
However, the measurement might not be very accurate since the filter is
not fully settled. In scanning applications where sample-to-sample levels
vary widely, the medium filter (20 Hz) will settle at 1 reading per second,
and the fast filter (200 Hz) will settle at 10 readings per second.
If the sample-to-sample levels are similar, little settling time is required
for each new reading. Under this specialized condition, the medium filter
(20 Hz) will provide reduced accuracy results at 5 readings per second,
and the fast filter (200 Hz) will provide reduced accuracy results at 50
readings per second. Additional settling time may be required when the
DC level varies from sample to sample.
The internal DMMs DC blocking circuitry has a settling time constant of
0.2 seconds. This settling time only affects measurement accuracy when
DC offset levels vary from sample to sample. If maximum measurement
speed is desired in a scanning system, you may want to add an external
DC blocking circuit to those channels with significant DC voltages
present. This circuit can be as simple as a resistor and a capacitor.
DC blocking settling time (1 time constant) = 0.2 seconds.
AC Filter Channel Delay Settling Time
200 Hz (Fast)
20 Hz (Medium)
3 Hz (Slow)
200 Hz (Fast)
20 Hz (Medium)
3 Hz (Slow)
0.12 seconds
1 second
7 seconds
0.02 seconds
0.2 seconds
1.5 seconds
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Sources of Error in AC Voltage Measurements
Many of the errors associated with DC voltage measurements also apply
to AC voltage measurements. Additional errors unique to AC voltage
measurements are described in this section.
Crest Factor Errors (non-sinusoidal inputs) A common
misconception is that since the internal DMM is true RMS, its sinewave
accuracy specifications apply to all waveforms. Actually, the shape of
the input signal can dramatically affect measurement accuracy. A
common way to describe signal waveshapes is crest factor. Crest factor is
the ratio of the peak value to the RMS value of a waveform.
For a pulse train, for example, the crest factor is approximately equal to
the square root of the inverse of the duty cycle as shown in the table on
page 360. In general, the greater the crest factor the greater the energy
contained in higher frequency harmonics. All multimeters exhibit
measurement errors that are crest factor dependent. Crest factor errors
are shown in the specifications in chapter 8. Note that the crest factor
errors do not apply for input signals below 100 Hz when using the slow
AC filter.
You can estimate the measurement error due to signal crest factor as
shown below:
Total Error = Error
+ Error
crest factor
+ Error

= DMMs sinewave accuracy (see Chapter 8, Specifications)
crest factor
= DMMs crest factor (see Chapter 8, Specifications)
= Estimated bandwidth error as shown below:

C.F. = Signal crest factor (see the table on page 282)
F = Fundamental input signal frequency
BW = DMMs -3 dB bandwidth (1 MHz for the 34970A/34972A)
4t BW
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Calculate the approximate measurement error for a pulse train input
with a crest factor of 3 and a fundamental frequency of 20 kHz. The
internal DMM is set to the 1 V range. For this example, use the 90-day
accuracy specifications of (0.05% of reading + 0.04% of range), as shown
in chapter 8.
= (0.05% + 0.04%) = 0.09%
crest factor
= 0.15%
= * 100 = 1.4%
Total Error = 0.09% + 0.15% + 1.4% = 1.6%
Example: Calculating Measurement Error
4 3.14159 1000000
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
AC Loading Errors In the AC voltage function, the input of the
internal DMM appears as a 1 MO resistance in parallel with 150 pF of
capacitance. The cabling that you use to connect signals to the
instrument will also add additional capacitance and loading. The table
below shows the approximate input resistance at various frequencies.
For low frequencies:
Error (%) =
Additional error for high frequencies:
Error (%) = 100 x
F = Input frequency
= Source resistance
= Input capacitance (150 pF) + Cable capacitance
Use low-capacitance cable when measuring high-frequency AC signals
(see page 258).
Input Frequency Input Resistance
100 Hz
1 kHz
10 kHz
100 kHz
700 kO
600 kO
100 kO
10 kO
100 R

1 MO +
1 2t F R
( )
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Low-Level AC Measurement Errors When measuring AC voltages
less than 100 mV, be aware that these measurements are especially
susceptible to errors introduced by extraneous noise sources. An exposed
test lead will act as an antenna and the internal DMM will measure the
signals received. The entire measurement path, including the power line,
act as a loop antenna. Circulating currents in the loop will create error
voltages across any impedances in series with the instruments input.
For this reason, you should apply low-level AC voltages to the
instrument through shielded cables. You should also connect the shield
to the input LO terminal.
Be sure to minimize the area of any ground loops that cannot be avoided.
A high-impedance source is more susceptible to noise pickup than a low-
impedance source. You can reduce the high-frequency impedance of a
source by placing a capacitor in parallel with the instruments input
terminals. You may have to experiment to determine the correct
capacitance value for your application.
Most extraneous noise is not correlated with the input signal. You can
determine the error as shown below.
Voltage Measured =
Correlated noise, while rare, is especially detrimental. Correlated noise
will always add directly to the input signal. Measuring a low-level signal
with the same frequency as the local power line is a common situation
that is prone to this error.
You should use caution when switching high-level and low-level signals
on the same module. It is possible that high-level charged voltages may
be discharged onto a low-level channel. It is recommended that you
either use two different modules or separate the high-level signals from
the low-level signals with an unused channel connected to ground.
Vi n
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Measurements Below Full Scale You can make the most accurate
AC measurements when the internal DMM is at full scale of the selected
range. Autoranging occurs at 10% and 120% of full scale. This enables
you to measure some inputs at full scale on one range and 10% of full
scale on the next higher range. Note that the measurement accuracy will
be significantly different for the two cases. For highest accuracy, you
should use manual ranging to select the lowest range possible for the
Temperature Coefficient and Overload Errors The internal DMM
uses an AC measurement technique that periodically measures and
removes internal offset voltages when you select a different function or
range. When manual ranging to a new range in an overload condition,
the internal offset measurement may be degraded for the selected range.
Typically, an additional 0.01% of range error may be introduced. This
additional error will remain until the next periodic removal (typically 15
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Current Measurements
Current measurements are allowed only on the 34901A module.
An ammeter senses the current flowing through its input connections
approximating a short circuit between its input terminals. An ammeter
must be connected in series with the circuit or device being measured
such that current flows through both the meter and the test circuit.
A resistor, R
in the diagram below, is connected across the input
terminals such that a voltage drop proportional to the input current is
generated. The value of R
is selected as low as possible to minimize the
instruments burden voltage, or IR drop. This voltage drop is sensed by
the internal DMM and scaled to the proper current value to complete the
measurement (see the discussion on the following page).
AC current measurements are very similar to DC current
measurements. The output of the current-to-voltage sensor is measured
by an AC voltmeter. The input terminals are direct coupled (ac+dc
coupled) to the shunt so that the internal DMM maintains DC continuity
in the test circuit. Performing AC current measurements demands
additional care. The burden voltage (loading) varies with frequency and
input inductance, often causing unexpected behavior in the test circuit
(see the discussion on the following page).
VDC to Input Amplifier and
Analog-to-Digital Converter
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Sources of Error in DC Current Measurements
When you connect the internal DMM in series with a test circuit to
measure current, a measurement error is introduced. The error is caused
by the DMMs series burden voltage. A voltage is developed across the
wiring resistance and current shunt resistance of the internal DMM as
shown below.
= Source voltage
= Source resistance
= Burden voltage
R = Current shunt resistance
Error (%) =
Sources of Error in AC Current Measurements
Burden voltage errors, which apply to DC current, also apply to AC
current measurements. However, the burden voltage for AC current is
larger due to the internal DMMs series inductance and the
measurement connections. The burden voltage increases as the input
frequency increases. Some circuits may oscillate when performing
current measurements due to the internal DMMs series inductance and
the measurement connections.
b R
100% V

34970A Refresh Page 290 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Resistance Measurements
An ohmmeter measures the DC resistance of a device or circuit
connected to its input. Resistance measurements are performed by
supplying a known DC current to an unknown resistance and measuring
the DC voltage drop.
The internal DMM offers two methods for measuring resistance: 2-wire
and 4-wire ohms. For both methods, the test current flows from the input
HI terminal through the resistor being measured. For 2-wire ohms, the
voltage drop across the resistor being measured is sensed internal to the
DMM. Therefore, test lead resistance is also measured. For 4-wire ohms,
separate sense connections are required. Since no current flows in the
sense leads, the resistance in these leads does not give a measurement
4-Wire Ohms Measurements The 4-wire ohms method provides the
most accurate way to measure small resistances. Test lead, multiplexer,
and contact resistances are automatically reduced using this method.
The 4-wire ohms method is often used in automated test applications
where long cable lengths, input connections, and a multiplexer exist
between the internal DMM and the device-under-test.
The recommended connections for 4-wire ohms measurements are shown
in the diagram on the following page. A constant current source, forcing
current I through unknown resistance R, develops a voltage measured by
a DC voltage front end. The unknown resistance is then calculated using
Ohms Law.
To Amplifier and
unknown I
34970A Refresh Page 291 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
The 4-wire ohms method is used in systems where lead resistances can
become quite large and variable and in automated test applications
where cable lengths can be quite long. The 4-wire ohms method has the
obvious disadvantage of requiring twice as many switches and twice as
many wires as the 2-wire method. The 4-wire ohms method is used
almost exclusively for measuring lower resistance values in any
application, especially for values less than 10O and for high-accuracy
requirements such as RTD temperature transducers.
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Offset Compensation Most connections in a system use materials that
produce small DC voltages due to dissimilar metal-to-metal contact
(thermocouple effect) or electrochemical batteries (for a description of the
thermocouple effect, see page 262). These DC voltages also add errors to
resistance measurements. The offset-compensated measurement is
designed to allow resistance measurements in the presence of small DC
Offset compensation makes two measurements on the circuit connected
to the input channel. The first measurement is a conventional resistance
measurement. The second is the same except the internal DMMs test
current source is turned off (essentially a normal DC voltage
measurement). The second measurement is subtracted from the first
prior to scaling the result, thus giving a more accurate resistance
measurement. Refer to Offset Compensation on page 132 for more
Offset compensation can be used for 2-wire or 4-wire ohms
measurements (but not for RTD or thermistor measurements). The
34970A/34972A disables offset compensation when the measurement
function is changed or after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An
Instrument Preset (SYSTem: PRESet command) or Card Reset
(SYSTem: CPON command) does not change the setting.
If the resistor being measured does not respond quickly to changes in
current, offset compensation will not produce an accurate measurement.
Resistors with very large inductances or resistors with large parallel
capacitance would fall into this category. In these cases, the channel
delay parameter can be increased to allow more settling time after the
current source is switched on or off, or offset compensation can be turned
off. For more information on channel delay, see page 105.
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Sources of Error in Resistance Measurements
External Voltages Any voltages present in the system cabling or
connections will affect a resistance measurement. The effects of some of
these voltages can be overcome by using offset compensation (as
described on the previous page).
Settling Time Effects The internal DMM has the ability to insert
automatic measurement settling delays. These delays are adequate for
resistance measurements with less than 200 pF of combined cable and
device capacitance. This is particularly important if you are measuring
resistances above 100 kO. Settling due to RC time constant effects can be
quite long. Some precision resistors and multifunction calibrators use
large parallel capacitances (1000 pF to 0.1 F) with high resistance
values to filter out noise currents injected by their internal circuitry.
Non-ideal capacitances due to dielectric absorption (soak) effects in
cables and other devices may have much longer settling times than
expected just by RC time constants. Errors will be measured when
settling after the initial connection, after a range change, or when using
offset compensation. You may need to increase the channel delay time
before a measurement in these situations (for more information on
channel delay, see page 105).
High-Resistance Measurement Errors When you are measuring
large resistances, significant errors can occur due to insulation
resistance and surface cleanliness. You should take the necessary
precautions to maintain a clean high-resistance system. Test leads and
fixtures are susceptible to leakage due to moisture absorption in
insulating materials and dirty surface films. Nylon and PVC are
relatively poor insulators (10
ohms) when compared to PTFE
insulators (10
ohms). Leakage from nylon or PVC insulators can easily
contribute a 0.1% error when measuring a 1 MO resistance in humid
conditions. The table below shows several common insulating materials
and their typical resistances.
Insulating Material Resistance Range Moisture Absorbing
Glass Epoxy (FR-4, G-10)
Phenolic, Paper
1 TO to 1 PO
1 GO to 10 TO
10 GO to 10 TO
100 GO to 1 PO
1 GO to 1 PO
1 GO to 10 TO
10 MO to 10 GO
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Strain Gage Measurements
Although the instrument does not directly support strain measurements,
you can measure a strain gage using a 4-wire resistance measurement
with scaling. However, BenchLink Data Logger 3 software has built-in
strain gage measurement capability.
When a force is applied to a body, the body deforms. The deformation per
unit length is called strain (c). Strain may be either tensile (+) or
compressive (-). Practical strain values are usually quite small (typically
less than 0.005 inch/inch for most metals) and are often expressed in
micro-strains (c). There are three common types of strain
measurements as shown below.
Normal Strain (c) is a measure
of the deformation along the
axis of the applied force. c =
Sheari ng St rai n ( ) i s a
measure of t he angul ar
di storti on of a body. It i s
approximated by the tangent
of the angle formed by the
angular change between two
l i ne segment s t hat were
parallel in the undeformed
Poisson Strain (v) measures a
property of materials known
as the Poisson Ratio. It is the
negative ratio of transverse
and longitudinal normal strain
when a body has a
l ongi tudi nal tensi l e f orce
applied. v = -c
/c, where
= AD/D and c = AL/L
Stress Stress is a term used to compare the loading applied to a
material with its ability to carry the load. Stress (o) in a material
can not be measured directly; it must be computed from material
properties and measurable quantities such as strain and force.

L + AL
L + AL
34970A Refresh Page 295 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Strain Sensors The metal foil resistance strain gage is by far the most
widely used strain measurement sensor. It consists of a thin metallic foil
grid bonded to a thin insulating, adhesive backing. The resistance of the
foil varies linearly with strain. Strain in the test body is simply the ratio
of the foils strained to unstrained resistance: c = AR / R.
The Gage Factor (GF) indicates the sensitivity of a strain gage and is a
measure of the fractional resistance change per strain: GF = (AR / R) / c.
Devices with a higher gage factor will exhibit a greater resistance change
per strain applied.
Strain gages are available in many patterns with various numbers and
configurations of elements. The most common element is the single gage
form shown below. Multi-element strain gages, also called rosettes, are
used to measure components of strain in different directions. Two-
element (90) and three-element (45 or 60) configurations are the
most common.
Common Uses for Strain Gages Strain gages are used to sense many
types of physical parameters. Strain gages are primarily a force-sensing
device. Force is measured indirectly by measuring the deformation of a
test body to a known applied force thus producing a resistance change
proportional to the applied force. Many other physical quantities can be
measured through force measurements. Common applications of strain
gages include weight, pressure, flow, and level measurements.
HI Source
HI Sense
LO Sense
LO Source
34970A Refresh Page 296 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Making Strain Gage Measurements A Wheatstone bridge is
commonly used to enable instruments with low-sensitivity measuring
capabilities to measure small resistance changes common in strain
measurements. Instruments with high-resolution resistance measuring
capabilities, like the 34970A/34972A internal DMM, can directly
measure small resistance changes with high precision and linearity. You
should also use the 4-wire resistance method when measuring strain
gages to eliminate system cabling errors.
An initial, unstrained, gage resistance measurement is used as the
reference (R
) measurement from which strain (AR / R
) is measured. For
best results, you should perform this reference measurement after the
strain gage has been mounted to the test body. The table below shows
the resistance changes corresponding to 1 c strain for common gage
factor and unstrained gage resistance values.
Using the Mx+B scaling function with the equations shown below will
allow you to display results directly in strain on the 34970A/34972A
front-panel display. You can use a custom measurement label to display
readings in c (micro-strain) directly. The instrument will
automatically add the micro () prefix based upon actual calculated
values. For more information on scaling, see page 136.
M = B = -
Temperature Effects The resistive element of a strain gage will
produce a resistance change AR due to measured strain as well as
changes in gage temperature. This will create an apparent strain
change which is undesirable. A second gage of similar type can be used to
detect temperature changes and thus remove this error source. You
should mount the second gage in close proximity and at 90 to the first
gage, thus responding to local temperature changes but rejecting strain
changes. Subtracting measurements from the second gage will remove
any undesirable strain errors.
Strain GF R
AR DMM Sensitivity
1 c 2.0 120O 0.24 mO 0.1 mO (0.4 c)
1 c 2.0 350O 0.70 mO 1.0 mO (1.4 c)
1 c 2.0 1000O 2.0 mO 1.0 mO (0.5 c)

34970A Refresh Page 297 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Frequency and Period Measurements
The internal DMM uses a reciprocal counting technique to measure
frequency and period. This method generates constant measurement
resolution for any input frequency. The internal DMMs AC voltage
measurement section performs input signal conditioning for frequency
and period measurements.
The timebase is divided to provide a gate signal. The gate signal and
input signal are combined to enable the counter. During the on time,
the counter counts the 6 MHz timebase signal. At the end of each gate
period, the total count is latched and the result is divided by the known
timebase frequency to determine the input frequency. The counter is
then reset before the next gate period. The resolution of the
measurement is tied to the timebase, and not the input frequency. This
increases measurement speed especially at low frequencies.
The reciprocal counter has the advantage of a constant number of digits
of display, no matter what the input frequency is. With a reciprocal
counter, the number of digits of resolution scales with the gate time. If a
1-second gate gives six digits of resolution, a 0.1-second gate gives five
digits, and so forth.
and Divider
Conditioning F/F Counter
6 MHz
.01s .1s 1s
1st Edge Last Edge
34970A Refresh Page 298 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Measurement Fundamentals
Sources of Error in Frequency and Period Measurements
The internal DMMs AC voltage measurement section performs input
signal conditioning. All frequency counters are susceptible to errors
when measuring low-voltage, low-frequency signals. The effects of both
internal noise and external noise pickup are critical when measuring
slow signals. The error is inversely proportional to frequency.
Measurement errors will also occur if you attempt to measure the
frequency (or period) of an input following a DC offset voltage change.
You must allow the internal DMMs input DC blocking capacitor to fully
settle before making frequency measurements.
If the external noise pickup becomes large enough to exceed the
hysteresis of the measuring circuitry, the frequency function may
actually become unusable. External shielding and low-pass filtering may
Input Random Noise (RMS)
1 mV 2 mv 3 mv
10 mv, 10 Hz
10 mv, 100 Hz
100 mV, 10 Hz

34970A Refresh Page 299 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
Low-level multiplexers are available in the following types: one-wire,
2-wire, and 4-wire. The following sections in this chapter describe each
type of multiplexer. The following low-level multiplexer modules are
available with the 34970A.
34901A 20-Channel Armature Multiplexer
34902A 16-Channel Reed Multiplexer
34908A 40-Channel Single-Ended Multiplexer
An important feature of a multiplexer used as a DMM input channel is
that only one channel is connected at a time. For example, using a
multiplexer module and the internal DMM, you could configure a voltage
measurement on channel 1 and a temperature measurement on channel
2. The instrument first closes the channel 1 relay, makes the voltage
measurement, and then opens the relay before moving on to channel 2
(called break-before-make switching).
Other low-level switching modules available with the 34970A/34972A
include the following:
34903A 20-Channel Actuator
34904A 4x8 Two-Wire Matrix
34970A Refresh Page 300 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
One-Wire (Single-Ended) Multiplexers
On the 34908A multiplexer, all of the 40 channels switch the HI input
only, with a common LO for the module. The module also provides a
thermocouple reference junction for making thermocouple
measurements (for more information on the purpose of an isothermal
block, see page 272).
Note: Only one channel can be closed at a time; closing one channel will open the previously
closed channel.
Two-Wire Multiplexers
The 34901A and 34902A multiplexers switch both HI and LO inputs,
thus providing fully isolated inputs to the internal DMM or an external
instrument. These modules also provide a thermocouple reference
junction for making thermocouple measurements (for more information
on the purpose of an isothermal block, see page 272).
Note: If any channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot close multiple
channels; closing one channel will open the previously closed channel.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
To DMM Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
34970A Refresh Page 301 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
Four-Wire Multiplexers
You can make 4-wire ohms measurements using the 34901A and 34902A
multiplexers. For a 4-wire ohms measurement, the channels are divided
into two independent banks by opening the bank relay.
For 4-wire measurements, the instrument automatically pairs channel n
with channel n+10 (34901A) or n+8 (34902A) to provide the source and
sense connections. For example, make the source connections to the HI
and LO terminals on channel 2 and the sense connections to the HI
and LO terminals on channel 12.
Note: If any channels are configured to be part of the scan list, you cannot close multiple
channels; closing one channel will open the previously closed channel.
When making a 4-wire measurement, the test current flows through the
source connections from the HI terminal through the resistor being
measured. To eliminate the test lead resistance, a separate set of sense
connections are used as shown below.
Channel 1 Source
Channel 11 Sense
Channel 12 Sense
To DMM Source
Bank Relay
To DMM Sense
Channel 2 Source
R Sense
34970A Refresh Page 302 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
Signal Routing and Multiplexing
When used stand-alone for signal routing (not scanning or connected to
the internal DMM), multiple channels on the 34901A and 34902A
multiplexers can be closed at the same time. You must be careful that
this does not create a hazardous condition (for example, connecting two
power sources together).
Note that a multiplexer is not directional. For example, you can use a
multiplexer with a source (such as a DAC) to connect a single source to
multiple test points as shown below.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
34970A Refresh Page 303 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
Sources of Error in Multiplexing and Switching
Noise can be coupled inside a switch by the drive circuitry, by switch
thermal EMFs, or by coupling among signal paths. Noise can also be
generated outside the network and conducted or coupled into the switch.
Although noise problems apply to the entire system, they can become
especially acute for switching. Switch networks contain a high
concentration of signals, which magnify the errors. Most problems with
electric noise can be traced to improper grounding and shielding (for
more information on grounding and shielding, see page 259).
Noise can be capacitively coupled between physically adjacent channels
in a switching system. Noise can be coupled between the switch contacts
themselves (C
) or between adjacent cabling (C
Capacitive noise coupling is a function of area and proximity. A simple
method to reduce the noise coupling is to physically separate the
switches and cables from each other. However, this may not be practical
for all applications.
Another solution is to keep large amplitude signals and small amplitude
signals away from each other. Group similar signals together (high
voltages, low voltages, analog, and digital). If possible, use two separate
switch modules; one for high-level signals and one for low-level signals. If
you are using a single module for mixed-signal switching, leave one
unused, grounded channel between the groups. Also, ground any unused
channels on the module.
34970A Refresh Page 304 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Low-Level Signal Multiplexing and Switching
The 34901A and 34902A multiplexers have an additional relay, called a
bank switch or tree switch, which helps reduce channel-to- channel noise
). The multiplexer channels are divided into two banks. The bank
switch isolates one bank of channels from the other, effectively removing
any parallel adjacent capacitance from the isolated bank. During a scan,
the instrument automatically controls the bank switches.
If you are not using all of the channels on the multiplexer, divide the
input signals equally between Bank 1 and Bank 2. For example, if you
are multiplexing eight channels using the 16-channel multiplexer, use
four channels in the lower bank and four channels in the upper bank. For
even better noise immunity, leave one unused, grounded channel
between each input channel.
Module Bank 1 Bank 2
34901A Channels 1 through 10 Channels 11 through 20
34902A Channels 1 through 8 Channels 9 through 16
34908A Channels 1 through 20 Channels 21 through 40
Bank 1
Bank 2
Bank Switch
Bank Switch
34970A Refresh Page 305 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching
The 34903A Actuator provides 20 independent, isolated SPDT
(single-pole, double-throw) or Form C switches. This module offers
simple on-off switching which you can use to control power devices or for
custom switching applications. For example, you can use an actuator to
build a simple resistance ladder as shown below.
In the above diagram, the resistance is 60O when all of the actuator
channels are open (not connected to COM). Note that when the actuator
channels are open, as shown above, the normally-closed contacts
(not shown above) are connected to COM. Values from 10O to 50O are
selected by closing the appropriate channel(s) on the module.
Resistance Out
NO = Normally Open
34970A Refresh Page 306 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching
Snubber Circuits
Whenever a relay contact opens or closes, electrical breakdown or
arching can occur between the contacts. This can cause high-frequency
noise radiation, voltage and current surges, and physical damage to the
relay contacts.
A breadboard area is provided on the 34903A to implement custom
circuitry such as simple filters, snubbers, and voltage dividers. The
breadboard area provides the space necessary to insert your own
components but there are no circuit board traces here. You can build
these networks to provide contact protection when actuating AC power
line for reactive loads. Although many types of contact protection
networks can be used, only RC networks and varistors are described in
this section.
RC Protection Networks
When designing RC protection networks, the protection resistor R
selected as a compromise between two resistance values. The minimum
value of R
is determined by the maximum acceptable relay contact
current (I
). For the 34903A, the maximum allowable relay current
) is 1A DC or AC rms. Thus, the minimum value for R
is V/I
where V is the peak value of the supply voltage.
--- - = =
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Chapter 7 Tutorial
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching
The maximum value for R
is usually made equal to the load resistance
. Therefore, the limits on R
can be stated as:
Note that the actual value of the current (I
) in a circuit is determined by
the equation:
Where V is the peak value of the source voltage and R
is the resistance
of the load. The value for I
will be used to determine the value of the
protection capacitor (C
In determining the value of the protection network capacitor (C
), there
are several things that you will need to consider. First, the total circuit
capacitance (C
) must be such that the peak voltage across the open
relay contacts does not exceed 300 Vrms. The equation for determining
the minimum allowable circuit capacitance is:
where L is the inductance of the load and I
is the current value
calculated earlier.
The total circuit capacitance (C) is actually made up of the wiring
capacitance plus the value of the protection network capacitor C
Therefore, the minimum value for C
should be the value obtained for
the total circuit capacitance (C). Note that the actual value used for C

should be substantially greater than the value calculated for C.
Using Varistors
Use a varistor to add an absolute voltage limit across the relay contacts.
Varistors are available for a wide range of voltage and clamp energy
ratings. Once the circuit reaches the voltage rating of the varistor, the
varistors resistance declines rapidly. A varistor can supplement an RC
network and is especially useful when the required capacitance (C
) is
too large.
----------- R
< <
------- =
300 ( )
L >
34970A Refresh Page 308 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Actuators and General-Purpose Switching
Using Attenuators
Provisions have been made on the 34903A circuit board for installing
simple attenuators or filter networks. An attenuator is composed of two
resistors that act as a voltage divider. A typical attenuator circuit is
shown below.
To select the attenuator components, use the following equation:
One typical use for the shunt component is with 4 to 20 mA transducers.
A 50O, 1%, 0.5 watt resistor can be installed in the R2 location. The
resultant voltage drop (transducer current through the resistor) can be
measured by the internal DMM. Thus, the 50O resistor converts the 4 to
20 mA current to a 0.2 to 1 volt signal.
at t
si gnal

-------------------- =
34970A Refresh Page 309 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Matrix Switching
Matrix Switching
A matrix switch connects multiple inputs to multiple outputs and
therefore offers more switching flexibility than a multiplexer. Use a
matrix for switching low-frequency (less than 10 MHz) signals only. A
matrix is arranged in rows and columns. For example, a simple 3x3
matrix could be used to connect three sources to three test points as
shown below.
Any one of the signal sources can be connected to any one of the test
inputs. Be aware that with a matrix, it is possible to connect more than
one source at the same time. It is important to make sure that dangerous
or unwanted conditions are not created by these connections.
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
34970A Refresh Page 310 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Matrix Switching
Combining Matrices
You can combine two or more matrix switches to provide more complex
switching. For example, the 34904A provides a 4-row by 8-column
matrix. You can combine two of these modules as either a 4-row by
16-column matrix or an 8-row by 8-column matrix. An 8x8 matrix is
shown below.
8 Rows
Row 1
Row 4
Row 1
Row 4
Col 1 Col 8
Col 1 Col 8
8 Columns
Matrix Module 1
Matrix Module 2
34970A Refresh Page 311 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
RF Signal Multiplexing
RF Signal Multiplexing
A special type of multiplexer is the RF multiplexer. This type of
multiplexer uses special components to maintain a 50O or 75O
impedance in the signal line being switched. In a test system, these
switches are often used to route a test signal from a signal source to the
device-under-test. The switches are bi-directional. The diagram below
shows two examples of a 4-to-1 channel RF multiplexer in a test system.
By using patch cables, you can expand RF multiplexers to provide
additional test inputs or outputs. For example, you can combine two 4-to-
1 multiplexers to create a 7-to-1 multiplexer as shown below.
On the 34905A (50O) and 34906A (75O) RF multiplexers, you can close
only one channel per bank at a time; closing one channel in a bank will
open the previously closed channel. These modules respond only to the
CLOSE command (OPEN does not apply). To open a channel, send the
CLOSE command to another channel in the same bank.
Source 1
Source 4
4 x 1 Multiplexer 4 x 1 Multiplexer
Source 2
Source 3
Power Meter
Test 1
Test 2
Test 4
Test 3
Test 7
Test 6
Test 5
Patch Cable
4 x 1 Multiplexer
4 x 1 Multiplexer
34970A Refresh Page 312 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
RF Signal Multiplexing
Sources of Error in RF Switching
Impedance mismatching can cause a variety of errors in an RF
multiplexing system. These errors can cause distorted waveforms,
overvoltage, or undervoltage conditions.
To minimize RF impedance mismatching:
Use the correct cable and connector for the circuit impedance (50O or
75O). Note that it is difficult to visually differentiate a 50O connector
from a 75O connector.
Be sure that all leads and signal paths are properly terminated.
Unterminated sections of line can appear as near shorts at RF
frequencies. Note that the 34905A and 34906A do not automatically
terminate open channels.
Insertion Loss (75O)
Insertion Loss (50O)
VSWR (50O) VSWR (75O)
Direct to Module
Using provided adapter cables
34970A Refresh Page 313 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
Multifunction Module
Digital Input
The 34907A module has two non-isolated 8-bit input/output ports which
you can use for reading digital patterns.
You can read the live status of the bits on the port or you can
configure a scan to include a digital read.
You can generate an alarm when a specific bit pattern or bit pattern
change is detected on an input channel. The channels do not have to
be part of the scan list to generate an alarm.
The internal +5V pull-up circuitry allows you to use the digital input
to detect contact closures like micro-switches or limit switches. An
open input floats to +5V and is read as a 1. An input shorted to
ground is read as a 0. An example of a contact closure detection
channel is shown below.
Limit Switch
I/O Line (1 of 8)
10 kO
+5 V
Digital Read
(+2.1 V)
34970A Refresh Page 314 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
Digital Output
The 34907A module has two non-isolated 8-bit input/output ports, which
you can use for outputting digital patterns. You can combine the two
ports to output a 16-bit word. A simplified diagram of a single output bit
is shown below.
Each output bit is capable of directly driving up to 10 TTL loads (less
than 1 mA). The buffer for each port is used to drive a high output
from the internal +5V supply through the diode. The drive is rated at
+2.4V minimum at 1 mA.
Each output bit is also an active sink, capable of sinking up to 400 mA
from an external power supply. The FET is used to sink currents and
has a nominal on resistance of 0.2O.
For non-TTL logic you must provide an external pull-up. A
description of the pull-up calculation is given on the following page.
If used with an external power supply and pull-up, the external
supply must be greater than +5 VDC and less than +42 VDC.
External Circuit +5 V
10 kO
I/O Line
(1 of 16)
34970A Refresh Page 315 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
Using an External Pull-Up
In general, an external pull-up is required only when you want to set the
output high value greater than TTL levels. For example, to use a +12V
external power supply, the value of the external pull-up resistor is
calculated as follows:
= I
out low
x safety factor = 1 mA x 0.5 + 0.5 ma
= 24 kO
The value of the logic high level with the external 24 kO pull-up
resistor is calculated as follows:
= V
x = 12 x = 8.47 VDC
Driving External Switches
You can use two digital output channels to control an external switch.
For example, you can drive the Agilent 876X series of microwave
switches using an external power supply and two digital output
channels. The state of the 2-to-1 multiplexer is changed by setting the
appropriate output bit low (0).
12 =

------------------ = =
24 kO
24 kO 10 kO +
Digital Output Channel Agilent 876X Microwave Switch
24 Volt
34970A Refresh Page 316 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
The 34907A module has a 26-bit totalizer which can count pulses at a
100 kHz rate. You can manually read the totalizer count or you can
configure a scan to read the count.
You can configure the totalizer to count on the rising edge or falling
edge of the input signal.
Using the hardware jumper labeled Totalize Threshold on the
module, you can control the threshold at which an edge is detected.
Move the jumper to the AC position to detect changes through 0
volts. Move the jumper to the TTL position (factory setting) to
detect changes through TTL threshold levels.
The maximum count is 67,108,863 (2
-1). The count rolls over to 0
after reaching the maximum allowed value.
Threshold Jumper
Input Signal
(1V to 42V)
0 V Threshold (AC)
2.5 V Threshold (TTL)
34970A Refresh Page 317 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
You can control when the totalizer actually records counts by
providing a gate signal (G and terminals on the module). A TTL
high signal applied to the G terminal enables counting and a low
signal disables counting. A TTL low signal applied to the
terminal enables counting and a high signal disables counting. The
totalizer only counts when both terminals are enabled. You can use
either the G terminal, the terminal, or both. When a gate is not
connected, the gate terminal floats to the enabled state, effectively
creating a gate always condition.
Totalizer Errors
Noise on the totalizer input can be a problem, especially on signals
with a slow rise time. This noise can create a false indication of a
threshold crossing. For more information on cabling noise, see page
Contact bounce on external switches can create false counts. All
mechanical switches bounce when they open and close. Use an
external capacitor to filter the contact bounce.
Input Signal
(Rising Edge)
Gate Signal
(High True)
Totalizer Input
Add to Total
Limit Switch
+5 V
Noise caused by bounce
creates a false count
34970A Refresh Page 318 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
Voltage (DAC) Output
The 34907A module has two analog outputs capable of outputting
calibrated voltages between 12 volts with 16 bits of resolution. Each
DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) channel can be used as a
programmable voltage source for analog input to other devices.
You can set the output voltage to any value between +12 VDC and -12
VDC, in 1 mV steps. Each DAC is earth referenced; it cannot float.
Each DAC channel is capable of supplying 10 mA maximum current.
Note: You must limit the output current to 40 mA total for all three
slots (six DAC channels).
To maintain the rated output accuracy, the load (R
in the diagram
shown above) must be greater than 1 kO.
Digital Data
Output Voltage
34970A Refresh Page 319 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Multifunction Module
DAC Errors
The output of a DAC varies with temperature. If possible, you should
operate the instrument at a stable temperature and as close as possible
to the calibration temperature of the DAC for greater accuracy.
The output of a DAC also exhibits two other types of errors: differential
error and integral error.
Differential Error refers to the smallest possible change in voltage.
The DAC output is not linear, but is stepped as progressively larger
(or smaller) voltages are programmed. The step size is 1 mV.
Integral Error refers to the difference between the programmed
voltage and the actual output voltage from the DAC. This error is
included in the output specifications shown in chapter 8.
Differential Error
Integral Error
34970A Refresh Page 320 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance
The 34970A/34972A Relay Maintenance System automatically counts the
cycles on each relay in the instrument and stores the total count in non-
volatile memory on each switch module. Use this feature to track relay
failures and predict system maintenance requirements. For more
information on using this feature, refer to Relay Cycle Count on page
Relays are electromechanical devices which are subject to wear-out
failure modes. The life of a relay, or the number of actual operations
before failure, is dependent upon how it is used applied load, switching
frequency, and environment.
You can use the graphs shown in this section to estimate relay lifetimes
for your application. Additional background information is also provided
to give you a better understanding of relay wear-out mechanisms. In
general, relay lifetimes depend heavily upon the signals that are being
switched and the types of measurements being performed.
Switching typical signal levels will result in relay lifetimes from
1,000,000 to 10,000,000 operations.
High-power switching (>25% rating) or high-voltage switching
(>100V) applications will yield relay lifetimes from 100,000 to
1,000,000 operations.
Low-voltage switching (<30V) and low-current switching (<10 mA)
applications will yield relay lifetimes to 10,000,000 operations.
RF switching applications seldom exhibit relay lifetimes exceeding
1,000,000 operations due to more stringent contact resistance
requirements (typically less than 0.2O).
The following table shows the time required to reach the specified
number of switch operations for several switching speeds.
Switching Speed
Switching Operations
100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000
1 / Hour
1 / Minute
1 / Second
10 / Second
12 Years
10 Weeks
1 Day
3 Hours
2 Years
12 Days
1 Day
4 Months
12 Days
34970A Refresh Page 321 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance
Relay Life
As a relay is used, the contacts begin to wear and the resistance of the
closed contacts increases. The initial contact resistance of a relay is
typically 50 mO (plus lead resistance). When the contact resistance
exceeds 20 to 50 times its initial value, the contact resistance becomes
very erratic and the relay should probably be replaced. For most
applications, a relay with contact resistance greater than 1O should be
replaced. The graph below shows the typical contact resistance
characteristics of the relays used on the 34970A/34972A switching
Relay Load
For most applications, the load switched by the relay is the most
important factor affecting relay life. As shown in the graph below, relay
life is maximized by switching low power. As the power switched
increases, relay life deteriorates.
1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
Typical Relay Lifetime
Relay Operations (Cycles)


Full Load Typical Signals No Load
Maximum Switching Capacity

0.2A 0.4A 0.6A 0.8A 1A
10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 40 mA 50 mA Reed (34902A)
Armature (34901A, 34903A, 34904A, 34908A)
Current Switched
34970A Refresh Page 322 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 7 Tutorial
Relay Life and Preventive Maintenance
Switching Frequency
Relay contacts heat up as they switch significant power. The heat is
dissipated through the leads and the body of the relay. As you increase
the switching frequency to near its maximum, heat cannot dissipate
before the next cycle. The contact temperature rises and the life of the
relay is reduced.
Replacement Strategy
There are essentially two strategies that you can use for preventive
maintenance of the relays on the switching modules. The strategy that
you choose depends upon your application, the consequences of a relay
failure in your system, and the number of relay cycles during a
measurement session.
The first strategy is to replace each relay as needed after it fails or
becomes erratic. This is suitable if you are switching higher loads on only
a few relays on the module. The disadvantage of this strategy is the
inconvenience of continually replacing relays as they near the end of
their life at different times.
The second strategy is to replace all relays on the module or simply
purchase a new module as the relays near the end of their life. This
strategy is best suited for those applications where all relays on the
module are switching similar loads. The failure of several relays over a
relatively short period of time may indicate impending failures on other
relays switching similar loads. This strategy decreases the risk of failure
during actual use at the expense of replacing some relays that may have
useful life remaining.
Note: In both cases described above, you can use the 34970A/34972A
Relay Maintenance System to track and even predict relay failures.
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34970A Refresh Page 324 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
DC, Resistance, and Temperature Accuracy Specifications, on page
DC Measurement and Operating Characteristics, on page 327
AC Accuracy Specifications, on page 328
AC Measurement and Operating Characteristics, on page 329
System Characteristics, on page 330
System Speed Specifications [1], on page 331
Module Specifications- 34901A, 34902A, 34908A, 34903A, 34904A,
on page 333
Module Specifications - 34905A, 34906A, on page 334
Typical AC Performance Graphs - 34905A, 34906A, on page 335
Module Specifications - 34907A, on page 336
Product and Module Dimensions, on page 337
To Calculate Total Measurement Error, on page 338
Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications, on page 340
Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements, on page 343
34970A Refresh Page 325 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
DC, Resistance, and Temperature Accuracy Specifications
DC, Resistance, and Temperature Accuracy Specifications
[1] Specifications are for 1 hour warm up and 6 digits, slow AC filter.
[2] Relative to calibration standards.
[3] 20% over range on all ranges except 300 VDC and 1 Adc ranges.
[4] Specifications are for 4-wire ohms function or 2-wire ohms using Scaling to remove the offset.
Without Scaling, add 4O additional error in 2-wire ohms function.
[5] 1 year accuracy. For total measurement accuracy, add temperature probe error.
[6] Thermocouple specifications are not guaranteed when 34907A module is present.
(% of reading + % of range)
Includes measurement error, switching error, and transducer conversion error
Test Current or
Burden Voltage
24 Hour
23 C 1 C
90 Day
23 C 5 C
1 Year
23 C 5 C
Coefficient /C
0 C - 18 C
28 C - 55 C
DC Voltage 100.0000 mV
1.000000 V
10.00000 V
100.0000 V
300.000 V
0.0030 + 0.0035
0.0020 + 0.0006
0.0015 + 0.0004
0.0020 + 0.0006
0.0020 + 0.0020
0.0040 + 0.0040
0.0030 + 0.0007
0.0020 + 0.0005
0.0035 + 0.0006
0.0035 + 0.0030
0.0050 + 0.0040
0.0040 + 0.0007
0.0035 + 0.0005
0.0045 + 0.0006
0.0045 + 0.0030
0.0005 + 0.0005
0.0005 + 0.0001
0.0005 + 0.0001
0.0005 + 0.0001
0.0005 + 0.0003
100.0000 O
1.000000 kO
10.00000 kO
100.0000 kO
1.000000 MO
10.00000 MO
100.0000 MO
1 mA current source
1 mA
100 A
10 A
5 A
500 nA
500nA || 10 MO
0.0030 + 0.0035
0.0020 + 0.0006
0.0020 + 0.0005
0.0020 + 0.0005
0.002 + 0.001
0.015 + 0.001
0.300 + 0.010
0.008 + 0.004
0.008 + 0.001
0.008 + 0.001
0.008 + 0.001
0.008 + 0.001
0.020 + 0.001
0.800 + 0.010
0.010 + 0.004
0.010 + 0.001
0.010 + 0.001
0.010 + 0.001
0.010 + 0.001
0.040 + 0.001
0.800 + 0.010
0.0006 + 0.0005
0.0006 + 0.0001
0.0006 + 0.0001
0.0006 + 0.0001
0.0010 + 0.0002
0.0030 + 0.0004
0.1500 + 0.0002
DC Current
34901A Only
10.00000 mA
100.0000 mA
1.000000 A
< 0.1 V burden
<0.6 V
<2 V
0.005 + 0.010
0.010 + 0.004
0.050 + 0.006
0.030 + 0.020
0.030 + 0.005
0.080 + 0.010
0.050 + 0.020
0.050 + 0.005
0.100 + 0.010
0.002 + 0.0020
0.002 + 0.0005
0.005 + 0.0010
Temperature Type 1-Year Best Range Accuracy
Extended Range Accuracy
Coefficient /C
1100C to 1820C
-150C to 1000C
-150C to 1200C
-100C to 1200C
-100C to 1300C
300C to 1760C
400C to 1760C
-100C to 400C
400C to 1100C
-200C to -150C
-210C to -150C
-200C to -100C
-200C to -100C
-50C to 300C
-50C to 400C
-200C to -100C
from 49O
to 2.1 kO
-200C to 600C 0.06C 0.003C
Thermistor 2.2 k, 5 k, 10 k -80C to 150C 0.08C 0.002C
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Chapter 8 Specifications
DC Measurement and Operating Characteristics
DC Measurement and Operating Characteristics
DC Measurement Characteristics
DC Voltage
Measurement Method:
A/D Linearity:
Input Resistance:
100 mV, 1V, 10 V ranges
100 V, 300 V ranges
Input Bias Current:
Input Protection:
Continuously Integrating
Multi-slope III A/D Converter
0.0002% of reading + 0.0001% of
Selectable 10 MO or > 10 GO
10 MO 1%
< 30 pA at 25 C
300 V on all ranges
Measurement Method:
Offset compensation:
Max. Lead Resistance:
Input Protection:
Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire Ohms
Current source reference to LO input
Selectable on 100O, 1kO, 10kO
10% of range per lead for 100 O and
1 kO ranges. 1 kO on all other
300 V on all ranges
DC Current
Shunt Resistance:
Input Protection:
5 O for 10 mA, 100 mA; 0.1 O for 1A.
1.5A 250 V fuse on 34901A module
Reference Junction Type:
Open T/C Check:
ITS-90 software compensation
Internal, Fixed, or External
Selectable per channel. Open > 5 kO
RTD o - 0.00385 (DIN/IEC 751) using
ITS-90 software compensation or
o = 0.00391 using IPTS-68 software
Thermistor 44004, 44007, 44006 series
Measurement Noise Rejection 60 Hz (50 Hz)
DC CMRR: 140 dB
Integration Time
200 PLC / 3.33s (4s)
100 PLC / 1.67s (2s)
20 PLC / 333 ms (400 ms)
10 PLC / 167 ms (200 ms)
2 PLC / 33.3 ms (40 ms)
1 PLC / 16.7 ms (20 ms)
< 1PLC
Normal Mode Rejection
110 dB
105 dB
100 dB
95 dB
90 dB
60 dB
0 dB
34970A Refresh Page 327 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
AC Accuracy Specifications
AC Accuracy Specifications
[1] Specifications are for 1 hour warm up and 6 digits, Slow AC filter
[2] Relative to calibration standards
[3] 20% over range on all ranges except 300 VAC and 1 A ac rangesand AC current ranges.
[4] For sinewave input >5% of range. For inputs from 1% to 5% of range and <50 kHz, add 0.1% of range additional error.
[5] Typically 30% of reading error at 1 MHz, limited to 1x10
V Hz
[6] Input > 100 mV. For 10 mV to 100 mV inputs, multiply % of reading error x 10.
[7] Specified only for inputs > 10 mA
(% of reading + % of range)
Includes measurement error, switching error, and transducer conversion error
Frequency 24 Hour
23 C 1 C
90 Day
23 C 5 C
1 Year
23 C 5 C
Coefficient /C
0 C - 18 C
28 C - 55 C
True RMS
AC Voltage
100.0000 mV
to 100 V
3 Hz - 5 Hz
5 Hz - 10 Hz
10 Hz - 20 kHz
20 kHz - 50 kHz
50 kHz - 100 kHz
100 kHz - 300 kHz
1.00 + 0.03
0.35 + 0.03
0.04 + 0.03
0.10 + 0.05
0.55 + 0.08
4.00 + 0.50
1.00 + 0.04
0.35 + 0.04
0.05 + 0.04
0.11 + 0.05
0.60 + 0.08
4.00 + 0.50
1.00 + 0.04
0.35 + 0.04
0.06 + 0.04
0.12 + 0.05
0.60 + 0.08
4.00 + 0.50
0.100 + 0.004
0.035 + 0.004
0.005 + 0.004
0.011 + 0.005
0.060 + 0.008
0.20 + 0.02
300.0000 V 3 Hz - 5 Hz
5 Hz - 10 Hz
10 Hz - 20 kHz
20 kHz - 50 kHz
50 kHz - 100 kHz
100 kHz - 300 kHz
1.00 + 0.05
0.35 + 0.05
0.04 + 0.05
0.10 + 0.10
0.55 + 0.20
4.00 + 1.25
1.00 + 0.08
0.35 + 0.08
0.05 + 0.08
0.11 + 0.12
0.60 + 0.20
4.00 + 1.25
1.00 + 0.08
0.35 + 0.08
0.06 + 0.08
0.12 + 0.12
0.60 + 0.20
4.00 + 1.25
0.100 + 0.008
0.035 + 0.008
0.005 + 0.008
0.011 + 0.012
0.060 + 0.020
0.20 + 0.05
and Period
100 mV
300 V
3 Hz - 5 Hz
5 Hz - 10 Hz
10 Hz - 40 Hz
40 Hz - 300 kHz
True RMS
AC Current
34901A Only
10.00000 mA
1.000000 A
3 Hz - 5 Hz
5 Hz - 10 Hz
10 Hz - 5 kHz
1.00 + 0.04
0.30 + 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
1.00 + 0.04
0.30 + 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
1.00 + 0.04
0.30 + 0.04
0.10 + 0.04
0.100 + 0.006
0.035 + 0.006
0.015 + 0.006
100.0000 mA
3 Hz - 5 Hz
5 Hz - 10 Hz
10 Hz - 5 kHz
1.00 + 0.5
0.30 + 0.5
0.10 + 0.5
1.00 + 0.5
0.30 + 0.5
0.10 + 0.5
1.00 + 0.5
0.30 + 0.5
0.10 + 0.5
0.100 + 0.06
0.035 + 0.06
0.015 + 0.06
Additional Low Frequency Error for ACV, ACI (% of reading) Additional Error for Frequency, Period (% of reading)
10 Hz - 20 Hz
20 Hz - 40 Hz
40 Hz - 100 Hz
100 Hz - 200 Hz
200 Hz - 1 kHz
> 1 kHz
AC Filter
AC filter
AC Filter
3 Hz - 5 Hz
5 Hz - 10 Hz
10 Hz - 40 Hz
40 Hz - 100 Hz
100 Hz - 300 Hz
300 Hz - 1 kHz
>1 kHz
6 Digits
5 Digits
4 Digits
34970A Refresh Page 328 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
AC Measurement and Operating Characteristics
AC Measurement and Operating Characteristics
AC Measurement Characteristics
True RMS AC Voltage
Measurement Method:
Crest Factor:
Additional Crest Factor
Errors (non-sinewave):
AC Filter Bandwidth:
Input Impedance:
Input Protection:
AC-coupled True RMS -measures
the AC component of input with up to
300 VDC of bias on any range
Maximum 5:1 at Full Scale
Crest Factor 1-2: 0.05% of reading
Crest Factor 2-3: 0.15% of reading
Crest Factor 3-4: 0.30% of reading
Crest Factor 4-5: 0.40% of reading
3 Hz - 300 kHz
20 Hz - 300 kHz
200 Hz - 300 kHz
1 MO 2%, in parallel with 150 pF
300 Vrms on all ranges
Frequency and Period
Measurement Method:
Voltage Ranges:
Gate Time:
Measurement Timeout:
Reciprocal counting technique
Same as AC Voltage function
1s, 100 ms, or 10 ms
Selectable 3 Hz, 20 Hz, 200 Hz LF
True RMS AC Current
Measurement Method:
Shunt Resistance:
Input Protection:
Direct coupled to the fuse and shunt.
AC-coupled True RMS
measurement (measures the AC
component only)
5O for 10 mA; 0.1O for 100 mA, 1A
1.5A 250 V fuse on 34901A module
Measurement Noise Rejection
AC CMRR: 70 dB
Measurement Considerations (Frequency and Period)
All frequency counters are susceptible to error when measuring low-
voltage, low-frequency signals, Shielding inputs from external noise
pickup is critical for minimizing measurement errors.
34970A Refresh Page 329 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
System Characteristics
System Characteristics
[1] Storage at temperatures above 40 C will decrease battery life.
System Characteristics
Scan Triggering
Scan Count:
Scan Interval:
Channel Delay:
External Trig Delay:
External Trig Jitter:
1 to 50,000 or continuous
0 to 99 hours; 1 ms step size
0 to 60 seconds/channel; 1 ms step size
< 300 s; With Monitor On, < 200 ms
< 2 ms
Alarm Outputs:
4 TTL compatible. Selectable TTL logic
HI or LO on Fail
5 ms (typical)
Time Stamp Resolution:
Alarm Queue:
USB Drive:
Battery Backed, 34970A - 4 year typical life

34972A - User-replaceable battery, recommended replacement during
yearly calibration.
50,000 internal readings with timestamp, readable during scan.
1 ms
1 s
5 instrument states
Up to 20 events
FAT or FAT32 format
General Specifications
Power Supply:
Power Line Frequency:
Power Consumption:
Operating Environment:
Storage Environment:
Weight (Mainframe):
RFI and ESD:
100 V / 120 V / 220 V/240 V 10%
45 Hz to 60 Hz automatically sensed
(12 W) 25 VA peak
Full accuracy for 0 C to 55 C
Full accuracy to 80% R.H. at 40 C
-40 C to 70 C
Net: 3.6 kg (8.0 lbs)
Conforms to CSA, US-1244, IEC 1010 CAT I
CISPR 11, IEC 801/2/3/4
1 year
This ISM device complies with Canadian ICES-001.
Cet appareil ISM est conforme norme NMB-001 du Canada.
34970A Refresh Page 330 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
System Speed Specifications [1]
System Speed Specifications
[1] Speeds are for 4 digits, delay 0, display off, autozero off, unless otherwise noted. Use MEAS command for best I/O
performance. RS232 at 115Kbaud.
[2] Maximum, with default delays defeated.
Single Channel Reading Rates to I/O or internal
34970A 34972A
into Memory to GPIB or
or Memory
readings/sec readings/sec readings/sec
Single Channel ASCII dcV readings 500 440 500
Single Channel while changing scale (eg MEAS dcV
10 / MEAS dcV 1)
25 25 25
Single Channel while changing function (eg MEAS
dcV / MEAS Ohms)
12 12 12
Scanning Measurement Rates to I/O or internal
34970A 34972A
into Memory to GPIB or
or Memory
ch/sec ch/sec ch/sec
Scanning DCV or Ohms channels
34901A/34908A 60 60 60
34902A 250 210 240
34902A into and out of memory (using INIT, FETCh) -- 180 240
34902A with timestamp (using MEAS) -- 150 240
34902A with scaling and alarms 220 190 220
34902A DCV and ohms on alternate channels 80 80 80
Scanning ACV channels
34901A/34908A 50 50 50
34902A 100 90 100
Scanning Temperature - Thermistor or T/C channels
34901A/34908A 50 50 50
34902A 150 150 150
Scanning Digital In/Totalizer channels
34907A Digital Input 275 250 275
34907A Totalizer 240 210 240
34970A Refresh Page 331 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
System Speed Specifications
System Speed Specifications
[3] Assumes relative time format (time since start of scan)
[4] Typical rates assuming lightly loaded PC and limited other traffic on I/Os. LAN rates assume use of socket connection;
VXI11 will be less.
[5] For fixed function and range, readings to memory, scaling/alarms/autozero off
Data out of memory [3][4] 34970A 34972A
(FETCh of 50K readings) over GPIB over RS232 over USB over LAN or
readings/sec readings/sec readings/sec readings/sec
Readings 800 600 55K 120K
Readings with timestamp 450 320 35K 60K
Readings with all format options ON. 310 230 25K 50K
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Chapter 8 Specifications
Module Specifications
Module Specifications
34901A, 34902A, 34908A, 34903A, 34904A
[1] See scanning rate specifications for measurement conditions and rates on each instrument.
[2] Errors included in the DMM measurement accuracy specifications
[3] 50O source, 50O load
[4] Isolation within channel 1 to 20 or 21 to 40 banks is -40 dB
[5] Thermocouple specifications not guaranteed when 34907A module is present
[6] Applies to resistive loads only
[7] Thermocouple measurements not recommended with 34908A module due to common LO configuration.
Multiplexer Actuator Matrix
General 34901A 34902A 34908A 34903A 34904A
Number of Channels 20+2 16 40 20 4x8
2/4 wire 2/4 wire 1 wire SPDT 2 wire
Connects to Internal DMM Yes Yes Yes No No
Scanning Speed
60 ch/s 250 ch/s 60 ch/s
Open/Close Speed 120/s 120/s 70/s 120/s 120/s
Maximum Input
Voltage (dc, AC rms) 300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V
Current (dc, AC rms) 1 A 50 mA 1 A 1 A 1 A
Power (W, VA) 50 W 2 W 50W 50W 50W
Isolation (ch-ch, ch-earth) dc, AC rms 300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V
DC Characteristics
Offset Voltage
< 3 V <6 V < 3 V < 3 V < 3 V
Initial Closed Channel R
< 1 O < 1 O < 1 O < 0.2 O < 1 O
Isolation (ch-ch, ch-earth) > 10 GO > 10 GO > 10 GO > 10 GO > 10 GO
AC Characteristics
Bandwidth 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz
Ch-Ch Cross Talk (dB)
10 MHz -45 -45 -18
-45 -33
Capacitance HI to LO < 50 pF < 50 pF < 50 pF < 10 pF < 50 pF
Capacitance LO to Earth < 80 pF < 80 pF < 80 pF < 80 pF < 80 pF
Volt-Hertz Limit 10
T/C cold Junction Accuracy
[2] [5]
(typical) 0.8 C 0.8 C 0.8 C
Switch Life No Load (typical) 100M 100M 100M 100M 100M
Switch Life Rated Load (typical)
100k 100k 100k 100k 100k
Temperature Operating All Modules: 0 C to 55 C
Temperature Storage All Modules: -20 C to 70 C
Humidity (non-condensing) All Modules: 40 C / 80% R.H.
34970A Refresh Page 333 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Module Specifications
Module Specifications
34905A, 34906A
RF Multiplexer
General 34905A 34906A
Number of Channels Dual 1x4
Dual 1x4
Open/Close Speed 60/s
Maximum Input
Voltage (dc, AC rms) 42 V
Current (dc, AC rms) 0.7 A
Power (W, VA) 20 W
DC Characteristics
Offset Voltage
< 6 V
Initial Closed Channel R
< 0.5 O
Isolation (ch-ch, ch-earth) > 1 GO
Switch Life No Load (typical) 5M
Switch Life Rated Load (typical)
Temperature Operating 0 C to 55 C
Temperature Storage -20 C to 70 C
Humidity (non-condensing) 40 C/ 80% R.H.
34970A Refresh Page 334 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Typical AC Performance Graphs
Typical AC Performance Graphs
34905A, 34906A
Insertion Loss (75O) Insertion Loss (50O)
VSWR (50O) VSWR (75O)
Direct to Module
Using provided adapter cables
Crosstalk (50O) Crosstalk (75O)
34970A Refresh Page 335 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Module Specifications
Module Specifications
[1] Limited to 40 mA total for all three slots (six DAC channels)
Digital Input/Output
Port 1, 2:
Vin (H):
Vin(H) Max:
Read/Write Speed:
8 Bit, input or output, non-isolated
< 0.8V (TTL)
> 2.0V (TTL)
< 0.8V @ Iout = -400 mA
> 2.4V @ Iout = 1 mA
<42V with external open drain pull-up
Maskable pattern match or state change
4 ms (max) alarm sampling
5 ms (typical) to 34970A/34972A alarm
Totalize Input
Maximum Count:
Totalize Input:
Signal Level:
Gate Input:
County Reset:
Read Speed:
- 1 (67,108,863)
100 kHz (max), rising or falling edge,
1 Vp-p (min)
42 Vpk (max)
0V or TTL, jumper selectable
TTL-HI, TTL-LO, or none
Manual or Read+Reset
Analog Voltage (DAC) Output
DAC 1, 2:
Settling Time:
1 year 5 C
Temp Coefficient:
12V, non-isolated (earth referenced)
1 mV
10 mA max
1 ms to 0.01% of output
(% of output + mV)
0.25% + 20 mV
(0.015% + 1 mV) / C
34970A Refresh Page 336 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Product and Module Dimensions
Product and Module Dimensions
103.6 mm
374.0 mm 254.4 mm
212.6 mm
88.5 mm
348.3 mm
All dimensions are shown
in millimeters.
34970A Refresh Page 337 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
To Calculate Total Measurement Error
To Calculate Total Measurement Error
Each specification includes correction factors which account for errors
present due to operational limitations of the internal DMM. This section
explains these errors and shows how to apply them to your
measurements. Refer to Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications,
starting on page 340, to get a better understanding of the terminology
used and to help you interpret the internal DMMs specifications.
The internal DMMs accuracy specifications are expressed in the form:
(% of reading + % of range). In addition to the reading error and range
error, you may need to add additional errors for certain operating
conditions. Check the list below to make sure you include all
measurement errors for a given function. Also, make sure you apply the
conditions as described in the footnotes on the specification pages.
If you are operating the internal DMM outside the 23 C 5 C
temperature range specified, apply an additional temperature
coefficient error.
For DC voltage, DC current, and resistance measurements, you may
need to apply an additional reading speed error.
For AC voltage and AC current measurements, you may need to
apply an additional low frequency error or crest factor error.
Understanding the % of reading Error The reading error
compensates for inaccuracies that result from the function and range you
select, as well as the input signal level. The reading error varies
according to the input level on the selected range. This error is expressed
in percent of reading. The following table shows the reading error
applied to the internal DMMs 24-hour DC voltage specification. .
Range Input Level
Reading Error
(% of reading)
Reading Error
10 VDC
10 VDC
10 VDC
10 VDC
0.1 VDC
s150 V
s15 V
s1.5 V
34970A Refresh Page 338 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
To Calculate Total Measurement Error
Understanding the % of range Error The range error
compensates for inaccuracies that result from the function and range you
select. The range error contributes a constant error, expressed as a
percent of range, independent of the input signal level. The following
table shows the range error applied to the DMMs 24-hour DC voltage
Total Measurement Error To compute the total measurement error,
add the reading error and range error. You can then convert the total
measurement error to a percent of input error or a ppm
(part-per-million) of input error as shown below.
% of input error = x 100
ppm of input error = x 1,000,000
Assume that a 5 VDC signal is input to the DMM on the 10 VDC range.
Compute the total measurement error using the 90-day accuracy
specification of (0.0020% of reading + 0.0005% of range).
Range Input Level
Reading Error
(% of reading)
Error Voltage
10 VDC
10 VDC
10 VDC
10 VDC
0.1 VDC
s40 V
s40 V
s40 V
Example: Computing Total Measurement Error
Reading Error = 0.0020% x 5 VDC = 100 V
Range Error = 0.0005% x 10 VDC = 50 V
Total Error = 100 V + 50 V = 150 V
= 0.0030% pf 5 VDC
= 30 ppm of 5 VDC
Total Measurement Error
Input Signal Level
Total Measurement Error
Input Signal Level
34970A Refresh Page 339 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications
Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications
This section is provided to give you a better understanding of the
terminology used and will help you interpret the internal DMMs
Number of Digits and Overrange
The number of digits specification is the most fundamental, and
sometimes, the most confusing characteristic of a multimeter. The
number of digits is equal to the maximum number of 9s the multimeter
can measure or display. This indicates the number of full digits. Most
multimeters have the ability to overrange and add a partial or digit.
For example, the internal DMM can measure 9.99999 VDC on the 10 V
range. This represents six full digits of resolution. The internal DMM
can also overrange on the 10 V range and measure up to a maximum of
12.00000 VDC. This corresponds to a 6-digit measurement with 20%
overrange capability.
Sensitivity is the minimum level that the internal DMM can detect for a
given measurement. Sensitivity defines the ability of the internal DMM
to respond to small changes in the input level. For example, suppose you
are monitoring a 1 mVDC signal and you want to adjust the level to
within 1 V. To be able to respond to an adjustment this small, this
measurement would require a multimeter with a sensitivity of at least 1
V. You could use a 6-digit multimeter if it has a 1 VDC or smaller
range. You could also use a 4-digit multimeter with a 10 mVDC range.
For AC voltage and AC current measurements, note that the smallest
value that can be measured is different from the sensitivity. For the
internal DMM, these functions are specified to measure down to 1% of
the selected range. For example, the internal DMM can measure down to
1 mV on the 100 mV range.
34970A Refresh Page 340 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications
Resolution is the numeric ratio of the maximum displayed value divided
by the minimum displayed value on a selected range. Resolution is often
expressed in percent, parts-per-million (ppm), counts, or bits. For
example, a 6-digit multimeter with 20% overrange capability can
display a measurement with up to 1,200,000 counts of resolution. This
corresponds to about 0.0001% (1 ppm) of full scale, or 21 bits including
the sign bit. All four specifications are equivalent.
Accuracy is a measure of the exactness to which the internal DMMs
measurement uncertainty can be determined relative to the calibration
reference used. Absolute accuracy includes the internal DMMs relative
accuracy specification plus the known error of the calibration reference
relative to national standards (such as the U.S. National Institute of
Standards and Technology). To be meaningful, the accuracy
specifications must be accompanied with the conditions under which
they are valid. These conditions should include temperature, humidity,
and time.
There is no standard convention among instrument manufacturers for
the confidence limits at which specifications are set. The table below
shows the probability of non-conformance for each specification with the
given assumptions.
Variations in performance from reading to reading, and instrument to
instrument, decrease for increasing number of sigma for a given
specification. This means that you can achieve greater actual
measurement precision for a specific accuracy specification number. The
34970A/34972A is designed and tested to meet performance better than
mean 3 sigma of the published accuracy specifications.
of Failure
Mean 2 sigma
Mean 3 sigma
34970A Refresh Page 341 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Interpreting Internal DMM Specifications
24-Hour Accuracy
The 24-hour accuracy specification indicates the internal DMMs relative
accuracy over its full measurement range for short time intervals and
within a stable environment. Short-term accuracy is usually specified for
a 24-hour period and for a 1 C temperature range.
90-Day and 1-Year Accuracy
These long-term accuracy specifications are valid for a 23 C 5 C
temperature range. These specifications include the initial calibration
errors plus the internal DMMs long-term drift errors.
Temperature Coefficients
Accuracy is usually specified for a 23 C 5 C temperature range. This
is a common temperature range for many operating environments. You
must add additional temperature coefficient errors to the accuracy
specification if you are operating the internal DMM outside a 23 C 5
C temperature range (the specification is per C).
34970A Refresh Page 342 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements
Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements
The measurement configurations shown below assume that the internal
DMM is in its Factory Reset state. It is also assumed that manual
ranging is enabled to ensure proper full scale range selection.
DC Voltage, DC Current, and Resistance Measurements:
Set the resolution to 6 digits (you can use the 6 digits slow mode for
further noise reduction).
Set the input resistance to greater than 10 GO (for the 100 mV, 1 V,
and 10 V ranges) for the best DC voltage accuracy.
Use 4-wire ohms and enable offset compensation for the best
resistance accuracy.
AC Voltage and AC Current Measurements:
Set the resolution to 6 digits.
Select the slow AC filter (3 Hz to 300 kHz).
Frequency and Period Measurements:
Set the resolution to 6 digits.
34970A Refresh Page 343 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
Chapter 8 Specifications
Configuring for Highest Accuracy Measurements
34970A Refresh Page 344 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
"" digit, 117
"B" (Mx+B scaling offset), 136
"half" digit, 117
"M" (Mx+B scaling gain), 136
"OPEN T/C" message, 125
*RST command, 196
*TRG command, 98
34901A module
channel numbering, 200
description, 200
module overview, 12, 200
screw terminal diagram, 201
simplified schematic, 200
wiring log, 201
34902A module
channel numbering, 202
description, 202
module overview, 12, 202
screw terminal diagram, 203
simplified schematic, 202
wiring log, 203
34903A module
channel numbering, 204
description, 204, 304
module overview, 13, 204
RC protection circuitry, 305
screw terminal diagram, 205
simplified schematic, 204
snubber circuitry, 305
wiring log, 205
34904A module
channel numbering, 206
combining matrices, 309
description, 206, 308
module overview, 13, 206
screw terminal diagram, 207
simplified schematic, 206
wiring log, 207
34905A module (50W)
channel numbering, 208
description, 208, 310
module overview, 13, 208
screw terminal diagram, 209
simplified schematic, 208
wiring log, 209
34906A module (75W)
channel numbering, 208
description, 208, 310
module overview, 13, 208
screw terminal diagram, 209
simplified schematic, 208
wiring log, 209
34907A module
8-bit vs. 16-bit operations,
151, 157
ac vs. TTL threshold, 154
adding to scan list, 151, 155
binary format, 49, 151
channel numbering, 210
clearing the count (totalizer),
current limitations (DAC),
159, 317
decimal format, 49, 151
description, 210
driving microwave switches,
gate signal, 153
maximum totalizer count, 154
module overview, 14, 210
screw terminal diagram 211
simplified block diagrams,
Totalize Threshold jumper,
154, 211
totalizer reset mode, 155
using alarms, 148
wiring log, 211
34908A module
channel numbering, 212
description, 212
module overview, 14, 212
screw terminal diagram 213
simplified schematic, 212
wiring log, 213
block diagram, 64
firmware revision, 167
4W annunciator, 8
50W RF switching 310
75W RF switching, 310
ABORT command, 95
aborting a scan, 94, 95
absolute time, 104
ac bandwidth
ac current 133
ac voltage, 131
vs. channel delays, 106
ac current
ac filter, 133, 281
connections, 28
low frequency filter, 133, 281
measurement ranges, 28, 133
settling time, 133, 281
ac filter
definition, 131, 133, 281
vs. channel delays, 106
ac measurement errors, 261
ac settling time, 131, 133
ac voltage measurements
ac filter, 131, 281
connections, 28
loading errors, 284
low frequency filter, 131, 281
ranges, 28, 130
settling time, 131, 281
signal conditioning, 279
true RMS measurements, 280
If you have questions relating to the operation of the 34970A/
34972A, call 1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact your
nearest Agilent Technologies Sales Office.
34970A Refresh Page 343 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
actuator switching, 73, 304
address (GPIB)
factory setting, 182, 187, 188,
selecting, 7, 182, 187, 188, 190
address, channel number, 30
ADRS annunciator, 8
Advanced key, 42, 121
ALARM annunciator, 141
ALARM annunciator, 8
alarm data, viewing, 143
Alarm key, 41, 47, 142
alarm limits
annunciators, 141
clearing alarm outputs, 146
configuring, 47
default settings, 48, 142
interaction with Mx+B, 47,
output connector location, 9,
output connector pinout, 145
output latch mode, 145
output slope (polarity), 146
output track mode, 146
scan on alarm, 100
setting limits, 47
with readings, 104
Alarm Out key, 41, 146
alarm output lines
clearing, 146
connector location, 9, 10
connector pinout, 145
latch mode, 145
slope (polarity), 146
track mode, 146
alarm queue, 48
clearing, 143
number of alarms, 139
output format, 144
storing alarms, 139, 143
alarm output lines, 145
annunciators, 141
default limit values, 142
description, 139
front-panel annunciators, 141
hardware output lines, 141,
interaction with Mx+B, 140
output connector, 145
setting limits, 143
storing in alarm queue, 139
storing in reading memory,
viewing alarm queue, 143
viewing reading memory, 143
while scanning, 92
with multifunction module,
Alarms connector, 145
alpha (a) for RTDs
default, 127
values, 127
analog-to-digital conversion
explanation, 76
integrating technique, 76
non-integrating technique, 76
annunciators, 8, 141
aperture time
definition, 120
selecting, 120
application programs
C and C++, 248
Excel 7.0, 241, 242
attenuation, 256, 264, 307
automatic channel delays, 106
Automatic Logging 180
automatic recall, power-down, 57,
autorange, threshold values, 115
definition, 122
vs. integration time, 122
average responding error, 280
average, during scan, 91
AWG, wire gauge size, 256
backplane relays, 200, 202, 303
bandwidth (ac)
ac current, 133
ac voltage, 131
vs. channel delays, 106
bank switch, 200, 202, 212, 303
baud rate (RS-232)
factory setting, 54, 56, 184
selecting, 54, 56, 184
BenchLink Data Logger Software
installation, 25
on-line help, 26
software overview, 11
bias current, dc loading errors, 278
binary format, digital read, 49, 151
bits, vs. integration time, 120
block diagram
34970A, 64
internal DMM, 74
BNC cable kits
34905A, 209
34906A, 209
braces ({ }), syntax, 89
brackets ([ ]), syntax, 89
break-before-make switching, 298
bridge, strain gage, 295
buffering triggers, 99
bumpers, removing, 37
burden voltage, 288
C and C++ example programs, 248
cable kits (SMB-to-BNC)
34905A, 209
34970A Refresh Page 344 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
34906A, 209
attenuation, 256
capacitance, 256
coaxial, 67
dielectric withstand voltage,
errors, 259
flat ribbon, 67
nominal impedance, 255
resistance, 256
RS-232, 23, 61
shielded coaxial, 258
shielding, 258
specifications, 255
twisted pair, 67, 258
types, 67
wire gauge size, 256
CALC:AVER command, 110
calculation error, thermocouple,
factory setting, 166
setting, 29, 166
overview, 191
read count, 195
security code, 191
text message, 194
to secure, 193
to unsecure, 192
calibration certificate, 23
capacitance, cable, 256
capacitive coupling, 258, 301
Card Reset key, 33
carrying handle
adjusting, 36
removing, 36
celsius, setting units, 123
Channel Advance (external scan-
connector, 9, 10
operation, 112
Channel Closed (external scan-
connector, 9, 10
operation, 112
channel configuration
copying, 32
front panel, 30
channel delay
automatic, 106
default values, 105
defined, 105
settings, 105
channel list
building from front panel, 94
building from remote, 95
examples, 89
rules, 89
channel number, with readings,
channel numbering, 30
34901A, 200
34902A, 202
34903A, 204
34904A, 206
34905A, 208
34906A, 208
34907A, 210
34908A, 212
chassis ground, 9, 10
clearing reading memory, 91
factory setting, 166
setting the, 29, 166
Close key, 33
coaxial cables, 67, 258
coefficient, temperature, 286
color codes, thermocouples, 271
command syntax (SCPI)
conventions, 89
version query, 173
common LO multiplexers, 71, 298
common mode noise, 273
CONFIG annunciator, 8
CONFigure command, 95
2-wire resistance, 28
4-wire resistance, 28
ac current, 28
ac voltage, 28
dc current, 28
dc voltage, 28
frequency, 28
period, 28
RTD, 28
thermistor, 28
thermocouples, 28
connector location
Alarm output, 9, 10, 145
Channel Advance, 9, 10
Channel Closed, 9, 10
Ext Trig, 9, 10, 99
RS-232, 9
connector pinout
alarm output, 145
debounce (totalizer), 316
protection, 305
resistance, 319
continuous scan count, 102
conversion accuracy
RTD, 265
thermistor, 265
thermocouple, 265
copying, channel configuration, 32
correlated noise, 261, 285
calibration, 195
clearing relay cycles, 170
reading relay cycles, 169, 319
34970A Refresh Page 345 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
count (scan)
continuous, 45, 102
default value, 45, 102
settings, 45, 102
count-down time, 97
adding to scan list, 51
manually reset, 51
reading count, 51
reset mode, 51
crest factor
defined, 282
crosspoint switching, 72
current limitation (DAC), 159, 317
current measurements
ac low frequency filter, 133,
ac settling time, 133, 281
burden voltage, 288
connections, 28
low frequency filter, 133, 281
measurement ranges, 28, 133
valid channels, 133
custom label (Mx+B)
displaying "" character, 137
valid characters, 137
clearing relay count, 170
reading relay count, 169, 319
DAC output (34907A)
current limitations, 159, 317
differential error, 318
integral error, 318
simplified schematic, 317
writing to, 52
data acquisition overview, 60
data bits (RS-232)
factory setting, 184
selecting, 184
DATA:LAST? command, 110
DATA:POINts? command, 110
DATA:REMove? command, 110
date (calendar)
factory settings, 166
setting, 29, 166
dc current
connections, 28
measurement ranges, 28
dc voltage
bias current, 278
common mode noise, 274
connections, 28
injected current, 276
input resistance, 130, 277
loading errors, 277
measurement ranges, 28, 130
signal conditioning, 274
decimal format (digital input), 49,
default delays (channel delays),
Default Gateway 190
delay (channel delay), 105
DHCP 188
dielectric withstand voltage, 255
differential error, (DAC), 318
diffusion error, 272
digital channels, external scan-
ning, 113
digital input (34907A)
8-bit vs. 16-bit operations, 151
adding to scan list, 49, 151
binary format, 49, 151
block diagram, 210
card reset, 151, 152
decimal format, 49, 151
scanning, 92
simplified schematic, 312
using alarms, 148
digital output (34907A)
8-bit vs. 16-bit operations, 157
binary format, 50, 157
card reset, 157
decimal format, 50, 157
driving microwave switches,
simplified schematic, 313
sink current, 313
TTL drive capability, 313
number of, 117
vs. integration time, 120
DIN/IEC 751, 123
disabling internal DMM, 112
annunciators, 8
enable/disable, 165
text message, 165
dissimilar metals, 260
DMM (internal)
block diagram, 263
enabling/disabling, 167, 169
reading relay count, 169
DNS Server 190
DTR/DSR flow mode (RS-232), 185
Dynamic Host Configuration Pro-
tocol 188
E5810A LAN-to-GPIB, 61
ERROR annunciator, 8, 163, 216
error messages, 215238
ac loading, 284
cabling, 259
capacitive coupling, 301
clearing, 163
common mode noise, 273
diffusion error, 272
frequency measurements, 297
loading, dc voltage, 277
34970A Refresh Page 346 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
loading, input bias current,
low-level ac, 261
magnetic fields, 260
multiplexing and switching,
period measurements, 297
reading error queue, 163, 216
RF multiplexing, 311
thermal EMF, 260
thermocouple calculation, 273
thermocouple reference junc-
tion, 272
totalizer, 316
example programs
C and C++, 248
Excel 7.0, 241
Excel macro example programs,
Exporting readings to USB 180
Express Exchange program, 15
EXT annunciator, 8
Ext Trig connector, 9, 10, 99, 111
external DMM
connections, 111
scanning with, 111
external reference (T/C), 124
external scanning
connections, 111
with digital channels, 113
external trigger
connector, 9, 10, 99, 111
scan interval, 96
factory reset state, 196
fahrenheit, setting units, 123
fast ac filter, 131, 133, 134, 281
fast timeout, 135
FETCh? command
description, 95
filler panel kit (rack mounting), 38
filter, ac signal, 131, 133, 134, 281
firmware revision
34970A, 167
plug-in modules, 167
fixed input range (dc voltage), 130
fixed reference (thermocouple),
flange kit (rack mounting), 38
flow mode (RS-232)
DTR/DSR mode, 185
factory setting, 54, 185
Modem mode, 186
None (no flow mode), 185
RTS/CTS mode, 185
selecting, 54, 185
XON/XOFF mode, 185
form C (SPDT) switching, 73, 304
alarm queue data, 144
scanned readings, 104
four-wire multiplexers, 71, 300
four-wire ohms, 132, 289
four-wiring paring (RTD), 127
frequency measurements
connections, 28
low frequency timeout, 135
sources of error, 297
front panel
annunciators, 8
defining scan list, 30
layout, 6
menu overview, 7, 39
front-panel display
enable/disable, 165
text message, 165
factory setting, 34
location, 9, 10, 35
part number, 34
replacing, 35
fuseholder assembly, 9, 10, 35
gage factor (strain), 294
gain "M" (Mx+B) scaling, 46, 136
gate signal (totalizer), 153, 316
gauge, wire size, 256
GET (Group Execute Trigger), 98
address selection, 9, 53, 55,
cable, 61
connector, 9
factory address setting, 174,
180, 182, 187
interface selection, 53, 55, 183
setting address, 174, 180, 182,
ground loops, 257, 261
grounding, 257
adjusting, 36
removing, 37
handshake (RS-232)
DTR/DSR mode, 185
factory setting, 54, 185
Modem mode, 186
None (no flow mode), 185
RTS/CTS mode, 185
selecting, 54, 185
XON/XOFF mode, 185
hardware output lines (alarms),
hardware, rack mounting, 38
high-frequency switching, 310
ice bath, 268
34970A Refresh Page 347 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
address selection, 53, 55, 183
cable, 61
connector, 9
factory address setting, 182,
187, 188, 190
interface selection, 53, 55, 183
setting address, 182, 187, 188,
impedance mismatching, 311
INITiate command
description, 95
injected current, dc voltage, 276
input resistance
dc loading errors, 277
dc voltage, 130, 131, 277
INPut:IMP:AUTO command, 131
insertion loss, 311
BenchLink Data Logger soft-
ware, 25
Instrument configuration, import-
ing 181
instrument preset state, 197
instrument state storage
definition, 57
front-panel operation, 161
naming states, 57, 160
power-down recall, 160
remote operation, 161
integral error (DAC), 318
integrating ADC, 76
integration time
definition, 120
selecting, 120
vs. channel delays, 106
vs. number of bits, 120
vs. number of digits, 120
vs. resolution, 120
Interface key, 43, 53, 55, 183
interface, GPIB (IEEE-488)
address selection, 53, 55, 183
cable, 61
connector, 9
factory address setting, 182
interface selection, 53, 55, 183
setting address, 182
interface, RS-232 (serial)
baud rate, 54
cable, 61
flow control, 54
parity, 54
stop bits, 54
internal DMM
block diagram, 263
enabling/disabling, 167
reading relay count, 169
internal reference (thermocouple),
internal timer, scan interval, 124
Interval key, 42, 97, 113
interval scan
default value, 97
resolution, 97
setting from front panel, 97
setting from remote, 97
settings, 97
interval, scan-to-scan, 45, 96
IP address 189
IPTS-68 conversions, 127, 266
isothermal block, 124, 270
ITS-90 conversions, 127, 266
jumper, Totalize Threshold, 154,
junction temperature, 267
kelvins, setting units, 123
Mx+B scaling, 46, 137
stored states, 57
LAN Connectivity 187
LAN, Resetting 187
language, SCPI syntax
conventions, 89
version query, 173
LAN-to-GPIB Gateway, 61
LAST annunciator, 8
latch mode, alarm output lines,
limits (alarms)
annunciators, 142
clearing alarm outputs, 146
configuring, 47
default settings, 48, 142
interaction with Mx+B, 47,
output connector location, 9,
output connector pinout, 145
output latch mode, 145
output slope (polarity), 146
output track mode, 146
scan on alarm, 100
setting limits, 47
with readings, 104
line voltage
factory setting, 34
fuse, 34
selection, 34
selector module, 9, 35
loading errors
ac voltage, 284
dc input resistance, 277
input bias current, 278
lock-link kit (rack mounting), 38
low frequency limit
ac current, 133
frequency, 135
34970A Refresh Page 348 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
MAC Address 190
magnetic field errors, 260
firmware revision, 167
clearing relay count, 169
reading relay count, 169, 319
matrix switching, combining, 308
MAX annunciator, 8
maximum reading, during scan,
Measure key, 30, 32, 41, 94
MEASure? command, 95
Measurement Complete signal, 112
measurement range
autorange, 115
overload, 115
selecting, 116
measurement resolution
"half" digit, 117
selecting, 118
vs. integration time, 120
measurement tutorial, 253
medium ac filter, 131, 133, 281
medium frequency timeout, 135
MEM annunciator, 8
reading scanned readings, 107
viewing alarm data, 143
viewing scanned data, 31
front panel, 7, 39
summary, 41
calibration, 194
errors, 215238
front-panel display, 165
Microsoft Visual C++, 248
microwave switches, driving, 314
MIN annunciator, 8
minimum reading, during scan, 91
flow control mode (RS-232),
module description
34901A, 200
34902A, 202
34903A, 204
34904A, 206
34905A, 208
34906A, 208
34907A, 210
34908A, 212
module information
default settings, 198
firmware revision, 167
reading relay count, 169
Mon key, 44, 172
MON annunciator, 8
Monitor function
definition, 171
scan on alarm, 101, 172
while scanning, 91
with alarms, 171
with Mx+B scaling, 171
multiplexer types, 298
errors, 301
four-wire, 71, 300
one-wire (single-ended), 71,
two-wire, 71, 298
VHF, 71
Mx+B key, 41, 46
Mx+B scaling
custom label, 46, 137
default gain ("M"), 136, 138
default offset ("B"), 136, 138
equation used, 136
interaction with alarms, 136
null stored as offset, 136
setting gain ("M"), 46, 138
setting offset ("B"), 46, 138
strain measurements, 295
valid gain ("M") values, 137
valid offset ("B") values, 137
while scanning, 91, 136
name, stored states, 57
noise caused by ground loops, 261
noise rejection, normal mode, 120
nominal impedance, cabling, 255
nominal resistance (RTD)
default, 127
values, 127
normal mode rejection, 120, 264
NPLC, 120, 264
vs. channel delays, 106
null, stored as offset ("B"), 137
number of bits
vs. integration time, 120
number of digits, 117
vs. integration time, 120
OC annunciator, 8
offset "B" (Mx+B) scaling, 46, 136
offset compensation, 132, 291
offset voltages, 122
On/Standby switch, 23
ONCE annunciator, 8
Open key, 33
output format, alarm queue data,
output lines, alarms, 141, 145
parity (RS-232)
factory setting, 184
selecting, 54, 184
34970A Refresh Page 349 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
pasting, channel configuration, 32
PCL, 120, 264 delays, 106
period measurements
connections, 28
sources of error, 297
plug-in module description
34901A, 200
34902A, 202
34903A, 204
34904A, 206
34905A, 208
34906A, 208
34907A, 210
34908A, 212
plug-in module information
connecting wiring, 27
default settings, 198
firmware revision, 167
installing in mainframe, 27
reading relay count, 169
strain relief, 27
poisson strain, 293
polarity, alarm output lines, 146
Power (Standby) switch, 23
power cord, 23
power failure, during scan, 93
power line cycles, 120, 264
power-down recall, 57, 93, 160
power-line fuse
factory setting, 34
location, 9, 10, 35
part number, 34
replacing, 35
power-line voltage
factory setting, 34
fuse, 34
selection, 34
selector module, 35
power-line, rejecting noise, 264
preset state, 197
programming examples
C and C++, 248, 249
Excel 7.0, 241, 242, 243
PT100 (RTD), 127, 266
quick start 21
Quick Start Kit, 23
R0 (RTD)
default, 127
range, 127
rack mounting
filler panel, 38
flange kit, 38
lock-link kit, 38
removing bumpers, 37
removing handle, 37
sliding-shelf kit, 38
radio frequency interference, 259
random noise, 297
autorange, 115
overload, 115
selecting, 116
ranges by function
2-wire ohms, 28, 132
4-wire ohms, 28, 132
ac current, 28, 133
ac voltage, 28, 130
dc current, 28, 133
dc voltage, 28, 130
RC protection circuitry, 305
Read key, 49, 51
READ? command, 95
reading format, 104
readings memory, storing alarms,
readings, viewing, 31, 107
real-time clock
factory setting, 166
setting, 29, 166
rear panel
external scanning, 111
pictorial overview, 9, 10
recall power-down state, 160
reference junction (thermocouple)
definition, 124
external reference, 124
fixed temperature, 124
internal reference, 124
reference channel, 124
reference thermocouple, 269
relative time, 104
relay contact protection, 305
relay contact resistance, 319
relay cycle count
clearing, 170
estimating relay life, 319
reading, 169, 319
relay life, 320
relay maintenance system,
vs. load switched, 320
relay maintenance system
clearing relay count, 170
reading relay count, 169, 319
remote interface, 53, 55
remote interface, GPIB (IEEE-
address selection, 53, 55, 183
cable, 61
interface selection, 53, 55, 183
remote interface, RS-232 (serial)
baud rate, 54, 56
cable, 61
flow control, 54
parity, 54
stop bits, 54
reset mode, totalizer, 51, 92
resistance measurements
34970A Refresh Page 350 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
2-wire ohms, 289
4-wire ohms, 289
connections, 28
nominal (RTD), 127
offset compensation, 132, 291
ranges, 28
"half"digit, 117
selecting 118
vs. integration time, 120
revision number (firmware)
34970A, 167
plug-in modules, 167
RF cable kits (SMB to BNC), 209
RF multiplexers
insertion loss, 311
sources of error, 311
VSWR, 311
RFI radiation, 259
ribbon cables, 67
RMT annunciator, 8
rosette (strain gage), 294
mand, 114
ROUTe:CHAN:DELay command,
ROUTe:CHAN:FWIRe command,
ROUTe:MON:DATA? command,
ROUTe:MON:STATe command,
ROUTe:SCAN command, 95
RS-232 (serial) interface
baud rate, 184
cable, 23, 61
connector location, 9
flow mode, 185
parity, 184
selecting interface, 183
RTD measurements, 127
alpha (a), 127
connections, 28
conversion accuracy, 265
measurement tutorial, 266
measurement units, 123
supported types, 28, 123
RTS/CTS flow mode (RS-232), 185
rubber bumpers, removing, 37
safety notices 3
Sample (*) annunciator, 8
sample programs
C and C++, 248
Excel 7.0, 241
scale, temperature units, 123
scaling (Mx+B)
custom label, 46, 137
default gain ("M"), 136, 138
default offset ("B"), 136, 138
equation used, 136
interaction with alarms, 136
null stored as offset, 136
setting gain ("M"), 46, 138
setting offset ("B"), 46, 138
strain measurements, 295
valid gain ("M") values, 137
valid offset ("B") values, 137
while scanning, 91, 136
SCAN annunciator, 8
scan configuration, copying, 32
scan configuration, front panel, 30
scan count
continuous, 45, 102
default value, 45, 102
settings, 45, 102
scan interval
default value, 45, 97
resolution, 97
setting from front panel, 97
setting from remote, 97
Scan key, 31, 94
scan list
adding channels to, 94
building from front panel, 94
building from remote, 95
defining, 3031
examples, 89
reading digital input, 49
reading totalizer count, 51
rules, 89
scan sweep, defined, 96
aborting a scan, 94, 95
alarm mode, 100
channel delay, 105
clearing memory, 91, 94, 95
external mode, 99
external scan with digital in-
put, 113
initiating from front panel, 94
initiating from remote, 95
interval (timer) mode, 97
interval trigger, 96
manual (once) mode, 98
memory overview, 91
modules allowed, 90
on alarm, 100
power failure, 93
reading format, 104
readings stored in memory, 91
removing modules during, 92
rules, 90
scan once (manual) mode, 98
statistics, 91
stopping scan, 97
storing readings, 92
timer (interval) mode, 97
viewing readings, 107
with alarms, 92
with digital input channels,
34970A Refresh Page 351 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
with external instrument, 111
with Monitor function, 91
with Mx+B scaling, 91
with totalizer channels, 92
SCPI language
syntax conventions, 89
vision query, 173
screw terminal connections
ac current, 28
ac voltage, 28
dc current, 28
dc voltage, 28
frequency, 28
period, 28
resistance, 28
RTDs, 28
thermistors, 28
thermocouples, 28
wiring strain relief, 27
wiring strip length, 27
screw terminal diagram
34901A, 201
34902A, 203
34903A, 205
34904A, 207
34905A, 209
34906A, 209
34907A, 211
34908A, 213
secure calibration, 193
security code (calibration)
factory setting, 191
to change, 193
complete, 24
failure, 24
power-on, 24
sense connections (RTD), 127
sense connections, 300
sensor types, 68
serial (RS-232) interface
baud rate, 184
cable, 23, 61
connector location, 9
flow mode, 185
parity, 184
selecting interface, 183
settling delay
automatic, 106
default value, 105
defined, 105
settings, 105
settling time, 292
settling time, ac voltage, 281
shearing strain, 293
shielding, 258
shielding, thermocouple wire, 273
SHIFT annunciator, 8, 22
Shift key, 22
shunt impedance, 273
signal conditioning, 76
ac voltage, 279
dc voltage, 274
simplified schematic,
34901A, 200
34902A, 202
34903A, 204
34904A, 206
34905A, 208
34906A, 208
34907A, 210
34908A, 212
single-channel Monitor, 171, 172
sink current, digital output, 313
sliding-shelf kit (rack mounting),
slope, alarm output lines, 146
slot numbering, 9, 10
slow ac filter, 131, 281
slow timeout, 135
SMB cable kits, 209
snubber circuitry, 305
software (BenchLink Data Logger)
installation, 25
on-line help, 26
overview, 11
source connections (RTD), 127
source connections, 300
SPDT (Form C) switching, 73, 304
Standby (Power) switch, 23
state storage
definition, 57
front-panel operation, 161
naming states, 57, 160
power-down recall, 160
remote operation, 161
statistics, while scanning, 91
Status of LAN Connectivity 187
status register
example program, 250
Step key, 31, 94
Sto//Rcl key, 43, 57
stopping scan, 97
stored states
definition, 57
front-panel operation, 161
naming states, 57, 160
power-down recall, 160
remote operation, 161
strain gage
common uses, 294
gage factor, 294
measurements, 137, 293
Mx+B equations, 137
poisson strain, 293
rosette, 294
shearing strain, 293
Wheatstone bridge, 295
strain relief, 27, 255
stress (strain gage), 293
strip length, wiring, 27
Subnet Mask 189
sweep (scan), defined, 94, 96
34970A Refresh Page 352 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
switch contact resistance, 319
switch life, 319
switch types
form C (SPDT), 73
matrix, 72
multiplexer, 71, 298
switching, errors, 301
syntax, SCPI conventions, 89
system cabling, 67, 255
system clock
factory setting, 166
setting the, 29, 166
SYSTem:ERRor? command, 216
SYSTem:PRESet command, 197
technical support
phone numbers 3
Web site 3
temperature coefficient, 286
temperature conversion accuracy,
temperature measurements
RTDs, 127
thermistors, 129
thermocouples, 124
temperature units, 123
terminal connections
ac current, 28
ac voltage, 28
dc current, 28
dc voltage, 28
frequency, 28
period, 28
resistance, 28
RTDs, 28
thermistors, 28
thermocouples, 28
wire strain relief, 27
wire strip length, 27
thermal EMF errors, 260
connections, 28
conversion accuracy, 265
measurement tutorial, 129,
measurement units, 123
types supported, 28, 123
Thermocouple Check feature, 125
calculation error, 273
color codes, 271
connections, 28
conversion accuracy, 265
diffusion error, 272
external reference, 124
fixed reference, 124
internal reference, 124
isothermal block, 124
measurement tutorial, 267
measurement units, 123
metals used, 271
probe accuracy, 271
reference junction error, 272
reference junction, 124
shielding, 273
shunt impedance, 273
temperature range, 271
Thermocouple Check , 125
types supported, 28
thermoelectric voltages, 260
threshold, totalize, 154156
time (clock)
factory setting, 166
setting the, 29, 166
time stamp
absolute, 104
relative, 104
timeout, low frequency, 135
torroid 259
totalize threshold, 154
hardware jumper, 315
ac vs. TTL threshold, 154
adding to scan list, 51, 155
block diagram, 315
clearing the count, 156
contact bounce, 316
counting on falling edge, 153
counting on rising edge, 153
errors, 316
gate signal, 153, 316
manually reset, 51
maximum count, 154, 315
reading count, 51
reset mode while scanning, 92
reset mode, 51, 155
scanning, 92
Totalize Threshold jumper,
track mode, alarm output lines,
transducer types, 68
tree switch, 303
triangle brackets (< >), syntax, 89
TRIG:SOUR command, 97
TRIG:TIMer command, 97
TRIGGER command, 98
TRIGger:COUNt command, 103
buffering, 99
external, 99
scan, 96
error messages, 215238
true RMS, 280
TTL drive, digital output, 313
tutorial 253
twisted pair cables, 67
two-wire multiplexers, 71, 298
two-wire ohms, 289
34970A Refresh Page 353 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM
UNIT:TEMP command, 123
temperature, 123
with readings, 104
unsecure calibration, 192
USB Front Panel 180
USB, exporting readings 180
USB, formatting readings 180
USB, importing an instrument
configuration 181
Utility key 42
varistor, 306
vertical bar ( | ), syntax, 89
VIEW annunciator, 8
View key, 31, 42, 109, 143
alarm data, 143
readings, 107
scanned readings, 31
Visual Basic, example, 241
VM Complete signal, 112
voltage (DAC) output
card reset, 159
current limitations, 159, 317
differential error, 318
integral error, 318
resetting, 52
simplified schematic, 317
writing, 52
voltage dividers, 305
voltage measurements, 130
ac low frequency filter, 131
ac settling time, 131
VSWR, 311
34901A, 201
34902A, 203
34903A, 205
34904A, 207
34908A, 212
warranty 2
waveform tutorial, 253
Wheatstone bridge (strain), 295
wire size (gauge), 256
wiring connections
ac current, 28
ac voltage, 28
dc current, 28
dc voltage, 28
frequency, 28
period, 28
resistance, 28
RTDs, 28
thermistors, 28
thermocouples, 28
wiring strain relief, 27
wiring strip length, 27
wiring log
34901A, 201
34902A, 203
34903A, 205
34904A, 207
34905A, 209
34906A, 209
34907A, 211
34908A, 213
Write key, 50, 52
XON/XOFF annunciator, 185
ZERO:AUTO command, 122
34970A Refresh Page 354 Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12:34 PM

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