Wilderness Survival Books
Wilderness Survival Books
Wilderness Survival Books
Alaska, Where the Tough Survive by Robert Parish - Alaskana GV 200.5 .P36 1987 Alaska on Foot: wilderness techniques for the Far North by Erik Molvar Alaskana GV 199.42 .A4 .M65 1996 Alaska Outdoor Lores: how to camp & survive in the wilderness - Alaskana GV 200.5 .A42 1998 Basic Wilderness Survival Skills: build shelters, safety and first aid, fire building, forage, hunt, and fish, and much more by Bradford Angier - GV 200.5 .A555 2002 Bush Craft by Mors L. Kochanski - GV 200.5 .K63 1988 Canoe Camping on a Song and a Paddle by Thomas J. Elpel - GV 200.5 .A776 2006 v. 4 (DVD) Cheating Death: amazing survival stories from Alaska by Larry Kaniut - Alaskana GV 200.5 .K36 1994 The Complete Practical Guide to Camping, Hiking & Wilderness Skills by Peter G. Drake GV 200.5 .D72 2004 Complete Survival Manual by Michael S. Sweeney - GV 200.5 .S944 2008 The Disaster Diaries: how I learned to stop worrying and love the apocalypse by Sam Sheridan GF 86 .S537 2012 Earthquake Survival Manual by Lael Morgan - QE 539.2 .S34 .M67 1993 The Encyclopedia of Survival Techniques by Alexander Stilwell - GV 200.5 .S86 2000 The Essential Wilderness Navigator by David Seidman - GV 200.5 .S44 2001 Extreme Survival by Marshall Corwin - GV 200.5 .C67 2010 The Field & Stream Wilderness Survival Handbook by Len McDougall - GV 200.5 .M374 2001 Hawkes Special Forces Survival Handbook by Myke Hawke - GV 200.5 .H393 2011 How to Build an Igloo: and other snow shelters by Norbert E. Yankielun - TH 4890 .Y36 2007 How to Stay Alive in the Woods by Bradford Angier - GV 200.5 .A55 2001 Living Off the Country; how to stay alive in the woods by Bradford Angier - SK 601 .A66 Man vs. Wild: survival techniques from the most dangerous places on Earth by Bear Grylls - GV 200.5 .G79 2008 Modern Outdoor Survival by Dwight R. Schuh - GV 200.5 .S38 1983 Modern Wilderness Survival by John Walter Solomon - GV 200.5 .S65 2012 Mountain Lakes: a survival fishing trip by Thomas J. Elpel - GV 200.5 .A776 2006 v. 3 (DVD) Mountain Meadows: camping with almost nothing but the dog by Thomas J. Elpel - GV 200.5 .A776 2006 v. 2 (DVD) Mountain Wilderness Survival by Craig E. Patterson - GV 200.5 .P25
Mountainman Crafts and Skills: a fully illustrated guide to wilderness living and survival by David R. Montgomery - TT 23.6 .M65 2008 Northern Survival by The Canada Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development - SK 606 .C36 1979 Oh No! Were Gonna Die: humorous tales of close calls in the Alaska wilderness by Bob Bell - Alaskana GV 200.5.B44 2006 Oh no! We're Gonna Die Too: more humorous tales of close calls in Alaska's wilderness by Bob Bell Alaskana F 904.6 .B44 2009 Outdoor Survival by Garth Hattingh - GV 200.5 .H38 2003 Outdoor Survival by Charles Platt - GV 200.5 .P42 Outdoor Survival Guide by Randy Gerke - GV 200.5 .G47 2010 Outdoor Survival Skills by Larry Dean Olsen - GV 200.5 .O47 1997 Participating in Nature: wilderness survival and primitive living skills by Thomas J. Elpel GV 200.5 .E46 2009 Practical Outdoor Survival by Len McDougall - GV 200.5 .M376 1993 RCAF Survival Training School - -GV 200.5 .D64 Skills for Taming the Wilds by Bradford Angier - SK 601 .A67 Stay Alive: a guide to survival in mountainous areas by Preston Westmoreland - GV 200.5 .S72 1993B (DVD) Survival & Self-Reliance by Jim Meuninck - GV 200.5 .S879 2007 (DVD) Survival Beyond the 10 Essentials by Gene Ward - GV 200.5 .S87 2005 (DVD) The Survival Handbook by W.K. Merrill - GV 200.5 .M48 Surviving Alaska: this book may save your life by Mary Ames Alaskana GF 86 .A525 2008 Surviving Cold Weather by Gregory J. Davenport - GV 200.5 .D37 2002 Three Days at the River with Nothing But Our Bare Hands by Thomas J. Elpel - GV 200.5 .A776 2006 v. 1 (DVD) Wild: stories of survival from the worlds most dangerous places - GV 200.5 .W535 1999 Wild: stories of survival from the worlds most dangerous places - GV 200.5 .W535 2000B (DVD) Wilderness Bobs Outdoor Survival - GV 200.5 .W542 2010 (DVD) Wilderness Living by Gregory J. Davenport - GV 200.5 .D38 2001 Wilderness Survival: living off the land with the clothes on your back and the knife on your belt by Mark Elbroch - GV 200.5 .E44 2006 Wilderness Survival Guide by Marty Alford - GV 200.5 .A43 1987 Wilderness Survival for Dummies by John F. Haslett - GV 200.5 .H375 2009 Wilderness Survival Skills by Karl McCullough - GV 200.5 .M338 2010 Winter Wise: travel and survival in snow and ice by Marty Alford - GV 200.5 .A43 1999 The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook by Joshua Piven - GF 86 .P59 1999 The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: travel by Joshua Piven - G 151 .P5 2001
Compiled by Patty Kunz (with a bit of input from Georgine Olson) for Fairbanks North Star Borough Public Libraries, March 2013