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Global Marketing

Warren J. Keegan Mark C. Green

Introduction to Global Marketing Chapter 1

Global vs. Regular Marketing
- Scope of activities are outside the home-country market

Create value for customers by improving benefits or reducing price
Improve the product Find new distribution channels Create better communications Cut monetary and non-monetary costs and prices Value=Benefits/Price

Economic globalization constitutes integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, direct foreign investment (by corporations and multinationals), short-term capital flows, international flows of workers and humanity generally, and flows of technology. ~Jagdish Bhagwait~

An industry is global to the extent that a companys industry position in one country is interdependent with its industry position in another country
Indicators of globalization:
Ratio of cross-border investment to total capital investment Proportion of industry revenue generated by all companies that compete in key world regions Ratio of cross-border trade to worldwide production Coca Cola spent $5 billion worldwide on promotions and marketing in 2010


Concentration and attention on core business and competence

Nestle is focused: We are food and beverages. We are not

running bicycle shops. Even in food we are not in all fields. There are certain areas we do not touchWe have no soft drinks because I have said we will either buy Coca-Cola or we leave it alone. This is focus.
~Helmut Maucher, former chairman of Nestl SA~

GLOBAL MARKETING: What It Is & What It Isnt

Single Country Marketing Strategy

Target Market Strategy Marketing Mix
Product Price Promotion Place

Global Marketing Strategy

Global Market Participation Marketing Mix Development
4 Ps: Adapt or Standardize?

Concentration of Marketing Activities Coordination of Marketing Activities Integration of Competitive Moves


Globalization (Standardization)
Developing standardized products marketed worldwide with a standardized marketing mix Essence of mass marketing

Global localization (Adaptation)

Mixing standardization and customization in a way that minimizes costs while maximizing satisfaction Essence of segmentation Think globally, act locally


The Faces of Coca-Cola Around the World
Arabic Read right to left

Chinese delicious/happiness

McDonalds Global Marketing

The Importance of Going Global

For U.S. companies, 75% of total world market for goods and services is outside the country
Coca-Cola earns 75% of operating income and 2/3 of profit outside of North America

For Japanese companies, 90% of world market is outside the country 94% of market potential is outside of Germany for its companies even though it is the largest EU market

How Big Is The Global Market?

Management Orientations
Ethnocentric Orientation
Home country is superior to others Sees only similarities in other countries Assumes products and practices that succeed at home will be successful everywhere Leads to a standardized or extension approach

Management Orientations
Polycentric Orientation
Each country is unique

Each subsidiary develops its own unique business and marketing strategies Often referred to as multinational
Leads to a localized or adaptation approach that assumes products must be adapted to local market conditions

Management Orientations
Regiocentric Orientation
A region is the relevant geographic unit
Ex: The NAFTA or European Union market

Some companies serve markets throughout the world but on a regional basis
Ex: General Motors had four regions for decades

European Union

Management Orientations
Geocentric Orientation
Entire world is a potential market Strives for integrated global strategies Also known as a global or transnational company Retains an association with the headquarters country Pursues serving world markets from a single country or sources globally to focus on select country markets Leads to a combination of extension and adaptation elements

Forces Affecting Global Integration & Global Marketing

Multilateral trade agreements
Converging market needs and wants and the information revolution Transportation and communication improvements

Product development costs

Driving Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing

R&D as a percent of sales

World economic trends

2008 global crisis Growing middle class in China, India, Brazil, etc. Rapid growth in China pre2008 Movement to free markets worldwide

Driving Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing

Experience transfers Scale economies Resource utilization Global strategy

Restraining Forces Affecting Global Integration and Global Marketing

Management myopia Organizational culture

National controls Opposition to globalization

Book Overview
Part I: Overview of Global Marketing
Part II: Environments of Global Marketing Part III: Global Strategy

Part IV: Global Considerations of the Marketing Mix

Part V: Integrating the Dimensions of Global Marketing

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