MARKET Segmentation Model

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering

Vol:6, No:9, 2012
A Model of Market Segmentation for the
Customers of Mellat Bank in Iran
Nader Gharibnavaz, Hossein Yazdi
Abstract—If organizations like Mellat Bank want to identify its The objective of the bank is rendering bank services
customer market completely to reach its specified goals, it can throughout Iran and facilitating domestic and foreign
segment the market to offer the product package to the right segment. commercial affairs and involving in production fields to
Our objective is to offer a segmentation model for Iran banking render services to the economy of Iran. The term of activity of
market in Mellat bank view. The methodology of this project is the bank is unlimited and its head office is located in Tehran.
combined by “segmentation on the basis of four part-quality
The capital of the bank at the beginning of establishment was
variables” and “segmentation on the basis of different in means”.
Required data are gathered from E-Systems and researcher personal designated as sum of 33,500 million Rials which at the being
observation. Finally, the research offers the organization that at first it is 16,000 billion Rials. The operations of the bank at the
step form a four dimensional matrix with 756 segments using four onset of its activities were include opening and keeping
variables named value-based, behavioral, activity style, and activity current and savings account, accepting deposits, granting loans
level, and at the second step calculate the means of profit for every and credits, carrying out foreign currency transactions,
cell of matrix in two distinguished work level (levels α1:normal performing duties of trusteeship, administration, attorney ship
condition and α2: high pressure condition) and compare the segments and representation and performing other bank operations and
by checking two conditions that are 1- homogeneity every segment
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:6, No:9, 2012

commercial transaction which were not prohibited by virtue of

with its sub segment and 2- heterogeneity with other segments, and
prevalent laws and regulations of Iran.
so it can do the necessary segmentation process. After all, the last
offer (more explained by an operational example and feedback This research tries to offer a segmentation model for
algorithm) is to test and update the model because of dynamic banking system in Iran. Iran banking system does not have a
environment, technology, and banking system. complete, fit and clear segmentation for its market. So the
main problem is to offer a model to do it. Of course here we
Keywords—market segmentation model, banking system, Mellat don’t want to make a segmentation model or run it in the
bank market.
In the last 2 years some efforts have been done and finally
I. INTRODUCTION Mellat Bank had four segments for its customers as list below
explain it:
I N every bank, it is necessary to completely understand
every customer characteristic and needs specifically. But it
is not physically accessible and of course if it can be done,
1. Mehan: the most important group of customers those
are very active, loyal and valuable.
then it cannot be profitable. So what is the solution for these 2. Shayan: the second group of customers those are
problems? The answer is having and using a segmentation suitable and worthy for becoming one of Mehan.
model. By using a segmentation model an organization like a 3. Pooyan: the third group of customers those are
bank can know, distinguish, understand the specific needs for nearly active enough for a good change and grow.
every segment and finally behave with every segment as a 4. Kahan: the last group of customers in the system
personal characteristic differently. without any value or benefits.
Mass customization production is not a miracle but a real This segmentation is not enough for the Mellat Bank and
work just like a wonderwork that try to produce everyone one we should try the better one that can respond many questions
product, exactly. Although this way of production try to do a about the best way to behave with all different kinds of
wonderwork in marketing, but there is a problem. More customers, because there is no theory or model for
customization the product is, more the cost of production segmentation in Iran banking market, all of the aspects of the
process will be. So segmentation is the best way we can find problem are not obvious.
to solve this problem up to now. As per the contents of Article For example some categorization implemented in other
1 of Articles of Association of the Bank, approved in the countries but in Iran we cannot find some project as complete
General Assembly of Banks, Bank Mellat started its activity in as this one: Recently, a typology based on bank customers’
1980 by merging of 10 private banks (Dariush, Tehran, Pars, evaluation of the received relational benefits has identified
Etebarat Taavoni & Tozie, Iran & Arab, Bein-al-melalie-Iran, three segments[16]. Group 1, described as satisfied customers
Omran, Bimeh-Iran , Tejarat Khareji Iran and Farhangian) and without special treatment, conferred great importance to social
the at the present time it is active enjoying more than 1800 and confidence benefits categories and very little importance
branches all over Iran and other branches in Istanbul, Izmir, to special treatment benefits. Group 2, qualified as satisfied
Ankara in Turkey, Seoul in South Korea, Yerevan in Armenia, customers with special treatment, differed from the two other
London and Dubai (Persia Bank) and a percentage of the groups by the relatively greater importance they gave to
Share of Europaisch-Iranische Handelsbank. special treatment benefits. And group 3, described as
unsatisfied customers or customers without preferences, was
characterized by a below-average valuation of all benefits and
particularly of the social benefits. [7]. The importance of this
Nader Gharibnavaz is an assistant Professor in Department of research came from organization foresight and the observation
Management, Shahr-e-Qods- Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, of many deficiencies in implementing the functions and
(e-mail: [email protected])
Hossein Yazdi is Master of Business Administration From Nore Toba operational activities in the future of Bank Mellat when the
University, Tehran, Iran other private and foreign banks come to a huge competition.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 6(9) 2012 2458
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering
Vol:6, No:9, 2012

One reason for this attempt is the changes that were II. LITERATURE REVIEW
occurred in some other foreign systems while the competition
A. Introduction
was being started in high ranges. In the U.S. banking industry,
regulation persisted until the late 1970s, constraining While reviewing the past researches and categorizing them
consumer choice and capping rates. in this chapter, here the theoretical basics of the research are
ready to study. So in this chapter the survey for experimental
Competition was limited to banks in local markets; within
and theoretical literature is written on the basis of different
the local markets, other financial institutions and out-of-state
sets of variables. These variables help us to write the literature
banks were not allowed to offer banking services. In retailing,
review in thematic way so that the conditions for using the
hours of operation were often restricted by local governments, historic information would be better with respect to literature
and many professionals, such as doctors and lawyers, could review on the basis of time and history. Literature reviewing
not advertise their services. on the basis of time and history is not good enough to reach an
In the transportation and communication industries, organized system on the basis of subject and content. So it is
railroad, pipeline, and telecommunications firms were given better to use of thematic way for writing literature review. Of
local or national monopolies to prevent the development of course this method is harder than historic way for literature
costly duplicative infrastructures. review
In the airline, trucking, and other industries, regulations to
B. Market Segmentation
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:6, No:9, 2012

combat excessive, destructive competition were adopted

during the Great Depression. Patterns of regulation were Market segmentation would seem to serve a number of
similar in other developed countries in Europe and Asia. As a closely interrelated purposes. It is seen as a means of
result of deregulation, many individual businesses are facing a predicting future behavior a method of detecting, evaluating
major increase in the level of competition. [13]. and selecting homogeneous groups and away of identifying a
target market for which a competitive strategy can be
Scientific objective: offering a testable segmentation model
formulated. More generally it allows the company to identify
for using in the customer market of Mellat Bank.
key consumer groups, evaluate the importance of each
Applicable Objectives: explanation and description of segment to the business and communicate and target products
theoretical and operational process for this model. and resources more effectively [11].
Subsidiary objectives: modeling a feedback algorithm to
test the degree of success of segmentation model in a specific C. Market
banking market. Most strategy researchers [8],[12],[36] have tended to
Given are two samples from the same population. The first operationalize strategic mission as a nominal variable, a closer
sample is exposed to some factor on the first level α = 1, and examination The marketing concept has a vertical emphasis,
the second sample is exposed to the same factor on the second that is, it refers to a dyadic relationship between buyers and
level α = 1. Both populations are characterized by values of a sellers. It does not normally comprise horizontal matters.
continuous variable Y (explained variable, dependent Therefore, the theoretical perspective in this article on the
variable), values of both discrete and continuous variables X1, marketing concept is supported by and limited to the channel
. . . ,Xn (explanatory variables, independent variables) and the theory [24] [3]. The marketing channel should be regarded as
value of a factor α. We know that the factor α has influence on a single entity, a super-organization or a social system that
consists of a number of interdependent firms that are involved
variable Y, but this influence depends on the values of the
in the task of the distribution of products to the ultimate
explanatory variables.
consumer. [22].
The general population should be divided into segments (by
imposing conditions on the explanatory variables X1,… ,Xn) D.Bank
so that the following conditions are fulfilled Most strategy researchers [8],[12],[36] have tended to
• The condition of homogeneity within the segment operationalize strategic mission as a nominal variable, a closer
The difference in means Y¯ α=1 − Y¯ α=0 calculated for all the examination Given the nature of its operations and services,
observations from the particular segment should be equal to the banking sector is relatively amenable to innovative
the difference calculated for observations from any sub technologies. In particular, the development of electronic
segment of this segment. communication channels has had a profound impact on the
• The condition of heterogeneity between the segments industry. The electronic distribution of retail banking services
The difference in means Y¯ α=1 − Y¯ α=0 calculated for the emerged with the introduction of automated teller machines
observations from the particular segment should be (ATMs), a technology pioneered by Barclays Bank in 1967.
significantly different than the difference calculated for
observations from any other segment. [16] E. Mellat Bank
Because the research is just a descriptive one, so there is no Most strategy researchers [8],[12],[36] have tended to
population, sampling, gathering the information and no operationalize strategic mission as a nominal variable, a closer
questionnaire. examination Bank Mellat provides commercial banking
services in Iran. Its services include access cards, currant
accounts, banking kiosks, and point of sales terminals, as well
as electronic current accounts.

International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 6(9) 2012 2459
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering
Vol:6, No:9, 2012

The company also provides tele banking, SMS banking, and III. RESEARCH METHOD
Internet banking services. Bank Mellat was founded in 1979
A. First step: qualitative segmentation on the basis of
and is based in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran with
Migros Company method.
branches in Iran, as well as Turkey and South Korea[3].
Here we have four general sets of variables: value-based,
F. Experimental research basics behavior, activity style, and activity level. In addition, every
Most strategy researchers [8],[12],[36] have tended to set of four variables must segment to its sub variable. Now if
operationalize strategic mission as a nominal variable, a closer cross the four sets variables and its details (so you can see in
examination In two parts, the first is about marketing next pages), the segmentation matrix will have 50160 units for
segmentation as general researches and the second is about banking system.
banking marketing segmentation as specialized researches just The problem is that no one or company can offer the
for banking systems. suitable product package for every segment. So we must
And every two parts is divided to 7 subparts(geographic, reduce the number of units in the matrix of segmentation. For
demographic, psychographic, behavioral, combined, and other
do that, we must combine and make some close variables in
variables, and finally segmentation methods).
meaning, into the unit variable.
G.Demographic Variable
B. Second step: quantitative segmentation respect to the
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:6, No:9, 2012

Most strategy researchers [8],[12],[36] have tended to difference in means.

operationalize strategic mission as a nominal variable, a closer
The problem of grouping observations, the clustering, can
examination Frequency of use of Consumer segmentation
variables; Demographics (choice of sales regions, estimating be described as dividing the set of observations into
segment size, choice of local distribution channels that cater disjunctive subsets, so that the observations from the same
different, ages, income & education groups, choice of media subset are as near to each other as possible and the
that serve different age, income). [2]. observations from different subsets are as far to each other as
Market segments were identified and categorized using possible. The feature that distinguishes the segments, that is
demographic and need-based data [19]. the conditional difference in means Yα=1 - Yα=0 can be
calculated only for a segment as a whole and it cannot be
H.Behavioral Variable
calculated for a single observation. Besides, there is no
For a new technology-based product or service at an early measure of distance or dissimilarity between two observations.
stage of diffusion, it is likely that only a small subset of Given are two samples from the same population. The first
consumers have adopted it[14]. sample is exposed to some factor on the first level α = 1, and
The results confirmed that the older consumer market is not the second sample is exposed to the same factor on the second
homogeneous. Rather, five distinct segments emerged which level α =0. Both populations are characterized by values of a
differ considerably from one another on a range of variables, continuous variable Y (explained variable, dependent
including consumer behaviors. [21]. variable), values of both discrete and continuous variables X1,
I. Combined Variable . . . ,Xn (explanatory variables, independent variables) and the
value of a factor α. We know that the factor α has influence on
A multi-segmenting methodology is proposed for
variable Y, but this influence depends on the values of the
comparing the segmenting capabilities of segmentation
explanatory variables.
variables and providing complete market segmentation
The general population should be divided into segments (by
information. Demographic and psychographic variables based
imposing conditions on the explanatory variables X1, . . . ,Xn)
on the differentiation of consumer brand preference were used
so that the following conditions are fulfilled
to elicit the characteristics of market segments[15].
In this study, seventeen potential segmenting variables
within the five major levels are examined with an initial • The condition of homogeneity within the segment
emphasis on firm graphics and technology[23]. The difference in means Yα=1 - Yα=0 calculated for all the
Migros employs a variety of different methods to observations from the particular segment should be equal to
effectively segment its customer base. These include value, the difference calculated for observations from any sub
behavioral, lifestyle, lifecycle and activity-based segmentation segment of this segment.
schemes. These approaches can undoubtedly be used • The condition of heterogeneity between the segments
individually, but usually multiple approaches are used in The difference in means Yα=1 - Yα=0 calculated for the
conjunction with each other [5]. observations from the particular segment should be
It was explained before that the method is combined of two significantly different than the difference calculated for
other qualitative and quantitative methodologies orderly. At observations from any other segment[2].
first step the qualitative way of segmentation is obtained from C. Joining two models
the Migros Company from Turkey. And the second step which In two last steps with identifying major and sub variables
is a quantitative work is obtained from a paper by Marcin and making a matrix, then for every unit of the matrix, by
Owczarczuk, 2006. calculating the Yα=1 - Yα=0 factor and test the conditions about
homogeneity/heterogeneity, we could combined the two

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International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering
Vol:6, No:9, 2012

models and making a new joined model for segmentation. Y = Yin -(Yout +Ygf)
Now there is a question. What is Y?Y = Yin -(Yout +Ygf) (1) = (i + g + f + c + l + s + m + d) – ((p + a + w + n + r + o + t
+ y + e + u + b) + ([h + j + q + k + v + x]/z)) (2)
D.Data identifying
Yin: all of incomes for bank from every single customer that Now with use of this formula we can find the different in
Includes: means of every unit of matrix.

i: Interest on loans directly from customer Yα=1 -Yα=0 (3)

g: Interest on loans indirectly from government for
customer loans IV. CONCLUSION
f: Fees on the loans which paying back late
l: Lose Charges from customer for law cost in the The final finding of this paper is a combined
process of paying back loans qualitative/quantitative segmentation banking model. This
c: Wages from customers for loans combined model identifies the necessary and related variables
s: Wages from customers for services in two orderly steps (“segmentation on the basis of quadruplet
m: Money that never want from customers qualitative variables” and “segmentation with respect to the
difference in means”), then reduces the size of the matrix
International Science Index, Economics and Management Engineering Vol:6, No:9, 2012

d: Direct incomes for electronic equipment

which is made by cross these (four) quadruplet qualitative
Yout: all costs that bank pay to the customers. variables, by merge the sub close-in-meaning variables. Then
in the second step by use of difference in means of every units
t: Temporary interests on the accounts to the and sub units in the matrix tries to delete the wrong units and
customers identifies the correct segments of the matrix.
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