The Venus Connection - Sanat Kumara
The Venus Connection - Sanat Kumara
The Venus Connection - Sanat Kumara
‘No power on earth is able to diminish the light in a person’s heart. It is untouchable to everything
external. Think! The covering which you carry, the matter that holds your true life imprisoned is
nothing more than the crystallisation of the divine spirit, which gives you the life you carry within you
of which you are a part.
With the condensation into matter the memory of all the beauty of all the light realms gets lost and
mankind believes that this life, which is perceived with the outer senses, to be the real life. They must
free themselves from these material bonds. It is therefore your task to illuminate the physical and inner
bodies ... to purify the tiny particles, the atoms and the circling electrons and especially the spaces in
which the darkness has settled. All this melts away, and the radiant beauty of your original garment
emerges once again!’
Sanat Kumara
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Beloved ones of light, the sons and daughters of energy of that which I am, it is with great honour
that we connect consciously with that which you are. Open your hearts dear ones and feel the energy
and the love that you have created. For you have just celebrated in the light of the God that you are.
You have embraced the Divine One within. I am you, and you are one. And we are one with the
Universal Mind that created all. And we beat in our souls with the essence of the divine love of the
heart of the creative force that created all. Listen to your heartbeat, for it is the heart that connects you
to the essence of that which I am. And what I am is the consciousness of God. What you are is the
expression of God, and you are housed within the energy fields of the consciousness of the Kumaras.
There was a time in the evolution of this out-breath cycle, where from Venus came a beam of
love. For as this planetary system had been birthed with rocks and molten lava, the physical vibration
had been laid down; and yet it needed the heart, it needed the energy of love, to spark it into life. And
that was the journey of the Kumaras and many present here.
For you came on angel wings ... If you wish to imagine that descending from Venus through the
time-space continuum was the most gigantic angelic creature - its wing span so vast that it carried
individual specks of consciousness within its vehicle of light, the Merkabah of God. And you have
travelled within this Merkabah. This Merkabah was the consciousness of the Kumaras; and the
consciousness of that was purely love in essence - an energy beam of love and light, that when merged
with the physical form of this planetary system gave it light, gave it love, gave it your home. And you
have come from many galaxies ... you the divine sparks, the angels, the creative fire, the Elohim. For
all is within and all is without; for all is the oneness.
You have journeyed far. Many present bring a gift from the Pleiadian system. Many present
bring a gift from the Arcturian system. As you began your journey as divine sparks from the Source,
your journey and evolution as the messengers of The One, in the time of expansion, you stepped down
your vibrations - exploring, enjoying, loving, being. And you found yourself repeatedly in various
systems. Every system gave a gift, and when you had experienced the delights, the completeness, the
totality of each system, you would take the form to light - you would ascend.
Dear ones, you have ascended from every system you have embodied. You are the chosen ones,
as all in embodiment are chosen. You are the galactic crew. You are the Divine Ones. You are
whatever you give yourself permission to be. Walk consciously with the vibration of love. See your
Mother/Father as the vibration of love. Feel the heartbeat of the Divine One as you breathe. For now
you are in physical embodiment here at this point in linear time on planet Earth, and there is a program
or beat laid down by the Divine that is to be activated by the energy of love. And you have agreed to be
here as part of this time frame, to lead the way, to shine your light, to work consciously, connected to
that which I am, that which you are. For we made an agreement; and our agreement with the Divine
was to embody as consciousness, the planetary system of Earth. And so we work connected by beams
of pure light. We connect as planetary system to the sun, to Lord Helios, the Solar Logos. And we
connect within all the universes and all the planetary systems, for every star and every planet has a
consciousness unique unto its own.
And every star and every planet resounds a note like part of God’s divine orchestra. And your
planet has a note to sing, a vibration to release throughout the cosmos. And when those sound waves
connect with the waves emanating from the heartbeats of other life forms, in other planetary systems,
you will know within your soul such divine music as never heard before. And did you not feel that
divine heartbeat as you sang in unison ‘hallelujah’? (previously the gathering had been singing
‘hallelujah’). Did you not feel the tears of joy flowing from your physical form? Did your hearts not
ring and resound with the knowingness? For that dear ones is the universal greeting and the sound of
the heartbeat of God. And when you are tuned and connected consciously with all the other life forms
and expressions across the universes of time, you will greet in the name of the God, in the name of the
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Father. You will sing to one another a note from the heart of hallelujah. Sing hallelujah to each other
for the hallelujah is a recognition of the angel within you. And we are the divine consciousness made
manifest in physical form, and you are the eyes and the ears of the consciousness that is embodied in the
It is my consciousness dear ones that you are sharing, for mine is the angel, the Elohim and the
All That Is. And that is what you are - you are the All That Is. You are whatever you wish to be dear
ones. Find your wings, feel them expand as you breathe, feel that with every breath you are bringing
the pranic forces, the energies of the Creative One into your cells. Rebirth yourselves in your breathing,
for as you breathe it is not just air. As you breathe you are breathing in the love and light of the creative
forces, the essence of every atom, of every cell of that which you are.
This has been the most wondrous celebration for you have joined while in physical reality, you
have brought the energy of the angelics, you have brought the energies of the kingdom of God to overlay
through every cell in this gathering, through every beat, note and vibration. The energy here pulsates
dear ones, can you not feel it? Breathe ... Let’s be silent ... Breathe for a moment and feel the divine
essence in your breath (silence). Let us chant ‘I am the Ascended Being’ (the group chants). Feel it
in your heart as you say these words ... ‘ I am the Ascended Being’ . Breathe and expand ... ‘I am the
Ascended Being’.
How do you feel? Feel as though your heart is now connected to the source of all creation.
Imagine the Mother/Father before you in the centre of this gathering. As you breathe, you breathe a ray
of the purest energy into your whole being. As you breathe, feel that it is opening, transmuting and
transforming you. Feel as though the last veils of separation now fall from your being. Feel as you
breathe that you are awakening the God within. Feel as though as you breathe you are drawing from
the core of the planet, the consciousness of that which I am. Feel as though when you breathe that you
are becoming the hands, the tentacles, the expression, that purely facilitates the divine celestial
harmonies, the beat, the rhythm of the Mother/Father.
Offer your heart, mind and body to serve the Creative One; to play your part in God’s plan.
Offer to fully embody the angel within in every cell in your conscious mind. For the angel brings the
emotion of joy; and is it not joy that you respond to dear ones? Release the angel from within, and you
will know pure ecstasy. Give yourself permission to be limitless, to be all that was intended for you to
be dear ones.
Walk as one field of energy connected with each other, for while you are upon the surface of this
planet in physical form, your energy fields, your Merkabahs interlock with the Merkabah of the
consciousness of the Kumaras. This Merkabah of this consciousness expands, extends, is always
vibrating in harmony with that of all planets within this system, is vibrating perfectly, harmoniously
with the heartbeat of all creation.
Dear ones, do not forget again. Choose to no longer put on the mantle of the limited self when
you leave this gathering. Instead we offer the invitation to extend to this gathering the hallelujah, the
joy, the pure divine connectedness that you have with each other here. To take the essence of that, to
carry that out into the world, to go back from whence you have come, your country, your communities,
and to offer this gift to all present to consciously connect with once more.
So dear ones, these sharings are divine. Our message is the invitation to pick up the mantle of the
Divine Self. To call forth from within the full expression of all that you are. For the I AM Presence,
the Divine, is the I AM that I AM. It is the I AM of the Mother/Father. There is no separation, there
is only oneness. And if this oneness is your desire, then oneness will be the gift that you receive. We
see the Divine in the hearts of all. It is with love and honour that we bless that which you are.