Tourism and The Demonstration Effect: Empirical Evidence: Article

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Tourism and the demonstration effect:

Empirical evidence

Article January 2014


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3 authors, including:

Carlos Monterrubio Martha Marivel Mendoza

Autonomous University of the State of Mexico Universidad Autnoma del Estado de Mxico


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Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014

Tourism and the demonstration effect: Empirical evidence

Turismo y efecto demostracin: Evidencia emprica

J. Carlos Monterrubio
Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Centro Universitario UAEM Texcoco, Av. Jardn Zumpango, S/N, Fracc. El Tejocote,
56259, Texcoco, Mxico, [email protected]

M. Marivel Mendoza-Ontiveros
Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Centro Universitario UAEM Texcoco, 56259,
Texcoco, Mxico, [email protected]

Abstract Resumen
The demonstration effect has become a well-established concept in the El efecto demostracin se ha convertido en un concepto bien establecido
literature on tourism. It has been commonly reported as a consequence dentro de la literatura turstica. Ha sido comnmente reportado como una
of tourism, focusing on the emulation of tourists consumption patterns. consecuencia del turismo, que se enfoca en la imitacin de los patrones de
However, there is very limited empirical evidence specifically focused consumo de los turistas. Sin embargo, existe muy poca evidencia emprica
on how tourist behaviour is actually or potentially emulated by locals. especficamente dirigida a cmo el comportamiento de los turistas es en
This study aims to fill this gap by presenting the findings of a research realidad o potencialmente copiada por los locales. Este estudio busca
project looking at how women in a tourism destination in Mexico have contribuir a llenar este vaco presentando los resultados de un proyecto de
adopted tourists behavioural patterns either entirely or partially. investigacin que analiza cmo las mujeres en un destino turstico en
Based on in-depth interviews and focus groups, this study reveals that Mxico han adoptado patrones de comportamiento de los turistas, ya sea de
tourist behaviours, attitudes, and certain ways of thinking can be and manera completa o parcial. Basado en entrevistas a profundidad y grupos
have been actually adopted by local women. Nevertheless, it also shows focales, este estudio revela que algunos comportamientos, actitudes, y
that local social groups do not copy tourist behaviour blindly; instead, ciertas formas de pensamiento de los turistas han sido adoptados por
residents are also critical in demonstration effect processes. They mujeres locales. No obstante, tambin muestra que los grupos sociales
observe, analyse, compare, evaluate and decide on what and how locales no copian ciegamente el comportamiento de los turistas; por el
tourists specific behaviours are adopted. contrario, los residentes tambin son crticos en los procesos del efecto
demostracin. Ellos observan, analizan, comparan, evalan y deciden qu
Keywords: demonstration effect, tourism, women, sociocultural comportamientos especficos de los turistas son adoptados y cmo hacerlo.
change, Mexico.
Palabras clave: efecto demostracin, turismo, mujeres, cambio
sociocultural, Mxico.

1. Introduction look for chances to raise their standards of living and change
their consumption patterns. In this case, the demonstration
The encounter between tourists and locals has been of
may become favourable in locals minds. However, residents
profound significance for the understanding of tourism as a
awareness of such goods does not mean they necessarily
sociocultural phenomenon. Since the beginning of sociological change their own habits. Frequent contact with tourists may
and anthropological interest in tourism and until the 1990s,
lead residents to higher levels of consumption in search of
scholars focused their analysis on tourism as a product of
having this standard of living. This seems often to be the case of
Western society. Destinations were regarded as pleasure
many local residents in developing countries, where wages are
peripheries and a new form of colonialism. This notion
low and contact with tourists is high.
restricted the understanding of destination dynamics to social
and cultural processes in terms of resistance or assumption of While the demonstration effect concept is commonly cited in
what has been imposed through domination, imposition or the literature on tourism, very few studies have offered
manipulation (Nogues, 2011). empirical evidence of the phenomenon. Furthermore, fewer
studies have looked at how womens lives are or can be
The concept of the demonstration effect was borrowed from
transformed by tourists demonstrated behaviours. This paper
economics within this traditional notion. Originally it aimed to
presents the findings of a research project aimed at obtaining
describe local residents interest in trying to emulate tourist
empirical evidence on the demonstration effect from female
consumption levels. By being in contact with lifestyles and
residents emic perspective on the Pacific coast of Mexico. In
different consumption patterns, local residents directly order to do so, the paper first discusses the demonstration
compare their standards of living with those of other people.
effect in the tourism context and highlights some of the most
This can lead residents to adopt tourists demonstrated
common misunderstandings regarding this concept. Then the
behaviour. For the demonstration effect to exist, three basic
study is described, including the methods employed. Findings
propositions are suggested: first, the behaviour of tourists and
are then presented and conclusions are finally drawn.
hosts is initially different; second, behavioural patterns are
transferred from one group to the other; and third, the 2. The demonstration effect
imitators maintain the demonstrated behaviour (Fisher, 2004).
The demonstration effect has become a well-established
In this vein, residents comparisons between their own material concept frequently referred to in the literature on tourism.
possession and those belonging to tourists can be favourable or Existing literature suggests, however, that the demonstration
unfavourable. It can be unfavourable when individuals have effect is a vague concept that lacks a well-established definition
contact with goods that are somehow better than those which and empirical validation. In general terms, previous papers
they are used to consuming. Tourist-resident contact threatens reveal that the demonstration effect commonly refers to local
the stability and persistence of local everyday consumption residents adoption of tourist consumption and spending
patterns. It stimulates imagination and desires and may lead to behaviours. According to Burns (1999: 101), the demonstration
residents frustration; it may also, however, lead residents to effect refers to the process by which traditional societies,

J. C. Monterrubio, M. Mendoza-Ontiveros / Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014, 97-103

especially those which are particularly susceptible to outside Third, there seems to be a repeated emphasis on the negative
influence such as youths, will voluntarily seek to adopt certain implications of the demonstration effect; the demonstration
behaviours (and accumulate material goods) on the basis that effect is often reported as a harmful consequence of tourism for
possession of them will lead to the achievement of the leisured, local populations. Mcelroy and De Alburquerque (1986), for
hedonistic lifestyle demonstrated by the tourists. Similarly, example, maintain that although the demonstration effects
Moore (1995: 302) states that the demonstration effect consists of most common connotation is metropolitan imitation, it
host population emulation of the behaviour and especially the embraces almost any negative spill-over casually associated
consumption practices of the tourists who visit them. Moreover, with tourist activity. Likewise, although maintaining that the
this conception is reinforced by Reisinger (2009) who claims that, demonstration effect can be advantageous, Wall and Mathieson
as a consequence of the demonstration, locals notice the superior (2006) argue that it is more commonly detrimental and that
material possessions of tourists and wish to have the same. She most scholars indicate concern for the consequences of foreign
also states that the demonstration effect often generates residents domination of the tourism industry and the impact of tourists
jealously, resentment, and even hatred of tourists in developing who demonstrate symbols of their affluence to local people. In
countries when locals see they are unable to be as wealthy as this vein, in his study on the sociocultural impact of tourism in
tourists and have the same standard of living. By claiming that the Botswana, Mbaiwa (2005) reports that one of the negative
demonstration effect is unavoidable, Murphy (1985) adds that effects of tourism in the Okavango Delta has been the adoption
tourists generally possess greater financial and leisure-time of Western styles of dressing and traditionally unacceptable
affluence than many locals, and tourists holiday experiences are vulgar language among young people.
based frequently upon conspicuous consumption.
In this vein, it must be recognised that the effects of tourism,
While the notions above have become largely accepted, existing including demonstration, can be both positive and negative
definitions, arguments, assumptions and empirical evidence simultaneously. The perceived effects of tourism and how these
need to be revised critically. Particularly, there are five specific are perceived (positively or negatively) will be largely defined
issues related to the common conception of the demonstration by the local population and, most importantly perhaps,
effect that deserve special attention. First, it is observed that the independently by every single individual in the destination.
demonstration effect is commonly defined in terms of tourists Adopting an alien way of speaking, dressing, thinking,
consumption patterns, that is, centred on tourists goods and consuming, and interacting, to mention just a few, may be
spending behaviour. While this behaviour may be often regarded as a cultural disadvantage for those believing that
imitated or at least desired by locals, this notion is a quite cultures should be conserved in their raw form. However,
materialistic perspective. This is not surprising bearing in mind changes in eating, dressing, speaking habits or in any social
that the concept of a demonstration effect was likely borrowed representation may signify a positive effect on the lives of local
from economics (Fisher, 2004). However, there is no reason to people at a very individual level. In fact it would be unwise to
believe that locals emulation is restricted only to tourist believe that locals adopt and maintain, at least consciously,
economic manifestations. The encounters between locals and demonstrated lifestyles representing a disadvantage in their
tourists are not exclusively constrained to material exchange; everyday lives.
in the tourist-resident interaction spectrum, there are a range
Accordingly, this idea questions the common assumption that
of cross-cultural relationships that become significant in terms
tourist behaviour is copied blindly by locals. Instead, the
of the several behaviours demonstrated by both groups (locals
decision making process of locals regarding the demonstration
and tourists). Tourists and locals are involved in a frequent,
effect is an active rather than a passive process. Individuals in
repeated and sometimes unplanned number of social and
destinations observe, analyse, compare, evaluate and finally
cultural demonstrations. Thus, the demonstration, perhaps
decide on imitating tourists. As a result, residents may
more frequently, does not have an effect on materialistic
accurately or inaccurately imitate or learn socially from tourists
emulation only. Perhaps more importantly, it may also have
(Fisher, 2004). Residents may thus observe and select tourists
secondary effects on the internal structure of communities in
social and cultural elements, adopting and adapting them to
terms of changes in the roles of women, community cohesion,
their local conditions and culture. If this evaluation by locals
demographic structure and institutional structures (Wall &
dictates that an exact copy of tourist behaviour is not possible,
Mathieson, 2006), to mention just a few. As a consequence, local
then similar goals can be achieved by altering tourist behaviour
beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviour are transformed, and all
this may eventually alter social relationships and self- and incorporating it into the locals own circumstances (Fisher,
2004). This process may therefore allow locals to adopt what
perceptions of local residents.
they perceive as a benefit rather than a cost in their lives.
Second, the notion of the demonstration effect tends to be According to Dogan (1989: 220), [t]o the extent that the
defined and thus reported as adopted behaviours. Scholars impacts of tourism are perceived as positive, [residents]
have found evidence for the effects on concrete and reaction takes the form of acceptance of the change; to the
observable conducts that are allegedly adopted from tourists extent that it is perceived as negative, their reaction becomes
and incorporated into their everyday lives, such as drinking more of a resistance. In summary, the impacts of tourism are
patterns, for example (Moore, 1995). However, this notion defined as benefits or costs by those who experience them in
largely ignores that the effect will not always be a new their very personal and specific realities, and the behaviours
conduct as such, but it can be simply a desire to adopt such adopted from tourists can thus be negotiated. Bearing this in
conduct. While locals may be actually willing to adopt new mind, the demonstration effect can result in positive outcomes,
behaviours, extrinsic factors such as economic power, social perhaps more frequently than assumed.
restrictions and personal conditions can potentially prevent
Fourth, by stating that [i]n tourism, demonstration effect
locals from incorporating tourists unfamiliar habits into their
ordinary life. Furthermore, the effect of tourist demonstration refers to local residents adapting the styles and manners of
visiting tourists (Reisinger, 2009), it seems that the effects of
may also lie in a process of reasoning that people go through
tourists, and thus of tourism, can be clearly and accurately
in their lives without necessarily adopting a particular
identified and isolated from the effects of other agents of
behaviour. Such reasoning may be incorporated into larger
change. On the one hand, it is quite hard, if not impossible, to
social processes and may thus end in observable adopted
categorically identify the very specific sociocultural effects of
conduct or simply in a reflection itself. Therefore, the
tourism on local communities. Some impacts of tourism
reasoning that locals go through about tourists demonstrated
encompass different dimensions of tourism and are thus
behaviours may also be the effect itself.

J. C. Monterrubio, M. Mendoza-Ontiveros / Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014, 97-103

difficult to categorise exclusively within the social and cultural Likewise, in his study of the impact of tourism on changes in
arena. On the other hand, tourism should not be considered the alcohol consumption by men and women in a small Greek town,
sole cause of social and cultural change; there are a large Moore (1995: 306, 310) asserts that drinking practices of
number of changing forces that are simultaneously and foreigners who have visited the town in increasing numbers
continuously transforming the populations of destinations in have influenced drinking patterns of the local men [and that]
their sociocultural dimension. Cultures are not static: they the more recent openings of bars for Athenian tourists has also
change naturally according to their own needs of evolution. created more opportunities for young women to drink in
They are also exposed to external forces that lead societies to public. While the actual displayed drinking behaviour of
needed, (un)wanted and sometimes unconscious change. tourists may have an effect on local people, the relationship of
Examples of such forces are the media and other factors coming such behaviour to local drinking practices is not automatic. The
from industrialisation, migration, modernisation processes increasing consumption of alcohol may not come necessarily
(McElroy & de Albuquerque, 1986), and globalisation itself from tourists exhibited behaviour, but from the actual increase
which has brought the elimination of barriers, economic, in the supply of bars, for example. Other demonstrators such as
political and cultural, to the free flow of people, goods, capital, television, films and advertising can all have a direct effect on
information, communication and lifestyles on a world-wide changing drinking patterns in young people. Thus the actual
scale (Cohen, 2012: 103). Consequently, destination societies role of the demonstration effect of tourism in the consumption
are exposed to tourism and other demonstrators that can lead of substances in both studies is not solidly demonstrated.
to sociocultural change. All these forces either individually,
Similarly, when evaluating the general sociocultural impacts of
collectively or in combination with tourism can accelerate or
tourism development in Cyprus, Spanou (2007) warned that
retard cultural transformations in tourism destinations.
Although it is almost unrealistic to attempt differentiation of the effects of tourists displayed behaviour on young people in
the country have been very noticeable. Tourist activities have
sociocultural impacts caused by tourism and the general
led people to tend to spend a lot of their free time away from
process of change (Burns, 1999), Fisher (2004: 442) points out
their families since they spend more time going out clubbing.
that [f]or the demonstration effect to be successfully evaluated
The author also argues that the high concentration of tourists
it is necessary to understand how individuals behave as a result
has resulted in the modification of social attitudes among the
of contact with tourists, why they choose to behave so, and how
young, particularly towards dress code, sexual behaviour and
their peer group and society will respond to any changes in
nudity. While this evidence was obtained from interviews of
local people, the author does not offer a detailed account of why
The fifth and final observation lies in the lack and quality of people perceive these changes are a consequence of the
empirical evidence of the demonstration effect. Although it has demonstration effect and how such changes may actually be
been argued that the demonstration effect is by no means related to other socioeconomic and cultural phenomena.
proven by empirical evidence such as field research (Burns,
In a similar context, in their study of the perceived sociocultural
1999: 107), some studies have empirically supported the
existence of the demonstration effect (Getz, 1993; Gjerald, impact of tourism in Dawlish, UK, Brunt and Courtney (1999)
suggest that the demonstration effect may possibly exist. The
2005; Mcelroy & De Albuquerque, 1986; Moore, 1995; Spanou,
authors report that some of their informants felt that the
2007). The evidence offered, nonetheless, is somewhat limited
younger generation tries to emulate tourist behaviour, but
in amount and questionable in relevance. This is mainly for two
none were able to provide any solid examples. So the authors
reasons. Firstly, it is observed that very few studies have
possible evidence is quite questionable in terms of whether
exclusively looked at the demonstration effect as a consequence
social modifications are exactly a consequence of the
of tourism (see however Mcelroy & De Albuquerque, 1986).
demonstration effect and how precisely it manifests in
Many of the studies have reported the demonstration effect but
residents behaviour.
only as one of the several impacts that tourism can have upon
local populations. Thus, the empirical evidence of the In a related study, recognising that there is no systematic
phenomenon in some way has been accidentally found rather empirical validation of the demonstration hypothesis, Mcelroy
than specifically targeted. Most of existing empirical evidence and De Albuquerque (1986) examined the relationship
of the effect is thus quite anecdotal. Very rarely have authors between tourism intensity and local spending patterns of nine
really offered sound evidence about who, why, when and how selected Caribbean countries. The authors, who conceive the
individuals are involved in the demonstration effect as a result demonstration effect as the generally rapid assimilation of
of tourism. Furthermore, seldom have researchers explored affluent, North American tastes and consumption patterns
and analysed in depth the specific effect of tourist (Mcelroy & De Albuquerque, 1986: 31), found that tourism can
demonstration from an emic approach. This means that scant influence local consumption behaviour. They suggest that in the
attention has been given to the study of the demonstration Caribbean the tourism demonstration effect is considerably
effect from the perception of those who experience and witness weaker than and not easily distinguished from non-tourist
the impacts of tourism, that is, through the voices of local modernisation influences. Based on their findings, McElroy and
residents themselves. Albuquerque conclude that critics assertion of a simple
relationship between the presence of tourism and consumption
Secondly, previous research findings have revealed that the
patterns is suspect. They also propose that the demonstration
demonstration effects on local people are quite diverse and it is
effect needs empirical validation that is more specifically
still highly difficult to isolate exclusive consequences of
focused and that the existing evidence should be considered
tourism. In their study of beach boys and tourists, for example,
with caution. It is thus necessary to consider that although
Beddoe (1998) indicates that the youths that work or live in
tourism is unquestionably a factor in sociocultural change, the
tourist enclaves in Sri Lanka imitate certain types of tourist
behaviours, particularly the use of drugs and alcohol. The type and intensity of change as well as the transmission
mechanisms of such effects are uncertain and not always
author further found that if tourist behaviour does not conform
exclusive to tourism. Further empirical research is thus
to local moral norms, the youth try to copy it, especially in dress
required for a more nuanced understanding of the meaning,
and male-female relations. However, in this case it is important
causes and actual implications of the demonstration effect.
to consider that while tourism may somehow play a role in the
consumption of drugs and alcohol by young people, other In summary, the demonstration effect commonly refers to the
factors such as extreme poverty, prostitution of young children materialistic emulation of local people, particularly the young
and other social conditions may all lead to such behaviour. (Murphy, 1985; Reisinger, 2009). However, studies on the
J. C. Monterrubio, M. Mendoza-Ontiveros / Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014, 97-103

phenomenon should also incorporate, perhaps more the search for the local residents way of thinking and how
predominantly, social and cultural aspects of local populations wider social realities influence these thoughts, emic
(and tourists as well), in particular the adoption of the beliefs, approaches allow researchers to consistently take the locals
attitudes and behaviours of other cultures. Although exiting point of view in trying to understand how they think, feel and
research suggests that it is the young population which is more speak about tourism phenomena including social and cultural
likely to imitate, adopt or learn tourist behaviour (Beddoe, impacts.
1998; Getz, 1993; Moore, 1995), there is no reason to restrict
The project was divided into two methodological phases. The
the demonstration effect to the young. Adults, both male and
first phase was undertaken in November 2012 and consisted of
female, are also capable of observing and perhaps willing to
twenty-one in-depth interviews with local women in the
either totally or partially adopt tourist behaviours. The study of
destination. The interview guidelines included questions
the demonstration effect on both men and women
regarding womens personal life history, perceptions towards
independently is another issue that deserves special attention,
women who (do not) work, their gendered relationships with
as their participation and relationships are constructed,
their husbands and division of house chores in their families.
deconstructed and reconstructed differently by tourism-
Also questions were incorporated regarding how different
related activity (Kinnaird & Hall, 1996). Moreover, although
women living in the destination are from those living in
the demonstration effect is commonly considered disruptive
surrounding rural areas (namely ranchos) and from both
for local societies, it may also, and perhaps quite frequently,
international and domestic tourists. Importantly, based on
represent a benefit for locals. The benefit/cost dilemma is
informants previous responses, as well as the theoretical
commonly defined by individuals who experience tourism in
assertions that women differ in their personal experiences and
their everyday lives rather than by organisations, governments
or researchers, whose own perspectives and priorities may that individual perceptions are shaped by social influences
including tourism (Bensemann, 2011), women were asked why
significantly differ from the interests of locals. While a very
they think women residing in the international tourism
interesting concept, the demonstration effect needs specific
destination are different in the way they think and behave from
empirical evidence in order for the sociocultural impacts of
others. More specifically, they were asked whether they think
tourism to be more fully and accurately understood.
tourism and tourists have any influence in making this
3. Methods difference. The type and frequency of womens contact with
tourists and their learning from tourists (if any) were also part
The study presented here is part of a larger research project
of the instrument design.
looking at the impact of tourism on womens gendered social
representations. The larger project, and thus the study Key descriptions of what women are like in the destination and
described here, was undertaken in a beach destination what women should be like were obtained from the first phase.
community in Mexico, named Huatulco. Huatulco is an Based on such descriptions, six focus groups were created
international beach destination which was a fishing and (ranging from three to six women in each group). Focus groups
farming community before the 1980s, when tourism started to with women offer the potential to emphasise group interaction
develop. In the past 23 years, Mexican government officials and thus a greater opportunity to derive understandings that
have converted the beachfront Zapotec Pueblo at Santa Cruz reflect the lived experience of women. They are useful in
Bay (Huatulco) into an urban, elite tourist destination that still successfully studying the individual within a social context and
grows by eight percent each year (Pankonien, 2012: 103). therefore to analyse the self as socially constructed (Bryman,
Huatulco is the fifth state-planned tourism destination which
aimed to attract international tourist flows mainly from the The phrases and adjectives (i.e., descriptions) that were
USA and, by doing so, to create permanent job opportunities, commonly reported by women in the first phase were written
increase investment and foster the agricultural, industrial and separately on small cards and a set of these in an envelope was
construction sectors (Jimnez, 1993; Orozco, 1992). handed out to participants. This way each participant in each
Nonetheless, despite the governments strategies to promote focus group had an envelope with the same number of cards
tourism in Huatulco and in other economically underdeveloped inside. Next, they were told to rank only three cards
regions in the country, the sociocultural and economic individually according to how important each description was
outcomes that were expected were not achieved (Brenner, for them. Then, they were told to give explanations and
2005; Gullette, 2007; see also Lpez-Lpez, Cukier & Snchez- examples in groups for why they think women are this way in
Crispn, 2006; Monterrubio, Gullette, Mendoza-Ontiveros, the destination, as well as why women should be the way the
Fernndez & Luque, 2012). Tourists visiting the destination are groups reported. Lastly, special attention was paid to the role
mainly the conventional sea and sun type and the cruise that tourism plays in womens gendered perceptions, beliefs,
tourism segment also plays an important role in the local attitudes and behaviour. Informants were asked whether they
tourism economy (Cuellar-Ro & Kido-Cruz, 2008). During the perceived that tourism and, more specifically, tourists have any
last decade around 70% of local people were employed in influence on their social representations of women. If so, they
tourism (Brenner, 2005). People from rural surrounding areas were asked whether their interaction with tourists and living in
know that Huatulco is now the city where social changes a tourism destination itself has had any influence on the way
including gender relations are not static (Pankonien, 2012). they think and behave. These procedures of the second phase
were also administered to three women residing in a rancho as
Methodologically speaking, the study was conducted through
the very first attempt to identify similarities and/or differences
qualitative research techniques. Based on their great potential
from representations of destination women. All interviews
for helping researchers understand the social and cultural
from both phases were tape recorded, with prior informant
implications of tourism, qualitative approaches can generate
theory out of research and place emphasis on understanding
the world from participants perspectives. They regard social 4. Findings
life as the result of interaction and interpretations (Phillimore
4.1. Women in the destination and women in surrounding
& Goodson, 2004). Qualitative methods thus offer great
potential for gaining access to emic perspectives in which the
insiders view provides the best lens to understanding the As stated above, one of the questions incorporated in the
multiple realities of the phenomenon being studied (Jennings, instrument aimed to identify whether women in the destination
2001). As Pearce, Moscardo and Ross (1996) acknowledge, in perceived themselves to be different from those living in
J. C. Monterrubio, M. Mendoza-Ontiveros / Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014, 97-103

ranchos. This aimed to test the researchers assumption that Recognising that tourists not only come to spend their money
tourism has an effect on how women think and perceive but also to teach locals certain things, the owner of a snorkel
themselves and how they see other women. The researchers tour company reported:
assumption was corroborated. Women in the destination do
I work with both foreign and domestic tourists, and I have
perceive a difference in how women think and behave mainly
learnt many things from them. When I see my customers
in terms of gender roles. Women reported that, unlike in the
destination, women in ranchos largely stick to traditional [female tourists], I admire how women dress, they look
beautiful. I also want to get dressed and behave the way
gender roles. Two informants claimed:
tourists do. Before, for example, I did not use to paint my nails;
In ranchos, women, especially married, are convinced that now I even use synthetic nails. Yes, I have learnt from tourists.
they have to be always at home, doing house chores, taking (42 years old, 19 years in the destination)
care of children and her husband. It is the husband who has
Demonstration not only has an effect on adults but also on
to work. In Huatulco, women are more liberal, they work and
children, particularly those belonging to families who are
go out. (Business woman, single, 38 years old)
exposed to direct interaction with foreign tourists. A woman
There is a difference between women from Huatulco and frequently hosting North American tourists in her house
those from ranchos. In ranchos women are somehow more pointed out:
closed-minded, they can be cheated easily. They think the way
When our American friends come to visit us, they talk to each
people used to think in old times; they think it is fine if their
other in English. They also talk to my children in English. I
husband gets home and beats them because they have not
have noticed that my children later repeat and use some
prepared food or because there are no clean clothes. They
words that they have picked up from our guests. (Housewife,
think thats the way it must be: women in ranchos believe they
must be submissive. That does not happen in Huatulco, 31 years old)
women in the destination think home responsibilities belong In addition to adopted conduct, informants claim that tourists
to both women and men. (Housewife, 31 years old) also influence womens social representations in gender roles
and in specific habits. A thirty-one year old housewife
Differences between women residing in the destination and
those in surrounding areas were not only reported by women in
the destination but also by those living in ranchos. Particularly I do have contact with foreign tourists. My husband has North
the notion that women living in the destination value American tourist friends and he brings them home. They have
independence and liberalism is perceived by those living in told me that women also have rights and should not allow
surrounding areas. Furthermore, in rancho womens men to treat women badly. I once told an American tourist
perceptions, such differences are clearly attributed to tourism, woman that I wanted to go to the United States, and my
particularly to the contact women in the destination have with husband said it would be difficult for me, but the female
tourists. A thirty-seven year old woman living in a rancho argued: tourist said that I could do it by myself, that I could learn
English and go ahead. I have learnt that from them.
Women from Huatulco are very liberal, very independent.
They can go out and have fun, they can go clubbing at night The same informant added:
with their female friends and nothing happens. Even men
have got accustomed to this; in Huatulco it is fine for men if When we talk to tourists, they tell us several things and we
women go out with their female friends. A woman doing that learn those things from the people we talk to. They make us
in the rancho would be highly criticised. Also women in think about our own life or about the things that we are doing
Huatulco dress differently, they wear few clothes. I think all wrong. We may say the tourist is right well, sometimes,
this is because Huatulco is a tourist zone. People there often because tourists are not always right. But we certainly come
see tourists with fewer clothes, so locals get accustomed to it to realise things we were not aware of. People in Huatulco,
just because they see that happening often. So it becomes including women, have opened their eyes due to the contact
normal for them, but that is not normal for us in ranchos. In we have with tourists.
Huatulco, all women wear makeup, get well dressed, dye their In a similar context, a married woman having contact with
hair, and this is because Huatulco is more populated and tourists maintained:
receives people from outside, from other countries. Tourists
bring different customs and people in Huatulco pick up that Huatulco receives people from other places and from
behaviour. (Housewife) different cultures. Here, we think in a way that sometimes is
mistaken. When you meet people from other places, they
4.2. Adopted behaviours make you see things differently. They teach us that things are
From the information gathered, it is clear that, in some womens not always the way we think they are. So, tourism has made
mind, tourists do have a direct influence on local women us women open our eyes.
behaving differently from how they used to behave. Some Another informant who had previously lived in a non-tourist
women repeatedly reported that tourists have had a direct area narrated her own experience:
effect on their conduct. Particularly, changes in the way women
dress and wear makeup were reported as being a consequence I have learnt to become independent in certain ways. For
of being in contact with tourists. The following two interview example, I have been out to dinner with some foreign tourists
excerpts are offered to support this assertion: and I have noticed that they split the bill when they go out for
dinner. So I think being independent in that way is something
I have changed my way of thinking and my behaviour, too. I we should learn from tourists.
have learnt a lot from the contact I have with tourists. I have
changed my way of dressing. Before, I used to wear rags, but Recognising that she would not like to be the way tourists are,
now I wear high-heeled shoes, dresses and jeans. Also, I now a married woman who has lived fifteen years in Huatulco and
take care of my body. I liked the way some tourists look, and I has only an elementary school education reported a case in
wanted to be like them. (Housewife, 34 years old, 18 years which demonstration by tourists can potentially have a direct
in the destination) effect on individuals everyday habits.
I would not like to be like tourists. I am Mexican, they just
have a different way of life. However, there is one thing I think
J. C. Monterrubio, M. Mendoza-Ontiveros / Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014, 97-103

I have learnt from Canadian tourists. They are very should become more independent and not to be reliant on
responsible, and they are very punctual; that is something I their husband. But there are some things that should not be
like a lot about them. Now I am very punctual; when I have imitated in them; in the USA women use drugs and drink a lot.
an appointment, I like to arrive before the time. It bothers me I think women in Huatulco should not do that.
when people arrive late.
A woman working as an assistant in the local Health Centre
4.3. A desire to emulate tourist behaviours further warned:
In accordance with the above evidence, it is clear that tourists I would not like to be the way foreign female tourists are. They
demonstrated behaviour, beliefs and attitudes can have a direct are more materialistic, they come and just think about what
effect on local behaviour and conduct. However, based on the to buy, they just think about money and do not think about
findings, this study suggests that the effect of demonstration by peoples needs. (28 years old, 24 years in the destination)
tourists may not necessarily end in an adoption of visible
4.4. Recognising other influential factors
behaviours. The demonstration effect may lie just in locals
desire to adopt other behaviours rather than the adoption itself. While many women see tourists as a cause of change, some
Informants repetitively stated their own wish to be like tourists informants also asserted that what women are like in Huatulco,
in certain ways or the idea that women should be somehow like as compared with those in ranchos, is not a consequence of or
tourists. Issues such as tourists independence and liberalism related to tourism. The following excerpts exemplify this:
were one way or another desired by and for women in the
destination. A twenty-six year old professional stated: I feel that what a woman is like is not due to tourism. I think
it has nothing to do with living in Huatulco. An independent
Some people can change by just observing or talking to woman can be found in a city or in a town where there are no
tourists. I think women here in Huatulco should be more tourists. (Focus group participant)
independent like the way female tourists are and should not
be tied to men. (Accountant, single, 3 months in the I do not believe that women think differently thanks to
destination) tourism. We all here have something to do with tourism, but I
think a woman is independent or has self-esteem regardless
Similarly, a thirty-eight year old woman working on her high of the place she lives in, whether it has tourism or not (Focus
school diploma argued: group participant)
I would like to be like a foreign female tourist in a way. From I consider myself to be a great woman, but I think my way of
my experience with tourists, I can tell they are liberal, much being is not due to tourism or to being in contact with tourists.
more liberal than us in Mexico. They go out, they are not tied (Focus group participant)
to their boyfriend or husband. If they do not like a relationship
with a man, they immediately break off their relationship. So Finally, this study provides evidence to support that tourism is
I would like to be as open-minded as female tourists are. not the only factor of change in local women. Informants
recognised that the difference between women living in the
Although some women showed a wish to be like tourists, others destination and those living in surrounding areas is also
argue that tourists should not be imitated. Rather, some attributable to other factors such as urbanisation, mass media
informants claimed that local women should learn some things and government intervention. While some of these factors may
from tourists while recognising that not all tourist behaviours be associated with tourism development, informants reported
are desirable. When answering whether women should imitate them as other influential factors in their life.
female tourists in any way, a housewife born in Mexico City and
living in the destination for six years maintained: A member of a tourism cooperative observed:

Rather than imitating, we should learn some things from We have changed our way of thinking thanks to some of the
Canadian tourists. We should learn some of their habits. For courses that we have taken, courses that the government has
example, they are very punctual and they distinguish between given us. Examples of these are courses on self-esteem, human
Mexican and Canadian time. Perhaps women in Huatulco relationships, and tourism services courses. Other
should be more independent and work more out of their government projects have helped us to know we women have
homes. We should probably learn to be more practical like the same rights as men do.
they are. However, we should not learn from them the way 5. Conclusions
they prepare food. For example, they just put soup in the
microwave and the food is ready! I think in that way we Bearing in mind that the demonstration effect is still a concept
should not be as industrialised as they are. (Housewife, 38 that requires empirical testing, the main contribution of this
years old) study lies in gathering specialised empirical evidence on how
tourists demonstrated behaviours can have a(n) (in)direct
While disagreeing with some female tourists hedonic effect on locals behaviours. In this vein, by proving that emic
behaviours, a housewife asserted: approaches can lead to deep and integral understandings of
I think there are some things we should learn from female how peoples lives change in tourism destinations, these
tourists. But also there are things that should not be imitated findings suggest that well-accepted notions of the
from them. Perhaps women in Huatulco should copy the way demonstration effect should be revised.
some female tourists think [being liberal and independent]. On the one hand, this study indicates that while tourists
However, some tourists think even worse than me; they just hedonic and consumption behaviours are largely visible
come to have fun and go wild, they do not think positively. I (demonstrated) to local people, consumption patterns are not
think that is something we should not learn from them. (31 the only behaviours that can be emulated by locals. Actually, it
years old, native Mexican) seems that other social conducts, habits, ways of thinking and
In a similar vein, a woman who has lived in Huatulco for twenty- attitudes are perhaps more commonly adopted or learnt by
five years and lived in the USA as an illegal immigrant for over local residents. Rather than economic in nature, sociocultural
ten years asserted: dimensions seem to be more present in the demonstration
effect. On the other hand, this study also demonstrates that
Women from Huatulco should be like female North tourist behaviours are not copied blindly by locals. While there
Americans in certain ways. They should be more liberal, they seems to be a common assumption that local people, especially
J. C. Monterrubio, M. Mendoza-Ontiveros / Tourism & Management Studies, 10(1), 2014, 97-103

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