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Review Article: The Effect of Anxiety On Breast Cancer Patients

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Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Apr - Jun 2012 | Vol 34 | Issue 2 119

UTM Perdana School of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, University Technology Malaysia International Campus,
Jalan Semamarak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Address for correspondence: Dr. Shadiya Mohamed Saleh Baqutayan
Saleh Baqutayan Perdana School of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, University Technology Malaysia International Campus, Jalan
Semamarak, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Email: shadiya@ic.utm.my
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among
women. It is known as the fast enemy that should be
treated and destroyed very fast as well. Most women
do not like to hear the word cancer, and feel worried
and stressed over it. However, the words breast cancer
does not always mean an end. It can be the beginning of
learning how to fight, getting the facts, and finding hope.
Cancer patients usually face more psychological
problems compared to other patients. The diagnosis of
having cancer itself is great challenge. This is followed
by lack of patients personal control over the current
treatment method and uncertainty of its outcome.
Therefore, anxiety is associated with cancer; it is the
most prevalent psychological symptoms perceived by
cancer patients
as a response to a threat, and so many
patients are anxious. In one study done by Ashbury
et al,
77% of 913 patients within 2 years of treatment
recalled experiencing anxiety. However, anxiety after
cancer diagnosis is not necessarily abnormal, may not
present a problem, or may even be a constructive part
of dealing with problems.
The most common cancer and the number one cause
of cancer death amongst women in Malaysia is breast
cancer. If not detected and treated promptly, breast
cancer can metastasize, spreading to the lymph glands
and other parts of the body including the lungs, bones,
and liver.
Usually, cancer is named after the body part in which
it originated; thus, breast cancer refers to the erratic
growth and proliferation of cells that originate in
the breast tissue. The term breast cancer refers to a
malignant tumor that has developed from cells in the
breast. The breast is composed of two main types of
tissues: glandular tissues and stromal (supporting)
tissues. Glandular tissues house the milk-producing
glands (lobules) and the ducts (the milk passages), while
stromal tissues include fatty and fibrous connective
tissues of the breast. The breast is also made up of
lymphatic tissue-immune system tissue that removes
cellular fluids and waste.
Cancer is a disease wherein abnormal cells divide without control and are able to attack other tissues. Most of the patients
and their families face some degree of depression, anxiety, and fear when cancer becomes a part of their lives. They feel
helpless and eager to find ways on how to get rid of it. The study focuses on anxiety among breast cancer patients. It
aims at investigating cancer, its symptoms, and effects the disease has on the anxiety level of patients.
Key words: Anxiety, breast cancer, effect of anxiety, symptoms of anxiety
The Effect of Anxiety on Breast Cancer Patients
Shadiya Mohamed Saleh Baqutayan
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Baqutayan: Anxiety among breast cancer
120 Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Apr - Jun 2012 | Vol 34 | Issue 2
Breast cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled
growth of abnormal cells in the milk-producing glands
of the breast or in the passages (ducts) that deliver milk
to the nipples. The early stage of breast cancer usually
refers to the cancer that is confined to the fatty tissue
of the breast. It may then spread to underlying tissues
of the chest wall and then to other parts of the body.

Furthermore, worldwide, breast cancer is the leading
cause of cancer death in women, and more than one
million women are diagnosed each year.
In addition
to that, more than 500,000 women every year die from
the disease worldwide.
Anxiety, tension, worry, stress, and strain are all
common feelings and it is a part of our life today. Simple
worry or stress will not drive us to look for specialist,
but when these feelings become a chronics and interfere
with our lives we need to do something and look for
ways to manage it in order to function well.
Anxiety can be defined as an unpleasant subjective
experience associated with the perception of real threat;
therefore, it is a common symptom in connection
with cancer.
emotional state characterized by feelings of unpleasant
expectation and a sense of imminent danger.
to Stark, et al.,
anxiety has both physiological and
psychological components. Autonomic hyper-arousal
with acceleration of heart rate and respiration, tremor,
sweating, muscle tension, and gastrointestinal changes
are common physiological experiences. Apprehension,
feeling powerless, and fearing loss of control are
psychological aspects.
According to Kazdin,
anxiety is an emotion that
characterized by feelings of tension, worry, and stress
as well as physiological changes such as increased blood
anxiety as a general term for several disorders that
cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying.
These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and
they can manifest real physical symptoms. Mild anxiety
is vague and unsettling, while severe anxiety can be
extremely debilitating, having a serious impact on
daily life.
things that might happen or have a restless night of
sleep. But, people with an anxiety problem worry so
much that it affects their lives in negative ways. As
stated above, anxiety is one of the most dominant
psychological challenges associated with cancer. In
another word, anxiety is just a normal reaction for
cancer patients. Patients anxiety increases once they
discover that they suffer from breast cancer, they
may also become more anxious as cancer spreads or
treatment becomes more intense. Consequently, the
level of anxiety experienced by one person with cancer
may differ from the anxiety experienced by another.
Many anxiety cases associated with cancer were treated
from this sickness, but others were not. Therefore,
psychologists need to give support and hope to breast
cancers patients; they need to help them cope with
their feeling and pain.
Moreover, cancers patients may experience anxiety at
different situation as while undergoing a screening test,
waiting for the results, receiving a diagnosis, undergoing
treatment, or anticipating a recurrence of their cancer.
The anxiety associated with cancer may increase feelings
of pain, interfere their ability to sleep, causes nausea and
vomiting, and interfere with their quality of life. And
the severe anxiety may even shorten the patients life.
worries about cancer treatment effects, fear of cancer
progression and death, guilt, and spiritual questioning.
A study by Ashbury et al.,
indicated that 77%
of patients within 2 years of treatment recalled
experiencing anxiety. On the other hand, anxiety
after cancer diagnosis is not necessarily to be normal,
understanding the nature of the anxiety in cancer
patient populations is important because abnormal
anxiety is troublesome the psychological wellbeing of
the patients Sherbourne
and Sheard.
Interviewing some breast cancer patients reported that
their anxiety is characterized by a number of typical
symptoms and signs such as shivering or tremor.
They find that their feelings of anxiety increase or
decrease at different times. They may become more
anxious as cancer spreads or treatment becomes more
intense. The level of anxiety experienced by one person
may differ from the level of anxiety experienced by
another. Anxiety in breast cancer patients is associated
with death anxiety, fear of death as a result of their
symptoms. According to Pollak
this type of anxiety
is lower for people who have a positive sense of well-
being and sense of meaning in life. In addition, evidence
indicates that religious beliefs influence their level of
Many researchers have investigated the differences in
anxiety level among women receiving different breast
cancer treatments. Recent study done by Lim,

indicated that anxiety presents in all treatment types
for breast cancer. Moreover, the anxiety level in women
who underwent chemotherapy was highest before the
Baqutayan: Anxiety among breast cancer
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Apr - Jun 2012 | Vol 34 | Issue 2 121
first chemotherapy infusion, mediated by age and
trait anxiety. This result confirms the needs for more
research and studies on anxiety among breast cancer
Various symptoms are frequently reported by patients
with cancer during or after treatment. Some of these
symptoms are psychological in nature and others
are physical in nature. Fatigue, nausea, and pain are
among the most common symptoms.
In addition,
the Villadeguadarrama Free Article
reported that
the cancer-related anxiety may manifest as physical
symptoms, such as rapid heartbeat, tightness in the
chest or shortness of breath. The patient may also
experience digestive symptoms, such as nausea,
vomiting, or diarrhea.
Thinking about anxiety that can lead to physical
symptoms, the overall symptoms of anxiety among
cancer patients include: excessive, ongoing worry and
tension, an unrealistic view of problems, restlessness or
a feeling of being edgy, irritability, muscle tension,
headaches, sweating, difficulty concentrating, nausea,
the need to go to the bathroom frequently, tiredness,
trouble falling or staying asleep, trembling, and being
easily startled.
Symptoms of anxiety and depression have been found
to be common in patients with cancer,
occurring around the time of diagnosis and during the
period of chemotherapy.
High-depression burden
has been found at the time when patients experience
adverse effects of chemotherapy.
difference in psychological distress has been found
depending on age, gender, and living situation, with
those living alone experiencing higher levels of distress
in a sample of Icelandic cancer patients during the
treatment period.
Many studies were done to measure the anxiety
symptom among cancers patients. A study of women
at high risk for breast cancer showed significantly
higher levels of depressive symptoms and feelings of
emotional alienation than did a standardized test
group, with 27% of this population defined as having
a level of psychological distress justifying psychological
A second study also documented an
increase in distress among first-degree relatives of
breast cancer patients.
An Israeli study found that
first-degree relatives who have physical symptoms of
breast pathology respond with more emotional distress
than do women of normal risk in the same situation.

Patients with cancer face most of the stressors associated
with diagnosis, illness, and treatment. These stressors
may generate coping strategy, which may affect the
mental health.
Cancer affects patients lives and those
of their families in different aspects. Cancer diagnosis
and treatment brings changes in patients personal
paths of life, in their daily activities, work, relationships,
and family roles, and it is associated with a high level
of patient psychological stress. This stress shows up as
anxiety and/or depression.
If you are really caring for someone who is having
the symptoms of anxiety, encourage him or her to get
help. People are differing in the way they perceive
their sickness and they are also differ in the way they
cope with their anxiety. Some are easily disturbed
by their feeling of being anxious and other may take
it as a challenge and they try to look for ways to
overcome their feeling. There are many treatments for
clinical depression including medicines, counseling,
or a combination of both. Treatments can reduce
the feeling of anxiety and improve the quality of life.
Therefore, the diagnosis of anxiety in cancer is usually
complicated by the overlap of anxiety and sickness
symptoms such as cancer-related fatigue and pain.
Many common symptoms of major depression were
observed in cancer patients who do not endorse full
depression symptoms.
Different studies showed that various kinds of
coping strategies are used to overcome the anxiety in
different types and stages of cancer.
Reuter et al.,
stated that patients using ineffective
coping strategies have higher levels of anxiety and
depression and that benefiting from social support
results in a marked reduction in the levels of anxiety
and depression. Moreover, the importance of social
support to good mental health outcomes is well
Anxiety in breast
cancer patients
Worry Stress Fear
Symptoms of
Effects of anxiety
Not to cope
Figure 1: Anxiety framework
Baqutayan: Anxiety among breast cancer
122 Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Apr - Jun 2012 | Vol 34 | Issue 2
As well as the positive effect of good
social support, the detrimental effect of negative
interactions with significant others in the social
environment has also become apparent in psychiatric
and other conditions.
Eventually, people are unique in the way they
perceive and cope with the anxiety, also the way
one patient uses is different from the way other
uses. Undoubtedly, it is related to the personality,
strength, faith, and hope patients is having toward
their sickness.
Most of the breast cancer patients defined anxiety as
are interrelated to the anxiety and depression among
them. Patients are differing in the way they perceive
their problem as well as the way they cope with the
anxiety associate with it. The huge literatures on
anxiety, its effects, coping, counseling, and mental
health are evidence of the extensive belief that the way
people cope is somehow linked to their belief and faith.
In conclusion, anxiety has a great effect on the feeling
of breast cancer patients and it leads to high level of
coping mechanisms.
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How to cite this article: Baqutayan SM. The effect of anxiety on breast
cancer patients. Indian J Psychol Med 2012;34:119-23.
Source of Support: Nil, Confict of Interest: None.
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