Depression and Self-Esteem Among Preoperative and Postoperative Breast
Cancer Patients in Peshawar
Hafsa Iqbal1*, Alam Zeb Khattak2
Department of Psychology, Preston University Kohat, Peshawar Campus, Pakistan
Department of Psychology, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Corresponding Author
Accepted : 11 June, 2019 ; Published online :07 July, 2019
Abstract: The current study was conducted to find out the level of depression and self-
esteem among the preoperative and postoperative. Level of self-esteem and depression
among post operative (mastectomy and lumpectomy) were also investigated.
Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted at Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear
Medicine (IRNUM) at the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar. 120 sample of breast
cancer were selected. 60 were preoperative and 60 were postoperative breast cancer
patients. Their age ranges from 26 years to 55 years. Purposive sampling technique was used
in the study. Urdu version of self-esteem scale (1999) and Depression scales were used
(1992). SPSS 21 version was used for data analysis. Results: It was hypothesized in the study
that there is a significant negative correlation between self-esteem and depression in
preoperative and postoperative Breast Cancer. The results also shows the negative
correlation amongst self–esteem and depression in lumpectomy and mastectomy Breast
Cancer patients. Conclusion: it was concluded that there is no significant difference
between the degree of depression and self-esteem in preoperative, postoperative, mastectomy
and lumpectomy patients.
Keywords: IRNUM, breast cancer, self-esteem, depression, preoperative, postoperative.
Breast Cancer is the most fatal and terrific disorder among female patient in the world. It is
the most common type of cancer among women. The Breast is the organ of feminine beauty
and body attractiveness and source of feeding for babies. Breast Cancer patients are facing a
lot of difficulties due to stigmatization, disturbed body image and loss of physical
attractiveness. Numerous women adjust to the situation and to their physical conditions,
while there are certain women victims undergo a lot of difficulties like stress, anxiety, and
depression. Along with the undesirable and uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, the patients
are facing chronic and continuous pain. This earlier research indicates concerns of the Breast
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Cancer patient’s negative psychological factors like stress, anxiety, depression, coping, life
satisfaction and body image (Malik, & Kiran, 2013).
Different treatment procedures of Breast Cancer play an important role like surgery,
radiotherapy, while chemotherapy causes important body changes and also affects their self-
esteem. Removal of the breast during surgery is the loss of feminity while chemotherapy is
very expensive and the patients cannot financially afford it. Moreover, radiotherapy and
surgery are less expensive as compared to chemotherapy (Sebastian, Manos, Bueno
&Mateos, 2008).
Like other countries, Pakistan is also facing a lot of difficulties to handle the issues of Breast
Cancer. The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission established the major and leading cancer
hospital in Khyber Medical University, Peshawar. The aim of the institute is to provide
diagnostic and treatment services to cancer patients of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and adjoining
areas. IRNUM is the fifth institute of Pakistan, which are operating under control of the
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. It provides services to 53000 patients per year.
Breast cancer:
Breast Cancer is defined as the unwanted and out of control growth of abnormal breast cells
that can overrun nearby tissues and spread to other organs through blood vessels or lymph
nodes. These cancer cells form a lump or also called a mass tumor. The breast is made from
glands which are responsible for milk production, called lobules, so mostly, the Breast
Cancer begins in that area of the breast tissues. Lobules are connected to the nipple through
ducts (Breast Cancer facts and figure 2015-16). Enache (2011) conducted a study on a sample
of 30 females who have gone through a mastectomy, the surgical treatment of Breast Cancer.
It is to be examined the negative psychological outcomes that are anxiety, low self-esteem
and depression due to the reaction of the social circle and relatives.
Stages of breast cancer:
Staging also defines what treatment should be given to the patients. The stages are defined as,
the total early stage of cancer is the stage 0;
Stage 1, in which the size of the cancer tumor is about to ¾ inch or smaller.
Stage 2 is defined as in which the tumor size is ¾ to 2 inches. The cancer lymph
nodes must or may not be clear for cancer.
Stage 3, in which the tumor size is bigger than 2 inches and auxiliary lymph nodes are
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At stage 4, the clear metastatic Breast Cancer tissues ( Preston, 2010)
In the current research study, for developing a common understanding of the group of Breast
Cancer patients can be divided into two categories on the basis of surgical treatment, i.e.
Preoperative and Postoperative Breast Cancer. Preoperative staging is defined as one wherein
Breast Cancer patients at this stage are recommended for surgical treatment that is either for
mastectomy or lumpectomy. At the surgical stage, in which there is no option of treatment
other than removing the breast, either one breast operated and or two breasts removed
through operation The mastectomy treatment option is very fearful and anxious for females
having Breast Cancer. And this treatment disfigures the body of the females. (Lloyd, et al.,
The other main psychological cause is due to the surgical treatment of the Breast Cancer in
which the whole breast is removed or only the affected portion of the breast is removed. Both
are disturbing stage for females because the breast is signs of beauty. They feel less attractive
physically as well as sexually. There is a lot of emotional changes in the females who have
undergone the surgical treatment (Manos, Sebastián, Bueno, Mateos and Torre, 2
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The diagnosis of depression among cancer patients is not so easy, that’s how the side effects
of the treatment can separate from the symptoms of depression. Some symptoms of
depression are non-definite that it can lead to various problems such as tiredness, loss of
appetite and interest in daily life. But for the treatment of depression, it is significant to
identify the early signs of depression. If the person feel low mood more than two weeks, so
he should take help. The other signs and indications of depression are sad moods, lack of
interest in pleasurable events, lack of motivation for every activity in life, disturbed sleep that
is problematic in initiation of sleep or wake up early, guilt feelings ,irritability, crying spells,
feeling oversensitive , hopelessness feelings, and suicidal thoughts. The physical symptoms
are the loss of energy, body fatigue, and lack of interest in sex and panic attacks (Walker and
Kelly, 2005).
The interplay of breast cancer and depression:
The psychological issues which might be anxiety and depression are commonplace in females
who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer; those disorders are frequently unobserved and
left unprocessed worsening the remedy final results. (Lueboonthavatchai, 2007). Moreover,
the depressing consequences of Breast Cancer and its treatment can cause significant changes
in associations and emotional well-being of mutually the cancer victim and also a nearby
family associates (Badger, et al, 2007).
The level of depression is an emotional disturbance displaying anxiety, despair, loss, and
helplessness, full of failure, and worthlessness with the aid of having a bad notion of self in
the path of adapting to a stressful event (Kim, et al, 2015).
Breast Cancer is the most life-threatening illness, the negative consequences of the illness
lead to lower the self-esteem and cause psychological distress. Self-esteem is negatively
associated with distress and positively associated with wellbeing Different researchers have
found that those who have cancer, having low self-esteem as compared to those who have not
cancer (Carpenter, 1997)
The current time surgeries for Breast Cancers include mastectomy, mastectomy with
reconstruction, or lumpectomy. After the remedy of surgery it left scars on the body and also
due the removal of breast, it disfigured the body shape. It is concluded that scarring resulted
in lower scores of self-esteem. However, females are suffered from each physical and
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psychological issue as a result of cancer treatments. The lifestyles-threatening diagnosis of
Breast Cancer itself starts negative impact on a woman’s physical and psychological state.
(Ogden & Lindridge, 2008).
The above-cited studies revealed that there is the limited study in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to
indicate psychological problems in Breast Cancer patients. Going into more in-depth, certain
questions arise about the Breast Cancer patient’s psychological problems and their intensity
level before and after treatment (Preoperative and Postoperative stages).
The present study will examine the level of self-esteem and depression among the
preoperative group, those Breast Cancers diagnosed patients who have been recommended
for the surgical treatment either mastectomy or lumpectomy and Postoperative group are
those Breast Cancer patients who have been operated through mastectomy or lumpectomy
after diagnosing by the general practitioner. And to find out the level of depression and in
Breast Cancer patients, according to surgery that is either mastectomy or lumpectomy.
To address such type of queries, as mentioned above in the present work, there is a need to
conduct a study on specific Breast Cancer patients in the hospital of district Peshawar namely
Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicines (IRNUM). The diagnosis and treatment of
Breast Cancer elicit greater distresses in females, which lead to different psychological
problems like depression, self-esteem and instill poor coping mechanism which affects their
quality of life. This study will be useful to identify the level of depression and self-esteem in
preoperative and in postoperative Breast Cancer patients. The study findings will be
supportive to recommend some psychological strategies for identifying the group who has
low self-esteem and high depression. Particularly cognitive behavior therapy and stress
management for enhancing coping mechanism that how to deal with the current challenging
circumstances and to minimize the depression and enhance self-esteem for the better quality
of life. It can be used for further research studies. The present study will be also helpful in the
area where the clinical psychologists work for Breast Cancer patients more easily after
compiling the present research findings.
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2. There is a statistically significant difference between the degree of depression and
self-esteem in Breast Cancer patients with mastectomy as compared to lumpectomy.
3. There is no significant difference between the degree of depression and self-esteem in
preoperative, postoperative, mastectomy and lumpectomy.
Research design:
The Cross-sectional research design was used in the present research study. It was used to
compare the two groups of Breast Cancer patients, the preoperative and the postoperative.
The population of breast cancer patients was registered at Institute of Radiotherapy and
Nuclear for the last year 2017 was 3,200.
Among those Breast Cancer patient, 120 samples were selected, in which 60 patients were
preoperative Breast Cancer patients and 60 were postoperative Breast Cancer patients. One
hundred and twenty female patients were ranging in ages from 26 years to 55 years (IRNUM)
for the last year 2017 was 3,200.
This instrument self-esteem was developed by Farida Rifai and Pervaiz Naeem Tariq (1999).
This scale consists of 29 total items. High scores, on the scale indicate a high level of self-
esteem while low score indicate low self-esteem. The score range for this scale is 0-116. The
alpha reliability coefficient is .83 for the scale. The Alpha coefficient for the sub-scales of the
instruments ranged from.64 to .78 (Rifai and Tariq, 1999)
The depression scale was developed by Siddiqui and Shah (1992). It is for both clinical and
non-clinical samples. It consists of 36 items. The response options for this scale are, none of
the time and are scored as 1, 2 stands for sometimes, 3 stands for most while 4 stands for all
the time. This scale measures the levels, mild, moderate and severe depression. Alpha
reliabilities of Siddiqui Shah Depression scale is .92.
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Inclusion criteria: Only female patients were included in the research
Exclusion criteria: The sample whose age was less than 26 and whose sample age was more
than 55 years were excluded
Variables of the study: Breast Cancer is the independent variable, while depression and self-
esteem are dependent variables in both preoperative and postoperative conditions.
Table 1
Preoperative Breast Cancer patients (N=60)
Correlations among Depression and Self-esteem
Correlations Self-esteem Depression
Self-esteem Pearson Correlation 1 -.487**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
Depression Pearson Correlation -.487 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 1 indicated the correlation between self-esteem and depression among the preoperative
group of 60 participants. There is a strong negative correlation between self-esteem and
depression. The value of the 2 tailed Pearson correlation is -.487, which is highly significant
at 0.01 level
Table 2
Postoperative Breast Cancer patients (N=60)
Correlations among depression and self-esteem
Correlations Self-esteem Depression
N 60 60
N 60 60
pg. 97
Correlations Self-esteem Depression
N 60 60
N 60 60
Table 3
Postoperative (Lumpectomy) ( N=30)
Correlations among Self-esteem and Depression
Self-esteem Depression
Self-esteem Pearson Correlation 1 -.467**
Sig. (2-tailed) .009
N 30 30
Depression Pearson Correlation -.467 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .009
N 30 30
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
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Table 3 indicated the correlation between self-esteem and depression among 30 participants
of lumpectomy (postoperative) group. There is a strong negative correlation between self-
esteem and depression. The value of the 2 tailed Pearson correlation was -.467, which is
highly significant at 0.01 level
Table 4
Postoperative (Mastectomy) ( N=30)
Correlations among Self-esteem and Depression
Correlations Self-esteem Depression
Self-esteem Pearson Correlation 1 -.564**
Sig. (2-tailed) .001
N 30 30
Depression Pearson Correlation -.564 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .001
N 30 30
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 4 indicated the correlation between self-esteem and depression among 30 participants
of mastectomy (postoperative) group. The Strong negative correlation between self-esteem
and depression was reported. The Value of the 2 tailed Pearson correlation was - .564, which
was highly significant at 0.01 level
Table 3 & 4
Comparison between Lumpectomy and Mastectomy Breast Cancer patients (N-60)
Self Esteem Depression
Lumpectomy 1 -.467**
30 0.009
Mastectomy 1 -.564**
30 0.001
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Comparison of results postoperative group (Lumpectomy and Mastectomy). The above-
mentioned table 8 and 9 indicated the difference between 30 patients of lumpectomy and 30
patients of mastectomy groups. In both groups, the strong negative correlation was found
between self-esteem and depression which was -.467 & -.564 respectively. While no
significant difference was found between all variables of the lumpectomy and mastectomy.
The present research study aimed to find out the relationship of self-esteem and depression in
preoperative and postoperative breast cancer and also in lumpectomy and mastectomy of
breast cancer females patients in Peshawar.
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According to results of the current study negative correlation was found between self-esteem
and depression among preoperative and postoperative breast cancer patients. Pearson
correlation of self-esteem and depression was -.487 in preoperative group and in
postoperative group Pearson correlation of self-esteem was -.519. Which indicate that those
breast cancer patients who have scored high on self-esteem scale, so there level of depression
was low and those who scored low on self-esteem were highly depressed. According to
previous study Reich, Lesur and Chevallier (2008) early and advance stage there was no
statistical difference in terms of psychological discomforts, that depression was common
among breast cancer patients. Difference among all mentioned variables were non-significant
because in preoperative stage if the patient is diagnosed with cancer and recommended for
the surgery, so they have fearful feelings, sever pain and have death thoughts while in
postoperative condition the patients were feeling depressed due disturbed body image. The
second hypothesis states that there was a statistical difference among mastectomy and
lumpectomy of breast cancer patients. The current study results reported little bit of variation.
According to the results the difference was minimal and non-significant. Pearson correlation
of depression in lumpectomy patient’s was-.467 and self-esteem was 1. Pearson correlation
of depression is -.564 and self-esteem is 1. in mastectomy. Both groups showed a very little
statistical difference, which oppose the hypothesis. Sebastian, Manos, Bueno and
Mateos (2008) concluded that there is a little difference of self-esteem, according to the type
of surgical treatment that was mastectomy and lumpectomy.
In the current study we hypothesized that patient with breast cancer, who received score high
on self-esteem scale, so they were scored low on the depression scale. Self-esteem was the
term related the overall evaluation of oneself. It also measures body image. Self-esteem may
be based on positive and negative evaluation of self also reported that married women with
high self-esteem was disturbed less after surgery either lumpectomy and mastectomy , while
on the other hand women who was low self-esteem, so they were more disturbed after
surgery (lumpectomy and mastectomy).
The result findings of the current study revealed that there is no significant difference in the
level of depression and self-esteem among the preoperative and the postoperative Breast
Cancer patients. The total score on the depression scale was used to measure the high and low
level of depression and self-esteem scale, the total score was used to measure the high and
low level of the Breast Cancer women before and after the surgery. Results of the current
study correlated the preoperative depression level and level of self-esteem with the
pg. 100
postoperative depression. There is the number of factors which contribute to affect level of
depression among cancer patients. Financial problems among cancer diagnosed patients are
mostly associated with the high depression and low self-esteem is that the lower income
among the society, due to which they suffer a lot for the treatment, the other factor is the
lower educational level that they have worried about due to which they are unaware about the
treatment process of the cancer. The other factor is, the less family support and husband
support for this critical illness due to which they suffer a lot. In mostly all of cancer
diagnosed female they need support from the family and especially from their husband which
in turn create better-coping abilities and resiliency. In case of unavailability of this support,
the patients are sufferings from a lot of difficulties to fight against cancer. The other
promoting factor in the prevalence of depression in the dysfunctional thoughts about the
surgical option for the Breast Cancer treatment that the body image was disfigured due to the
removal of Breast Cancer tissues or the removal of one breast or two breasts. Which was the
devastating effect was the beauty of the females. In the preoperative stage cancer, patients are
very disturbed due to severe pain, fear of operation and fear of death while in the
postoperative stage the patients are severely disturbed due to disfiguration and disturbed body
1. The results of the study may be generalized to study other types of cancers like
uterine cancers in females, gastric cancers, and scrotal cancers in males.
2. Data for this study was collected from IRNUM hospital Peshawar only; it may be
extended to other hospitals of the provinces of Pakistan.
3. Longitudinal studies may also be conducted on the other variables of cancer patients
like general health, life satisfaction and family support etc.
4. The depression and self-esteem among Breast Cancer females before and after
surgery may also be generalized to the other treatment phase of treatment that is
chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
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