Recognition of CIM Qualifications

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RECOGNITION OF THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MARKETING QUALIFICATIONS Current Recognition Situation for Syllabus 2008/9 The Chartered Institute

of Marketings qualifications have a number of different recognitions: National Qualifications Framework (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (Scotland) The Open University (England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland) European Qualifications Framework European Marketing Confederation European Credits and Transfer System.

1. National Qualifications Framework Ofqual is the government agency that regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England, and vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland. Ofqual also helps manage the National Qualifications Framework on behalf of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.uF

The Chartered Institute of Marketings qualifications (Syllabus launched in 2008):

Introductory Certificate in Marketing Professional Certificate in Marketing

are recognised by Ofqual and are on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). 2. Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) This is a partnership between different Scottish agencies covering all aspects of education up to and including higher education, and seeks to work closely with employers and providers of education. The Chartered Institute of Marketings qualifications (Syllabus launched in 2008): Introductory Certificate in Marketing Professional Certificate in Marketing Professional Diploma in Marketing Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing are listed on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF).

The table below gives details of the NQF and SCQF levels with broad indications of the equivalent levels in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ).

CIM Qualifications

National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 8 Specialist awards Level 7 Level 7 Diplomas

Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (Level 7) Professional Diploma (Level 6)

Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Level 12 Doctoral degrees Level 11 Masters degrees

QAA Framework (FHEQ)

Equivalent Level

D (doctoral) doctorates M (masters) masters degrees, postgraduate certificates and diplomas H (honours) bachelor degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas I (intermediate) diplomas of higher education and further education, foundation degrees, higher national diplomas C (certificate) certificates of higher education (First year of degree) A Level standard Masters Degree

Level 6 Level 6 Diplomas Level 5 Level 5 BTEC Higher National Diploma

Levels 9-10 Bachelors Graduate awards Level 8 Higher National Diplomas

Graduate Diploma Bachelors Degree

Advanced Diploma

Professional Certificate (Level 4) Introductory Certificate (Level 3)

Level 4 Level 4 Certificate Level 3 A levels

Level 7 Higher National Certificates Level 6 National certificates


Advanced Certificate

3. The Open University The Chartered Institute of Marketing submitted four qualifications (Syllabus 2008/9) for independent credit rating by the Open University in 2010:

Introductory Certificate in Marketing Professional Certificate in Marketing Professional Diploma in Marketing Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing

The Open University assigns credit against the established higher education benchmarks agreed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) and the higher education credit consortia (FHEQ) The Institutes qualifications have been given the following credits for holders of these from July 2009 onwards.. Introductory Certificate in Marketing: 12 credits, FHEQ Level 3 (each unit has 6 credits) Professional Certificate in Marketing: 40 credits, FHEQ Level 4 (each unit has 10 credits) Professional Diploma in Marketing: 60 credits, FHEQ Level 6 (each unit has 15 credits)

Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing: Stage 1: 60 credits at Postgraduate Level 7 FHEQ Emerging Themes and Managing Corporate Reputation each have 10 credits; Analysis and Decision, and Marketing Leadership and Planning, each have 20 credits Stage 2: Leading Marketing: 60 credits at Postgraduate Level 7 FEHQ The Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing has 120 credits for the two stages.

4. European Qualifications Framework (EQF) The European Union decided as part of its dedication to lifelong learning for citizens in the countries of the European Union (EU), to establish a framework the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) that will act as a common denominator for the different European education systems, and will thus allow EU citizens to carry their learning across boundaries and combine qualifications from different countries within the EU. The diagram below shows the relationship of links to date between the EQF, the SCQF, and CIM qualifications:

EQF 7 6 5 4

SCQF 11 9-10 7 6

CIM qualifications Chartered Postgraduate Diploma Professional Diploma in Marketing Professional Certificate in Marketing Introductory Certificate in Marketing

5. The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) The European Marketing Confederation is the umbrella organisation for marketing, sales, and communication associations in Europe. Its mission is the promotion and the development of marketing as the fundamental business process leading to economic growth and prosperity and the improvement of the competitive position of Europe's trade, industry and commerce. The aim of the organisation is to promote the voice of the marketing profession within Europe and the function of marketing as a vital element in business. A European Marketing Certification and Qualifications (EMCQ) Framework has been developed to establish an accreditation system for the marketing and sales profession across Europe.

At present two of the CIMs qualifications are in the framework: CIM qualification Introductory Certificate in Marketing (NQF Level 3) Professional Certificate in Marketing (NQF Level 4) EMCQ certificate Marketing Basics for Non Marketers Marketing Assistant

6. European Credits and Transfer System (ECTS) The European Credit and Transfer System (ECTS) is a system that deals with degrees awarded by higher education in European countries. The ECTS system aims to make teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of degree studies. It allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, student mobility, and flexibility in gaining qualifications. Two UK higher education credits equate to one ECTS credit. The Chartered Institute of Marketings qualifications do have a broad equivalence to the ECTS system, due to the credits awarded by The Open University (see section three). Introductory Certificate in Marketing: 12 credits, FHEQ Level 3 (each unit has 6 credits) o What is Marketing? 6 UK credits, 3 ECTS credits o Understanding Customer Relationships 6 UK credits, 3 ECTS credits Professional Certificate in Marketing: 40 credits, FHEQ Level 4 (each unit has 10 credits) o Marketing Essentials 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS credits o Assessing the Marketing Environment 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS credits o Marketing Information and Research 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS credits o Stakeholder Marketing 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS credits Professional Diploma in Marketing: 60 credits, FHEQ Level 6 (each unit has 15 credits) o Marketing Planning Process 15 UK credits, 7.5 ECTS credits o Delivering Customer Value Through Marketing 15 UK credits, 7.5 ECTS credits o Managing Marketing 15 UK credits, 7.5 ECTS credits o Project Management for Marketing 15 UK credits, 7.5 ECTS credits Chartered Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing: Stage 1: 60 credits at Postgraduate Level 7 FHEQ o o o o Emerging Themes 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS credits Analysis and Decision 20 UK credits, 10 ECTS credits Marketing Leadership and Planning 20 UK credits, 10 ECTS credits Managing Corporate Reputation 10 UK credits, 5 ECTS credits

Stage 2: Leading Marketing: 60 credits at Postgraduate Level 7 FHEQ o Leading Marketing 60 credits at Postgraduate Level 7 FHEQ, 30 ECTS credits

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