Star Craft Tactical Miniatures Combat
Star Craft Tactical Miniatures Combat
Star Craft Tactical Miniatures Combat
20 +8 15 10 40
Special Abilities:
The following information below should Melee / Range Combat: This model may
describe the stats for each model in the attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
game; Game Mechanics will be shown during its controller’s turn.
below the example model’s stats.
Gauss Rifle: Whenever this model attacks,
A Model’s Statistics he may make a second attack against the
same target.
Understanding the stats is crucial when
playing Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures
Combat. An example of a Zerg Hydralisk:
Movement is very easy in Starcraft: Tactical One: Player 1 moves all of his or her models
Miniatures Combat; all models may do either and attacks if attacks can be made on
of the following: move up to six inches and enemy models.
attack, attack and move up to six inches or
move up to 12 inches (double their speed) Two: Player 2 moves all of his or her
and skip their attack phase. models and attacks if attacks can be made
on enemy models.
In order to make a Melee Attack, the
attacking model must be within 1” of the Three: The turn is now over and a new
targeted model. Round begins, following the 2 steps
provided in the above section.
Cover grants a model +4 to their DEF
statistic when in cover, and this could be As you can see, “Activation” is not important,
anything from behind a wall, a window or which why you’ll be moving and attacking
tree and even behind vehicles or anything with all of your models during one whole
that you and your opponent would constitute turn, eliminating the constant dragging on of
as being cover. Remember that to attack at back and fourth activations.
range at a model in cover, you draw line of
sight from the attacking model to the
targeted model. Each model has a weapon,
and the Army List provides this information
for you; use the Range Value of the weapon
by checking it in the Army List. If the model’s
weapon is within range of the targeted
model, it may then shoot at the target.
Ironically, it was partially the fault of the Just as the Xel'Naga were congratulating
Protoss that the Zerg were created in the themselves on a job well done - they had
first place. Disappointed by their failure on created a species with an unbelievable
Aiur, the Xel'Naga left the planet and moved purity of essence - the Zerg were realizing
across the galaxy again in search of a world the existence of an extremely powerful race
on which to conduct their experiments. This with many useful genetic traits: the
time around, they decided, they would Xel'Naga. The Overmind quickly launched
concentrate on creating a species that its new space-capable swarms at the
manifested a purity of essence rather than a Xel'Naga who were taken completely by
purity of form. They were more successful surprise. By destroying this godlike race, the
than they could have possibly hoped. Overmind also gained knowledge of the only
Choosing a barren ash world named Zerus, thing that could stop them - the Protoss.
the Xel'Naga began to manipulate a small
worm-like species that had no real way of
Into the Selections
interacting physically with the world around
it. With the help of the Xel'Naga, the Zerg
(which means "those born of Zerus") learned Be aware of the points and such when
to burrow into the flesh of other animals that selecting your forces and armies.
1A. Terran Barracks Selections
Gauss Rifle: Whenever this model attacks,
he may make a second attack against the
same target.
Firebat Commander
23 +9 16 20 50
Special Abilities:
22 +9 16 20 60
20 +8 15 10 40
Special Abilities:
30 +8 17 20 80
Special Abilities:
Vulture Hover Cycle
Melee / Range Combat: This model may
attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
CST ATK DEF DMG HP during its controller’s turn.
21 +6 14 10 40
Special Abilities:
18 +7 15 10 50
Reaver Melee Combat: This model may only make
Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.
Burrow Ability: On a roll of 11 or better,
this model burrows (you measure anywhere
27 +10 18 10 70 up to 12” and if the roll was successful, you
move to the model to the selected area
without any movement penalties).
Special Abilities:
Special Abilities:
25 +10 17 20 80
Special Abilities:
CST ATK DEF DMG HP Melee Combat: This model may only make
Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.
14 +7 13 10 20
Spine Projectiles: 30 Damage dealt to all
models within 6”. All models make a Save
Special Abilities: Roll of 11+ (replaces attacks).
2C. Zerg Lair Selections Quadruple Hit: On this model’s turn, it can
make 3 extra attacks instead of moving.
24 +8 18 20 80
Special Abilities:
Protoss Weaponry
Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon
Modified Psi-Blade: A strong and mighty releasing a few other games systems, like a
blade powerful enough to crush the skull of game based on Warhammer 40,000 by
an enemy Zerg. Games Workshop, which will be using a
similar system to Dungeon Squad by the
Weapon Range: Melee / Melee Weapon ever-so-talented Jason Morningstar. Another
great game, will be a Starcraft RPG, based
on a newly created d20 system, created by
Zerg Weaponry us here at Hellstorm Studios, Inc. Now, go,
play the game, and enjoy.
Razor-Edged Forearms: These are
massively large razor-edged forearms Neuicon and Sean Daniels wanna thank all
shaped in a bone-like surface. of you for playing the game.
Print several copies of this page and insert information based on the models you’ll be using.