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Star Craft Tactical Miniatures Combat

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Introduction and will help in providing quick gameplay,

quick combat resolvement and more.
This game is about winning in the glorious
future of the Starcraft Universe; you will This game was also play-tested by Neuicon,
command small bands or small armies of Sean Daniels, Kathy Ahern, Doug Ahern,
soldiers, machines, aliens and more into Scott Travis and John Douglas. Many
battle against enemies to totally obliterate thanks go out to these people for their time
them as you shoot them, engage into close and the fun we had while playing this
combat with them, blow them up, and more homebrew rules system, free for the entire
in this game of total war and destruction. world to enjoy and play.

The idea for Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures

Combat came from Neuicon and Sean
Daniels in an attempt to create small battles
on a tabletop, which meant that one could
command forces of Terrans, Protoss and
Zerg into battle and fight it out, without using
hex grids or 1” grids; this game was meant
to be played on regular 3-D terrain.

This game is also similar to games like

Wizards of the Coast’s Star Wars Miniatures
and Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures and
produces some awesome combat as there
are no Save Rolls, nor are there any
discussions and long debates about what
rules mean what; our rules are simple, easy
to understand and quick, because combat
should always be resolved fairly and quickly,
in any game you play.
Now, for the legal stuff: all of the images in
Some things to keep in mind: this game is this booklet are copyright, Blizzard
not for you if you hate losing and choose to Entertainment and we do not choose to
throw girly-fits every time you lose, because claim these as our own property; the
you will lose, and losing is normal! Some Starcraft game itself is copyright, Blizzard
games you’ll win, and others you’ll lose, so Entertainment and again, we choose not to
always remember that if you love to argue claim ownership of any kind to the Starcraft
while playing and love to complain about title. We simply claim that is a fan-created
things, then please, play another game, rules system, free and non-commercial.
because this game was created for players
to interact together and have fun while Thanks again to everyone for picking this
playing. Another thing to keep in mind is to game up, and we truly hope that you enjoy
always talk with your opponent, because playing it as much as we had fun working on
that will ensure that the two of you can it and play-testing it for all of you to enjoy;
communicate without leading to arguments now go, kill, conquer and destroy!
02. Understanding the Basics Special Abilities: These include any special
attacks, qualities, or limits a character has;
In this section, we’ll be going over the basics the glossary contains terms used for
of the game, and how the mechanics work, creatures with special abilities and provides
in order to help you get a feel for the game you with information about what each
and the way combat is worked out. special ability can do.

An example of a Terran Marine:



20 +8 15 10 40

Special Abilities:

The following information below should Melee / Range Combat: This model may
describe the stats for each model in the attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
game; Game Mechanics will be shown during its controller’s turn.
below the example model’s stats.
Gauss Rifle: Whenever this model attacks,
A Model’s Statistics he may make a second attack against the
same target.
Understanding the stats is crucial when
playing Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures
Combat. An example of a Zerg Hydralisk:

Cost / CST: This is the model’s cost, which Hydralisk

is simply the number of points you must pay
to add the creature to your warband.
Hit Points / HP: How much damage a
character can withstand before falling in
battle. When a character’s Hit Points are 25 +10 17 20 80
reduced to 0, the character is defeated and
removed from the game.
Special Abilities:
Defense / DEF: How hard the character is
to hit in combat. An attacker must roll this Melee Combat: This model may only make
number or higher to hit the creature and deal Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
damage. Range during its controller’s turn.
Attack / ATK: How effective the character is Spine Projectiles: 30 Damage dealt to all
in combat. When the character makes an models within 6”. All models make a Save
attack, roll the d20 and add this number. If Roll of 11+ (replaces attacks).
the result equals or exceeds the enemy’s
Defense, the attack hits.
As you can see, the point costs of these
Damage / DMG: How much damage the models isn’t that high; this is because we’re
character deals when an attack hits. aiming for small skirmish-sized battles
where you’ll be commanding armies or
bands of 50 to 100 points. You can, only get some Marines to head out and
however, make a larger battle by playing capture all those damn, whoops! I think I’m
games of 200 to 300 points. For this, you way too into it at this point.
might not want to use the printable cards at
the end of this book, rather go by the stats in In order to play the game, you’ll need to
the Army Lists, and use counters to track follow the rules of a turn, and they are as
damage on your models. follows (note that unlike most Miniatures
Games, we have eliminated the commonly
Moving Models & Provided Cover used “Activation Phase”):

Movement is very easy in Starcraft: Tactical One: Player 1 moves all of his or her models
Miniatures Combat; all models may do either and attacks if attacks can be made on
of the following: move up to six inches and enemy models.
attack, attack and move up to six inches or
move up to 12 inches (double their speed) Two: Player 2 moves all of his or her
and skip their attack phase. models and attacks if attacks can be made
on enemy models.
In order to make a Melee Attack, the
attacking model must be within 1” of the Three: The turn is now over and a new
targeted model. Round begins, following the 2 steps
provided in the above section.
Cover grants a model +4 to their DEF
statistic when in cover, and this could be As you can see, “Activation” is not important,
anything from behind a wall, a window or which why you’ll be moving and attacking
tree and even behind vehicles or anything with all of your models during one whole
that you and your opponent would constitute turn, eliminating the constant dragging on of
as being cover. Remember that to attack at back and fourth activations.
range at a model in cover, you draw line of
sight from the attacking model to the
targeted model. Each model has a weapon,
and the Army List provides this information
for you; use the Range Value of the weapon
by checking it in the Army List. If the model’s
weapon is within range of the targeted
model, it may then shoot at the target.

If a model is elevated, or on terrain that

grants him perfect view of another model
and is within range of it, it may add +2 to its
ATK statistic; in order to see if this true,
check on the line of sight from the attacking
model to the targeted model.

03. Playing the Game

Now, we’ll be going over gameplay and this

should prove to be an easy learning
experience for you and your opponent. This
game caters to the very fact that gameplay
should be quick, fun and exciting; this is why
we have mixed things up to help you run Please be aware of the following: When you
games of anywhere from 50 to 300 points move your model and attack, the model’s
and soon let the destruction begin! Just turn is ended. You must remember this,
remember to stick to these rules, and because if you move a model and then
playing should be a breeze! Now, if I could move another, you can’t go back and attack
with the previous model, because its turn Always remember that in order to be in
has ended. Each model has his or her own Close Combat Range, an attacking model
turn to do things, so please make sure to must be within 1” of the targeted model.
pay attention to your forces and should
combative chances arise, take advantage of Note, that when a model is making a
them, or you’ll be crying like a big baby Ranged Attack, that model must be within
when your Zealot kicks the bucket! range to attack; to determine this, check the
models Weapon Range. If it is in range, then
it may attack (apply Cover Rules if
necessary during gameplay).

Before you start a game with an opponent,

talk over the amount of points you wish to
play; for example, a game of 100 points
would mean you build an army using the
Army List and set it at exactly 100 points or
just around that number.

One thing that should be important to

remember is that you can only control one
army during gameplay; this means that you
can only have an army of Terran models, or
only Zerg models and so on. In certain
games can you apply at least 2 different
armies to make a whole army; for example,
50 points of Protoss forces and 50 points of
Terran forces to make an army of 100 points
total and take into war against foes. This,
however, must be worked out by the two
players engaging in battle.

05. A Short Farewell

Well, that’s the game, folks! I thank you from

the bottom of my heart, and don’t take any
of these rules to heart, because if something
in this game rubs you the wrong way, then
So, now you understand that play continues change it up! This is just a game, after all,
back and fourth until one army is totally and the point is to have fun!
wiped out!
I would like to thank two people who
changed my life when it comes to RPGing
04. Additional Information and Gaming: Jeff Moore and Liam Brennan.
These two helped open the door for me and
We’ll now go over additional information we working with others to create games that
think should go here, and why you ask? bring good times and fun; thanks you guys
Well, that’s because we got tired and for the inspiration and the awesome games
decided to add it in the “late” section of this you have created.
booklet. Anyhow, let us begin delving into
the information you might think needs any Thanks again to all of you, and enjoy the
clearing up, in order to avoid any coming game!
06. The Starcraft Army Listing offers countless opportunities for young men
and women to see the sector and gain
Welcome to the guide that will aide in valuable real world experience. Terran
allowing you to pick several models and soldiers are taught and trained; they are
place them in your band, platoon or even shaped into efficient warriors who garner
large-sized army to take into battle against respect and admiration from their peers. The
your foes of all kinds! Welcome, to the Corps can even help them work past
selective tool of the masses. criminal and/or anti-social tendencies
through counseling, drug therapy, and
Please remember that when making neural resocialization.
selections, to go over the army with an
opponent, as this ensures that both sides About the Protoss
have come to an agreement on what is to be
played, either scenario, army and so on. In stark contrast to the adaptive Terrans and
Please make sure to allow an opponent to feral Zerg are the stolid, conservative
see your army list, as this also shows that Protoss. With their highly advanced
both sides will be playing fairly and will have technology and potent psionic abilities, the
fun while enjoying the thrill of battle. Protoss have long considered themselves
the most powerful species in the known
The following information was gathered from galaxy. Although they are not a prolific
the official Blizzard website. people, they have learned to bolster the
ranks of their military with robotic war
About the Terrans machines and to combine their intrinsic
psionic ability with technology, thus
In the distant future, a small group of human producing some of the most effective
exiles have been doomed to fight for survival warriors ever known. If the Protoss have a
on the edge of the galaxy. Through military weakness, though, it is their refusal to
strength, espionage, and deceit, a unified accept change. The tenets of their major
Terran government has maintained an religion, known as the Khala, form a rigid
uneasy peace, but as resources and fuel run path and the Protoss are loathe to deviate
short the Confederate nations find from it for fear of once again falling into civil
themselves looking towards the rich worlds strife.
of their alien neighbors, the enigmatic
Protoss. To further complicate matters, it
seems that a previously unknown species -
the Zerg - have entered Protoss space and
are destroying everything in their path.
Either race will stop at nothing to insure the
survival of their species. The time for war
has come.

Terrans are masters of mobility and

versatility. Using converted industrial
vehicles and mobile bases, they move from
world to world, pillaging as they go. Their
military consists of both "resocialized"
criminals and elite soldiers.
Although the Protoss were originally divided
Strength, pride, discipline, and a love for into several warring tribes, they were united
freedom have enabled the Confederate by a single scholar/philosopher known as
Marine Corps and Colonial Fleet to defend Khas, or "he who brings order". Having
Confederate interests along the Galactic studied the archaic, forbidden teachings of
Rim for more than two centuries. Marines his ancestors, this mystic unearthed ancient,
come from all walks of life, but they are monolithic artifacts known as the Khaydarin
united in their devotion to the preservation of Crystals. The power contained within these
the Confederate way of life. The Corps crystals -- along with his teachings -- are
apparently responsible for the strengthening were able to survive the harsh conditions on
of the primordial, psychic link that all Protoss Zerus.
share. Khas also developed a strict
religious, philosophical, and social structure As the Zerg evolved, they learned to
christened the Khala. Under the Khala -- symbiotically bond with their hosts and
which translates roughly to Path of control their actions as well. As the Zerg
Ascension -- the Protoss have abandoned began to "possess" more and more host
the crude tribal factions that led them into creatures, the Xel'Naga noticed something
generations of vicious blood feuds and have extraordinary. The Zerg were incorporating
instead created three castes: The Khalai parts of their hosts' genetic strains and
(artisans and inventors), The Templar, processes into their own DNA codes. With
(warriors and explorers) and The Judicator every new generation, the Zerg were
(administrators and leaders). changing, borrowing bits and pieces of the
creatures they had used to feed. The
Terran dealings with the Protoss have been Xel'Naga also realized that the Zerg were
limited, restricting our knowledge of their capable of supercharging the evolutionary
language, abilities and equipment. What we process so that latent abilities and talents
do know is that they possess extremely possessed by the hosts could be assimilated
advanced technology, including warp-gate by the Zerg in just a few short generations.
manipulation, energy shield generation and Made even more powerful by the fact that
the ability to power their buildings and units they instinctively attempted to infest the
with a Psionic Matrix. It is only recently that most intelligent, most evolved races around
significant progress has been made in them, the Zerg began to shape their own
learning more of their secretive society and bodies with the new genetic strains they had
science, and this has come at the cost of stolen into frightening and formidable new
hundreds of Terran lives. forms - forms that were designed to survive.

The Xel'Naga, remembering that the

individualism of the Protoss had been their
fatal flaw, decided to give the Zerg what
would be their final gift - a collective
consciousness. With the creation of this
Overmind, the Zerg began to assimilate in a
less haphazard way. Once they had
consumed a handful of space-faring races,
About the Zerg the real problems began.

Ironically, it was partially the fault of the Just as the Xel'Naga were congratulating
Protoss that the Zerg were created in the themselves on a job well done - they had
first place. Disappointed by their failure on created a species with an unbelievable
Aiur, the Xel'Naga left the planet and moved purity of essence - the Zerg were realizing
across the galaxy again in search of a world the existence of an extremely powerful race
on which to conduct their experiments. This with many useful genetic traits: the
time around, they decided, they would Xel'Naga. The Overmind quickly launched
concentrate on creating a species that its new space-capable swarms at the
manifested a purity of essence rather than a Xel'Naga who were taken completely by
purity of form. They were more successful surprise. By destroying this godlike race, the
than they could have possibly hoped. Overmind also gained knowledge of the only
Choosing a barren ash world named Zerus, thing that could stop them - the Protoss.
the Xel'Naga began to manipulate a small
worm-like species that had no real way of
Into the Selections
interacting physically with the world around
it. With the help of the Xel'Naga, the Zerg
(which means "those born of Zerus") learned Be aware of the points and such when
to burrow into the flesh of other animals that selecting your forces and armies.
1A. Terran Barracks Selections
Gauss Rifle: Whenever this model attacks,
he may make a second attack against the
same target.

Firebat Commander


23 +9 16 20 50

Special Abilities:

Melee / Range Combat: This model may

attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.

Marine Commander Perdition Flame Thrower: Whenever this

model attacks, he may make a second
attack against any other target.

22 +9 16 20 60


Special Abilities:

Melee / Range Combat: This model may 18 +7 14 10 30

attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.
Special Abilities:
Gauss Rifle: Whenever this model attacks,
he may make a second attack against the Melee / Range Combat: This model may
same target. attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.

Marine Perdition Flame Thrower: Whenever this

model attacks, he may make a second
attack against any other target.

20 +8 15 10 40


Special Abilities:

Melee / Range Combat: This model may 33 +9 16 20 60

attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.
Special Abilities: Anti-Personnel Grenade Launcher: On
this model’s turn, it can make 2 extra attacks
Melee / Range Combat: This model may instead of moving.
attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn. Vehicle: This model can move 10” instead
of the regular 6” of movement.
Sensor Suit: This model gains +8 when in
cover instead of +4.
Arclite Siege Tank
C-10 Canister Rifle: Whenever this model
attacks, he may make an attack against any
other 2 targets. CST ATK DEF DMG HP

2A. Terran Factory Selections 47 +12 18 30 100

Special Abilities:

Melee / Range Combat: This model may

attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.

Mjolnir Artillery Cannon: Can move both

before and after attacking.

Vehicle: This model can move 10” instead

of the regular 6” of movement.

Goliath Combat Walker


30 +8 17 20 80

Special Abilities:
Vulture Hover Cycle
Melee / Range Combat: This model may
attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
CST ATK DEF DMG HP during its controller’s turn.

Anti-Armor 20MM Auto-Cannon: When

21 +8 14 20 60 this model attacks, it may make a second
attack using its second weapon.

Special Abilities: Hellfire Missile: When an enemy model is

hit by this weapon, the targeted model’s
Melee / Range Combat: This model may controller must roll a save of 11 or better; if
attack in both Melee and Ranged situations the opponent fails, this model deals its
during its controller’s turn. damage doubled.
1B. Protoss Ground Selections
Special Abilities:

Melee / Range Combat: This model may

attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.

Anti-Particle Bolt Thrower: Whenever this

model attacks, he may make a second
attack against the same target.
Zealot Leader
Dark Templar
24 +8 16 20 40
23 +8 19 20 80
Special Abilities:

Melee Combat: This model may only make Special Abilities:

Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn. Melee Combat: This model may only make
Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Energy Blades: On this model’s turn it can Range during its controller’s turn.
make 1 extra attack instead of moving.
Modified Psi-Blade: +4 to Attack and +10
to Damage against Zerg models.
3B. Protoss Robotic Selections

21 +6 14 10 40

Special Abilities:

Melee Combat: This model may only make

Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.

Energy Blades: On this model’s turn it can

make 1 extra attack instead of moving.



18 +7 15 10 50
Reaver Melee Combat: This model may only make
Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.
Burrow Ability: On a roll of 11 or better,
this model burrows (you measure anywhere
27 +10 18 10 70 up to 12” and if the roll was successful, you
move to the model to the selected area
without any movement penalties).
Special Abilities:

Melee Combat: This model may only make Zergling

Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.

1C. Zerg Hatchery Selections

18 +8 16 20 20

Special Abilities:

Melee Combat: This model may only make

Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.

Razor-Edged Forearms: Whenever this

model attacks, he may make a second
attack against the same target.

Burrow Ability: On a roll of 11 or better,

this model burrows (you measure anywhere
up to 12” and if the roll was successful, you
move to the model to the selected area
without any movement penalties).



25 +10 17 20 80

Special Abilities:

CST ATK DEF DMG HP Melee Combat: This model may only make
Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
Range during its controller’s turn.
14 +7 13 10 20
Spine Projectiles: 30 Damage dealt to all
models within 6”. All models make a Save
Special Abilities: Roll of 11+ (replaces attacks).
2C. Zerg Lair Selections Quadruple Hit: On this model’s turn, it can
make 3 extra attacks instead of moving.

Flight: This model ignored terrain of any

kind and moves without penalty.

3C. Zerg Hive Units



24 +8 18 20 80

Special Abilities:

Melee / Range Combat: This model may

attack in both Melee and Ranged situations
during its controller’s turn.

Glaive Wurm: Whenever this model

attacks, he may make a second attack
against the same target.

Flight: This model ignored terrain of any

kind and moves without penalty.
46 +8 16 20 120
52 +8 18 20 110
Special Abilities:
Special Abilities:
Melee Combat: This model may only make
Melee / Range Combat: This model may Melee Attacks against enemies in Melee
attack in both Melee and Ranged situations Range during its controller’s turn.
during its controller’s turn.
Mandibles: Whenever this model attacks,
he may make an attack against any other 2 Perdition Flame Thrower: Firebats carry
targets. these specially-made weapons meant to
utterly destroy the bodies of many.
Trample: This model can move 8” instead of
the regular 6” of movement. Weapon Range: 12” / Ranged Weapon

C-10 Canister Rifle: A powerful sniper-

1D. Starcraft Armory styled weapon used to snipe off foes from a
long distance.
Welcome to the armory, and this is where
you’ll find the weapons your models are Weapon Range: 36” / Ranged Weapon
carrying and this will tell you the weapon’s
range so that you’ll know if you can hit an
enemy model during combat. Anti-Personnel Grenade Launcher: A
heavy weapon, both powerful and a
If you see a weapon state “Ranged standard to all Vulture Cycles.
Weapon”, it can be used in both Ranged
and Close Combat. Melee Weapons can Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon
only be used in Close Combat (you must be
within 1” of an enemy model to engage in a
Melee fight during gameplay). Mjolnir Artillery Cannon: Only carried by
tanks, and for a reason; these are strong
shells that can dismember entire units.

Weapon Range: 36” / Ranged Weapon

Anti-Armor 20MM Auto-Cannon: One of

two Goliath weapons, this by far one of the
strongest made systems in the Terran
Federation of all time.

Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon

Hellfire Missile: Another weapon made to

rip apart soldiers of all kinds, this is
something many should fear.

Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon

Protoss Weaponry

Energy Blades: A standard to the Zealot,

these blades can tear even through tanks.

Terran Weaponry Weapon Range: Melee / Melee Weapon

Gauss Rifle: This weapon is a very

powerful rifle, able to rip through the flesh of Anti-Particle Bolt Thrower: A heavy
enemies with a tremendous thud. weapon capable of ripping heads off men.

Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon
Modified Psi-Blade: A strong and mighty releasing a few other games systems, like a
blade powerful enough to crush the skull of game based on Warhammer 40,000 by
an enemy Zerg. Games Workshop, which will be using a
similar system to Dungeon Squad by the
Weapon Range: Melee / Melee Weapon ever-so-talented Jason Morningstar. Another
great game, will be a Starcraft RPG, based
on a newly created d20 system, created by
Zerg Weaponry us here at Hellstorm Studios, Inc. Now, go,
play the game, and enjoy.
Razor-Edged Forearms: These are
massively large razor-edged forearms Neuicon and Sean Daniels wanna thank all
shaped in a bone-like surface. of you for playing the game.

Weapon Range: Melee / Melee Weapon

Spine Projectiles: Many little spores that

shoot out from underneath a carapace
armor that shreds into the skin of all foes.

Weapon Range: 6” / Ranged Weapon

Glaive Wurm: A horridly grotesque weapon

that burns into the skin of enemies and
slowly rots them from the inside out.

Weapon Range: 24” / Ranged Weapon

Mandibles: These husk-like weapons,

mounted into the skin of this brood, they are
powerful enough to tear men apart.

Weapon Range: Melee / Melee Weapon

07. Darkness Descends

Well, this book was a blast, and we hope

that you enjoy playing it as much as we
enjoyed creating it for all of you! Always
remember to have fun while gaming, and
never forget that battles shall rage in space
and nothing will save you from either total
glory and victory, or miserable defeat.

Now, we’ll be offering new books to continue

this game, like a Scenario Booklet, an
updated collection of Army Books, where it’ll
get even better as time goes on.

Many thanks go out to those of you who

have supported me, Sean Daniels and many
other fine folks here with us at Hellstorm
Studios, Inc. In the near future, also, we’ll be
Model Cards: Keep These Cards to Remember Models in Armies

Print several copies of this page and insert information based on the models you’ll be using.

Model Name Model Name Model Name


Special Abilities: Special Abilities: Special Abilities:

Melee, Range or Both: Melee, Range or Both: Melee, Range or Both:

Weapon and Range: Weapon and Range: Weapon and Range:

Model Name Model Name Model Name


Special Abilities: Special Abilities: Special Abilities:

Melee, Range or Both: Melee, Range or Both: Melee, Range or Both:

Weapon and Range: Weapon and Range: Weapon and Range:

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