A Child's Guide To Dynamic Programming

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Martin Boileau


1. Introduction This is a simple guide to deterministic dynamic programming. In what follows, I borrow freely from King (1987) and Sargent (1987).

2. The Finite Horizon Problem Consider the following time separable, recursive, problem: max subject to xt+1 = Qt (xt ; ut ); x0 = x 0 ; xT +1 0; ut 2 ; where, xt is a ut is a F () is a Q() is a t = 0; : : : ; T: t = 0; : : : ; T ; (1) (2) (3) (4)
T X t=0

Ft (xt ; ut ) + W0 (xT +1 )

(P )

n-vector of state variables (xit ). m-vector of control variables. twice continuously dierentiable objective function. vector of twice continuously dierentiable transition function.

The dierent constraints are: Equation (1) denes the transition equations for each state variables. Equation (2) shows initial conditions for each state variable. Equation (3) are terminal conditions for each state variable. Equation (4) denes the feasible set for control variables. 1

This problem can be solved using a standard constrained optimization. The Lagrangian is L=
T X t=0

F (xt ; ut ) + W0 (xT +1 ) +

T X t=0

t [Q(xt ; ut ) xt+1 )] ;

where t is a n-vector of Lagrange multiplier. The rst-order conditions are: @Ft @Qt @L = + t = F2t (xt ; ut ) + Q2t (xt ; ut )t = 0; @ ut @ ut @ ut t = 0; : : : ; T ; 1; : : : ; T ;

@L @Ft @Qt = + t t1 = F1t (xt ; ut ) + Q1t (xt ; ut )t t1 = 0; @ xt @ xt @ xt @L @W0 0 = T = W0 (xT +1 ) T = 0: @ xT +1 @ xT +1

Where @Ft =@ ut is a m-vector with @Ft =@ujt in the j th row (ujt is the j th element of ut ) and @Ft =@ xt is a n-vector with @Ft =@xit in the ith row. Similarly, @Qt =@ ut is a m n matrix with element @Qit =@ujt in its ith column and j th row. Also, @Qt =@ xt is a n n matrix with element @Qit =@xjt in its ith column and j th row. Finally, @W0 =@ xT +1 is a n-vector with element @W0 =@xjt in its j th row. Abstracting from second-order conditions, the maximum can be found as the solution to the set of rst-order conditions. These can be solved recursively. For, example, at period T , we have F2T (xT ; uT ) + Q2T (xT ; uT )T = 0;
0 W0 (xT +1 ) T = 0;

xT +1 = QT (xT ; uT ): Given that xT is xed in period T , these can be solved to yield feedback rules: xT +1 = fT (xT ); uT = hT (xT ); T = `T (xT ): Then, in period T 1, we have F2T 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ) + Q2T 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 )T 1 = 0; F1T (xT ; uT ) + Q1T (xT ; uT )T T 1 = 0; 2

xT = QT (xT 1 ; uT 1 ): Given the previous feedback rules, these can be solved for xT = fT 1 (xT 1 ); uT 1 = hT 1 (xT 1 ); T 1 = `T 1 (xT 1 ): Continuing the above recursion, we obtain feedback rules of the form xt+1 = ft (xt ); ut = ht (xt ); t = `t (xt ); t = 0; : : : ; T t = 0; : : : ; T ; t = 0; : : : ; T:

These rules or optimal policies are indexed by time. This is because, in general, these optimal rules vary through time.

3. An Economic Example Consider the following economic example. max ln(c0 ) + ln(c1 ) + 2 ln(c2 ) subject to at+1 = (1 + r)at ct ; a0 = a 0 ; a3 = 0: Clearly, if a3 = 0, then we must have that c2 = (1 + r)a2 and our objective function becomes: max ln(c0 ) + ln(c1 ) + 2 ln((1 + r)a2 ) The Lagrangian is L = ln(c0 ) + ln(c1 ) + 2 ln((1 + r)a2 ) + 0 [(1 + r)a0 c0 a1 ] + 1 [(1 + r)a1 c1 a2 ] : 3 t = 0; 1; 2;

The rst order conditions are 1 @L = t t = 0; @ct ct t = 0; 1;

@L = (1 + r)1 0 = 0; @a1 @L 1 = 2 1 = 0: @a2 a2 In period 1, we have 1 1 = 0; c1 1 1 = 0; a2

a2 = (1 + r)a1 c1 : These are solved to yield a2 = f1 (a1 ) = (1 + r) 1+ a1 ;

1 c1 = h1 (a1 ) = (1 + r) a1 ; 1+ 1+ 1 1 = ` 1 (a1 ) = : 1 + r a1 Then, in period 0, we have 1 0 = 0; c0 (1 + r)1 0 = 0; a1 = (1 + r)a0 c0 ; which can be solved for a1 = f0 (a0 ) = (1 + r) (1 + ) 1 + (1 + ) a0 ;

1 c0 = h0 (a0 ) = (1 + r) a0 ; 1 + (1 + ) 1 + (1 + ) 1 0 = `0 (a0 ) = : 1+r a0 4

Clearly, we have solved the whole system. Consumption and assets evolve according to the following scheme. Given a0 , consumption and assets purchased in period 0 are c0 = (1 + r) 1 1 + (1 + ) (1 + ) 1 + (1 + ) a0 ;

a1 = (1 + r)

a0 :

Then, given a1 , consumption assets purchased at period 1 are c1 = h1 (a1 ) = (1 + r) 1 1+ 1+ a1 ;

a2 = f1 (a1 ) = (1 + r)

a1 :

4. Dynamic Programming Let's recall the time separable, recursive, problem: max subject to xt+1 = Qt (xt ; ut ); x0 = x i0 ; xT +1 0; ut 2 ; t = 0; : : : ; T: t = 0; : : : ; T ; (1) (2) (3) (4)
T X t=0

Ft (xt ; ut ) + W0 (xT +1 )

(P )

Dynamic programming is based on Bellman's principle of optimality. It argues that the above problem can be solved by recursively solving Bellman's equations to nd time consistent policy functions. That is, both the objective function and constraints assume that controls dated t, ut , inuence state xt+s+1 and returns Ft+s () for s t, but not earlier. Accordingly, it is possible to split the optimization problem in sequences of optimizations as suggested by Bellman's equations. These equations are WT t+1 (xt ) = max Ft (xt ; ut ) + WT t (xt+1 ); 5 t = 0; : : : ; T:

They yield optimal policy functions (or feedback rules) xt+1 = ft (xt ); ut = ht (xt ); t = 0; : : : ; T ; t = 0; : : : ; T:

These policy functions are self-enforcing or time consistent in that, as time advances, there is no incentive to depart from the original plan. We wish to show that this recursion will yield the same solution as the one found in Section 1. In that section, we have solved the problem recursively backward. In a sense, we are doing the same here. Starting from the last period, period T , we dene the value function for the one-period problem by W1 (xT ) = max FT (xT ; uT ) + W0 (xT +1 ) subject to where xT is given. The Lagrangian for this optimization is L = FT (xT ; uT ) + W0 (xT +1 ) + T [QT (xT ; uT ) xT +1 ] : The rst-order conditions are @L = F2T (xT ; uT ) + Q2T (xT ; uT )T = 0; @ uT @L 0 = W0 (xT +1 ) T = 0; @ xT +1 These are the same rst-order conditions found in Section 2 above. Then, as before, these rst-order conditions and the transition function xT +1 = QT (xT ; uT ) can be used to solve for feedback rules xT +1 = fT (xT ); uT = hT (xT ): T = `T (xT ): We can now think of the two-period problem W2 (xT 1 ) = max FT 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ) + W1 (xT ) subject to with xT 1 given. The Lagrangian for this optimization is L = FT 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ) + W1 (xT ) + T 1 [QT 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ) xT ] : 6 xT = QT 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ); xT +1 = QT (xT ; uT );

The rst-order conditions are @L = F2T 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ) + Q2T 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 )T 1 = 0; @ uT 1 @L 0 = W1 (xT ) T 1 = 0: @ xT The last condition requires solving for the derivative of the previous value function. To nd this derivative, we exploit a specic property of value functions. This property is an envelope condition (sometime called the Benveniste and Scheinkman condition). It is obtained as follows. First, write the value function as W1 (xT ) = max FT (xT ; uT ) + W0 (xT +1 )) = max FT (xT ; uT ) + W0 (QT (xT ; uT )) = FT (xT ; hT (xT )) + W0 (QT (xT ; hT (xT ))) : Totally dierentiating the value function yields
0 0 W1 (xT ) = (F1T + Q1T W0 )+

@hT 0 (F2T + Q2T W0 ): @ xT

The initial set of rst-order condition implies that

0 F2T (xT ; uT ) + Q2T (xT ; uT )W0 (xT +1 ) = 0:

Thus, the derivative of the value function is

0 0 W1 (xT ) = F1T (xT ; uT ) + Q1T (xT ; uT )W0 (xT +1 ):

Substituting the derivative of the value function in the last condition yields the following set of equations: F2T 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 ) + Q2T 1 (xT 1 ; uT 1 )T 1 = 0; F1T (xT ; uT ) + Q1T (xT ; uT )T T 1 = 0; xT = QT (xT 1 ; uT 1 ): As before, these are the equations that permit us to write the feedback rules xT = fT 1 (xT 1 ); uT 1 = hT 1 (xT 1 ); 7

T 1 = `T 1 (xT 1 ): Clearly, this recursion will yield the same solution as the one found in Section 1. Finally, it is not necessary to use Lagrange multipliers. In fact, the optimization WT t+1 (xt ) = max Ft (xt ; ut ) + WT t (xt+1 ); subject to xT +1 = QT (xT ; uT ); t = 0; : : : ; T; t = 0; : : : ; T:

can be solved by substituting the transition function in the value function WT t+1 (xt ) = max Ft (xt ; ut ) + WT t (Qt (xt ; ut )) : In that case, the rst-order condition is
0 F2t (xt ; ut ) + Q2t (xt ; ut )WT t (xt+1 ) = 0:

The Benveniste-Scheinkman condition is

0 0 WT t+1 (xt ) = F1t (xt ; ut ) + Q1t (xt ; ut )WT t (xt+1 ):

6. An Economic Example Again Recall our economic example: max ln(c0 ) + ln(c1 ) + 2 ln((1 + r)a2 ) subject to at+1 = (1 + r)at ct ; a0 = a 0 : The one-period problem is W1 (a1 ) = max ln(c1 ) + W0 (a2 ); subject to a2 = (1 + r)a1 c1 ; W0 (a2 ) = 2 ln((1 + r)a2 ): 8 t = 0; 1;

Thus, W1 (a1 ) = max ln(c1 ) + W0 ((1 + r)a1 c1 ) : The rst-order condition is

0 where W0 = 2 (1=a2 ): Thus, we have

1 0 W0 =0 c1

1 1 2 = 0; c1 a2

a2 = (1 + r)a1 c1 : Which yields the policy functions c1 = h1 (a1 ) = (1 + r) a2 = f1 (a1 ) = (1 + r) The two-period problem is W2 (a0 ) = max ln(c0 ) + W1 (a1 ); subject to a1 = (1 + r)a0 c0 : or W2 (a0 ) = max ln(c0 ) + W1 ((1 + r)a0 c0 ) : The rst-order condition is 1 0 W1 = 0; c0 1 1 = (1 + ) : a2 a1 1 1+ 1+ a1 ; a1 :

0 0 W1 = W0 (1 + r) = (1 + r) 2

So, our equations are

1 1 (1 + ) = 0; c0 a1 a1 = (1 + r)a0 c0 :

We nd the policy functions c0 = h0 (a0 ) = (1 + r) 9 1 1 + (1 + ) a0 ;

a1 = f0 (a0 ) = (1 + r)

(1 + ) 1 + (1 + )

a0 :

7. The Innite Horizon Problem In this section we consider an extension of the nite horizon problem to the case of innite horizon. To simplify the exposition, we will focus our attention to stationary problems. The assumption of stationarity implies that the main functions of the problem are time invariant: Ft (xt ; ut ) = F (xt ; ut ); Qt (xt ; ut ) = Q(xt ; ut ): The result will be time invariant policy rules. In general, to obtain an interior solution to our optimization problem, we require the objective function to be bounded away from innity. One way to achieve boundedness is to assume discounting. However, the existence of a discount factor is neither necessary nor sucient to ensure boundedness. Thus, we dene F (xt ; ut ) = t f (xt ; ut ): A further assumption which is sucient for boundedness of the objective function is boundedness of the return function in each period: 0 f (xt ; ut ) < k < 1; where k is some nite number. Our innite horizon problem is: max subject to xt+1 = Q(xt ; ut ); x0 = x 0 : The Bellman equation is Wj (xt ) = t f (xt ; ut ) + Wj 1 (xt+1 ): 10 t = 0; : : : ; T ;
1 X t=0

t f (x t ; ut )

(P 1)

We can rewrite this equation in current value. To do so, simply dene the current value function Vj (xt ) = t Wj (xt ) such that Vj (xt ) = f (xt ; ut ) + Vj 1 (xt+1 ): Often, authors will simply abstract from the time subscript and write Vj (x) = f (x; u) + Vj 1 (x0 ); where x0 denotes next-period values. There is a theorem in Bertsekas (1976) which states that, under certain conditions, iterations of the current value Bellman equations converge as j ! 1. In this case, the limit function satises the following version of Bellman's equation: V (x) = max f (x; u) + V (x0 ): This limiting function is the optimal value function for our problem V (x0 ) = max
1 X t=0

t f (xt ; ut );

where the maximization is subject to xt+1 = Q(xt ; ut ) and x0 given. It also turns out that it gives rise to a unique time-invariant optimal policy of the form ut = h(xt ). Finally, this limiting function generates the Benveniste-Scheinkman condition V 0 (x) = f1 (x; u) + Q1 (x; u)V 0 (x0 ): The above suggests that there are three ways to solve the optimization problem P 1. The rst method uses the Benveniste-Scheinkman condition, the second uses guesses of the value function, and the third uses iterations. Method 1: Benveniste-Scheinkman First, set up the Bellman equation: V (x) = max f (x; u) + V (x0 ): subject to x0 = Q(x; u) and x0 given. Second, nd the rst-order condition: f2 (x; u) + Q2 (x; u)V 0 (x0 ) = 0: 11

Three, use the Benveniste-Scheinkman condition: V 0 (x) = f1 (x; u) + Q1 (x; u)V 0 (x0 ): This should allow you to write an Euler equation. In theory, this Euler equation may be used to uncover the optimal decision rule u = h(x) that solves the problem. Method 2: Undetermined Coecients This method only works on a limited set of problems. The idea is to guess the value function, and then verify this guess. First, set up the Bellman equation: V (x) = max f (x; u) + V (x0 ): subject to x0 = Q(x; u) and x0 given. Second, guess the form of the value function: V (x) = V g (x). Substitute the guess in the Bellman equation V (x) = max f (x; u) + V g (x0 ): subject to x0 = Q(x; u) and x0 given. Three, perform the maximization and obtain policy rule hg (x). Substitute the policy rule the in value function V (x) = f (x; hg (x)) + V g (Q(x; hg (x)): Fourth, verify that the form of V (x) is the same as V g (x0 ): V g (x) = f (x; hg (x)) + V g (Q(x; hg (x)): If the guess is correct, the problem is solved. If the guess is incorrect, try the form of the value function that is suggested by the rst guess as a second guess, and repeat the process. Method 3: Iterations. First, set up the Bellman equation: V1 (x) = max f (x; u) + V0 (x0 ): subject to x0 = Q(x; u) and x0 given. 12

Second, set V0 = g (x), for a function g (), as a starting point. Solve the remaining optimization problem V1 (x) = max f (x; u) + g (x0 ) subject to x0 = Q(x; u). This should yield a policy function u = h1 (x). Third, substitute the policy function in the return function V1 (x) = f (x; h1 (x)) + g (Q(x; h1 (x)) and write the new Bellman equation V2 (x) = max f (x; u) + V1 (x0 ) subject to x0 = Q(x; u). This should yield a policy function u = h2 (x). Fourth, substitute the policy function in the return function V2 (x) = f (x; h2 (x)) + V1 (Q(x; h2 (x)): Write the new Bellman equation V3 (x) = max f (x; u) + V2 (x0 ) subject to x0 = Q(x; u). This should yield a policy function u = h3 (x). Fifth, continue iterating until the value function Vj (x) converges to V (x). The control rule associated with the converged value solves the problem.

8. The Economic Example in Innite Horizon Consider the following problem: max subject to at+1 = (1 + r)at ct ; a0 = a 0 : We can solve the above problem using all three methods. We start with method 3. Method 1: Benveniste-Scheinkman 13
1 X 0

t ln(ct )

The Bellman equation is: V (a) = max ln(c) + V (a0 ) subject to The optimization is V (a) = max ln(c) + V ((1 + r)a c): 1 V 0 (a0 ) = 0: c The Benveniste-Scheinkman condition is V 0 (a) = V 0 (a0 )(1 + r): Accordingly, V 0 (a) = Then, The rst-order condition is a0 = (1 + r)a c:

1 1 (1 + r) and V 0 (a0 ) = 0 (1 + r): c c 1 1 = (1 + r) 0 c c ct ct+1 = 1 : 1+r


This last equation is our Euler equation. We rewrite it as ct+1 = (1 + r)ct or ct+j = ( (1 + r)) ct : To solve for the optimal policy rule, we require the transition function at+1 = (1 + r)at ct : 1 (at+1 + ct ): 1+r If we lead this forward one period and substitute it back in the transition function, we obtain 2 2 1 1 1 at = at+2 + ct+1 + ct : 1+r 1+r 1+r at = 14 We can rewrite it as

Repeating this forward substitution suggests that at = In the limit,

T !1

1 1+r


j T 1 1 X 1 + ct+j : 1 + r j =0 1 + r T


1 1+r

at+T = 0:


j 1 X 1 (1 + r)at = ct+j : 1 + r j =0 j 1 X 1 (1 + r)at = ( (1 + r))j ct 1+r j =0 =

1 X j =0

We can substitute in our Euler equation to obtain

j ct :

Now, it is simple to show that

1 X j =0

j = 1 + + 2 + : : : =

1 : 1

For example, dene S = 1+ + 2 + : : :. Then, S = + 2 + 3 + : : :. Finally, S S = 1 and S = 1=(1 ). Collating these terms, we obtain our optimal policy rule ct = h(at ) = (1 )(1 + r)at ; at+1 = f (at ) = (1 + r)at ; Method 2: Undetermined Coecients The Bellman equation is: V (a) = max ln(c) + V (a0 ) subject to a0 = (1 + r)a c: t 0; t 0:

Guess the value function: V g (a) = + ln(a). The optimization is V (a) = max ln(c) + + ln((1 + r)a c): 15

The rst-order condition is

1 0 = 0: c a a0 = c = (1 + r)a c:

This condition implies that

Thus, c = h(a) =

1+r 1 +


Substituting our policy function in the Bellman equation, we obtain 1+r 1+r V (a) = ln a + + ln (1 + r)a a : 1 + 1 + Thus, + ln(a) = ln 1+r 1 + 1+r a + + ln (1 + r)a a : 1 +

Collecting terms on the right hand side, we nd that 1+r + ln(a) = (1 + ) ln + + ln() + (1 + ) ln(a): 1 + Comparing both sides of the equation suggests that = 1 + =) = 1 ; 1

1+r = (1 + ) ln + + ln( ): 1 + The last condition can be solved for . We have thus veried our guess. The value function is V (at ) = + 1 ln(at ) 1

with dened above. The optimal policy rule is 1+r ct = h(at ) = at = (1 )(1 + r)at : 1 + Finally, our system evolves according to ct = (1 )(1 + r)at ; 16 t 0;

at+1 = (1 + r)at ; Method 3: Iterations. The Bellman equation is:

t 0:

V (a) = max ln(c) + V (a0 ) subject to

a0 = (1 + r)a c:

As a starting point, set V0 = ln(a). The optimization is V1 (a) = max ln(c) + ln((1 + r)a c): The rst-order condition is 1 0 = 0: c a a0 = c = (1 + r)a c: Thus, c = h1 (a) = 1+r 1+ a:

This condition implies that

Substitute this policy function in the value function to nd V1 (a) = ln(h1 (a)) + ln((1 + r)a h1 (a)) 1+r 1+r = ln a + ln (1 + r)a a ; 1+ 1+ = 1 + (1 + ) ln(a); with 1 = (1 + ) ln[(1 + r)=(1 + )] + ln( ). We can then write a new value function as V2 (a) = max ln(c) + V1 (a0 ) = max ln(c) + 1 + (1 + ) ln(a0 ): The optimization is V2 (a) = max ln(c) + 1 + (1 + ) ln((1 + r)a c): The rst-order condition is 1 (1 + ) = 0: c a0

This condition implies that a0 = (1 + )c = (1 + r)a c: 17

Thus, c = h2 (a) =

1+r 1 + + 2


Substitute this policy function in the value function to nd V2 (a) = ln(h2 (a)) + 1 + (1 + ) ln((1 + r)a h2 (a)) 1+r 1+r = ln a + 1 + (1 + ) ln (1 + r)a a 1 + + 2 1 + + 2 = 2 + (1 + + 2 ) ln(a): Continuing this iterative process we nd that hj (a) = 1+r Pj i i=0 j X


Vj (a) = j + Then, if we let j ! 1 we nd that

j !1

i ln(a):

h(a) = lim hj (a) = (1 )(1 + r)a; V (a) = lim Vj (a) = +

j !1

Thus, our system evolves according to ct = (1 )(1 + r)at ; at+1 = (1 + r)at ;

1 ln(a): 1

t 0; t 0:


9. Summary To summarize, here is the simple cookbook. Assume that you face the following problem: max subject to xt+1 = Qt (xt ; ut ); x0 = x 0 : Here is how to proceed: Step 1 Set up the Bellman equation: V (x) = max f (x; u) + V (x0 ): subject to x0 = Q(x; u) and x0 given. Step 2 Substitute transition function in the Bellman equation: V (x) = max f (x; u) + V (Q(x; u)) : Step 3 Find the rst-order condition: f2 (x; u) + Q2 (x; u)V 0 (x0 ) = 0: Step 4 Find the Benveniste-Scheinkman condition: V 0 (x) = f1 (x; u) + Q1 (x; u)V 0 (x0 ): Step 5 Find the optimal policy function: u = h(x): t = 0; : : : ; T ;
1 X t=0

t f (x t ; ut )


References Bertsekas, Dimitri, 1976, Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control, New York: Academic Press. King, Ian P., 1987, A Simple Introduction to Dynamic Programming in Macroeconomic Models, mimeo Queen's University. Sargent, Thomas J., 1987, Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


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