Session 5 - Key Issues in Managing Employees' Performance

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TRAINING ON HR PRACTICES THAT YIELD THE BEST PERFORMANCE: Session 5: PART V: Key Issues in Managing Employees Performance

By Respicius Shumbusho Damian, BA, MA (Public Administration) Director, Senior Consultant, Researcher, and Trainer Shumbusho and Associates Consulting (T) Limited P.O. Box 4859, Dar es salaam Phone: Phone: +255736403442 Cell: +255 772 228 318 Mob: +255 786 428 318 E-mail: [email protected]

Session 5: Learning Objectives

As a participant, what are your expectations regarding this session? 1.________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 2.________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 3.________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________
At the end of this session, the participants shall be able to: Explain the meaning and essence of performance management in managing human resources Explain the dos and don'ts of performance management Describe the ideal performance management system for non business organizations As a long term outcome: To develop and use a modified self appraisal tool (i.e.. performance management targets, measures, and assessment factors) relevant to their own organizations employees.

What is Performance Management?

Put briefly, performance management is a means of getting better results from the organizational teams and individuals by understanding and measuring performance within an agreed framework of goals, standards and competence requirements It is done to achieve continuous improvement and development of human potential with the purpose of exploiting the best of their knowledge, skills, capabilities, and experiences so as to achieve organizational objectives.

It is built under a philosophy that human potential cannot be confiscated, but it must be preserved, improved, and irrigated so that it voluntarily comes out to benefit the organization.

Most of the scholars suggest that performance management must be approached as a process that involves continuous selection of measurable success indicators and reviewing teams and individuals, performance in order to improve and sustain performance

Stages/Components of Performance Management System

The stages/components work in an interconnected way that a deficiency at one stage/in one component affects the effectiveness of the other stages/components. For example, effective appraisal depends on effective planning.

It must be coherent (logical, open, interactive, and involve fair participation) in selecting targets, measurement criteria, and performance levels.

Comp 1: Performance Improvement Planning (PIP): It involves fair communication between the employee and supervisor. The aim is to lay down performance indicators, criteria, and targets).

The employee and supervisor agree on a set of Key Performance Indicators. Strategic performance management emphasize on indicators, which are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bound (SMART).

Comp 1: Performance Improvement Planning (PIP) Cont..

Performance targets are to be in support of the general organizations strategic goal, mission, and vision or department objectives. The performance goals and indicators agreed upon should be documented and the performance contract signed.

Performance barriers should be identified and the supervisor helps the individual to identify the available organizational supports.

Performance should be communicated on day-to-day basis: modern supervision is about encouraging, helping, and correcting rather than dettering and controlling

Comp 2:Performance Review Cycle (PRC): Reviewing performance involves

Reviewing performance involves making follow-up on whether the employee has met the performance target. The aim is to control performance barriers and help an employee do better above the current performance. An employee and supervisor revisit the targets agreed upon and discuss the barriers and supports available for the employee. Make such meeting sessions as continuous as weekly, monthly, or quarterly

Performance review is continuous in the way that it forms a nonending cycle of interaction and discussion between employee and supervisor Preliminary appraisal of performance is done and discussed upon by an employee and supervisor.

The general assessment of individual and team performance is further done by the performance management committee composed of the HR experts and managers from different units. The committee offers performance waivers where necessary and suggests rewards for the best performers.

Comp3: Performance Feedback and Performance Based Rewarding

The teams and individuals need to be informed of their performance and the returns on efforts invested in improving their performance.

Research has established that both monetary and non monetary rewards combined play an important role in satisfactory employees rewarding. It is argued that while money is a good up-keeper, a simple thank you may go a long way as a motivator. Monetary and other physical rewards/incentive are necessary, but sometimes other than monetary rewards may be more motivating. Performance based rewarding must be forwardlooking on performance indicators.

Monetary and other physical rewards/incentive are necessary, but sometimes other than monetary rewards may be more motivating. Performance based rewarding must be forward-looking on performance indicators.

Individual Assignment: Each of the participants should list down any three performance objectives, measurement indicators, and targets indicators for his/her own position in the organization. which have SMART characteristics. For each of the performance factors participants should explain whether it is objective or subjective (five to 10 minutes)

An Effective PMS
It has a clearly known and shared performance management framework: the framework that defines clearly who are the key actors, timing, frequency, deadlines, and the dos and donts

What makes a PMS Effective? An effective performance management gas several features. These are the most important ones:

It must itself constitute a system (Performance Management System-PMS): It must have interconnected and mutually supportive processes altogether aimed at encouraging Higher Performance Workforce (HPW) behavior and qualities.

An Effective PMS
It must have at least three main components: Performance Improvement Planning (PIP), Performance Evaluation/Assessment/Appraisal, and Feedback and Rewarding. Effective PMS is more than just filling in performance targets and signing performance contract-it involves informed communication and consensus on the expected levels, barriers, and required supports to make employees performance much better. It must have clearly defined, legitimate, acceptable, and participatory performance planning, assessment, and rewarding processes and procedures.

Effective performance management is continuous: communication and interactive discussions are done on day-today bases rather than annually, terminally, or quarterly.

An Effective PMS
The PMS must comprise most if not all the best practices of performance management system (PMS). These are; Strategic congruence Thoroughness Practicality Meaningfulness Identification of efficient and effective performance Reliability Validity Acceptability and fairness Inclusiveness
Openness Correctability Standardization Ethicality

Assignment: Using the template below, work out to develop objectives, measurement indicators, and Targets for your own position in the organization. The participants all together should discuss the weight of each of the Assessment area

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