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Subject Index: by Kaplan S. Basniev, Nikolay M. Dmitriev and George V. Chilingar

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Mechanics of Fluid Flow by Kaplan S. Basniev, Nikolay M. Dmitriev and George V.

Chilingar Copyright 2012 Scrivener Publishing LLC

A Altschul equation, 178 Anisotropie media, 338-344 Averaging technique, 458-459 Automodel solution, 476-477 B Barotropic, 109 Bernoulli's integral, 107-116 Bernoulli's equation, viscous flow, 179 Bessel function, 230,461 Blasius - equation, 178 - problem, 238 Boundary layer - laminar, 233 - equations, 234 - detachment, 241 Bukingham's equation, 508 Buoyancy theory, 102 Boussinesq's equation, 515 Bypass zones, 507 C Carman's equation, 173 Cauchy-Lagrange's integral, 116-118 Centimeter-gram-second CGS, 74 Characteristic surface, 52 Clapeyron's equation, 110 Colebrooke's equation, 178 Complex pipelines, 185 Compression leap, 260 Continuity - equation, 33 - theorem, 15 Conservation - energy, 39, 246 - law, 27, 246 - momentum, 37 Control volume, 27 Coordinates - Lagrange, 17-18 - material, 17 - space, 16 Coriolis coefficient, 181 D D'Alembert's paradox, 129, 152 Darcy's law, 322, 327-330, 338-344 Darcy-Weisbach equation, 85,160, 183, 185 Deformation velocity tensor, 50 De Laval's nozzle, 255 De Moivre's relationship, 138 Derivative, local and substantive, 19 Dirichlet problem, 155 Dupois formula, 450-451

566 E Elastic fluid flow, 460 Elastic drive, 427 Entropy, 30 Euler's equations, 18, 58, 105 Exponential filtration law, 391 F Farshad's surface roughness, 524 Fluid flow to infinite well lines, 422 Flow surface, 9 - regimes, 312 Flow though - fractures, 525 - deformable rock fractures, 527 Filtration - gas, 366 - rectilinear, 355 - radial, 359 - spherical, 363 Forces, - mass, 23 - surface, 23 Forchheimer equation, 322 Fractured-porous media, 492 Fracture permeability, 497, 553 Friction losses, 165, 183, 545, 552

SUBJECT INDEX Gromeko-Lamb format, 93-94, 104, 108 Gugonio's adiabatic impact, 237-241 H Heat loss, 183,542,545 Heat flow equation, 43 Helmholtz - equation, 108 - theorem, 45-49 Hydraulic grade, 165 Hydraulic resistance, 159 Hydraulic resistance factor, 266-270 - shock, 223 I Integral relationships technique, 438-441 Isothermal filtration, 350 K Klausius-Dughem inequality, 30 Kronecker delta, 58, 509 Konakov's equation, 177 Kozeny-Carman equation, 335 Krasnopolsky's equation, 331, 393 L Lagrange theorem, 17 Laplace equation, 411 - transform, 230 Leibensohn's function, 353-355, 359 M Mach number, 248-252, 543 Mayer's equation, 111, 247 Meter-kilogram-second, MKS, 74 Mendeleyev-Clapeyron's equation, 247

Gas-condensate well, 313-316 Gas dynamic functions, 257 Gas ejector, 267-270 Gas flow - in tubes (pipes), 270-275 - through nozzles, 194-197, 253-254 Gauss-Ostrogradsky theorem, 101, 348 General energy equation, 512, 538

SUBJECT INDEX Minskiy, roughess factor, 331 Murin's experiments, 177 N Navier-Stokes equations, 67, 208 228, 233 Nikuradze experiments, 176-177 Non-Newtonian fluids, 277-282 298 Nozzles, 194-197 O Oblique compression leap, 266 Ohm's and Kirchhoff s laws, 425 Orifice meter, 173, 231, 539-540 P Pairing, law of Paraboloid, 96 Permeameter, 323-324 Piezometric, 94 Piezo-conductivity equation, 433 Pirverdian's technique, 452-455 Pitot'stube, 115 Poisson's adiabatic equation, 111 Poiseuille's equation, 159 Polytropic process, 112 Prandtl theory, 169,172-173 Pressure buildup curves, 535 R Reserves calculations, 428 Relative extension, 48 Relative roughness, 546, 548, 549 Reliable flow, 541 Reservoir non-uniformity - laminated reservoir, 394 - zonally-nonuniform bed, 399 Revolving cylinders, 163 Reynolds - equations, 168 - experiments, 164 - number, 327-330 Rheologie equations, 44 Rheopectic fluid, 280 Rhombohedral packing, 335 S Satkevich's equation, 174 Scalar fields - continuous, 20 - stationary, 21 Slichter packing, 335 Singularity, 22 Shchelkachev equation, 328 Shifrinson's equation, 178 Shock waves, 259 Shukhov's equation, 275-276 Slip velocity, 285 Sound velocity, 243 Source and sink, 410 Specific surface area, 327 Statics, 537-538 Stratified reservoir, 404 Stress tensor, 23, 61 Strouhal number, 89 Subsonic velocities, 210 Superposition method, 410,419 T Thixotropic fluid, 280 Thomson's theorem, 119 Throughflow, 35, 186, 194 Torricelli's equation, 115 Terbulent flow, 166 Two-phase flow, 301


568 V Van Everdingen and Hurst equation, 463 Vector fields - continuous, 20 - stationary, 21 Vector line, 21 Velocity circulation, 53 Venturi meter, 115, 541 Viscous fluid, 61 - motion equation, 67 Viscoplastic liquid, 489 - flow, 493-507

SUBJECT INDEX Viscosimetry - integral technigue, theory, 282 - integral technique, 287 W Weisbach equation, 183 Z Zhukovsky's transform, 145 Greek -theorem, 78-80

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