Difference Between Alpha and Beta Glucose

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Difference between alpha and beta glucose The difference between alpha and beta glucose molecules is due

to the structural rearrangement of the hydroxyl group (-OH) on the first carbon. For the alpha glucose molecule the first carbon has a hydroxyl group which faces downwards, as shown in the diagram here below.

Whereas the beta glucose the hydroxyl molecule on the first carbon molecule is facing upwards. This change of arrangement on the carbon ring affects structure of polymers containing alpha or beta glucose molecules thus resulting in different structures. Furthermore, the human body cannot digest polymers consisting of beta glucose molecules because there is no enzyme that can aid the digestion of beta glucose polymers like cellulose. Therefore, amylose and glycogen, which are polymers of alpha glucose molecules, can be digested in the human body, this is because enzymes like amylase and glucagon can aid the breaking of glycosidic bonds in these polymers to form short chain or single alpha glucose molecules. Cellulose Cellulose is a polymer, which consists of beta glucose molecules. Cellulose can be found in plant cells and the function of cellulose in plants is energy storage. Due the fact of the difference of spatial arrangement of the hydroxyl group on the first carbon molecule on the beta glucose molecule means that the cellulose molecules that the bonding between beta glucose molecules occur between the first carbon of one molecule and the fourth carbon of another molecule, however, every other molecule is facing the other way, thus resulting in an alternating pattern of the beta glucose molecules in the cellulose polymer.

Glycogen Glycogen is an alpha glucose storage method used in mammals to store energy. Glycogen consists of alpha glucose molecules which form (1,4) glycosidic bonds and (1,6) glycosidic bonds. The branching units of the glycogen molecule results in the formation of (1,6) glycosidic bonds, whereas the (1,4) glycosidic bonds result from the bonding between the alpha glucose units. The basic of structure of glycogen is highlighted in the diagram here below.

However, the overall structure of glycogen is highlighted in the diagram here below and it shows the extensive level of branching present in glycogen molecules. Glycogen is suitable for its function because the extensive branching means that enzymes have a larger surfaces area to operate on whilst aiding the breakage of glycosidic bonds.

Amylose Amylose is a polymer chain consisting of alpha glucose molecules, which bond using a (1,4) glycodsidic bond.This polysaccharide is one of the two components of starch, making up approximately 20-30% of the structure. Amylose is a not branched.

Amylopectin Is a polysaccharide therefore it contains loads of saccharide units of alpha glucose. The difference between amylose and amylopectin is that amylose is highly branched thus consisting the normal (1,4) glycosidic bonds and (1.6) glycosidic bonds which allow for the branching of amylopectin polymer.

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