August 2013 Stans Color Newsletter

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Jerry Wiley, Editor

STANS STATEMENT: What a great start we had to our new year with the July meeting and our own Bill Burleigh giving an update on Operation Stand Down. Due to both recent and planned membership growth and an expected increase in attendance, August 6th will be our last meeting at Neros. We have simply outgrown their available space. Please note that there will be no regular meeting in September. Dont fret, however, as some extra special opportunities will be available during the rest of the year. Those opportunities begin with a District 6 August meeting in Clarksville & a meeting at the Nashville Police West Precinct Tuesday October 1. Many of your officers and fellow members have been busy helping in the office, making hospital and home visits to the sick and elderly, working on veterans issues, volunteering at various places and just continuing to be all-around good citizens and Legionnaires. I am enjoying representing all of you as Commander and feel honored and humbled to have this opportunity. Lets all keep up the good work! Hope to see you 6 August. Our speaker Alan Griggs is a long time personal friend whom you will enjoy hearing from. You may remember when he was News Director at WSMV Channel 4 or watch him now on Public Television Programs. He is a national awardwinning communicator. Stan Melton, Commander


We have outgrown Neros, but finding a new permanent site for our monthly meetings will have to be pursued with care. Em Ghianni has done his usual thorough job of gathering information about potential facilities but counsels that the post would be smart to try out a venue at least twice to make sure it will meet our needs. Bearing all that in mind, we have reserved the West Precinct Community Room for 1 October and 5 November. Commander Melton held his organization meeting there and most of us who attended were impressed with the room. It is on Charlotte Ave., convenient to Interstate 40W (exit at White Bridge/ Briley Parkway); it has ample parking; and the modern hall is large enough to accommodate growth. If we like the facility and the catered meal, it could be our new meeting site. If not, there are other options to explore. Sandy Campbell, Second Vice Commander

Being a volunteer is a rewarding experience. As I grow older, I realize that I cannot do everything I once did. This fact of life has affected the ways I continue as a volunteer. Why volunteer your time, talent, skills and knowledge as a member of Post 5 Womens Auxiliary? For me, as a retired military member, volunteering is also about service. As a volunteer, and a member of the Post and Auxiliary, I believe service is the key component of our membership.There are a variety of ways we can continue our commitment to our members, and to the Post 5 membership. We have many members who would like to participate but cant for a variety of reasons. We will do a survey to determine where we can best be of service. Please share your ideas with us! Call me at 615-766-7479. Online you can e-mail me at [email protected]. I welcome all of your ideas and things youd like to see done as a member of Post 5 and the Auxiliary. No feedback is too small! The Post and Piccadillys have accepted our recommendation to change our meeting dates. Well now meet the third Monday after the luncheon at Piccadillys. Our next meeting will be 19 August. Come join us!
Paula Prevost, President American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Nashville Unit 5

Welcome to the 2013-2014 membership year! We have already completed the process of converting the files to the new year. Although your 2013 membership cards are good until 31 December, the Legion membership year actually runs from 1 July through 30 June. We completed the 2013 membership year with 1240 members (124% of the assigned goal of 1000). Last year, we met the 20 October national deadline and received GOLD status. You can help us meet this goal by sending your $35 dues now if you havent already done so. You can also help by becoming a member of the 2014 New Member Sponsor Honor Roll. For each contribution of $25, a membership for active duty military, police academy graduate, or hardship may be sponsored. The first Post 5 members and friends to accept the honor roll challenge are: Richard L Ashburn, Lytle Brown, Benjamin Ernst, Duncan Eve, Frank Forbes, John Furgess, Em Ghianni, Charles Harrison, Douglas Henry, Vaden Lackey, Martin Levy, Phil McGovern, Donna Melton, Stan Melton, Stuart Nicholson, Nancy H. Reed, Sara Jane Williams, Tandy Wilson and John Wray.
Frank Forbes, Adjutant

1914 - 1st seaworthy ship through Panama Canal ; Germany invades Belgium & declares war on France in WW I; Great Britain declares war on Germany; Turkey signs military pact with Germany 1925 - Last US troops leave Nicaragua (there since 1912) 1944 - During WWII, Gestapo captured Anne Frank, her family and others, in Holland 1945 -The United States dropped an Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan 1782 - George Washington created the "Purple Heart," decoration medal 1958 - USS Nautilus reaches North Pole, 1st submarine to achieve submarine transit of North Pole 1967 - 45,000 US soldiers sent to Vietnam 1990 - US announces commitment of Naval forces to Gulf regions

August 5, Monday, 11 a.m. Lunch Club at Piccadilly -- Program: Membership Madness-Going for the Gold. Executive Committee meeting follows Last Regular meeting at Nero's Yellow Ribbon Event (Information forthcoming) Lunch Club at Piccadillys - Program: Dr. Chad McClellan, "My sport is your punishment" Meet at Nashville VA Hospital for Visitation Trip to Clarksville, Steak Dinner at Post 143 RSVP withFrank Forbes 615/254-0644 or Stan Melton 615/646-5957 Lunch Club program to be announced Lunch Club Member Tom Meredith speaking On his Vietnam experiences Labor Day - NO LUNCH CLUB NO REGULAR MEETING (Enjoy the holiday safely) Operation Stand Down Hero's Breakfast Meet 7:30 a.m. Eat 8:30 a.m. Details & reservations with Em Ghianni 615/373-1359 Information Table Tennessee State Fair Memorial Service at Vietnam Veterans Memorial, War Memorial Plaza on Union between 6th & 7th. Service by Rev. Michael O'Bryan in connection with US Army Americal Division Reunion. All veterans and friends invited. Field trip to Kentucky by bus. (See separate article) Meet at Nashville VA Hospital for Visitation Executive Committee Piccadilly Regular monthly dinner meeting 5 p.m. West Police Precinct 5500 Charlotte Pike

August 6, Tuesday, 5 p.m. August 10 & 11 Sat. & Sun. August 12, Monday, 11 a.m. August 16, Friday 1:15 p.m. August 17, Saturday, 2 p.m.

August 19, Monday 11 a.m. August 26, Monday 11 a.m. September 2, Monday September 3, Tuesday September 6, Friday

September 6-15, Ten days September 13, Friday, 10 a.m.

September 18, Wednesday September 20, Friday 1:15 p.m. September 23, Monday, 12:30 p.m. October 1, Tuesday, 5 p.m.

October 12, Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Shred on the Run Elmington Park 3531 West End at Bowling. Val Brooks for information 615/383-0533 Meet at Nashville VA Hospital for Visitation Operation Stand Down Annual Event Post 5 & Unit 5 handle Friday night dinner. Location to be announced.

October 18 Friday 1:15 p.m. October 18-20, Friday-Sunday


Our recent field trip to Fort Campbell was so successful that Post 5 and Flair Tours are co-sponsoring a second trip. A deluxe motor coach with tour guide will leave the Piccadilly Cafeteria on Murfreesboro Rd. promptly at 0830 hours Wednesday 18 September for Post 5 members and guests. In addition to visiting the General George Patton Museum of Leadership at Fort Knox Kentucky, we will make stops at the Aviation Heritage Park and the Cars of Yesterday Museum along the way. We plan to be back at the Piccadilly by 1730 hours. Total price of the trip including lunch in Elizabethtown is only $50. Advance reservations are required and being taken now by calling Post 5 member Carl Stasiunas at 615/361-3737. Expect trip will fill up fast so book now to avoid disappointment. Please join us on Tuesday, 6 August at Neros Grill for our regular monthly meeting. Join us at 1700 for a time of fellowship followed by dinner at 1800 and the program at 1900. Our guest speaker will be Alan Griggs who is a noted producer, writer and speaker. He is also the author of Flying Flak Alley: A Personal Account of WWII Bomber Crew Combat.

meetings will be on Tuesday 6 August at Neros and then Tuesday 1 October at the Nashville Police Department West Precinct at 5500 Charlotte Pike near White Bridge Road. A special opportunity to meet will take place on Saturday afternoon 17 August at Clarksville Post 143.

Remember to periodically check our web site for updates


New Fisher House next door to Alvin York Medical Center Murfreesboro Dedication expected to be November, 2013

Tennessee Fisher House Construction June 20, 2012

Dept. of Tennessee Convention June, 2013 Outgoing State Commander Mike Hammer Installs Incoming State Commander George Harper while Dept. Adjutant Dean Tuttle looks on

Dept. of Tennessee Convention June, 2013 Head Table

Incoming Commander Stan Melton facilitates a Sunday afternoon Leadership and Orientation Session June, 2013 at West Police Precinct Community Room

Senior Chaplain Ray Henson helps Unit 5 Auxiliary Officers & Post 5 Executive Committee Members Paula Prevost & Shawn Wilson set up refreshments for the Leadership & Orientation Session

Outgoing Commander 2013-14 Charles Harrison serving as grill master extraordinaire and hosting a party for Post 5 leadership at his beautiful home June, 2013

Members & guests enjoying the party of Charles & Janice Harrison

Harrison party left to right Norm Nuismer, John Furgess, Val Brooks, Stan Melton & Em Ghianni

Chapter Member Bill Burleigh, Executive Director of Operation Stand Down gives an update at the July, 2013 meeting

Historian Chuck Samsel presents a speakers gift to Bill Burleigh

Outgoing Auxiliary Unit 5 President Sandra Curtis presents an award for outstanding volunteerism to Unit 5 member Wanda Snoddy at the July, 2013 meeting

Commander Stan Melton presides over his first meeting July, 2013

Enjoy the Rest of Your

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