VFW - Bulletin May-Jun 2015 Page - 2

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Post Schedule:

Jun 10th -- (Wed.) Post House Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m.

Post meeting 7:00 p.m.
Jun 21st (Sun.) Fathers Day Breakfast 9:00 am 12:00 pm - $7:00
(continued from front page)

The Annual Memorial Day Steak Dinner was a huge

success, over 175 dinners were sold. Dinner was delicious,
thank you Jean Jones and your crew.
Post 8762 must change with the help of the younger
comrades, without changes our Post will surely die. In my youth
this Post was a family Post. We need to make it a family Post
again. I love this Post with all my heart I could not bear to see
the doors close. Thanks again for all the help and hard work
that all of you have done over the last eight years. As your
Commander God Bless you all!
Gary Reason, All American Commander

Surgeon General
Did you know that the California Department of Veterans
Affairs has additional services than those provided by the
United State Department of Veterans Affairs?
There are two main medical services available to all
California Veterans:
1) There are eight California Veterans Homes that provide
long term care. You must be over 55 years old and be a veteran
that was discharged under honorable conditions. Per the Cal
Vet website, the age requirement can be waived for disabled or
homeless veterans needing long-term care. Please check the
eligibility criteria at the following website (calvet.va.gov).
2) The county veteran service officers (CVSOs) are located
in 54 counties and provide assistance to veterans. The CVSOs
provide services to include claims processing, information,
referrals, liaison with VA health services, Cal Vet Home Loan
assistance, and outreach to specialized programs supporting all
Renee ' T. MacDonald, Surgeon General, VFW Post 8762

Post Service Officer:

I regret to report that no new cases have come my way this
month, although I keep my posted hours on Saturday
afternoons and will continue to do so. Most of the questions I
am asked are about military records and I have given out three
sets of requests for records. Just to remind you all, I'm at the
post Saturday noon until 4pm and can be reached anytime at
(916)203-1376 or email [email protected].
John Cox, Post Service Officer

Thanks to those that attended and supported our Yolo

County Ceremony at Monument Hill on Memorial Day! We were
able to honor those that have sacrificed by being a part of the
Memorial Day Ceremony assisted by the VFW Post 1985
Commander. The reading of the Memorial Day history, to the
poems from Soldiers, then the 21 gun salute, and finally to the
release of the 21 doves made the moment of remembrance.
Let us never forget.
After the ceremony we were welcomed to join VFW Post
1985 at their Woodland site to partake in a little hospitality,
before joining our post for the best steak dinner in town for the
Thanks for all your support.
Nikki McBurnett, Commander-Elect

The VFW 8762 is now open at 1:00pm for your pleasure Monday
- Friday and 12:00 noon both Saturday and Sunday. We now have a
couple of outstanding drinks to honor our heros one is called the
PURPLE HEART in honor of all the veterans who have been wounded
it consists of a shot of Crown Royal and Chambord, BRONZE STAR in
honor of outstanding bravery and it consists of sweet tea vodka and
ginger ale and SILVER STAR Tequila lime juice and a rim of salt.
Also, continuing is happy hour from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. $2.50
well drinks and $2.50 domestic beers, special beers $3.00 and $1.50
draft beer and please dont forget the appetizers something different
every Friday 5:00 to 7:00 so stop by on your way to the River Cats
game or just stop by have an appetizer snack and a cold drink.
If you have any old military metals, lapel pins etc. collecting dust
bring them down to the VFW for permanent display on the top shelve.
The bartending staff all attended a training class taught by the alcohol
beverage control (ABC) at the West Sacramento Police Department
the class taught the staff how to react to certain situations that might
happen for example: criminal, civil and ABC liability, update on
California alcohol laws, how to refuse service, proper I. D., signs and
prevention of illicit drug active and much more.
Coming events: Gold Cadillac/Rib Dinner July 20, 2014 $20.00
per person or $35.00 for a couple. With Raffle Prizes and Dancing
after dinner! (Get tickets at the post)
In the planning stages: Hawaiian Shirt/Skirt night, Khaki Pants
night in honor of Commander Gary Reason, Food truck event night,
Chili Cook Off.

Business is really picking up, we are continuing to grow. But we

still need all Post members and staff support to help VFW Post 8762
be the fun, Active and Proud American Post we are!

Ken Boswell, Bar manager

The Post lost another member on May 22, 2015 when
Donald Sanderson passed away. We also heard that
Willie Da Prato lost his wife, all sad news. Our sincere
sympathy goes out to these families and friends.
Elden Monday had successful knee surgery. Kathy
Perrigo is home after a lengthy hospital stay, and we
hope all the Mothers had a wonderful Mothers Day, and
you fathers have an equally Happy Fathers Day!
Jean Jones, Chaplin 6916-371-6135


We continue to collect items for our homeless and outof-work veterans. These wonderful donations can really
help someone feel better about themselves. The Standdown is in September.
F.Y.I. Everyone involved with our monthly News
Letter are working hard to put all the information we have
received and put into effect. In the meantime you will
receive a News Letter by mail. Please be patient with us
and continue to feed us information. Remember that the
News Letter is also posted on the Web site.
Thanks very much, Jean Jones


The VFW is going to celebrate Fathers Day, by
having a Breakfast Buffet on Sunday, June 21, 2015,
9:00 a.m. to Noon, $7.00 donation. Hope you can come!
The menu is Biscuits N Gravy, the usual breakfast fare
plus Mimosas, etc.
July 4, 2015 the Annual Picnic will be held featuring
BBQ NY steaks and hot dogs plus a variety of salads and
desert for $10.00 donation. Bingo at 1:00 p.m. to 3:00
p.m. Dinner at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Edi Clonces
Raffle will be at 5:30 a.m. This gives you a lot of time to
go see your favorite Fireworks.
I have year pins and flags if you need them, just come
down to the Post or give me at call (916-371-6135).
Teresas Taco aare on some of the Sundays during
the month, call the Post and find out her dates. There
really good!

June Menus:
Monday June 8th - Spaghetti
Monday June 15th French Dip
Sunday June 21st Breakfast Buffet
Monday June 22nd Lasagna-Hot Dogs-Dessert
Monday - June 29th Roast Pork
Thursday July 2nd Meat Loaf and Hot Dogs
Saturday July 4th BBQ Steak Picnic
Monday July 6th Enchiladas
The Monday night crew is seriously talking about
cutting back on our schedule. Final details in the next
news Letter.
Happy Fathers Day
Love you, Jean Jones

Scheduled Events:
Jun10 (Wed.) Auxiliary Meeting - 6:00 p.m.
Jun 21 (Sun) Fathers Day Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Noon p.m. $7.00
Jul 4 (Sat.) 4th of July BBQ Steak Picnic

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