4.4 Success, Bit by Bit

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4.4 Success bit by bit A1. Great contributors Following are the names of great computer wizards.

Match their names with their contribution. A B 1. Steve Jobs a. Super computer. 2. Bill Gates b. Founder of Apple, MsC 3. Vijay Bhatkar c. Geogle search engine 4. Narayan Murthy d Windows and Microsoft 5. Darry Page & Sergey Brin e Infosys A2. Title Read the title carefully and discuss with your partner the following points: Meaning of the phrase bit by bit Meaning of a bit in the context of computer Relation between bit and byte Significance of the title Go through the text and find the long form of BITS. A3. Qualities of being successful Success is achieved not by chance but by perseverance and . There are many qualities required to achieve success. Discuss with your partner and make a list of all those things that are required to get success. 1. Having high aim 2. 3. A4. Defining success Define the word Success in your own words. Discuss with your partner on the following points. Prepare a poster and place it on the class wall. You will have to consider The examples of the successful people The qualities and habits of these people The reasons why some are not successful people Relation of success with growth and development Apply your definition to some people around you and check up their success. Success is realizing ones dream

A5. Read the following write up and choose the correct alternative to complete: 1. Sabeer Bhatia left Microsoft, to start another venture i.e. _____ a. Armstrong Inc. b. Arzoo Inc. c. A zoo Inc. 2. Sabeer Bhatia was born to a______ (a) Punjabi family (b) Maharashtra family (c) Gujarati family 3. The Hotmail Service is one of the first ____ (a) webmail services (b) information services (c) data services 4. The outstanding feature of Hotmail is______ a. ability to send e-mail faster b. ability to access data on the internet c. ability to access users inbox from anywhere in the world 5. Sabeer and Jack were afraid of spending ______ (a) Their leisure on personal projects (b) Their working hours on personal projects (c) Their time on personal projects Success, bit by bit India born computer wizard, Sabeer Bhatia came into limelight, when he created the web based e-mail, the hotmail and later sold it to the software giant the Microsoft for a staggering $400 million. After selling the hotmail to the Microsoft, Sabeer Bhatia worked with the Microsoft for about a year and then left it to start another venture Arzoo Inc. It is an e-commerce firm with a revolutionary new way to shop on line. With the hotmail deal, Sabeer Bhatia became the Silicon Valley Hero. Today, Sabeer Bhatia is an idol for all Indians who wish to make it big in the Silicon Valley. Sabeer Bhatia (born December 30, 1968) is the co-founder of Hotmail and an entrepreneur.

Sabeer Bhatia was born to a Punjabi Hindu family in Chandigarh, India. His father, Baldev Bhatia, was an officer in the Indian Army who later joined the Indian Ministry of Defence, while his mother, Daman Bhatia, was a senior official at the Central Bank of India. Bhatia was schooled at the St. Josephs Boys High School in Bangalore. In 1985, he began his undergraduate education at the Birla institute of Technology and Science (BITS) in Pilani and was transferred to Caltech after two years at BITS. After graduating from Caltech, Sabeer went to Stanford University in 1989 to pursue his M.S. in Electrical Engineering. At Stanford, he got inspired by entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Scott McNealy and eventually decided to join Apple in 1991. Launch of Hotmail The original Hotmail service was founded by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith, and was one of the first webmail services on the internet. It was commercially launched on July 4, 1996, American Independence Day, symbolizing freedom from ISP-based e-mail and the ability to access a users inbox from anywhere in the world. Hotmail was initially backed by venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. By December 1997, it reported more than 8.5 million subscribers. Hotmail was sold to Microsoft in December 1997 for reported $400 million and it joined the MSN group of services. Hotmail quickly gained in popularity and became the worlds largest webmail service, and reported more than 30 million active members by February 1999. Sabeer intended to complete his degrees and go back to India to work with some large Indian Company as an engineer. Sabeer did his MS in 1993. He thought that one should be superhuman to start a company and it was an impossible task for him. But during his graduation in Stanford, he used to spend his lunch hours in the basement of Terman Auditorium. He listened to entrepreneurs like Scott McNealy MBAs 80, Steve Wozniak and Marc Andreessen, they all had a common message You can do it too. After completing his graduation Sabeer dropped the idea of going home. He took up a job with Apple Computers and so did Jack Smith, his friend and coworker. Sabeer and Jack had a dream to start a company and they were really working hard on it. They wanted to e-mail notes to each other, but they were afraid of being accused by their bosses of spending their working hours on personal

projects. They had personal American Online account, but they could not access it from office network. Jack was frustrated by this entire problem. And this gave birth to an idea of free e-mail accounts that can be accessed anonymously over the web - HOTMAIL In mid-1995, Sabeer began his business plan for a net based personal database called Java soft. Java soft became the front for Hotmail for Jack and Sabeer in December. Sabeer knew Hotmail was an explosive concept. Sabeer convinced imperial Bank to loan him $100,00. Then he convinced Mclean Public Relations to represent Hotmail in exchange of stock. In June, the product was ready to launch, at that time they had 15 employees working for them. They launched it on July 4, 1996 Independence Day as Sabeer and Jack thought free email was a great independent idea and populist tool. Everybody who owned a computer had their own email accounts, but with webmail, they could log on from anywhere in the world. The first users found it all by themselves and then it spread like a forest fire. By December 1998, with 25 million active e-mail accounts, the company was signing up new users at the rte of 125, 000 a day. On the New Year eve, 1997, the negotiations with Microsoft were finalized and the ownership of Hotmail was exchanged for 2,769, 148 shares of Microsoft worth $400 million. Being the head of the worlds fastest-growing media company, backed with Microsofts financial muscles Hotmails juggernaut appears unstoppable. He feels absurd when people call him Powerful Man. He is just ordinary flesh and blood like any other man. He says If something is a success, it is wildly successful. Glossary: Silicon: Silicon Valley: Entrepreneurs:

chemical element found in rocks and sand is in California connected with computer and electronic industries. persons who make money through a business.

A6. Read the text again after discussing with your partner answer the following questions: 1. What major deal made Sabeer Bhatia, a Silicon Valley Hero?

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

How many active members did Hotmail have by February 1999? What did Sabeer intend to do initially? Why? How did Sabeers academic career lead him to Stanford University? What predicament led Sabeer to the idea of Hotmail? In what way do you think is the word silicon related to the world of computers? 7. How do you think any problem can lead to innovative creative ideas and solutions? A7. Order Go through the text again and rearrange the following statements in their proper chronological order. You may discuss with your partner and decide. 1. Sabeer was transferred to Caltech. 2. After graduating Sabeer intended to go back to India to work with some large Indian company as an engineer. 3. Sabeer joined Stanford university to pursue his M.S. 4. After completing his graduation Sabeer dropped the idea of going home. 5. He and his friend Jack took up a job at Apple Computers. 6. The original Hotmail was founded by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith. 7. Hotmail was sold to Microsoft in December 1997 for $400 million. A8. Important years Glance through the text and working with your partner find out the significance of the following years in the life of Sabeer Bhatia: Year significance 1968 1985 1991 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 A9. Antonyms and Synonyms Look at the following words and find out the antonyms from the text. 1. Failure 2. Hopeful` 3. Conventional 4. Extraordinary 5. Dependence

Look at the following words and find out the similar meaning word or phrase from the text. 1. In the beginning 2. Supported 3. Enterprise 4. Stand for 5. Be famous A10. Guess: Go through the text again and find out the following expressions. Based on the context guess their meaning: 1. Wildly successful. 2. Financial muscles 3. Commercially launched 4. Initially backed; 5. Accessed anonymously 6. A dream to start 7. explosive concept 8. Software giant A11. Letter For your advanced studies you wish to go abroad. Write a letter of enquiry. Discuss it your partner and draft your letter. Preparation The course you want to pursue Your interest and hobbies Your academic record Entrance text Duration of the course Fees of the course Presentation Address of sender and receiver Addressee Subject Reference Enclosures Suitable paragraphs for beginning, middle and end.

Facilities provided Accommodation Any special facilities for the students from abroad A12. Prepositions Look at the following sentences from the text and observe the underlined words. Discuss with your partner the following questions and note your observations and responses. 1. Sabeer Bhatia came into limelight. 2. Sabeer Bhatia worked with the Microsoft for about a year. 3. He got inspired by entrepreneurs 4. People with their own email accounts could log on from anywhere in the world. Discuss: What do the underlined words indicate? Which preposition indicates place? Which preposition indicates time?

Which preposition indicates movements? Look at the following sentences: 1. Sabeer Bhatia used to spend his lunch hours the basement Terman. 2. They launched it July 4, 1996 Discuss: Are these sentences meaningful? What is missing in these sentences? Which word will make the sentences meaningful? Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions from the text. 1. Bill Gates came . Limelight when he was listed as one of the wealthiest person the world. 2. The officer was transferred Mumbai after three years. 3. He looked for the information the Internet. 4. We have holidays December. 5. The engineer worked hard a software project. 6. Encyclopedia can be accessed the Internet. Glance through the text again and underline with a pencil all the prepositions and write what they indicate. Use proper prepositions where needed in the following sentences. 1. To open Windows 2007, you have press a start button. 2. Jobs software engineers are not available rural areas. 3. An engineer would always prefer get a lucrative salary. 4. I am a young software engineer who has to look a job. 5. Young engineers always believe their hard work. A.13. Collocations: Look at the following pairs of words: Computer wizard Silicon Valley Electrical engineering Online account Discuss: 1. What do we call such combination of words? 2. Why only these words go together? 3. What other combinations are possible with these words?

Match the words in column A with words in column B and write them in your notebook: A B Western winds Heavy ghats Dense rains Stormy grass Green fog A.14. You Can Do It! If you think you can, you can There is nothing impossible in life. What message do you get from the life of Sabeer? List it down. Think of some impossible task. Brain storm within your group about Difficulties and challenges Qualities required for getting success Solutions to achieve success ********

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