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$EVWUDFW Biometric technologies` have become the basis for

highly secure identification and personnel verification in

authentication and identification systems, based on the
physical identifiable details or behavioral characteristics
which cannot be imposter easily. Hence, the system has been
treated to be the tough security measures to identify the user
being genuine by avoiding the third party attack. But these
systems are unable to judge whether the user who is
providing the required authentication details is an impostor
or genuine. To eliminate this flaw in biometric based security
systems, the model proposed in this paper can be embedded in
existing security systems to prevent the spoof attack. The
proposed model comprises of two independent models namely
Cryptographic based authentication system (model 1) and
Text prompted authentication system (model 2). Model 1 has
been designed by the most efficient cryptographic algorithm
RSA which generates a secret key by using a pseudo-random
number given by user for secure system access. In model 2,
the user is made interactive with the system by prompting a
question from a set of 15 questions, and authenticating the
user with the help of correct answer provided by user. To
provide higher level of security, MD5 (Message Digest 5)
algorithm is integrated with RSA. The developed models
provide promising level of security along with a biometric
In the networking society, the needs oI the user are catered with
the help oI secure inIormation/data transIer. But the problem that
rises around this is whether the set oI inIormation/data is used by
right persons? in right way? So this is answered in every security
domain, by providing inIormation/data to the authenticated user
through security measures. The user authentication is a
challenging task in any security system. One oI the method to
authenticate the user with the help oI biometric evidence.
Biometric system are automated methods oI veriIying or
recognizing the identity oI a person based on the physiological
characteristics, like a Iingerprint, Iace pattern etc. and/or some
aspects oI behavior, like handwriting, speech patterns etc. User
authentication can be made with assumption that no two
individuals` biometric characteristics may seem to be identical. In
voice based systems, vocal tract shapes, larynx sizes, and other
parts oI their voice production organs are diIIerent. Every user
can also produce characteristic like manner oI speaking, use oI a
particular accent, rhythm, intonation style, pronunciation patterns,
choice oI vocabulary, etc. with voice oI an user In retinal based
system, the nervous system connected within the eye may be
diIIerent. In Iingerprint, the ridges in the Iingers may vary Irom
one to another. In order to provide higher level oI security, the
biometric systems are to be integrated with additional security
measures. Most oI the biometric systems are attacked by the
imposter with spooI` attack.
The spooI attack Iools the biometric system with identity theIt
and other related criminal activities and also gain access to
soItware or others personal inIormation. The phenomenon spooI
is a counterIeit biometric which is used in an attempt to
circumvent a biometric sensor. DiIIerentiating a genuine
biometric trait presented Irom a live person versus some other
means oI same type is called spooI detection. Hence, the act oI
sensitivity 'aliveness signs, such as detection oI heart pulses. In
some areas oI research, the term aliveness detection is
synonymous with spooI detection. In other areas oI research,
aliveness detection is the more limited problem oI distinguishing a
live human trait Irom a non-living human trait and in some
systems aliveness detection is deIined as the sensing oI vitality
signs. SpooI detection can occur beIore biometric data is collected
or during data processing. Whenever a new data is entered, in a
decoupled system no biometric data is collected until the spooI
detection method is satisIied that a live human is present.
For identiIying the aliveness detection and Iurther to authenticate
user to achieve higher level oI security, we explore the idea oI
biometric system which can be deployed in all public interactive
and sensitive environments Ior strengthening the security system.
The proposed model is Iramed to integrate the biometric
authentication, and two independent models designed using the
Iastest MD5 and the most secured RSA techniques which gives
the betterment oI the existing biometric system in advancement oI
providing security by identiIying the user being genuine or
Further, in section 2 describes the methods and techniques
available Ior user authentication using diIIerent biometric traits
and methods Ior identiIying the genuine user. Section 3 discusses
the proposed security model section 4 deIines the algorithm and
Iinally section 5 presents the results oI the proposed work.
Most oI the researchers addressed the issues in biometric systems
as a security measure by considering many scenarios where the
user`s biometric details oI Iinger/hand/palm/eye/voice (input) etc.
is perceived and is acquired by an acquisition devices to represent
them into digital signals. The research works carried out on
various biometric traits are summarized in the Iollowing; in our
previous work, the methodology proposed in |1| was designed Ior
A Cryptographic Approach to Prevent a SpooI Attack Ior Secure
InIormation Retrieval in a Biometric System
Ravi Hosur
Department oI CSE
Basaweshwar Engineering College
Bagalkot - 587102, Karnataka, India
Sanjeevakumar M. Hatture
Department oI CSE
Basaweshwar Engineering College
Bagalkot - 587102, Karnataka, India
Rashmi P. Karchi
Department oI MCA
Basaweshwar Engineering College
Bagalkot - 587102, Karnataka, India
326 978-1-4673-4805-8/12/$31.00 c 2012 IEEE
the security system by using two stage authentication processes.
The model works Ior the wide area networks like public sectors.
The issue oI authenticating the genuine user (aliveness) when
third party is using the system instead oI authenticated user is
addressed in this paper. Further, our model in |2| was designed
Ior LAN security system by using text-dependent speaker
identiIication system. The system was modeled only to work in
limited area like intranet or LAN system. In this paper we extend
the system Ior WAN system by considering the issues related to
security measures concerned to internet also. The method |3|
works with speech and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using
wavelet transIorm Ior cryptographic key generation based on the
uniqueness and quasi-stationary behavior oI ECG and speech
signals Ior an individual. The designed system is simulated to
increase the perIormance with a report oI False Acceptance Rate
(FAR) oI 1.27 and a False Rejection Rate (FRR) oI 10.62 Ior
the system. The paper does not compromise with the keys oI a
group or a corporation that could happen in the case oI
maintaining a centralized database with the biometric inIormation
oI all users but can compromise with the key oI user hacked by
the third party. The model |4| detects the spooI Iingerprint attacks
in the biometric system is on the observation that, real and spooI
Iingerprints exhibit diIIerent textural characters based on
structural, orientation roughness, smoothness and regularity
diIIerences oI diverse regions in a Iingerprint image where the
images are captured by Local Binary Pattern(LBP) histograms.
The dimensions are integrated as Ieature set which is reduced by
running Pudil`s Sequential Forward Floating Selection (SFFS)
algorithm. A new image (single) based method utilizing
integrated gray level texture and wavelet energy inIormation Ior
spooI Iinger detection is presented. In the methodology |5|,
wireless Local Area Networks(WLANs) that use MAC Iiltering to
allow stations with registered MAC addresses to use the network
where the attacker has many tools like AirJack, wireshark to
capture the packets in WLANs and Iind authorized MAC address.
The attacker masquerades as an authorized station and can launch
denial oI service attack. The work presented a power hopping
technique which can be used by Access Point (AP) to discern the
authorized packets Irom the masquerading packets and thus deny
the attacker Irom using the system. The AP learns about the signal
strength about various locations and also AP learns about the
noise to signal ratio. The technique could more consumption oI
energy because even iI the station is near AP, in order to meet
expected power level, station might use more power than the
optimal power needed. The method |6| extracts the Iingerprint
Ieature oI cognitive user to get the Received Signal Strength
(RSS). The extracted Eigen values can be used as the input
vectors oI the Back Propagation (BP) Neural Network which are
trained by the honest users` RSS. Simulation results shows that
the scheme can eIIectively detect identity spooI attack with a low
Ialse alarm rate and miss alarm rate. The process extracts Ieature
inIormation RSS value, and classes these data through Back
Propagation neural network.
The work |7| exhibits a worst case scenario that the attacker is
able to Iabricate an exact replica oI genuine biometric trait which
was simulated by assuming that the matching scores distribution
oI Iake traits is identical to the one oI genuine users. So the
biomedical system used does make a Iace and Iingerprint matcher
whose scores are Iused using the well-known sum, product,
weighted sum and Like-Li-hood Ration (LLR) rules and,
investigates whether a realistic spooI attack against both
modalities can allow the attacker to crack multi-modal system.
Results in robust and perIormance Iactors under a spooIing attack
against all traits are still unacceptable Ior security applications. In
other words, they can be cracked by spooIing all the Iused traits
even when he attacker is not able to Iabricate an exact replica oI
the genuine user`s traits. In the method proposed |8|, here an
oIIline signature recognition system is built along with speaker
recognition system Ior Ieature extraction oI the data perceived
Irom the user with the countable data. The sum rule is used Ior the
Iusion oI biometric scores and experimentally resulted in the
eIIicacy oI multimodal biometric system using speech and
signature Ieatures when the data is aIIected by noise. With the
results oI the method implemented |9| justiIies that the RSA
algorithm is stronger than DiIIie-Hellman method with the key
length parameter and is more securitized during timing attacks,
proves to be the most highly rated algorithm regarding the
encryption ratio, speed and tunability parameter also. These all
suggest that the RSA algorithm is tunable and Ilexible to diIIerent
type oI applications and requirements and best suitable Ior highly
valuable multimedia applications. The scheme in |10| presented
some oI the cryptographic key generation schemes so that the
biometric system with traits like Iingerprint, iris, retina, etc., are
used in rendering security to the inIormation or key able to satisIy
the growing demand oI the security in the current real world
applications and the growing demand against the security. The
paper |11| presents a hand geometry based user identiIication
using spectral properties. The hand images used are collected by a
GPDS150 hand database. The user identiIication is perIormed
using back propagation multilayer perceptron network (BPNN).
The correct identiIication rate about 98 is achieved. The
technique |12| is revolved over creating an elliptical curve points
Irom Iinger print oI the user, where the data are collected in the
Iorm oI minutiae, and using the minutiae points the method
generates an elliptical curve with the help oI elliptic curve
cryptography generation algorithm. This elliptic curve generated
helps in validating the user Ior authentication purpose. In this
technique, Iinger`s minutiae is converted into an elliptical curve
using elliptic curve algorithm where the extraction is done by
binarization, thinning, noise removal and minutiae extraction, and
elliptic curve points generation steps with deIined minutiae
templates like termination, biIurcation, lake, independent ridge,
point or island, spur and crossover. The author states that the
proposal can be used in document authentication like passport and
driving license where the biometrics can be used.
2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies 327
The Iinger vein location method |13| takes the vein as an input
data that treats the data as a high counterIeiting capability in
comparison to other biometric trait used Ior identiIication. The
method also designs a Iinger vein imaging device Ior establishing
templates oI images oI Iinger veins oI diIIerent users with
diIIerent patterns to conduct the personal identiIication, and the
database is created with all these data. The extraction oI patterns
is done by using the steps oI image processing and then compared
with the database values Ior validating the user Ior authentication.
One oI the biometric traits Ior authenticating a user is Iace |14|;
used Ior veriIication oI user Ior authentication by using eIIicient
Ieature extraction and an error minimizing template
transIormations. The Ieature has been generated as a template is
the result oI Gradient Descent Algorithm based on error rate
Iormulation. The algorithms like Multiple Random Projection
(MRP) Ior Ieature level extraction, Total Error Rate (TER) Ior
veriIication are used with AR Iace and BERC visual Iace
databases in the process oI proposed methodology. The
multimodal technique |15| is built with integration oI biometric
traits like iris and palm print based on Wavelet Packet Analysis.
The Ieatures considered eye is its texture and principle lines,
wrinkles and ridges on the palm that are encoded into a compact
sequence oI 2-D wavelet packet coeIIicients that generates a
Ieature vector code. Then by using Wavelet Packet TransIorm
texture and recognition oI traits considered are analyzed and
identiIication by Hamming distance. The proposal |16| bases on
the Ieatures oI singular creasure, puts Iorward multi-biometric
identiIication technology based on Iinger shape and palm print.
The method extracts the Ieatures including length and average
width oI Iour Iingers and with palm Ieatures oI palm rectangular
region, where the validation is done using hierarchic mode with
coarse and reIined matching methods by actively increasing the
Iaster match.
From the above cited works on cryptography, biometric
identiIication methods, etc. using diIIerent schemes provide
security to the data Ior storage but Iail to detect the user who is
providing the identiIication details are imposter or genuine.
Hence, there is a scope to address an issue on the aliveness
detection and authenticate user in security systems whether the
details provided by the user is being genuine or not by the live`
users. Resulting in more security to the system and save the
system Irom the third party attack.
To provide higher level oI security, it is planned to integrate the
techniques oI biometric security and cryptography. Further, the
proposed system also veriIy Ior the genuine user by prompting the
conIidential random question to the user. The proposed system
tries to block the imposter at diIIerent stages. The details oI the
work carried towards this direction is presented below; The
proposed model is Iramed with two models that depend on the
type oI user being identiIied (aliveness/genuineness), by
integrating the proposed model between the authenticating system
and the database so that the user is judged to be genuine. The
proposed model is shown in Iigure 3.1
Figure 3.1: Enhanced Antispoofing Model
Working Principle
The user is authenticated with his/her biometric trait like iris,
Iinger print, palm print, etc. given as details to the system in the
basic authentication step. The system will permit the user to enter
the system with maximum three attempts where each time the
user has to provide diIIerent biometric trait randomly (without
repetition). II the authentication Iails with all three attempts, then
the system assumes that the user is a counterIeit. Otherwise the
user is asked to provide a NONCE (pseudo random number oI 4
digits) which in turn the system asks Ior a secret code or an
identiIication number. II the number generated due to secret code
and NONCE already exists in the CACHE (repeated) then it`s a
counterIeit data then model 1 is activated else the model 2 is
activated to provide Iurther security. In basic authentication step
all details oI the user are being stored in database and encrypted
by using MD5 algorithm (known to be the best cryptographic
algorithm). These cryptographic parts are very hard to break
because the data will be stored is not the real as provided by user
during his registration to the system but they are in other Iorm
called CIPHERs. MD5 algorithm uses one oI the details
(attribute) as its key Ior generating CIPHER.
Model - 1: Cryptographic based authentication system
The resultant oI mismatch with the key (i.e. resultant oI SECRET
Key and random number) makes this module activate. When the
user wishes to access data, then he/she needs to enter a SECRET
code (4-digits key a pseudo-random number), which will be
encrypted and sent immediately to the user`s registered mobile
number or email account similar to one-time password. Then the
system asks the user to re-enter the SECRET code (encrypted) to
the system. II the entered code by user is valid then access to the
328 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies
system will be provided otherwise user will be given maximum oI
three attempts to prove that he is the real user (genuine).
Figure 3.2: Cryptographic based authentication system
Module - 2: Text prompted authentication system
This module is activated (i.e. Iigure 3.3) iI there is no repetition oI
the value at the basic authentication step. In this module, when
user selects a transaction to perIorm on the data then user needs to
answer a random question generated by the system (among the 15
questions where these answers are registered by the user initially).
Once the user provided answer is correct then 8-digit
alphanumeric value will be sent to user`s mobile/email. When the
user enters 8-digit alphanumeric value, is valid then user can
access and perIorm the actions on the data. Otherwise the system
will generate diIIerent question oI maximum oI three. The user
need to prove that he is the real user (genuine). In this module
every question occurs only once and never repeats until all
questions complete their turn oI occurrence. Once these all
questions complete their turn (all 15) the system generate
diIIerent set oI 15 questions, Ior them user need to provide the
answers, which are registered against the same user`s data with
Figure 3.3: Text prompted authentication system
4. Algorithm for the proposed model
4.4.1 Algorithm Proposedsystem ()
Step 1: Registration oI the user to security system using
Module Register_User ()
Step 2: AIter registration the system service can be used
by logging in with Log_In ()
Step 3: Stop
4.4.2 Algorithm Register_User ()
Step 1: User needs to provide all biometric traits like
Iris, Iinger print, palm print, etc. and his required
details like Iirst name, last name, Designation,
address, etc.
Step 2: Once the details are provided and submitted,
they are stored to the database
Step 3: User account will be created with his username
and password given at the time oI registration
Step 4: Stop
4.4.3 Algorithm Log_In ()
Step 1: when the system validates the user being
genuine by identiIying his biometric trait given
then second authentication stage with his/her
valid username and password, he/she will be
permitted to use the system
Step 2: AIter logging in user can perIorm diIIerent
transactions depending on his choice by giving
suitable required details to the system like
answers to the registered questions
Step 3: II the answer given is correct then it gets access
to the system`s transaction page, otherwise it
goes to Cipher text generation page (model-2 in
proposed model) and asks to enter a random
number in turn the system regenerates the cipher
and sends it to user`s mobile/email where the
user has to enter within stipulated time
Step 4: iI cipher is entered in time with correct data then
gets access to the system`s transaction page
where the user really intended to go.
Step 5: Stop
5. Experimental Results
The proposed model is tested Ior accuracy with 100 diIIerent
users using the Iingerprint biometric traits and accessing the
designed system to IulIill their requirements. The biometric
system authenticates the genuine user with Iingerprint trait and
Iurther activates the either the model 1 or model 2. MD5
algorithm at the user side encrypts the details in to other Iorm
(cipher) by using one oI the details (attributes provided by user)
as encryption key Ior conversion during storage, resists Irom an
imposter. During validation the user details, the algorithm
decrypts the stored data and compares with user data Ior
authentication. The role oI RSA algorithm is hiding the process
details by encryption and produces the required results oI the user
using decryption method i.e., to know whether the genuine user is
2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies 329
perIorming a transaction the user is interactively made to
participate with the system during the process oI identiIication
and authentication. The Iollowing are the results that produced
during the process to Iind the accuracy in regard with the
counterIeit details;
Table 1. Accuracy of the proposed system
Application Parameters
of Users
Accuracy in
of detection counterfeit
Authentication using
100 93.45
Biometric trait 100 94.65
Using RSA
100 96.25
From the Table 1, the experimentation has been carried Ior 100
diIIerent user sets. In the results, Iirst parameter tested is the basic
authentication mode said to be the most rigid step, where the
counterIeit user Iails to login to the system because he/she Iails to
decrypt the details entered by the user i.e., his username and
password. Hence result is more than 90 because oI the
eIIiciency oI MD5 algorithm. Then the second parameter results
around 94 because there can be a chance oI moldings oI user
biometric trait that may happen due to impostor creation or due to
the virtual storage oI data in the system buIIers during power
Iailures even though the biometric system has been developed
with interesting techniques.
The transaction page that produces a questionnaire Ior the user
depending on the randomly selected question to be answered by
the user using pseudo-random number generator never gives the
intruder an idea by encrypting the text using RSA algorithm. The
code sent to the user will be in the Iorm oI encryption aIter
entered by the user and will be decrypted during validation. The
algorithm is proved superIicially strong in encryption and does-
not allow breaking the system and guess the system secrete.
Hence the proposed application is expected to produce averaging
about more than 90 results compared to existing biometric
security systems.
The proposed system integrates the concepts oI cryptographic and
biometric to provide higher level oI security. The developed
model can be eIIectively deployed in existing biometric security
system to prevent the spooI attack by providing the aliveness
detection and improve the protection oI data access Irom
intruders. The proposed system has been implemented by
integrating standard algorithm that are enriched with materialistic
approach along with parameters like speed, accuracy, eIIiciency,
tunability, etc. this integration results to produce a more strategic
security system that asks a question whenever it is in an
ambiguous state. In Iuture the system improves the biometric
system capability by using multiple evidences oI the user and
advanced cryptographic techniques to cater the demand Ior higher
level oI security to the system.
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1]. Mr. Ravi Hosur Completed BE Irom Visvesvaraya Technological University Belgaum. Currently
pursuing Master oI Technology (MTech) in Basveshwar Engineering College Bagalkot, extension
center oI Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belgaum. He is the student member oI IEEE,
liIe member oI Computer Society oI India (CSI) and Indian Society Ior Technical Education
(ISTE). His areas oI interests are InIormation security, Data Mining, Algorithm design and Analysis,
Database security.
2]. Prof. Sanjeevakumar M. Hatture Completed BE Irom Karnataka University Dharwad,
Master oI Technology (MTech) Irom Visvesvaraya Technological University Belgaum and currently
pursuing doctoral at Basaveshwar Engineering College Bagalkot research center under Visvesvaraya
Technological University Belgaum. He is the liIe member oI Institute oI Engineers (IEI) and Indian
Society Ior Technical Education (ISTE). His areas oI interests are Image processing, Pattern
Recognition, Biometric security and Network Security.
3]. Prof. Rashmi P. Karchi Completed MSc (Stat) Irom Karnataka University Dharwad and Master
oI Technology (MTech) Irom University oI Mysore. She is the liIe member oI Institute oI Engineers
(IEI) and Indian Society Ior Technical Education (ISTE). Her areas oI interests are Image
processing, pattern recognition.
2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies 331

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