Guam Drivers Handbook 2

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Driver’s Handbook

Department of Revenue and

Motor Vehicle Division


This booklet had been prepared to assist you in passing the required written test given prior
to obtaining a Learner’s Permit, Instruction Permit or Guam Driver’s License depending on
the applicant’s circumstances. The main purpose of driver-examining is to determine
whether an applicant for licensing has the knowledge and skills needed for the safe
operation of a motor vehicle. When the driver successfully passes the examination, this
means he meets established standards of motor vehicle operation on Guam for the type of
license applied for.

However, we would be failing on our obligation to you if that was all we offered for there is
a great deal more to driving than being able to make a proper left turn. Therefore, we have
added life-saving suggestions that will be useful to the first time driver as well as the
experienced. This booklet is not only a guide to passing the driver’s written test, it is a
guide for Safe Driving.


The car has become a necessity in our modern society, but must its benefits mean that an
average of over ten 10 people die each year on Guam’s road? The DRIVER, not the car, is
RESPONSIBLE for most of the deaths on our highway. Please remember this when you are
studying this book and while you are driving.


This is one piece of information that can never be repeated too much. Studies of accident
outcomes suggest that fatality rates among car occupants are reduced by between 30 and
50 percent if seat belts are worn. The US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
estimates that death risks for a driver wearing a lap-shoulder seat belt are reduced by 48
percent. The same study indicated that in 2007, an estimated 15,147 lives were saved by
seat belts in the United States*. This updated booklet contains the latest seat belt
requirements for Guam which include the new child restraint provisions. The potential for
saving the lives of you and your passengers takes only 5 seconds for you to buckle up – and
those five seconds can be the difference between walking away from the accident or
sustaining serious injuries or worse.

*Source: Wikepedia – Seat Belt Legislation

Revised: June 2011



The driving Privilege and Exceptions to Who Needs a License 4

Eligibility – Age and Other Requirements 4
Applying for your license 5
Types of Licenses and the Driver’s License/Permit 6
Graduated Driver’s Licensing 6
Driver’s Education Requirements 8
Your Exam for a License (The Eye, Written and Road tests) 8
Valid Period of the Driver’s License 10
Loss of Driver’s License 11
Safe Driving Tips 11


The Driver’s Signal 12

Starting your Vehicle 13
Stopping and Parking 13
Parking Restrictions 14
Steps in Parallel Parking 14
The Right-of-Way Rules 15
Private Road or Driveway 15
Emergency Vehicles 15
Pedestrians right of way at crosswalk 16
How to Make Turns 16
Use of the Center Lane 17
U-Turns 18
Speed Limits 18
Passenger Restraint Devices (Seat Belts) 18
Electronic Messaging while Driving (Texting) 19
Accessible Parking for Persons with Disabilities 19
Individuals with Hearing or Speech Disabilities 20
Guam Road Conditions 20
Average Stopping Distance 21
Overtaking and Passing 21
Pavement Markings 22
Passenger Vehicles (Buses) 23
Miscellaneous Driving Rules 24
Driving at Night 24
Controlling Your Car in an Emergency 25
What to do in Case of an Accident 25
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol & Controlled Substances 25
Implied Consent and suspension or Revoking of Driving Privileges 26


Section IV: ROAD SIGNS 28

Section I


Driving a motor vehicle on public streets and highways is a privilege granted by the
Territory according to the ruling of the courts. It is not a right.
Before the Territory can issue a permit or driver’s license, you must show that you
have the necessary skill. The law states that your ability to drive must be tested and
proved by an examination given by the Territory.
A driver’s license is evidence that the Territory has granted you the privilege of
driving on the public roadways within its boundaries. It shows that the Territory has
judged it safe to grant the driving privilege to you. Every driver must be licensed and
must carry their valid license with them at all times while driving on Guam.
If you abuse the privilege, it may be taken away from you by legal means for various
periods of time, or revoked permanently under some circumstances.


A person employed by or in the service of the United States while operating a vehicle
owned or controlled by the United States need not obtain an operator’s or chauffeur’s


A person at least 15 ½ years of age who can pass the examination and meet the
requirements of mental and physical ability is entitled to consideration for a Guam
driver’s license.
a. Age Requirements for Minors
For purposes of obtaining a Guam driver’s license, minors are persons under 18
years of age. Applicants under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian appear in
person during the initial application process to sign the application form prior to
taking the written examination.
b. Learner’s Permits
Before anyone can drive well, he needs to have a good deal of actual driving
practice. The law, therefore, provides for the issuance of a learner’s permit which
allows a person qualified for a license by age and other conditions to drive on public
streets and highways when accompanied by a ¹fully licensed driver. Holders of
learner’s permits do not have the right to drive alone, not even to the Motor Vehicle
Division for the purpose of taking an examination.
c. U.S. Driver’s License Holders
All U.S. Driver’s Licenses are valid for 30 days upon arrival on Guam. To obtain a
Guam Driver’s License, primary requirements are for the applicant to fill out the
Guam Driver’s License Application (see next section entitled: “Applying for Your
Driver’s License”) and provide his/her U.S. Driver’s license, social security card and
one of the following valid identification documents:
Passport * Military I.D.(active duty or dependent I.D.’s only * Guam I.D. *
Naturalization Certificate * Alien Registration Card * U.S. Mainland I.D. with
Photo * Firearms I.D. *
Additional documentation may be required as Guam is working toward full
compliance with the Federal Real ID Act. Please note that obtaining a Guam Driver’s
License does not change an individual’s residential status but gives the holder the
privilege to drive on Guam.
d. Foreign Driver’s License Holders
A person having in his immediate possession a valid operator’s license or chauffeur’s

license issued by the Republic of Palau, the Federal States of Micronesia, the Republic
of the Marshall Islands, Japan, the Republic of China (Taiwan), countries of the
European Union, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of the
Philippines, or Australia may drive a motor vehicle upon the highways for a period
not exceeding thirty (30) days from the dates such person arrived on Guam.
However upon the expiration of such thirty (30) day period, such person must
(i)apply for a Guam driver’s license (See next section entitled: “Applying for Your
Driver’s License”) and (ii) be required to take a written test, and if that person
passes the written test, then a driver’s license shall be issued; provided, however, if
such person fails the written test twice, such person shall be required to complete a
driver’s education seminar before being allowed to retake the test, such seminar
must include at least eight (8) hours of classroom instruction and four (4) hours of
in-car instruction, and must pass the required road test. An individual is entitled to
take a written test only three times pursuant to this Subsection, and be issued a
license under this Subsection, and individual must pass both the written and the road


To apply for a driver’s license, you will need to appear in person before a driver’s
license examiner with one of the following valid (not expired) identification
Passport (Foreign passports must have valid permanent resident card)*
Military I.D. (active duty or dependent I.D.’s only)* Guam I.D. *
Naturalization Certificate * Alien Registration Card * U.S. Mainland I.D. with
Photo * Firearms I.D.

a. Information and Identification.

The law declares that an application for a license or permit shall submit an
application to the Department of Revenue and Taxation on a form prescribed by it,
verifying under oath and containing the following information.
1. The applicant’s full name, date of birth, sex, mailing and residence
2. The height, weight, and color of eyes of the applicant;
3. The kind of license applied for;
4. Whether the applicant has been licensed previously as an operator or
chauffeur, and if so, when and in what jurisdiction and whether or not any
such license has been suspended or revoked, and if so, the date of and
reason for such suspension or revocation.
5. Whether the applicant has previously been refused an operator’s or
chauffeur’s license in Guam, and if so, the date and the reason for such
6. Whether the applicant has previously operated a motor vehicle, and if so, for
what length of time;
7. Whether the applicant has normal use of both hands and feet.
8. Whether the applicant has been ever been afflicted with heart condition,
epilepsy, paralysis, insanity or other disability or disease affecting his ability
to exercise reasonable and ordinary control in operating a motor vehicle upon
a highway.
9. Whether the applicant understands traffic signs and signals.
10. One (1) parent or guardian of an applicant under the age of eighteen (18)
shall attest to his relationship with the minor; certify the correctness of

information furnished on the application form; give his consent to the

issuance of a license to the applicant and shall sign the application.
11. The applicant and licensing officer shall sign all approved applications and
date the application at the time signatures are made; and
12. A valid Certificate of Completion of a driver’s education course by the
applicant, if the applicant is applying for a license for the first time or if the
applicant is under eighteen (18) years of age, and any other information
necessary to determine whether the applicant is entitled to a license.

Of Major Importance, the applicant’s name must be exactly the same on all submitted
documentation, any variation such as a missing middle name or a different last name
without certified copies of documents proving the change in name will result in the rejection
of the application.

a. Operator License: An operator is a person, other than a chauffeur, who
drives or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon the highway.
b. Chauffeur License: issued to a person who is employed by another for the
purpose of driving a motor vehicle on the highways and receives
compensation therefore. An applicant for a chauffeur’s license must be at
least eighteen (18) years of age.
c. Motorcycle License: required for all military and civilians who intend to
operate a motorcycle on the roads of Guam. Guam law requires use of an
approved, securely fastened safety helmet for both driver and passenger
under the age of eighteen (18) years of age. In addition, it is recommended
that the headlight be used during all driving, both day and night.
d. Taxi License: issued to person operating a taxi cab for the purpose of
compensation. All persons applying for a taxi license are required to be
familiar with Section 11101 of Title 16 Guam Code Annotated. An applicant
for a taxi license must be at least twenty one (21) years of age, who is a U.S.
Citizen or has a current permanent resident card accompanied by a valid
foreign passport.

When you receive your regular license, inspect it carefully to be sure all the
information is correct. It should contain your true full name, date of birth, brief
personal description. Signature, issued date, expiration date and mailing address. It
may also indicate if you are an organ donor or have a hearing and speech disability


For First time Driver’s License Applicants (Applicants who have never
been licensed to drive anywhere or who have only partially completed
the Graduated Driver’s Licensing process in another jurisdiction)

The following three stage requirements apply to all new prospective first time
drivers licensees.

Stage 1: Learner’s Permit

a. Minimum age is fifteen and half (15 years, 6 months) years.


Candidates are required to pass a vision and written knowledge tests.

The written test must consist of rules of the road, traffic signs and
signals as provided by certified Driver’s Education Schools (See
Driver’s Education Requirements below).
b. Permit holders under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by
a parent or adult guardian who is a fully licensed driver at all times
while driving. (In the event the permit holder does not have a parent
or guardian who is a fully licensed driver, that parent or guardian may
designate, during the application process for a Learner’s Permit, a
responsible adult who is a fully licensed driver who is either: Twenty-
one (21) years of age or older, or the permit holder’s spouse to
accompany the Permit holder while driving.)
c. Permit holders eighteen (18) years or over must be accompanied by a
licensed driver who is either:
 Twenty-One (21) years of age or older, or
 The Permit Holder’s spouse at all times while driving, except for
the United States military personnel while on their work duty
schedule or their spouses.
d. The permit holder’s parent, guardian, or designee must certify that the
permit holder, who is under the age of eighteen (18) years, has
completed at least fifty (50) hours of supervised driving, ten (10)
hours of which must be during the night time hours after 7:00p.m.
e. Zero Tolerance for Alcohol:
Permit Holders must not have a blood alcohol content that exceeds
0.02 at any time while driving. Permit holders must not be at fault in
any collision and remain conviction free of all traffic and motor vehicle
code violations for six (6) consecutive months to move to Stage 2.
f. Law enforcement officers shall report all violations to the Department
of Revenue and Taxation within ten (10) working days of the violation.
Upon receipt of a report of a violation by the Department, the permit
holder who has violated any of the provisions of this Act shall not
advance to the next stage of licensure for an additional period of six
(6) months.

Stage 2: Intermediate License

a. Minimum age is sixteen (16) years.

b. Zero tolerance for Alcohol:
Intermediate Licensees must not have a blood alcohol content that
exceeds 0.02 at any time while driving.
c. Intermediate Licensees under the age of eighteen (18) years must be
accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is fully licensed driver
at all times while driving between the hours of:
10:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. on weeknights and
12:00 a.m. – 6:00 a.m. on weekend nights, except
While driving to and from work (Driver must show proof of
d. Intermediate licensees eighteen (18) years and over must be
accompanied by a licensed driver who is either twenty-one (21) years
of age or older, or the permit holder’s spouse at all times while driving
between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. nightly, except while driving to and
from work. (The driver must show proof of employment).
e. Licensee must not be at fault in any collision and remain conviction

free of all traffic and motor vehicle code violations for twelve (12)
consecutive months.
For Stage 1 and 2, law enforcement officers shall report all violations
to the Department of Revenue and Taxation within ten (10) working
days of the violation. Upon receipt of the report, the permit holder,
who has violated any of the provisions of this Act, shall not advance to
the next stage of licensure for an additional period of six (6) months.

Stage 3: Full Licensure

a. Minimum age must be seventeen (17) years of age.
b. Must have completed Intermediate Licensing stage or be exempt as a
result of possessing a valid driver’s license from any state, territory or
possession of the United States or from countries that have been
determined to use prudent and acceptable driver’s licensing standards.

8. Driver’s Education Requirements

Applicant is required to complete a certified Driver’s Educational Course consisting
a. Forty (40) hours of training: thirty-two (32) classroom hours and eight (8)
hours in-automobile or on-road training.
b. Such training be applicable to all minors (15 years 6 months) and to those
adults who are first time driver’s license applicants.
c. Driver’s Educational School (U.S.)
d. Original certification must be presented upon scheduling for a written or road


Your examination for a driver’s license will include the following:

 Any eye test shall be given to determine whether you meet the Guam
minimum vision requirement of 20/40 on both eyes. If you need glasses or
contact lenses to pass this test, your license will indicate a restriction that
you must always wear glasses or contact lenses when driving.
 A road sign test may be given to determine whether you can recognize a
certain sign even when words are obscured or when only the shape of the
sign is given.
 The examination shall include a test of the applicant’s knowledge and
understanding governing the operation of vehicles upon the highway and of
traffic signs and signals.
 The applicant shall be required to give an actual demonstration of his ability to
exercise ordinary and reasonable control in operating a motor vehicle by
driving the same under the supervision of an examining officer.


Any motor vehicle used for a driving examination must meet all Guam Motor Vehicle
Registration and safety law requirement. Your vehicle, at a minimum, must have the
following equipment working and in proper adjustment: headlights, brake lights,
signal lights, wipers, windshield, horn, side view and rearview mirrors, tires and

The Driver’s License Examiner will ask you to drive some distance in traffic where
you will meet the usual conditions offered by such driving. Special driving problems
may be presented for your solution, but will serve as examples of traffic situations
you may meet at any time. The test is simply a proof of your ability to exercise
ordinary and reasonable control in operating a motor vehicle. While being asked to
demonstrate your knowledge of the arm signals, you may use your mechanical signal
device during the test.

 Before or while backing out from a parking stall or along a curb always look
over your left and right shoulder for passing vehicles, the examiner will note
whether you give a good signal and whether you wait to enter the stream of
traffic when it is safe to do so.
 Keep proper control of your car while using the gas pedal, brake, and other
controls as you will be observed on how well you operate these mechanisms.
 Driving in the proper lane on the street or highway: The examiner will note
whether you stay in the proper lane, or change lanes carefully and with proper
signals, and follow other vehicles at a safe distance.
 Driving through blind or crowded road crossings: The examiner will note
whether you pay attention to signs and signals, right-of-way, pedestrians, and
other motorists on the highway.
 Making turns: The examiner will note whether you take the proper lane to
make the turn, giving a proper signal at the required distance before turning,
and whether you turn too wide or too sharp.
 Making a stop: The examiner will note whether you smoothly come to a
complete stop within a reasonable distance, before entering such intersection
on such through highway, or whether you can stop quickly and safely in an
 Control your car while backing in a straight line or in offset backing (the
maneuver most often used to park a vehicle parallel to a curb).
 Observe proper speed, giving enough attention to the number and speed of
nearby cars, people crossing the street or highway, condition of the highway,
condition of the weather, and the distance you can see under the conditions
existing at the time.
 Keep a safe distance when following another vehicle, passing people walking
along on the highway, driving through intersections and when parking.
 Be courteous to other motorists sharing the roads and highways with you.
 Pay special attention to your driving.

The road examination will cover several areas. Follow all instructions of the
examiner who rides with you. He will play no tricks on your and will not ask you do
to anything against the law. The examiner will answer any questions about proper
driving techniques before or after the driving test. Do not converse unnecessarily
with the examiner during the test, as this may interfere with your understanding of

the examiner’s instructions or the examiner’s scoring of your driving skills. At the
end of the test, the examiner will show you a standard score sheet which will be
discussed with you.


Every person taking the road examination shall be informed of the following
necessary safety rules:
The examination will be immediately discontinued and counted as a failure if the
applicant suffers a collision while driving, striking another vehicle, striking a
pedestrian, or striking a fixed object. A violation or dangerous action that causes a
collision or near-collision for vehicles in the immediate vicinity, even though the road
examination vehicle is not involved in the damage or contact, will also cause the
ending of the test.

The same immediate action to end the road examination shall be taken by the
examiner if the applicant does any of the following:

 Make it necessary for another driver to exercise unusual expertness to

prevent a collision or for a pedestrian to dodge in order to avoid being struck.
 Make it necessary for the examiner to come to his aid in order to control the
 Stalls the car within a busy intersection because of inexperience or lack of
 Drive two wheels over the curb or onto the sidewalk.
 Commits any driving fault, either of skill or excessive caution, which causes
immediate danger to any person or property.
 Flagrantly violates any traffic law for which a driver might be arrested.
 Refuses to try any maneuver required by the examiner.
 Fails repeatedly to follow instructions.


Every license is good for a period of three (3) years (Optional: five years) after the
first anniversary of the date of birth of an applicant occurring after the date of issuance.
Licensee may renew license ninety (90) days prior to expiration date. Five year option
available for new applicants or upon renewal of a Guam Driver’s License. Duplicate
copes are allowed when replacing a lost, stolen or damaged five-year license.

Basic Fee Schedule:

Classes Endorsements Fees
 Operator A $25.00
 Chauffeur B $25.00
 Chauffeur Truck-Tractor C $25.00
 Chauffeur Bus D $25.00
 Mini Bus G $25.00
 Motorcycle F $25.00
 Taxi E $32.00
 Taxi Identification Card $25.00
 Driver’s License Renewal
Three (3) years $25.00
Five (5) years $45.00
 Duplicate License $25.00

 All Types of Permits $10.00

 Intermediate License $10.00
 Full Licensure (After Intermediate License, valid 3 years) $10.00
 Driver’s License Late Penalty
Every three (3) months (charged day after
Expiration) $5.00
Not to exceed a total penalty of $40.00
 Written Examination (English) $15.00
 Written Examination (LOTE, Language other than English)$35.00


In the event that a Driver’s License or Learner’s Permit is lost, destroyed, or
mutilated, the licensee or permittee may obtain a duplicate from the Department
of Revenue and Taxation, Driver’s License Examination Branch, by presenting an
acceptable Identification document (See previous Section 1 No.6 Applying for
Your License for the list of identification documents) to the examiner. If the lost
license or permit is found it must be immediately surrendered to the Driver’s
Examination branch.

If you have lost a driver’s license from another jurisdiction, you will need to
contact the issuing authority and obtain a driver’s license certification (Document
evidencing validity of driver’s license). Contact is usually made through the
jurisdiction’s on-line website. With the certification, another acceptable valid
identification document and social security card, you will then need to visit our
office for additional instructions. These initial documents provide the basis for
the office to determine what further action you will need to take.


Be a Defensive Driver
A defensive driver is one who is always on the alert for the mistakes of
others. “Expect the Unexpected.” Remember you are sharing the road with all
kinds of drivers. By anticipating another’s error, you may avoid an accident. It is
better to give up the right-of-way than to suffer an accident with property damage,
injury, or death resulting. On the highways, we must all be “Our Brother’s

Watch for Danger

 A vehicle suddenly slows down for no apparent reason. (Is there something in
the road? Is he going to turn left?)
 A ball rolls into the street. (Will it be followed by a running child?)
 The front wheels of a parked vehicle move, or smoke comes out of its
exhaust. (Will it pull out in front of you?)
 A vehicle has just stopped at the curb. (Will the driver suddenly open his door
in the path of your vehicle?)
 An oncoming vehicle appears to be weaving from side to side. (Is the driver
drunk or asleep?)
 A vehicle behind you is impatiently “riding your bumper.” (Will he be able to
stop if you stop? Will he suddenly dart out to pass you?”

If You Wear Glasses or Sunglasses

If you are required to wear eye glasses while driving as per instruction on
your driver’s license, it is a good practice to have a spare pair with you whenever
you’re driving. Any accidental breaking or damage to them, rendering your glasses
unusable, would create a hazardous situation.
A very important safety principle is don’t use tinted prescription glasses or
such dark devices as daylight fades or after dark. In dusk or darkness, they can
reduce your visible distance drastically and be very hazardous. Beware of tinted
glasses that disguise the actual color of signs and traffic lights, such lenses have
caused serious accidents by misleading the driver.


 You are feeling Sick, Tired, Sleep, Angry, or Emotionally Upset or
 Under Sedatives or Hazardous DRUGS or
 If you had even ONE DRINK!

Section II
The Driver’s Observance of the Law
Drivers are required by law to comply with Guam traffic laws as set forth in the
Guam Vehicle Code. Exceptions may arise when a traffic officer or policeman gives
orders that conflict with traffic laws or ordinances. In such cases, the officer’s
directions must be complied with.
Any traffic direction signal by a traffic or police officer or a fireman on duty must be
complied with. To meet a special situation or emergency, an officer may give orders
that conflict with traffic laws or ordinances. In such cases, the officer’s orders have
Directions, controls, and limits indicated by all official traffic signs, signals, and
markings must be observed. Exceptions may arise when an officer gives directions to
meet a special situation or emergency. In such cases, the officer’s orders must be

The Driver’s Signal

Every driver must give a signal to tell other drivers on the road when he intends
to change the direction in which his vehicle is moving or to reduce his speed or stop. These
signals are described in the law. Signals may be given by hand-and-arm motion or by signal
lights , or a mechanical signal device that clearly indicates to both approaching and
following traffic the driver’s intention to turn right or left.
If you signal with flashing vehicle signal lights, be sure the signal does not continue
to flash after you have completed your turn. When you plan a series of driving changes,
such as a stop for a traffic light or stop sign followed by a right turn, you should always
signal first for the action you intend to take first. Thus, in the situation mentioned above,
you would signal first for a stop; come to a full stop; then signal for the right turn.
At night, when the hand-and-arm signal cannot be seen, it is more efficient to use
the vehicle signal lights. Although the law permits use of such signals during daylight, it is a
wise precaution to use the hand-and-arm signals when bright sunlight may make it hard to

see lights.

Arm Signals for STOPS and TURNS (Diagram Reflects Rear of Vehicle)

Starting Your Vehicle

When starting from a parking stall or along the curb, first look for approaching
vehicles from the rear, then give the proper signal. Pull out slowly. Remember, you do not
have the right-of-way.

When starting from a garage or driveway, be sure to watch for approaching vehicles
and pedestrians. Move cautiously to join the traffic at a suitable speed.

If your starting position requires backing, it may be necessary to inspect what is

behind your vehicle very carefully before you begin to move it. If necessary, leave the
vehicle to look behind it. Then, keep the space behind you well in view through your rear
view mirrors and windows.

Stopping and Parking

 Always give a clear signal for slowing and stopping before you begin to park
your vehicle.
 Never leave your vehicle until you have stopped the engine and set the
parking brake.
 Driving in traffic often requires the ability to park your vehicle parallel to a
curb. The method for this at a right-hand curb is explained below:

1. Select a space large enough for your vehicle. Stop beside and about a foot
away from the vehicle in front of the space which you want to park.
2. Back up slowly. When you are about two feet back, begin turning your wheel
to the right. Then turn all the way, still backing slowly. Watch for traffic and
pedestrians. Keep on backing until your vehicle is at a 45 degree angle with
the street then stop. Check your angle: this is the secret to successful parallel
3. Straighten your wheels and back up until your front bumper is even with the
rear bumper of the vehicle ahead. Turn your wheel sharply left and move back
4. Keep backing until your wheels almost touch the curb. Your right wheel should
be approximately six inches from the curb. Straighten your wheels and move
up to the center of the space. Set your parking brake.

 The Legal Parking Position is with the right front and rear wheels of
the vehicle within 18 inches of the curb.

 When you have to stop on a highway, be sure to park with all four wheels off
the pavement if possible. If you can not park off the roadway, leave an
unobstructed width of highway opposite your car. Your parked car should be
visible 300 feet in each direction.

Parking Restrictions
When angle parking is not clearly designated, a vehicle must be parked parallel to
the curb, heading in the direction of the traffic. When parallel parked, the vehicle’s right
wheels shall be within 18 inches of the curb or edge of the street, unless a different system
of parallel parking is clearly indicated by official traffic signs or markers. Always remove
your keys from the ignition after parking your vehicle.

Steps in Parallel Parking

Front and rear bumper shall not be closer than two feet from the other vehicles when in
parked position, unless the street is otherwise marked.

No person shall park a vehicle or permit it to stand, whether attended or unattended, upon
a public highway in any of the following places:

1. Within an intersection (except when local ordinances permits, next to curb.)

2. On a sidewalk or crosswalk.
3. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty (30) feet of points on
the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless official signs indicate
a different length.
4. Within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection or curb lines, or if none, then within
fifteen (15) feet of the intersection of property lines at an intersection of highways.
5. Within thirty (30) feet upon the approach to any official flashing signal, stop sign or
traffic signal located at the side of the highway.
6. Within fifteen (15) feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station
7. Within fifteen (15) feet of any fire hydrant.
8. In front of a private driveway, except that the owner of such private driveway may
so park.
9. Immediately next to any street or highway excavation or obstruction, nor opposite
the same, unless a clear and unobstructed width of not less than twenty (20) feet
upon the main traveled portion of such street or highway shall be left free for the
passage of other vehicles thereon.
10. On the roadway or highway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the curb or edge
of the highway.
11. No person shall drive any vehicle, motorcycle, or bicycle, nor shall any person stop,

park, or leave standing any vehicle, motorcycle, or bicycle whether attended or

unattended, upon the beaches of Guam, except that a person may driver a vehicle
across the beach to the water’s edge for the sole purpose of launching or retrieving a
boat or fishing equipment. (Maximum fine: $100.00)

The Right-of-Way Rules are:

At intersections without traffic control devices, such as STOP or YIELD signs

or Traffic Control Signs:

 The first vehicle in the intersection has the right to go ahead. Keep in mind,
however, that it is the responsibility of all drivers to Yield the right-of-way. When
two vehicles enter an intersection from different streets or highways at the same
time, the vehicle on the left shall Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the

Vehicle Entering Through Highway:

 The operator of any vehicle shall stop at the entrance to a through highway and
shall yield the right of way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection
from the through highway or which are approaching so closely on the through
highway as to constitute an immediate hazard and shall continue to yield the
right of way to such approaching vehicles until such a time as he can proceed
with reasonable safety.
 All vehicles on any secondary road which intersects with a through highway must
STOP before entering or crossing the through highway, even if no official STOP
sign is posted. If you are on the through highway and you see a vehicle some
distance ahead that is crossing or about to cross after it has stopped at a STOP
sign, you must slow down and allow the vehicle to cross.

Private Road or Driveways:

When you are about to enter or cross a highway from any private road or driveway
or from an alley, you shall yield the right of way to all vehicles on said highway. You
must wait to enter the highway until it is safe to do so. When it can be done safely,
you may cross a solid white or yellow line in the middle of the roadway into an alley
or driveway. You may lawfully make a left turn across such a solid line for either of
these maneuvers after you have made certain that no approaching vehicles are
immediate hazards.

Emergency Vehicles

Upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle (ambulance, police, fire

equipment, civil defense, explosive ordinance, etc.) that is sounding a siren and/or
displaying flashing red or blue lights, all highway users must yield the right-of-way,
as stated in the Motor Vehicle Code of Guam.
1. The operators of all other vehicles shall yield the right-of-way and shall
immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the
right-hand edge or curb of the highway clear of any intersection and
thereupon stop and remain in such position until such authorized emergency
vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer.
2. All pedestrians upon the highway shall remain in a place of safety until such
authorized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed
by a police officer.

Pedestrian’s Right of Way at Crosswalks

a. The operator of a vehicle shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian crossing
the roadway within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk
at an intersection.

b. Whenever any vehicle has stopped at a marked crosswalk or at any unmarked

crosswalk at an intersection to permit a pedestrian to cross the roadway, the
operator of any other vehicle approaching from the rear shall not overtake
and pass such stopped vehicles.

How to Make Turns

a. Rules for Left and Right Turns:
Keep your car in the proper lane during all types of turns.

Signal for 100 feet before turning. You may need to signal for a longer distance if
you must change lanes to make the turn properly.

You may not legally turn or move to the right or to the left on a roadway unless such
a movement can be made with reasonable safety, and until you have given the
appropriate signal.

On right turns, stay within the right-hand lane. Do not turn wide. On left turns, avoid
cutting the corners.

b. Right Turns:

Unless signs or pavement markings clearly permit a right turn from more than one
lane, the turn must be made (after signaling for 100 feet) from the extreme right-
hand lane. It must be completed in the extreme right-hand lane you are entering.
 Right turn Against a Red Light:
After you have come to a full stop for a red traffic light signal and have made
sure that traffic permits, you may turn right against the red signal if no posted
sign prohibits such a turn, provided you are in the extreme right-hand lane.

c. Left Turns:

Several types of left turns are shown in the above diagrams. General rules for left turns that
apply in all cases are these:

1. To start your left turn, get as close as possible to the left-hand edge of the
extreme left-hand or portion of the roadway permitted for vehicles traveling in
your direction on the street you wish to leave, unless signs or pavement markings
indicate that left turns are prohibited unless a left-turn lane is present.

2. Wait and watch at the turning point until it is safe for you to complete your turn.

3. Turn your vehicle into the lane closest to the left that is proper for vehicles traveling
in your direction in the roadway you are entering.

d. Driving on Roadways Divided into Lanes for Traffic:

Whenever any roadways has been divided into three (3) or more clearly marked
lanes for traffic, the following rules in addition to all others consistent herewith shall
a. A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and
shall not be moved from such a lane until the driver has first ascertained that
such movement can be made with safety. Never change lanes in an
b. Upon a roadway which is divided into three (3) lanes a vehicle shall not be
driven in the center lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle
where the roadway ahead is clearly visible and such center lane is clear or
traffic within a safe distance, or in preparation for a left turn or where such
center lane is at the time allocated exclusively to traffic moving the direction
the vehicle is proceeding and is signposted to give such notice of such
c. Official signs may be erected directing slow moving traffic to use a designated
lane or allocating specified lanes to traffic moving the in the same directions
and drivers of vehicles shall obey all directions of every such sign.


An uneven number of traffic lanes is a standardized roadway design on Guam.

Historically, this middle lane has been called Suicide Lane, Kamikaze Run,
etc… due to unsafe and often illegal driving practiced here. It is actually a
LEFT TURN lane and is only for turning left into or out of traffic. This lane is
not to be used for passing and is not a safety zone for pedestrians. It is not
only illegal to use the center lane for a walkway, it is positively suicidal.

Some defensive driving tips for using the middle lane:

 If there is a center lane, it must be used for all left turns.
 Always signal your intent to turn left and don’t turn your wheels until it is safe
to execute the full turn, because if you’re hit from behind or in front, the turn
of your wheels will send you direction into the oncoming traffic
 Extra caution should be taken before entering or exiting the center lane.


The U-Turn is described by law as a turn to proceed in the opposite direction. No U-

Turns shall be made at the following locations:

1. On a curve or near the crest of a grade (hill) where your car cannot be seen
for 300 feet either direction.
2. At any intersection where a traffic signal controls the movement of vehicles,
including intersections where green arrows control the flow, unless a sign
specifically says a U-Turn may be made.
3. Where there are vehicles too close that may cause a collision.
4. Where there are signs prohibiting U-Turns.
5. In front of the driveway entrance or approach to a fire station.
6. No U-Turns shall be made on a two-way street in a business or residential
district, unless they shall be made at least one hundred (100) feet from an
intersection and then only on such signal at such times and places as may be
indicated by official signs.
SUGGESTION: When in doubt, drive around the block!


1. All motor vehicles travelling upon the public highway shall be driven at a
careful, prudent rate of speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and
proper, having due regard to the surface of the highway, the width of the
highway and the traffic upon the highway and all other restrictions and
conditions then and there existing.
2. In no event shall any motor vehicle be operated at a speed greater than the
posted speed limit that will not permit it to be stopped within the assured
clear distance ahead.
3. Speeds in excess of forty-five (45) miles per hour/eight (80) kilometers per
hour shall be unlawful.
4. All vehicles shall reduce their rate of speed to ten(10) miles per hour when
passing a bus while such bus is taking or discharging passengers unless such
bus is stopping off the surface of the highway.
5. The speed limitations shall not apply to vehicles under the direction of the
police in the actual chase or apprehension of violators of the law or of persons
charged with or suspected to have committed any such violation, nor shall
they apply to the Fire Department vehicles when traveling in response to a
fire alarm, nor shall they apply to ambulances when such are traveling in
actual emergencies. The exemptions set forth shall not, however, protect the
driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of a reckless or unnecessary
disregard of the safety of others.
6. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to designate as may be reasonably
necessary, and on a permanent, temporary, or intermittent basis, certain
areas as limited speed areas and to mark such areas with appropriate warning
signs. No vehicle shall be operated in such areas in excess of the maximum
speeds as may be indicated by such signs.


1. The driver of a motor vehicle, excluding a motorcycle, in which a child under
four (4) years of age is being transported, shall secure such child during
transit in a child passenger restraint system which meets federal motor

vehicle safety standards and is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s

operating instructions.
2. The driver of a motor vehicle, excluding a motorcycle, in which a passenger
less than four feet nine (4’9”) tall and between four (4) and eleven (11) years
of age is being transported, shall secure such child during transit in a child
passenger restraint system which meets federal motor vehicle safety
standards and is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating
3. Each driver and all passengers of a motor vehicle, excluding a motorcycle,
shall be restrained by a seat belt assembly that meets federal motor vehicle
safety standards and is used in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating

Passengers riding in the bed of a pickup truck are exempted from the requirements
to utilize a seat belt assembly, as stated in this section, provided, that the following
criteria are met:

1. The bed of the pickup truck is surrounded on all four (4) sides by a
secure vertical body extension, inclusive of a tailgate, that is at least
fourteen (14) inches high;
2. All seats in the cab of the pickup truck are occupied by a passenger;
3. Passengers in the bed of a pickup truck are twelve (12) years of age or
4. Passengers in the bed of a pickup truck remain seated on the floor of
the truck bed at all times;
5. Passengers are not leaning against the tailgate of the pickup truck;
6. There are no more than five (5) passengers riding in the bed of the
pickup truck.


1. It is unlawful for a person to read, write or send electronic messages while
operating a motor vehicle.
2. Any person who is guilty of a violation shall be punished by a fine not to exceed
One Hundred Dollars ($100).


Any person who parks in a designated accessible parking space, or who blocks access
to aisles adjacent to an accessible parking space, on public property or private
property available for public use, with a vehicle that does not have a special license
plate, a removable windshield placard, or a temporary removable windshield placard
is guilty of a violation.

Any person who parks in a designated accessible parking space, or who blocks access
to aisles adjacent to an accessible parking space, on public property or private
property available for public use, using a vehicle with a special license plate, a
removable windshield placard , or a temporary removable windshield placard and
who is not a qualified person with a disability is guilty of a violation, unless such
person is using the vehicle or placard in connection with the transportation of a
qualified person with a disability.

A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Three
Hundred Dollars ($300.00) and no more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).


Any resident of Guam who is a deaf, hearing-impaired or speech-impaired person

may apply to the Department of Revenue and Taxation to have the notation “HSD”
placed on the person’s driver’s license or Guam Identification Card. Applicant shall
submit certain medical proof of deafness, hearing or speech impairment.


The roads on Guam are built with coral aggregate and are extremely slippery – a
hazard increased by wetness. There are several factors that cause this condition: the
oil rich aggregate allows oil to rise to the top of the road surfaces and the coral base
polishes easily to provide a smooth surface where algae grows easily in our humid
climate. These factors, added to the frequent rain showers, combine to make our
roads, at times, quite treacherous.

During heavier rains, it’s advisable to turn on your headlights for increased visibility.
Scan ahead for large puddles and slow down when you go through the water. Most
vehicles lack protection on the underside and large quantities of water splashed up in
the undercarriage can soak wiring, brake linings and other essential parts. Failure to
negotiate large puddles with caution can result in a stall or in a brake failure of

Keep your vehicle under control and your brakes in excellent condition. Always allow
a safe distance between your vehicle and any other vehicle or person, so that you
make a smooth stop. Jerky stops often cause dangerous skidding (hydroplaning). In
the event you do find yourself skidding, DON’T SLAM on your brakes. Instead, take
your foot off the accelerator and gently turn your wheels in the direction of the skid.
Braking or over steering to correct may end up in another skid and locked brakes.
Once the vehicle straightens up, gently brake to a stop.

In estimating stopping distance, you need to allow for your own reaction time and for
braking distance. In following another vehicle, you should allow at least 1 car length
for every 10 mph of speed. The road surface condition figures greatly in your
stopping efficiency.

At 50 miles per hour, a vehicle with good brakes needs at least 200 feet of dry road
in which to stop, but under wet conditions, 3 to 12 times as much distance is
needed, making such high speeds extremely dangerous. To keep from skidding on
wet, slippery streets, drive slowly. Allow more distance between your vehicle and
others. Apply your brakes or gas pedal slowly and easily so that your starts and
stops will be smooth.


When Overtaking on the Right is Permitted

The operator of a motor vehicle may overtake and pass to the right of another vehicle only
under the following conditions:
1. When the vehicle overtaken is making or is about to make a left turn.
2. Upon a highway where unobstructed pavement or sufficient width for two (2) or
more lanes of vehicles in each direction.
3. Upon a one-way highway
4. Upon a highway only under conditions permitting such movement in safety.

The operator of a slow moving vehicle shall not be relieved from the duty to drive as
closely as practicable to the right-hand edge of the roadway.

Limitation on Overtaking on the Left

No vehicle shall be driven on the left side of the center lane of a roadway in
overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction unless such left
side is clearly visible and is free of oncoming traffic for a sufficient distance ahead to permit
such overtaking and passing to be completely made without interfering with the safe
operation of any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction or any vehicle overtaken.

No vehicle shall at any time be driven on the left side of the roadway under the following
1. When approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in the highway where the
driver’s view is obstructed within such distance as to create a hazard in the event
another vehicle might approach from the opposite direction.
2. On a three-lane highway.
3. The foregoing limitations shall not apply upon a one-way roadway.

In a business or residential district where the lane is wide enough for two or more lanes of
vehicles moving in your direction, you may pass on the right or left in this case, provided
conditions are safe, but never drive off the paved or main traveled part of the roadway.
There are many locations on Guam’s roadways where you find exceptionally wide paved
shoulder lanes. The legally traveled portion of the roadway ends where the solid white lines
on your right begins. The shoulder lane is NOT for passing.

Before changing lanes to the left or right of the highway, give a signal to tell any driver

ahead or behind you that you are going to change position. Never make the change until
you’re sure the lane is clear. Don’t rely on rear-view mirrors alone. Turn your head both
ways and make sure no vehicle is about to pass you! Never pass to the right on a two-lane
highway at an intersection. This type of passing is normally prohibited by “NO PASSING”

Passing on the Left and Restrictions, including Signs, Lines and Lanes
Whenever you wish you pass a vehicle on the left, remember these rules:
1. Where a highway is divided by a solid white or yellow line, no vehicle
may cross over or drive to the left of the solid line, except for turning left at
an intersection or into or out of a driveway of alley, or during a U-Turn if
lawfully allowed or where signs authorize the use of off-center traffic lanes.
2. Where there is a solid white or yellow line alongside a broken line,
you may pass if the broken line is nearest your side of the road (1). If the
solid line is on your side, you must not pass (2).
3. Where there is only a broken line separating the lanes, vehicles going
in both directions may pass if the way ahead is clear.

Make sure there is a time to pass before changing lanes to do so. Allow
plenty of time to get back on the right side of the roadway to avoid being
dangerously close to oncoming traffic. Never get closer than 100 feet to an
oncoming vehicle.

In passing at a safe distance to the left, do not return to the right lane until you are
sure that you are safely out of the way of the vehicle in your rear-view mirror, this
avoiding “Cutting In”.

NOTE: The vehicle being passes is required to maintain the same rate of speed
unless presented with an emergency situation where he may be required to slow
down to prevent an accident.

Types of markers used are reflectors and paint and the different colors are:
 White
 Yellow
 Red
 Blue

Pavement markings indicate separation of lanes and direction of traffic:

 Yellow lines are used to divide roads with two-way traffic.
 White lines divide lanes or roadways where the traffic is going in the same

On Guam, small reflective markers are used more than paint to indicate these pavement
markings, since paint does not last long.


1. No operator of a vehicle which meets or overtakes any passenger carrier that has
stopped for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers shall pass such
stopped vehicle on the side on which passengers are entering or leaving the vehicle
until such stopped vehicle has started and all passengers who may have alighted
have reached the side of the highway; except, that where a safety zone has been
established, or at an intersection where traffic is controlled by a peace office or
mechanical traffic signal, a vehicle need not be brought to a full stop before passing
a stopped passenger carrier, but may proceed past such a vehicle at a speed no
greater than ten (10) miles per hour, and shall exercise due caution for the safety of
all pedestrians.

2. The driver of any vehicle, whenever approaching upon any highway from either
direction any school bus which is equipped with signs as herein required and which
has stopped for the purpose of receiving or discharging any passengers shall at once
bring his vehicle to a complete stop and shall not proceed to pass such school bus
from either direction until the passengers in the immediate area of the bus have
been received into or discharged from the bus and have reached a position of safety
from vehicular traffic.


a. Backing must always be done carefully. Do not rely upon a mirror to show you
where you are going.
b. You must not drive a vehicle so loaded either with property or persons that
you cannot see ahead, behind or to the sides or so loaded that you cannot
control your vehicle. Stickers, signs, posters, etc. are not permitted on a
vehicle’s windshield, side or rear windows with two exceptions:
1. In a seven inch square in the lower corner of the windshield on the
side away from the driver.
2. Upon the side windows behind the driver in a position where they
will not obstruct his clear view.
c. No object or material may be placed in or upon a vehicle so that it obstructs
or reduces the driver’s clear view through the windshield area, hanging from
above, or elsewhere except those permitted as listed above.
d. It is unlawful for anyone to ride on any part of your vehicle that is not
intended for the use of passenger, such as the hood or other outside parts of
the vehicle. It is suggested that if you must carry passengers in the back of a
pick-up truck, they must sit firmly on the deck against the cab. It is unlawful
to carry more than five (5) passengers in the bed of a pickup truck.
e. Always keep alert for pedestrians or bicyclists in your view of the road. You
should give them room to try to anticipate their movements. Don’t let any
cyclist hang onto a vehicle.
f. Horns should be used only when it’s reasonable and necessary for safe
g. If you smoke, use an ashtray in your vehicle. It is illegal to throw any lighted
cigarette, cigar, or any other flaming or flowing substances from your vehicle
on any street or highway.
h. Any person who goes for sightseeing purposes to the scene of a disaster
where the aid of police, firemen, ambulance crews, or other rescue and
emergency services are required, and by doing so, interferes with the
essential services at the scene, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
i. No person shall throw or deposit upon the highway any glass bottle, glass,
nails, tacks, hoops wire, cans or any other substance likely to injure any
person, animal, or vehicle. Littering is illegal.

Your speed should always be lowered for night-time driving. You are not as alert
after a long day, nor do you see so well. The steady hum of the motor tends to lull you to
sleep. But wide awake driving is really needed at night, when your driving view is limited by
darkness. Experts agree on the following rules for safer night-time driving.
 Headlights must be used whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a
highway or adjacent shoulder from 1 hour before sunrise, or at any time there
isn’t sufficient light. It is illegal to drive with only your parking lights on. If you
think parking lights are called for, then you must use your headlights. Parking
lights are for parking ONLY.
 Keep your headlights properly adjusted so that the lower beams are not
aimed upward.
 Keep your windshield clean.
 When you meet an oncoming vehicle, you must lower your headlight beams
(dim your lights) within 500 feet of the approaching motorist.
 Slow down when facing the glare from approaching motorist.
 Avoid looking directly into the lights of the vehicles you are meeting. Instead,
watch the edge of the roadway on your right.

 Lower your beams (dim your lights) when following another vehicle within 300
 Lower your headlights when you are driving on well-lighted streets.
 Use your lower beams when driving in a fog and reduce your speed. Driving
with bright lights in fog is like shining a light into a mirror: the reflection of
the light blinds you.
 Be sure that you can stop whenever necessary within the distance you can
see clearly ahead, and watch continually and carefully for pedestrians and
animals along the roadside.


It is important to anticipate emergencies by knowing exactly what to do, for there
usually isn't much time to consider the situation. Here are a few helpful tips:
Tire Blow Out - Don't slam the brakes. Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel, steer
straight ahead, and slow own gradually to a stop.
Rear Wheel Skid – Don’t brake suddenly. Turn your steering wheel in the direction of
the skid, and as the vehicle begins to straighten out, bring the front wheels into line.
Accelerator Pedal Jams – Put your gears in neutral or turn of the ignition.
Right Wheels Off Pavement – Don't try to pull sharply back onto the pavement.
Steer straight ahead slowing gradually until you can pull safely onto the road.
Collision Unavoidable – Turn off your ignition. While braking, attempt to steer away
from rigid objects.
Vehicle Coming at You – If a vehicle approaches on the wrong side of the road, the
driver may be asleep, drowsy, inattentive, ill, drugged, or drunk. Warn him with your
horn and pull to the right as far as possible – even into a ditch or field if necessary!


(Guam Law requires that ALL vehicles be insured)

If you are involved in an accident, you are required to:

a. Stop and properly identify yourself to the other party. Leaving the scene of an
accident where property damage has occurred is a MISDEMEANOR. If personal injury
has resulted, it is a FELONY to leave the scene.
b. If the property damage exceeds $250.00 or an injury has resulted, you should
contact the police immediately, the law gives you a 24-hour period in which to report
the accident.
c. You are also required to report the accident within 10 working days from the time
the police report has been completed to the Dept. of Revenue and Taxation if the
damage exceeds $250.00 or someone has been injured.


Drinking and driving is responsible for at least half of the traffic deaths on Guam highways.
The following laws are strictly enforced by the Guam Police Department:

a. It is unlawful for any person who, while under the influence of alcoholic beverage or
any controlled substance, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage
and any controlled substance to operate or be in physical control of a motor vehicle.
b. It is unlawful for any person, while having eight one hundredths of one percent
(0.08%) or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to operate or be in
physical control of a motor vehicle.

c. If any person is convicted of a first violation driving under the influence of alcohol or
controlled substances, that person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be
punished by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections (“DOC”)
or the Guam Police Department (“GPD”) for not less than a mandatory forty-eight
(48) hours nor more than one (1) year and a fine of not less than one Thousand
Dollars ($1,000) and not more than five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). In addition, the
judge may impose any additional penalties, including requiring the offenders to pay
restitution to persons injured or for property damage.
d. If any person is convicted of a second violation driving under the influence of alcohol
or controlled substances and the offense occurs within five (5) years of a separate
conviction that person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by
imprisonment in the custody of DOC or GPD for not less than a mandatory seven (7)
days nor more than two (2) years and by a fine of not less than Two Thousand
Dollars ($2,000) nor more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). The person’s
privilege to operate a motor vehicle shall be suspended for one (1) year, with no
exceptions for occupational driving privileges by the Department of Revenue and
e. If any person is convicted under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances and
that offense occurred within five (5) years of two(2) separate convictions of a
violation or of 2 separate convictions of a prior offense shall be guilty of a felony of
the third degree and shall be punished by imprisonment in the custody of DOC or
GPD for not less than a mandatory ninety (90) days and not more than five (5) years
and by a fine of not less than Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) and not more than
Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000). The person’s privilege to operate a motor vehicle
shall be revoked by the Department of Revenue and Taxation for a period of not less
than two (2) years.

Implied Consent and Suspension or Revocation of Driving Privileges and License of

the Safe Street Act
a. Any person who operates a motor vehicle on the public highways or roadways
of Guam shall be deemed to have given consent to a blood, urine, or breath
test for the purpose of determining the alcohol or controlled substance
content of the person’s blood or urine.
b. Refusal to submit to a blood, urine or breath test will result in the following:
 The person must immediately surrender his or her driver’s license to the
 The officer will take custody of the license and will forward it to the
Department of Revenue and Taxation, Motor Vehicle Division, along with the
officer’s sworn statement affidavit or written declaration and;
 The driver’s license will not be returned and driving privileges restored until
the completion of all administrative and court proceedings have been ordered
by the Director of Revenue and Taxation or the courts
c. Any person who drinks any alcoholic beverage or consumes a controlled
substance while in a motor vehicle upon a highway shall be guilty of a

The preceding Implied Consent Law procedures are subject to change.


Section III

It shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to disobey the directions of any
traffic signal, unless otherwise directed by a peace officer.

Whenever traffic at an intersection is alternately directed to stop and go by the use

of mechanical light signals, the color lights shall indicate as follows:

RED - Traffic facing the signal shall stop before

entering the intersection and remain stopped until
green is shown, an dno movement or turns shall be
lawful while the red color shows, except an operator
of a vehicle which is stopped at the entrance of an
intersection in obedience to a red light signal may
make a right turn but shall yield the right-of-way to
pedestrians and other traffic proceeding as directed by
the signal at said intersections, except that the Chief
of Police may, by regulation, prohibit such right turn
against a red light signal at any intersection, which
regulation shall be effective when a sign is erected as
such intersections giving notice thereof.

YELLOW – Traffic facing the signal shall stop before

entering the nearest crosswalk at the intersection, but if such stop cannot be
made in safety the vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection.

GREEN – Traffic facing the signal may proceed straight ahead and make right
or left turns except where such turns are not permitted, when so indicated by
official signs, and vehicular traffic shall yield the right of way to pedestrians
crossing on the crosswalk at the intersection who started across the roadways
prior to the green signal for such vehicles..


Whenever a red or yellow flashing light is used as a traffic signal it shall

require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows:

(a) Flashing Red (Stop signal). When a red flashing light is used as a traffic signal t
an intersection, drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at
an intersection or at a limit line when marked, or if none, then before entering the
intersection, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after
making a stop at a stop sign.

(b) Flashing Yellow (caution signal). When a yellow flashing light is used at a traffic
signal, drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal
only with caution.

Regardless of the traffic signal, you must always yield the right-of-way to any
pedestrians of other vehicles already in the intersection.


The intersection of Route 1 (Marine Corps Drive) and Route 4


Section IV

Every traffic sign has a definite shape and color which announces its
purpose. Each is placed to help you and to instruct you in the best and safest use of
the highway. All signs must be obeyed at all times unless a policeman or other traffic
officer directs you to do otherwise.
Some signs are being changed for national and international uniformity, and
you will find both types in use on some highways of Guam. New and old signs are
indicated below:

Color is significant.
Red = STOP or prohibition of an action
Yellow = Warning
White and Black = Regulator Signs or
Geographic Indications:
Speed Limits, City Limits, etc.
Orange = Construction or Maintenance Warning

Shapes have meaning.

Octagon (8 Sides) = STOP: Always Red with
White Letters. This sign is the only 8-sided traffic
sign. It always means “danger” and tells you that
you are approaching a street or highway where
you must bring your vehicle to a complete stop, not
entering the crosswalk zone. If you cannot see in
all directions, you may cautiously proceed further until you
can determine that it’s safe to drive ahead or turn.
Pennant = No Passing Zone: Yellow with Black Letters. It is
located on the left side of the road and points to the
beginning of a no-passing solid-line pavement marking.
The pennant is used in addition to the black and white DO
NOT PASS sign.
Wedge = Yield. The yield sign requires you to give the right of
way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection or are
approaching on the roadway so close as to be hazardous
Diamond = Warning: Yellow with Black Letters. These
describe road conditions, hazards ahead or give a notice of
changes in the highway which you must be alert for in order to
proceed safely.


4-Way Crossroad Crossroad Road Ends “Y” Intersection

Intersection Ahead on Ahead on You Must Turn Ahead
Ahead Right Left Left or Right


These signs with black symbols on a yellow This sign tells you that a
background are used to warn motorists of twist and bridge ahead is too narrow
turns in the roadways ahead. You may see a small to be crossed safely at
rectangular sign just below the diamond which indicates average speed; you must
the highest safe speed under the best road conditions slow down and drive
that you can use in successfully negotiating the hazards. cautiously across.

These Signs have been CHANGED



(Black Symbols on a Yellow Background)


The Speed Limit sign remains unchanged, but some of the new signs have a
red circle with a diagonal line across them which mean prohibition ("NO").




Black Lettering on an Orange Background

GUIDE SIGNS = Identification of Places: Black and white or Green and white.
These signs often have reflectorized letters and figures and tell the motorist names
and places, mileage distances, highway identification numbers, city limits, junctions,
You may see one of the emblems on slow-moving vehicles such as farm tractors,
horse drawn vehicles, machinery, or construction equipment. During daylight, the
bright fluorescent solid triangle in the center of the SMV emblem is highly visible and
at night glows brightly in the path of approaching headlights. Watch out for this
sign and Slow down before passing this vehicle.

Slow-moving Vehicle Orange Fluorescent Red Reflective Borders

Emblem Kit Center


Reflective delineators outline the

edge of the roadway. Single
delineators designate roadways Object markers of various shapes
and ramps while double delineators outline hazardous obstructions
are for change of speed lanes used along the roadside such as traffic
for entering and leaving freeways. islands, bridge end posts and piers.

Section V
Mopeds are required to be registered and licensed under Guam law. You must be at
least 15 years old to legally operate a moped on a public highway or road. Any driver
under eighteen (18) years of age and any passenger under eighteen (18) years of
age shall wear a safety helmet, when riding on a motorcycle, including a bicycle with
motor (moped, scooter).


When you are riding a bicycle or bicycle equipped with a motor (moped, scooter) on
a public roadway, you are subject to the same rules and regulations as drivers of a
motor vehicle. No person shall ride a bicycle or bicycle equipped with a motor
(moped, scooter) on any sidewalk. You must obey all traffic signs and signals, yield
the right-of-way to pedestrians, and signal your intent to turn.

Safe Driving Tips:

 Riders of a bicycle or a bicycle equipped with a motor (moped, scooter) are
reminded to ride single WITH the traffic at all times.
 Be sure to watch for car doors which may suddenly open and block your path.
 It's safest for riders of a bicycle to get off and walk across busy intersections and
 Avoid chuckholes and “jumping” curbs. You may lose control and result in a major
injury or death.

Many of the islands drains are covered with grates with its bars widely set and
laying parallel to the traffic. Watch out for these as they are a terrible hazard to
bicycle riders.

Section VI

1. General Requirements
Any motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, pole or pipe dolly, and any dolly used to
support part of the weight of a semi-trailer is required to be registered when
driven or moved upon the highways of Guam. This applies to motorcycles and
bicycles equipped with a motor (moped, scooters).

2. Mandatory Automobile Insurance

Guam law requires mandatory automobile insurance in order to guarantee
adequate protection for victims of vehicle accidents who are injured in Guam or
who are injured while riding in a motor vehicle which are operated on Guam. All
motor vehicles which are operated in Guam must be insured pursuant to the
following limits: $20,000 Property Damage Liability and $25,000 and
$50,000 Third Party Bodily Injury Liability.

3. License Plates and Validation Tag

Two license plates will be issued for all vehicles required to be registered in Guam,
except for trailers and motorcycles which will be one (1) plate and a validation tag
to be placed on the rear plate.

Every license plate issued shall at all times be securely fastened to the vehicle for
which it is issued so as to prevent the plate from swinging, and at a minimum
distance of twelve (12) inches from the ground in a position to be clearly visible.
Every license plate shall be maintained free from foreign materials and in a
condition to be clearly legible.

4. Renewal of Registration
Your vehicle registration is required to be renewed annually on the month
displayed on the sticker located on the top left hand corner of your license plate.
Your vehicle registration may be renewed on-line, please visit for more information.

5. Safety Inspection
Guam law requires that every motor vehicle to be registered on Guam go through
a safety inspection, upon an original application for registration, annually or
following a collision or accident in which such vehicle is involved. The fee for a
safety inspection is $15.00.

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