Ablls Interpreting Results Self Study Guide

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Assessment & Curriculum Design for Students with Autism or Developmental

Delays Using the ABLLS-R

Self-Study Guide:
by March 10th

Interpreting Results & Developing IEP objectives


Read Pages 21- 95 of the Scoring Instructions & IEP Development Guide and fill in
the answers to these questions.
What does Dr. Partington feel would be a more efficient strategy when
determining which skills to teach a child? (pg21
Read Teaching Skills Across Repertoire Areas (p23). Give an example of a skill or
lesson that you can teach that crosses repertoire areas, list the skills that could be
worked on.
How does Dr. Partington feel about teaching Academic Skills in relation to the Basic
Learner Skills? (p24)
How do you feel about the comment, Without the development of many critical
language skills, the academic skills may not be useful to the child, and will not help
to ensure that the child will be able to learn new skills in a regular education
classroom. (p24) _______________________________________
Teaching Self-Help Skills should be done in conjunction with what other two skills?
Complete this statement by Dr. Partington, Motor Skills ________________ be
incorporated into the instructional day in conjunction with, but not at the expense of
____________________ and the other ____________________. (p25)
Dr. Partington lists several sources of problems that occur in the development of
the actual IEP. What are they? (pg 27)

Assessment & Curriculum Design for Students with Autism or Developmental

Delays Using the ABLLS-R

What should the overall goal for the development of an IEP for a child with
language delays be? (pg 28)
According to Dr. Partington an effective IEP will most often contain _____ to _____
instructional objectives. (pg 28)
Think about that, does that conflict with what you have been taught or have been
doing? Can you see his point? We will talk about it more in our 5 th meeting.
The selection of the educational objectives for an individual child must be based
upon ________________________________________________. (p29)
What book does Dr. Partington recommend as an additional resource? (p29)
Look to see if you have this book in your school or district lending library. Where is
it located? ________
What section of the assessment should the majority of the instructional objectives
come from? (p29)
What proportion of objectives should come from the Basic Learner Skills Section?
Read about each area and record the number of objectives Dr. Partignton
recommends come from each section and make any additional notes. We will add
to this list when we meet again.
A. Cooperation & Reinforcer Effectiveness
B. Visual Performance
C. Receptive Language

Assessment & Curriculum Design for Students with Autism or Developmental

Delays Using the ABLLS-R

D. Motor Imitation
E. Vocal Imitation (echoics)
F. Requests (mands)
G. Labeling (Tacts)
H. Intraverbals

Spontaneous Vocalizations


Syntax & Grammar


K. Play/Leisure Skills
L. Social Interaction Skills
M. Group Instruction

Assessment & Curriculum Design for Students with Autism or Developmental

Delays Using the ABLLS-R

N. Classroom Routines
P. Generalized Responding
Q-T. Academic Skills
U-X. Self Help Skills
Y. Gross Motor
Z. Fine Motor
While the ABLLS does not specifically address disruptive behaviors, should you
include objectives to address these concerns? Why? (p38)
When developing an IEP, it is important to consider input from
________________________. (38)

Read through pages 41-54 & 55-75 that reviews an Early Learner ABLLS
Profile and an Advanced Learner ABLLS Profile.
Look at how they were able to write a present level of functioning statement based
off the data collected from each section.
Look at the objectives that were written. Are they clear and measurable?
What does Dr. Partington feel should be the emphasis of Sarahs educational
program? (p50)
What four areas of the Basic Learning Skills section did Dr. Partington feel were not
appropriate for specific objectives? (p54)

Assessment & Curriculum Design for Students with Autism or Developmental

Delays Using the ABLLS-R

Why didnt they include objectives to develop reading, math and spelling skills?

Advanced Learner Profile Jason

Look at the different skills he has. Where do you see strengths or weaknesses? We
will talk about them more when we meet again.
Read about the educational priorities for Jason. Did you see those connections
when looking at the chart? Can you see any connections like this with the child you
When objectives were being chosen did Dr. Partington recommend including any
academic objectives? (p74)
What self-help skill does Dr. Partington feel needs to be addressed in both the home
and school environment? (p75)
Appendix 1 contains information about what changes were made from the original
ABLLS to this Revised edition. It is interesting to read about how and why they
chose the objectives they did. Pages 77-81 are worth a quick read. I picked out a
few main points.
I found it interesting to see that the sample of students they used when making the
criteria included children as young as 2 years old. Can you picture administering
this to a 2 year old with developmental delays?
The selection of skills to be taught to a student must be done on an
______________________ . (p81)
Decisions regarding the selection of goals, objectives and learning tasks should be
made with the input of planning teams involving ____________ and
___________________________. (p81)

Assessment & Curriculum Design for Students with Autism or Developmental

Delays Using the ABLLS-R

At our next meeting we will review this information and I will

share additional information that Dr. Partington shared on the
DVD regarding choosing the educational priorities.

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