ABLLS Training Day 2
ABLLS Training Day 2
ABLLS Training Day 2
okay I can see all right good morning everyone I hope that you went to bed
thinking and about the ables all night and how many of us you were going to do and
how excited you are about the ables
um in case anyone is joining us new today or late we my name is marilyn
green and i'm one of the analysts for the board and today i have gender idea with me
who is also behavior analysts hi
everyone and so what we are going to do today is we're gonna do a quick little
recap from yesterday so basically yesterday what we did was well actually
first we're gonna do a little introduction in prayer and sorry Emma um so we'll do our
prayer we'll do our
introductions in them sure if you could join me in prayer that would be great
please feel free to mute your microphone and turn off your video for the presentation
we are recording this for
future use so if your video is on you might be on video okay so if you
wouldn't join me in prayer the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit ever-
present God you called us to be in
relationship with one another and promised to dwell wherever two or three are
gathered in our community we are
many different people who come from many different places have many different
cultures open our hearts that we may be
bold in finding the riches of inclusion and the treasures of diversity among us
we pray in faith Tommen extend all right
so we are going to do a little bit of a review so here are the some of the materials
that we gave you yesterday
again if you haven't had a chance to print them a scrap paper well do find if you have
that a chance this is what you
can do with them so if you have your April's book with you or if you have one it would
be a good resource to have with
you today and a pencil and paper so you can scratch with a lot of these things you
can take some notes along the way
the yellow and red marker was mostly for yesterday so you should be all right
without that today in your Google folder
though you do have the PDF slide so if you did print those that's great you do have an
A+ grade so this is an
electronic grid that if you want to make a copy of it and start filling one in when you
do your own tables that's what
you think is that for we also provided you with a detailed summary sheet now that's
something that you might want to
have even open on your computers today because what it does do is it does give you
a list of all the able schools at
least so you could reference them as we're speaking about them we have the
assessment checklist which we're going
to go over today and you have the data sheets for all the common starter skills but
you won't need to do data sheets
today but you'll have them for the future all right so yesterday we George
ended she went through dipping your toe and doing enables waiting in slowly or
diving right in so yesterday we did a little dip our toe in about like what if you already
have enables great how can
you feed that how can you obtain one of those from parents waiting and slowly we
started to talk about the idea of looking at different April schools and how we could
use those goals to help
guide our IEP goals and how we could use them as an assessment tool and then
today we're going to dive right in with 10 different starter goals so we did choose
these goals for you of course
each of other goals but will tell you along the way why we chose these so
first what I want to do is open up the table were there any questions yesterday that
we're pressing or that came up that
weren't answered or that you thought about last night and you might want us to
answer for you I'm gonna rely on Jen
here then look in the chat box there's nothing in the chat box yet but perhaps if
Louise crossin wouldn't mind hopping
on because she had a really good question and come to her yesterday and she has
she's an itinerant resource
teacher with our department X Louise morning Marilyn and Jen
[Music] so yesterday in the chant somebody had
asked the question or it came up in about using kindergarten program
expectations and are we able to modify students programming to the kindergarten
program level so I said I would investigate and I did so the answer is
not clear-cut the kindergarten program is a two-year program and the Ontario
curriculum is
from grades 1 to 8 at the elementary level so not all of the expectations
move evenly from the kindergarten program to the kid curricular areas so
many of the things because of the type of play based programming they have in
kindergarten may fit on what we would call alternate pages and so it's not you
wouldn't put on an alternate page that an expectation is kindergarten modified
because it's alternate there are however
some specific may be literacy and numeracy areas that could be seen as
equating to the grade 1 to 8 so at that time you may be able to but that the
short answer is no you don't know never but it's not yes always it would be on a
case-by-case it would be what is best for the needs of the student and what
you would do is is you would have a team meeting so like the resource teacher the
classroom teacher your principal and
then you may want to it's suggested best
practice would be to reach into your spec ed consultant and you may want to include
the itinerant resource teacher
in that because what you're looking at is the assessment of the student the
needs of the student and how you can best marry those together and so that would
always be on an individual basis
it would never be a blanket statement okay thank you so much this for that
you're welcome okay any other questions popping up done there aren't any other
questions so I think we can just dive in okay so we're gonna I'm gonna be today
and Jenna's gonna monitor the chop she'll answer any questions along the way that
might be answerable just by
chatting and then if there's anything pressing she will bring it up for the okay so we're
gonna start with an
activity right off the hop because we have a lot to do today so yesterday we talked a
lot about how the Able's can
help you determine a progression so how it can help you determine what some of
the prerequisite skills are for teaching
one of the skills in the curriculum so if I gave you this list of skills what I
would like you to do in the chat box is tell me which skill of these would you teach
first so I'm gonna read them out
for you leave those features are parts of items that are missing or incorrect so that
might be if I gave you a picture
of a chair that was missing a leg can you identify that leg is missing or that and that
part of the lake perceptive
parts of objects so if I show you a job can you say ears nose tail labels oh
sorry that's receptive can you say when I say where is the nose you can point to the
nose when I say where are the ears
you can point to the ears labels parts of object is labeling those so nose ears
can request what's missing so if I give you a piece of paper and said write a
sentence and you had no pencil could you
say I need a pencil piece and receptive parts of objects and a larger picture would be
if I gave you a scene with a
car a child and a swing could you say when we say where's the swing you can point
to the swing so in the box which
one would you teach first
so a lot of people Marilyn are saying receptive parts of objects and so the
second one what some people are saying label objects so it's pretty much mixed
between receptive and labeling okay so what we're going to do is the Able's
does the work for you so when you have an Abel's book you can look up these things
so you're right receptive parts
of object it's a Siegel so it does come technically first um so first we need the
student to be able to identify
before a label what the different parts of an object are next we want them to
again identify before being able to label the parts of objects in a larger picture so
once you understand that one
object has multiple parts can you then understand that within a scene there's
multiple parts then we move to G which
is labeling so once you can receptively identify it can you then say this is the part and
label that part and the same
with that four parts of the scene and then and only then and would we start to teach
requests from missing items so as
you know we teach requesting very early but what we want to make sure that we do
is typically we teach requesting with
the item present and so this is a much higher level skill of being able to assess the
situation know there's
multiple parts of that scene identify that part of the scene that's missing and then
request it and have the
motivation to request it so what the able says is it helps you break down that if you
were trying to teach
something like request missing items what are those prerequisite skills that would
be needed so as you can see the
Abo's doesn't necessarily go in a progression of C and then F and then G C is our
receptive skills G is our
labeling skills and then F is being able to request that so it's not always in the
progression of cdefg
but what we want to make sure as first that student can receptively identify it then
they can label it and then they can
ask for it is there any questions about that one we're going to do multiple and we'll
do another one together as well
okay next one is we've given you an example from the Abel's for each of these so if
you had these three learning goals follow routines instructions which might mean
when you say sit down the child
sits down and don't enjoy it and sorry do an enjoyable action out of context so
if you were sitting at the table doing some work and you say go jump on the
trampoline can they go and do that and
then do an enjoyable action in context would be while you're sitting on the swing you
say go ahead swing so you're
already in context or if you're standing on the trampoline you say jump so you're
already in a fun context can they
receptively do that so for this one which one would you think comes first now if you
had your Abel's book you
could start to look some of these up in your Abel's book and normally what we would
do in our live presentation is we
would give these to you and help get you to sort them in a group so it's a little bit
more difficult doing this online but
which one would we teach first everyone in the chatbox is agreeing that we would
start with number three do and enjoy watch and in context right absolutely so
it's much easier for a student to be already engaged with something and say oh I
didn't do this they're already
probably about to do it it's something that they would be more likely to do anyways
you've already got that motivation what would be the next one we
would teach
so a lot of people are saying to would come next right royal accent out of
context right and then we're following routines so again the Able's does this
for you see 2 c6c naveen it labels for you which the what the progression of
skills would be so it's definitely easier for a learner to follow an action when they're
already engaged in that activity next you want to see can they
pause the activity they're currently in they'll do a brief action come back and then we
get into following routines
instructions which might not have the motivation you might need an external
motivator for that so that's why the first any questions on that progression
we're going to do multiple examples with you there aren't any questions yet but I
do want to point out that oftentimes we are trying to teach students to follow routine
instructions like line up at the
door and take at your math book and there are so many routine instructions that are
neurotypical students follow
quite well in the classroom and that's because again they're motivated by social
reinforcement they're motivated
by the teachers smile the teachers approval their peers approval they so they are
getting reinforcement they're
not getting a token or a sticker or candy or anything but they are getting a source of
reinforcement for following
routine instructions and sometimes our kiddos who might not be as motivated by
social praise or approval they don't have a
built-in reinforcer so really going back in the earlier si skills helps helps us
teach them to follow our instructions but when it's highly likely or much more likely
for them to do so so so if you're
stuck at a c9 type of skill that you're trying to teach a student let the Able's help you
jump back a
little bit because there is a progression there of some prerequisite skills and as we
were saying yesterday
some of those baseline skills that we teach are imitation and language an imitation
is something that we often use
as a prompt so a good webinar to go watch who they are prompting and from Kading
webinar here but something like
follows a routine instruction all the other students are not only using the prompt of a
model which is imitation of
the student or the teacher going line up and they watch all the other students and
they're like I should be going there too
whereas if our student doesn't have imitation skills that model is not going to be
effective so we do have two
teachers we do have a go to Maryland
size somewhat so feel free to ask the group the question or to privately
message me the question so some of the questions came in that way yesterday
which is great and that's how some of them are coming in now which is fine
someone's asking the best way to teach follow receptive instructions or
following routine instructions would it be to put it into a game like follow the
leader and my response was that know
that the most effective evidence-based way to teach a skill like that is to use
an ABA practice so we would give the instruction prompt the student from
behind so we're out of their visual field so we're not holding their hand or leading
them over and not say anything
else so as soon as the instructions given by the teacher the EI would not then repeat
the instruction ei would go
behind the student and and prompt them to follow the routine and then be the one to
deliver an additional reinforcer
when they get to that location so if it's lined up at the door the EI might have some of
their favorite things so
the teacher might have some of their favorite things prompting the student for
behind and then reinforcing them
that's the way you came to line up at the door paired with more of a tangible
reinforcer or an edible reinforcer for your student if they're not motivated by
social and then plan to fade those prompts as soon as possible once the student
has become successful because
what we don't want is for every time the students here is go line up if they just
stand there and wait for that physical prompt to come up behind them once we start
to feel that they're going on their own we're gonna feed those funds
and that's how you get to the independence and what you're gonna see and when
you're going through a lot of
these able schools is they're not able schools with props they are able schools
that are mastered at an independent level so the levels are different can they do - can
they do three can they do
four minutes five minutes but you'll see that almost all of them are at an independent
so our our goals when we write them or can do this independent Marilyn can you
just touch on what we touched on yesterday I'm getting another question in the chat
box about why simply using
modeling of the other students or the EI modeling the behavior isn't enough for a
lot of our students to effectively learn right so what we would want to do first
before we use a model prompt is we would want to prompt the Disco's so can the
student imitate a simple motor action so
do this can they do that when we asked them to do multiple motor actions can
they imitate that if so then we may in fact be able to use a model pump but however
most of our students that we
work with when we start probing those skills we see that they're not actually very
strong in the imitation skills
there's multiple reasons for that that they're not um they're not developing at
the same level or they need to be explicitly taught those skills and they haven't
explicitly be taught been taught
them what happens with a developing toddler is they learn those they have those
skills developing at such a young
age they start to model are they steered to follow models and they're so heavily
reinforced for it so what we have to do
is go back and teach imitation skills with our students or we need to use as generally
saying those little prawns so
that we can get them following receptive instructions a little bit quicker and I mean
likely I would be doing those
things in tandem because we do want your student to know those imitation skills
because that's one of those behavioral
costs once they start imitating you and peers they are going to be learning a lot more
skills quickly however in the
meantime we still need to follow routine instructions and simple motor instructions
so we'll be using our for
that but anything else to add you know okay so we're going to go into our next
example so this example has touch a common item so if I say touch pen they
touch the punch look at a reinforcer so I'm holding the ball and I say look and the
student looks at the ball so that I
use ball is an example but this would be whatever is reinforcing for your students
for sir from two rainforests I've got chocolate cheese like um select object
from three objects so when presented on the table you've got a duck a pen and a
paper you say show me the pen and they
touch the pen or they select the pen pick reinforcer from two items so we'll
touch the ball when presented with the ball and pen upon request I'm like I have two
favorite items and I say touch
the ball touch a reinforcer so the student hat you have chocolate in front
of them and you say touch the chocolate can they just touch that one item I select
pictures from three pictures so
that's the same as the objects however it would be pictures so you've got a picture of
the ball picture a pen and a picture of a lamp and you say touch the
lamp and the student can identify that notice that a lot of these skills are within
multiple items so it's within two
as you see it go further up it's with within a we call it a visual field so how many
items are in front of you five
six and it goes up higher pick object from two objects so when presented with a pen
and a paper we say pick the pen
and they can hit them so looking at these skills which one do you think you
would teach first so most people are already responding there and its a mix
between look at a reinforcer and touch a reinforcer okay is there any other
question or any other ones they're just a mix of those two no it's just the the
mix of those two right now okay so the able does it for you again so looking at
a reinforcer is c3 so it's a very easy skill they don't have to go out and do
this it's just look and they just orient towards it it doesn't even have to be like you
know lengthy eye contact it's
just they orient towards that item and we're holding that item up for them so there's
no selection of it right the
next skill is very close very similar so it's now touch that thing that you really like but
we actually might have
to physically prompt the tattoo for teaching what that touch needs um
touching a common item so less reinforcing so a little bit harder of a skill and then
see it's gonna start to progress up so now you're picking between two items in
between three items and then it'll go up
further between four and five the reason object is an earlier skill than picture is
because it's less
abstract we see we feel those objects we've played that and you know they've often
played with those objects or
manipulated those objects whereas a picture is a little bit more abstract it's not that
object right in front of
you so first we teach object and then we teach there any questions on that
progression does that make sense to you yes this is great and I love how we're
showing that the Able's like one comment was that the Able's is doing the work for
us so we don't actually have to do
all the hard work we can find it Dilton and use Able's to go backwards or go forwards
for next steps or see where
we're missing previous steps oh sorry so
I did have another question coming up does something like looking at a
reinforcer or touching a reinforcer help develop joint attention or teach joint
attention so my response was that yes because it helps when when you can look
at a reinforcer under the instructional control so think about the in your
classroom sessions that we did with Robert SRAM the seven steps to earning
instructional control when when a
teacher when an educator and adult or someone else tells you to look at something
you're pairing not just your
relationship with the reinforcer but your relationship with that person so sometimes
they will look directly at
the item and never have have looked at you were oriented to and that's okay but
usually what you'll find is as students
move through the seeds and move through the F so manding those naturally build
in joint attention so joint attention is not a prerequisite skill for doing any of these C's
or any of the FS it
actually naturally teaches it as a side note so we don't usually target joint
attention alone because so many different Abel's goals help us to develop them
yeah yeah okay so I wanted to point out something as well I'm so c29 if you've
got your Able's is on page 15 see 29 as follows an instruction to walk to someone
and get a name to item so if I
said Jen go to Becky and get me a pen okay so think about what a simple
instruction that seems like that we present to kindergarten students multiple times a
day I present this to
my four-year-old I've presented this to my two-year-old and I mean right now
especially on ice in isolation I'd kind
of like to think about how many times we
present that if your student is not following that direction what you're
able can help you to do is look at all of these skills that come first so can they
receptively identify the person and
they receptively identified the object that you're asking them to get can they follow a
simple routine instruction like
sit down if your student cannot do those three things they're not going to be able to
follow an instruction that says
go to a person so you have to go find the person identify the object and bring
it back to them so that's what the Abo's will help you to do so if you're trying to teach
a goal and it's not moving
along and progressing the way that you'd like it to it's a great idea to look at your
Able's and say okay so that's a
receptacle okay let's see go through see and see what the closest goal is to what
I'm trying to teach and if it's not mastered then start probing some of those skills
before because if those are
immersed or what it might be is you have to go back and teach some of those first
okay so let's look at our green example so if we have tell items in a class so
if you said to a student named me some animals and they would say cow dog cat
next is point to body parts on others so can you touch Johnny's foot other that's
something you would necessarily teach but it is a skill touch your own body part so
pet your nose and they catch
their nose filling items in a class so you ride Anna and this car boat train
and then labels on body parts so you can say what all right they don't
say that's nothing no eyes so which one out of these would you teach first so we
have touch on body parts so a lot of people are saying number three some people
are saying labels body parts so
yeah absolutely touching your own body parts so what we want to remember is most
of the time we are going to teach a
receptive goal so that's being able to identify find an item before we're going to be
able to teach or before we're
going to choose to teach labeling that item um there are some exceptions to
that like for example you may teach a specific label of something because you really
need them to but if you've had
that receptive skill and you can use that receptive skill as a prompt so what we can
say is find the ball and they
find a bond like what is it oh and they're like fall so we can use that skill as the
receptive skill as a prompt
as well so we typically want to teach receptive before we go into labeling so if you
hear the words point find um what
are some other examples point find where is those are all your receptive skills yes
I'm sorry could you could you do a
receptive to TAC transfer with me using the body part so we can show them why
the receptive works first for body parts as a teaching tool so I don't know how
to label my own body parts yet I don't have those expressive skills but I already have
mastered receptively what
would that look like so Jen where's your eye what is it
hi yes you're on a good job you got it so she's just heard where's your eye
she's heard it from us and she's found it and then she we say so what is it and
there's your label and she says hi we're like yeah you got it and so that's a
really great way to teach labeling of items and you can use that with objects body
parts anything as you can see after
we do labeling then and only then comes intervals so we're going to teach a student
to fill in
items where they have to do this without the item present and without being able to
receptively identify or attack that
item we can't then teach them to tell us what items are in a given class so for
example if I wanted them to say like again weaves the right example what do you
write in and they're like car
well first they have to be able to label that a car is a car and before that they
may need to be able to ascend receptively find a car in a visual field any questions on
that is that making
sense there aren't any questions from the group but I just want to add that age
fourteen and fifteen as it relates
to a goal like body parts is when you're trying to sort of teach the student to
group things so so that would look like a nose is a type of and they would say
body part or hey buddy we're age fifteen would be sort of it would be a little
bit more advanced so can you tell me some body parts and they would list off a
bunch of body parts so a lot of our
students have goals like that when they have when they're not yet able to receptively
or expressively identify
what just individual body parts are so as you can see each skills are very very
complex when I'm missing all those prerequisites yeah absolutely
okay let's go to our next one so we're going to get into more of an academic also
labels letters so when Shauna P
that they can say be names letters in a word so if they were given the word hat they
could say H a team and then
receptive letters we say find the H and they can find an H so which one would we
teach first so everyone so far is saying
number three receptive letters hey write respective that's our C's yeah sorry
sorry were you missing meals no I was just gonna say receptive letters pointing to a
letter on request it would
still be in an array of like three letters so it's not just holding up an A and they touch
the a it's it's actually
still in an array of letters but it's just not the letters in a word right and you're gonna
can you find so can you find means within another visual field so yes receptive letters
labels letters
and then name letters in Words so before a student can say h eighty first they
need to be I'll do it receptively find that H so we do see students who are working on
labeling letters but then when we probe can they find that letter they're having
difficulty there and again is Jen and I
showed you the example with your eye we can use that receptive skill to teach
labeling those letters as well I think
this one's a little bit more clear because I do see teachers using a lot like this is an
Academical and you guys
are masters at teaching academic calls okay so I think this is our last example
so if we have match object to picture so if they're given a duck they can match
it to a picture for that a match word two words so they're given the word duck
and the word duck is written and they match those match picture two objects so
now the opposite you're given a picture of a duck and the deficit and can you
manage that and again this is all going to be in an array of to match picture in
a picture so you have two identical pictures you've given a picture of a duck there's a
picture of a duck within your ray can you match that to that and
then match object objects so you have a rubber ducky and you're going to match it to
the rubber duck so which one would
we be teaching first and if you're looking this up in your evil's these are your V skills
so there's a good mix between people who
think matching picture to picture would come first and matching object to object
would come first
um so could you tell us when you go to the next slide why it's easier to do one
versus the other yeah absolutely so yeah object to object is first so typically we teach
actual object again students have manipulated that object it's concrete it's right in
front of you a picture of
things I'm sure you've all looked at a picture and been like is that really that a picture
is not as concrete as
actually having that object in front of you and it doesn't always very well represent
what that object looks like
we've all seen pictures of a dresser really okay I know the card box that I'm sure
you've had this gen the card box that you had I'm sure at CEO and we had our
receptive pitcher box um sometimes I go
through and I'm like what is this like no one knows that that's a french fry it's like one
french fry right so
pictures are not always good representative of what the object actually looks like so
we teach the object first because it's actually a
concrete object in front of you and then we're going to move to object to picture and
then picture to picture and then
picture the object and then word to word so this is giving them those skills to
match before we're actually going to get them to match more keywords so if you're
trying sorry oh sorry I was just going
to say if you're trying to teach your student to match save their name to their name or
the letters in their name
to manage if that's not going well for you you might want to go back and probe
their early bco so b3 b4 b5 b6 if they don't have those skills that might be
the prerequisites that are impeding you from teaching something like matching the
letters or matching their their names
so there is a comment from Becky that this is very developmentally sequinsed
right and so that's a really good point because often times we see two things in
classrooms that we right away want to probe earlier able skills number one is when
you see kids doing full file folder
type activities and it's a lot of matching words to words or pictures to bishops yeah
I'm ours a lot of matching
letters of their name to the bigger name which again is later queue skill so and
and a lot of times we go and that's just all fully physically prompted or heavily
prompted with gestures for pretty much
the whole school year and so what's what's going wrong there is that the student is
lacking a lot of prerequisite
skills so that's one thing where I usually queue myself okay I need to baseline some
early B skills because
this kiddo is they're expecting a much further skill and it's and it's too
prompted right so these things should be going you should be able to teach them to
independence pretty quickly if your
student has the prerequisites because you're just building on the previous block
slowly and the second thing that
we often see is common in classrooms is when a student isn't following receptive
instructions people without visuals right away so it's like go to the door
Oh Billy isn't going to the door so I want to show him a picture but if your student
doesn't have the skill to match
the picture and understand that the picture of the door is the same
figuratively speaking like it represents the actual door that's a really complex
skill and so if you want your student when you say you know pick up your pencil an
easier way to teach them what
a pencil is versus showing them a picture of the pencil and saying like pick up the
pencil your student doesn't
necessarily understand that that picture represents this object even if it's the exact
same picture okay because that's
again a skill it's oftentimes needs to be explicitly taught so first we would
say pencil and pencil put the pencil in an array of three items and say match
and see if your student understands that these things go together then you would
work toward a progression of object a picture picture a picture then picture to object
and once your student has b6
teaching using visuals as a prompt is likely to be much more successful but
keep in mind there's a lot of bees that come first so those are some common things
that are sparking for me on this
slide mer that we see all the time in classrooms and our students just simply
don't have the prerequisite skills yeah that's a really good point yeah and also to build
on what we were
talking about is using a prompt so if you are trying to teach a label we can use
receptive as a prompt so find I what
is it i but if you're trying to teach receptive skills then we can use a match for that so
if I said to Gen match and I
handed her a picture of the duck for example so I have a picture of a duck
and she has a picture of a doc and I said match and she says and she puts the deck
with the duck story this is a
harder one to do together and then I said where's the duck then she can point to the
doc and then
eventually we can say where's the - whence the doc and I said what is it she says this
is a harder one cuz I can't
actually hand you something to manage but so we can use the skills below to help
teach those further level skills so
that's another great reason that you want to make sure they have them is because
they can help you to teach further along I do have another question
mayor coming in that I have an answer which is someone's asking they would
need to know what match means so when you're teaching an early B skill like how do
you know if your student
understands the language of match so when you're teaching that can you explain
how how do you how are you also
teaching the language so we're gonna do that the same way as Jen was talking
about teaching and receptive skills
going to mine so we're gonna have their reinforcer available we're going to say Jen
match I'm gonna gently guide her
hand to take the picture or the object to match it and as a nurse you guys sure you
go and I'm gonna give her her
reinforcer immediately so that she understands oh when I hear that word match my
hand is prompted to match it
and look at me matching so eventually once they I have receptively learnt this go
match then we
just need to teach them to actually match as well but we're going to physically
prompt that and reinforce it immediately and then we're going to fade
those cause because we want to make sure that she's not relying on when I that
happens I can hold my hand here until
someone funds so no that's a great question though how do we teach that so
most of the times what we're going to tell you is how to teach a skill is we are going
to tell you to prompt it pager
prompts and make sure that you reinforce immediately perfect okay we do have one
more I thought sorry I thought we were on our last one alright so here's a math
academic goals so count objects with a
prompt so count objects to ten when the sequence is started for you so the student
goes we say to the student one
two and then they go three or five and account their objects to ten wrote
counting to ten so one two three count objects from a larger group so if you're given
five blocks sorry you've given
seven blocks and you say give me five and they can count out five and give them to
you odd numbers two quantities so if you're
asked to make four spoons and you have two that they can add two more to make
the number for odd number it's a number
so that's just two plus you can't give an object so that's one to one correspondence
oh one two three and
they're counting the objects with the object in front of them and then rope counting
with prompts so count to ten
when the sequence is started for them sorry they first run it yeah so which
one will we teach first so most people are writing number seven rope counting with
prompts there are some people
saying number six so count given objects okay I think that's all that's come
through so far okay so this would be our and you're able as I believe so our one
yes is counting wrote counting with crumbs so we're teaching them to count and
we're prompting them to do so so
this is actually a one of the domains that does have a lot of prompting
involved and then the next one is without the prompt and then prompting and then
without the front I'm so yes
rural County first count objects with compounds next then counting your given
objects without
any type of prompts and then are we counting objects fingers and then are we
adding so what we want to make sure that
if we're asking our student to count the objects from a groups of like here you go
that's count one two three can they
wrote count first and they account even wrote counting with upfront if they
can't and that's probably where they're getting stuck on the phone skills but again
this is one that you guys are you
know masters are breaking down our academic skills and we do see you break these
down fairly commonly and I think
the ones that are more difficult are knowing how to go from matching to receptive
attacking for each individual
skill because it's not like C 1 or B 1 C 1 and G 1 all line ups you have to go
through the able and find which one is the receptive version which one is the
matching version and which one is the attacking so Maryland we have two
questions coming through the chat box one is can you explain the difference
between rote counting and counting
objects so rope counting is just simply counting I have nothing in front of me 1
2 3 4 5 I'm counting objects is your given say your five fingers 1 2 3 4 5
that answer the question yep another question is what about
nonverbal students so obviously with with a non vocal student wrote counting
because it's a verbal skill is not going to be your first priority and so
depending on what kind of other skills they have you might pick a different our skill
first so you might have them count
objects from a group so you might start at hour five where you give the student
a bowl of beads and you say give me one bead and you prompt them to give you one
bead you say one one then you go and you use blocks give me one block and they
give you once
that is a skill that doesn't require a vocal response it's a skill that only
can be taught very effectively receptively and you would build that student up to
different numbers you
might start between one and five give me five beads and prompt them to count out
one two and you can be the one counting one two three four five and oh I just
want to point out that through all these progression activities we're giving you a lot of
tips and tricks on how to teach
these skills but then this is not how you complete an Able's assessment this
is just how you look at a profession of skills and we're giving you tips and tricks and
when you're ready to teach the skill how you would teach it so
marilyn is going to get into details with programs yeah how to pro how to
baseline of skill to see if the student has it without any prompts versus how we're
teaching it effectively with
prompts so that will come that was a question in the chat box as well yeah I
have another question coming in Maryland someone is saying her student counts
using her iPad she touches the object and then she touches the number on the iPad
so it looks like she counts it and
then uses her pro local to go or whatever her device is to give them the sort of the
replacement vocal receiver
Bell responds yeah and that's fantastic as long as the student is independent at
doing so so what you don't want to have
to do is tell them to count it and then prompt them through where to go to find the
five and then you know prompt them
to find the five if they can independently count them look at their iPad and choose
that five then yes
you're actually demonstrating the skill of using a verbal as your iPad however
if you're having to prompt that heavily you're going to want to a look I do they have
the prerequisite skills to be doing
it and B and not cement and there's a lot of other prerequisite skills involved there
right there's categories
can they categorize it this is the place on mine um on my iPad that I have to push for
numbers and then can they get
in and receptively find the number five and then can they also associate that that is
the five that they counted so
there's a lot of going on there you don't just be being able to select it
so yeah yeah but yes absolutely that would that would be demonstrating this skill
and I mean he sometimes you need
to get a little creative if you're a learner isn't okay but also you can talk to one of us if
you need some tips on
that one okay so before we move on any further is there any questions in
general about progression so remember these are examples so they're not the
only way to teach skills and it doesn't mean that another splinter skill might not be
there so a student might be able
to label something because they've memorized how to label one thing repeatedly it
doesn't mean that they
receptively can identify that item necessarily it doesn't mean that they even um have
the matching skills for
that item so there are some you know random splinter skills but in general this is a
progression the assessment
tool Maps out it for you so you can use your Able's and you can go through and find
what those prerequisite skills it
doesn't for you in order so it kind of takes a little bit of the work away um remember
some of the splinter skills
that a student might have might be based on these really specific interests that they
have so if a student is really
proficient in say computers or trains they might have a whole bunch of labels
that have to do with trains and parts of trains and receptive identifying parts of trains
but it doesn't mean that they
have that skill generalized to every other parts and they label other items other than
that can they receptively
identify other items they may have a random cylindrical a really high sea skill but we
still have to go back and
look at teaching some of those um and so if you are doing a comprehensive go
ahead and probe those slender skills that you believe they might have absolutely but
today we're just going to
talk to you a little bit about how to probe certain skills and how to use the Able's to
teach you the progression of
those skills and how to baseline certain skills and use it more of an assessment for
those specific schools or skill
sorry rather than doing a full comprehensive ables which as Jen said yesterday that
could take months we also
had a question yesterday that how often would you do enabled so in a clinical
environment depending on the learner and
the speed of the learner learning process so maybe four to six months um but in this
school system
maybe yearly if we could get that done I know I've done a maybe two or three like full
it was otherwise we've just been
probing a lot of skills um so don't feel they need to do a full Abo's on your
student multiple times a year we understand that it's a different setting absolutely
any questions popping up
their journey or we get to the right no questions no right didn't point out when
you were mentioning about perseverate of interests and how sometimes our
students have splinter skills because they have
they have such a strong interest in something as a reinforcer that is why the Able's
guide due to how many targets
are required to get mastery in a certain area so for example c16 and c-17
receptive objects and receptive pictures are requiring you to get level for at
least 100 so it doesn't matter that you can pick one train from another train it
matters that that can be one or two of you depending on how many you have but as
a whole it needs to be a hundred
different common objects or hundred different common pictures before you can
be considered mastered at level four so it does force you as the Assessor to
look far beyond what your student is just interested in receptively it has to
be more common objects in the environment to master at that level and that being
said in the end of you're
able to have an appendices that gives you examples of different skills are
different labels different adjectives different receptive skills to teach or
to probe first kind of as the most common ones of course you can probe other skills
maybe your student knows
some Receptus I am sorry receptive pictures or labeling some items that
aren't on this list but it kind of gives you an idea of you know some food some
furniture you want to make sure you get
a little bit across all of the different categories not just one specific category so they
have a good a rate of
sir okay so let's talk a little bit about
puzzles so we're talking still about progression of skills so let's call the
horse puzzle a the dinosaur be the set afire policeman three Percy Surrey and
the Train D which one would you teach first
so mostly people are saying eh now can you write in the chat box of why you
guys that was yes yeah that was gonna move an expression here so people are
saying because it involves picture to picture matching right so it looks like
an embedded prompt there's individual pieces so it's a single insect yeah
the handles people are noticing that the handles might be easier in terms of a
fine motor skill absolutely to easily hold it there's so many coming in
quickly so I'm trying to read quickly that there's only three pieces as opposed to more
piece this one might be
easier it looks very straightforward and there
are best choices so there's less pieces but also less choices for where they would go
absolutely so you hit both you
had all the things we want to talk about so picture to picture matching there's a big
handle so that's a Zed skill for
your fine motors and there's only three it's a single insect so that being said
what would you teach next or probe next
so there's a couple people saying see the police officer and then there are a
lot of people saying D the Train okay so yeah I would teach D next as well you
still have the picture to picture you still have less pieces than um BNC you
still have a knob now yes it's reduced in size but it's still smaller and then we're
starting to move on to the next
types of puzzles which are actual jigsaw puzzles so this side it explains it all
for you so yes everyone's had big nods for your pieces put your matching single inset
for a for B so the knobs are still
there but they are getting a little bit smaller they're fading out there's a few more
pictures but there's still two picture matching and it's one whole
picture well sorry my that's okay I'm just gonna look
at me or while you're doing that these actual be skills in the ables because
you want to make sure that your student is able to do this with multiple different
puzzles right so for b1 the
puzzle with a single in set you're not just going to do the farm puzzle you're going to
do a variety of different
puzzles that are very similar they're all single in set they all have bigger knobs they all
have matched matching
pictures underneath all of those are embedded prompts or things that make it easier
to complete the puzzle and if you
look at v10 let's see what the ten says
how many puzzles so four different puzzles with at least eight pieces each
so that you're stupid oh your student isn't just memorizing where to put everything
but they're actually learning
the problem-solving skills that the beat the visual performance skills that be
domain is meant to teach so there's a lot of students out there that can memorize
puzzles and then we make the
mistake of saying oh he can do puzzles but he can't he's just memorized a couple of
puzzles that he either prefers
to do or the couple of ones that happen to be out at the activity center the
most so I'm hoping probing this as an assessment you would take a novel puzzle
that the students never seen before and you would say do the puzzle and see what
they can do and I also want to point at the difference between Z 3 and Zed's 4 so
these are visual performance skills
but it's also to do with fine motor skills so Zed 3 with a big knob is an
easier fine motor skill than said 4 so you can haveyou can assess if your
student can do one of these b1 puzzles and you would fill it in both in the B
section in the Zed section so there aren't a lot of skills that do that that are in
multiple places but this is once
we wanted to make sure we give you both of those and on aside note if your student
is specifically having issues
with the tiny dog because of fine motor skills you could still teach a types of puzzles
you could maybe go on
to a v10 type of puzzle because the fine motor would be less um hard than the
little tiny dogs on the b1 puzzle however you still want to make sure that
you go and teach different ways to increase that fine motor of the z4 okay
so only once we could teach all of these puzzles would we move on to more of a
jigsaw puzzle where they're given all
the pieces kind of in a box and they have to design it themselves without the square
inside without any matching and
they have to look at the picture and figure out where all those pictures or all the
pieces go on their own another thing being said that Jen
mentioned there and I just wanted to highlight it because you just kind of said it
briefly but it's really important the materials that we are
going to use in our Able's assessment are not the same materials that we are going
to teach with because we want to
make sure that those materials are fun of that novel thing or if you did assess it and
then teach with it you want to
make sure that you get a novel um exemplar for proofing again to make sure that it's
mastered so that they're not
just learning on that one puzzle and we will talk about that a little bit more when we
go into the actual assess so
Marilyn there was a question from Judy can we also be teaching the students
what the pictures are of cow poor sheep so Becky said for sure because of course
especially educators they take advantage of every teachable moment right so we're
not just doing the puzzle we're also talking about that it's a dinosaur and we're also
talking about that the piece is a red piece I'm sorry I would say
that's very student specific some students can handle that much feedback
coming at them but for some of our students certainly the earlier learner students we
want to make sure we're
teaching one lesson at a time so if you've attended packs training that's one thing
that they really really focus
on when they're talking about the progression of communication skills is our
students might learn better with
less distraction or stimuli coming at them so do the puzzle is the goal and so
for those for those very early learners would not also be talking about this is
a dinosaur and this piece is red and this is first next last or any of those other skills
that might be very natural
to to throw in to our other kiddos so if
you just really this is when you guys know your students right and you know what is
that what is the simplest way to
teach and what kind of levels of skills that they need and I will point out
Maryland that it is ten o'clock so I don't know when you wanted to take a break but I
just wanted to flag you for
the time perfect let's do our review and then we'll take a little break on what
you just said - Jen what we want to remember and I love that you pointed out is that
if the student school was do
puzzle and they put the three pieces in and they're expecting a reinforcer and
then you say this is a cow this is the eyes this is the Sheep they're like where's my
reinforcer I'm doing
more work right so it depends on what level if there are multiple steps before they
access a reinforcer or if they're
actually on what we call like a continuous reinforcement Center what they're getting
reinforcement each time
and we want to make sure that we're not almost punishing the skill of do puzzle and
then more work with memory okay so
let's do a few of our little reviews here so in the chat box you can tell us the Abel's
assessment can help you tube
one evaluate the students current mastered skills across many domains to break
down big learning goals into
smaller pools three help you identify progression of skills to teach or for all of you so
everyone's coming in fast
and furious with number four and for you guys awesome so yeah we can absolutely
evaluate their needs and so where are their current skills what do we need to teach
we can break down those bigger
bowls so remember something as big as tell me all the all the animals we can
break that down into so many little goals to teach the first and it can help us identify
which of those goals we need
to teach okay so now it seems like kind of a good time to take that little break
so what we talked about this morning was the progression of skills next we're going
go into actually conducting that
assessment and then we will talk about those 10 starts to go that we have chosen
for you and then just a little
brief wrap-up on that we want to be finished you know not too much longer
after 11:30 so that we can have yes question and I just want to remind
everyone if you can mute your microphone I feel free to turn off your video because
we are gonna record again this
this part for future use so if your video comes on then you'll be on alright
so we are gonna dive back in so we did talk this morning a little bit more about the
progression now we're going to go into you how to use it as an actual
assessment tool so the first thing I want to remind you is this is a formal
assessment so this is not an observational assessment so we would not say oh I've
seen them do that before and
fill it in on the grid we would formally assess these skills and we do so using
specific ways to do that so we're going to talk about that right now so again this is a
formal assessment we would
make sure that we are prepared and we're going to give you a checklist in the next
slide on how to do so but first
let's talk about the differences between so when you hear us a baseline that's our
word for assessment of the skill
before we taught it so where are we at right now in the baseline and then the
difference between when we're actually
teaching this go so I know that there's a little bit of a blurred line this morning
because we're talking a lot
about the different ways to teach skills and how we would prompt them none of
those things applies when you're
actually tiara based learning a skill those are for teaching this so here are
the differences when we're doing a baseline there is absolutely no prompting so for
example if we use the
example Jen used about going to line up if we said okay Billy it's time to line
up we would simply pause wait the three to five seconds and then mark it as a
yes or no so we are not going to prompt Billy we're not going to physically prompt
him we're not going to repeat the
the demand again so coli not there's no prompting involved however
when we're teaching that's where we would put all those juicy antecedent ronson
okay Billy
here's your reinforcer it's time to line up we're gonna bring them over to the line
maybe using a gentle physical
guidance and we're going to get into the light however remember in a baseline none
of that is happening someone asked
yesterday and I'm not sure whether I addressed it out loud or whether I just adjusted
the chat box but someone said
if there is a processing delay for the student would the three to five seconds be
different and so my advice was to
look at the site report that's in his OSR or have the teacher look at it have the parent
share it and they would
outline exactly how long they would need for that processing speed so if they say
you know instead of three to five
seconds it may need 10 seconds okay but we want that to be outlined in a psych
report if we know that they have a
formal processing delay would you agree Jen yes just ask that in the chat box if
it's okay three to five seconds so the answer is yes because you want the
student we want to be assessing can the student do the skill under our
instructional control not five minutes later or one minute later when they kind of feel
up to it it is the skill there
is it a is it a I can't do or won't do so part of our role as behavior analyst
is to assess the difference but when it comes to assessing it doesn't actually matter
that much because we want to see
are they responding immediately under the instructional control of the person
asking them and in your task objective in your Able's it is going to tell you
directly what the SEO so what we would say to the student in order for them to do it
and what's expected of them so
that's outlined and your task objective they give you example questions on exactly
how to ask the question and then
they give you the criteria for it being a yes or no so the Able's again it does it for you
so again reminder there's no prompting in a baseline assessment this is a
formal assessment the next thing is we're not reinforcing the skills so when
the student goes to line so if we say line up and they do in fact go to line
we're not then saying I love when you went to Lyon good job high five
because we're not just assessing one time most of these say that they have to be
able to do it multiple times so I'm
not going to give you an exact example of how many times they have to do it but four
more times across three different
areas three or more pictures 50 or more pictures so what the risk is if we
reinforce that specific skill then when we probe it later on in the day or later on in the
session that might have
actually influenced their therm responses so what we can reinforce is we
can reinforce their behavior so if you were sitting in a table and you were probing
some pitches for example so can
they receptively identify a dog cat and those you might be you might say the student
I love that you're sitting with
you're doing such a great job waiting or like I love that you're sitting with your hands
so nice or something that so
you're reinforcing the behavior that comes around them responding but not the
specific response that's right that it's
a cat we would say you're doing such a good job answering me even if they were
incorrect we can still reinforce their
behavior not the actual skill however in contrast when we're teaching yes the
main goal is to reinforce those skills each and every time at a high rate of
reinforcement so those skills are more
likely to occur in the future so review no prompting the skill so we give the
instruction we wait the three to five seconds the behavior happens or does not
happen and then we do not prompt it
after and we do not reinforce it so it simply happens or happens and we move on to
the next and last but not least this
can be more structured and we almost want it to be a little bit more structured
because you're going to have to have certain materials with you which
will go over and the checklist on the next page but we want to make sure that we're
not just you know what I'm gonna
probe that right now so this is a formal assessment so we have to say okay I'm
actually going to take the time right
now and I'm going to probe see one response to me what are the materials I need
what are the data sheets I need
what is the SD so what is the instruction and be ready to do that assessment right
now not just kind of on
the fly when we're in a natural on the fly that's our teaching time so throughout the
many opportunities you need throughout the day we can embed it into different
teaching opportunities but this is a formal assessment we want to make sure that
nothing else is influencing a
chance that they will or will not respond so I'm going to review that again because
this is very important
because it can really skew our data so there's no prompting we give the instruction
we waiter three to five
seconds depending on the processing speed of the student of course we wait for a
response if the response occurs or
does not occur we then move on to our next trial we can reinforce I like that
you're with me I like that you're sitting I like that you're listening that we're not
reinforcing the specific
skill in the teaching part that's our level three antecedent prompts the lower
reinforcing all the skills and every single response that's correct also
reinforcing lots of the behavior that comes around it and it's natural we don't want it
to look structured and
robotic when we're teaching we want that to its natural and embedded as much as
possible into our day but for our actual
assessment we want this to look structured and to actually look like it is so we are
going to go through the
checklist but first I want to make sure that there's no questions here because this
part is very important for the
assessment to make sure that our data is not skewed in any way shape or form so
there are a couple of questions Marilyn
that have come in goes privately into the group one thing that I want to
clarify someone said so if we don't if we want to teach a skill for example c9
follows routine instructions are you saying that we always need to assess first so
yes so the Able's
is an applied behavior analysis based tool which means always an ABA we would
never start teaching a goal without first understanding where our student is at in a
baseline or an assessment so we
would base lime with c9 a list of maybe 10 or even 20 common routine
instructions that we give in the classroom then we would systematically over several
days over several different
people so has to be the English teacher the French teacher you can get the resource
teacher to come
in and say line up at the door get out your math book put your shoes on
for recess whatever all the common instructions are that you've agreed upon ahead
of time and you're scoring if the
student goes and does that or at least initiates the response so they don't have to
have their whole shoe on within
three to five seconds but they at least have to be headed to the cubby to get their
shoe on within three to five
seconds and then you're scoring a guess if they did that in another if they did
it so it's important for your baseline to happen across multiple people multiple
environments and if you can't
vary your instruction so it's not always robotic go line up at the door Billy go line up at
the door Billy it should be
whatever the natural languages that is commonly used in your environment so it's
time to line up or hey Billy go get
in line you want to make sure you're varying those because you want to capture the
reality of what's happening
in your classroom sometimes we can get very robotic and we don't realize that we
are conditioning students to only
listen to certain instructions in a certain way or in a certain tone of voice or
something so make sure that
that's happening in your baseline but in a BA yes we always would do a baseline see
where a student is that and then go
ahead and do teaching another addition came up is hurry all right all right I
just wanted to add to that for a second per go to the next question and what Joan
says is true and for multiple reasons everything that you
said but the other thing is if we look at see nine criteria I'm filling in one box of the
grid is at least two
instructions with outcomes the second box is four instructions of M pumps all
the way up to six instructions without prompts and can follow at least four different
actions within ten seconds so
if we don't baseline and we just start teaching we don't know where they were to
start because there's multiple steps
in that criteria it's not just they can follow an instruction there's all those multiple
little goals within the goal so
we have to make sure that we know exactly where they were to say that we can
show progress because if we also we
might spend a lot of time teaching a goal that they actually have mastered and it's
more of an instruction of control
think so if they already have this school mastered we might be teaching it for a
different reason and it's not I
can't do it they're working that's right and another point to make there is it's
when you're starting to do enables assessment or I would say any type of
assessment of student performance it's
very important to be aware of your own inadvertent prompting because oftentimes
when I say it's time to line up I look
at the door and if your student has joint attention and they're looking at you and
looking at the door
and they're like oh that's where I'm supposed to go it's not following the instruction
it's that they're following
your prompt oftentimes I'm I'm coaching teams because they don't realize how much
they're just really prompting two
things they're always just just really prompting right and again that's because it's
such an inherent part of the way
that you educate which is a good thing they are always trying to make students
successful so it becomes part of your
own behavioral repertoire to give up instruction whereas with an assessment we
have to be very conscious of that and
went early on in my career when I was in instructor therapists we would watch each
other because we would kill each
other Jani looked at the card that you wanted him to touch he didn't even realize that
you looked at the card but he saw you're looking at the card where
we don't know if he saw you or not so yeah it is a skill to develop to assess without
any prompting and I posted on
there I'm sorry I posted on the Google+ community just because it's a fun template
and you should all go watch it if you haven't seen already um I think
it's like a 1999 episode of The Simpsons where everyone believes that Maggie is
this genius baby because she can receptively identify all these crazy pictures of
things that like I don't
even know what they are okay and then in the end Lisa being the genius that she is
actually realizes by recording
herself that she is giving a prompt every time so she'll be like where's our Modelo
and she was looking just totally
every time and maggie had picked that up and that was actually why she was taking
all the right answers every time so it
can be so subtle that sometimes it is good to have someone coming in to say like
how men on this and you know Jen
and I still do that with each other I'm like you prone you know and it's very natural
we are teachers I mean teaching things so often that it's natural to kind of
prompt so it is a skill to develop to be able to keep an actual assessment without
prompting and honestly so get
into a simulator not a trial I just prompted sorry my bad you know it's it's hard so and
you'll see that in
some of our video so coming up we do have a series of videos and it's us with our
own kids a couple years ago doing
assessments and you'll see it's so natural when they do the right thing to go yeah but
then you're like ah just
reinforce which could impact their future responding we want to see where
throughout without any reinforcement I
do have another questionnaire that I want to address people are asking the chatbox
who can do enables assessment so
while it is a behavior analytic tool that comes from ABA and created by B
CPAs you don't have to be a b c da to conduct enables assessment that's why we're
doing this training we would like
you to have this resource at your fingertips and to feel more comfortable with both
with dipping your toe in so
looking at the grid and understanding what it means when it comes to you from
somewhere else but also using it as an aid for
progression of skills to see okay where should I be going and where did I miss
or where did this where's the students deficits in this area but also to be
able to use it to help you in addition to your regular assessment tools so as
we said yesterday this is not designed to replace the educational assessments that
you do in the classroom to assess
IEP goals to assess where your student is at for their report card to assess
all of the reading levels for example we want you to continue to use those so we
can't stress that enough this is not a replacement tool what this is is hopefully a tool
can help you I'm especially with all of those basic learning assessment skills
that are from a ten which are usually I'm not aware of anyway most of them are
not covered in other types of assessment tools are most other assessment tools
because they're so specific and they're
so broken down and they're really really good skills to be teaching and to be
assessing for a lot of our students with developmental delays and or autism so we
don't want to be replacing it you don't have to be a B C be a really anyone as long as
you understand how to conduct
assessments and how to use the tool can be doing this so the a big question
coming up in the chat box is can be A's or support staffs conduct the assessment
so as far as I am aware it is part of the teachers role in the classroom to be
conducting formal assessments so that doesn't mean the teaching isn't happening
by multiple people but the any
kind of a formal assessment like a reading assessment or anything like that would
be conducted by the teacher so I
do understand that we have a lot of EA's attending today which is fantastic and a
lot of them are saying that they do regularly assess students IP goals and they do
regularly take sort of baseline
data of where a student is at so if that's part of your common practice then
that's fine I would do it with the direction of your teacher so if your
teacher has directed you to go ahead and yes yeah that's right so just like you would
just not pick up the Able's and
start assessing a student in Beijing because the teacher is the one who is supposed
to be leading and instructing
what they want you to do so another thing came up and so if the teacher says
to you I would love for you to probe here's a data sheet could you please probe this
today or baseline this day
then of course but I wouldn't just encourage an educational assistant to be
making those decisions on your own because that's that's the role of the teacher
another thing that came up in
the chat box Maryland people are saying but my teacher doesn't know anything
about the APIs or my resource teacher
isn't sure about the Able's and that's okay we we know that so um we've only
done two Able's trainings so far three Able's training so far in the last
couple of years some people were familiar with the Abel's from different
connections programs or different different avenues from being in connection with
providers but we designed this training primarily originally for assessment
class teachers because we really wanted to more heavily use this tool because so
many of the students there are working
on some of these prerequisite skills to the kindergarten program yeah and we we
had itinerant resource teachers in our department were invited to attend that training
so they have attended the
training and should understand some some I believe who else attended that
training Marilyn I believe some of the other people in our department special
education student services were invited
to that training some of the ed consultants for yeah I can't remember who
specifically was there so I don't want to call anyone out but there was
definitely other people from the department a hundred percent this is our first time
really offering this training
this is the first time ever offering this training to teachers resource teachers
administration educators
whether it's an educational assistant or an ECE so so it's okay that this might
be very new to you and very new to your school team you might go back in
September and say a tables and you you
know people are like what's that and that's part of the reason why we wanted to offer
this no it's because it's
easier to be able to offer it to more people but also because we're recording it so that
in the future you can access
these recordings to learn more so I'm going to read through the chat someone's
asking how does this compare to the Carolina curriculum that was introduced to us
years ago Wanda I'm not sure
because the Carolina curriculum doesn't have anything to do with applied behavior
analysis and that as behavior
analysts the Able's is a total use for that so I'm not sure how it compares
another thing to while just looking through the comments is we designed this
training together sitting down and
saying okay if you were gonna truly dip your toes in what is the first thing that that
would be and the first thing
that I mean the first very first thing is know what enables is and understand that it's
an assessment tool and the
second thing is is to be familiar with the grid and what it looks like and what it
represents so the skills within it
um so if at the very least you all walk back to your school and say okay which of our
students are in you know a
private ABA organization and you access those grids and you start looking at them
that's a really great start
honestly that is how we started in a clinical environment the first thing we had to
learn is okay let's look at this
grid and learn how to start to read it the next thing we start to do is then we start to
look at the progression of
skills start to understand the skills when I was in a clinical environment I could name
off honest-to-god almost 80%
of these now I've forgotten what some of the skills are like actually labeled um
but that's the next part time start to understand the progression understand what the
you know smaller steps within
them are and then the next step is actually starting to complete some of those
assessments yourselves so no way
are we saying that you should go home and start doing a full labels assessment on
all of your kids it's to become
familiar to start to understand that it's a good assessment tool for some of your
students you're working for it and
maybe just you know get your school more interested in watching the training as well
because the more people who are
trained the more of you speak and collaborate leave work together on these
assessments easier it will be coming the more natural it will become to do so um
so ya know where are we saying watch this go home and start doing it but it
is a really great way to start becoming more familiar with it so more comments
and questions Marilyn in the chatbox um someone was just clarifying again that you
don't have to be a b c da to do
this assessment no you don't anybody can conduct a nabel's assessment of course
becoming a B C be a part of our practice is understanding how to complete a variety
of different assessments some of
which can be completed by anyone some of which without the expertise of this
credential you wouldn't want to take on so what is MIT I would recommend it I
would recommend reaching out to your behavior analyst or consultant to kind of help
you guide you through the first couple times to make sure that
everything's going well um but it does not you don't need to be a beast to be at a
complete one but absolutely having
our guidance to kind of help you through that first starting site is going to make you
stronger in the long run of
doing it that's right another question are they able to share the grids with us so a
teacher teacher
can reach out to an ABA provider I'm sorry No reach out to a parent and request the
Abel's assessment we as behavior analysts often often with the in
collaboration with the teacher reach out directly to the ABA provider to discuss
where their students are at and goals
that there are but it is the parent who has to provide the Abel's assessment to
to the school so that is something that has to go through the parent eye someone
is asking once again kenny a's baseline skills so under the direction of your teacher
yes you as an EI can you know
baseline a certain skill in certain areas or help will help conduct the assessment but I
like I said I would not
hey just go ahead and do it I would definitely let the teacher lead in that
area because these are skills that may end up bridging in to some of the skills
on the IEP these are skills that if they're going to be taught and targeted
and there's going to be a lesson plan created around how to do that then you
definitely would want the teacher to be
involved being aware of how to collect the baseline data also helps you to take
your day-to-day data because when you're taking your daily data on whether or not
they could go to line we're formally
doing a big or not baseline but we're using these same strategies we are not
prompting the student before we ask or
before we take the data on yes or no could they do it because that's going to skew
our data on whether or not they're
actually learning the skill independently so knowing these skills whether or not you
were the one doing the formal assessment this will help you
to take your daily data because when you are marking your data daily on yes or no
did they get it they're using these same strategies so you're not prompting you're not
reinforcing then you're going
to go into one hundred teaching trials or whatever you need end of the day and then
you're going to use your teaching skills but when you take your first data
of the day on that skill you're going to be using the same points under the baseline
so this will
still help you along with that so more questions do we need parent permission
to conduct an assessment so as a behavior analyst when I if if which is very rare in
the school system I would
conduct a full comprehensive Abel's assessment then yes I would get parent
permission because I would be doing an
Abel's assessment report at the end to sit down with the parent discuss the
results go through all the information with them what with the what the
findings were of this assessment etc you as a school team if you are deciding okay
we're gonna baseline c9 and we're
gonna look it up and we're gonna read the instructions of how to do it and we're
gonna you know you know maybe help
from this book pull some of the lesson plan out of how to teach it properly I'm
using ABA then no you don't need a parent's permission for that just like when you
baseline any skill a student
has to see where they're at it's inherently part of what you do in a classroom so that's
okay realistically I
don't think many of you or most of you are going to go and do a complete
comprehensive Able's assessment in a
classroom so we do have yeas and ECS both through the public message as well
as the private just really appreciating this opportunity so I know Becky Carter is the
lead of the ABA and ASD team and
I know she's gone and she's appreciating that feedback that you guys really
appreciate being a part of this kind of training how do you know if an estimate
has enables assessment that would be if they're in a private a be a clinical
setting which parents often will disclose to the resource teacher that
the classroom teacher or the administration team then they likely will have enables
there are a couple
that do different type of ABA learning assessment called the VB maps
which is very similar in terms of what types of skills that that are assessed and the
VB maps because we're not doing
a training on it you might want to have you might want to consult with one of us to
help you interpret okay no sono data
that you track so someone's asking if we are tracking some data on the acai Abel's
assessment goals with a clinical
setting use that later on no because clinical settings are using their own assessment
tools and using
their own data yes so it would be the teacher in the resource teacher that
requests any kind of assessment data from parents it would never be the EI or the EZ
that requests that usually it'll
come with a grid and and hopefully it will also come with a detailed report of
what kind of breaking down those skills and so that is highly sensitive information
about your student so you
would want to make sure that the teacher is requesting that from parents I love that
there's so many questions are
coming in I think Marilyn what we're gonna do is continue on because we're gonna
do yeah I wouldn't record some of
these questions or respond in written format to the chat and then if anything
pertinent when we do our discussion closer to 12 o'clock we can we can we can
continue this really good discussion
and I love the engagement but yes we do some more materials getsu okay so what
we did is we made this handy little checklist for you so it goes through the steps on
how to conduct an assessment
and you can actually check this off it's a really good practice to start checking this
off yourself because eventually you
will just be able to do this but right now you want to make sure that you've probably
each and every step so this isn't a shared folder for you
so one do you have your materials ready to go some sorry I hit my table and it
checked there and some of the assessments will have more materials than others so
you might need pictures
you may need objects some you might not need specific materials for the actual
assessment but do you have a pen do you
have a pen so do you have your data sheet do you have your ablest book with the
phrasing or the instruction on how to do the assessment those are all part of your
materials you want to make sure
that you are you have all that ahead of time so that you don't need to scramble
during your assessment because that will
suit your data do you have the data sheets ready to go so if you do access
the Able's skill acquisition guides they have data sheets in them if not there
are day she's online on our Google+ of just regular probe sheets we are providing
you with the data sheets for the top 10 and eventually we might have further data
sheets to come for you we are kind
of working on that on this side and so do you have a reinforcer make sure you
have a reinforcer for the student because you are going to reinforce them after the
fact for complying with your demands know whether or not they were
correct but that they came over and sat with you or that they listen to you for the two
or three minutes that you so
bring the student over approach the student depending on the assessment show
the student the choice have preferred activities give them a couple seconds to
choose something okay first we're going
to do a little bit of work then you get like your preferred activity deliver the
instruction so sit down say that's your instruction um give no prompts observe
their response so did they sit down take your data you have no feedback if they
did not sit down and they walked away great alright that's what part of the
assessment is right now um
do not give praise for anything that's related to your actual assessment so not oh
come back and said are like oh you
sat down great job it's thanks for being here here's your toy or thanks for doing your
work here's your toy make sure it's
very generic that you're reinforcing you did some work here you go and make sure
that you know your student and how many um actual skills they can do before
accessing reinforcement you've got an
early learner you're looking at maybe one to five responses that they're capable of
before they are actually just
going to leave and it's not a real true assessment because we're not it's more of an
instructional control issue at
that point it's that they can't sit and do 25 questions right so make sure you know
your learner and what their
schedule of reinforcement is before you actually start your assessment and then
repeat this so the reason we say enables
assessment takes so long is not because um the assessment itself takes so long
if you could theoretically sit with a child and do this you could probably bang it out in
a few hours but we're not
suggesting that you do a full assessment and do you know this for hours on end you
would want to put specific chunks in
your day you're planning to assess have your specific goals that you're playing to
assess during that chunk and plan for
that and assess them and then move on to something else and then come back to it
again because you're going to get mostly
knows if you continue to probe the student over and over and over because they are
just going to be done with an
assessment um so we are suggesting that you take small chunks of time make sure
you have all your materials ready to go
and then complete your assessment and again this will take a long time if you're
assessing a lot of skills so
today what we're really suggesting is that you use this to probe one or two skills at a
time teach those skills and
then you can use it again to teach those NextEra probe those next skills and teach
those Mexico so really what we're
suggesting today is to use this tool to baseline your current skills are trying to teach
if they do not have it move
backwards in the progression of skills if you get three or four skills back and they still
don't have it you're back
there teaching not all the way up here right sorry suggesting that you use this as an
assessment tool for one or two
skills at a time to help with the progression not to do a full labels assessment right
now that's probably not
peaceful alright so I have a little quick let's review here so the following
are steps to completing a enables assessment except one have a preferred activity
available to record your data
three reinforce each response or form give no feedback specific to correct or
incorrect responses so which one is accept most people are saying everyone
so far as say three awesome so we're not reinforcing each response right we're not
saying yes or no that they got it
we're just reinforcing the behavior around okay so we are gonna jump into
these ten star discuss because I'm aware here that it's almost 11 o'clock and we do
have 10 skills to go through and we
may end up skipping a few skills but they will all be in the slides and there are videos
for specific ones here that
we will go through so we chose these ten start starter skills one because a lot
of these skills are behavioral cusp once they have this skill they'll be able to learn
other skills too because we saw
these skills being targeted a lot in classrooms or within the school so we thought we
will help you assess these skills because we
do see them being taught fairly often three he has allotted these skills especially
in the kindergarten and in the assessment classes that we work on will help not only
you but the teacher with
um so imagine a student can no wait this is going to help the rest of the class if they
can this is going to help the
rest of class these are some skills that will help everything run a little bit smoother in
time and help you build on
other skills so waiting without touching stimuli so can the student wait
following an instruction in a routine selecting objects or pictures so that's receptively
identifying them spontaneous
requests with item present so can they ask for what they want when the item is in
front of them labeling common objects
or pictures so you'll see the ones that we put beside them because the scale is
assessed very similar and and it's a
similar skill it's just object to pictures I spontaneous imitation of others so this is not
necessarily a
skill that we would teach and we'll go a little bit further into that but it is a skill we
want to assess if they have because if they canis
if they can spontaneously imitate others we know that that is a behavioral cusp they
will then start to imitate others
and we can reinforce that and we can use that as a prompt independent leisure
skills so we know that you know come grade one students are going to have to have
some independent time when they're done their work or when they is working
with someone else in the class this is a great skill to have returning readings so we
do see a lot of greeting programs
in schools because it's a very socially significant goal we want to remind you that we
start with returning greetings
not initiating greeting it's a lot easier to teach someone to say hi when someone's
already said hey Jerry how are
you we can easily prompt you to say hi versus to actually and contrive the
motivation for her to want to socially initiate that skill and then to prompt it to
happen and it's appropriate in a
small group so even m1 I think at the biggest part is a 2 to 3 ratio or
something and it's a small group of 5 so we want to make sure they have before we
even started can sit in a
larger group and then choose on and choose off this is something that you know
would we target it as a skill maybe
maybe not but every child changes their shoes four or five times a day at school for
recess gym and their boots in and
outs from arriving at school so we wanted to make sure that we went through this so
what we're going to do is we're
going to go through each skill we're going to tell you what the entry point to the KP
program is we're going to tell
you which domain and the Abel's it is how you would measure it and then how you
would take the data then we're going
to go through of examples in your classroom and then for maybe three or four this
goes make sure the videos
showing you what this would look like please go ahead and answer or ask any
questions in the comment box as we go
and general answer them or save them if if they can be saved and we'll start from
here so waiting without tech that
sorry wait without touching stimuli is an eight so this is a very early cool so
this is being able to wait without crying without grabbing the item and without um
having to tell the repeatedly
to wait so this is an independent scope so the entry point to KP would be
demonstrates independent self-regulation
willingness to take responsibility in learning and other endeavors so thank you to
Luiz for helping us with all of
these as well so this is an early basic learning skill in the Abo's assessment
that's the domain in it so it's you're a 2p and l8l skills how you would measure
this so this is trial by trial once in a week so in a clinical environment yes we would
take you know a 30 day to trial on
this a day but we're asking you to take if a few trials once a week and then we
would graph this using a percent graph and again we're gonna provide you with all of
these data sheets but we're not
going to go into what each data sheet looks like right now just for lack of time okay
so weights without touching
stimuli when the instructor is attempting to engage in the student engages student in
learning at a table
while seated at the floor or standing near materials for an activity the student will
wait calmly
um so here are some examples that's the good part to look at I would always look
at that example section it's going to give you scenarios that you can set up yourself
to assess these skills sit
calmly with hands on the table in front of them not touching the material so maybe
you've set out a craft can they sit there without grabbing the glue for
the time needed before you start giving your instruction to actually touch it um
so what we're gonna do is we're just going to go through these a little bit quickly
because we are kind of lacking
time but what you can do is on each skill you can look these up in your Able's and
what we did was we copied the
whole world for you so that it's in here and it's also in the slides that you can go back
and and again cook free to ask
questions along the way but we just want to make sure we get through all the tents
so this is the important part why
is this an important skill to have an important skill to assess so waiting in line to go
to the gym outside the
library waiting for your turn to pick a song waiting for someone to open up his
their snack container so you're sitting there and you want yourself right waiting for
your turn on the iPod
waiting for your turn while the smartboard comes on and it loads waiting for
someone to help you with your zipper or unzip or do up your coat waiting for the bus
the van a parent to pick them up
waiting at the playground for someone else to go down the slide or for someone else
to get off the swing waiting your
turn in a game waiting your turn to wash your hands so these are all examples of
waiting so the not all examples of aid 8
but 8 is a very minimal kind of waiting skill and we build on that can you think of any
other examples in the chat box of
when your student might have to wait in a day and how important this skill is I am
Telling You I have written so many
behavior plans and each and every one of them has some form of a waiting
component in it because this is a skill
that is lacking with a lot of the students we work with because it hasn't been
implicitly taught the often see
learner waiting kind of learned through just social reinforcement right when my
daughter waits am I waiting for mom a
thank you so much this is like I did such a great job right but she was so socially
motivated too late
any good examples coming up there Jen there are a lot of good ones coming up I
just want to
that we're not going to go in today tulip how to teach these skills we're only going
into detail how to probe them
if you want more information how to teach them we do have Google+ videos of how
to teach them so the videos we're
going to show you today are not how to teach it's just how to do the baseline
assessment but again these books which I
put the link up higher in the the chatbox this this duo here has lesson
plans for you to teach you how to teach it if you don't know how to teach the skill
okay but this is just examples of
times that we might want to be targeting it in the classroom or at the school so
for some examples waiting waiting to get a drink of water waiting for the fire
drills cafeteria line when the lockdown is oh wait until the lockdown is over right so
all of these things so we have
a lot of questions coming in about teaching it so like is it okay to teach waiting with a
squishy toy again refer
to your lesson plan because we're not gonna get into that today we do have a
Google+ video specifically on waiting I
believe Marilyn yeah so some of these skills we do and it's a five-minute video and it
teaches you kind of the
bare minimum to know about how to teach it so we're not gonna get into those
questions today waiting for someone's
attention oh that's such a big one right it's really really hard to wait your turn to talk
your turn on zoom right so
yeah just a great a lot of great examples thank you guys but all of these on times are
when students have to wait
in a day and think about sometimes we're asking students to wait for like three to
five minutes and if we do a baseline
and they can't wait for three seconds that's what tells us that maybe we need to go
back and start waiting at a very
much lower level right and that's often what happens is students are just at being
asked to wait at a time that they
were just not there yet they haven't learned that skill entirely yet and it's important to
note as well with the skill
like waiting we understand that it is difficult when you have certain profiles
of students for them to wait it's more difficult for some kiddos wait the kiddos with
diagnosis of a DD or
something might have a more difficult time waiting what's important to to have
as an open discussion as well or thought process is um the world unfortunately in
some ways will not adapt around your student so the you know when they're in
live they're not gonna skip the line at Costco because they have waiting issues
they're not going to skip the line
anywhere because they have waiting the shoes or they're not going to be called
earlier at the dentist because they have
waiting issues so really the onus is on us as educators to teach the student how
to wait how to adapt to the world that they're in versus trying to get the world to
adapt to them and just never
have them wait sometimes to avoid challenging behavior that's our that's our go to
we'll just let them go into
the toy let him be first in line just just avoid avoid avoid be can we we
sometimes will try to use a diagnosis as an excuse to do that but we don't want you
to do that we want you to teach the
student the skills that they're lacking because you're right it's an essential goal
Shannon it's essential for the
student and should be socially significant in the world to learn a skill like this so it's
critical to
assess remember I agenda as well we are still teaching some high school students
how to wait at three to five second intervals right so we have to remember that this
skill and the earlier you can
teach it the better that's why we put it as our number one skill so I am going to show
you this quick video it's only about a minute so Jen is the instructor
giving the instruction for hazel my little bumpkin here to wait for the
juice so um let's see whether she can do it and watch to see does Jen prom does
Jen reinforce the specific skill of waiting and does she give a clear instruction okay
so he's a look at a yes for waiting because she was able to wait without touching the
stimulus so okay so do you
see how Jen gave the clear instruction yes you need to wait and then she went
on to UM give the other students something she had her timer I had my
timer as I was taking the data sometimes you have to have two people when it's
multiple students and then from there
she gave his of the juice she goes free no sweetie so she didn't say great waiting I
love how you waited she just
simply said hey don't I took the data for her and it was a plus or a yes that she was
able to wait
the time that we had in the pre-assessment so does that make sense everybody
gave me no questions shin no
we're good okay so our next one is follow instructions in a routine
situation again throughout the day this is inevitable this is something that just has to
happen right so the KP entry
point is communicates with others in a variety sorry in a variety of ways for a
variety of purposes in a variety of contexts so you can look this goal up in your tables
it's your c7 cool so can they follow a routine instruction in the day so follow
those instructions in a routine so again look at your examples this is your best thing
to look at after using the toilet
student will follow directions to wash their hands wash your hands it's a routine thing
it's one direction right
and then look at your right Iria three or more activities with only partial physical
prompts two or
three three or more with a model and no physical prompts at least three with only
one verbal are pointing Prague and
at least three activities without prompts at all this is where we're aiming for but your
student might be at
one or they might be at zero right now and what we want to make sure is that if we
do have to use a prompt here because
this is a different one this is one that you could prompt during your assessment but
you have to record the type of
prompt that's needed because in your criteria prompting is allowed for levels one
two and three so that's a little bit
more difficult one so that's why it's really important to read your criteria to see what
you're looking for so for
example if you said go wash your hands don't only a partial physical problem so
maybe a little pat on the back do they go one two three no stop your trial and
then go back and try it again with with them multiple trials throughout the day to get
you enough data but we want to
make sure that we don't go on to physically prompt them or or reinforce because this
one can be a lot more difficult when there is some prompting
involved would you agree Jen yes and I also want to point out that proximity to
the student really matters in an assessment and it really matters in teaching we have
an awful lot of students who do not perform skills
independently unless someone is very close to them so when we're because they're
used to that being the stimuli
in their environment that evokes an independent response so if if you say wash your
hands and you're standing two
feet from the student the student is more likely going to do that then when
you're 10 feet away because they know you're not gonna be right there to tube in with
a prompt right and so it's very
important when you're doing an assessment to get away from your student because
so many times when I'm involved
with a case the student is a very prompt dependent on having the adult they're both
to physically prompt verbally
prompt gesturally prompt but when they're not doing that oftentimes the educator is
reporting on that skill as
an independent skill but if I say to that educator go six feet away fade yourself out
pretend you're not the
the teacher that's here pretend they just have to finish go to the bathroom and see if
they know what to do next or
if they can do the whole sequence without you there and it all falls apart so that is
not an independent skill if
your student is only able to do it with you right beside them even if you're not doing
other types of projects so that's
a critical thing to keep in mind both with teaching as well as assessment and we
need to be an assessment you want to
look at what the other students that you're trying to achieve are doing so for example
if you said you know Little
Billy comes out of the bathroom you're like go wash your head and then you walk
away and you go do three other things with other students did Billy go wash
his hands if he did then that's the level of Independence and that's a level of
assessment you're looking for your
child to do not like being kind of hovering over the left hand side because we want it
to look as natural as the
other kids did when they okay so here's some examples of when you
would uc7 in your classroom wash your hands line up sit at the carpet for circle get
your lunch bag put your shoes
on put your jacket on flush the toilet open your backpack does anyone have any
other examples this is used at such a
high rate right your whole day is packed with routine situations that were receptively
asking our students to do if
you feel like you are fully prompting or prompting each and every time this is a
great skill to baseline see where your student is that and then actually start teaching
this to fade those Punk's out
because eventually how lovely would it be that you just said okay go to the carpet
and your student way right any
great examples coming in packing your backpack at the end of the day putting your
books away I'm getting your stuff
on to get ready for recess so those are really good examples I do want to point out
as well that if your student view
baseline this and your student does not have c7 remember we're gonna go
backwards we're gonna try to see what
are those earlier receptive skills that your student might be lacking do they
have C 1 C 2 C 3 and not that you would necessarily always have to teach C 1
first then C 2000 C 3 but there there are some critical just general receptor of skills in
terms of listening to
someone else that your student might be lacking that might be more helpful to start
with so remember to go backwards
like before in our progression remember that follow instructions you an enjoyable
event so if they can't follow
an instruction to do something really fun when they are engaged in it and likely we're
going to want to work on that a little bit before we get to c7
which is typically not the most fun things when their routines okay next we
have selects objects or pictures so the KP entry point to this is demonstrates
literacy behavior that enables beginning readers to make sense of a variety of
contexts so this is when you're starting
to read there's picture books you've got lots of items in your picture books we see
this happening in circle time all the time can you find this um can you
show me the little girl who's wearing the red coat so this is a learning skill that goes
towards that goal so you can
see it selects one of six or more objects on a table or selects one of four stick one of
six or more pictures
on a table so again if your student does not have this skill you're going to want to
start to look at the earlier si
skills one of three looks one of two if they don't have those maybe we have to
go back and look at those B skills those visual performance skills can they match
these items can they match object
objects in magic which individual if not then that's maybe where we're starting for
those students but remember where
these goals are leading to so pointing to a picture in a book in circle time get your
pencil paper and respectively
be able to identify those items right sit on your chair I have two receptively be able to
identify that it's a chair
before they can go sit on that chair right asking appear for an item well they have to
know what those items
receptively are so this is a skill that's leading up to that um if you say
go get your hat well maybe the student went over to the area but then they're like
what's my hat right so all of these skills are
building on further skills so all of these receptive being able to find objects and find
pictures are going to
help you build these other skills don't go on the road well they don't know what a
road is maybe it's a matter of I'm not
not I'm not um non-compliant rule of don't go to the road I don't
know how to receptively identify the road um bring the ball no for recess they get out
there and they don't have
anything like you didn't raise the bother like was about right so all of these
receptively identifying objects
and pictures are going to help you build it to all of these other skills that seem so
natural start your day are there
any great comments coming up there John for this one let's see so people are
saying you know bring me the color of something so be careful because that is
too receptive skills in one so bring me the blue cup is a different skill than
what we're talking about see 1617 is just give me the cup when it's in comparison to
a computer and a mug color
is 24 so a little bit fire up there right so this is that's an interesting
point Marilyn it is more important for your student to ask for a cup than it is
to be able to label a color because if I can receptively identify a cup
eventually learn to tact or label a cup then I can ask for a cuppa when I need a
cup I'm colors it's much more difficult I've worked with kiddos that can say yellow
and red and blue but they can't
label anything else in their environment and they certainly can't manage for what
they need so it's unfortunate sometimes
that we teach skills that are not socially significant to the student it
doesn't matter that that Billy can say blue if Billy can't say no or stop or
give me you know water or something else okay so receptive identification going
to the safe place so Erin that's a good idea um we're talking about objects and
pictures going to a place as a different receptive skills so this is the tricky part about
Able's is that it's very
specific so c16 is very specifically talking about objects and c-17 is
talking about pictures so pictures of locations for example if you're going to teach a
student to touch the picture of
the classroom versus touch a picture of the safe place versus touch the picture of a
that's a totally different able school it's a higher able school it's a more difficult goal
bring me the red bin
again we don't want it dead that's a skill where it involves three different
skills it involves going and retrieving something - following an instruction
which is a different seagull a color which is a different seagull so how we
would baseline and teach see 16 and 17 is materials on a desk or materials in a
play space touch the marker versus the pencil not touch red versus yellow but
touch the marker versus the pencil and it's like they're giving examples similar to our
examples and what we were
saying in our examples are these are skills that selecting a picture and selecting an
object would lead up to so
if that sees you guys are definitely giving examples of how showing me the
duck would lead up to go get the duck and bring it to me 100% so I think that
that was a little bit of the confusion because what you're reading I'm like oh they are
very similar to ours so all of your examples are good examples of what
see 16 and 17 would lead up to however it's not an exact example of C 16 and 17
which we didn't give you either to be there so an example of C 16 would be there's
three or whether they're six for
C 16 so there's six objects on the table and you say find the cup and they find the cup
but all the examples that you're
giving are definitely why we would need the student to know how to find the cup
or define the picture of the top does that make sense okay I hope I hope it's
taking it very wide no no I don't I think it was just a confusion on our
part of we said give examples of C 16:17 but we didn't truly give them either we give
examples of why it's such an
important goal so yes all of your examples were absolutely reasons why we would
teach it but they're not specific
target you are teaching though all of those different types of goals it's important to
go backwards right again
absolutely are so we do have a quick little picture of me probing some c-17 with my
hazel here and again this was difficult you'll you'll notice that she got most of them I
had a hard time finding
pictures that she didn't know what they were even at - so we were kind of quoting
through the box trying to find
them all but you will see how I do check and see do I give a clear instruction to
touch the picture or find the picture and do i reinforce or preach okay next
we're gonna do c-17 we're gonna do receptive pictures so can she touch the picture
when I say the word I'm not
gonna take you to this time again to let you guys take the data and I'm going to
remember not to reinforce her when she picks the correct one already can you
find bubbles where's the bike you doing
a good job Sydney hey look can you find the burger
are you so good at sitting yeah you honor where's the Frog can you show me
hands in your basket good job okay find
the popcorn you know what your nose is
really good let's get judging your nose I'm just doing a little trial in between to give
her a distraction and give her
some reinforcement find Bob Lowe's hey
last one Kate show me Chris price well
girl hey where's the pool I love that
you were sitting say bye-bye bye-bye Oh
remember how tiny she was um that's right now for nationals um so
what I did was give clear instructions I made sure as much as possible to bury them
so show me can you find where is
this so that she's not just like fine cool fine bite um I will criticize
myself for my therapist voice I'm sorry that comes out in me sometime somewhere
so I have to try to work on my tone because I mean that's very clearly an assessment
and we didn't I didn't
reinforce her for it yeah you touch the body good job but I didn't thrown a little couple
other things in there to
reinforce her for so put your hand in your basket so I can just reinforce her criss-
cross so I could reinforce her because she was very little at this
point so she wasn't going to be able to sit there with no reinforcement but I reinforce
the behaviors around sitting
so um at the end I said I love that you side with me she functions perfectly
well on social reinforcement neurotypical two-year-old I'm happy to answer mummy
so I didn't need to have
any tangible she actually thought that was hilarious I didn't need to have any tangible
reinforcers with me for the sitting forks or anything like that but what we want to
make sure as we don't prompt
again she genuinely had difficulties making these videos we were trying to get ones
that they would error on so
that we could show that we didn't correct the error either but both of our children
were responding and
rates of all these pictures so we decided you to show that the SD is clear it's buried
and that there's no
reinforcement for thee um skill being done I think you questions on that one
Jonah is it going all right no everyone thinks she's too adorable for words what I was
doing Maryland was writing the
target and writing what I would record as the baseline data so hopefully I would feel
free to jump in if I'm not
sometimes it was hard for me to see the picture what data over on this side
which I did criticize myself after we made these videos but honestly these took us so
long to do because we kept
trying to get them all like at the same time but I do my data over on the side it's just
not clear that I'm taking it
so I make sure that I take my data on each and every trail I'm not going to I mean she
got them right but I'm not
going to be over member at the end which ones they got right which ones they got
wrong if you are probing multiple pictures or objects
but what you can do is have a little right wrong pile but the problem with that is you
don't know what order they
were in so you want to make sure that you take your data every single child just a
little plus or minus just
circling your yes so that you have your exact data so I do have a question that
came in Maryland it was about the student and pairing so the child's attention would
be different depending
on the program would this affect data and how is it accounted for so it's very
it's a very good point this is why we want multiple different people to probe on
different days because if your
student has the skill of touching the picture when you you're asking so
receptively identifying picture so that's C 17 then they should be able to
deal with a novel prober when you're doing assessments for students a big
part of that is to say hi speedy I'm gonna ask you some questions if they're at a level
where they can understand
that my name is Jen I'm gonna ask you some questions today and you know where
it's gonna be about ten minutes and then
when I'm all done so that if they don't know me they still do me as a friendly face um
but it's also important not to
just have people probing skills that are 100% familiar with the student that the
students 100% familiar with because a lot of these skills that's what happens that
that sometimes feeds into
generalization issues his Billy can only answer it if it's his teacher probing if
it's someone else Billy's not showing the skills so when he goes to the next grade
we're having some big problems
with with generalization so that's why it with the Abel's we want different
days as much as possible to be different Assessors because if it's a yes every time
Marilyn doesn't assessment but it's
a no every time I do an assessment that's a tricky thing to say it says okay what he
technically has the skill
but we may need to revisit the skill to explicitly teach it within two different
people because it doesn't matter if he can if he can do the skill with with one person
or two people that's a fault in
teaching that's an error in teaching we have to make sure that this skill is
generalized across different people many different classrooms many different
stimuli so even things he's never seen before we
want to make sure that he can he can evoke those skills sometimes I mean
depending on your level of learner I know Jen and I did an assessment last year with
one of our assessment learners
and I mean the assessment was mostly a skills but um it was pretty quick
because she didn't know me very well she knew you at a you know relative level and
but what we did first was we did a
lot of pairing with her we played with her for about a half hour we were like we're fun
you want to come over to us we've got all your cool stuff and then
she'd crawl over and we do a quick assessment because we had all our materials we
were ready we deal with recessive I was taking data Jenna was
doing it or vice versa and I'm like okay my next school is this I'm super fun
super fun she'd come over assess it and then she'd walk away and we were like okay
great so and you want to make sure
that you do do some hair and we talked a lot about that yesterday you don't want to
just be this kind of cooled storm person who comes in to do this
assessment you do have to have some level of relationship with the child and it's
going to depend on the child of
what level of caring you need to do in order to be able to do this assessment um but I
mean awesome we can play with
the child for 10 or 15 minutes or like this this students fun we're like yeah and then
they're like okay I'll sit with you for a minute
um and again we mentioned yesterday I would not encourage you to be doing
Able's assessments on students with high serious problem behavior right now
please speak to your behavior consult
your behavior analyst kind of get that under control a little bit and then we can go
further into any of those assessment but not the time to be doing
these deep and deep assessments you might assess a skill or two okay
spontaneous request with item presence so you will very rarely come into contact
with one of us behavior analysts
that we don't have some form of a manding pool and so one of the first things we're
gonna probe is this can they request an item when its present in
front of them so it's around them they can see the item can they say both or use their
pecks to ask for ball or use
their their augmentative device for as well and so the way this entry goes to
the KP is communicate with others and variety of ways for a variety of purposes in a
variety of contexts McGann
can you ask multiple people right in your examples can you ask multiple
people for that that cookie can you ask for a variety of items so look at your criteria it
starts with two specific
items with it present and it builds up to 10 or more we would never stop at 10
but this is our criteria for at least knowing can they do this I'm so we do
have a note here that requesting is a verbal operant and this is what we're gonna call
banding so you're gonna hear us say we're gonna do some banding we're
going to start a manding program this is what we're probing is can they request for
that item I'm so again for this it's
items and activities it is not other types of man so as you showed you
earlier the F domain is pretty high right so it's lots of different forms of requests so
we're not probing things
here like how open um know like ask your
costing someone to stop requesting for a break these are specific tangible items
right now or activities that f5 would be
testing for so examples one word man's carrot marker iPad book Lego water
bubble saying look um man doing using carrier phrases so again this is not all
f5 these are examples of why f5 is going to be really important in your classroom can
I have a carrot I want the marker
can i play with the ipad eventually having the f5 skills is going to lead
into the ability to say where is it right that's a request for information it's going to
build into skills such as
I need a break right that's requesting someone to stop or are requesting that you
leave the room for a little bit I'm
requesting for item to stop I don't want that right that's a request for it to
stop as well so think of how important these skills are your day to day life that how
many times in a day you need
some form of a break you need an item or you need information take data on
yourself for 15 minutes and see how many of those things that you say are actually
request it is incredible most
of our conversations are either requests for information or requests for attention and
so if they can't don't
have this simple skill of asking and it's not a simple stuff but the early oh sorry I'm
asking for an item when
it's present in front of them we will not be able to build on all of those other things
that are going to form a
conversation that are going to get into carrier skills and those then build on all those
social skills right so this is
honestly this and waiting are two of the most important goals if your student can
not do these please assess them and see where they're at and please target them
because these are very important tools
okay so Jen if you don't mind I'm gonna skip this and allow people to watch it only
because it's five minutes and I
know we have this is the sweetest little Charlotte she is requesting items and if when
you watch this video I highly
recommend that you watch it later Jen's trying to entice her and you'll see that
Charlotte I think she's two and
a half or three here is being like can you take the dress off and like like
she's requesting all these other thing mom look she's got all these other amazing
bands and just like trying to
just you like what I was trying to
target right yeah used to target like will she ask for Elsa and yes she's asking for help
which is a different
goal I think it's f11 has help she's requesting missing items like where's where's on a
shoe she's requesting my
attention mommy look so all of those are different types of requesting that are
different able schools but I had to stay
focused on typically when I'm assessing this with the student they don't have a lot of
requesting skills yeah it was
really tricky for me to be balancing but and what we'll do Marilyn I know we have the
PDF slides in that Google folder in
order for them to access the video we'll have to also put the slide deck a copy of the
slide deck in there so that you
can at another time go through this and when we post this on the YouTube channel
for our Google+ community I will also reference maybe in the notes there are the
comments that the slide
deck will be accessible in the Google+ community so that people who are watching
the video who are missing some
of these at a later date can can still access them because I know we'll probably skip
maybe there the rest or
most of them yeah which is okay because as long as your understanding that the
the baseline yes no prompting no reinforcement it can
be very structured honey you need to come and sit with me and we're gonna do
some things you can't reinforce other
skills like nice sitting or cooperating or things like that if you can't do a
baseline assessment in a sitting format because your student may be their baseline
for sitting is 30 seconds so
Marilyn I have oftentimes followed a student around a room and when they're
already engaged in something we might
approach and get a quick probe in and then we'll retreat again so sometimes you
have to be very creative depending
on the level of your student if you're just dipping your toes in start with the
learner that you have who's pretty cooperative who's willing to kind of sit with you for
a few minutes it's not that it's more valuable but it's just a
really good starting place for you to kind of get your toes wet let me tell you lying on
the floor doing a little
assessment that's a different skill right so you will develop that eventually and you
know the earlier
learners that you worked with you'll definitely have to maybe start with kind
of your learner who is more willing to sit with you even for a minute start with some
of those goals that you can just say okay got my materials ready I'm
going to assess this I've got it the learner is pretty cooperative and then you can
definitely build it into assessing some other learners as well
but kind of telling you to dip your toes in with more cooperative learners just start in
someplace and eath your way
okay so labels common objects how it meets the KP is communicates with others
in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes in a variety of contexts and it also leads
to demonstrates literacy
behavior that enables beginning readers to make sense of a variety of text so this
makes sense because we are labeling
reinforcers so if they won't ask for they what they want can they actually label them
um can they leave all
pictures in a book at Circle time can they label their snack items so if they want
something specific they're like oh
look at that I have this that's a again leading to a social skill and if the teacher asks
them where did they were
honest it they can label that place right they can label the item they want from a peer
if they're playing
eventually this is a communication and a conversational scope what are you looking
at belly is like oh I'm looking at the dog
in the midst and the my favorite toy and where are you hurt so eventually this
leads to labeling your body parts so it's a child's crying and they're they're clearly
upset where you hurt my
knee my need they can label that right so again these are not examples of all g8 I
wanna make that clear the same
arpeggiate yes but they are examples of
where this leads to why it's so important so what we're gonna do is
we're just gonna tell you what the next schools are unfortunately we're not gonna
have a lot more time to go through them because we are kind of getting rid
of low on time and we want to make sure we answer all your questions but I will at
least label these as we go through an
a encourage you to kind of come back if you have a minute and look through them
yourselves so we talked about this a little bit earlier d26 spontaneously imitates
actions of others would we teach this school maybe no it you may not target it for
specific teaching but if they don't
have this skill it is telling me that we need to go back and explicitly teach some of the
imitation skills because
that is going to help that learn again here are some ways imitating peers is
going to be helpful or imitating the teacher is going to be helpful in their learning and
the examples of how they'll
happen throat today and so next we have independent interactivity so we know in
a school setting especially the students are going to have to have some independent
playtime not just might be
in a minute while you go and grab some other materials it might mean they play
independently for a few minutes while
you work your other student and especially a syc working with your students in a
group you might have to
have them do an independent activity for a minute while you do something else with
your other learners right when you
finish something early when you said oh it's free time in the gym go play right so this
is how that independent learning
or activities is going to lead into all of these other skills oh that's a cute
video too you should watch that movie so return greetings I know we talked a little
bit briefly about this but we
teach returning greetings before we teach initiating greetings so what we want to
probe is can they even return in
greeting when someone says hi to them um so how is this going to help the student
and how is this going to be seen throughout the day when a peer or a staff in the
morning says hi to them
when their walking in the hallways when they get out to recess and they see
reappears when their parents the van driver comes
these are all examples of how they're going to need to return greetings right this is a
very socially significant goal
once and only once we teach returning then we start to get into initiating because the
returning blows is actually
going to build some motivation for initiating if they get enough reinforcement from
those people okay
sits in a small group so this is pretty self-explanatory there are hundreds of examples
where they sit in a small group
right so circle time library it's not waiting to go outside you might be
sitting a small group and the teachers telling them some things tabletop activities
gym instruction they might
have to sit to get their instructions small group activities where they have to sit in a
group small group learning
this happens throughout the day so what we want to do is we want to assess this
skill I can't express the importance of
this enough we've seen goals where learners were to sit for five minutes when I truly
baseline and they're at
three seconds and so five minutes might be a really great goal long-term but we
know our baseline says three seconds so we're certainly not gonna start at a five
minute teaching long so that's where baseline is really gonna help you
and it's gonna lower some of your frustrations too sometimes when you're like I've
been teaching this for two months what's going on it's because he
doesn't have some of those prerequisites goes or we're just teaching that skill like
you might have the prerequisite skills for sitting in a small group he
can sit on the phone he can be appropriate near up here but he doesn't have the skill
to sit for five minutes yet and we're not going to teach it at
that level yet okay so the next one is
shoes on and shoes off and that's the last one that we have before we jump
back to the training agenda sorry my computer almost died I thought that was
happening so I just in there so yeah she's on and she's off a hundred percent
this happens four or five times a day we know that um you know whether or not we
would explicitly teach this school it's
obviously going to be student specific lots of times lots of times in the day when this
does in fact happen so we want
to make sure that if we're going to teach this we're gonna probe what parts of the
skills they can do and then teach
from there so I'll go through the last slide that was really quick and I'll go
through the last slide and then we'll save the questions for that at the end because I
know they'll probably be some questions about those so we went through
the whole part of the book so far so what it is why should we use it how does it relate
to the kindergarten assessment
program how does it relate to the kindergarten program and again we're saying
kindergarten right now because
chronologically this is the age that it refers to but if you have students who do not
have these skills please use this
as an assessment told us to assess those skills as well as I said I have probed
some of these skills than anyone from age 2 to age 18 right so it doesn't
matter about their chronological age um how to use this assessment so we went
really strongly into baseline versus teaching right so the baseline is no reinforcement
no prompting its
structured or making sure we have all our materials that we need because this is a
true assessment and then we went
into the top of the starter skill so again I wouldn't know enough time to go into them
all but I do encourage that you kind of go through and read them
it's an idea it's a place to start so you do not have to go home and assess those 10
it's just some ideas that if your student doesn't have those 10 skills we highly
suggest baselining and possibly
targeting those to teach before other skills we consider those some really important
skills in their day last but
not least we do have an IEP slide here however we're not going deeply into the IEP
we really have you know suggest that
you reach out to your IRT or reach out to your ed Kahn to help you if you need some
IEP and help on how to turn these
goals or how to fit these goals within the IEP into the different sections of
it so it can be helped with your IEP in three ways help you identify where the
student is at so if you do a baseline and you realize this is where the student is that it
can then help you to
build a goal that is you know actually accurate for that students current level it can
help you to identify some of the
prerequisite skills so if you were going to teach you for example sitting at the table
for five minutes or sitting at the carpet for five minutes what are the
prerequisite skills you actually need to teach three seconds five seconds ten
seconds up to a minute etc and it also gives you a specific
tool to measure that skill so remember we said earlier although you are using this as
an assessment tool every time we
take data we are assessing again so we're not taking data in that really
natural way we're taking data with an assessment so the first time trial we take data
that day or that week it's
without prompting without reinforcement take your data and then jump right back
into that really really natural teaching rate right so it's kind of like that test we're not
prompting during the test
making sure they have that skill and then we teach teach teach teach it and then we
test again then we test them again so this is also
how that can be really helpful for you so that when you are taking that data you're
taking really accurate data bit
portrays whether the student can do it without a part or not all right so I hope you
guys had a good
time we are going to stick around for questions so don't worry about that but dipping
your toe in waiting and
slowly or diving right in we really hope that you all dip your toe in and we really feel
that you have because you
can do this two day training thank you all for coming because you know you took six
or seven hours of your day to watch
this and we love the engagement that everyone's going out and buying books we're
so excited about that and we are
happy to help you you can always email Jenner I sometimes work quicker than
others to respond but um we will
definitely help you in your highly reinforced by your Able's questions and buy all your
ABA questions so feel free
to reach out with anything if you need some support if you want to conduct enables
assessment within your school
please reach out to your behavior analyst or your behavior consultant if they're
involved with that specific student you can also reach out to your
IR T's for some help if they're around to put your able schools into the IEP
okay so we have left you some resources here so just you know the things that we
use throughout the presentation the spec
ed report to put the Partington website here which is how you would order enables or
skill acquisition and no becky said that she also put those links in the chat box
once the presentation is over we will upload these videos to our youtube channel and
we will also post on the
Google+ community with the specific links to get them and we will put the videos in
there as well if you are not
already permanent we highly would love you to join our Google+ community we have
over a thousand people know and
we're so happy to engage with those thousand people and that is like our huge
reinforcement every time you guys
message us on there there's lots of videos on how to teach using a BA and and if you
have an opportunity to sign
up for our level 3 at some point that would be lovely because what we really do in
that is go into the ABCs of teaching so once you base on this goes
how what's the most effective way to teach them using ABA if they're not currently
learning them with other more
traditional ways of teaching and thank you for joining us here's our lovely
Twitter account that Becky and works so hard on every day and she posts a lot of
great learning opportunities there as well so for you join us so we I'm going
to stop sharing the presentation just so that I can see the chat box is Bob but we will
stick around for your fashions