Water Softener Resin

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Its Tough Being a Resin


esin lives in a hostile world. It ter) and are free to exchange with ions is under continual attack from of like charge. These ions are mobile hydraulic shock, chlorine and and free to move around. The surface chloramines degradation, fouling of the polystyrene strands have affixed, (particulate and organic), oxidation, negatively charged functional groups osmotic shock from the regeneration that attract free positively charged Images courtesy of ResinTech process and basic attrition from New resin ions (remember, 99 percent of these backwash. Over its lifetime, resin functional groups are inside the resin By Matthew Wirth oxidizes, loses capacity and simply bead). backwashes down the drain. Hardness ions (calcium and magAll these external forces at work on resin beads adversely nesium) enter the softener and flow through the resin beads, affect how resin functions (Figure 1). In addition, less resin in attaching to the functional groups and dislodging sodium/ the tank means fewer functional groups to attract hardness ions, potassium ions. Water softeners work because this process is creating reduced capacity. reversible. Resin ages, as does everything and, therefore, system capacity diminishes over time. Understanding the conditions How does regeneration work? affecting resin helps troubleshooters find solutions to otherwise Think of regeneration as a mass transfer event. When perplexing service issues. exhausted, softening resin holds a finite mass of hardness ions. There are many types of resins available to water professionals. This mass is the resins capacity in grains of hardnessstandard Each type is designed for specific applications and conditions that softening resin has published maximum capacity up to 40,000 affect its utilization. This discussion will concentrate on the most grains. common: water softening polystyrene-type gel resin. The actual working capacity varies depending on brining levels for different applications. Some domestic-use softening What is a resin bead? applications can accept higher hardness leakage and may look Standard water softening resin beads somewhat resemble to an efficiency capacity and use lower brining levels. a ball of spaghetti, consisting of an extremely porous, skeletal Industrial softeners often sacrifice capacity for lower structure or matrix (Figure 2). Most standard, sodium-cycle hardness leakage and brine at higher levels. Always consult the softening resins are polystyrene and divinylbenzene (DVB). These manufacturers specifications and working curves to determine resin are the building blocks of a cation-softening resin bead. In the capacity, hardness leakage and brining. simplest terms, polystyrene is the framework material and DVB To clear resin of hardness ions, the regeneration cycle is the binding agent. flushes the resin beads with a volume of saline solution. For this Softening resins used in a maFigure 1. Damaged beads Figure 2. Representation of bead matrix jority of softening applications are eight- or 10-percent DVB crosslinked beads. Crosslinking refers to the amount of DVB used in manufacturing. Again, in simple terms, DVB determines the strength of the beads.

How does resin work?

Ion exchange is not a surface phenomenon; 99 percent of ion exchange happens in the interior of the bead.1 Free ions diffuse onto fixed, immobile negative exchange sites (functional groups) as they pass through the bead matrix. The beads will commonly range in size from 16 to 50 mesh (or 1.2 to 0.3 mm) for basic softening applications, which consist of approximately 50-percent moisture. Mineral salts disassociate into ions in aqueous solutions (waWater Conditioning & Purification

discussion, one assumes the saline solution is sodium chloride. This solution must be of adequate strength to drive the ion exchange reverse reaction. Softeners commonly use a 10-percent sodium chloride solution to regenerate the beads to their sodium state. This brine solution is concentrated enough to reverse the selectivity
February 2010

of sodium-cycle resin. A mass of salt brine enters the softener, builds in strength until a leading wave of 10-percent brine pushes through the resin and dislodges an equivalent amount of hardness ions. Once the exchange is complete, the resin bed is in equilibrium. At this point, the resin bed contains a volume of unused sodium chloride brine that rinses to drain. Based on elution testing (measuring waste effluent from a column), one can find this point of equilibrium.

Figure 3. Maximum allowable flow rate for copper tube Type M-ASTM B88* Size (inches) 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 2 2.5 3 Flow rate (gpm) 8.0 13.5 21.0 32.0 46.0 80.0 120.0 175.0

Figure 4. Damage caused by hydraulic shock

How does water hammer affect the process?

ages by oxidation and destroy the DVB crosslinking. As oxidants attack the beads, they swell and take on moisture. They Hydraulic shock (water hammer) 4 280.0 become mushy (Figure 5). As they swell, happens when water flow is suddenly 5 500.0 pores and channels through the beads close interrupted. Keep in mind the most and block access to the functional groups. common lesson in physics: for every action, 6 700.0 Divinylbenzene is the crosslinking there is an equal and opposite reaction. * Velocities not to exceed eight feet per second agent that gives beads their physical Water is a non-compressible fluid strengthit is the mortar and styrene is the that flows through M copper pipes at a bricks. If the DVB is destroyed, the wall comes apart. velocity not exceeding eight feet per second, according to ASTM A quick sign that resin is in the advanced stages of chlorine B88M (Figure 3). At 8.3 pounds per gallon, the force exerted on degradation/oxidation damage is the ability to crush the beads resin beads is great. When the power of flowing water stops between ones fingers or in the palm of ones hand. Another sign immediately, it creates a shock wave that transfers back through of resin breakdown is pressure loss. As the beads mush, they the plumbing system and slams into the resin bed. cause bed compaction and a resulting increased pressure drop The softener acts as a shock absorber in the plumbing system during service flow. and takes enormous abuse. As beads become weak from age, the Resin beads swell and contract as they exhaust and regenerhammering action of the water cracks them (Figure 4), and the ate. Their design allows them to resist damage from this action, resulting pieces backwash out of the resin tank. but external conditions weaken the bead making them susceptible Newer houses and modern multi-unit residential housing to this stress (called osmotic shock). have larger plumbing, high-flow fixtures and appliances that Osmotic shock differs from hydraulic shock in that osmotic close quickly. Many commercial installations have equipment shock is the swelling and contacting of the bead, where hydraulic with fast-acting solenoid valves and large ball valves. All these shock is the physical destruction of the bead by external water contribute to hydraulic shock. force (water hammer). Over time, beads Figure 5. Chlorine degradation Figure 6. Osmotic shock will succumb to osmotic shock and eventually some will crack. As the beads crack, they break apart and lose mass. Partial beads lift higher in the backwash process and can exit out the drain. One should note that even cracked and broken beads function. Osmotic shock is one of the major contributors to normal resin attrition. In addition, broken bead particles increase pressure drop through a softener by Figure 7. Fish-eye effect tightening and/or compacting the bed surface, filling the void spaces with bead particulate. There is nothing to prevent basic resin attrition, and many resin manuWhat is the lifespan of resin? facturers look at resin life as a 10-year Ion exchange resin is basically porous plastic event. Over-brining and extremely beads, susceptible to corrosive attack by strong fast rinse with fresh water accentuates oxidants, such as chlorine and chloramines. The swelling of the beads and contributes presence of these oxidizers will shorten the working to greater cracking. Under conditions life of resin. of high concentrations of brine (45 Depending on application and source water, percent salinity or greater), water is drawn out of the bead due resin life varies. Some resin manufacturers see gel-type, eightto osmosis, and the bead shrinks. percent softening resin life as a 10-to-15-year event.2 The presence In an immediate fast-rinse scenario, water enters the bead of two-parts-per-million residual chlorine in a water system in large amounts, causing it to swell, crack and possibly burst can cut the life expectancy of a standard softening resin in half (Figure 6). This is the reason for the slow-rinse cycle; rinsing the (example 2Cl, 10 divided by two equals five years3). resin bed slowly helps prevent this condition. Chlorine and chloramines degrade softening resin as it
Water Conditioning & Purification February 2010

Remember that resin beads are a skeletal matrix; the interior of the beads is susceptible to plugging or fouling. One non-professional term for this condition is the fish-eye effect (Figure 7). Because it takes more kinetic energy to push water through the center rather than around the sides of the bead, water-borne particulates, iron oxides and organics lodge in the center of the bead. The action of water eroding the edges of the bead creates a sphere of matter inside the bead

Ten-percent DVB resin yields a slight advantage of economics to eight percent when new, but holds its structure longer by resisting the effects of chlorine and other oxidizers. Additionally, 10-percent resin is stronger and less susceptible to hydraulic and osmotic shock. Over the life of the resin bed, 10 percent loses capacity at a much slower rate than eight percent, making 10-percent resin a better choice for waters containing oxidants, and systems with hydraulic-shock issues.

Why is iron a problem?

As discussed previously, ion exchange is not a surface event, but takes place inside the bead; therefore, the fish-eye effect limits the capacity of the system. It is difficult to correct this problem; once the interior of the bead plugs, resin cleaners cannot easily work through the bead and dislodge the matter ball. Iron is a major contributor to this condition. When in its ferrous state, iron exchanges on the functional groups the same way as hardness. With the presence of an oxidizer, such as air, iron becomes ferric and attaches to the surface and in the interior of the bead. Simple salt regeneration will not remove iron oxide (Fe+++) from the bead. When iron is present in the supply water, using a resin cleaner during regeneration helps prevent iron from fouling the resin beads. If a resin bed is beyond the point of cleaning, it is time to replace the resin.


In the past, people believed that resin lasted forever. Today, we know this is not true. Resin becomes less efficient as it ages from external forces and simple attrition loss. Resin change-out is a maintenance item, and meter settings require adjustment as the system ages. Making end users aware of these aspects avoids future conflict; being aware of the signs of resin failure makes for a better service tech and a happier customer.


1. DeSilva, F., 1999. Essentials of Ion Exchange, Presented at the 25th Annual WQA Conference, ResinTech, New West Berlin, NJ. 2. Dow, 2000. Properties of Ion Exchange Resins, retrieved from the worldwide web December 26, 2009: www.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/BiotechEnviron/IONEX/resin.html 3. Michaud, C. and Brodie, D. Ion Exchange Resin Methods of Degradation, Water Conditioning and Purification Magazine, January 1990.

Is there a better bead?

One way to combat resin attrition is to use a stronger bead. Divinylbenzene is the major contributor to bead strength. Resin is available with DVB content of two to 20 percent, but the higher the crosslinking, the more difficult it becomes to introduce functional groups. Fewer functional groups inside the beads result in less capacity. Eight- and 10-percent DVB crosslinking is common for standard softener operation.2 Eight percent is usually less expensive than a 10-percent resin, though it may break down at a faster rate.

About the author

S Matthew Wirth is Regional Sales Manager/Dealer Development for Hellenbrand, Inc. He has spent 29 years as a water professional since earning his BA from Concordia University in St. Paul, MN, and engineering training from the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology in Rapid City, SD. For additional information, contact Wirth by phone (608) 8493050, fax (608) 849-7389 or email [email protected].

Reprinted with permission of Water Conditioning & Purification Magazine 2010. Any reuse or republication, in part or whole, must be with the written consent of the Publisher.

Water Conditioning & Purification

February 2010

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