Unit Overview

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Content & sequence of events

Learning Outcome Declarative Procedural 1. Evaluate the issue by cementing the problem by brainstorming this task (Poppet). 2. Execute and gather data on the survey the current position the all students. 3. Collaborate

Curriculum link

ICT Tool

Justification of ICT Tool

ICT Resource

One Defining the problem/ identifying and cementing critical information

Lesson 1: The problem/ topic will be identified by the use of a Popplet. Students will also participate in a survey, which will provide the teacher with a brief overview of where each student sits with experience in this field. (Also for students to ask parents if they are allowed to bring in

1. Identify the topic of the unit and the task that will be carried be presented in authentic context. 2. Recall prior experience and knowledge of Photography 3. Distinguish safe, legal

1. Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual, and to convey information and ideas (ACELY1725).

1. Allow them to interpret the Popplet to collaborate thinking and to identify 2. Students are to participate in the online survey to determine their prior knowledge

1. Popplet allows you to brainstorm your ideas in an online environment. This enables apple prior knowledge to the task and lets them understand the keys to the problem. This tool is

1. Popplet 2. Survey Monkey 3. Padlet 4. Blogger 5. PowerPoint 6. Microsoft Word

out, which will the process of

the problem. your learner to

which describes audio features

their own cameras 3 Lessons from home). Lesson 2: Students will be exposed to world famous photographs via PowerPoint. Also a full in depth analysis sheet is supplied in a word document. And they will voice their opinions through the use of Padlet as a collaborative learning space. They will also be exposed to how to analyse a

and ethical principles when working with such ICT tools (cameras).

opinions and beliefs from a specific angle. 4. Reflect on personal progress and learning outcomes from the weekly activities, which their new skills.

2. Use a range of software, including word processing programs, to confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal (ACELY1728). 3. Identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events, issues and characters represented in

of the topic. Once this is carried out then the teacher will be able to determine every students position in the task. 3. Students are asked to analyse a question to determine their knowledge of the topic.

exceptional for visual learners. 2. Survey Monkey allows you to construct your own online survey for free. This enables learners to express their prior knowledge and experience levels with Photography. This data gives great detail to the teacher, as

has constructed texts

photograph by the elements of art and the principles of design which will be a hardcopy which is also readily available online. Lesson 3: Write a Blog to reflect on what they have learnt from the weekly activities and what parts they enjoyed from throughout the week.

texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1619) 4. Compare the ways that language and images are used to create character, and to influence emotions and opinions in different types of texts (ACELT1621).

4. The students will be reflecting on their learning outcomes weekly through the use of a Blog, the teacher will also provide comments to benefit their learning. 5. Students are asked to critically

they will know every students current position. 3. Padlet allows them to collaborate their own opinions and beliefs on a specific topic within the class environment. 4. Blogs are a great space for collaboration where students are able to express their

5. Use prior text processing strategies to interpret a range of types of texts (ACELY1722) 6. Understand how language is used to evaluate texts and how evaluations about a text can be substantiated by reference to the text and

analyse the displayed through the use of a PowerPoint. 6. The students will critically analyse the photographs displayed on PowerPoint in this document.

thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will be writing weekly blogs to reflect on what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons. This is a crucial part of the learning as the teacher can provide feedback to the child on

knowledge and photographs

other sources (ACELA1782)

their progress. 5. PowerPoint is included in this unit as it is very visual topic. This helps project the overall meaning of the photograph by displaying it on the whiteboard. 6. Microsoft Word is used to cue thinking in harder activities by providing

several prompt questions. Two Analysing and critiquing. 3 Lessons Lesson 1: Students will be exposed to another PowerPoint this will focus on several other photographs. That will be critically analysed by collaborating on Bubble.us. Also a full in depth analysis sheet is supplied in a word document. Lesson 2: We will touch base back on 1. Interpret and analyse information displayed by a visual feature. 2. Translate visual feature into written text. 3. Compare different perspectives to gain other angles. 1. Construct critical analysis of visual features. 2. Justify your perspective for your reasoning. 3. Reflect by writing weekly in personal blog on the weeks activities that have shaped their perspective. 2. Use a range of software, including word processing programs, to 1. Analyse how generated in visual texts by means of choices, for example gaze, angle and social distance (ACELA1764) 1. Students critically analyse the photographs displayed through the use of a PowerPoint. 2. The students will critically analyse the photographs displayed on PowerPoint 1. PowerPoint is included in very visual topic. This helps project the overall meaning of the photograph by displaying it on the whiteboard. 2. Bubbl.us is a great tool for class collaboration 1.PowerPoint 2. Bubbl.us 4. Blogger 5. Microsoft Word

point of view is are asked to

this unit as it is 3. Padlet

the images from the previous lesson to then collaborate as a class via Padlet to exchange and discuss different perspectives. Lesson 3: Students will then add an entry to their weekly blog.

confidently create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts (ACELY1728)

in this document. Also collaborate as a class discussing ideas using Bubbl.us. 3. Students are to collaborate as a class to understand different perspective on the images. While analysing

and brainstorming. This is a great tool as it allows them to express their own thoughts and perspectives on specific images. 3. Padlet allows them to collaborate their own opinions and beliefs on a specific topic within the class

the photograph to display their knowledge of the topic. 4. The students will be reflecting on their learning outcomes weekly through the use of a Blog, the teacher will also provide comments

environment. 4. Blogs are a great space for collaboration where students are able to express their thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will be writing weekly blogs to reflect on what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons.

to benefit their learning.

This is a crucial part of the learning as the teacher can provide feedback to the child on their progress. 5. Microsoft Word is used to cue thinking in harder activities by providing several prompt questions.


Lesson 1: Students will travel to the

1. Interpret and translate

1. Recounts information by

1. Understand the way

1. Students are to

1. Day One allows the

1. Day One 2. Digital

local Rockhampton Art Gallery to meet Experience in the field. with a professional photographer. To investigate and gather information on types of photography, types of cameras, 3 Lessons elements, principles, what an exhibition looks like, etc. They will capture this information by using the application Day One which allows them to recount vital information

information given by a professional photographer about the concept of photography. 2. Condenses information, which will then enhance, extend and transform their individual learning degree. 3. Distinguish

communicating with a professional photographer on tips to improving their skills. 2. Perform and practise skills learnt from the excursion. 3. Reflect by writing weekly in personal blog on the weeks activities that have shaped their understanding.

language evolves to reflect a changing world, particularly in response to the use of new technology for presenting texts and (ACELA1528)

record critical data for their final assessment piece. This enables them to reflect back material closer to the date. 2. Students are given cameras to capture critical information

students to record data while out on the field. This is a great tool for them to reflect on for their weekly blogs. 2. Digital Cameras are used in this unit to give students a hand on approach and time in the field.

Camera 2. Blogger

communicating completion

from the session or using a digital camera. Lesson 2: Students will then add an entry to their weekly blog.

and reinforce safe, legal and ethical practices while working with this form of ICT tools.

for their assessment piece. 3. The students will be reflecting on their learning outcomes weekly through the use of a Blog, the teacher will also provide comments to benefit their learning. 3. Blogs are a great space for collaboration where students are able to express their thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will be writing weekly blogs to reflect on what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons.

This is a crucial part of the learning as the teacher can provide feedback to the child on their progress. Four Lesson 1: A wide variety of cameras over the years will Broadening knowledge. 4 Lessons be on display to show the students how cameras have evolved. By using a Popplet this can allow the students to collaborate as a class to express 1. Translate their of what has evolved. 2. Comprehend how and why this invention has evolved over time. 1. Discover new ways to essence of a moment. 2. Determine the differences over history. 3. Reflect by writing weekly in personal 1. Understand the way language evolves to reflect a changing world, particularly in response to the use of new technology for 1. Allow them to create a Popplet to collaborate thinking and the meaning conveyed. 2. A variety of cameras 1. Popplet allows you to brainstorm your ideas in an online environment. This enables your learner to apple prior knowledge to 1. Popplet 2. Digital Cameras 3. Glogster 4. Blogger

understanding capture the

are supplied, the task and

ideas on the improvements over the years of engineering the cameras. Lesson 2: They will then be given the opportunity to go and explore the accessible materials to take photographs. Lesson 3: Students will then create posters to promote the exhibition by using Glogster. Lesson 4: Students

3. Translate the and their knowledge of history that can be explained in the weekly 4. Distinguish and reinforce safe, legal and ethical practices while working with this form of ICT tools.

blog on the weeks activities shaped their understanding.

presenting texts and (ACELA1528)

to give the

lets them keys to the problem. This tool is exceptional for 2. Digital Cameras are used in this unit to give students a hand on approach and time in the field. 3. Glogster is used to allow let students

students first understand the experience in the field. By applying of art and principles of design. 3. This tool is used to promote the exhibition, while students are creating individual digital

understanding that have

communicating hand

the elements visual learners.

school grounds with blog.

will then add an entry to their weekly blog.

posters on the topic. 4. The students will be reflecting on their learning outcomes weekly through the use of a Blog, the teacher will also provide comments to benefit their learning.

imagination, while creating a promotional piece for the exhibition. 4. Blogs are a great space for collaboration where students are able to express their thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will be writing weekly blogs to reflect on

what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons. This is a crucial part of the learning as the teacher can provide feedback to the child on their progress. Five Lesson 1: The students will be exposed to Tutorials for Digital Photoshop by This will develop development. using their iPads. 1. Interpret the directions you are being given. 2. Comprehend the 1. Construct an 1. Use prior image that has been digitally enhanced. 2. Reflect by writing weekly in personal text processing strategies to interpret a range of types of texts 1. This is an aid to their learning for all learning 1. Tutorial for Photoshop is a great application that guides students through the 1. Tutorials for Photoshop 2. Blogger knowledge and supplied as

their understanding and knowledge of the digital form of 3 Lessons. image. This application will show them basic editing tutorials, which will help them leading up to the assessment piece. Lesson 2: Continuing to work with Tutorials for Photoshop with the photographs they have taken from last week and any from home they have

instructions, which will be evident in their work.

blog on the weeks activities that have shaped each individuals understanding.

(ACELY1722) 2. Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts, selecting aspects of subject matter and particular language, visual, and audio features to convey information and ideas (ACELY1725)

types. This is a step up from paint as they have prior experience to that software. 2. The students will be reflecting on their learning outcomes weekly through the use of a Blog, the teacher will

process of editing. This is a crucial part as students are being assessed on how they process the image. 2.Blogs are a great space for collaboration where students are able to express their thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will

bought to school. Lesson 3: Students will then add an entry to their weekly blog.

also provide comments to benefit their learning.

be writing weekly blogs to reflect on what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons. This is a crucial part of the learning as the teacher can provide feedback to the child on their progress.


Lesson 1: Students instructions and demonstrations on

1. Identify that has been

1. Execute the process 2. Evaluate

1. Identify and explore ideas and viewpoints about events,

1. Students are to record critical data

1. Day One allows the students to record data

1. Day One 2. Digital Camera 3. Blogger

will be given explicit the process

demonstrated. your technique


the process of Students can record this information by

2. Comprehend and demonstrate of the process. 3. Distinguish and reinforce safe, legal and ethical practices while working with this form of ICT tools.

to your individual work 3. Reflect by writing weekly blog on the weeks activities that have shaped their understanding.

issues and characters represented in texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1619) 2. Use prior text processing strategies to interpret a range of types of texts (ACELY1722)

for their final assessment piece. This enables them to reflect back material closer to the completion date. also supplied this tool to record vital data to reflect back onto or

while out on the field. This is a great tool for them to reflect on for their weekly blogs. 2. Digital Cameras are used in this unit to give students a hand on approach and time in the field. 3.Blogs are a great space for

development. developing film.

3 Lessons.

Day One or by using a digital camera and a pencil and paper. Lesson 2: Students will now physically do the process with the help of the teacher and a teacher aid. Lesson 3: Students will then add an entry to their weekly blog and insert data recorded

understanding in personal

knowledge and 2. They are

from the Day One application.

either use as a part of their assessment piece. 3. The students will be reflecting on their learning outcomes weekly through the use of a Blog, the teacher will also provide comments to benefit

collaboration where students are able to express their thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will be writing weekly blogs to reflect on what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons. This is a crucial part of the learning as the

their learning.

teacher can provide feedback to the child on their progress.


Lesson 1: We will reflect/ refresh on the elements and principles. Plus, we will also start looking at our

1. Recall prior experience and knowledge of elements of art and principles of design. 2. Identify the elements and principles that may be used in your assessment

1. Construct a piece of art displaying your three photographs and three analyses. 2. Justify a critical analysis

1. Use strategies to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information, critiquing ideas

1. This used to enable the students to edit/reinvent the photograph to convey a message. 2. This program is also provided to

1. This software is provided to ensure the students can reach their highest potential in their assessment piece. 2. This software is also provided to

1. Photoshop 2. Paint 3. Microsoft Word 4. Blogger

comprehension program is

Reflection and constructing.

template for our assessment piece. Start to think of what photographs we will be using

of three of your and issues photographs, in from a variety order to show your understanding of textual sources (ACELY1723)

3 Lessons

and critiquing. Lesson 2: Begin the preparation for our

assessment pieces. Lesson 3: Continuing working on photographs and justification at school and at home. Students will then add an entry to their weekly blog.


of the element, principles and overall message. 3. Reflect by writing weekly in personal blog on the weeks activities that have shaped their understanding.

2. Compare the text structures and language features of multimodal texts, explaining how they combine to influence audiences (ACELY1724)

edit the photographs (in a simpler form as they have had prior experience with this software). 3. Students will be now analysing their own assessment pieces.

enable them to edit photographs in a simpler form. 3. Microsoft Word is a software that enables them to write a structured text that analyses their photographs.

Eight Justifying and

Lesson 1: Continuing working on photographs and justification at

1. Recall prior experience and knowledge of

1. Construct a piece of art displaying your three

1. Use strategies to interpret,

1. This is the reflection piece that

1. Blogs are a great space for collaboration

1. Blogger 2. Tutorial for

comprehension final

where students Photoshop


school and at home. Lesson 2:

elements of art and principles of design. 2. Identify the elements and principles that may be used in your assessment piece. 3. Translate information by summarising key knowledge: elements of art and

photographs and three analyses. 2. Justify a critical analysis

analyse and synthesiee ideas and information, critiquing ideas

will finalise the students overall degree enjoyment of the unit. 2. The final touches will be completed and ready for the exhibition. 3. Students will be finalising their own assessment pieces.

are able to express their thoughts and opinions in an online environment. Students will be writing weekly blogs to reflect on what they have learnt throughout the weekly lessons. This is a crucial part of the learning as the teacher can provide

3 Lessons

Continuing working on photographs and justification at school and at home. Lesson 3: Set up the exhibition. Students will then add an entry to their weekly blog for the last time.

of three of your and issues photographs, in from a variety order to show your understanding of the element, principles and overall message. 3. Reflect by writing their final weekly in personal blog on the weeks of textual sources (ACELY1723) 2. Compare the text structures and language features of multimodal texts, explaining how they combine

design principles.

activities that have shaped their and the overall unit.

to influence audiences (ACELY1724)

feedback to the child on their progress. 2. Tutorial for Photoshop is a great application that guides students through the process of editing. This is a crucial part as students are being assessed on how they process the image. 3. Microsoft

Word is a software, that enables them to write a structured text that analyses their photographs. Assessment Task Students are to individually produce a piece of art that contains three analysed photographs, which demonstrate appropriate use of the English language. These photographs will be of their own work; they will create, edit and critically analyse to explain the conveying message for the photographical exhibition. The students will also be assessed on their understanding of the key elements and principles (Elements of Art and Principles of Design). Finally, they will be assessed on how they model safe, legal and ethical practices throughout the unit.

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