Visual Book Report Scope

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Visual Book Report Scope & Sequence

Students will collaborate effectively within a group and assign roles within said group
Students will construct a video representing the work of fiction they have read
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the book by accurately identifying all
parts of the plot diagram (exposition, rising action, climax, conflict, falling action,
Students will identify a theme (or themes) within the novel and demonstrate how the
theme (s) are expressed throughout the story

Indiana State Standards Met:
6.RL.2.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what a text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text
6.RL.2.2: Determine how a theme or central idea of a work of literature is conveyed
through particular details; provide a detailed, objective summary of the text]
6.RL.2.3: Explain how a plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the
characters respond or changes as the narrative advances and moves toward a resolution
6.W.3.2: Write informative compositions on a topic that develop the topic with relevant
facts, definitions, concrete details, or quotations
6.W.4: Apply the writing process to use technology to interact and collaborate with
others to generate, produce, and publish writing
6.SL.2.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions, building on others
ideas and expressing personal ideas clearly
ISTE Student Standards Met:
1. Creativity and innovation: Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or
processes; and create original works as a means of personal or group expression
2. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively to support individual learning and contribute to
the learning of others.
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making: Students use critical thinking
skills to manage projects and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and
5. Digital citizenship: Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports
collaboration, learning and productivity
6. Technology operations and concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of
technology concepts, systems, and operations.
Each student will need access to a computer with Internet capabilities and which has
Microsoft Office software. Each group will need access to a microphone and headphones.
This activity will take five 45 minute class periods.

Day 1: Teacher will explain lesson, including objectives and goals, and hand out rubric.
Teacher will then hand out plot diagram worksheet and have students work within their
group to complete the worksheet. While students are working, teacher will walk around
listening for cues signaling student learning. Teacher will also check diagrams as students
work and offer suggestions or ask for clarification. Teacher will encourage students to be
descriptive and detailed in completing the plot diagram. Once students have completed the
plot diagram worksheet, they will work together to determine roles and duties. Students will
then work together to determine the layout of their video.
Day 2: Within the group, students will work on their individual portions for the video
(Sample responsibilities could be: Introducer, Character Developer, Setter of the Setting,
Conflict Builder, Resolver, Action Maker, Narrator, Storyboard Maker, Recorder, or have
students brainstorm roles). Students will use the Internet to find images that relate to their
portions. Teacher will walk around to each group asking questions about their projects.
Students will use animations throughout their PP.
Day 3: Using the student shared drive, students will create a folder to put their individual
portions of the PowerPoint in. Students will then work together to put all individual parts
into one PowerPoint Presentation. Students will collaborate on any changes and/or additions
that need to be made. It is vital that teacher walks around providing feedback to students at
this stage; students may feel challenged at this area and unsure of how to proceed. Teacher
should encourage problem solving techniques within the group if needed.
Day 4: Students will narrate their PowerPoint Presentation and record the slide show. Once
they have finished recording their PP, they will work with one other group to peer edit.
Students have remainder of class to make any necessary changes and to convert PowerPoint
to MP4. By end of this class, MP4 video should be uploaded into designated folder within
the student shared drive.
Day 5: Students will use interactive white board to present their book report videos.
Duration of videos should be 3-7 minutes. At the end of their video, students will explain
their part in the collaborative process and answer any questions the rest of the group may

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