Disentangling Topological Puzzles by Using Knot Theory

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Disentangling topological puzzles by using knot theory

Matthew Horak Trinity College Hartford, CT 06106-3100 [email protected] Mathematical puzzles have been a source of entertainment and inspiration throughout the ages, and many puzzles have contributed to the development of large elds of mathematics. For example, the Knights Tour puzzle requires one to nd a sequence of knights moves on a chess board that visits every square exactly once before returning to the starting position. An elegant solution to this puzzle has been published rather recently [4], but it is said that Euler knew a solution in 1759. Indeed, problems similar to the one posed in this puzzle led Euler to develop the beginnings of graph theory some 250 years ago. The Knights Tour puzzle and many other combinatorial puzzles like it have been thoroughly analyzed because they can easily be modelled by relatively simple mathematical objects. In this note, I propose to describe a method of analysis that can be applied to the somewhat less mathematical class of puzzles known as disentanglement puzzles. This method often will not give a complete solution to a given puzzle, but it will provide insight about the possible solutions, and it will lead through a tour of much interesting mathematics along the way. By necessity, there will be an interplay between rigorous mathematical arguments and physical observations about the puzzle itself. In this respect, analyzing disentanglement puzzles can be thought of as akin to applied mathematics in which a mathematical model is compared against physical observations both during and after its development. Disentanglement puzzles A disentanglement puzzle consists of two or more parts entangled with each other that the solver is required to separate, 1

subject to several geometric constraints. The pieces are usually made of some combination of metal, wood and string, and the constraints are that the solver cannot perform any manipulation that bends the wire or breaks the string or wood. Topologically, the pieces that require separation are not linked together, so that if all of the parts were arbitrarily deformable, solving the puzzle would (usually) be trivial. However, the geometric constraints involving the sizes of the pieces and how they can physically bend prevent the solver from performing the desired topological manipulations. This is the source of the diculty in analyzing these puzzles mathematically; because the goal of a disentanglement puzzle is topological but the constraints are geometric, it is often dicult to capture all of the important aspects of such a puzzle in a single abstract mathematical object. By the use of the Quattro puzzle described below, I will illustrate a method by which, to some extent, such abstraction is possible. The method will involve knot theory and the idea of viewing manipulations of the pieces of the puzzle as small moves performed on an appropriate initial diagram representing the puzzle. With this interpretation, the topological goal is stated in terms of transforming the initial diagram into a given nal diagram, and the geometric constraints are expressed by restricting the allowable moves. This analysis is similar to that used by Louis Kauman in nding a bound on what he calls the number of red-blue crossing changes required to solve the Chinese Rings puzzle [2]. Quattro The well-known disentanglement puzzle Quattro consists of four identical pieces, each of which is a loop of string tied around a wire ring. The strings are entangled as shown in the Quattro link of Figure 1, in which the metal rings are represented by the thick circles and the strings represented by the thin curves. The goal is to separate the four pieces. If one string is long enough to t around an adjacent ring then solving the puzzle is very simple, as shown in Figure 2. In the actual model, each string can certainly move around its own ring. But, each string also seems

Figure 1: The Quattro link (left) and knot (right)

1 2 3 4

Figure 2: Solving Quattro just barely too short to t around any other ring. I propose to show that if this puzzle is to be solved without passing a string over a ring other than its own, then at some state we must make use of the fact that a string can pass around its own loop. This piece of knowledge about the possible solutions can be used to guide the solver on the right track towards a solution. In fact, passing a string around its own ring is the crux step in the solution to Quattro (Puzzle Q) presented at, http://www.gamesandpuzzles.co.uk/reference/eureka solutions.htm. Knot theory A knot is simply an embedding of a circle into three-dimensional Euclidean space. Two knots are equivalent if one can be deformed into the 3

other by a smooth deformation of the ambient Euclidean space. (Technically, the denition involves a smooth one-parameter family of dieomorphisms of R3 taking one knot to the other, but the intuitive idea of slowly deforming one knot to the other will suce here.) We usually intuitively regard equivalent knots as the same and we speak as though two equivalent knots are the same knot. Thus we talk about the gure eight knot, when we really have a single particular knot in mind and what we mean is the class of knots equivalent to this particular knot. This abuse of terminology will rarely cause a problem in practice. A link is just a disjoint union of knots, each component of which may or may not be linked in various ways to the other components. The diagram of a given knot (or link) is simply the projection of the knot onto the xy -plane with gaps wherever two strands cross to indicate which strand is physically above the other. With some slight manipulations of a given knot, we can always assume that the lines in a diagram intersect transversally and that no crossing involves more than 2 lines. For a more thorough discussion of knot theory, and a method for using polygonal knots to remove the requirement of a dieomorphism in the denition of equivalence, the reader could consult the rst chapters in Colin Adams, The Knot Book [1] We can abstractly view the Quattro puzzle as an 8-component link by regarding all strings and wires as components of the link, which we will call the Quattro link. The link in Figure 1 is a diagram of the Quattro link if we make no distinction between the thick and thin curves in the picture. There are many other possible diagrams of the Quattro link, and in fact the manipulations of Figure 2 prove that the Quattro link is equivalent to the four unlinked pairs of linked circles shown in the last diagram of the gure. These manipulations are captured abstractly as Reidemeister moves. The Reidemeister moves are local moves that are performed to a small part of a knot diagram. There are only three Reidemeister moves, all of which are shown in Figure 3. In that gure, each picture represents a small part of a larger diagram, and for each move the only change to the diagram

Type 1

Type 2 Figure 3: The Reidemeister moves

Type 3

in question is in the small neighborhood shown. Each Reidemeister move on a diagram corresponds to an obvious manipulation of the components of the link that changes it to an equivalent link. In fact, a fundamental theorem of knot theory implies that two diagrams represent equivalent links if and only if one can be transformed into the other by a nite sequence of Reidemeister moves or deformations of the diagram that do not destroy or create crossings as they are performed [3, Theorem 1.7]. The Quattro Knot Moving back to the puzzle, we wish to show that if the strings are in fact too short to t around each others rings, then any solution of the puzzle must involve passing a loop around its own ring. We begin by showing that the Quattro link of Figure 1 cannot be unlinked without a Reidemeister move involving a wire component. Consider the Quattro knot, whose diagram is also shown in that gure. We form this knot by cutting the strings of the Quattro puzzle, removing the rings and attaching each cut end of string to its neighbor. The important property of this knot is that it displays the exact same crossings as the Quattro link inside dashed circles in Figure 4. The portions of the diagrams inside these disks are exactly the same, any Reidemeister move performed inside the disk on the puzzle diagram has a corresponding move on the knot diagram. Additionally, it makes sense to speak of entire sequences of Reidemeister moves occurring within these disks, because if we perform one such move, then all of the arcs resulting from that move lie within the dashed circle on the new diagram. 5

Figure 4: The same knotting Since the diagram for the unlinked Quattro link contains no string-string crossings, any sequence of Reidemeister moves unlinking it must have a Reidemeister move involving a crossing within the dashed circle. If this move does not involve wire, then it must occur entire within the dashed circle. Thus, if the Quattro link could be unlinked without wire strands participating in any moves, then it could be unlinked by a sequence of moves within the dashed circle. Performing the corresponding moves on the Quattro knot diagram would unknot it. Therefore, all that remains to show is that the Quattro knot is not equivalent to the unknot (the knot consisting of a circle without any knotting). Showing directly that a given knot is not the unknot is usually dicult. Indeed how could one possibly prove that there is no sequence of Reidemeister moves that unknots the Quattro knot? One way to do this is by using a property called tricolorability. We say that a link diagram is tricolorable if each segment in the diagram can be colored by one of three colors in such a way that, 1. At each crossing, either all three colors meet or only one color is present. 2. At least 2 of the three colors are used. 6

Figure 5: A tricoloring of the trefoil knot Figure 5 shows a tricoloring of a diagram for the trefoil knot. The most important fact about the property of tricolorability is that if diagrams D and D represent equivalent links, then either both D and D are tricolorable or neither is, as the following theorem asserts. For another discussion of tricolorability and some examples of its uses in knot theory, see Section 1.5 of [1]. Theorem 1. If D and D are diagrams corresponding to equivalent links, then D is tricolorable if and only if D is tricolorable. This theorem allows us to regard tricolorability as a property of links themselves. We say that a link is tricolorable if one (and therefore all) of its diagrams is tricolorable. Its proof relies on the fact that since D and D represent equivalent links, they are related by a nite sequence of diagrams, D = D0 D1 D1 Dn1 Dn = D with each Di diering from Di+i by a single Reidemeister move. If we can show that a diagram diering by a single Reidemeister move from a tricolorable diagram is itself tricolorable, then starting o with D tricolorable would imply that every diagram in the above sequence is tricolorable. Since D is the last diagram in this sequence, it would be tricolorable. Similarly, if we started with D tricolorable, then running the sequence of Reidemeister 7

Figure 6: Tricoloring preserved move backwards would show that D is tricolorable also. Proving that a performing a Reidemeister move on a tricolorable diagram results in another tricolorable diagram requires the analysis of several cases. One takes the Reidemeister moves one at a time. For each move, one must consider all of the possible ways that the segments involved in the move could be colored in a tricoloring of the initial diagram. Then, one must produce a coloring of the resulting diagram that is a tricoloring. Let us take Type 2, and indicate the colors by solid, dashed, and dotted shading of the strands. The left hand diagram of Figure 6 shows one possible way the strands may be colored as a result of a tricoloring. The right hand diagram shows a candidate for how to color the strands resulting from the Reidemeister move. First, we see that this assignment of color actually gives a coloring of the diagram, because the strands leaving the modied section of the diagram after the move have the same color as the ones leaving that section before the move. Secondly, the new crossings of the diagram satisfy condition (1) of a coloring, and since there are no other additional crossings in the new diagram, the entire coloring of the new diagram satises (1) of the tricoloring conditions. Finally, since there are two colors visible in the diagram, the proposed coloring satises requirement (2) and is therefore a tricoloring. There are other ways in which the initial diagram could be tricolored, and to prove the theorem each one must be considered in the above fashion. To complete the proof, we would have to analyze a Type 2 move going in the other direction (producing two new crossings) and we would have to analyze 8

Figure 7: Tricoloring the Quattro knot both directions of the other two Reidemeister moves. In each case, it is possible to dene a tricoloring on the resulting diagram, which nishes the proof that Reidemeister moves cannot destroy tricolorability. As explained above, this nishes the proof that two diagrams representing equivalent links are either both or neither tricolorable. To use tricolorability to show that the Quattro knot is not equivalent to the unknot, we rst note that the unknot is not tricolorable. This is because the unknot possesses a diagram without any crossings at all. This diagram is denitely not tricolorable, since it can not be colored by using more than one color. On the other hand, Figure 7 gives a tricoloring of a diagram for the Quattro knot. If the Quattro knot were equivalent to the unknot, then Theorem 1 would imply that the unknot is tricolorable, which is a contradiction. Therefore, the Quattro knot is not equivalent to the unknot, which nishes the proof that any sequence of Reidemeister moves unlinking the link of Figure 1 must have a move that involves a wire strand. Solving Quattro The previous section focused on our abstract model of the puzzle, the Quattro link, and we found that a Reidemeister move involving wire is necessary to unlink it. We again move back to the physical puzzle

and see what we can conclude about it from this fact about its abstract model. Suppose that the rings of the puzzle are too large to pass completely through each others string loops. Doing nothing but passing rings partially through loops other than their own in the physical puzzle leads immediately to a dead end with no slack string left for any movement at all. Passing rings over and under strings without passing through any loops likewise either knots the puzzle or has no eect on the knotted strings in the middle. So, if a solution of the puzzle is to include a wire-string move, then it must include at least one move of a ring partially or completely through its own string. Solving the puzzle without any wire-string moves would give an unlinking of the Quattro link whose corresponding Reidemeister moves involve no wire strands. Since this is impossible, any solution of the puzzle must involve a wire-string move. As mentioned above, the physical constraints of the puzzle lead to the conclusion any solution must involve passing a ring at least partially through its own loop. While this information does certainly not solve the puzzle, it at least guides the solve very strongly down the path towards a correct solution, as the crux move of the solution is to pass a loop around its own ring while manipulating the other the strings around that ring just enough to give the string in question enough slack to pass around its own ring. Conclusion The above discussion is one example of how topological disentanglement puzzles can be analyzed by interpreting the geometric constraints as constraints on which Reidemeister moves are allowable on a diagram of the puzzle. Ideally, this allows one to rephrase the problem as an ordinary knot theory problem about determining whether or not two knots or links are equivalent. This part of the problem is usually resolved with one or another of the available knot or link invariants such as tricolorability or the Jones polynomial. As we saw in the analysis of the Quattro puzzle, the physical constraints apparent in the actual puzzle come to play in deciding which con-


straints to impose on the Reidemeister moves as well in determining what conclusions about the abstract model tell about the physical puzzle. This interplay is unavoidable in disentanglement puzzles in which some of the constraints are formed by the physical sizes and exibilities of the pieces of the puzzle. There exists a wealth of disentanglement puzzles that could benet from this kind of analysis. Two that come to mind are the two variants on Quattro known as Duplo (which has three strings but only two rings) and Three Ring Ruccus (which is essentially Quattro with only three rings and three strings). Another possible application of this method might be in answering Louis Kaumans question of how many wire-string crossing changes are actually necessary to solve the Chinese Rings puzzle [2]. Acknowledgment I would like to thank Stan Isaacs for a useful discussion about this puzzle and its solutions, and I would like to thank the referees for this paper for pointing out a website posting the solution to Quattro.

[1] Colin C. Adams, The knot book, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2004. Loius H. Kauman, Tangle complexity and the topology of the Chinesee rings, Mathematical approaches to biomolecular structure and dynamics (Minneapolis, MN, 1994), IMA Vol. Math. Appl., vol. 82, Springer, New Yorak, 1996, pp. 110. V. V. Prasolov and A. B. Sossinsky, Knots, links braids and 3manifolds, Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol 154, American Mathematical Society, Providenct, RI, 1997. Allen J. Schwenk, Which rectangular chessboards have a knights tour?, this Magazine, 64 (1991), 325332. 11




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