Personal Strategic Planning
Personal Strategic Planning
Personal Strategic Planning
Strategic thinking is an ongoing process, not something you do once and then abandon. Therefore, the process allows you to adapt to change. 2. Change is given, not a choice. The choice you have is whether or not you want to influence the change. 3. You cannot predict the future, but you can influence it by creating a vision statement. 4. The future is not what is used to be. At one time , the immediate future looked very much like the present. Today change is so rapid that even the immediately future can be very different from present. 5. There are no permanent solutions, only temporary ones. 6. Any opportunities you fail to take may never come your way again. 7. Decision making includes action.
8. You cannot do everything at once. 9. The most difficult decision you make today will not affect you until tomorrow. A strategic decision will not have a major impact on todays activities, but it will place you in a position of leverage whereby you can influence tomorrows activities. 10. Without a vision of the future, a person becomes directionless Notes:
COLLECTING INFORMATION FOR YOUR VISION AND MISSION STATEMENTS To collect information to be used in creating your vision and mission statements, write answer to the following four questions: 1. List some core values that been important to you throughout your life.
Understand what it is that will make me happy, Revel in my individuality and do not worry about whether or not my desires are comparable to those of my peers. To Have a Balanced Lifestyle which includes the combination of physical, mental, social/emotional and material.
3. Describe the career you want and the professional person you aspire become.
The career which would allow me to put my creative and innovative talents to work in a larger capacity.
4. Describe your distinctive competency*.
Focus - Focus on the things that are important to me, and not to do the extraneous stuff. Its a discipline that doesnt come too naturally to most of us.
* Your distinctive competency is the quality or attribute that distinguishes you from people and make you unique. You might want to think of it as your most significant character skill or ability
CREATING YOUR VISION STATEMENT How would you like to see yourself three to five years from now? Your next task is to write a statement of what you envision for yourself.
Ford and Lippitt (1998) describe how to approach the process of creating a vision statement:
While working on your vision, try to suspend you internal critics as well as any inclination to be modest or prudent. At this point dont concern yourself with whether your vision is achievable. This is a time to entertain of greatness, to reach as far as your desires will take you.
Use the space below to describe your desired future in general terms. Write about three or four sentences.
I want to see myself more knowledgeable, more talented and experienced person. I want to be an asset of the organization and an efficient employee who will be more competent in skills and the organization would not want to lose me in any circumstances. Basically at a stage where I feel that I am successful.
WRITING YOUR MISSION STATEMENT, FIRST DRAFT Before you being work on a mission statement, review the following ten criteria and make notes about item to include in your own statement. Ten Criteria for Evaluating Mission Statement* Your Mission Statement Should: 1. Be Clear and understandable to others.
6. Be broad enough to allow flexibility in implementation- but not so broad that it lacks focus. 7. Serve as a guide for making personal and career decisions.
10. Serve as a source of energy for you. *From Applied Strategic Planning: A Comprehensive Guide (p.188) by L.D.Goodstein, T.M. Nolan, and J.W. Pfeffer, 1992 san Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company. Adapted by permission. ** Think of your mission statement as your vision made realistic Write a rough draft of your mission statement, keeping in mind the ten criteria on the previous page
WRITING YOUR MISSION STATEMENT, FINAL DRAFT Now write a final draft of your mission statement.
DEVISING GOAL AND STRATEGIES TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION After you have written the final draft of your mission statement, you are ready to develop goals and strategies. A goal is an objective the leads to achieving some portion of your vision. It must be consistent not only with your values and your mission statement but also with any other goals that you set. A goal is much more specific that your vision or even your mission statement. For example, if your vision includes Having a successful career in graphic design, then one of your goal may be In the next two years, complete (with a grade of at least B) the one unit course entitled Photoshop for publications through the University of California at San Diego Extension. Note the details included in the goal: a time limit (in the next two years), a criterion for success (with a final grade of at least B), the amount of credit eared on completion of the course (one unit), the specific title of the course (the University of California at San Diego Extension). It is easy to see how realizing even one portion of your vision may require many such goals.
STRATEGIES A strategy is a method or technique for achieving a goal. Just as realizing your vision will require setting a number of goals, achieving a single goal may require using a number of strategies. For example, achieving the goal of attending the course in Photoshop may necessitate such strategies as changing job hours to accommodate course work, making arrangement to carpool to and from the course with coworker, arranging for a babysitter to watch the children so that evening classes can be attended, and so on The structure on the following page will help you to become acquainted with the procedure of sitting goals and devising strategies to achieve those goals. For the purpose of this activity, select three goals in connection with realizing some component of your vision and outline the strategies necessary for achieving those goals. (Note: to achieve all components of your vision, you need to repeat this procedure for each component.)
Firstly identifying the skill set, grabbing the right opportunity, continuous learning & improvement.
When the above mentioned is achieved then everything else falls in place like Money, New House, Car and all luxuries....