Activities Related To Earth Day: Reading & Listening
Activities Related To Earth Day: Reading & Listening
Activities Related To Earth Day: Reading & Listening
Reading & Listening 1. Why is the Earth important to us? 1. Earth Day is on .. of April. A. 22nd B. 23rd C. 24th
4. Earth Day is celebrated A. In the USA B. In the UK C. All over the world
2. Read the text and complete the sentences in your own words. Then, explain the words in bold. 1. The Senator got the idea about Earth Day because 2. The first thing Senator Nelson did was 3. Some of the problems that Earth faces are .. 4. On Earth Day people
3. Think of appropriate heading for each paragraph. Speaking 4. Give a short speech about Earth Day to the class. Explain how and when it started, what people do on that day and why it is important to celebrate such a day.
Did you know that our planet has a special day? Every year, on the 22nd of April, we celebrate Earth Day. On this day, we remind ourselves and others how precious the Earth is and how important is to look after it.
Earth Day was the idea of American Senator, Gaylord Nelson. The Senator was a sensitive man who couldnt bear watching our planet suffer. Rivers and seas were getting dirty, many of our plants and animals were becoming extinct and not many people knew. Therefore, he decided to take action and create a special day to remind everyone that we need to take care of the Earth.
The Senator started by writing letters to colleges, to inform students and teachers about his campaign. He also wrote an article for Scholastic Magazines presesnting his idea about the special day he was planning. He hoped that young people around the country would react positively. Fortunately, they did !
As a result, on Aprilie 22, 1970, 20 milion people across America celebrated the first Earth Day. People all over the country made promises to respect and look after the environment. Since then, Earth Day has been celebrated all over the planet.
Today, on Earth Day people organise fund-raising events, such as concerts, contests, parades, festivals, tree-planting excursions and cleanup campaigns. Children design and make objects at school, such as bird feeders and earth day wreaths and all of us promise to try to turn every day into Earth Day!
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Project: Milk Cartoon Bird Feeder You will need : an empty milk or juice carton strong string scrissors 2 sticks or wooden rods bird seed
What to do : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wash and dry the carton. Cut a square hole in each side. Make smaller holes below each square. Push your sticks or rods through the small holes. Fill the bottom of the carton with seeds. Tie your feeder to a tree branch with string.