E D Is The Name Given To Two Different Annual Observances That Are
E D Is The Name Given To Two Different Annual Observances That Are
E D Is The Name Given To Two Different Annual Observances That Are
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on the 22nd April, on which events
are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. In the
United States, Earth Day is celebrated by most people on April 22, but there is
another celebration that predates that one by approximately a month and is
celebrated internationally. Earth day has been taking place every year since 1970, not
only at the USA, but also at many European countries.
The first Earth Day celebration took place on March 21, 1970, the vernal equinox that
year. It was the brainchild of John McConnell, a newspaper publisher and influential
community activist, who proposed the idea of a global holiday called Earth Day at a
UNESCO Conference on the Environment in 1969.
McConnell suggested an annual observance to remind the people of Earth of their
shared responsibility as environmental stewards. He chose that day because it’s a
day of renewal. McConnell believed that Earth Day should be a time of equilibrium
when people could put aside their differences and recognize their common need to
preserve Earth’s resources.
In 1995, Nelson received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Bill
Clinton for his role in founding Earth Day, raising awareness of environmental issues,
and promoting environmental action.
1. Answer the questions in your own words but taking into account
the information previously provided.
3. REPHRASING. Look at
the underlined sentences.
Then, try to rewrite them
in your own words.