Disabled Child Educational Psychology

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A. Background Basically every child has the potential to experience problems in learning, only problem is there are mild and require no special attention from others because it can be resolved solely by the child in question and there is also a problem learning get severe enough to need attention and assistance from others . Exceptional child or called as a child with special needs (children with special needs), does not always have problems in learning. However, when they done interaction together with other kids my age in the regular education system, there are certain things that should get special attention from teachers and schools to obtain an optimal learning results. Learning for children with special needs (student with special needs) requires a separate strategy in accordance with their needs - each. In the preparation of the learning program for each field of study the class teacher should already have your personal data each participant students. Personal data that is associated with specific characteristics, abilities and weakness, competence, and the level of its development. Specific characteristics of the student with special needs generally associated with functional developmental level. Specific Characteristics include the development of sensory motor, cognitive, language ability, skills self, self-concept, social interaction skills and creativity. To know clearly about the characteristics of each student, a teacher prior to screening or assessment in order to know clearly about the competence of the learners themselves concerned. The goal is that when the learning has been thought memprogamkan mengenbai yanag form of learning strategies is considered suitable. Here is the process of assessment activities to determine the capabilities and weaknesses of individual learners in terms of cognitive development and social progress, through sensitive observation.

This activity usually requires the use of a standard or special instrument made by the classroom teacher. Model of learning for learners with special needs that we be prepared by teachers in schools, in the addressed so that learners are able to interact on a social environment. Lessons are arranged in particular through selfextracting ability learners based on competency-based curriculum.

Competence consists of four domains that need to be measured include physical competence, affective competencies, competency everyday and academic competence. This paper will discuss about learners with exceptionalities. B. Problem Formulations 1. What is the definition of learners with exceptionalities or children with special needs? 2. How does the type and characteristics of learners with exceptionalities or children with special needs? 3. How can learning strategies for learners with exceptionalities or children with special needs? C. Purpose 1. To explaining the definition of learners with exceptionalities or children with special needs. 2. To identify types and characteristics of learners with exceptionalities or children with special needs. 3. To describes learning strategies for learners with exceptionalities or children with special needs.


A. Definition of Learners with Exceptionalities (Children with Special Needs) Children with special needs (Heward) is a child with special characteristics that differ from children in general without always showing the inability of mental, emotional or physical. Children with special needs are children who have a significantly abnormalities / deviations (physical, mental, intellectual , social, and emotional) in the growth and development process compared with other children their age and require special education services. Children with special needs (Heward) is a child with special characteristics that differ from children in general without always showing the inability of mental, emotional or physical (Anonymousa, 2011). Children with Special Needs (ABK) is another term for replacing the word "Extraordinary Child (ALB)" indicating specific abnormalities. Children with special needs have different characteristics from each other. Because the characteristics and constraints being owned, ABK require any form of special education services are tailored to the abilities and potential, for example, they require modification for the blind reading text into Braille and hearing impairments to communicate using sign language . Children usually attend special berkebutuan School Extraordinary (SLB) in accordance with their respective specialty. SLB part A for the visually impaired, special schools for the deaf part B, part C to tunagrahita SLB, SLB part D for a quadriplegic, section E for tunalaras SLB and SLB section G for a double defect (Suryaningsih, 2011). According to Anonymousb (2011), educators at all levels refer to special needs students as those with exceptionalities. In general, exceptionalities fall in six broad categories:

Intellectual. This includes students who have superior intelligence as well as those who are slow to learn.


Communicative. These students have special learning disabilities or speech or language impairments.

3. 4.

Sensory. Sensory-grouped students have auditory or visual disabilities. Behavioral. These students are emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted.

5. 6.

Physical. This includes students with orthopedic or mobility disabilities. Multiple. These students have a combination of conditions, such as orthopedically challenged and visually impaired.

B. Types and Characteristics of Learners with Exceptionalities Learners with exceptionalities consists of two group are learners with exceptionalities temporary and learners with exceptionalities permanent. According to Suryaningsih (2011), the learners with exceptionalities permanent consists of : 1. Tunagrahita (Mental retardation) There are several definitions of tunagrahita, among others: a. American Association on Mental Deficiency (AAMD) in B3PTKSM, (p. 20) defines mental retardation / tunagrahita as a disorder that includes a general intellectual functioning below the average (subaverage), which is down 84 IQ test based on the individual; that appears before age 16 years; and show barriers in adaptive behavior. b. Japan League for Mentally Retarded (1992: p.22) in B3PTKSM (p. 2022) in Suryaningsih (2011), defines mental retardation / intellectual functions tunagrahita is slow, ie IQ below 70 to the test based on raw intelligence; deficiencies in adaptive behavior, and occurs in developmental period, ie between the time of conception until the age of 18. c. The New Zealand Society for the Intellectually Handicapped tunagrahita expressed about is that someone said to tunagrahita if intelligence is clearly below the average and takes place during development and stunted in behavioral adaptation to the social environment.

d. tunagrahita definition published by the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR). In the early 60's, tunagrahita referring to the limitations of general intellectual functioning and limitations in adaptive skills. Include adaptive skills areas: communication, self care, home living, social skills, socialization, self control, functional academics, leisure, and work. According to this definition, ketunagrahitaan appear before the age of 18. e. According to Anonymousa (2011), tunagrahita are individuals who have the intelligence which was significantly below average and is accompanied by the inability of the adaptive behaviors that appear in their infancy. Learning for individuals tunagrahita much more emphasized on the ability of self coached and socialization . f. According to WHO a tunagrahita has two essential that intellectual functioning significantly below average and the inability to adjust to the norms and demands was prevailing in society. As for how to identify a child including tunagrahita namely through some indications as follows: a. Physical appearance is not balanced, for example the head is too small / large, b. c. d. e. f. Unable to take care of itself according to age, Development of speech / language delayed. None / not at all concerned with the environment (the view is empty), Coordination of movement is less (often uncontrolled movement), Often out saliva (fluid) from the mouth (drool).

According to Anonymousa (2011), tunagrahita types based on the level of IQ consist of: a. tunagrahita mild (IQ: 51-70), b. tunagrahita moderate (IQ: 36-51), c. tunagrahita severe (IQ: 20-35), d. tunagrahita very severe (IQ below 20).

2. Tunalaras (Emotional or behavioral annoyance) Tunalaras are individuals who experience barriers in controlling emotions and social control. tunalaras individuals usually show deviant behavior that is inconsistent with the prevailing norms and rules around it. Tunalaras can be caused by internal factors and external factors that influence from the surrounding environment. According to Eli M. Bower (1981) in Suryaningsih (2011), children with emotional barriers or behavior annoyance, if demonstrated the presence of one or more of the following five components: a. Not able to learn not because the factor of intellectual, sensory or health. b. c. d. Not able to make good relationships with friends and teachers. Acting or feeling out of place. In general, they are always in a state of pervasive and not encouraging or depression. e. Tendency toward physical symptoms: pain or fear associated with people or problems at school. Children have emotional and behavioral annoyance can also be identified through the following indications: a. b. c. d. Rebellious, Easily aroused emotions, Often aggressive action, Often act violates social norms / moral norms / laws.

3. Deaf Deaf are individuals who have barriers in hearing both permanent and non permanent. According to Suryaningsih (2011), classification of hearing impairment based on the level of hearing loss are: a. b. c. d. Very mild hearing loss (27-40dB), Mild hearing loss (41-55dB), Hearing loss is (56-70dB), Severe hearing loss (71-90dB),


Extreme hearing loss / deafness (above 91dB). Because it has a bottleneck in the hearing of deaf individuals have

barriers in speaking. How to communicate with individuals using sign language , for the alphabet has been internationally patented finger while to sign languages vary in each country. Currently being developed in some schools the total communication is a way of communicating with the involvement of verbal language, sign language and body language. Individuals with hearing impairments tend to difficulties in understanding the concept of something abstract. According to Suryaningsih (2011), the characteristics of children with hearing loss (deaf) are: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Not able to hear, Late language development, Often using signs to communicate, Less / no response when spoken to, Greeting words are not clear, Quality sound weird / monotonous, Often tilted his head in an effort to hear, A lot of attention to vibration, Exit pus from both ears, There are organic ear abnormalities.

4. Blind (Partially seing and legally blind) Blind are individuals who have barriers in sight. visual impairment can be classified into two groups, namely: total blindness (Blind) and low vision . Definition of Blind People by Kaufman & Hallahan in Suryaningsih (2011) are individuals who have weak eyesight or accuracy of vision less than 6 / 60 after corrected or no longer have a vision. Because the blind have some vision keterbataan in the process of learning emphasizes on the other senses is the sense of touch and hearing senses. Hence the principle that must be considered in providing instruction to individuals with visual impairments is the medium used

should be tactual and sound , for example, is the use of braille text , images arise, the object model and real object. while the media's silence is a tape recorder and software JAWS . To help visually impaired physical activities outside their regular school to learn about Orientation and Mobility . Orientation and Mobility of them learn how blind people find places and directions and how to use a white cane (blind special stick made of aluminum). According to Suryaningsih (2011), the characteristics of children who have visual impairment: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Not able to see, Not able to recognize people at a distance of 6 meters, Significant damage in both eyes, Often meraba-raba/tersandung running time, Have difficulty taking small objects nearby, Part of the eyeball that muddy color black / besisik / dry, Hold sway eyes.

5. Quadriplegic (physical disability) Quadriplegic are individuals who have movement disorders caused by abnormalities of neuro-muscular and bone structures are innate, illness or accident, including cerebral palsy , amputation , polio , and paralytic . Rate at a quadriplegic is a mild disorder that has limited activity in physical can still be improved through therapy, which have the limitation of being impaired motor coordination and sensory, which has limited the total weight of the physical movements and not able to control physical movements(Anonymousa, 2011). According to Suryaningsih (2011), the characteristics of children who have abnormalities of the limbs of the body / gesture: a. b. Members of the rigid body motion / weakness / paralysis, Difficulties in the movement (not perfect, do not bending / not controlled),


There are parts of limbs that are not complete / incomplete / smaller than usual,

d. e. f.

There are defects in the limbs, Fingers stiff and can not be grasped, Difficulty in standing / walking / sitting, and showed abnormal posture,


Hyperactive / can not be calm.

6. Multiple Handicapped According to Johnston & Magrab in Suryaningsih (2011), tunaganda are those who have developmental abnormalities include groups who have neurological development constraints caused by one or two combinations of abnormalities in abilities such as intelligence, movement, language, or personal relationships in the community. Walker (1975) in Suryaningsih (2011) argues about tunaganda as follows: a. Someone with two barriers, each of which requires special education services. b. c. A person with multiple barriers that require technology services. Someone with the barriers that require special modifications.

7. Learning Disabilities Children with learning disabilities are individuals who have hearing in one or more basic psychological skills that include understanding and use of language, speaking and writing that can affect the ability to think, reading, arithmetic , speaking due to impaired perception , brain injury , minimal brain dysfunction , dislexia , and aphasia development. Individual learning difficulties have an IQ average or above average, impaired motor-motor perception, impaired motor coordination, impaired sense of direction and space and the concept of developmental delay. Learning disabled students are those who demonstrate a significant discrepancy, which is not the result of some other handicap, between academic achievement and intellectual abilities in one or more of the areas of oral expression, listening comprehension,

written expression, basic reading skills, mathematical calculation, mathematics (Anonymousc, 2011).

reading comprehension, reasoning, or spelling

According to Suryaningsih (2011), the characteristics of children experiencing learning difficulties in reading, writing and arithmetic : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Children who experience reading difficulties (dyslexia) The development of reading skills is too late, The ability to understand the content of low readings, If reading is often a lot of mistakes . Children who have trouble counting (diskalkula). Difficult to distinguish the signs: +, -, x,:,>, <, = Difficult to operate the count / number. Often one count with the sequence. Often one distinguishes the number 9 with 6, 17 to 71, 2 to 5, 3 to 8, and so forth. j. Difficult to distinguish wake-up geometry.

Following is a list of some of the common indicators of learning disabled students. These traits are usually not isolated ones; rather, they appear in varying degrees and amounts in most learning disabled students. According to Anonymousc (2011), a learning disabled student : a. b. c. d. e. Has poor auditory memoryboth short term and long term. Has a low tolerance level and a high frustration level. Has a weak or poor self-esteem. Is easily distractible. Finds it difficult, if not impossible, to stay on task for extended periods of time. f. g. h. i. Is spontaneous in expression; often cannot control emotions. Is easily confused. Is verbally demanding. Has some difficulty in working with others in small or large group settings.



Has difficulty in following complicated directions or remembering directions for extended periods of time.

k. l.

Has coordination problems with both large and small muscle groups. Has inflexibility of thought; is difficult to persuade otherwise.

m. Has poor handwriting skills. n. Has a poor concept of time.

8. Gifted and Talented (Giftedness and special talents) According to Milgram, RM (1991:10) in Suryaningsih (2011), gifted children are those who have an IQ score of 140 or more as measured by the instrument Stanford Binet (Terman, 1925 in Suryaningsih, 2011), has a high creativity (Guilford, 1956 in Suryaningsih, 2011), the ability to lead and ability in the arts of drama, art dance and fine arts (Marlan, 1972 in Suryaningsih, 2011). According to Suryaningsih (2011), gifted children have four categories, as follows: a. Have the intellectual ability or intelligence as a whole, refers to the ability to think abstractly and are able to solve problems in a systematic and sensible. b. Special intellectual abilities, referring to the different abilities in mathematics, foreign languages, music, or natural science. c. Creative thinking or pure holistic thinking. In general, able to think to solve problems that are not common and require a high thinking. d. Having a special creative talent, are original and different from the others. The four categories above, then the gifted children are those who have superior abilities in terms of intellectual, technical, aesthetic, social, physical (Freemen, J. 1975 in Suryaningsih 2011), academic, psychomotor and psychosocial (Sisk, 1987 in Amin , M. 1996 in Suryaningsih, 2011). The characteristics of gifted children or children who have the intelligence and outstanding ability : a. b. Read at a younger age, Read faster and more numerous,



Having an extensive vocabulary : I. II. Having a strong curiosity, The possession of broad interests, also to the problem of adults,

d. e.

Having their own initiative and can berkeja, Demonstrate authenticity (originality) in verbal expression. Example, giving good answers

f. g. h. i. j. k.

Can provide a lot of ideas, Flexible in its thinking is available to stimuli from the environment, Having a keen observation, Can concentrate for long periods of time, especially against tasks or areas of interest, Critical thinking, as well as to yourself, I. II. Happy to try new things, Having the power of abstraction, conceptualization, and synthesis of high, III. Glad to intellectual and problem-solving activities,


Quickly capture the relationship sebabakibat,

m. Behavior directed at the goal, n. Having a strong power of imagination or having a lot of passion (hobby). o. Having a strong memory, I. II. III. Not satisfied with his achievements, Sensitive (sensitive) and using hunches (intuition), Wanted freedom of movement and action.

9. Autistic Children Autism Syndrome is a disorder caused by the inability of language barriers caused by damage to the brain. The symptoms of autism according to Delay & Deinaker (1952) and Marholin & Philips (1976) in Suryaningsih (2011), among others:



Sleep happy idleness or sitting alone, looking indifferent, pale face, and eyes glazed and is always looking down.

b. c.

Always quiet at all times. If you have questions about it, the answer is very slowly in a monotone, then with a strange voice would tell him with a few words and then shut out again.

d. e. f.

Never asked, did not show any fear and dislike him. There does not appear cheerful. Do not care about the environment, except in things he likes.

In general, children with autism have abnormalities in speech, and intellectual abnormalities of nerve function, It can be seen by the incongruity of behavior and inability to interact with the surrounding environment. 10. Hyperactive (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder with) Hyperactive is not a disease but a symptom or symptoms. (Batshaw & Perret, 1986: 261 in Suryaningsih, 2011). Symptoms occur due to factors of brain damage, an emotional disturbance, a hearing deficit or mental retardaction. Today many of the medical community still refer to the term child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (Jaunty , P. 2004 in Suryaningsih, 2011). C. Learning Strategies for Learners with Exceptionalities Children with special needs (ABK), there are two groups, namely: ABK transient (temporary) and permanent (fixed). The category that includes temporary crew include: children who are in socio-economic strata layer at the bottom, street children (springy), children victims of natural disasters, children in border areas and in remote islands, as well as children children who are victims of HIV-AIDS. While the permanent crew category are children with visual impairment, hearing impairment, tunagrahita, quadriplegic, tunalaras, Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficiency Disorders and Hiperactivity), Children's Learning Berkesulitan, talented and very intelligent child (Gifted), and others.


To handle these ABK in the setting of inclusive education in Indonesia, would require a special strategy. Education has a sense of inclusion varied. Stainback and Stainback (1990) argued that: school inclusion is a school that caters to all students in the same class. This school provides education programs viable, challenging, but according to the abilities and needs of each student, as well as help and support can be provided by teachers that children succeed. More than that, school inclusion is also a place every child can be accepted, become part of the class, and help each other with teachers and peers, as well as other community members so that individual needs can be met. Furthermore, Staub and Peck (1995) states that: education inclusion is the placement of children with disabilities are mild, moderate, and severe in full in the regular classroom. This suggests that the regular classroom is a place of learning that are relevant for children with disabilities, however any type of disorder and gradation. Meanwhile, Sapon-Shevin (O'Neil, 1995 in Suryaningsih, 2011) states that the inclusion of education as an educational service system which requires that all children with disabilities served at nearby schools, in the regular classroom peers together. Therefore, the emphasis of school reform, so that a community that supports the specific needs of each child, so that learning resources be adequate and have the support of all parties, namely the students, teachers, parents, and the surrounding communities. Through inclusive education, children with disabilities are educated together other children (normal) to optimize its potential (Freiberg, 1995 in Suryaningsih, 2011). This is underpinned by the fact that in society there are normal children and children with disabilities that can not be separated as a community. In this case, there are four main strategies applied by the government, namely: the legislation that states guarantee to every citizen of Indonesia (including temporary and permanent ABK) to obtain educational services, enter the aspects of flexibility and accessibility into the formal education system on track , nonformal, and informal. In addition, applying


information technology-based education and communication (ICT) and optimize the role of teacher. According to Suryaningsih (2011), some learning strategies for children with special needs or learners with exceptionalities: 1. Strategies of Learning for Children with Visual Impairment Learning strategy is basically the exact and optimal utilization of all components involved in the learning process that includes objectives, subject matter, media, methods, students, teachers, learning environment and evaluation so that the learning process are operating effectively and efficiently. Some things that can be used as a material consideration in determining learning strategies, among others: a. Based on the processing of the message there are two strategies that deductive learning strategies and induktf. b. Based on the processing of messages ekspositorik and heuristic learning strategies. c. Under arrangements with the teacher is a teacher of learning strategies and teams. d. Based on the number of students is a classical strategy, small groups and individually. e. Beradsarkan interaction strategies that teachers and students face to face, and through the media. In addition to the strategies mentioned above, there are other strategies that can be applied to the strategy of individualization, cooperative and behavior modification. 2. Strategies of Learning for Gifted Children Learning strategies that suit the needs of gifted children denagan will encourage the child to excel. Things that must be considered in meneentukan learning strategies are: a. b. Learning must be colored with the speed and level of complexity. Not only develop the intellect alone but also to develop emotional intelligence.



Oriented modification of the process, content and products.

Service models that are biased given to gifted children is a model of cognitive-affective development services, values, morals, creativity and specialized field. 3. Strategies of Learning for Children Tunagrahita Strategies tunagrahita lightweight children's learning in public schools will learn different strategies tunagrahita children studying in special schools. Strategies that can be used in teaching children tunagrahita among others; a. b. c. Learning strategies diindividualisasikan Cooperative strategy Behavior modification strategies

4. Strategies of Learning for Children Quadriplegic The strategy applied bias for a quadriplegic child is through organizing educational places, as follows: a. b. c. Educational integration (integrated) Education segresi (separate) Structuring the learning environment

5. Strategies of Learning for Children Tunalaras To provide services to children tunalaras, Kauffman (1985) in Suryaningsih (2011) models suggest the following approach; a. b. c. d. Biogenetic model Behavioral models / behaviors Psychodynamic models Ecological model

6. Strategies of Learning for Children with Learning Disabilities a. Learners disabilities reading is through program delivery and remedial teaching b. Learners disabilities writing is through remedial accordance with an error rate.



Learners disabilities counting is remidi namely through a systematic program in accordance with the order of the concrete, semi-concrete and abstract levels.

7. Strategies of Learning for Children with Hearing Impairment Strategies commonly used for children with hearing impairment include: strategy deductive, inductive, heuristic, ekspositorik, classical, group, individual, cooperative and behavior modification. Heuristic learning strategies are learning strategies as opposed to expository learning strategies for learners in this strategy given the opportunity to also influence dominant in the learning process. This strategy to deal with aspects of the instructional components of the system leads to the activation of learners seek and find its own facts, principles, and concepts that they need. In the heuristic strategy first teacher directs students to the selected data, then learners make the conclusions based on these data. When the right conclusion, achieved the purpose of this learning strategy and the process ends. Conversely, if the conclusion is wrong, teachers can provide new data to the students acquire the appropriate conclusions. In this strategy simply directs and guides teachers to find their own learners steeplechase. Heuristic learning strategy is a strategy to deal with aspects of ariforming components of the instructional system leads to activation of the learners, seeking and finding its own facts, pinsip and concepts that they need. Presentation techniques that parallels this is inquiry learning strategies (inquiry), problem solving (problem solving), experiment, discovery (discovery), nondirektif techniques, presentation of a case, field work and presentation techniques. Expository learning strategies are learning strategies shaped decomposition, either material or presentation of written or verbal explanations. Teachers explained fully before processing the material presented in class. This learning strategy to deal with all aspects of the components forming the system led to the arrival instructional content to


students directly. In this strategy teachers play a very dominant, while the students play a very passive ataumenerima only. Lesson presentation techniques that parallel with this strategy is the technique of lecture, discussion techniques, techniques of mass interaction, inter-disciplinary engineering, simulation techniques, technique demonstrations, and team teaching techniques (Admin, 2010). According to Slavin cooperative learning is the learning done in groups, students in a class made small groups consisting of 4 to 5 people to understand the concept facilitated by the teacher. Cooperative learning model is a model of learning by setting small groups by taking into account the diversity of members of the group as a forum for students to work together and solve a problem through social interaction with their peers, providing the opportunity for students to learn something well at the same time and he became speaker for another friend. So Cooperative learning is a learning model that promotes collaboration among students to achieve learning objectives (Yasa, 2008).



A. Conclusion Children with special needs (Heward) is a child with special characteristics that differ from children in general without always showing the inability of mental, emotional or physical. Children with special needs (ABK), there are two groups, namely: ABK transient (temporary) and permanent (fixed). The category that includes temporary crew include: children who are in socio-economic strata layer at the bottom, street children (springy), children victims of natural disasters, children in border areas and in remote islands, as well as children children who are victims of HIV-AIDS. While the permanent crew category are children with visual impairment, hearing impairment, tunagrahita, quadriplegic, tunalaras, Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficiency Disorders and Hiperactivity), Children's Learning disabilities, talented and very intelligent child (Gifted), and others. B. Suggestion This paper is not perfectly so the reader hopely search others literatures to complete this paper until perfectly. Its grammar maybe not too good, so the reader hopely correct again. If reader find others literatures, you can add in this paper.


Admin. 2010. Strategi Pembelajaran Berdasarkan Kegiatan Pengolahan Pesan atau Materi. http://education-mantap.blogspot.com/2010/12/strategipembelajaran-berdasarkan_06.html. Accessed on Monday October 17th 2011. Anonymousa. 2010. Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus. http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Anak_berkebutuhan_khusus. Accessed on Monday October 17th 2011. Anonymousb. 2011. Student with Exceptionalities. http://www.teachervision.fen. com/special-education/new-teacher/48459.html?detoured=1. Accessed on Monday October 17th 2011. Anonymousc. 2011. Teaching Student with Special Need. http:// www.teachervision.fen.com/special-education/new-teacher/48460.html? detoured=1. Accessed on Monday October 17th 2011. Suryaningsih, Ana. 2011. Strategi Pembelajaran Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus. http://blog.uin-malang.ac.id/ansur/2011/06/14/strategi-pembela jaran-bagi-anak-berkebutuhan-khusus/. Accessed on Monday October 17th 2011. Yasa, Doantara. 2008. Metode Pembelajaran Kooperatif. http://ipotes. wordpress.com/2008/05/10/metode-pembelajaran-kooperatif/. Accessed on Monday October 17th 2011.


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