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MoldWorks 2009 Tutorial September 2009

PROPRIETARY RIGHTS NOTICE: All rights reserved. No part of this material may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and recording or in connection with any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from R&B. The information in this document is subject change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by R&B. R&B assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a license.

Copyright 2000-2009 by R&B

All rights reserved R&B LTD. 32 Shaham Str. Petah Tikva 49170 ISRAEL

Chapter 1 1 Chapter 2 2

Table of Contents
1-1 2-1

Introduction Getting Started

2.1 Initial Mold Assembly...................................................................... 2-2 2.2 Initial Mold Base ............................................................................. 2-5 2.2.1 Coordinate system of Mold Base Creation ........................................ 2-5 2.2.2 Add Cavity Insert ............................................................................... 2-6 2.2.3 Add Slides .......................................................................................... 2-8 2.2.4 Initial Mold Base Creation ...............................................................2-11 2.3 Creating Standard Components................................................... 2-19 2.3.1 Create Screws ...................................................................................2-20 2.3.2 Create Core Pins (using the ejector menu).......................................2-28 2.3.3 Create Ejector Sleeves ......................................................................2-31 2.3.4 Create a Trimmed Ejector Pin..........................................................2-38 2.4 Cooling System ............................................................................ 2-42 2.4.1 Create a cooling cycle using a 3D sketch. ........................................2-42 2.5 Runners & Gates.......................................................................... 2-51 2.5.1 Insert Runner System ......................................................................2-51 2.5.2 Insert Gates ......................................................................................2-55 2.6 Collision Checking........................................................................ 2-58 2.7 Editing Tools................................................................................. 2-60 2.7.1 Modify Component Position .............................................................2-61 2.7.2 Modify Component Parameters ........................................................2-63 2.7.3 Modify Attributes ..............................................................................2-64 2.7.4 Delete Components...........................................................................2-65 2.7.5 Modifying Plate Assembly ................................................................2-66 2.7.6 Modify Heat Exchange......................................................................2-69 2.7.7 Recalculate Components...................................................................2-71 2.7.8 Edit Mold Size...................................................................................2-74 2.7.9 Add Plate ..........................................................................................2-76 2.8 Drawings....................................................................................... 2-79 2.9 Bill of Materials ............................................................................. 2-81 2.10 CNC Output .................................................................................. 2-84

Chapter 3 3

Multi Inserts


3.1 Layout............................................................................................. 3-2 3.1.1 Create the Core Inserts assembly ...................................................... 3-2 3.1.2 Create the pocket-cutting tool............................................................ 3-6 3.1.3 The Mold Assembly............................................................................ 3-9 3.2 MoldWorks.................................................................................... 3-11 3.2.1 Set the Mold coordinate system. .......................................................3-11 3.2.2 Create New Mold and Add Insert .....................................................3-12 3.2.3 Add Component ................................................................................3-13

Chapter 4 4

Non Standard Mold Bases


4.1 Based on a Standard Mold Base ................................................... 4-2 4.1.1 Add Stripper Plate. ............................................................................ 4-4 4.1.2 Add Raiser Plates .............................................................................. 4-7 4.1.3 Add an Ejector Retainer Plate. .........................................................4-10 4.1.4 Add an Ejector Plate.........................................................................4-11 4.1.5 Add an Insulation Plate. ...................................................................4-12 4.1.6 Recalculate the Mold ........................................................................4-13 4.2 Based on a SolidWorks assembly................................................ 4-14 4.2.1 Add Leader Pins. ..............................................................................4-17 4.2.2 Add Connecting Screws. ...................................................................4-19 4.2.3 Fix the connecting device to the plates. ............................................4-21

Chapter 5 5

User Components


5.1 Hot Runner ..................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.1 Description ........................................................................................ 5-2 5.1.2 The Manifold...................................................................................... 5-3 5.1.3 The mold base .................................................................................... 5-4 5.1.4 Add the hot runner nozzles................................................................. 5-5 5.1.5 Edit the hot runner nozzles ...............................................................5-14 5.2 Runner and Gate.......................................................................... 5-16 5.2.1 Creating the runners.........................................................................5-16 5.2.2 Creating the submarine gate.............................................................5-21 5.3 Cooling ......................................................................................... 5-26 5.3.1 Creating the Brass plug baffles component. .....................................5-26 5.3.2 Modify BB-Baffles parameters..........................................................5-30 5.3.3 Creating thread-less pressure plugs component...............................5-31 5.3.4 Creating Connector plugs component ..............................................5-34
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Creating Pressure plugs component.................................................5-37

Chapter 6 6
6.1 6.2



Declaration of the core inserts........................................................ 6-2 Adding the Lifters ........................................................................... 6-4


MoldWorks2009 Tutorial

1 Introduction
The following Tutorial leads you step by step through the main functionality of MoldWorks. We have included comments relating to the mold design process so that the environment and the needs of the mold designer will be clearer to those who are not familiar with the injection mold design process. Each time you run this scenario MoldWorks will save the molds into the assembly files (one per mold) under the Example Files folders along with SolidWorks parts representing the plates and components of the mold. The plates are named Plate1.SLDPRT, Plate2.SLDPRT and the components (in general) Leader Pin-Catalogue Number-Group ID.SLDPRT (unless you change the component name through the MoldWorks > Options menu). In order not to corrupt the original files, we recommend that you first copy the folders containing the original files under the Example Files folders to a backup folder. The MoldWorks menus are available in assembly mode only. A folder can contain only one mold, since the names of the standard plate and component parts are in general fixed (albeit that you can change them before creation of the mold through the MoldWorks > Options menu). SolidWorks Settings 1. We strongly recommend deactivating the Save auto recover info every x changes check box from Backups in the Tools > Option menu under the System Options tab, and the Feature dimensions check box in Annotations Display from Detailing under the Document Properties tab. 2. Under the Views menu deactivate Planes, Origins and Points. 3. Also check the Always display text at the same size parameter on the Document Properties tab under Annotation Display in the Tools > Options dialogue box.

MoldWorks 2009 Tutorial


2 Getting Started
The files here can be found in the NewHandle folder under the MoldWorks\Example Files directory.

MoldWorks 2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.1 Initial Mold Assembly

Activate SolidWorks and open the file: Mold.SLDASM under the NewHandle folder.

You will notice that this is an assembly of two instances called CarHandle. CarHandle is an assembly containing the core and cavity inserts as well as the side cores for a part called CarHandle. This assembly was created through SplitWorks; however, MoldWorks can handle any SolidWorks assemblies or parts no matter how they are created. Here we have hidden one of the cavity instances in to show the core.

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Getting Started

Open the (hidden) part called CarHandle from one of the assembly instances. You will notice that it has the color coding created by the SplitWorks environment.

Close the part

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

Open the CarHandle assembly. Hide CoreInsert_1 and show CavitInsert_1 (if not visible).

Here you can see the cavity insert with the side cores. Close (without saving) the CarHandle assembly.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.2 Initial Mold Base

2.2.1 Coordinate system of Mold Base Creation
MoldWorks enables the user to set up the Mold Coordinate system at any point and with any orientation in the SolidWorks world coordinate system. The default Mold Coordinate System is set to Top Plane. Select Plane1. Activate MoldWorks > Mold Base > Coordinate System or Click in the MoldWorks pallet. The Mold Coordinate System PropertyManager appears. Change to top view. Scroll parameter dx to 105 to center the mold. Change to front view. see the position of the parting plane. Notice that you can rotate the Mold Coordinate System as well as flip its axis. This allows you to create the mold around the part (inserts) wherever they are positioned. Click .

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.2.2 Add Cavity Insert

The first step in creating a mold base in MoldWorks is the selection of the cores, cavities and side cores to be included within the mold (can be done after the initial mold has been created as well). Performing this before the initial mold creation allows MoldWorks to estimate the mold size according to a set of user modifiable rules. Activate the MoldWorks > Add User Part menu or relevant icon . The Insert In-Place dialogue is opened automatically. Select CarHandle from the FeatureManager design tree. All the assembly parts are selected in one action. Select the CarHandle part from the dialogue and press delete. In this case for convenience we do not want the actual part to be included in the mold environment. Select CoreInsert_1-1 and choose Core from the drop down list.

Select the CavityInsert_1-1 and choose Cavity from the drop down list.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started The side cores will remain part of the mold with no specific definition. The reason we add the inserts before the mold is created, is to enable the mold estimation utility. Inserts can be added any time after the initial mold has been created as well. Select CavityInsert_1-1 again and Click the Attribute icon .

Fill the part attribute data with the information in the picture above. The Quantity here (2) is the number of cavity inserts in the mold assembly. This data is written to the part property custom fields and will be reflected in the B.O.M. when using the appropriate template file (supplied with the MoldWorks installation under the User folder). Click OK to return to the Insert dialogue. Click the Solid Pocket icon and select the hidden parts CoreTool_T and CavityTool_T (previously prepared) from the Insert Pockets folder. This is another short cut method to automatically create the pockets for the inserts during the initial mold creation sequence. When adding the inserts after the initial mold creation you can create pockets with mold tools (same as here) or with cut-extrude tools within the add user part dialogue (which are blanked out at this stage). You can also add inserts without creating a pocket, and use standard SolidWorks tools to cut the relevant plates if necessary. Click finish.
MoldWorks2009 Tutorial 2-7

Getting Started

2.2.3 Add Slides

Now we define the slides. Again slides can be defined before the creation of the initial mold, or afterwards. We define them before the mold so that the estimation will take them into account as well. Activate the MoldWorks > Add Slides or relevant icon Click to open the Slide Library. .

The slide library is user extendable. The default standard slide libraries (under the installation MoldWorks\Slide folder) appear with locks on the left, to show that they are the standard libraries. You can use the browse icon ) to add user slide library folders to the Slide Library. Check the ( User Guide to see how to create your own user slide libraries. Once a new folder is added the system will always display the new folders unless deleted (the locked folders cannot be deleted through this dialogue). Click on the GibAssemblies under the PCS library. Click . Now a dialogue with a list of the slide configurations is displayed.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

Choose the last configuration as shown in the picture above. . Click Now the system requests a face to which the slide must be connected.

Select the face of the first pin as shown in the picture above.

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Getting Started

. Click The Slide is read in and positioned on the face selected according to the global coordinate system. The slide positioning dialogue now appears.

This dialogue allows you to move the slide on the plane of definition or rotate it. . Click Finally the Cam Pin Length dialogue appears. Before the initial mold has been created the only active parameter on this dialogue is the Stroke parameter. The Ref Plane1 will be the top face of Plate2 (cavity plate) as soon as the initial mold is created. Refer to the User Guide for an explanation about the other parameters. Change the Stroke parameter to 0.25 to allow the pin to move out by .25inch. Click Click . .

so all you have to define Now add the slides on the other four pins use the is the face of the pin. The Stroke will be defaulted to the last inputted i.e. .25.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.2.4 Initial Mold Base Creation

A number of manufactures all over the world are making standard mold parts for Mold Makers. A Mold Base is an initial assembly of mold plates and components that the mold maker can purchase from a commercially available catalogue thereby shortening manufacturing time. MoldWorks includes a database of the commonly used catalogues with a selection of the most commonly used mold components. New catalogues and additional mold components are added from time to time according to the user wish list. Activate MoldWorks>Mold Base> New Mold or click relevant icon from the MoldWorks pallet. The New Mold dialogue box appears. NOTICE that the size of the mold is automatically calculated to fit the inserts, which have been defined according to estimation parameters defined under the Estimation section. Click the select button from the Name: parameter to list the available catalogues. Depending on the units of the current document the selection will show either the metric (mm) catalogues or the inch ones. In this Tutorial the document is defaulted to mm and so we choose the TRAINING catalogue. Make sure that Type is set to Standard. We are going to create a standard mold base. The other option of Type is Plates Only or Non Standard mold. The Non-Standard type allows you to create a non-standard mold (modifying the general dimensions) with all the components positioned according to the corners of the general dimension. You can also create custom mold bases (or dies, jigs and fixtures etc.) by using the MoldWorks>Add Plate menu or relevant icon (under the User tab), on any assembly of standard SolidWorks parts.
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Getting Started Click on the Estimation tab. NOTICE that the Catalogue tab stays displayed when the Estimation tab opens. In order to simplify the interface we have caused the different tabs to toggle between them, except for the Catalogue tab which remains open all the time. However, data which is useful from one tab is copied to another if necessary i.e. in the Estimation tab we see the Dimensions: parameter again. Set the following parameters: S1 = 35, S2 = 25, S3 = 60, T1 = 5, T2 = 5 Click on the parameters. to see the meaning of

Click on

to store these parameters as the new defaults.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Change to top view, to see how the inserts fit in the general size. Change to right view to see that the mold fits into Plate2 and Plate3. Click on the Thickness tab. Make sure that the thickness of Plate 3 = 76. Click on in order to get the graphic help that will help you understand plate name structure. (You can change the names through the MoldWorks > Utilities > Options menu)

Click on the Option tab. This tab includes optional mold components, which may be included in the initial Mold Base. Select the Locating Ring, Spacers and Ejector Guide check boxes as well.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Next we will check out the Injection machine. This is an optional step and can be skipped. The Injection machine can also be previewed after the mold has been created. Click on the Right view. Click on the Injection Machine button in the Catalogue section of the New Mold dialogue. Mark the Display Injection Machine.

Here we can see a view of an injection machine with the mold. MoldWorks indicates the Minimum and Maximum Mold Height as well as the Maximum stroke distance. If the mold doesnt fit into the machine then MoldWorks will indicate where the problem is. In this view the mold seems to fit into the injection machine. The Injection machine data is read in from an external Excel file, which contains some standard injection machine data and can be modified to suit your needs.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Click on the Top view.

Here we can see there is a problem since the columns go through the plates. Select Size 2 from the Size: box. The injection machine now fits into the mold. Activate the Right view again just to be sure. Click .

Initial Mold Base, initial components and component holes are created. Inserts initially defined are added to the mold at the end of the process.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

MoldWorks is fully integrated in SolidWorks. Check that in the SolidWorks FeatureManager design tree the mold plates and component are standard SolidWorks parts positioned in the mold assembly. For each group of components one component part is created positioned and displayed in the first position, the other components of the group are positioned as instances of the first and are in hidden mode. Component holes are created using the SolidWorks Hole function (whenever possible) in order to take advantage of the hole annotation. Holes are created with clearance dimensions following the method used by the mold maker to manufacture them. This issue will be discussed in subsequent steps. The cavity and the slide pockets have been created by the tools, which exist within their definitions. The plates of the mold base are mated to allow modifications to propagate throughout the mold. The four basic sketches for the base plates, the two raisers and the ejector plates are created.

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Getting Started MoldWorks suppresses the displayed geometry before creating the mold base and returns it to its default status at the end of the process. Activate left view.

NOTICE that the cam pins have been extended automatically to the top face of Plate2.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started As soon as a mold is created MoldWorks adds a MoldWorks FeatureManager tab to the SolidWorks Feature Tree Manager in order to organize the MoldWorks information. Click on the MoldWorks FeatureManager tab. Open the Display Configuration folder. Choose the different configurations and RHM button to Show Only (or Resolve Only). Activate isometric view. The display configurations have been created according to the plates, which need to be displayed when adding the various components. Notice that the Mobile Side icon is colored in to show that we have chosen the Mobile Side display configuration to show.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.3 Creating Standard Components

This Chapter will demonstrate the typical method we use in MoldWorks to add standard components. The component-positioning sketch can be created in a part document or in the assembly document. You can create it in advance or on the fly. Different variations of the component-positioning sketch will be demonstrated later on.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.3.1 Create Screws

Click the RHM button on and select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Activate MoldWorks > Add Component or click the Add Component Icon . The Add Component control dialogue box and the Component Library dialogue box appear together. Click the Screws tab. Select the Cap Screw. Click . The Start Face dialogue box appears. Here we define the face from which the components will begin. Actually the positioning sketch for the components can be defined anywhere; MoldWorks projects the positioning sketch onto this face. Select the bottom face of Plate3 as the starting face for the screws. Make sure that the name of the face is entered into the Selected face text box. Click .

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started The Position dialogue box appears. Change to wire frame mode. Change to normal view. Open the sketch palette and create the following sketch. (Connect the centers of the corner fillet on one side and dimension 10 from the distance on the other side)

This sketch will be used to define the positioning of the fixing screws. It is not mandatory to define it as a rectangle. Points, circles and polygonal lines can be used as well. The sketch can be on any plane in any part or in the assembly. The actual positions are calculated from the starting face. Notice that since we use floating dialogues for this set of menus all the SolidWorks functions are available (specifically the sketch menu). The sketch automatically appears in the Selected sketch area and the number of points of component positioning points is automatically displayed in the dialogue. Make sure that the Duplicate to instances button is activated. This insures that components, which penetrate an insert, will be duplicated to all its

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Getting Started instances. Deactivating this button will create the components ONLY for the specific insert.

Click The Screw parameter dialogue box appears. And the initial preview of the screws at the 4 locations is shown. Change to front view and Shaded with edges. Click the See Parameters icon . The component graphic help appears.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

The graphic help defines all the modifiable parameters. Some of the parameters are of geometrical type (screw diameter) and some of functional type (tapping depth). You may scroll a leading parameter (D1 in this case) defining the standard components from the catalogue. If you key-in for the leading parameter data which exists in the catalogue it will also be recognized and all the standard parameters will be retrieved. You may select a standard component by catalogue number from the Catalogue box. You may also type in alphanumeric data possibly creating non-standard components. Close the graphic help by clicking again. Scroll parameter D1 to 10. This means that we are selecting an M10 standard screw from the catalogue. Watch how the screws preview changes. Scroll parameter S1 (Screw Length) to 30. NOTICE that the moment that the screws penetrate the core insert we see their duplication in the preview. Click instead) (not a mandatory step you could click on the

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started MoldWorks issues a warning message indicating that the actual screw hole is shorter then the screw and allows the option of:

Yes do the correction (i.e. adjust Offset to push the screw further into the plate and the insert). "As Is" do it as defined. Back to return to the step dialogue box. Click Back to return to the step dialogue box. The system goes back to Add Component dialogue box. Before creating the screws all the component steps i.e. Component Selection, Start Face, Position Selection and Parameter Selection are available for modification. Click the See Parameters icon . The component graphic help appears.

Select one of the core inserts and click on the Measured Length icon . S1 will automatically jump to 40 which is the correct length of the screw using the screw Thread Depth = 1.5 Screw Diameter (this law can be found in the Rules Options tab under the MoldWorks > Options menu.)

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Click the Oversize tab. The parameters in this tab define the clearance dimensions for the screw holes. D1 = 1.0 means that the diameter of the hole for the screw will be 1.0 mm larger then the nominal dimension of the screw. D2 = 0.5 means that the diameter of the hole for the screw head will be 0.5 mm larger the nominal diameter of the screw head. There is also a K value which is accessed through the horizontal scroll. You can change the default clearance dimension and click the button to save the new values as defaults (for this particular screw) in subsequent sessions.


in the Add Component dialogue box.

The system creates all the relevant holes encapsulating them in a SolidWorks FeatureManager tree folder, with defined clearance dimensions, in Plate3 and in the core insert in one step. The holes are created with the SolidWorks hole wizard function. NOTICE the oversize between the component and the hole.
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Getting Started

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started MoldWorks Unique User Interface This type of dialogue display (2 levels of dialogue box) is the typical unique user interface that is employed in MoldWorks. The top dialogue box is displayed throughout the creation process; we call it the control dialogue box. This dialogue box contains the steps needed in order to define the parameters for the specific process (in this case adding the insert to the mold base). It also contains the (Create), (Create and New) and (Cancel). Clicking one of these icons completes the process. The second level dialogue box (step dialogue box) is used to input the different data needed to accomplish the process. It always has the (Continue) icon at the bottom of the dialogue. This icon displays the next step. During the process all the step dialogue boxes are available through the control dialogue box. This is useful to modify data at any stage before completion of the whole process. MoldWorks unique user interface thus allows you to modify data at any stage of the creation process without having to retrace steps already performed, while at the same time guiding you through the process.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.3.2 Create Core Pins (using the ejector menu)

Now we use the ejector menu to add core pins to create the tapping holes in the core at the end of the bosses. This time well prepare the positioning sketch in Plate6 first. Click the RHM button on and select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Right click on the Plate6 in the FeatureManager design tree and select Edit part. (We are going to prepare the positioning sketch, you can also do this on the fly as before or prepare it at the assembly level) Select the bottom face of Plate6. Open a sketch. Change to top view. Create the points connecting the centers of the three bosses of Core Inserts. (it doesnt matter which instance) Delete the Coincident constraints to avoid floating dimension errors in the FeatureManager design tree afterwards, since we penetrate these bosses with the core pins. Close the sketch. Exit edit of Plate6. Change to isometric view. Click the RHM button on Mobile Side and select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Activate MoldWorks>Add Components or click the Add Component icon . Select the Ejector tab. In the ejector tab select Ejector.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

. Click The Start face is selected automatically bottom face of Plate6 (since this is an ejector menu), but we need bottom face of Plate8 since these are core pins and not ejectors and don't move with the ejector plates. on Add Component dialogue Click icon box The Start Face dialogue box appears. Select the bottom face of Plate8. Click . The Position Dialogue box appears. Select the sketch that was created (in Plate6). Click . Change to top view. Zoom to the area of the three bosses. In the Ejector parameter dialogue box open the catalogue list in order to select the ejector by catalogue number. Select ejector RT 6-100. NOTICE that the ejector preview changes. Open the graphic help just to see that you may control the H7 depth. Ejector holes will be created with a H7 tolerance while the other holes will be created with clearance dimension controlled in the Over Size tab. Close the graphic help when done.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Change to front view, and make the core insert transparent.. Zoom to the bosses. Select a point on the inner boss Make sure that Length Type is set to Length. Click the extract data icon in the parameter dialogue box. Ejector length parameter L is calculated and the ejector preview are fixed according to the new data. NOTICE that the preview shows the components for both instances of the core. Click on the attributes icon (The Molding Type, Dim1, Dim2 are calculated only after the component has been created - so will not appear here).

NOTICE that the Catalogue Number is automatically the next size. Click x to close the dialogue. Click in the Add Component Steps dialogue box. The system creates all the necessary holes, in all relevant plates and the Core Insert_1 instances.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.3.3 Create Ejector Sleeves

Now we will create ejector sleeves to eject the plastic part at the bosses, around the previously created core pins. Change to isometric view. and Click the RHM button on select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Activate MoldWorks > Add Component or click the Add Component icon .

The Add Component dialogue box and the Component Library dialogue box appear simultaneously. Select the Ejectors tab. In the ejector tab select Ejector Sleeve. Click . The Position Dialogue box appears. The Start Face is selected automatically for ejectors, as the bottom face of Plate6. Select the previously created sketch in the Plate6 in the FeatureManager design tree or from the screen. Make sure that the sketch appears in the Position box. Make sure that the Duplicate Enabled button is activated. . Click The Ejector Sleeve Parameter Dialogue box appears.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

just to see that you may control the H7 depth. Open the graphic help Ejector sleeve holes will be created with a H7 tolerance while the other holes will be created with clearance dimension controlled in the Over Size tab. Close the graphic help when done.

Change to front view Key-in parameter D1 to 10. Make sure that the parameter B1 is 6. Choose ORT for the Length Type. This option is used to find the first point of penetration through the insert. In this case the bottom of the bosses is flat so this is the penetration point we need.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Zoom to the bosses (in wire frame mode). To see the top position of the ejector sleeves.

NOTICE that the next standard size appears in the Catalogue: parameter (on the dialogue of the previous page) even though the length is given as the exact calculation. NOTICE that the ejectors sleeves are duplicated automatically to the other core insert instance.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Click the Oversize tab. We would like to have different clearance dimension (for D1 parameter) in the different plates that the Ejector sleeve goes through.

Select the existing value (1.00). Enter 0.6 in the edit window and Click the Insert After Selected Item button .

Select the new inserted value (0.6). Enter 0.5 in the edit window and Click the Insert After Selected Item button . The first value is the oversize for the first plate/insert (Plate 6 the ejector plate), the second value for the second plate/insert etc. If there are more plates/inserts then oversize values, then the second last oversize value is

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Getting Started used for the rest of the plates/inserts (the last value for the last plate/insert (in this case the core insert). If there are fewer plates/inserts then oversize values then the extra values are ignored. Click the button if you want the current oversize list to become the default settings for the Ejector Sleeve with leading diameter 10mm. Click in the Add Component Steps dialogue box. The system creates holes, in all relevant plates and the Core Insert. Sleeves are duplicated automatically to the core inserts instances. At this stage you may have an error in the sketch due to the automatic Coincident constraint edit the sketch to delete these constraints.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started Here is a diagram showing how the different oversize values affect the holes created. The first oversize value is applied to the hole in the first plate, and the last oversize value to the hole in the last plate. The values in between are applied to the plates in between successively.


MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.3.4 Create a Trimmed Ejector Pin

Activate MoldWorks > Add Component or click the Add Component icon . Select the Ejector. In the Ejector tab select Ejector. Click . The Position dialogue box appears. Select the top face of Plate3. Open a sketch. Define a point at X= 70, Y=0.

Click and the component parameter dialogue box is displayed. Change to front view. Key-in 10 for D1.
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Getting Started

Change Length type to Trim.

NOTICE how the system detects the appropriate ejector length and selects a standard longer ejector. See the catalogue number and the maximum ejector length indicated by the L parameter. . Activate the Ejector Lock icon Select the second lock type as shown in the picture below.
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Getting Started

NOTICE that you can override the ejector lock default dimensions and save them as the new defaults for the selected ejector. Change to the top view and zoom to the ejector preview area. Rotate the ejector lock 90 deg by changing the Rot: parameter.

Change to isometric view. NOTICE the automatic duplication of the ejector with the ejector lock.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial

Getting Started

Click O.K. Click . NOTICE the automatic trim of the ejectors and the slots of the ejector locks at the bottom of the ejector plate.

Select Show Only from the RHM button on Mobile Side in the MoldWorks Display Configuration folder. Change to the isometric view. More components (i.e. support pillars etc.) could be added in a similar fashion.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.4 Cooling System

There are 2 ways of creating a cooling system in MoldWorks. - Heat Exchange method which allows you to create a cooling system from a series of 2D and/or 3D sketches. OR - Using the standard component wizard to create cooling pipes. We will show how to create a cooling cycle using the new Heat Exchange functionality.

2.4.1 Create a cooling cycle using a 3D sketch.

First we will create a 3D sketch using the standard SolidWorks tools. Make sure that the Automatic relations in the System Options tab under the Sketch Relations/Snaps section check box is marked, and select Show Only in the Click the RHM button on MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Show Isometric view in Wireframe mode. Select the right face of the Plate3. Click on the 3D sketch icon. Click on Line and select the right view. Create a point as shown below (halfway between the plate and the insert towards the left side of the insert - doesn't have to be exact).

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Getting Started Select the front view (by clicking on the triad z axis) and draw the 3 segments as shown below. (Again don't bother with exact dimensions, although the line should pass through the middle of the insert base, about halfway up, and then to just before the screw across the insert)

Select the top view (triad y axis) and draw the next 2 segments across the insert and back to approximately the vertical point where the line penetrated the insert from the plate.

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Getting Started Finally select the front view (triad z axis) and finish the sketch as shown below.

Below is an isometric view of the sketch.

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Getting Started Exit the Line menu. You can adjust the lines graphically as shown below so that they are practically even in the x-y plane.

We could now dimension and add relations to the sketch i.e. Fix the first and last points to the plate face with the On Surface relation, make sure that the lines are symmetrical and the end points on the same vertical level etc. This can also be done after creating the cycle. Select the Heat Exchange folder under the MoldWorks FeatureManager tree. (without exiting the sketch) Click on the RHM button and select the menu Insert Cycle If the 3D sketch is still current it will be automatically selected in the Selected sketch(s) parameter box of the Positions tab in the Heat Exchange
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Getting Started PropertyManager. You can also select this menu from the MoldWorks > . Heat Exchange > Insert Cycle or relevant icon Depending on the sketch you have created you will now see something similar to the picture below.

Notice: If at this stage the parts are in shaded mode the system automatically makes the parts affected transparent. In this example we see that one of the pipes is in red meaning that it is in collision with a component. Note that if the current view was shaded then MoldWorks will create a temporary transparency to allow you to see the preview of the pipes and components. If you have a collision at this stage, exit the menu edit the 3D sketch and adjust the lines from the top view as shown in the picture below, making sure that the lines do not cross or come close to the screws or the core pins. (The dimensions must be from the plate faces)

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Getting Started

You can activate the Insert Cycle menu while in the 3D Sketch which will close the sketch and add it to the Heat Exchange Property Manager. Click on Preview Cycle to show only one pipe. You can work with all the pipes showing and the current pipe is highlighted in green, or just with the current pipe showing. Now we are going to browse through the cycle pipe by pipe and adjust the pipe and component definitions. MoldWorks creates a plug for every pipe and makes a decision based on distance as to which face to extend the pipe. If a line segment crosses a part boundary then a o-ring is created. Select the Cycle tab. As you can see the pipe is diameter 10.00 mm and extension 10.00 mm as defined in the settings (for inch documents the settings are .5 and .1 respectively). You can change these setting prior to

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Getting Started entering the PropertyManager by RHM button selection on the Heat Exchange folder and clicking on the Settings menu. Select the Connector icon under the components dialogue; see that the components preview changes. Select Connector Type 2 from the Type parameter box, and key-in a value of 43.00mm in the Face offset parameter box.

Click on the Right Arrow in the Cycle Pipe(s) dialogue to browse to the next pipe. Next component is a pipe with o-ring. Notice that this pipe is defined in the plate even though the original segment crossed into the insert as well. Click on the Right Arrow again. The other o-ring appears. Click on the Right Arrow again. Select the Connector icon under the components dialogue and leave the default choice. Click on the Right Arrow again. The first pipe in the insert is now displayed. Notice: Instead of clicking on the arrows you can select a segment. Key-in the Diameter parameter as 8.00 mm. We will create the pipe cycle within the insert with diameter 8mm. Click on the Right Arrow again. Here we see that the middle button has changed to a warning sign.

This means that there is more then one possible solution for the pipe extension direction. Clicking on the middle button will toggle the preview through the possible solutions, in this case either side or both sides, Toggle until the pipe extends to the near side of the

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Getting Started plate. Key-in the Diameter parameter as 8.00 mm. Click on the Right arrow again. Here we see that the middle button has changed to a warning sign again. In this case choose the both side option. Key-in the Diameter parameter as 8.00 mm, and Click on the Right Arrow again. Again an ambiguous situation, choose the near end extension side. Don't forget to change the diameter to 8mm. (You can always click on the left arrow to go back or on the Right Arrow to carry on until you reach the pipe again). Key-in the Diameter parameter as 8.00 mm for the final pipe. Select the Position tab and click on Preview Cycle. You should see the following preview.

Click . Notice that the same cycle with components is created in the instanced insert as well. We will show how to edit the cooling cycle created through this menu under the Editing Tools chapter.

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Getting Started You can also create the same cooling cycle with the standard add component wizard using the cooling section, however, the new method that we have shown above is recommended since it creates the hole wizard holes and also the components. The editing is far more comprehensive. Open the Heat Exchange folder under the MoldWorks Feature Manager tree to see the technological information regarding the cooling cycles. This tree also serves as the bases for the modification of the cooling cycle at all levels.

MoldWorks2009 Tutorial


Getting Started

2.5 Runners & Gates

2.5.1 Insert Runner System
First we create a 2d sketch to describe the runner system. and select Show Only in the Click the RHM button on MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Show Bottom view and zoom to the middle showing both cavity inserts. Select the face of one of the cavity inserts and create the sketch as shown below. (The points coincide with the middle of the front segment of the cavities).

This point coincides with the middle of this segment.

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Getting Started Click the RHM button on the Runners & Gates folder under the MoldWorks FeatureManager tree and select the menu Insert Runner System (without exiting the sketch). If the sketch is still current it will be automatically selected in the Selected sketch(s) parameter box of the Positions tab in the Runner System... You can also select this menu from the MoldWorks > Runners & Gates > Insert Runner System or relevant icon. You will now see the sketch below.

Note that if the current view was shaded then MoldWorks will create a temporary transparency to allow you to see the preview of the runners. Click on Preview system to show only one runner. You can work with all the runners showing and the current runner is highlighted in green, or just with the current runner showing. Notice: You will not see anything change on the screen at this moment since the default of the Browse type (under the Parameters tab) is By path and there is only one path, however, if you change this to By segment then you will see only one runner.
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Getting Started Now we are going to browse through the runner system and adjust the shapes and parameters of the runners. By default the round runner system is created as shown above with default parameters as defined in the Settings menu under the Runners & Gates folder. Select the Parameters tab. As you can see the round runner is selected along with the Browse type: By path (default) and Diameter: 5mm, Sink Extension: 5mm (= Diameter by default), for internal corners only. End Conditions are round at both ends. Select the Modified Trapezoidal shape as shown below.

We can see that the shape of the runner on the screen has changed, and that it is oriented in the wrong direction (we want to create the runners on the cavity inserts). Modify the Orientation angle: to 180 degrees (the spin box automatically jumps in increments of 90 degrees). Now the runners are in the correct position. We want to modify the size of the sub runners on each end. In order to do this we have to change the Browse type: to By segment (by default it is By path and all the segments in this path are displayed). Select By segment from the Browse type: drop down box. Notice that the display on the screen changes to show only the current segment. Click on the right or left arrows to browse through the runners till one of the end runners is selected.
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Getting Started Modify the Depth to 3mm. Notice that the Width is automatically modified and the Angle is constant. If a specific Width is desired, then change the width and the angle will be modified. Click on Preview system (under the Positions tab) to show all the runners. The current runner is displayed in green. Select the segment of the other end runner and modify its depth to 3mm as well. Click . The runner system is created.

Actually we could have created only half the sketch since the cavities are instances, however, it is more intuitive to create the whole sketch, and the system takes into account the fact that there is an instance and doesnt create the cavity twice.
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Getting Started Notice: the technological information under the MoldWorks Feature Tree. We use the MoldWorks Feature Tree for modifications of the runners, which we shall do later on.

2.5.2 Insert Gates

We can insert gates in 2 ways either as part of the runner system, or on independently on any face. Here we will add gates to the previously created runners. Click the RHM button on the Runners & Gates folder under the MoldWorks FeatureManager tree and select the menu Insert Gate(s) Notice: this can also be done through the menu system, the relevant icon or from Add Gate which can be found in the RHM button menu on any runner. If the runner has a free point then that point will be pre selected in the gate dialogue. Pick one of the end points of the runner system sketch (make sure that the sketch is visible and that Sketches is active under the SolidWorks > View menu.

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Getting Started The system automatically chooses a submarine gate and finds the entry point into the cavity, displaying the relevant face. A triad is displayed which can be used to move the gate on the screen. The start diameter of the gate is chosen so that the gate will reach the cavity. If the diameter of the start gate is greater then the diameter of the runner a message will be issued. Scroll on the Vertical deviation: spin box in a direction which will rotate the gate into the cavity (30 degrees). Hint: check the direction of the green triad arrow and if it points downwards (i.e. into the cavity) then scroll up to get a positive angle. The system shows the following information: The Penetration diameter: (0 by default) is the cone diameter at penetration (not to be confused with the area of penetration). It does however give an indication of the Penetration area: (which is just an informative parameter). The Penetration height: is also informative information only. The cone angle defaults to 20 degrees (the default can be changed in the Settings menu) The Horizontal length: is calculated from the penetration distance. There is also a Placement section which allows you to move the gate by exact increments instead of using the triad. Key-in Penetration diameter: of .4. Unmark the Through end parameter on the Position section which will cause the cone to penetrate through half the radius (leaving a crescent). The Penetration area and height will be the previous value. Click . Note that the gate is created on the instance as well.

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Getting Started Important: There are two scenarios for the gate to penetrate the cavity exist: - The gate penetrates the surface for the default cone angle, and a base of < the runner diameter. In this case we give a Penetration diameter = 0. In this case increase the Penetration diameter: till reaching the desired Penetration area. (You can also decrease the cone angle to keep the base diameter < the runner diameter). - The gate reaches the surface for a base diameter > runner diameter. A warning is given. In this case either the runner should be enlarged or the cone angle decreased until a satisfactory penetration diameter is achieved.

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Getting Started

2.6 Collision Checking

With this menu you can check collision or thin walls between components, pipes, inserts and plate faces. Click the RHM button on the Core Plate and select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Activate MoldWorks > Utilities > Collision or click the Collision icon access the Collision Detection dialogue box. Select Plate3 from the FeatureManager design tree or click on the geometry. Scroll Safety Distance to 6. Click Go. to

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Getting Started In this case the collision is also detected between cooling pipes. MoldWorks does not distinguish between planned collisions of cooling pipes and mistakes. The collision areas are shown in red and the components in collision are shown in blue. toggles between showing the areas in collision and the The icon components in collision. Click the transparency icon to facilitate showing the collision areas.

Click Close Part.

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Getting Started

2.7 Editing Tools

Four main sketches and a set of equations and mates define the initial mold plate assembly. Equations defining the relationship between the plates are also created within each plate. The four sketches are: Base Plate Sk define the base plates dimensions. Raiser Plate4/5 Sk defines the raiser plates dimensions. Ejector Plate Sk define the ejector plates dimensions At any time after an initial mold has been created mold size can be modified. Initial component positioning sketches are also created (depending on the options requested) including: Leader Pins Centering Ejector Guides Injection Return Pins Spacers Screw Static Side Screw Mobile Side Ejector Screws Components are positioned using the Standard SolidWorks sketch function as shown in the chapter Creating Standard Components. Modification of these sketches will modify the components. Component parameters and attributes can be modified and components may also be deleted. The Cooling cycles and the Runner systems have their own modification tools which are activated through their folders within the MoldWorks Feature Manager tree.

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Getting Started

2.7.1 Modify Component Position

We will now add components to an existing group of components and modify positions. Select the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree tab .

Click the RHM button on and select Show Only in the Display Configuration folder of the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Select one of the screws connecting CoreInsert1 to Plate3 either by selecting a screw hole from the screen or by picking a screw from the FeatureManager design tree. In general the edit icons (menus) become active once a component (or plate) is selected.

Activate MoldWorks > Edit > Component Position or click . The positioning sketch is opened for editing. Change to normal view. Add a line connecting the mid points on the longer edges of the rectangle.

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Getting Started Change the sketch dimensions as shown in the picture below. You might have to cancel an end point condition of Coincident on the top right hand side point.

Close the sketch. Two screws are added to the group. The positions of the other screws are updated. NOTICE that we did not actually use a MoldWorks menu to accomplish this, only edited a SolidWorks sketch and closed it which triggered MoldWorks to make the modifications. We could have selected this sketch through the FeatureManager tree or any standard SolidWorks identification mechanism. In general changing the sketch will change the component position: - Deleting points will delete the components - Adding points will add components - Moving points will move the components.

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Getting Started

2.7.2 Modify Component Parameters

Rotate Plate3 to see the bottom face. Make sure that CoreInserts is displayed otherwise the Duplicate to instances will not work, and only one set of screws will be created. Select one of the screws or screw holes fixing the core inserts to the core plate. (Use the Face Filter to select the screw hole face if necessary). The MoldWorks > Edit menu and relevant icons become active. Activate MoldWorks > Edit > Modify Parameters or click on The Component Parameter dialogue box appears. Scroll D1 to 12. S1 stays at 40. In fact MoldWorks looks for the closest length to the previous one (equal or greater) and uses it as the new length. Click .

Notice the Force Rebuild icon

next to the

button. If pressed then the modification will delete the holes and rebuild them (instead of a modification), useful when the hole position gets corrupted (i.e. if a plate is added or moved horizontally).

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Getting Started

2.7.3 Modify Attributes

Select one of the recently created screws from the FeatureManager design tree i.e. Cap Screw-22<1> Activate MoldWorks > Edit > Attributes or click on

The attributes can now be modified. Click on Cancel. In the case of a plate or insert the Molding Type parameter (Core/Cavity etc.) is useful when the core/cavity are created directly on the plates (2/3) and we need the core attribute for the ejector trim and other functionality. The user may also create permanent parameter fields in the MoldWorks > Utilities > Options dialogue under the General tab, or add to the parameter field for a specific part under the File > Property dialogue under the Custom tab.

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Getting Started

2.7.4 Delete Components

Select the middle screw from the bottom of Plate3. Activate MoldWorks > Edit > Delete or click on The Delete Component dialogue box appears. In this dialogue box you can delete either the component that you selected or the entire component group. The components and component holes in each plate will be deleted. Click on the Select Group button. You can now choose which components not to delete by deleting them from the list box. Notice: When rebuilding the deleted components may reappear since we do not delete its position from the positioning sketch. Cancel out of this dialogue by clicking x. .

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Getting Started

2.7.5 Modifying Plate Assembly

Select the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree tab . Click the RHM button on Mobile Side and select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Change to Isometric and shaded view. Select Base Plate Sk from the FeatureManager design tree. RMB click on Edit Sketch. Change to top view. Click on the B dimension and scroll to 596.

. Click See that the plate is now centered in the sketch, because of the equations.
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Getting Started

Click on SolidWorks OK icon . All the plates are updated to reflect the new base plate dimensions. The cooling cycle is not rebuilt and so a message concerning errors in Plate 3 will be displayed. (We will correct this later). NOTICE that the component positions have not been modified. You can modify them in the same manner as the screws. These components which are created with the Initial Mold (i.e. default) have their own sketches. (Ignore the Warning error in Plate3) Select Leader Pins Centering from the FeatureManager design tree. RMB click on Edit Sketch. Change to top view. Click on all the 220 parameter and scroll or key-in 270.

.. Click on SolidWorks OK icon The leader pins and bushings are repositioned. The same can be accomplished for the other components.
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Getting Started NOTICE if there is no need to correct plate thickness this is the most efficient method to modify the mold. NOTICE that SolidWorks now shows errors in Plate3 due to the fact that the cooling cycle has not been updated. One quick way to update the cooling cycle is to edit the sketch so that MoldWorks performs a new analysis of the cycle and corrects it.

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Getting Started

2.7.6 Modify Heat Exchange

RHM button on any of the pipe segments under the Cooling Cycle folder and select the Edit Sketch menu.

MoldWorks opens the 3D sketch from which this segment originated. Activate the top view (as shown above) and modify the end points.

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Getting Started

Close the sketch. MoldWorks updates the cooling pipes and corrects the connector positions. The Edit Cycle menu is automatically activated to allow changes to the cycle if necessary; in this case no changes are needed. Click to cancel.

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Getting Started

2.7.7 Recalculate Components

Now we are going to change the thickness of a plate. Change to the front view. Double click on Plate9. Again you can see the plate dimensions. These are NOT the Base Plate SK sketches from before. You CANNOT edit the length and width dimensions since they are constrained to the Base Plate SK with equations. Click on the height dimension 56 and scroll to 86.


. Click on SolidWorks Rebuild icon The plates are moved according to their mates. The mold plate assembly has been modified; however, some of the components have to be corrected because a plate thickness has been changed. This will be achieved through the MoldWorks > Edit > Recalculate function or relevant icon.
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Getting Started

In the previous step we modified the mold plates, now we are going to check the components that have been affected and recalculate them. Select MoldWorks > Edit > Recalculate or click on the relevant icon . Now we select the plates from which the effected components started (it is also possible to select the effected components directly) Activate right view. Select Plate6, Plate7 and Plate8.

Click OK. The system previews and attempts to heal the affected components and allows you to scroll through the effected components and modify wherever necessary. Activate right view. Scroll using the right scroll icon components that have been healed are previewed in blue, and components which have NOT been healed are displayed in red. We can heal components when the new length required due to changes in the plate thickness is in the range of the standard lengths for the specific component diameter in use. Scroll until we see the red preview of the Sleeve.

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Getting Started Click on the Edit Component Parameters icon ( ). This cannot be healed since the new length should be 210 mm (according to the change we made in Plate 9), however, this component diameter does not have a length of 210 in the Training catalogue. In fact if we check under the Catalogue parameter we don't have a sleeve of the required length. We can either create a non-standard sleeve of length 210 or leave the sleeve as it is. Cancel out of this parameter block (i.e. leave the length as 180). Scroll to the next item (the ejectors we use as core pins). Click on the Edit Component Parameters icon ( ). Here we can see that the length parameter has been adjusted and since there is a standard length greater then the new length (for the leading parameter i.e. the diameter D1) the component has been healed.

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Getting Started Here we can see that the ejector lengths have been adjusted and the new standard RT 6-400 is displayed in the Catalogue parameter box. Cancel out of this parameter block. Scroll to the trimmed ejectors again they have been automatically healed. Scroll to the ejector sleeves again they have been automatically healed. We have finished scrolling through the components and fixing them. Click on the Recalculate Component(s) dialogue to complete the recalculation.

2.7.8 Edit Mold Size

In this section we will show how to modify the initial mold base including the components. Select the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree tab.

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Getting Started Click the RHM button on Mold and select Show Only in the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Change to right view. Activate MoldWorks > Edit > Mold Size or click on the icon. NOTE: The new mold size reflects changes that we made to the plate dimensions i.e. the size is recognized as TRN 5060 and Plate9 is now 86. Change to front view.

Select new mold Dimension as TRN 5080. Notice the difference between the new and old mold sizes. This process will adjust the initial mold (plates and components) to the new values then perform recalculation and healing on the extra components added. Click to cancel.

NOTE: The Edit Mold Size will not be available if the mold has extra plates or a plate thickness has been modified to a non-standard value.

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Getting Started

2.7.9 Add Plate

To demonstrate how MoldWorks can recalculate the complete mold tool discerning which plates and components have to be modified we use the Add Plate menu. Here we will create space for a hot runner system. Click the RHM button on Mold and select Show Only in the Display Configuration folder of the MoldWorks FeatureManager Tree. Select the front view. Activate the MoldWorks > Add Plate(s) menu or relevant icon .

Select Plate2. Change the Length: to 56. Click .

Click on the right arrow in the Placement dialogue to move the new plate to the right side. to create without rebuild, since we Click want to add more plates.
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Getting Started Click on the Plate Dimensions icon and select Plate2 again. Change the Length: to 56. Click . Uncheck the Move Plates check box, so that Plate1 does not move. Click on the left arrow in the Placement dialogue to move the new plate to the right side. Click to finish the process and recalculate. The Recalculate dialogue box is automatically displayed.

Use the arrows to scroll through the components; in order to check which (if any) should be modified. Note: The connecting screws have been automatically healed. They are in the wrong position, so we will change their position afterwards

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Getting Started

to recalculate. Click Now all the new components (i.e. the ones created after the initial mold) are recalculated. This may take a few minutes. Notice the screw and bushing holes are now corrected.

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Getting Started

2.8 Drawings
The 2d drawings are created according to a user definable template or use the default templates supplied with the system. Activate the MoldWorks > Utilities > 2D Drawings menu or relevant icon . In the first half of the dialogue, the user can choose the template to use. The icon can be used to designate the folder, which contains the templates. The second half of the dialogue is used to select the parts for which the drawings are created. Again the icon allows you to select the folder in which the drawings are created. Click the icon and choose the MoldWorks\DrawingTemplates\mmTem plate folder. Select A1. Select Plate3 from the Design Manager Feature Tree. Check where the drawings will be created. Click OK. The system will then create the drawings. This may take a few minutes; click Yes to the question about updating the assembly.

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Getting Started Open Plate3.SLDDRW and zoom into the top view.

Zoom into the right view and notice the cosmetic threads.

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Getting Started

2.9 Bill of Materials

The bill of materials is automatically placed in the properties of each part created. Return to the Mold assembly. Open Plate3.sldprt from the FeatureManager design tree. Activate File > Properties and click the Custom tab on the Summary Info box.

You can use this information in the drafting module (or after creating a drawing with the MoldWorks >Utilities > 2D Drawings menu) Start a new Drawing. Choose A0 - Landscape.

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Getting Started Check that Mold assembly is in the Part/Assembly to Insert parameter box. Select the Next arrow. Choose Single view, Isometric orientation and use Custom scale 1:2. Place the view on the right hand side towards the bottom of the drawing. Click . Activate Insert > Tables > Excel Based Bill of Material. In the Select BOM Template box select the file MoldBom.sldbomtbt in the user folder under the path to the MoldWorks installation. Click . This file can be copied to the default SolidWorks BOM template folder to be available by default. Here is an example of the BOM for this mold.

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Getting Started

Below is a magnification of a part of the BOM.

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Getting Started

2.10 CNC Output

There are 2 separate output files which can be used for CNC or process management. Click on the menu MoldWorks > Utilities > C.N.C or the icon . The save file dialogue box appears and on validation the CNC text file is created, for each of the plates and inserts, including the positioning, diameters, direction, length, face data and technology of the holes. This is the information needed to create the G code. Open the file (through windows explorer). Here is an example of part of the CNC file outputted.

Click on the menu MoldWorks > Utilities > Operations Report or the . icon The save file dialogue box appears and on validation the Operation Report XLS file is created. Following is a picture of part of the file.

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Getting Started

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3 Multi Inserts
In this section we will create a multi-insert mold in order to show the features of SolidWorks and MoldWorks, which we use to optimize the various steps.

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Multi Inserts

3.1 Layout
The first step in creating a multi-insert mold is to create the layout. We do this using the standard tools from SolidWorks, which are well suited for this purpose.

3.1.1 Create the Core Inserts assembly

Open CoreInsert from the Example File\MultiLayout folder. This part contains 3 configurations. The Default configuration should be active.

Open a new assembly.

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Multi Inserts Choose CoreInsert from the Insert Component dialogue box which opens . This will place it at the centre of the assembly. and click Save the assembly as CoreInserts. Activate Insert > Component Pattern > Linear Pattern Select CoreInsert as the Components to Pattern. Select the edge (might have to reverse the direction) in the z direction in the following picture as the Direction1. Set D1 to 60 and the # to 4 Select the parallel edge (as shown in the picture below) in the +z direction as Direction2 and set D2 to 60 the # to 5. Make sure that the Pattern seed only checkbox is marked.


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Multi Inserts Select the instance on the left side and with RMB select Configure component under the Component section.

Check the R_filets under the Configuration heading. Click O.K. to validate. Perform the same for the insert on the right side (choosing L_filets as the configuration).

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Multi Inserts

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Multi Inserts

3.1.2 Create the pocket-cutting tool.

Activate Insert > Component > New Part. Name it CorePocket_T. This way MoldWorks will recognize it automatically as a tool in the Add User Part > Insert function. Click on CoreInsert<1> from the FeatureManager design tree and then select the bottom face as the reference plane.

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Multi Inserts

Select the arcs as shown below (using the Ctrl key). And click them into the open sketch.

to copy

Connect the edges to form a close contour.

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Multi Inserts Activate Extrude Boss/Base function. Select the Up To Surface option and select the marked face in the following picture.

Change to Edit Assembly mode and hide CorePocket_T.

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Multi Inserts

3.1.3 The Mold Assembly

Open a new assembly and select the CoreInserts assembly from the Insert Component dialogue box. to place it at the origin of the new mold assembly. Click Save the file and name it MultiMold. Activate Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane. Select a face on the back of CoreInserts as the reference and set the offset to 10. Click .

Activate Insert > Mirror Components. Select the offset plane from previous step as the Mirror Plane. Select the CoreInserts sub assembly as the Components to be mirrored. Make sure not to check the check box next to Coreinserts-1 since we would like the mirrored assembly to be an instance of the selected one. NOTICE if we create a left/right mirror then we will not be able to duplicate the components since SolidWorks creates a NEW part and not an instance.

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Multi Inserts



to create the mirrored sub assembly.

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Multi Inserts

3.2 MoldWorks
Now we begin with MoldWorks.

3.2.1 Set the Mold coordinate system.

Activate MoldWorks > Mold Base > Coordinate System Change to top view and wire frame mode. Select the mold assembly top plane as the reference plane. .

Click the Rotation button so that the coordinate orientation is as in the picture above. We want the X direction of the mold to be parallel to the sub assemblies length. Change the origin of the Coordinate System DX=-40, DY=-30. Click

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Multi Inserts

3.2.2 Create New Mold and Add Insert

Activate MoldWorks > Add User Part Select CoreInserts<1>. Set Insert type to Core. Click on the Solid Pocket icon and notice that CorePocket_T has already been added to the Solid Pockets dialogue (due to the _T suffix). .


Activate MoldWorks > Mold Base > New Mold or click relevant icon . In this case the inserts will be added automatically to the mold and no need to add them in a subsequent step. The mold catalogue size should be 2550. Select the Catalogue tab. . Click Scroll to select as shown below.

Select Plates Only. Click .

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Multi Inserts

3.2.3 Add Component

Select the Display Configuration tab Select Only. .

from the Display Configuration tree and click Show

Activate MoldWorks > Add Component or relevant icon . Click Screws tab and select Cap Screw. Select Bottom face of Plate3. Change to wire frame view. Open a Sketch and define the following rectangle on the bottom left hand insert. Make sure that the duplicate button is pressed.

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Multi Inserts

. Click The Screw parameter dialogue box appears. Change to left view Scroll parameter D1 to 6. Scroll parameter S1 to 30. NOTICE that as soon as the screws penetrate the insert they are duplicated. Click . All the components are created in the plate and in the insert.

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4 Non Standard Mold Bases
In this section we will create 2 types of non-standard mold bases. The first type is based on a standard mold base to which we add or delete plates. The second non-standard mold base is built from an assembly of random SolidWorks parts. Both mold bases when defined behave the same way as the standard mold base with regards to component creation, component modification etc.

MoldWorks 2009 Tutorial


Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1 Based on a Standard Mold Base

Open a new assembly by using the File > New menu and select the Assembly template. Exit the Begin Assembly dialogue. Please use a mm document since the catalogue we are using in this tutorial is a mm one. Activate MoldWorks > Mold Base > New Mold or relevant icon . The system will request to save the assembly. A mold can be created only within an already saved assembly. Save the new assembly. When creating an initial mold through the MoldWorks > Mold Base > New MoldWorks first checks whether a mold already exists Mold or relevant icon within the folder, and warns the user. (If a mold already exists then click Continue or Quit and change the folder in which the current assembly is saved). Select the Non-Standard option from the Type: box. Select the mold size TRN 5060 from the Dimensions: box. Select the Mold Dimensions tab. Click on button. Here we see the graphic meaning of the general plate dimensions.

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Non Standard Mold Bases Key-in the value 636 for B. Key-in the value 300 for L. Key-in the value 96 for M. Here you can see how the components are automatically adjusted so that they stay at the same distance to the corners of the plates.


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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1.1 Add Stripper Plate.

Change to isometric view and shading mode. Activate MoldWorks > Add Plate(s) or relevant icon ; the Add Plate control dialogue box is displayed. This dialogue box allows you to create both standard plates for the mold using the Standard tab or select any SolidWorks part to be a plate under the User tab.

Select Plate3 from the screen or the FeatureManager design tree. Notice that all the plates from Plate3 down are automatically moved. Key-in the value 86 for the Height. Click on the attribute icon.

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Non Standard Mold Bases Type Stripper Plate for the Description. Select 1.2311 from the Material drop down box.

Click OK to exit. Click . The Placement dialogue box is displayed. Notice the Move Plates box is checked by default. We can add a plate to the top of the reference plate or to the bottom. We shall see later that if the new plate is smaller than the reference plate, then we use the arrows to align it along one of the edges. We can also position it in relation to the center of the reference plate using the DX and DY Click in the control dialogue box to create the new plate. At this stage the new plate is created and the system then checks which components have to be recalculated. When it finishes, having found components to recalculate the Recalculate Component(s) dialogue box appears, and the first group of components to be recalculated is previewed.
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Non Standard Mold Bases

Click on the arrows on the Recalculate Component(s) dialogue box to . preview the different component groups to recalculate Click on the Edit Component Parameter icon to access the previewed component parameters in order to modify them. Click on . We are going to add a number of plates at this time and we will perform the recalculate at the end of the process. Note: Clicking on the Create Without Recalculate icon would have created the plate without entering the recalculate function thereby saving time.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1.2 Add Raiser Plates

Activate MoldWorks > Add Plate(s) or relevant icon . ) dialogue is Automatically the Plate Dimension ( displayed. Select Plate2 from the screen or the FeatureManager design tree. Change to the right view. Key-in value 56 for the Width. Key-in value 96 for the Height. Click the attribute icon. Key-in My10 for the Symbol. Key-in Raiser Plate for the Description.

Click OK. Click .

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Non Standard Mold Bases The Placement dialogue box is displayed. In the Placement dialogue box click the front arrow. The arrows indicate the side of the reference plate along which the new plate will be positioned according to the top view. The center button is to center the new plate on the reference plate. Click . The plate is created and the main dialogue remains open. Click to select new plate. Select Plate2-1 as the reference plate. Key-in value 56 for the Width. Key-in value 96 for the Height. Click the attribute icon. Key-in My20 for the Symbol. Key-in Raiser Plate for the Description. Click OK. .


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Non Standard Mold Bases The Placement dialogue box is displayed. In the Placement dialogue box uncheck the Move Plates box. Click the back arrow. Click .

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1.3 Add an Ejector Retainer Plate.

Click to select new plate. Select Plate1 from the screen or the FeatureManager design tree. Key-in 380 for the Width. Key-in value 26 for the Height. Click the attribute icon. Key-in EJ01 for the Symbol. Key-in Ejector Retainer for the Description. Click OK.

Click . Uncheck the Move Plates box. Select Bottom Face in the Connected face parameter box Click .

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1.4 Add an Ejector Plate.

Click to select new plate. Select the previous Ejector Retainer Plate. Click the attribute icon. Key-in EJ02 for the Symbol. Key-in Ejector Plate for the Description. Click OK.

Click . Uncheck the Move Plates box. Select Bottom Face in the Connected face parameter box. Click .

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1.5 Add an Insulation Plate.

Click to select new plate.

to access the Plate Dimension Click dialogue box. Select Plate1 from the screen or the FeatureManager design tree. Type value 16 for the Height. Click the attribute icon. Type IS01 for the Symbol. Type Fiber for the Description. Click OK.

Click . Follow the steps above to add an Insulation plate to the bottom of the mobile clamping plate Plate8.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.1.6 Recalculate the Mold

We have finished adding the plates. The system doesnt offer us an automatic recalculate (as it did for the first few plates) since the final plate does not have any components starting from it. At this stage we use the MoldWorks > Edit > Recalculate menu or icon .

. Click on This dialogue box allows you to select plates and or components to recalculate. When a plate is selected all the components, which start in that plate will be added to this dialogue. Click on the Entire Mold check button. All the component groups are listed. Click OK. Click on the Recalculate Component(s) dialogue. The components are recalculated in the correct positions.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.2 Based on a SolidWorks assembly

MoldWorks can work with molds of any size and shape. Here we show the option to create a mold base from any collection of parts, designed in the standard SolidWorks environment (or read in through a neutral file format). After we have identified the parts in an assembly as being a mold the full functionality of MoldWorks including component creation, modification attributes etc. is available. This mode enables you to use MoldWorks not only for plastic mold design, but also for other mechanical applications i.e. Progressive Dies, Blow Molds, Jigs and Fixtures, etc. User defined plates can also be added to standard molds which were created under the Plates Only option. Open the file UserPlates.SLDASM from the UserPlates folder under Example Files in the MoldWorks installation path.

Activate MoldWorks > Add Plate(s) or click the Add Plate icon
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. The

Non Standard Mold Bases Add Plate dialogue box appears. Select the 5 plates in the assembly. Select P1-1 from the list and click .

Fill in the data as above. Click OK. Select P2-1 from the list and click . Key-in A20 for the Symbol. Key-in Clamping Plate 2 for the Description. Click OK. Select P3-1 from the list and click . Key-in X1 for the Symbol. Key-in Locating Device for the Description. Click OK. Select P5-1 from the list and click . Key-in B10 for the Symbol. Key-in Main Plate 1 for the Description. Click OK.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

Pick P4-1 from the list and click . Key-in B20 for the Symbol. Key-in Main Plate 2 for the Description. Click OK in the Part Attributes dialogue box. .


Click in the Add Plate dialogue box. You have now defined a plate assembly on which all MoldWorks functionality can be used. Lets demonstrate this by creating some components.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.2.1 Add Leader Pins.

Activate MoldWorks > Add Component or click the Add Component icon . The Add Component control dialogue box and Component Library dialogue box appear. Select the Leader Pin. Click . The Start Face dialogue box appears. Hide P2. Select the front face of P5. Click . The Position dialogue box appears. Open a sketch and change to wire frame, and front view. Sketch the following profile.

Close the sketch. . The Leader Pin dialogue box appears. Click Change to isometric view.
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Non Standard Mold Bases Select BL2 in the Type: parameter box. (This is a leader pin without a tail) Scroll the D2 parameter to 18. Scroll the S1 parameter to 56. Type the value 64 in the S2 parameter box. (Non-standard component) .


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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.2.2 Add Connecting Screws.

Show P2. Activate MoldWorks > Add Component or click the Add Component icon . Click the Screws tab. Select the Cap Screw. Click . The Start Face dialogue box appears. Select the front face of P2 (Plate2). Click . The Position dialogue box appears. Open a sketch and change to wire frame, and front view. Sketch the following profile.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

. The Cap Screw dialogue box appears. Click Change to isometric view. Scroll the D1 parameter to 16. Scroll the S1 parameter to 60. .


Click Yes.

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Non Standard Mold Bases

4.2.3 Fix the connecting device to the plates.

. Click Select the right face of P3. . The Position dialogue box appears. Click Sketch the following profile.

Click . The Cap Screw dialogue box appears. Change to isometric view. Scroll the D1 parameter to 12. Scroll the S1 parameter to 50. .
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Non Standard Mold Bases The following dialogue box appears.

Click Yes, to accept the correction.

If you check these connecting screws you will see that they have a larger offset in order to penetrate enough into the relevant plates.

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5 User Components
In this chapter we will show how to integrate components, which are not included in the standard library enabling you to always be able to complete your mold with MoldWorks.

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User Components

5.1 Hot Runner

Hot runners are not included in the standard library due to their vast variety. We will use the Add User Part functionality to create a hot runner system. The files used in this Chapter can be found in the Hotrunner folder under Example Files in the MoldWorks installation path.

5.1.1 Description
Hot Runner systems are used frequently in injection molds to control the flow of the melted plastic in the part. Melted plastic material is injected from the nozzle of the injection machine into the sprue bushing and into a heated manifold that distributes the melted plastic through hot nozzles and into the cavities. Hot runner systems are used to control the quality of big parts that need a long plastic flow as well as in multi cavity and family molds.



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User Components

5.1.2 The Manifold

Open the file Manifold.SLDPRT.

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User Components

5.1.3 The mold base

Open the file HotRunner.SLDASM

This is a two-cavity mold. The cavities are rotated 180 degrees so that injection points will be in the same locations on the plastic part. Only the static side of the mold is displayed. To create the space for the Hot Runner Manifold two raisers were add on top of plate 2 using the MoldWorks Add Plate function. All the inserts including the cavities, the cores, the side cores and the hot runner manifold were added to the mold, with the MoldWorks > Add User Part menu.

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User Components

5.1.4 Add the hot runner nozzles

Hide Plate1, Plate10, Plate11, SideCore1 and SideCore2. The side cores are in the Inserts. MoldWorks does not take into account, hidden parts when calculating the holes created by components and inserts. Unless they are instances or part of a recalculate sequence.

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User Components

Activate the MoldWorks > Add User Part menu or relevant icon Click the Component Tab in the Add User Part dialog box. Click on the User Component Library icon Click on HotRunners and select NZL part. (You might have to click on the arrow to expand the library.) RMB (Right Mouse Button) on NZL part. Click Open part.

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User Components

The hot nozzle (part name NZL.SLDPRT) was parameterized and its different variations were defined using Solidworks Design Table capability. The reference point of the part is at the origin of the parts coordinate system. The components main direction is the Z axis.

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User Components RMB on NZL part. Click Close part. RMB on NZL part. Click Open cutting tool. This is the solid cutting tool used by MoldWorks to create the slots for the hot runner nozzles in the relevant mold plates and inserts. The cutting tools reference point and main direction is identical to the user component part. The Cutting tool geometry is different that the user component in order to allow clearance dimensions (oversize dimensions) the same as for standard components. The Part file name of the cutting tool file must be the same as the Component file with addition of a _T (NZL.SLDPRT and NZL_T.SLDPRT in this example). Variation names for the cutting tools are the same as the variation names of the Component (NZL001, NZL002 etc in this example)

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User Components RMB (Right Mouse Button) on NZL part. Click Close cutting tool. Click . We use this dialogue box to identify the specific configuration a user component. Select the NZL001 configuration. Click picked). to be Instance (default is

Click to create with pocket (default is picked). Click to proceed to the Start Face step. Select the lower face of the Manifold.

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User Components

button to proceed to the Component Position Click the step. Select Sketch18 in the Manifold FeatureManager design tree.

Preview of the components appears. As default the components are oriented in the face normal direction.

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User Components

Change the V Dev. angle to 90. Now the component orientation is correct.

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User Components

Activate the Attribute icon

in the Component Position dialog box.

At this stage you can modify these attributes.

Here we can see that the Attributes have been recovered from the definition specified when the user component was created. (Ref the Summary Info under the Properties in the part document mode) Close the Attribute dialog box.

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User Components Click . Nozzles are positioned in the correct position and relevant nozzle holes are created automatically in Plate2 and in both cavities. However the nozzles that were selected are too short. We will now edit the nozzles.

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User Components

5.1.5 Edit the hot runner nozzles

Select NZL001 from the Design tree. Activate MoldWorks Edit > Modify Parameters from the pop down menu or click the icon. Select the NZL002 configuration from Selected Configuration. Click .

The new component is substituted for the old one.

The new component holes are also created with the matching tool (NZL002) from the NZL_T.SLDPRT file.

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User Components

Modified nozzles

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User Components

5.2 Runner and Gate

(From MoldWorks 2009 onwards there is a specific module to create runners and gates, we have left this here just as an example of a user hole instead of a user component). In the following steps we will use the powerful functionality of adding user components to add runners and gates. In this case we look at the component as electrodes to be used in the EDM process for creating a submarine gate.

5.2.1 Creating the runners.

Open Mold.SLDASM from \Example Files\RunnerGates. Hide all parts. Show only the Core insert and the Cavity insert . (The parts are mirrored so we must work on the original otherwise the modifications are not propagated).

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User Components

Activate the Add User Part icon. Select the Hole tab and click the user part selection icon . This option is designed for creation of holes without a component. Click on the tab. The User Component Library Folders dialogue box appears. . Click Select User_Components folder (under the Example Files folder).

This folder includes Cooling and RunnerGates folders. Select RunnerGates. In this folder select Runners. Click Ok. Select CRunner_T part. Notice that only parts with names suffixed by _T are displayed. Click . Select the default configuration. Click .

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User Components

Select the left side face of the core as the start face. It is important to do this on CoreInserts-1 (the right hand side one) since the other instance is a real mirror of this one.

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User Components

and open a sketch. Click Change to wire frame presentation and to left view. Add a point (on the parting line)

Close the sketch and validate Hide the core insert

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User Components Zoom to show the runner in the cavity.

The runner appears automatically in the mirrored cavity

It appears also in both cores.

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User Components

5.2.2 Creating the submarine gate.

Hide all parts. Show only the Cavity insert .

Activate the Add User Part icon. Select the Component tab and click the user part selection icon .

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User Components

Select SubMarineGates folder. Select gate part. Click .

Select the SBGATE3x3X5 configuration. Click Click Click to be Instance. to create with pocket. .

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User Components Select the left marked face in the following picture as the start face

and open a sketch. Click Change to normal view. Add a point in the runner center in the coordinates defined by the following picture.

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User Components Close the sketch and change to front view and wire frame presentation.

Scroll the V Dev parameter to 40 deg This brings the submarine electrode to the correct orientation.


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User Components

9 In this case the user component is used as an electrode for creating the submarine gate.

Show more views of the submarine gate.

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User Components

5.3 Cooling
(From MoldWorks 2007 onwards there is a specific module to create runners and gates, we have left this here just as an example of user components). In the following steps we will use the powerful functionality of adding user components to cooling items.

5.3.1 Creating the Brass plug baffles component.

Close all. Open Mold.SLDASM from \Example Files\CoolingEX Hide all parts except Plate3.

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User Components

Activate the Add User Part

icon. .

Select the Component tab and click the user part selection icon Click on the tab. The User Component Library Folders dialogue box appears. . Click Select User_Components folder under the Example Files directory. Select Cooling. Click Ok.

Select BB_Baffles part. Click .

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User Components


to be Instance.

Click to create with pocket. Select the BB-200-1_2 configuration. . Click Select bottom face of plate3. Click

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User Components Open a Sketch. Create follow sketch of three points in the middle of the plate.


, Validate Change to front view and wire frame.

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User Components

5.3.2 Modify BB-Baffles parameters

Select BB-baffles from FeatureManager design tree. Click to modify the parameters of the user component. Change Z Dev to 90. Change the baffle direction. Validate .

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User Components

5.3.3 Creating thread-less pressure plugs component.

Activate the Add User Part icon. Select the Component tab and click the user part selection icon Select TPM part. Click . .

Click to be Instance. Select the TMP-10 configuration. Click . Select right face of Plate3. Click .

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User Components Open a Sketch. Add point .x=70, y=-50 (middle of right hand side hole). Close sketch. Key in Face Offset to be 300. (It will appear in the middle of the pipe)

Click Open Click

to create and continue in the same menu. and select TMP again. .

Click to be Instance. Select the TMP-10 configuration. Click . Select Left face of plate3.
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User Components

Click Open a Sketch. Add point .x=70, y=-50 (middle of right hand side hole). Close sketch. Key in Face Offset to be 300. ,


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User Components

5.3.4 Creating Connector plugs component

Activate the Add User Part icon. Select the Component tab and click the user part selection icon . Select NConnector part. Click to be Instance. Select the N91_4A configuration. Click . Select front face of plate3. Click .

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User Components

Open a Sketch. Add point x=-195 y=-50 (middle of the left hand side hole) Close the Sketch. Scroll Face Offset parameter to 22. .



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User Components Select NConnector part. to be Instance. Click Select the N91_4A configuration. Click . Select back face of plate3. Click . Open a Sketch. Add point x=-195 y=-50 (middle of the left hand side hole). Close the Sketch. Scroll Face Offset parameter to 22. . ,

Click Validate

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User Components

5.3.5 Creating Pressure plugs component.

Activate the Add User Part icon. Select the Component tab and click the user part selection icon Select AN part. .

Click to be Instance. Select the AN-4 configuration. Click .

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User Components

Select right face of plate3. . Click Select Sketch6 from Design tree manager Click Validate . .

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6 Lifters
In this chapter we will show how to integrate lifters for releasing internal undercuts of the plastic part. The mold in this exercise is a multi cavity mold of two cavities. This is in order to demonstrate the full automatic functionality of the lifters. Lifters are added automatically to all instances of the core inserts.

Internal Undercut

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6.1 Declaration of the core inserts

Open Mold.SLDASM from \Example Files\Lifters_EX . Add the Cores assembly as inserts Make sure to set the type of the inserts as Core

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Setting the insert type as Core is essential for the lifters and ejector trim functionality. However if this step was missed or you set the insert type by mistake to another type you can always modify this setting via the Attribute mechanism. In case the core is a solid part of the core plate (not added as insert) you should set the plate type to Core via the Attribute mechanism before adding lifters or trimmed ejectors.

Add the cavities inserts following the same steps. Make sure to set the insert type to Cavity. Activate New Mold . The mold estimation should give a mold size of 2020. Set the mold Type to Plates Only. Change the plate thickness of Plate4/5 to 96 mm. This is to fit the lifters in. Click create button . Display only the mobile side of the mold by selecting Mobile Side from the Display Configuration property manager page.

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6.2 Adding the Lifters

Activate Add Lifters . Press the Lifters Library the first step of the add lifter steps tool bar. Select the DME Lifters library. Select FLAT_CORSinch lifters and press Continue.

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Select the ULB-2003-5-16 configuration.

step. Omit Press Continue twice go directly to the Lifter Placement the Face step since the default face is set according to the lifter manufacturers recommendations. Make sure you are in the front view with wire frame display. Key the following data: (to position the lifter) o DX = -37.0 mm o DY = 54.0 mm o Rotate = 180.0 Deg

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Zoom to the area shown in the following picture (around the core insert).

next to the Angle Press the extract data from geometry button parameter. Select the edge marked in green in the above picture. (In this case we do not select the edge where the insert is going to cut, since it is a rounded edge and just part of the wire frame and not a real edge) The angle value is extracted from the selected edge and set to 5 deg. The preview is updated accordingly. Press Continue to go to the Lifter Stroke step. Set the parameters as follows: Stroke = 2.5 mm H1 = 46.0 mm H2 = 20.0 mm

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Change to isometric and shaded view. . Notice that the system adds lifters in to both Press the Create button instances of the core insert in one action.

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