Tata Case Solution

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SHANTANU MALVIYA (PG20125696) 25-Apr-13

The House of Tatas is one of the oldest business groups in India. Not many Indians would need an introduction to the House of Tatas. The group is largely operated through a holding company, namely, Tata Sons.

Analysis Case of the Tata Group

Abstract Crossholdings is a common phenomenon across Asia. Within a business group, cross-holdings amongst group affiliates are often used to fund a groups (unstated) empire building objectives. There has been a large amount of international empirical work focusing on the various aspects of crossholdings strategy adopted by international business groups. In the Indian literature, we found little work, especially with respect to case studies. In this paper, we use public information of a well known business group (the Tatas) going through a decade long restructuring and we attempt to document their cross holdings strategy. While the increased cross holdings does benefit a business group through increased management control yet the findings hold enough water to conclude that these moves are contradictory to the interests of the minority shareholders in the individual operating companies (i.e., its own affiliates). Key Words: Business Group, Business House, Business Network, Cross Holding, Governance, Indian, Management Control, Ownership Structure, Pyramidal Structure, and Shareholders.

Introduction: The Tata Group

The House of Tatas is one of the oldest business groups in India. Not many Indians would need an introduction to the House of Tatas. The group is largely operated through a holding company, namely, Tata Sons. We provide a brief historical overview and then proceed with describing the recent restructuring exercise and other changes made. Established by Jamsetji Tata in the second half of the 19th century, the Group has grown into one of India's biggest and most respected business organizations, largely due to the entrepreneurs vision, their commitment, and its fortitude in the face of adversity (Lala, 2004). Of the ventures that did bear fruit while Jamsetji was alive, the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay has to rank highest.

Legend has it that Jamsetji set his mind on building it after being denied entry into one of the citys hotels for being an Indian. His sons, friends and business associates were sceptical. His sisters chided him by asking, Are you really going to build a eating house? The Taj turned out to be a bit fancier than that. Soaked in luxury, it was the first building in Bombay to use electricity and the first hotel in the country to have American fans, German elevators, Turkish baths, English butlers and whole lot of other innovative delights. In 1938, JRD Tata was elevated to the top post in the Tata Group, taking over as chairman from Sir Nowroji Saklatvala. He was the youngest member of the Tata Sons board. Over the next 50- odd years of his stewardship the group expanded into chemicals, automobiles, tea and information technology. Breaking with the Indian business practice of having members of ones own family run different operations, JRD pushed to bring in professionals. He turned the Tata Group into a business federation where entrepreneurial talent and expertise were encouraged to flower.

Tatas Strategies
Ratan Tata implemented a number of strategies to unite, refocus, and modernize the group. We shall have a brief look at five significant strategies: The revival of Tata Administrative Services (TAS) TAS, a department of Tata Services Ltd. had been recruiting talented individuals for management career acceleration in group affiliates since the 1950s. TAS had been successful compared to other domestic companies in retaining people but the prestige had waned somewhat in recent years. Ratan promoted TAS as a premium career and elevated the programs status among up-andcoming business leaders through media exposure. TAS was to become a group talent resource by enlarging the program and improving the mobility of TAS participants among group companies. New TAS recruits (mostly MBAs) were to work in a range of industries in the group. The compensation packages offered to TAS recruits were also redesigned to match the market rates. These efforts to revive TAS and make it a destination of choice for talent paid off well for Tata Sons and all the group companies which opted to participate in the TAS program.

The Jardine Matheson deal

Ignoring the concern of many experts over the entry of foreign firms into the Indian industry, Ratan sold a 20% stake in Tata Industries Limited (TIL) to the colossal Hong Kong based Jardine Matheson group for Rs. 1.26 billion. Ratan planned to use this capital influx to fund venture start ups promoted through TIL. Although Jardine probably would not receive a dividend for 5 years it had the same rights as the other Tata companies: to occupy a TIL board seat, to be involved in project planning and to invest in new projects promoted by TIL. Ratan anticipated that Jardine would contribute expertise in a wide range of businesses activities, such as retailing and distribution, real estate, hotels, engineering, construction, and financial services. A Jardine associate described Ratan as a careful planner and thinker.

The Tata Brand

Ratan Tata decided that the group needed a stronger collective identity. The principal move Ratan considered was to undertake the responsibility of promoting a unified Tata brand which could be used by all companies which would subscribe to the Tata Brand Equity scheme. Each company that subscribed to the scheme would derive the benefits of the centrally promoted Tata brand. Ratan proposed that the subscribing Tata companies each pay a contribution, the amount of which would depend upon each companys association with the brand. Contribution would range from 0.10% to 0.25% of each companys net income excluding taxes and non-operating. Participating companies would require subscribing to a code of conduct ensuring uniformly high standards of quality and ethical business practices. Tata Sons planned to use the fee money to build a national and later international group brand image by emphasizing on the core values and ethics, largely through advertising. Tata Sons estimated that meaningful domestic brand promotion would cost around Rs 300 million per annum, much more than the commission collected. The board of directors of various Tata companies passed a resolution in 1995 in accordance with this arrangement. However the scheme generated debate in the media. Some Tata shareholders resented Tata Sons attempt to assert itself beyond the limits of an ordinary shareholder; and a few others went so far as to say that the Tata name had not necessarily been the reason for the success of their companies.

The objectives for restructuring were defined clearly. These included: (a) Returns must be greater than cost of capital; (b) Each company must be the industry leader occupying one of the top three positions; and (c) The business identified must have potential for high growth and should be globally competitive. Having decided on these objectives, there were clear strategies for exits and entries. There was a break from the earlier sentimental approach to businesses that have been built over decades. Ratan Tata decided to exit the businesses of soaps and toiletries, cosmetics, consumer electronics, pharmaceuticals, computer and telecom hardware, branded white goods, paints, oil exploration services, cement, textiles ... equally fervent was his expansion/entry into businesses identified as having high growth potential. These included passenger cars, auto components, retailing, telecom, power and insurance. Appendix 1 gives a list of businesses the group entered and quit. 4. Findings and Discussion Tata Sons and Group Companies Cross Holdings We now look at the Tata group holding company i.e., Tata Sons and some of their big affiliates corporate characteristics especially with respect to their changing cross holding ownership pattern. Table 1: Ownership Structure of Tata Sons Stakeholder Stake FY 94 Stake FY 05 Tata Trusts 78.0% 65.9% Tata Group Affiliates Not Available (but much less than 12.8% 1%) P. S. Mistry 17.5% 18.4% Tata Family 3.5% 2.9% As seen in table 1, the ownership structure of Tata Sons has changed after the rights issue. Although information about exactly how many companies invested in Tata Sons and to what extent was difficult to get, but we have enough data to conclude that the major companies did subscribe to the rights issue as can also be seen from the table. The route followed by Tata Sons to increase their shareholding was the creeping acquisition route from the market.

Trends in Dividends of Tata Group Companies

Another way of looking at the whole issue could be from the benefits perspective of a long-term minority shareholder in one of these large Tata group affiliates.
Annual Dividend Per Share Payments of Tata Affiliates (as a % of the Par Value)
Year Indian Hotels Tata Steel Tata Tata Motor Power Tata Chem Tata Tea Rallis Titan Voltas

1995 2005

55 100

35 130

60 125

35 75

65 65

60 100

45 10

30 20

35 50

If we compare these dividend payment trends (see table) with the trends in the cross investments of these affiliates , one can observe that the increase in cross holding investments by group companies has risen at a much rapid pace compared to the increase in the dividend payments to shareholders. These differing trends possibly give a hint at the major objective of these organizations.

Capturing the Changes in Cross Holding Structure

We observe that the ownership pattern of various Tata group affiliates gives us the increasing indirect holding of Tatas over these companies. Equity Ownership Pattern of major Tata affiliates having more than 1% as of FY 2000; (b) Tata Sons is the primary holding company of the group. Most of the firms are held by Tata Sons and Tata Industries. The Tatas control 83.03% in Tata Sons and 74.18% in Tata Industries. The ownership structure of Tata group shows signs of both pyramid and cross shareholding structures in-group firms. A pyramid denotes a hierarchical chain by which a family controls a firm, and cross holding happens when a controlled firm owns any shares in its controlling shareholder or in the firms along that chain of control (including any indirect means). The Tata family owns equity in core affiliates (i.e. Tata Industries Limited and Tata Sons Limited which are not publicly traded firms, majority of the stake in these two firms are held by 66 philanthropy trusts mainly headed by Tata family members).

In India, cross-shareholding between two firms is common. For instance, Tata Investment Corporation Ltd holds 9.8% in Tata Chemicals Ltd, and 6.14% in Tata Tea Ltd, while Tata Chemicals Ltd holds 15.37% in Tata Investment Corporation Ltd directly. Tata Tea holds 4.21% in Tata Chemicals Ltd and Tata Chemicals Ltd holds 7.68% in Tata Tea Ltd. In sum, affiliates have cross investments in each other by owning them singly or jointly (or other means) and the group has control over all these entities with lesser investment of its own. SWOT Analysis of TATA Group: SWOT analysis helps in developing and implementing some of the most effective business strategies that enables the organization to understand its corporate needs. According to Johnson (2005), a SWOT analysis helps an organization to analyze and evaluate the key corporate issues as well as it also helps an organization to assess its strategic strength and how well it can make an impact on its strategic development. Strengths Specialized and experienced in seven major industries. Strong micro environment Clear company vision with a strong culture Availability of resources Weaknesses Reliance on weak distribution network Lack of innovation in value chains Presence of unstable macro-environment Opportunities Emergence of new markets with strong and stable economies Opportunity for inventing new products and meeting the customers demands Exports Increased global mergers and acquisitions can open unlimited opportunities for Tata Group Threats Political uncertainty, corruption and crime is a real threat Fluctuation in currency rates

Fuel price rise could impact on the transportation and operation cost Presence of free markets Price sensitive consumers are least loyal and could switch to low price products/ brands Porters Five Model Analysis OF Tata Group Backed by robust volumes as well as realizations, Tata Group has registered a phenomenal growth across the world over the past few years. The situation in the domestic market was no exception. In fact, they have enjoyed a double digit growth rate backed by a robust growing economy. However, the current liquidity crisis seems to have created medium term hiccups. We have analyzed the domestic steel sector through Michael Porter's five force model so as to understand the competitiveness of the Tata Group. Barriers to entry: We believe that the barriers to entry are medium. Following are the factors that vindicate our view. 1- Rivalry among existing competitors: Tata Group is always faced by a strong competition both at domestic and international level. Domestically in India, Tata Group is faced by a tough competition from its old competitor - the Reliance Group. On the other hand, at international level, Tata Group encounters tough competitors like Ford and General Motors in automobile industry and by Brazilian steel company known as Companhia Siderurgica Nacional. This Brazilian steel company is well known for placing its bid on acquiring the Corus against the bid placed by Tata Group. 2-Threats of New Entrants: Tata Group holds a strong market position in the international market. Therefore, the chances are rare that any new entrant in the international market can affect the existing position of Tata Group in the market. Tata Group holds a major market share in the most profitable international industries like steel and automobile in both UK and Korean markets that are known for their profitability and business feasibility in the world. 3- Bargaining Power of Buyers: The bargaining power of buyers is lower because Tata Group has focused on

giving the quality products to their customers at lower prices as compared to other businesses. Tata Nano is the example of Tata Groups strategy in providing quality product to the customers at a lower cost. 4- Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Tata Group needs to focus on improving its suppliers and distribution channel to allow more exports abroad. The bargaining power of suppliers is higher due to poor transport infrastructure and other uncertain conditions. 5- Threat of Substitute Products or Services: Tata Group holds a strong market position in the international market. Tata Group focuses on the companys core value that has emphasized on providing quality life to its customers through its products and services. Tata Group enjoys a strong relationship with its customers because of its strategy of providing the quality products to all its customers at an affordable price. Therefore, it is impossible for the loyal customers of Tata Group to switch to any other product or services with questionable quality at cheaper rates.

One of the enduring themes of the corporate world in the last decade has been the restructuring effort of large corporate houses. The restructuring efforts have been quite high in countries going through the process of liberalization and globalization such as India. Restructuring efforts in India usually involve issues related to managing the ownership structure for having good management control and also it involves building enough defenses to avoid possible hostile takeover battles. We undertook to study the Tata group as probably the best example of a large Indian business group that has gone through a great deal of restructuring and changes in ownership pattern over the past few years. We were primarily interested on looking at the changes in cross holding pattern and its influence on various issues related to management control and corporate governance. After understanding all the above view points and the current global scenario, we believe that the Tata Group Of Companies will likely to maintain its momentum in the long term. However, the growth may get affected in short run. Investors need to focus on companies that are integrated, have economies of scale and sell premium quality products

Limitations and Further Scope Study has all the limitations which a case-based study normally carries.
To our knowledge, in India, this is one of the few case studies in this direction attempting to link crossholdings, with control and governance. One can take the research further. A deeper analysis would need a higher level of quality and quantity of data. One can isolate and see the effect of increase in shareholding alone. One can also look at the other alternate strategies that could have been adopted by the group. One can probe the findings by looking at the strategic intent for the long term in mind and for which sometimes short term shareholder interests need to be sacrificed. For example a company might reduce its dividend payments or forgo collections from group companies and invest the funds for expansion only to give shareholder higher returns in the future. We observe the popular media stating that some of the larger business groups (such as Aditya Birla, and Bajaj) have adopted a different position and they have been untangling their cross holdings. An interesting study would be to compare and see at the process adopted by them, look at the related agency issues (if any) and also compare the style and financial performance vis--vis the Tata group. Thank you

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