Practising Cae Speaking Part 3

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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3


A. TEACHERS NOTES ...........................................................................................................2 A1. Lesson Plan..................................................................................................................2 A2. Classroom Handout 1...................................................................................................4 A3. Classroom Handout 2...................................................................................................5 A4. Classroom Handout 3...................................................................................................6 A5. Suggested homework/self study activities....................................................................7 B. GUIDANCE FOR FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES.......................................................................8

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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3 A. TEACHERS NOTES

Description Time required: Materials required: Aims: 45 minutes One copy per student of Classroom Handout 1,2 & 3 to review and practise phrases for stating and asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing and interrupting in Part 3 of the CAE Speaking test


Lesson Plan
the content of Part 3 of the Speaking test Answer: A two way conversation between the candidates. The candidates are given a decision making task the type of language that the candidate will need to use Answer: expressing and explaining ideas and opinions, agreeing & disagreeing, suggesting, speculating, evaluating etc Tell the class that in this lesson they will review and practise language for expressing and explaining ideas and opinions, agreeing & disagreeing and interrupting focus on using these phrases while doing a Part 3 task Timing:5 mins

1. With the whole class, brainstorm

2. Give out A2 Classroom Handout 1. In pairs or small groups the students do the worksheet. Monitor the groups and correct as necessary. With the whole class, go through the answers
Answers Stating an opinion In my opinion The way I see it... As far as I'm concerned... If you ask me... Asking for an opinon What's your idea? How do you feel about that? What do you think? Do you agree? Expressing agreement That's so true. Absolutely. That's exactly how I feel. You have a point there. Expressing disagreement I don't think so. I'm afraid I disagree. That's not always true. That's not always the case. Interruptions Can I add something here? Sorry to interrupt, but...

Timing: 15 mins
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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3 Page 2 of 8

Practising CAE Speaking Part 3

3. Give out A3 Classroom Handout 2 and A4 Classroom Handout 3 to each student. Place the class in groups of three. Two of the students do the speaking activity in A3 Classroom Handout 2. The third student monitors the others. Tell the monitoring student to listen carefully to both of the other students and write a tick on A3 Classroom Handout 2 next to all the phrases that they use. Remind the students that they should be using a variety of language for expressing and explaining ideas and opinions, agreeing & disagreeing and interrupting such as those in A2 Classroom Handout 1. The students speak for 3 minutes. After this time, stop the class. The monitoring student gives feedback to their partners about how many and which phrases were used. Change the groups and repeat the activity until every student has acted as monitor. While the students are speaking, listen to all of the groups and note errors and examples of good language. Timing: 15 mins 4. With the whole class, go through any errors and examples of good language that you heard while monitoring the class. The students feedback who managed to use the most expressions. Timing: 10 mins

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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3 Page 3 of 8

Practising CAE Speaking Part 3

A2. Classroom Handout 1

Copy the words and phrases in the box into the correct category.
Absolutely. As far as I'm concerned... Can I add something here? Do you agree? How do you feel about that? I don't think so. If you ask me... I'm afraid I disagree. In my opinion... Sorry to interrupt, but... That's exactly how I feel. That's not always the case. That's not always true. That's so true. The way I see it... What do you think? What's your idea? You have a point there.

Stating an opinion

In my opinion

Asking for an opinon

Expressing agreement

Expressing disagreement


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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3 Page 4 of 8

Practising CAE Speaking Part 3

A3. Classroom Handout 2

Your school wants to organise an event to raise money for a new library. Here are some of the events that have been suggested. First, talk to each other about how difficult it would be to organise these events. Then decide which two would be the most successful in raising money.

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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3 Page 5 of 8

Practising CAE Speaking Part 3

A4. Classroom Handout 3

Listen to the students discussing the problem. Place a tick against a phrase every time the student says it.
Student 1 Stating an opinion In my opinion The way I see it... As far as I'm concerned... If you ask me... Asking for an opinon What's your idea? How do you feel about that? What do you think? Do you agree? Expressing agreement That's so true. Absolutely. That's exactly how I feel. You have a point there. Expressing disagreement I don't think so. I'm afraid I disagree. That's not always true. That's not always the case. Interruptions Can I add something here? Sorry to interrupt, but... Student 2 Student 2 Student 2

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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3 Page 6 of 8

Practising CAE Speaking Part 3

A5. Suggested homework/self study activities

1. The students find an additional phrase for each category (stating an opinion, asking for an opinion, expressing agreement, expressing disagreement and interrupting). They should look for examples of native speakers. They can find many different examples in text books, tv programmes, films and the radio. In the class, the students share their new phrases where they found it the context the phrase was used in . e.g. an argument, a business meeting etc

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Practising CAE Speaking Part 3


1. In this lesson, we used a set of pictures from Part 3 to practise the phrases for stating an opinion, asking for an opinion, expressing agreement, expressing disagreement and interrupting. This was in order to make sure that stage 3 was not too long. However you can practise the language with any problem solving activity, many of which can be extended. There are many activities in text books. Unfortunately, they are sometimes complicated or require lots of preparation of cutting up pieces of paper etc. Activities based around designing something are both simple and require little or no preparation. The students work in small groups to design something. This type of task based activity can be very motivating for students. Some ideas for designing activities are Design a product (e.g. babys bed, something useful on a camping trip) Design a building (e.g. school, train station, airport) Design a method of transport (e.g. car, bus) All you will need is some paper for each group to write/draw their ideas on. 2. In stage 3 of the lesson, one of the students was monitoring the others. Sometime students are resistant to being monitored by other students as they feel that the feedback they get is not as useful as from a professional teacher. Here we have given specific instructions and a checklist to the monitoring student. This checklist will enable the students to get clear feedback on how much of the target language they used.

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