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Reading and Use of English Part 7 Multiple matching
Four people were asked how they’d change their lifestyle and why.
1 You are going to read an article in which four people talk about their lifestyles. For

A Luke
Don’t forget! questions 1–10, choose from the people (A–D). The people may be chosen more than once.
If there are any Which person states I’ve wanted to make improvements to my life for as long as I can remember. But it’s easier
questions you have said than done, isn’t it? It’s just getting rid of bad habits that I have come to accept in my life as
running out of money forces them to give something up? 1
not answered, normal, I guess. I tend to work long hours. This is a direct result of running my own real estate
their partner is keen for them to have a lifestyle change? 2
agency. Usually, with people who have regular jobs, when it’s the weekend or evening, it signals
scan the whole text
again to look for the they’d like to be able to take more time off to relax? 3 a time to put your feet up and switch off. With me, this is a rare occurrence. I’m not exactly tied to
information you need. more sleep at night would have a beneficial effect on their life? 4 my phone, but it’s my responsibility if something goes wrong. I can’t ignore it because there’s no
one else to solve the problem and sometimes it can’t wait until Monday morning. My wife wants
they’ve become more eager to try new sports? 5
us to take a year out and just see the world. We’re lucky that we have the finances to do it, but I
they undertook a building project as part of a lifestyle change? 6
can’t make up my mind at the moment – I need to soon or she’ll run out of patience!
they get great pleasure from their journey to work? 7
a change in career led to a positive outcome? 8
they are motivated to do physical exercise by their partner?
B Sophia
their previous job used to be very demanding? 10 To be honest, I really don’t have a great deal to complain about when it comes to the way
I live my life. This isn’t to say I don’t spend countless hours trying to improve it, though. I’m always
2 In the following two sentences from the magazine article, the word run is used with
trying something different. I used to stick to the same thing and was very much a creature of habit.
different meanings.
I wasn’t very daring at all. These days, I’m far more adventurous. From time to time, I’ll get bored
This is a direct result of running my own real estate agency. with going for a jog, so I’ll do a course in skiing or scuba diving or anything random like that. Then,
I can’t make up my mind at the moment – I need to soon or she’ll run out of patience! I’ll get bored of it or simply won’t have the cash and I’ll get my running kit on again. I always seem
to come back to that because it’s just a case of putting on some trainers. I suppose the main thing
Match the expressions with run (1–8) to their meanings (a–h).
is that it’s good to stay active, especially as you get older. Luckily, my boyfriend feels the same way
1 to run a tight ship a to be in a bad situation where there is a as me in this regard, so we encourage each other.
possibility of something bad happening to you
2 to run in the family b to finish naturally
3 to be running on empty c to try to escape
4 to run your eye over something
5 to run for office
d to look quickly at the whole of something
e to control something firmly and effectively
C Elizabeth
I guess the single most useful thing for me would be to start again and completely change
direction in terms of my chosen work path. But that’s not going to happen any time soon, so in a
6 to make a run for it f to continue to be active with little energy left close second place, I’d have to say turning my light off at a decent time would be a fantastic idea.
7 to run the risk of g refers to a quality or ability that many It sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But, for some reason, it isn’t. I usually go upstairs and start reading.
relatives have If I get into something good, this means going to sleep late. If I could wake up late, it would be OK,
but I can’t. I just get into a vicious circle this way, and I’m sure I’m not alone. So, I have to rely on my
8 to run its course h to try to be elected
alarm and set off early the next morning. I must say, though, that my bike ride is a great start to
3 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the expressions from Exercise 2. the day. I absolutely love it, especially when I see all the traffic jams and stressed out drivers on the
There is one expression you will not need. There is an example at the beginning (0). way. I wouldn’t want to change this. I didn’t use to do it and I can honestly say I even enjoy it in the
running your eye over pouring rain. That surprises a lot of people.
0 Would you mind my proposal for the meeting?
1 It appears you have an excellent talent for drawing. Does it
2 The thieves
3 The local councillor
after robbing the bank in the High Street.
losing her seat this year.
D DanielI often have moments to think about how I can change my life. The thing is
there’s a difference between thinking about it and actually doing it. I’m proud
4 I must consider coordinating my campaign of of
that I’ve actually managed to do so because there was a point when I thought
society president.
I couldn’t. I used to work in London and had to commute in from the
5 I think our friendship has as we don’t contact each suburbs every day. My day would start at around 6, and I wouldn’t
other anymore. be back home, relaxing on my sofa, until around 12 hours later.
6 Sandra and was a strict manager before she retired. Then when we had kids, I decided to give up my high-powered
job and instead took on something much more manageable.
This was stressful for me at the time, especially when we were
renovating our new home, but I have no regrets. It’s a simple
lifestyle, but I guess that’s the whole point. Shorter working
hours mean I get to catch up on stuff during the week that
I’d have usually had to find time for at weekends and this
is great.

4 5

Vocabulary Lifestyle 2 Complete each gap in the text with the correct form of the phrases from the box.
There is an example at the beginning (0).
Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. There is an example at the get angry get excited get into trouble get over it
beginning (0).
get rid of get stressed get stuck get the chance get to have
0 quite / grandmother / My / has / lifestyle / sedentary / a
My grandmother has quite a sedentary lifestyle .
1 American / I / know / way / little / very / about / life / the / of
2 job / My / means / I / lifestyle / a / stressful / have When I heard that Roger Federer was going to be playing
. an exhibition match in my home town, I tried not to
3 of / you / the / people / private / Are / lives / interested / in / famous (0) get too excited – I was
? supposed to be working that day after all. But as my friend
4 active / was / When / he / young / he / a / very / had / lifestyle said, when would we (1) to see such
. a legend play again?
5 your / How / lifestyle / would / you / to / change / try I’m happy that I hadn’t (2) my
? old tennis racket because I wanted him to sign the
6 extremely / modern / is / way / The / life / of / fast-paced handle. I (3) on the way there,
. as we (4) in an awful traffic jam
and I didn’t think we were going to make it. I mean,
7 well / relaxed / My / suits / character / my lifestyle
(5) this experience wasn’t
something that happened to me every day and I didn’t
8 of / in / The / this / lead / a / people / traditional / life / town / way
want to miss it. I got there just in time and was over the
moon to chat to him.
Clothes Unfortunately, I (6) because
I was on the local news talking to him. My boss
Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences.
(7) because I should have been
0 I’m not keen on casual / tight-fitting clothes. I prefer baggy ones.
at work. One day, she’ll (8) , but
1 Oh no! I’ve got wine on my brand new / second-hand silk shirt. it might take a while!
2 It’s best to wear a scruffy / smart suit to an interview.
3 Wow! I love the shoes. They’re so modern and trendy / baggy.
4 I’d wear casual / formal clothes like jeans every day if I could. Language focus Be used to, get used to and used to
5 He always chooses dark stuff, nothing tight-fitting / colourful at all!
Complete the questions using the correct form of be used to, get used to, used to and the verb in
6 Everyone wore very casual / formal dresses to the ball.
brackets. There is an example at the beginning (0).
7 Plain / Scruffy tops tend to be versatile because they go with anything.
0 A: Did you use to have (have) many friends at school?
8 Mohammed’s clothes are smart / baggy because he’s lost weight.
B: Yes, I did.
Get phrases 1 A: you (work) every day?
B: No, I’m not. I have a part-time job.
1 Complete the sentences with words from the box to form a verb with get. The verb
with get should have the same meaning as the verb or phrase in brackets. There is an 2 A: Have you (be) a student again?
example at the beginning (0). B: Yes, but I miss earning money.
3 A: you (swim) every day as a child?
away back by off out of over to
B: Yes, I was because I was in the county team.
0 I’d like a new job because it’s hard to get by (manage to live) on my salary. 4 A: What time you (get up) these days?
1 Jack is slowly getting (recovering from) the death of his father. B: At around seven o’clock in the morning, for work.
2 How did that prisoner manage to get (escape) from all those 5 A: Why didn’t you (do) your homework?
police officers?
B: Because it was so difficult.
3 We didn’t get (arrive in) Paris until late, so we didn’t want to call and
6 A: How long did it take to (eat) English food?
wake you.
B: Ages. But now I love it!
4 They got (returned) at four in the morning, so they’re still sleeping.
7 A: Why aren’t you (speak) French?
5 I wish I could get (stop) the habit of buying coffee from coffee shops.
It’s expensive! B: Because everyone wants to chat to me in English.
6 Let me know when you’re getting (leaving) the train and I’ll come and 8 A: you (live) in the countryside?
pick you up. B: Gradually, I suppose, but I still miss the city.

6 7

Language focus Habitual behaviour Listening Part 3 Multiple matching

Underline the adverbs or adverb phrases used in the incorrect position in the 1 1 You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about moving to
sentences below. Rewrite the relevant part of each sentence. There is an example at the another country. Before you do the exam task in Exercise 2, listen and match the five Don’t forget!
beginning (0). speakers to the people in the box. You will not hear
from time to time she’ll college student doctor manager school pupil teacher exactly the same words
0 Sandra tries to maintain a vegan lifestyle but she’ll from time to time slip up and eat as those in sentences
a burger. Speaker 1 Speaker 4 (A–H). Before you
Speaker 2 Speaker 5 listen, consider at least
1 Did you tend to not have a lot of friends as a kid?
one alternative way of
2 They’ll spend sometimes the whole day watching films. Speaker 3
expressing the general
3 My parents never are impolite to staff in restaurants. 2 1 Listen to the five speakers again and choose from the list (A–H) what each idea contained in
speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not each sentence.
4 Karen now and again has to commute to her office in the city.
need to use.
5 Always that student is forgetting his homework.
A I was very disappointed by the whole experience.
6 It’s like not her to miss a social gathering.
B I was interested in discovering new things. Speaker 1 1
7 My sister used often to go to parties as a teenager. C I was surprised by the number of English people there. Speaker 2 2
8 I stayed at friends’ houses hardly ever when I was younger. D I thought the cost of living was OK. Speaker 3 3
E I found it hard to adapt to the change of routine. Speaker 4 4
Reading and Use of English Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze F Communication was sometimes difficult. Speaker 5 5
G I was concerned about losing my old friends.
For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
How to go about it H I missed my family a lot.
each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).
When choosing an 3 Complete the listening extracts with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.
answer, look carefully I can’t go to school – it’s raining! The verb in each pair of extracts (a and b) is the same. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
at the whole sentence,
not just the words get look make set turn
immediately before
and after the gap. 0 a … my dad got transferred.
b … there’s a lot to get your head round.
1 a I had to the alarm for seven o’clock.
b up a business in another country is not an easy thing to do!
2 a ... I never up for nine o’clock lectures …
b … it out to be a great success.
3 a I was actually forward to meeting new people …
b I haven’t back!
It’s true that a popular topic of conversation in England is the weather. Have you ever taken
a day off school because of it? Would you (0) B suspicious if someone didn’t turn up for 4 a … no one any fuss about it.
school because of the weather? b … it’s the best decision I’ve ever .
Well, in 1960s England, these were actually (1) reasons to miss school. Back then, teachers
4 Match the extracts in Exercise 3 to the following meanings. There is an example at the
were required to record reasons why pupils weren’t at school each day. This is clear from beginning (0).
(2) at a log from Leighton Buzzard, in the county of Bedfordshire. (3) , the reason for
non-attendance was the weather. 0 There’s a lot to learn and understand. ... there’s a lot to get your head round.
Victorian school wasn’t free. As such, poor people could attend, but only (4) they were 1 I’ve never made a better decision.
(5) by charitable organisations. They didn’t use to have appropriate clothing and wore 2 Nobody worried about it.
scruffy, thin tops, dresses or trousers, (6) without coats or shoes. Deciding not to set 3 It’s difficult to start a company abroad.
(7) on foot to school in poor weather conditions suddenly becomes understandable. It
4 It was very successful in the end.
must have been a real risk to their health. One day, when only 30% of the pupils went to class,
5 It’s been a great achievement and I’ve
lessons were (8) and everyone huddled together close to the fire.
become even more successful.
0 A have B get C make D go
1 A correct B true C valid D proper
2 A looking B searching C examining D studying
3 A Hardly B Rarely C Almost D Frequently
4 A if B then C whether D before
5 A guaranteed B sponsored C donated D commissioned
6 A usual B rarely C seldom D often
7 A in B up C off D back
8 A prevented B opposed C excluded D suspended
8 9

2 Read the model answer to the task in Exercise 1. Match each paragraph (1–4) to its
purpose (a–d).
Paragraph 1 a Summary of the main ideas
Paragraph 2 b Communicating the first idea giving opinions and examples
Paragraph 3 c Introducing with a direct question to the reader
Paragraph 4 d Communicating the second idea giving opinions and examples

3 Tick (✓) the techniques the writer uses in the model answer in Exercise 1.
1 informal language
2 taking a neutral stand point
3 asking the reader questions
4 formal language
5 idioms
6 semi-formal language
7 addressing the reader
8 a catchy title
Writing Part 2 Article 9 headings
10 a range of adjectives and adverbs
1 Read the following Writing Part 2 task and model answer. Put the paragraphs (A–D)
Don’t forget! from the model answer in the correct order. 4 Underline an example of each technique you ticked in Exercise 3 in the model answer.
Begin with an
1 2 3 4 5 Write an answer to the task below. Write your answer in 140–190 words in an
interesting opening
appropriate style.
You see this announcement in an international magazine. You see this announcement in an international magazine.
Include direct
questions and/or
direct speech for a
lively article.
What would make your life
Use contractions
and phrasal verbs FOR THE PAST? better? Think of two changes
for an informal style.
Include a range
As we look to the future, so many people like to look back to where they’ve come from.
What are the reasons for this love of our past lives? And why does it sometimes seem
YOUR LIFESTYLE? that would have a positive
effect on your life. The three
of descriptive
language and
linking words.
Leave the reader
so much better than the present? The three best articles will be published in next
month’s magazine.
CHANGE IT! best articles will be published
in next month’s magazine.

something to think
about at the end.
Give your article a
Back to the past Write your article.

catchy title. Useful language

A The key is to be able to have this kind of positive selection in the present. But with bills
to pay and a nine-to-five job, it’s no surprise that the present often proves to be more of Addressing the reader Attitude adverbs Developing points
a challenge. You wouldn’t believe ... Importantly, … Let’s start with …
Have you ever ...? Surprisingly, … On top of all that, …
B The thing is, we tend to focus on positive memories. If you’re anything like me, you’ll
What would life be like if … Essentially, ... What’s more, …
remember parties and holidays rather than a job you disliked. Stressful aspects of life are
going to dominate the present but not the past. That distance almost allows us to forget You absolutely must … Suddenly, … Above all, …
the things we simply don’t want to remember. Just imagine … Amazingly, … Another advantage of …
I'm sure you’d agree … Incredibly, … Yet another reason is …
C People love to look back at the good old days and to take a trip down memory lane. Why
does the present very rarely live up to our nostalgia for the past?

D An obvious answer is that we’re getting older. We might reflect that at that point in the
past, we had our lives ahead of us and all the excitement and mystery that goes with it.
Another response might be that our lives were simpler then. This is almost certainly the
case with childhood. We had someone else to look after us and fewer responsibilities.

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