Holbach, Volker - Tarskian and Kripkean Truth

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ABSTRACT. A theory of the transnite Tarskian hierarchy of languages is outlined and compared to a notion of partial truth by Kripke. It is shown that the hierarchy can be embedded into Kripkes minimal xed point model. From this results on the expressive power of both approaches are obtained.

1. INTRODUCTION In his celebrated paper Kripke (1975) complained that there was not any detailed treatment of a transnite Tarskian hierarchy of languages. Twenty years later the situation has improved1, but Kripkes own approach of a type-free theory of truth is now far better worked out than the Tarskian hierarchy. As already noticed by Kripke both approaches have much in common, and it is the aim of this paper to clarify some similarities and differences and thereby to develop a theory of the Tarskian hierarchies. Before being able to start I have to x some notation. The expressions of all languages considered here are identied with natural numbers. For this purpose choose a standard sequence coding . . . for natural numbers and assign a number to every symbol of the considered language in a natural way. Then formulas and terms of the language are certain sequences, i.e. numbers. The starting point for the discussion will be a recursive language L with only nitely many non-logical symbols, that is a language such that the properties of being a variable etc. is recursive. Hence the set of all terms, formulas, sentences, and so on will be recursive, too. Furthermore I assume that L has no predicate symbol of the form Tn where n .2 Let A be an acceptable structure in the sense of (Moschovakis, 1974) for L. Note that therefore A contains the natural numbers, and the recursive functions and predicates are expressible in L which therefore must have suitable predicate or function symbols. If h is a recursive function I shall write h . for a function expression representing h in the language L. In the case L has no suitable function expressions h . is thought to be dened away by predicates in the usual way. The fact that a formula is valid in a model B at an assignment a is expressed by B |= [a]. If does not contain free variables, i.e. is a sentence, B |= abbreviates B |= [a] for arbitrary a.
Journal of Philosophical Logic 26: 6980, 1997. c 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

VTEX (Ju) PIPS No.: 83569 HUMNKAP LOGIS1.tex; 20/01/1997; 19:13; v.5; p.1



2. TARSKIAN HIERARCHIES3 To the language L a new one-place predicate symbol T0 is added to obtain the language L1 which is interpreted by extending A in such a way that T0 is the truth predicate for the initial language L. Now L1 is expanded by T1 suitably interpreted and so on. At limit stages one gets a language L containing a predicate symbol T for any < where each predicate symbol T is interpreted as truth predicate for the preceding language. The construction is then carried on by adding a new symbol T to be interpreted in the obvious way. This is the rough idea how to construct transnite (well-founded) Tarskian hierarchies, but there is still a problem. It has to be explained what is meant by the symbols T . If there is a T for each ordinal these symbols cannot be natural numbers. It may be argued that the identication of expressions with natural numbers should be given up in consequence. But then it would no longer make sense to ask whether a set of formulas or a whole language is recursive because properties like being recursive can only be applied to sets of natural numbers and certainly not to uncountable sets. Furthermore languages which are not recursive or at least recursively enumerable cannot be considered as being really usable (or being analogues of usable languages). Therefore I shall use codes, i.e. natural numbers, as indices of the truth predicates instead of ordinals. Obviously, this limits the height of Tarskian hierarchies to countable ordinals. I shall also put another condition on the indices: It should be readily recognizable whether an index is higher than another and whether a given number is an index at all. This reects the idea that the hierarchies should be somehow constructible and consist of recursive languages. Call such hierarchies posessing such a recursive ordering of their indices recursive Tarskian hierarchies. As every recursive ordering of natural numbers not embracing all natural numbers can be extended there is not any recursive Tarskian hierarchy which is not included by a larger recursive Tarskian hierarchy. It can even be proved, that if a recursive well-ordering is given and there are innitely many numbers not in the eld of this well-ordering it can be expanded to a well-ordering CK such that any initial segment of it is recursive. Instead of length4 1 of talking about increasing sequences of recursive Tarskian hierarchies I shall simplify discussion by considering hierarchies which are unions of maximal sequences of recursive Tarskian hierarchies. Obviously, every initial part of the ordering of the truth predicates in such a hierarchy has to be recursive, but the whole ordering will in general not be recursive. It follows from well known results of recursion theory that the CK because any recursive wellmaximal height of such an ordering is 1

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CK . This leads to the following ordering has order type smaller than 1 denition:

Let in the following be a linear well-ordering of natural numbers of CK such that restricted to any initial segment {n: n i} for length 1 i Fld() is a recursive relation. I shall refer to as the index system. Let be the -th element of the well-ordering . Hence 0 is the smallest element in the index system. Using Kleenes ordinal notation system5 O it can be shown that there are indeed well-orderings satisfying the above conditions. In general, initial segments of paths in O are recursively enumerable, but Jokusch has CK ) shown in (Jokusch, 1975) that there are paths through (i.e. of length 1 such that any initial segment is recursive. Alternatively one could simply use Girards version of O in (Girard, 1987) which is a modication of Kleenes such that any initial segment of a path is not only r.e. but even recursive. Note that an index system has at least complexity 1 1. After having introduced the index system the Tarskian hierarchy with L as initial language is easily dened.
CK , that is, from the set of DEFINITION 1. Let L be the function from 1 CK all ordinals smaller than 1 , into the power set of . Let L() be the language6 L expanded by all predicate symbols Tk such that k .

Models for the languages L(n) of the hierarchy are dened inductively in the obvious way.
CK is dened DEFINITION 2. A sequence A0 , A1 , A2 , . . . of length 1 such that A is an expansion of A to the language L(). A0 is A itself. In order to dene A+1 it is sufcient to x the interpretation (extension) A+1 (T ) of the predicate symbol T , so let A+1 (T ) be the set of all A -valid sentences of L(). If is a limit number A is simply the union < A of all preceding models (here the union is to be dened in a suitable way on models). CK ) for the union of all languages. Similarly, Sometimes I shall write L(1 ACK is the union of all models. 1 The hierarchy may be considered as a variant of the ramied analytical hierarchy, built up over the acceptable model A, because each level of the Tarskian hierarchy has exactly the same strength as the corresponding level in the ramied analytical hierarchy7. To dene this hierarchy let L2 be the extension of L having all second-order variables Xn where 2 < and n . The languages L are closed under the usual operations of rst-order logic and arbitrary quantication of the second-order

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quantiers. Let the variable L2 range over all subsets of the universe of 2 A denable in a language L with < . All rst-order vocabulary is interpreted as before in A. Then one has:
CK . Then the sets denable in L() are THEOREM 3. Suppose < 1 2 exactly the sets denable in L .

The proof is carried out by showing that membership may be dened using the truth predicate. Then the second-order variables range under this interpretation over sentences of the language L( ) having exactly one xed variable. The proof of the opposite direction is also carried out by induction on the index system. The induction basis is a well-known result, namely that truth in L may be dened by second-order variables of level CK . 0. For the theorem above this proof is inductively iterated for < 1 Because of Theorem 3 the expressive power of the Tarski hierarchy does not depend on its index system. In the case L is the language of arithmetic and A the standard model, a more usual hierarchy is the hyperarithmetic hierarchy. By results of Kleene, the sets denable in L() and in the (1 + )-th level are the same (see also (Feferman, 1991) and (Halbach, 1995)). In the following sections I shall relate the Tarskian hierarchy to an unramied language, namely that containing only one additional truth predicate interpreted in way that Kripke proposed in (1975). 3. KRIPKES THEORY OF TRUTH I shall recall (a variant of) the denition and some facts about the minimal xed point model based on the strong Kleene evaluation scheme. The language for which models will be investigated is LT , that is, L expanded by an additional one-place predicate symbol T. The models to be described in this section are partial, that is, there are sentences neither true nor false in the model, more specic, the extension S1 := A(T) of the truth predicate is not the complement of its antiextension S2 := A(T). All other vocabulary is interpreted as in the acceptable model A, and for complex formulas involving formulas containing T the strong Kleene 3-valued logic applies, or more formally speaking, depending on the extension S1 and antiextension S2 the partial model A(S1 , S2 ) is dened as follows. S1 will always be assumed to consist of sentences only and the pair of S1 and S2 is presupposed to be disjoint. Note that in the special case S1 = S2 = these requirements are satised. (i) The partial model A(S1 , S2 ) is an expansion of A to the language LT .

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(ii) A(S1 , S2 ) |= Tt[a], if the value of t in A under the assignment a is a sentence of L and an element of S1 . (iii) A(S1 , S2 ) |= Tt[a], if the value of t in A under the assignment a is no sentence of L or an element of S2 . (iv) A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a], if A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a]. (v) A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a], if A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a] and A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a]. (vi) A(S1 , S2 ) |= ( )[a], if A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a] or A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a]. (vii) A(S1 , S2 ) |= x, if A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a ] for an assignment a differing from a at most in the value of the variable x. (viii) A(S1 , S2 ) |= x[a], if A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a ] for all assignments a differing from a at most in the value of x. Sometimes I shall also use other connectives which are dened in the usual way for the strong Kleene scheme. Note that if S1 S2 contains the set of all sentences of LT then A(S1 , S2 ) is a classical (non-partial) model for LT . If (S1 , S2 ) and (S1 , S2 ) are disjoint pairs of sets such that S1 and S1 are sets of sentences of LT an ordering is dened in the following way:
(S1 , S2 ) (S1 , S2 ) : S1 S1 und S2 S2

Now the so-called Kripke-jump is dened on such pairs.

(S1 , S2 ) := ({: A(S1 , S2 ) |= }, {: A(S1 , S2 ) |= })

As (S1 , S2 ) (S1 , S2 ) and A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a] implies A(S1 , S2 ) |= [a] it can be concluded that in monotone, that is (S1 , S2 ) (S1 , S2 ) implies (S1 , S2 ) (S1 , S2 ). Therefore there must be xed points of , and in particular a smallest xed point (S1 , S2 ) satisfying (S1 , S2 ) (S1 , S2 ) for all other xed points (S1 , S2 ) of . Hence a sentence is valid in all xed point models if and only if it is valid in the minimal xed point model. Let (S1 , S2 ) be the -fold application of to the pair (S1 , S2 ) (taking unions at limit stages). There is a smallest ordinal such that
(, ) = (, )

for all ordinals > . Let for rest of the paper be this closure ordinal . The model (, ) is of course the minimal xed point model. Note that the closure ordinal cannot be recursive and is hence equal or larger than CK . For grounded formulas, that is, either true or false at the assignment 1 in the minimal xed point model, I dene the Kripke-degree kd.

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kd(, a) := min{: A( (, )) |= [a] or A( (, )) |= [a]}

In the case that there is not such < put kd(, a) = 0. If has no free variables kd(, a) = kd(, b) for all assignments a and b. In this case I shall omit the assignment and simply write kd(). In the next two sections I shall show how the Kripke-degrees of formulas and the levels of the Tarskian hierarchy correspond to one another. 4. FROM THE TARSKIAN HIERARCHY TO KRIPKEAN TRUTH In (1975) Kripke has shown how the nite levels of the Tarskian hierarchy can be embedded into a sublanguage of LT . Here I shall prove the result for transnite levels, too. Roughly speaking, one simply replaces all formulas Tn t (t a term) by a conjunction saying that the translation of t is true and that t is a sentence of the language L(n). More exactly, CK a recursive the recursion theorem is employed to dene for any < 1 8 function f satisfying the following conditions . if n = () if n = ( ) if n = (x) f (n) := xf() T f ( t ) Sent ( t ) if n = (T t) and < L( ) . n else Here SentL( ) (x) expresses that x is in the language L expanded by all predicate symbols Ti such that i . SentL( ) (x) may be dened as a two-place predicate because the ordering of indices of the truth predicates of the language L() is recursive. Hence SentL( ) (x) depends on , so I should index SentL( ) (x) by , but I have avoided this for sake of a simple notation. By an easy induction on it can be shown using the above lemma that the Kripke-degree of a translation of a formula of the hierarchy is bounded by the maximum of the indices occurring in the formula: LEMMA 4. If L() then kd(f (), a) for arbitrary assignments a. Again by induction on it is established that the translation preserves validity.
CK ), then the following THEOREM 5. If is a sentence of L() ( < 1 equivalence holds:

f() f () f ( )

ACK |= [a] A( (, )) |= f ()[a]


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5. FROM KRIPKEAN TRUTH TO TARSKIAN TRUTH For this and the nal section I shall make an additional assumption on the index system: I suppose that the properties of a notation of an ordinal of being a limit notation or a predecessor of an ordinal is decidable. The following results concerning the expressive power of the languages of the Tarskian hierarchies are not restricted by this additional assumption, because by Theorem 3 different index systems have no relevance to denability. For other applications a well-known trick (cf. (Rogers, 1967, p. 211)) from recursion theory may be used: LEMMA 6. Any linear well-ordering of length can be effectively transformed into a linear well-ordering of length such that the properties of being the predecessor of a given ordinal notation or of being a limit notation is decidable for all notations in the eld of the new well-ordering. As the ordering is linear there is only one notation for 0 and hence the property of being this number is decidable. Note that by the lemma one gets from any recursive well-ordering a recursive well-ordering such that the mentioned properties a recursive. From the index system we obtain CK = CK the a linear ordering having this pleasant feature, and as 1 1 new well-ordering has still the same length. For the following denition it is essential that all initial segments of the index sytem are recursive. For the initial segment up to I shall write . Again, in the case of Kleenes O one would not need the for the following denition because of a similar observation made before the denition of f . Now I shall show how to translate sentences of the language LT into CK ). This is done in a way very similar to the the ramied language L(1 tranlation in the preceding section. I use again the recursion theorem to CK . dene a two-place function h for each < 1
h (k, ) h (k, ) h (k, ) xh (k, )

h (k, n) :=

. t) c . (c, . kTk h

Tk h (c, t)

if n = () if n = ( ) if n = (x) if k = 0 and n = Tt if k is the successor of c and n = Tt if k = is a limit ordinal smaller than and n = Tt else

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If is a formula of LT , then obviously h ( , ) is a formula of L(+1). Using this fact one can prove the following result. THEOREM 7. Assuming kd(, a) < the following holds
A( (, )) |= [a] ACK |= h ( , )[a]

Proof. By induction on kd(, a). Let be xed throughout the proof. For L the theorem is trivial. If kd(, a) = 0 then either A(, ) |= [a] or A(, ) |= [a]. I shall prove the theorem only for the rst case. Assume = 0. From (, ) (, ) I conclude by the monotonicity property
A(, ) |= [a].

Now h (0 , ) is the result of substituting all subformulas Tt by . As

A(, ) |= Tt[a]

the formulas Tt are equivalent to for arbitrary assignments. In other words

ACK |= h (0 , )[a].

In the case > 0 the same method can be used to establish the theorem by putting S1 := ACK (T ) S2 := S1 . Then A(S1 , S2 ) is again a model without truth-value gaps, i.e. a classical model, satisfying again (, ) (S1 , S2 ), and the theorem can be proved as in the case = 0. I turn to the successor case kd(, a) = + 1. I apply side induction on the inductive denition of validity in partial models with the strong Kleene scheme. Let be atomic, that is of shape Tt. Now
A( (, )) |= Tt[a]

implies the existence of a sentence that is the value of the term t under the assignment a such that kd() < .
A( (, )) |= Tt[a] A( (, )) |= ACK |= h ( , ) for all
1 1 1 1

ACK |= Tk h . ( , ) ACK |= h (( + 1) , Tt)[a] ACK |= h ( , Tt)[a] for all >

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If = Tt the proof can be carried out in the same way, except in case = 1 if the value of t is not a LT -sentence. I skip the easy proofs of the cases , , ( ), x and x. If kd(, a) = is a limit, a side induction of the same kind is performed as above. 6. DEFINABILITY I shall now turn to questions of denability. In the case of partial models two notions of denability have to be distinguished (see, e.g. Burgess (1986)). A set B of members of the domain of the model A is said to be weakly denable if there is a formula (x) with just x free such that
A( (, )) |= (x)[a] iff a(x) B

where a(x) is the value of x under the assignment a. In the case that L is the language of arithmetic and A the standard model of arithmetic the sets denable in LT are exactly the 1 1 -sets, cf. (Burgess, 1986). A subset B of the domain of A is said to be strongly denable by if B is weakly denable by (x) and
A( (, )) |= (x)[a] iff a(x) /B

It is known (see again Burgess (1986)) that in the case of arithmetic the strongly denable sets are exactly the hyperarithmetical ( 1 1 -)sets. By the two preceding sections the following theorem can be proved.
CK . Then the following three statements THEOREM 8. Assume < 1 are equivalent.

(i) B is strongly denable by a formula (x) satisfying sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} < . (ii) B is weakly denable by a formula (x) satisfying sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} < . (iii) B is denable in the language L(). Proof. As (i) to (ii) is trivial I prove (ii) to (iii) rst. kd(, a) < and weak denability imply for < by Theorem 7
c B ACK |= h ( , (x))[a] and a(x) = c

Because h ( , (x)) is a formula of the language L() it can be therefrom concluded that B is denable in L().

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(iii) to (i). Assume on the other hand B to be denable in L() by a formula (x). By Theorem 5 it follows that
c B A( (, )) |= f ((x))[a] and a(x) = c

Hence B is weakly denable. To show B to be strongly denable I proceed in the following way:
c / B ACK |= (x)[a] and a(x) = c

A( (, )) |= f ((x))[a] and a(x) = c A( (, )) |= f ((x))[a] and a(x) = c

Hence B is also strongly denable and sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} < follows from Lemma 4. This concludes the proof of the theorem. It is well-known that all strongly denable sets are hyperelementary in CK , formulas (weakly) dening a non-hyperelementary A. Hence if = 1 set have Kripke degree .
CK and (x) weakly denes a non-hypereleCOROLLARY 9. If = 1 mentary set CK sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} = 1

holds. My next goal is to compare strong denability and denability in the languages in the hierarchy L. Kripke has already pointed out that in certain cases the two notions may coincide and McGee has shown a related result in (1991, p. 124). In order to use the above theorem for such a comparison I have to prove a tiny lemma rst. LEMMA 10. m If (x) strongly denes a set B , then there is an < such that sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} < . Proof. By assumption the following holds for all assignments a.
[a] A( (, )) |= T

The dot above means that the free variables of may be bound from . Hence the universal closure holds. outside and occur freely in T
) A( (, )) |= x( T

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So there must be < such that

). A( (, )) |= x( T

Having established the lemma the comparison theorem follows easily from the above theorem.
CK the strongly denable sets and the sets denTHEOREM 11. If = 1 CK ) coincide. able in the language L(1

In general strong denability by a formula (x) such that

CK sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} < 1 CK ) are the same. In contrast, there may be sets and denability in L(1 CK not denable in L(1 ) but by a formula CK sup{kd((x), a): a an assignment} 1 CK . McGee because Lemma 10 cannot be proved with replaced by 1 has shown in (1991) how to extend the Tarskian hierarchy up to in order to render the Tarskian hierarchy strong enough to dene all strongly denable sets. Here I did not want to drop the restriction that the ordering of the indices of the truth predicates is not recursive. So the Tarskian hierarchy can only handle recursive (constructive) levels while the approach of Kripke allows to go up to the closure ordinal of the structure A.

1 Since then different authors have made contributions to the theory of Tarskian hierarchies, e.g. (Feferman, 1991; Parsons, 1974; Burge, 1979; Church, 1976; Halbach, 1996). 2 The referee has pointed out that it might be interesting to consider also non-acceptable structures, because the Tarskian hierarchy as well as Kripkes approach can easily be adapted to this more general approach. In general, satisfaction predicates are no longer denable from the truth predicates, because the substitution function is no longer expressible. Some of our arguments below rely on the availability of the substitution function, e.g. in Theorem 7, and it would be nice to see where the assumption of acceptability can be dropped, if the recursive functions are assumed to be still available. 3 A more detailed treatment of the Tarski hierarchies (in a slightly more general sense) may be found in (Halbach, 1995). In this paper I also gave a proof of Theorem 3. 4 CK is the rst non-recursive ordinal, that is the least ordinal that is greater than the 1 order type of any well-founded recursive linear ordering. For more details and different characterizations, see, e.g. (Rogers, 1967). 5 See (Rogers, 1967, p. 208) for a denition of Kleenes O.

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6 7


Here and in the following I identify a language and the set of its formulas. Feferman has pointed out this fact in (Feferman, 1991) for the special (and most important) case that L is the language of arithmetic and A its standard model. For a more detailed denition of the ramied analytical hierarchy over arbitrary acceptable structures see (Moschovakis, 1974), p. 125. 8 If there is a recursive function F giving, applied to a k Fld(), (an index of) the index system restricted to the initial segment up to k, a universal function f not depending on may be dened. This is the case with all versions and paths of Kleenes O.

Burge, T.: 1979, Semantical Paradox, Journal of Philosophy 76, 83118. Burgess, J.: 1986, The Truth is Never Simple, Journal of Symbolic Logic 51, 663681. Church, A.: 1976, Comparison of Russels Resolution of the Semantical Antinomies with that of Tarski, Journal of Symbolic Logic 41, 747760. Feferman, S.: 1991, Reecting on Incompleteness, Journal of Symbolic Logic 56, 149. Girard J.-Y.: 1987, Proof Theory and Logical Complexity vol. 1, Bibliopolis, Napoli. Halbach, V.: 1995, Tarski Hierarchies, Erkenntnis 43, 339367. Halbach, V.: 1996, Axiomatische Wahrheitstheorien, Akademie Verlag, Berlin. Jokusch, C. G.: 1975, Recursiveness of Initial Segments of Kleenes O, Fundamenta Mathematicae LXXXVII, 161167. Kripke, S.: 1975, Outline of a Theory of Truth, Journal of Philosophy 72, 690716. Martin, R. L.: 1975, On Representing True-in-L in L, Philosophia 5, 213217. McGee, V.: 1991, Truth, Vagueness and Paradox, Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis. Moschovakis, Y. N.: 1974, Elementary Induction on Abstract Structures , North-Holland, Amsterdam. Parsons, C.: 1974, The Liar Paradox, Journal of Philosophical Logic 3, 381412. Rogers, H.: 1967, Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability, McGrawHill Book Company, New York.

Ochsenfelder Strae 12, 85072 Eichstaett, Germany, e-mail: [email protected]

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