Lambda Calculi

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Lambda Calculi

Lambda calculi (λ-calculi) are formal systems describing functions and function application. One of them,
the untyped version, is often referred to as the λ-calculus. This exposition will adopt this convention. At
its core, the λ-calculus is a formal language with certain reduction rules intended to capture the notion of
function application [Church, 1932, p. 352]. Through the primitive notion of function application, the λ-
calculus also serves as a prototypical programming language. The philosophical significance of the
calculus comes from the expressive power of a seemingly simple formal system. The λ-calculus is in fact
a family of formal systems, all stemming from the same common root. The variety and expressiveness of
these calculi yield results in formal logic, recursive function theory, the foundations of mathematics, and
programming language theory. After a discussion of the history of the λ-calculus, we will explore the
expressiveness of the untyped λ-calculus. Then we will investigate the role of the untyped lambda
calculus in providing a negative answer to Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem and in forming the Church-
Turing thesis. After this, we will take a brief foray into typed λ-calculi and discuss the Curry-Howard
isomorphism, which provides a correspondence between these calculi (which again are prototypical
programming languages) and systems of natural deduction.

Table of Contents
1. History
1. Main Developments
2. Notes
2. The Untyped Lambda Calculus
1. Syntax
2. Substitution
3. α-equivalence
4. β-equivalence
5. η-equivalence
6. Notes
3. Expressiveness
1. Booleans
2. Church Numerals
3. Notes
4. Philosophical Importance
1. The Church-Turing Thesis
2. An Answer to Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem
3. Notes
5. Types and Programming Languages
1. Overview
2. Notes
6. References and Further Reading

1. History
a. Main Developments
Alonzo Church first introduced the λ-calculus as “A set of postulates for the foundation of logic” in two
papers of that title published in 1932 and 1933. Church believed that “the entities of formal logic are
abstractions, invented because of their use in describing and systematizing facts of experience or
observation, and their properties, determined in rough outline by this intended use, depend for their exact
character on the arbitrary choice of the inventor” [Church, 1932, p. 348]. The intended use of the formal
system Church developed was, as mentioned in the introduction, function application. Intuitively, the
expression (later called a term) λx.x2 corresponds to an anonymous definition of the mathematical
function f(x) = x2. An “anonymous definition” of a function refers to a function defined without a name;
in the current case, instead of defining a function “f”, an anonymous definition corresponds to the
mathematician’s style of defining a function as a mapping, such as “x ↦ x2”. Do note that the operation of
squaring is not yet explicitly defined in the λ-calculus. Later, it will be shown how it can be. For our
present purposes, the use of squaring is pedagogical. By limiting the use of free variables and the law of
excluded middle in his system in certain ways, Church hoped to escape paradoxes of transfinite set theory
[Church, 1932, p. 346–8]. The original formal system of 1932–1933 turned out, however, not to be
consistent. In it, Church defined many symbols besides function definition and application: a two-place
predicate for extensional equality, an existential quantifier, negation, conjunction, and the unique solution
of a function. In 1935, Church’s students Kleene and Rosser, using this full range of symbols and Gödel’s
method of representing the syntax of a language numerically so that a system can express statements
about itself, proved that any formula is provable in Church’s original system. In 1935, Church isolated the
portion of his formal system dealing solely with functions and proved the consistency of this system. One
idiosyncratic feature of the system of 1935 was eliminated in Church’s 1936b paper, which introduced
what is now known as the untyped λ-calculus. This 1936 paper also provides the first exposition of the
Church-Turing thesis and a negative answer to Hilbert’s famous problem of determining whether a given
formula in a formal system is provable. We will discuss these results later.

b. Notes
For a thorough history of the λ-calculus, including many modern developments, with a plethora of
pointers to primary and secondary literature, see Cardone and Hindley [2006]. Church [1932] is very
accessible and provides some insight into Church’s thinking about formal logic in general. Though the
inconsistency proof of Kleene and Rosser [1935] is a formidable argument, the first page of their paper
provides an overview of their proof strategy which should be comprehensible to anyone with some
mathematical/logical background and rough understanding of the arithmetization of syntax á la Gödel.
According to Barendregt [1997], Church originally intended to use the notation ˆx.x2. His original
typesetter could not typeset this, and so moved the hat in front of the x, which another typesetter than read
as λx.x2. In an unpublished letter, Church writes that he placed the hat in front, not a typesetter. According
to Cardone and Hindley [2006, p. 7], Church later contradicted his earlier account, telling enquirers that
he was in need of a symbol and just happened to pick λ.

2. The Untyped Lambda Calculus
At its most basic level, the λ-calculus is a formal system with a concrete syntax and distinct reduction
rules. In order to proceed properly, we must define the alphabet and syntax of our language and then the
rules for forming and manipulating well-formed formulas in this language. In the process of this
exposition, formal definitions will be given along with informal description of the intuitive meaning
behind the expressions.

a. Syntax
The language of the λ-calculus consists of the symbols (, ), λ and a countably infinite set of variables x, y,
z, … We use upper-case variables M, N, … to refer to formulas of the λ-calculus. These are not symbols in
the calculus itself, but rather convenient metalinguistic abbreviations. The terms (formulas, expressions;
these three will be used interchangeably) of the calculus are defined inductively as follows:
• x is a term for any variable.
• If M, N are terms, then (MN) is a term.
• If x is a variable and M a term, then (λx.M) is a term.

The latter two rules of term formation bear most of the meat. The second bullet corresponds to function
application. The last bullet is called “abstraction” and corresponds to function definition. Intuitively, the
notation λx.M corresponds to the mathematical notation of an anonymous function x ↦ M. As you can see
from this language definition, everything is a function. The functions in this language can “return” other
functions and accept other functions as their input. For this reason, they are often referred to as higher-
order functions or first-class functions in programming language theory. We provide a few examples of λ
terms before examining evaluation rules and the expressive power of this simple language.
• λx.x: this represents the identity function, which just returns its argument.
• λf.(λx.(fx)): this function takes in two arguments and applies the first to the second.
• λf.(λx.(f(xx)))(λx.(f(xx))): this term is called a “fixed-point combinator” and usually denoted by Y.
We will discuss its importance later, but introduce it here to show how more complex terms can be
Though I referred to the second term above as accepting two arguments, this is actually not the case.
Every function in the λ-calculus takes only one argument as its input (as can be seen by a quick
examination of the language definition). We will see later, however, that this does not in any way restrict
us and that we can often think of nested abstractions as accepting multiple arguments. Before we proceed,
a few notational conventions should be mentioned:
• We always drop the outermost parentheses. This was already adopted in the three examples above.
• Application associates to the left: (MNP) is shorthand for ((MN)P).
• Conversely, abstraction associates to the right: (λx.λy.M) is short for (λx.(λy.M))
• We can drop λs from repeated abstractions: λx.λy.M can be written λxy.M and similarly for any
length sequence of abstractions.

b. Substitution
Because it will play a pivotal role in determining the equivalence between λ-terms, we must define a
notion of variable substitution. This depends on the notion of free and bound variables, which we will

define only informally. In a term λx.P, x is a bound variable, as are similarly bound variables in the
subterm P; variables which are not bound are free. In other words, free variables are those that occur
outside the scope of a λ abstraction on that variable. A term containing no free variables is called a
combinator. We can then define the substitution of N for x in term M, denoted M[x := N], as follows:
• x[x := N] = N
• y[x := N] = y (provided that x is a variable different than y)
• (PQ)[x := N] = P[x := N]Q[x := N]
• (λx.P)[x := N] = λx.P
• (λy.P)[x := N] = λy.P[x := N] (provided that x is different than y and y is not free in N or x is not
free in P)
Intuitively, these substitution rules allow us to replace all the free occurrences of a variable (x) with any
term (N). We cannot replace the bound occurrences of the variable (or allow for a variable to become
bound by a substitution, as accounted for in the last rule) because that would change the “meaning” of the
term. The scare quotes are included because the formal semantics of the λ-calculus falls beyond the scope
of the present article.

c. α-equivalence
The α-equivalence relation, denoted ≡α, captures the idea that two terms are equivalent up to a change of
bound variables. For instance, though I referred to λx.x as “the” identity function earlier, we also want to
think of λy.y, λz.z, et cetera as identity functions. We can define α-equivalence formally as follows:
• x ≡α x
• MN ≡α PQ if M ≡α P and N ≡α Q
• λx.M ≡α λx.N (provided that M ≡α N)
• λx.M ≡α λy.M[x := y] (provided that y is not free in M)

It will then follow as a theorem that ≡α is an equivalence relation. It should therefore be noted that what
was defined earlier as a λ-term is in fact properly called a pre-term. Equipped with the notion of α-
equivalence, we can then define a λ-term as the α-equivalence class of a pre-term. This allows us to say
that λx.x and λy.y are in fact the same term since they are α-equivalent.

d. β-equivalence
β-reduction, denoted →β, is the principle rewriting rule in the λ-calculus. It captures the intuitive notion of
function application. So, for instance, (λx.x)M →β M, which is what we would expect from an identity
function. Formally, →β is the least relation of λ-terms satisfying:
• If M →β N then λx.M →β λx.N
• If M →β N then MZ →β NZ for any terms M, N, Z
• If M →β N then ZM →β ZN for any terms M, N, Z
• (λx.M)N →β M[x := N]

The first three conditions define what’s referred to as a compatible relation. →β is then the least
compatible relation of terms satisfying the fourth condition, which encodes the notion of function
application as variable substitution. We will use the symbol ↠β to denote the iterated (zero or more times)
application of →β and =β to denote the smallest equivalence relation containing →β. Two terms M and N

are said to be convertible when M =αβ N (=αβ refers to the union of =α and =β). A term of the form
(λx.M)N is called a β-redux (or just a redux) because it can be reduced to M[x := N]. A term M is said to
be in β-normal form (henceforth referred to simply as normal form) iff there is no term N such that M →β
N. That is to say that a term M is in normal form iff M contains no β-redexes. A term M is called
normalizing (or weakly normalizing) iff there is an N in normal form such that M ↠β N. A term M is
strongly normalizing if every β-reduction sequence starting with M is finite. A term which is not
normalizing is called divergent. Regarding β-reduction as the execution of a program, this definition says
that divergent programs never terminate since normal form terms correspond to terminated programs.
Although we do not prove the result here, it is worth nothing that the untyped λ-calculus is neither
normalizing nor strongly normalizing. For instance, Y as defined earlier does not normalize. The
interested reader may try an exercise: show that Y →β Y1 →β Y2 →β Y3 →β …, where Yi ≠ Yj for all i ≠
j. Iterated β reduction allows us to express functions of multiple variables in a language that only has one-
argument functions. Consider the example before of the term λf.λx.(fx). Letting F, X denote arbitrary
terms, we can evaluate:

(λf.(λx.(fx)))FX →β (λx.(fx)[f := F])X

→β (Fx)[x := X]
= FX
This result is exactly what we expected. The process of treating a function of multiple arguments as
iterated single-argument functions is generally referred to as Currying. Moreover, ↠β satisfies an
important property known either as confluence or as the Church-Rosser property. For any term M, if M
↠β M1 and M ↠β M2, then there exists a term M3 such that M1 ↠β M3 and M2 ↠β M3. Although a proof
of this statement requires machinery that lies beyond the scope of the present exposition, it is both an
important property and one that is weaker than either normalization or strong normalization. In other
words, although the untyped λ-calculus is neither normalizing nor strongly normalizing, it does satisfy the
Church-Rosser property.

e. η-equivalence
Another common notion of reduction is →η which is the least compatible relation (i.e. a relation
satisfying the first three items in the definition of →β) such that
• λx.Mx →η M (provided that x is not free in M)

As before, =η is the least equivalence relation containing →η. The notion of η-equivalence captures the
idea of extensionality, which can be broadly stated as the fact that two objects (of whatever kind) are
equal if they share all their external properties, even if they may differ on internal properties. (The notion
of external and internal properties used here is meant to be intuitive only.) η-equivalence is a kind of
extensionality statement for the untyped λ-calculus because it states that any function is equal to the
function which takes an argument and applies the original function to this argument. In other words, two
functions are equivalent when they yield the same output on the same input. This assumption is an
extensionality one because it ignores any differences in how the two functions compute that output.

f. Notes
In its original formulation, Church allowed abstraction to occur only over free variables in the body of the
function. While this makes intuitive sense (i.e. the body of the function should depend on its input), the
requirement does not change any properties of the calculus and has generally been dropped. Barendregt

[1984] is the most thorough work on the untyped λ-calculus. It is also very formal and potentially
impenetrable to a new reader. Introductions with learning curves that are not quite as steep include
Hindley and Seldin [2008] and Hankin [2004]. The first chapter of Sørensen and Urzyczyn [2006]
contains a quick, concise tour through the material, with some intuitive motivation. Other less formal
expositions include the entry on Wikipedia and assorted unpublished lecture notes to be found on the web.
Not every aspect of the untyped λ-calculus was covered in this section. Moreover, notions such as η-
equivalence and the Church-Rosser property were introduced only briefly. These are important
philosophically. For more discussion and elaboration on the important technical results, the interested
reader can learn more from the above cited sources. We also omit any discussion of the formal semantics
of the untyped λ-calculus, originally developed in the 1960s by Dana Scott and Christopher Strachey.
Again, Barendregt’s book contains a formal exposition of this material and extensive pointers to further
reading on it.

3. Expressiveness
Though the language and reduction rules of the untyped λ-calculus may at first glance appear somewhat
limiting, we will see in this section how expressive the calculus can be. Because everything is a function,
our general strategy will be to define some particular terms to represent common objects like booleans
and numbers and then show that certain other terms properly codify functions of booleans and numbers in
the sense that they β reduce as one would expect. Instead, however, of continuing these general remarks,
the methodology will be used in the particular cases of booleans and natural numbers. Throughout this
exposition, bold face will be used to name particular terms.

a. Booleans
We first introduce the basic definitions:

true = λxy.x
false = λxy.y
In other words, true is a function of two arguments which returns its first argument and false is one which
returns the second argument. To see how these two basic definitions can be used to encode the behavior of
the booleans, we first introduce the following definition:

ifthenelse = λ
The statement ifthenelse PQR should be read as “if P then Q else R”. It should also be noted that
ifthenelse PQR ↠β PQR; often times, only this reduct is presented as standing for the linguistic
expression quoted above. Note that ifthenelse actually captures the desired notion. When P = true, we
have that

ifthenelse true QR ↠β true QR
= (λxy.x)QR
→β (λy.Q)R
→β Q
An identical argument will show that ifthenelse false QR ↠β R. The above considerations will also hold
for any P such that P ↠β true or P ↠β false. We will now show how a particular boolean connective
(and) can be encoded in the λ-calculus and then list some further examples, leaving it to the reader to
verify their correctness. We define

and = λpq.pqp
To see this definition’s adequacy, we can manually check the four possible truth-values of the
“propositional variables” p and q. Although any λ-term can serve as an argument for a boolean function,
these functions encode the truth tables of the connectives in the sense that they behave as one would
expect when acting on boolean expressions.

and true true = (λpq.pqp)(λxy.x)(λxy.x)

→β (λq.pqp)[p := (λxy.x)](λxy.x)
= (λq.((λxy.x)q(λxy.x)))(λxy.x)
→β ((λxy.x)q(λxy.x))[q := λxy.x]
= (λxy.x)(λxy.x)(λxy.x)
↠β λxy.x
= true
Similarly, we see that

and true false = (λpq.pqp)(λxy.x)(λxy.y)

→β (λq.pqp)[p := (λxy.x)](λxy.y)
= (λq.((λxy.x)q(λxy.x)))(λxy.y)
→β (λxy.x) (λxy.y)(λxy.x)
↠β λxy.y
= false
We leave it to the reader to verify that and false true ↠β false and that and false false ↠β false. Together,
these results imply that our definition of and encodes the truth table for “and” just as we would expect it
to do. The following list of connectives similarly encode their respective truth tables. Because we think it
fruitful for the reader to work out the details to gain a fuller understanding, we simply list these without

or = λpq.ppq
not = λpxy.pyx
xor = λpq.p(q false true)q

b. Church Numerals
At the very end of his 1933 paper, Church introduced an encoding for numbers in the untyped λ-calculus
that allows arithmetic to be carried out in this purely functional setting. Because the ramifications were
not fully explored until his 1936 paper, we hold off on discussion of the import of this encoding and focus
here on an exposition of the ability of the λ-calculus to compute functions of natural numbers. The
numerals are defined as follows:

1 = λab.ab
2 = λab.a(ab)
3 = λab.a(a(ab))

Successor, addition, multiplication, predecessor, and subtraction can also be defined as follows:

succ = λnab.a(nab)
plus = λ
mult = λmna.n(ma)

pred = λnab.n(λgh.h(ga))(λu.b)(λu.u)
minus = λmn.(n pred)m
As in the case of the booleans, an example of using the successor and addition functions will help show
how these definitions functionally capture arithmetic.

succ 1 = (λnab.a(nab))(λab.ab)
→β (λab.a(nab))[n := (λab.ab)]
= λab.a((λab.ab)ab)
(λab.ab)ab →β ((λb.ab)[a := a])b
= (λb.ab)b
→β ab
λab.a((λab.ab)ab) →β λab.a(ab)
Similarly, an example of addition:

plus 1 2 = (λλab.ab)(λab.a(ab))
(λ 1 2 →β ((λ[m := λab.ab])2
= (λnab.(λab.ab)a(nab))2
→β (λab.(λab.ab)a(nab))[n := λab.a(ab)]
= λab.(λab.ab)a((λab.a(ab))ab)
(λab.ab)a →β λb.ab
(λab.a(ab))ab →β (λb.a(ab))b
→β a(ab)
λab.1a(2ab) →β λab.a(a(ab))
Seeing as how these examples capture the appropriate function on natural numbers in terms of Church
numerals, we can introduce the notion of λ-definability in the way that Church did in 1936. A function f of
one natural number is said to be λ-definable if it is possible to find a term f such that if f(m) = r, then fm
↠β r, where m and r are the Church numerals of m and r. The arithmetical functions defined above
clearly fit this description. The astute reader may have anticipated the result, proved in Kleene [1936],
that the λ-definable functions coincide exactly with partial recursive functions. This quite remarkable
result encapsulates the arithmetical expressiveness of the untyped λ-calculus completely. While the import
of the result will be discussed in section 4, I will briefly discuss how fixed-point combinators allow
recursive functions to be encoded in the λ-calculus. Recall that a combinator is a term with no free
variables. A combinator M is called a fixed-point combinator if for every term N, we have that MN =β
N(MN). In particular, Y as defined before, is a fixed point combinator, since

YF ≡ (λf. (λx.f(xx))(λx.f(xx)))F
→β (λx.F(xx))(λx.F(xx))
→β F(xx)[x := λx.F(xx)]
≡ F((λx.F(xx))(λx.F(xx)))
=β F(YF)
Although the technical development of the result lies outside the scope of the present exposition, one
must note that fixed-point combinators allow the minimization operator to be defined in the λ-calculus.
Therefore, all (partial) recursive functions on natural numbers—not just the primitive recursive ones
(which are a proper subset of the partial recursive functions)—can be encoded in the λ-calculus.

c. Notes
In the exposition of booleans, connectives such as and, or, et cetera, were given in a very general
formulation. They can also be defined more concretely in terms of true and false in a manner that may be
closer to capturing their truth tables. For instance, one may define and = λpq.p(q true false) false and
verify that it also captures the truth table properly even though it does not directly β-reduce to the
definition presented above. In the 1933 paper, Church defined plus, mult, and minus somewhat
differently than presented here. This original exposition used some of the idiosyncrasies of the early
version of the λ-calculus that were dropped by the time of the 1936 paper. The predecessor function was
originally defined by Kleene, in a story which will be discussed in section 4. In addition to the original
Kleene paper, more modern expositions of the result that the partial recursive functions are co-extensive
with the λ-definable functions can be found in Sørensen and Urzyczyn [2006, pp. 20–22] and Barendregt
[1984, pp. 135–139], among others.

4. Philosophical Importance
The expressiveness of the λ-calculus has allowed it to play a critical role in debates at the foundations of
mathematics, logic and programming languages. At the end of the introduction to his 1936 paper, Church
writes that “The purpose of the present paper is to propose a definition of effective calculability which is
thought to correspond satisfactorily to the somewhat vague intuitive notion in terms of which problems of
this class are often stated, and to show, by means of an example, that not every problem of this class is
solvable.” The first subsection below will explore the definition of effective calculability in terms of λ-
definability. We will then explore the second purpose of the 1936 paper, namely that of proving a negative
answer to Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem. In the course of both of these expositions, connections will be
made with the work of other influential logicians (Gödel and Turing) of the time. Finally, we will
conclude with a brief foray into more modern developments in typed λ-calculi and the correspondence
between them and logical proofs, a correspondence often referred to as “proofs-as-programs” for reasons
that will become clear.

a. The Church-Turing Thesis

In his 1936 paper, in a section entitled “The notion of effective calculability”, Church writes that “We
now define the notion, already discussed, of an effectively calculable function of positive integers by
identifying it with the notion of a recursive function of positive integers (or a λ-definable function of
positive integers)” [Church, 1936b, p. 356, emphasis in original]. The most striking feature of this
definition, which will be discussed in more depth in what follows, is that it defines an intuitive notion
(effective calculability) with a formal notion. In this sense, some regard the thesis as more of an
unverifiable hypothesis than a definition. In what follows, we will consider, in addition to the
development of alternative formulations of the thesis, what qualifies as evidence in support of this thesis.
In the preceding parts of Church’s paper, he claims to have shown that for any λ-definable function, there
exists an algorithm for calculating its values. The idea of an algorithm existing to calculate the values of a
function (F) plays a pivotal role in Church’s thesis. Church argues that an effectively calculable function
of one natural number must have an algorithm, consisting in a series of expressions (“steps” in the
algorithm) that lead to the calculated result. Then, because each of these expressions can be represented as
a natural number using Gödel’s methodology, the functions that act on them to calculate F will be
recursive and therefore F will be as well. In short, a function which has an algorithm that calculates its
values will be effectively calculable and any effectively calculable function of one natural number has

such an algorithm. Furthermore, if such an algorithm exists, it will be λ-definable (via the formal result
that all recursive functions are λ-definable). Church offers a second notion of effective calculability in
terms of provability within an arbitrary logical system. Because he can show that this notion also
coincides with recursiveness, he concludes that “no more general definition of effective calculability than
that proposed above can be obtained by either of the two methods which naturally suggest themselves”
[Church, 1936b, p. 358]. The history of this particular version of the thesis has no clear story. Kleene
allegedly realized how to define the predecessor function (as given in the previous section: Kleene had
earlier defined the predecessor function using an encoding of numerals different from those of Church)
while at the dentist for the removal of two wisdom teeth. For a first-hand account, see Crossley [1975, pp.
4–5]. According to Barendregt [1997, p. 186]:
After Kleene showed the solution to his teacher, Church remarked something like: “But then
all intuitively computable functions must be lambda definable. In fact, lambda definability
must coincide with intuitive computability.” Many years later—it was at the occasion of
Robin Gandy’s 70th birthday, I believe—I heard Kleene say: “I would like to be able to say
that, at the moment of discovering how to lambda define the predecessor function, I got the
idea of Church’s Thesis. But I did not, Church did.”

Alan Turing, in his groundbreaking paper also published in 1936, developed the notion of computable
numbers in terms of his computing machines. While Turing believes that any definition of an intuitive
notion will be “rather unsatisfactory mathematically,” he frames the question in terms of computation as
opposed to effective calculability: “The real question at issue is ‘what are the possible processes which
can be carried out in computing a number?’ ” [Turing, 1937a, p. 249] By analyzing the way that a
computer—in fact, an idealized human computer—would use a piece of paper to carry out this process of
computing a number, which he reduces to observing a finite number of squares on a one-dimensional
paper and changing one of the squares or another within a small distance of the currently observed
squares, Turing shows how this intuitive notion of computing can be captured by one of his machines.
Thus, he claims to have captured the intuitive notion of computability with computability by Turing
machines. In the appendix of this paper added later, Turing also offers a sketch of a proof that λ-
definability and his computability capture the same class of functions. In a subsequent paper, he also
suggests that “The identification of ‘effectively calculable’ functions with computable functions is
possibly more convincing than an identification with the λ-definable or general recursive functions”
[Turing, 1937b, p. 153]. While Turing may believe that his machines are closer to the intuitive notion of
calculating a number, the fact that the three classes of functions are identical means they can be used
interchangeably. This fact has often been considered to count as evidence that these formalisms do in fact
capture an intuitive notion of calculability. Because Turing’s analysis of the notion of computability often
makes reference to a human computer, with squares on paper referred to as “states of mind”, the Church-
Turing thesis, along with Turing’s result that there is a universal machine which can compute any function
that any Turing machine can, has often been interpreted, in conjunction with the computational theory of
mind, as having profound results on the limits of human thought. For a detailed analysis of many
misinterpretations of the thesis and what it does imply in the context of the nature of mind, see Copeland

b. An Answer to Hilbert’s Entscheidungsproblem

In a famous lecture addressed at the meeting of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900,
David Hilbert proposed 23 problems in need of solution. The second of these was to give a proof of the
consistency of analysis without reducing it to a consistency proof of another system. Though much of

Hilbert’s thought and the particular phrasing of this problem changed over the ensuing 30 years, the
challenge to prove the consistency of certain formal systems remained. At a 1928 conference, Hilbert
posed three problems that continued his general program. The third of these problems was the
Entscheidungsproblem in the sense that Church used the term: “By the Entscheidungsproblem of a system
of symbolic logic is here understood the problem to find an effective method by which, given any
expression Q in the notation of the system, it can be determined whether or not Q is provable in the
system” [Church, 1936a, p. 41]. In 1936b, Church used the λ-calculus to prove a negative solution to this
problem for a wide/natural/interesting class of formal systems. The technical result proved in this paper is
that it is undecidable, given two λ-terms A and B whether A is convertible into B. Church argues that any
system of logic that is strong enough to express a certain amount of arithmetic will be able to express the
formula ψ(a, b), which encodes that a and b are the Gödel numbers of A and B such that A is convertible
into B. If the system of logic satisfied the Entscheidungsproblem, then it would be decidable for every a,
b whether ψ(a, b) is provable; but this would provide a way to decide whether A is convertible into B for
any terms A and B, contradicting Church’s already proven result that this problem is not decidable. Given
that we have just seen the equivalence between Turing machine computability and λ-definability, it should
come as no surprise that Turing also provided a negative solution to the Entscheidungsproblem. Turing
proceeds by defining a formula of one variable which takes as input the complete description of a Turing
machine and is provable if and only if the machine input ever halts. Therefore, if the
Entscheidungsproblem can be solved, then it provides a method for proving whether or not a given
machine halts. But Turing had shown earlier that this halting problem cannot be solved. These two results,
in light of the Church-Turing Thesis, imply that there are functions of natural numbers that are not
effectively calculable/computable. It remains open, however, whether there are computing machines or
physical processes that elude the limitations of Turing computability (equivalently, λ-definability) and
whether or not the human brain may embody one such process. For a thorough discussion of computation
in physical systems and the resulting implications for philosophy of mind, see Piccinini [2007].

c. Notes
Kleene [1952] offers (in chapters 12 and 13) a detailed account of the development of the Church-Turing
thesis from a figure who was central to the logical developments involved. Turing’s strategy of reducing
the Entscheudingsproblem to the halting problem has been adopted by many researchers tackling other
problems. Kleene [1952] also discusses Turing computability. The halting problem, as outlined above,
however, takes an arbitrary machine and an arbitrary input. There are, of course, particular machines and
particular inputs for which it can be decided whether the machine halts on that input.  For instance, every
finite-state automaton halts on every input.

5. Types and Programming Languages

a. Overview
In 1940, Church gave a “formulation of the simple theory of types which incorporates certain features of
λ-conversion” [Church, 1940, p. 56]. Though the history of simple types extends beyond the scope of this
paper and Church’s original formulation extended beyond the syntax of the untyped λ-calculus (in a way
somewhat similar to the original, inconsistent formulation), one can intuitively think of types as syntactic
decorations that restrict the formation of terms so that functions may only be applied to appropriate
arguments. In informal mathematics, a function f : ℕ → ℕ cannot be applied to a fraction. We now
define a set of types and a new notion of term that incorporates this idea. We have a set of base types, say

σ1, σ2. (In Church’s formulation, ι and o were the only base types. In many programming languages, base
types include things such as nat, bool, etc. This set can be countably infinite for the purposes of proof
although no programming language could implement such a type system.) For any types α, β, then α → β
is also a type. (Church used the notation (βα), but the arrow is used in most modern expositions because it
captures the intuition of a function type better.) In what follows, σ, τ and any other lower-case Greek
letters will range over types. We will write either e : τ or eτ to indicate that term e is of type τ. The simply
typed terms can then be defined as follows:
• xβ is a term.
• If xβ is a variable and Mα is a term, then (λxβ.Mα)β→α is a term.
• If Mα→β and Nα are terms, then (MN)β is a term.

While the first two rules can be seen as simply adding “syntactic decoration” to the original untyped
terms, this third rule captures the idea of only applying functions to proper input. It can be read as saying:
If M is a function from α to β and N is an α, then MN is a β. This formal system does not permit other
application terms to be formed. One must note that this simply-typed λ-calculus is strongly normalizing,
meaning that any well-typed term has a finite reduction sequence. It has been mentioned that λ-calculi are
prototypical programming languages. We can then think of typed λ-calculi as being typed programming
languages. Seen in this light, the strongly normalizing property states that one cannot write a non-
terminating program. For instance, the term Y in the untyped λ-calculus has no simply-typed equivalent.
Clearly, then, this is a somewhat restrictive language. Because of this property and the results in the
preceding section, it follows that the simply-typed λ-calculus is not Turing complete, i.e. there are λ-
definable functions which are not definable in the simply-typed version. Taking this analogy with
programming languages literally, we can interpret a family of results collectively known as the Curry-
Howard correspondence as providing a “proofs-as-programs” metaphor. (The correspondence is
sometimes referred to as Curry-Howard-Lambek due to Lambek’s work in expressing both the λ-calculus
and natural deduction in a category-theoretic setting.) In the case of the simply-typed λ-calculus, the
correspondence is between the λ-calculus and the implicational fragment of intuitionistic natural
deduction. One can readily see that simple types correspond directly to propositions in this fragment of
propositional logic (modulo a translation of base types to propositional variables). The correspondence
then states that a proposition is provable if and only if there is a λ-term with the type of the proposition.
The term then corresponds to a proof of the proposition. In the simply-typed case, the correspondence can
be fleshed out as:

λ-calculus propositional logic

type proposition
term proof
abstraction arrow introduction
application modus ponens
variables assumptions
TABLE 1. Curry-Howard in the simply-typed λ-calculus.

For example, consider the intuitionistic tautology p → ¬¬p, where ¬p =df p → ⊥. While a full exposition
of natural deduction for intuitionistic propositional logic lies beyond the present scope, observe that we
have the following proof of p → ¬¬p = p → ((p → ⊥) → ⊥):
  p, p → ⊥ ⊢ p → ⊥         p, p → ⊥ ⊢ p       p, p → ⊥ ⊢ ⊥         p ⊢ (p → ⊥) → ⊥     ⊢ p → ((p →
⊥) → ⊥)
We can then follow this proof in order to construct a corresponding term in the simply-typed λ-calculus as

  xp, yp→⊥ ⊢ yp→⊥         xp, yp→⊥ ⊢ xp       xp, yp→⊥ ⊢ yx⊥         xp ⊢ (λyp→⊥.yx⊥)(p→⊥)→⊥     ⊢
As was mentioned, the Curry-Howard correspondence is not one correspondence, but rather a family. The
main idea is that terms correspond to proofs of their type. In the way that we can extend logics beyond the
implicational fragment of intuitionistic propositional logic to include things like connectives, negation,
quantifiers, and higher-order logic, so too can we extend the syntax and type systems of λ-calculus. There
are thus many variations of the proofs-as-programs correspondence. See the following notes section for
many sources exploring the development of more complex correspondences. That programs represent
proofs is more than an intellectual delight: it is the correspondence on which software verifiers and
automated mathematical theorem provers (such as Automath, HOL, Isabelle, and Coq) are based. These
tools both verify and help users generate proofs and have in fact been used to develop proofs of unproven

b. Notes
For a thorough exposition of typed λ-calculi, starting with simple types and progressing through all faces
of the “λ-cube”, see Barendregt [1992]. Sørensen and Urzyczyn [2006] explores the Curry-Howard
correspondence between many different forms of logic and the corresponding type systems. Pierce [2002]
focuses on the λ-calculus and its relation to programming languages, thoroughly developing calculi from
the simple to the very complex, along with type checking and operational semantics for each.

6. References and Further Reading

• Barendregt, Henk. 1984. The Lambda Calculus: Its Syntax and Semantics. Elsevier Science,
• Barendregt, Henk. 1992. Lambda Calculi with Types. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
• Barendregt, Henk. 1997. “The Impact of the Lambda Calculus in Logic and Computer Science.”
The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3(2):181–215.
• Cardone, Felice and J. R. Hindley. 2006. Handbook of the History of Logic, eds., D. M. Gabbay
and J. Woods, vol. 5., History of Lambda-Calculus and Combinatory Logic, Elsevier.
• Church, Alonzo. 1932. “A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic (Part I).” Annals of
Mathematics, 33(2):346–366.
• Church, Alonzo. 1933. “A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic (Part II).” Annals of
Mathematics, 34(4):839–864.
• Church, Alonzo. 1935. “A Proof of Freedom from Contradiction.” Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 21(5):275–281.

• Church, Alonzo. 1936a. “A Note on the Entscheidungsproblem.” Journal of Symbolic Logic,
• Church, Alonzo. 1936b. “An Unsolvable Problem of Elementary Number Theory.” American
Journal of Mathematics, 58(2):345–363, 1936b.
• Church, Alonzo. 1940. “A Formulation of the Simple Theory of Types.” Journal of Symbolic
Logic, 5(2):56–68.
• Church, Alonzo. 1941. The Calculi of Lambda Conversion. Princeton University Press, Princeton,
• Copeland, B. Jack. 2010. “The Church-Turing Thesis.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
• Crossley, J. N. 1975. “Reminiscences of Logicians.” Algebra and Logic: Papers from the 1974
Summer Research Institute of the Australian Mathematical Society, Monash University, Australia,
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 450, Springer, Berlin.
• Hankin, Chris. 2004. An Introduction to Lambda Calculi for Computer Scientists. College
• Hindley, J. Roger and Jonathan P. Seldin. 2008. Lambda-Calculus and Combinators: An
Introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
• Kleene, S. C. 1936. “λ-definability and Recursiveness.” Duke Mathematical Journal, 2(2):340–
• Kleene, S. C. 1952. Introduction to Metamathematics. D. van Norstrand, New York.
• Kleene, S. C. and J. B. Rosser. 1935. “The Inconsistency of Certain Formal Logics.” Annals of
Mathematics, 36(3):630–636.
• Piccinini, Gualtiero. 2007. “Computational Modelling vs. Computational Explanation: Is
Everything a Turing Machine, and Does It Matter to the Philosophy of Mind?” Australasian
Journal of Philosophy, 85(1):93–115.
• Pierce, Benjamin C. 2002. Types and Programming Languages. MIT Press, Cambridge.
• Sørensen, M. H. and P. Urzyczyn. 2006. Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism. Elsevier
Science, Oxford.
• Turing, Alan M. 1937a. “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the
Entscheidungsproblem.” Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 42(2):230–265.
• Turing, Alan M. 1937b. “Computability and λ-Definability.” Journal of Symbolic Logic, 2(4):

Author Information
Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
Email: [email protected]
Stanford University
U. S. A.


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